Friday, February 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #359

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"As The Parallel Universes of Politics, and Events" that "Include President Trump's Impeachment Acquittal, and Vitriol, The State of The Union Address to the Nation, President Trump's Impeachment in The House of Representatives, The Chaos of The 2020 Iowa Caucuses, The Deep Partisan Void in The U.S. Congress, The U.S. Primaries, and Middle East Wars and Conflicts, The Third General Election in Israel, A New Terrorist Attack in London, on Sunday, The Second of February 2020 When Three People were Injured, The Ongoing Political Impasse in Venezuela, The Continued Demonstrations Against French President Macron's Government Pension Reform, and A New Beginning in The United Kingdom After Brexit, "There is Little Doubt" that "The Concerns Of The People" over; 
(1) "Climate Warming," (2) "Poverty," (3) "The Incomplete and Unfinished Phases of The Trade War Between The Sovereign Nations of United States of America and The People's Republic of China," (4) "The Threat of The Coronavirus," (5) "The Imbalance Between Wages of Workers and The Middle Class," and "The Wealthy," and, (6) "Protection of Social Security and Healthcare Services Of All The People," (7) "The Need for New Infrastructure Repairs, (8) "The Need to Control Pharmaceutical Prices, (9) "The Need for Additional Legislation on Immigration," and, (10) The Inordinate Cost of A Good Education, (11) The Need for Stronger Gun Control Legislation and, (12)) Protection of The Rights and Dignity of All Free People Earthwide" from "Authoritative-Dictatorial-Tyrannical-One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," "Remain A Consistent, Constant, Prevalent and Unchanging Factor!" 

And, "These Deep Concerns Of The People" are "Not about Who Wins or Who Loses," or about Whether You are "A Socialists, Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal, Independent, Labour, or Green Party Member,"  It's about "The Future and Present State Of The People," and "Their Overall Sense of Being," and "What Is In The Best Interests of The Earths Diverse Community, Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Cognition, Spirit, Soul, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," and, "Yes, Who is The Best Public Figure" to "Represent All The People of The Earths Populace," Irregardless of "Age, Gender, Nationality, Special Needs, Tribe, Creed, or Color!"

And, "A Key Factor" is "To Remember" that "The Earths Populace have The Votes and The Numbers" to "Change Authoritative-Dictatorial-Tyrannical-One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," to "Governments who Truly Represent All The People!"

And, "Another Key Factor" is "To Remember" "Not to Become Distracted," or "Allow Yourself to Be Manipulated" by False Rhetoric, Divisive Policies, Political Ideologies," and "Sales and Marketing Campaigns Meant to "Give False Hopes to The People," and "Raise Their Hope's on The Promise of Change" without "Any Real Possibility of Doing so!"

And, "Remember" to "Remain Focused" on "The Moment" and that "Both The Time," and "The Need to Act is Now!"

And, "The Time to Demonstrate Non-Violently is Now!" And, "The Time to Campaign and March Non-Violently is Now!" And, "The Time to Vote Your Conscience is Now!" For "The Truth," and "The Innocent," and "The Disenfranchised," and "The Earth Itself is In Need of Your Support Now!"

And, "The Time to Commit and Dedicate Yourself" to "All that is In The Best Interests of The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations is Now," and "Is Essential to Their Continued Development," "Education," "Growth," and "Future Prosperity" within "A New Cosmos," of "An Age of A Civilized, Harmonious, and Cultural Partnerships and Experiences," and "Grand Universal State of Being," and also "For The Future Protection and Conservatorship of The Earths Seas, Lands, Skies, Air, and Atmosphere," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"   

And, "The Sign of The Times Clearly Demands" that "The Timing For An Earthrise Movement of Change to Become A Reality" is "Now!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Thirteenth of February 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "In A Clear Demonstration The Value and Worth of Bipartisan Cooperation in Government," "The United States Senate Voted Fifty-Five to Forty-Five," to "Advance A Bipartisan Resolution by Senator Timothy Michael "Tim" Kaine," Democrat from Virginia, to "The House of Representatives, (Where There is A Similar Measure) and "It is Expected to Be Passed,"  that "Would Limit President Donald John Trump" from "Engaging in further  hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran or any part of its government or army," unless explicitly authorized!"

"Senator Kaine The Lead Sponsor of The Resolution said in A Statement," After The Vote, "With the passage of this resolution, we sent a powerful message that we don't support starting a war with Iran unless Congress votes that military action is necessary.  If we're to order our young men and women in uniform to risk their lives and health in war, it should be on the basis of careful deliberation. After years of Congress avoiding its Constitutional duty on matters of war, I'm grateful that a bipartisan majority of Senators affirmed that the President cannot send out troops into conflict without authorization." 

"This Resolution was Advanced with The Support" of "Eight Republicans," who "Joined Forces with All The Senate Democrats and Independents!" 

And, While It was "Not  The Two-Thirds Majority Needed to Avoid A Presidential Veto," (and "President Trump is Sure to Veto It), "It is A Symbolic Vote" that "Should Send A Clear Message to President Trump" that "He Will Meet with Resistance in Congress" If "He Should Undertake Any Future Military Actions without First Obtaining Congressional Approval!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "This Resolution, offered under the 1973 War Powers Act," Clearly States" that "Congress has the sole power to to declare war, as laid out in the Constitution." And, Take Note that, "This Resolution also requires that any hostilities with Iran must be explicitly authorized by by a declaration of war, or specific authorization for use of military force." However, "It does not prevent the U.S. from defending itself from an imminent attack."

-(Note that "Both Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell, Republican from Kentucky," and "President Trump are Not Supporters of This Resolution!"

Wednesday, The Twelfth of February 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump Tweeted, "It is very important for our Country's SECURITY that the United States Senate not vote for the Iran War Powers Resolution. We are doing very well with Iran and this is not the time to show weakness. Americans overwhelmingly support our attack on terrorist Soleimani....," "If my hands were tied, Iran would have a field day. Sends a very bad signal. The Democrats are only doing this as an attempt to embarrass the Republican Party. Don't let it happen."        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Fifth of February 2020 "Voting Along Party Lines (as Expected) "The Vote in The Senate Impeachment Trial of President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America, only "The Third President to Be Impeached by The U.S. House of Representatives" went as such: "Article I Abuse of Power- "Fifty-Two Yeas Favoring Acquittal," and "Forty-Eight Nays!"

And, "The Vote Tally" on "Article II Obstruction of Congress" was- "Fifty-Three Yeas Favoring Acquittal," and "Forty-Seven Nays!"

Senator Willard "Mitt" Romney" from Utah was "The Sole Republican to Vote Against President Trump!"
"Senator Romney in Voting His Conscience," "Became The First Senator in American History" to "Vote for The Removal of A President from His Own Party from Office!"

-(Note that, "No President has Ever Been Removed by The United States Senate!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
"Although The Senate Impeachment Trial of President Donald John Trump has Ended Up with Him Being Acquitted of Both Charges," Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Fifth of February 2020, "House Representative Jerrold Lewis Nadler" from New York, "One of The House Impeachment Managers," and "Chairman of The House Judiciary Committee" said, "the House "will likely" subpoena former national security adviser John Bolton,"

And, "Chairman Nadler also Replied," When Questioned Whether He was Concerned about Possible Political Repercussions of a Continuing Investigation: "First of all, I think when you have a lawless president, you have to bring that to the fore and you have to spotlight that."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, February 7, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Semyon Vindman who also "Served as Director for European Affairs for The U.S. National Security Council (NSC) was "Fired and Escorted Out of The White House!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Semyon Vindman" a "Purple Heart" and "Combat Infantryman Badge Recipient," and A Number of Defense Meritorious Service Medals, and "A Extremely Impressive List of Medals, Awards, Commendations, Ribbons, Badges, and Citations" that "Any Armed Forces" and "Nation of People Would Be Very Proud of," was Subpoenaed to Testify Before Congressional Investigators," and In Doing so,  "Testified of His Concerns for U.S. National Security!" in "A Closed Door and Public Hearings Before The House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and House Oversight Committee as a Part of The House Impeachment Inquiry Against President Trump!"

"Lieutenant Colonel  Vindman Testified that "In Spring of 2019 I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false and alternative narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency" which as "harmful to U.S.national security" and also "undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine."

"It is Unfortunate" that "In Repayment for The Service Lieutenant Colonel Vindman has Provided to The United States of America," that "His Reward is to Be Fired for Doing His Patriotic and Law Abiding Duty!"

"A Duty" that "Placed The United States of America" and "The American People First!"

-(Note that, Earlier on Friday, The Seventh of February, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump was Asked by A Reporter If Vindman Would Be Leaving?" And, The President Replied, "I'm not happy with him. You think I'm supposed to be happy with him? I'm not. They'll make that decision. You'll be hearing."

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Wednesday, The Twelfth of February 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former Chief of Staff John Francis Kelly Supported U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Semyon Vindman's Decision to Inform His Superior" in "Regards to President Trump's Call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy!"

"In A Speech at Drew University, in Madison, New Jersey," on This Beautiful, Wooded, One Hundred and Eighty-Six Acre Campus, "Mr. Kelly Told Students and Guests," and Whatever Faculty Members that were Present, "Having seen something 'questionable (in the call),' Vindman properly notified his superiors."

And, Former Chief of Staff Kelly also said, "He (Lt. Col. Vindman) did exactly what we teach them to do from cradle to grave," and "He went and told his boss what he just heard."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Former Chief of Staff Kelly said, "When Vindman heard Trump tell Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that he wanted the country to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter, to Vindman "that was tantamount to hearing an illegal order."

Prior to this, Former Chief of Staff Kelly said, "Through the Obama administration up until that phone call, the policy of the U.S. was militarily to support Ukraine in their defensive fight against... the Russians."

And so, "Yet Another Crack has Manifested Itself in The Walls of The West Wing" and "The Trump Administration!"
And, "The Question" is "Who Do You Believe!"  

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" is "With The Removal" of "Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Semyon Vindman" from "The White House National Security Council, " An Officer who is "A Purple Heart" and "Combat Infantryman Badge Recipient," and also "The Recipient of An Extremely Impressive Number of "Defense Meritorious Service Medals, and "An Additional List of Medals, Awards, Commendations, Ribbons, Badges, and Citations" that "Merit A Very High Standard of Service in The United States of America," "Bring On A New Post Acquittal Phase of Retribution and Revenge" by "The Trump Administration," "The Republican Party," and "President Trump," or "Will Calmer Minds Redirect Their Focus on Representing The American People!"

And, "The Follow Up Question is," "What Will Be The The Public and Congressional Response" to "The Official Release of Former National Security Advisor John Robert Bolton's New Book," and "Will Mr.Bolton Be Subpoenaed to Appear Before Congress!"

And lastly, "What Effect Will The Media Blitz of The Fourth Estate" and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Surrounding The Release of Mr. Bolton's New Book" have "In Influencing The Possibility of New Investigations," Irregardless of Any New Rulings Imposed by The Department of Justice, and "What Effect Will Mr. Bolton's New Book have Upon Public Confidence in President Trump and His Administration,"and "The 2020 Presidential Election!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, Friday, The Seventh of February 2020, United States Ambassador Gordon David Sondland was "Immediately Recalled from The European Union," Becoming Another Victim of President Trump's Post Acquittal Purge from His Administration" of "Anyone who Testified Against Him!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Tenth of February 2020 "Four Federal Prosecutors in The Roger Stone Trial Resigned under Protest" over "The Department of Justices Decision to Overrule The Prosecutors Sentencing Request of "Up to Nine Years for Mr. Stone!"

-(Note that, "The Fifteenth of November 2019 "Roger Jason Stone Jr. was Convicted on Seven Counts, that also "Included Witness Tampering" and "Lying to Investigators" in "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Investigation in The 2016 Presidential Election!")-

 Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Eleventh of February 2020 "United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr Recommend" that "The Sentencing Request of The Prosecutors of Mr. Stone Be "Far less" than "The Seven to Nine Years Requested by The Federal Prosecutors" who "Worked on The Stone Case!"

"President Trump Tweeted" on Wednesday, The Twelfth of February 2020, "Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought. Evidence now clearly shows that the Mueller scam was improperly brought & tainted. Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress!"

-(Note that, "Roger Stone is A Close Advisor and Personal Friend of President Trump," and "Worked on then Candidate Trump's 2016 Campaign!)-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It is Comforting to Know" that "History Will have The Final Say," and "Be The Truthsayer" of  What has Been "So Many Attempts to Revise The Facts and Events" that have "Occurred over The Period of Time of The Trump Presidency!"

And, On A Second Field of Interest, "The Question" that "Will Be of Extreme Interest to See Just How The Release of John Robert Bolton's Book" in March 2020, "Will Effect The Trump Presidency!"

-(Note that, "U.S. Attorney General William Barr has Accepted An Invitation" to "Testify Before The House Judiciary Committee on The Thirty- First of March 2020," over "Concerns that The Agency has Become Politicized under His Watch!"

In a Letter Written in Confirmation of U.S. Attorney General William Barr Appearance, "The Committee Wrote; "In the interest of transparency, we wish to be candid about one set of concerns we plan to address during the hearing. Since President Trump took office, we have repeatedly warned you and your predecessors that the misuse of our criminal justice system for political purposes is both dangerous to our democracy and unacceptable to the House Judicial Committee."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Tenth of February 2020, "German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Plans for Her Successor Fell into Disarray," When Annegret Kramp- Karrenbauer," (Known as AKK) "Leader of The German Christian Democratic Union" (CDU) "Confirmed that She Would Not Be Running for Chancellor," and also "Will Be Stepping Down from Her Position as Chairwoman of The CDU Once Another Candidate has Been Found!"

However, "AKK said that "She Will Remain as Minister of Defence until The Legislative Time Period has Ended!"

"The Question" is (1) "How Will This Effect The CDU (Christian Democratic Union), CSU (Christian Social Union)), SPD (Social Democratic Party) Coalition," and, (2) "Who Will Emerge" as "The New Front Runner," and "Chancellor Angela Merkel's Successor, and (3) "To What Degree in This Delicate Time Period of Change in German Politics," "Will The Far Right Effect The Social and Political Balance in Germany," and "The Global Equilibre Among The Sovereign Nations of The European Union (EU)!" 

Especially During This Time Period, "When Global Partnerships and Cooperation are Essential," to "The Overall Development, and Growth of The Earths Coalition of United Sovereign Nations," and "All" that is "In The Best Interest" of "The Earths Diverse Community, Hearts, Minds, Intellects, Cognition, Spirit, Soul, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," and "A Bold New Future Built Upon A Universal Foundation of Unity in Purpose," "Peace and Freedom," and "Interdependency and Justice," and "The Conservation and Protection The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems and Sentient Life Forms," and "The Rights of All Freedom Loving People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Monday, The Tenth of February, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Department of Justice Announced that Four Members of China's People's Liberation Army" has "Been Indicted for Hacking Equifax in 2017," that "Resulted in Compromising The Personal Information of Approximately One Hundred and Fifty Million Americans," that "Included Social Security Numbers, Drivers Licenses, and Birth Dates!"

-(Note that, Equifax Inc. is "One of The "Big Three" Largest Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies!)-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Thirteenth of February 2020, China's Defense Ministry Asked The United States to Correct its Mistakes and  Rescind Its Indictments of The Four Members of China's People's Liberation Army" in "The 2017 Hacking of Equifax!"  

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and "Global Perspectives"-
"In This Age of Technological Advancement, and "Instantaneous Global Communication and Information," It is of The Utmost Importance to Respect The Privacy of The Earths Populace"

And, There is Simply "No Room for Cyber Criminals," or "Sovereign Nations," Whomever They May Be, "For Violating The The Privacy or Rights of All Freedom Loving People of The Global Social Media!"

And, "It is also of The Greatest Importance for The Universal Leaders of Technology," to "Continue to Provide The Most Modern and Advanced Safeguards" to "Oversee, Protect, and Eliminate The Unlawful Threats Against The Social Security" and "Welfare Of All The People" within "This Evolving Age Of The People," and "For The Sake and Peace of Mind of The People," and "Be A Grand Model of Virtuosity and Vision" for "The Youth of The Earths Sovereign United Nations!"

As The Parallel Universes that "Encompass The Values, Traditions, and Rights of Freedom Loving People All over The Sociological, Political, and Spiritual Sphere's of Our Earths Communities, Families, and Sovereign Nations, Face Constant Threats and Challenges Against The Earths Democracies, Constitutional Rights and Laws of The Land, "One Can Not But Wonder Why Pope Francis has Not Granted A Request from The Catholic Bishops of The Amazon for Married Priests," as has "Been Revealed In A New Document Just Released on Wednesday, The Twelfth of February 2020," of "Last Octobers Synod of Bishops," Especially, "During A Time Period When More Priests are Needed," "Not only To Deal with The Shortage of Priests in The Amazon," but, "Earthwide as Well!"

"It is Difficult to Comprehend Pope Francis' Reluctance to Accede to This Request" and "Bring A Needed Change to The Catholic Church," Especially "When The Earths Populace," and "All of The Major Religions of The Earth Respect, and Acknowledge The Great Significance of Mary, The Mother of Jesus," and "Her Spiritual and Universal Importance to The Roman Catholic Church," and then "There is Mary Magdalene" who "Witnessed Jesus' Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection," and was "One of Jesus' Close Followers!"    

So The Question" is, In This, "The Year 2020 of The Third Decade of The Twenty-First Century," "Why Not Allow Women to Become Deaconesses and Ministers of The Catholic Church!"

"There are Women Saints!"

And, "There are Women who are Highly Revered and Loved in The Holy Catholic Church!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and "Global Perspectives"-
"This is An Important Time Period" for "Gender Equality in All Phases of Life," and "It Would Be of Great Assistance If Pope Francis," who is "Beloved and Respected for His Humility, Loving Nature, Compassion, Human Rights Advocacy, and Spirituality," "If He Gave His Blessing" and "Approval for The Equality Of Women in The Roman Catholic Church," and "Althroughout The Earths Community and Coalition of United of Sovereign Nations!"

And lastly, "The Question" is "What Would Jesus say!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, February 11, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 New Hampshire Democratic Primary at Last Count is;
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont- 25.8% -(70, 030 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting)-
(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana- 24.4% -(66, 385 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting))-
 (3) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota- 19. 8% -(53, 731 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting)-
(4) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts- 9. 3% -( 25, 414 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting)-
(5) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania- 8. 4% -(22, 837 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting)-
(6) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California- 3. 6% -(9, 790 Votes at Last Count with 85% of The Precincts Reporting) )-

"The Next in The Series of 2020 Democratic Primaries Will Be The State of Nevada" on "Saturday, The Twenty-Second of February!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Results of The 2020 New Hampshire Republican Primary is; 
(1) President Donald John Trump- 85.5%-( 128, 954 Votes at Last Count with 87% of The Precincts Reporting)- Estimated Delegates 22-
(2) Former Governor of Massachusetts William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 9. 1% -(13, 700 Votes at Last Count with 87% of The Precincts Reporting)- Zero Delegates Estimated- 

-(Note that, "There were Fifteen Write-ins with a Total of 4, 198 Votes!")-

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and "Global Perspectives"-
"Without A Substantial Drive by Another Republican Candidate" or "Former Massachusetts Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld," "It Appears as If President Trump Will Receive His Party's Approval to Run for Reelection!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Sets in The Skies O'er The United States of America, "The Parallel Universes of Domestic Politics have Erupted" into "A Political Vortex Caused" by "Partisan Politics," and "The Impeachment Acquittal of President Donald John Trump," and "The Election Primaries with New Hampshire, on Tuesday, The Eleventh of February 2020," and then "The State of Nevada on Saturday, The Twenty-Second of February, and "The State of South Carolina on Saturday, The Twenty-Ninth,"  and "In Eleven Other Participating States" to "Establish Who is The Front Runner" and "Leading Candidate in The Democratic Party," on "Super Tuesday, The Third of March 2020," "New Articles and Features of The Fourth Estate" and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's have Announced" that "Richard Vaughn Spencer Former 76th United States Secretary of The Navy" has "Come Out to Add His Support to Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg," The Former Mayor of New York City!

And, "The Political Infighting" has "Begun to Intensify Among The Democratic Candidates Campaigning for The Honor" of "Being The Democratic Party's Nominee for President of The United States of America!"

"The Question" is "As Each Candidate: (1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania, 
(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana, 
(3) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota, 
(4) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont, 
(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California, 
(6) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts,
(7) Former Mayor, Businessman, Author, Billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg from New York,
(8) Representative Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii,
(9) Former Governor Deval Laurdine Patrick from Massachusetts,  
"Put Forth Their Ideas and Policies" for "Improving The Overall Quality of Life," "Healthcare," and "Welfare of "The Diverse Community/ Population, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People," "Will They Remember to Remain United in Their Goal to Defeat President Trump!"

-(Note that, Former U.S. Secretary of The Navy Richard Vaughn Spencer" was "Fired by Secretary of Defense Mark Thomas Esper" over "His Mishandling of The Case of Retired Navy SEAL Edward R. "Eddie" Gallagher!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Former U.S. Secretary of The Navy Spencer Attempted to Resolve Whether or Not Navy SEAL Special Warfare Operator Eddie Gallagher Would Be Allowed to Retire with His Trident Pin!"

"The Department of Defense Reason" for "Firing Former U.S. Secretary of The Navy Spencer," to "His Privately Proposing to The White House ("without Informing Secretary of Defense Esper, and "Going Outside of The Chain of Command") "An Arrangement to Allow Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher to Retire with His Trident Pin!"  

Global Cross Media News Reports are on The Second of July 2019, "Eddie Gallagher was Convicted by Court Martial" of "Wrongfully Posing for An Unofficial Picture with A Human Casualty," However, He was Acquitted of Six Other Charges Against Him!"   

On The Twenty-Fifth of November 2019, "President Trump Ordered Secretary of Defense Esper," to "Allow Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher to "Keep His Trident Pin, so that "He Could Remain A Navy Seal until His Retirement at The End of November 2019!"

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and "Global Perspectives"-
"There are Additional Aspects" to "This Moment in Time Featuring Navy SEAL Special Warfare Operator Eddie Gallagher/Former U.S. Secretary of The Navy Richard Vaughn Spencer/U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Thomas Esper and President Trump," and "How The Chain of Command was Affected and Influenced for The Better and For The Worst," and It Will Be Interesting How Former U.S. Secretary of The Navy Richard Vaughn Spencer Endorsement of Mayor Bloomberg Will Be of Help to Mayor Bloomberg's Campaign!"

"The Question" is "Will Other Military Officers Come Forth" to "Endorse Democratic Candidates," as "The Primaries Continue to Intensify," and In The 2020 Presidential Campaign!"

However, "Most Importantly" is "For The American People to Voice Their Opinion" and "Vote for The Candidate of Their Choice in The Primaries," and "In The 2020 Presidential Campaign!" 
"For We are At A Crossroads in American History," and "Nothing Less than The Truth" and "The Values, Traditions, and Constitutional Laws that American Stands for and Symbolizes Must Be in The Forefront" of "The Minds, Intellects, Hearts, Souls and Spirits of The Diverse Community/Population, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The American People," For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "For The Continued Belief in" and "Support Of This Grand Experiment," "The Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "The United States of America!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "After Month after Months of Criss Crossing The State of Iowa," "Democratic Candidates Campaigning for Their Party's Nomination for President of The United States of America" and "Their Loyal and Determined Volunteers" and "The Voting Public" have "Been Seriously Betrayed by The Election Process of The 2020 Iowa State Democratic Party!"

And,"During A Week that Can Be Described" as "A Political Vortex in The United States," With "Closing Arguments," and "The Final Vote on The Impeachment of President Donald John Trump," and "Ironically President Trumps State of The Nation Address," and "The Democratic Party Response Delivered by "Michigan Governor Gretchen Esther Whitmer," and "The Spanish-Language Version of The Response Delivered by Texas House of Representative Veronica Escobar," and "The Eighth Democratic Party Debate," "All Taking Place" and "Being Displayed in The Headlines of The Fourth Estate" and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's," to "Add to These Political," and "In Regards to President Trump's Impeachment Trial in The U.S. Senate," Which is In Itself A Historical Event," that "Will have A Significant Effect Upon The Lives and Livelihood, Social Security, Healthcare, Welfare," and "National Interest of The American People," is "This Absolute Embarrassment for The Election Process," The First Major Caucus Vote" to "Take Place in The Democratic Party," and "The U.S."

And, "To Compound The Reality of This Election Fiasco for The Democratic Party," and "For Iowans," who had "The Fourth Estate" and "The  Global Cross Media News Sphere's,"  also Traveling and Criss Crossing Their State" is "This Delay Lasted Until Late Tuesday, The Fourth of February 2020," "When Seventy-One Percent of The Delegate and Popular Vote Tally was Finally Released!" 

And so, "It's on To New Hampshire Where The First Actual Democratic Primary Will Take Place" on Tuesday The Eleventh of February 2020,"

-Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 
"Let's State Unequivocally," that, "There Cannot Be Any Future Examples of Election Breakdown in The Democratic Primaries!" "There is Quite Simply Too Much at Stake!"
"For The Youth of The Nation" and "For The Environment, and "For Each and Every American Citizen," and "Undocumented Immigrant!" And, "For The Unity and Global Partnership of The Earths Sovereign Nations" and "The Continued Growth and Development of The Earths Populace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The Seventh of February 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Final Results of The Iowa 2020 Democratic Caucuses Delegate Share is: (from Almost One Thousand and Seven Hundred Sites are)-  
(1) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana!- 26.2% -(Equals 564. 012 State Delegate Equivalents and 13 National Pledged Delegates)- 

(2) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!- 26.1% -(Equals 562. 497  State Delegate Equivalents and 12 National Pledged Delegates)- 

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts!- 18.0% -(Equals 387. 069 State Delegate Equivalents and 8 National Pledged Delegates )- 

(4) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania!- 15.8% -(Equals 341. 172 State Delegate Equivalents and 6 National Pledged Delegates)- 

(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota!- 12.3% --(Equals 264. 204 State Delegate Equivalents and 1 National Pledged Delegates)- 

(6) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York!- 1.0% --(Equals 22. 223 State Delegate Equivalents and 0 National Pledged Delegates)- 

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California!- 0.3% --(Equals 6. 739 State Delegate Equivalents and 0 National Pledged Delegates)- 

The Final Results of The Iowa 2020 Democratic Caucus First Round Attendees Vote Count is: (from Almost One Thousand and Seven Hundred Sites are)- 
(1) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!- 43, 671- 

(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana!- 37, 557-

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts!- 32, 533

(4) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania!- 26, 384- 

(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota!- 22, 469-

(6) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York!- 8, 821-

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California!- 3, 083- 

The Final Results of The Iowa 2020 Democratic Caucus Final Round Attendees Vote Count is: (from Almost One Thousand and Seven Hundred Sites are)-
(1))- Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!- 45, 826- 

(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana!- 43, 195- 

(3) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts!- 34, 771- 

(4) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania!- 23, 691- 

(5) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota!- 21, 181- 

(6) Entrepreneur/Philanthropist Andrew Yang from New York!- 1, 780- 

(7) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California!- 413-  

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Sixth of February 2020 Tom Perez Chairman of The Democratic National Committee Called for "An Immediate Recanvass of The Results of The Iowa Caucuses" by "The Iowa Democratic Party!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Third of February 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Winner of The Iowa 2020 Republican Caucuses are President Donald John Trump!

"The Two Republicans Running Against President Trump" are "Former Governor William "Bill" Weld of Massachusetts," and "Former U.S. Representative Joseph "Joe" Walsh of Illinois."

Here are The Results:
President Donald John Trump- 97.1%- (At Last Count)-
Former Governor William Floyd "Bill" Weld- 1.3% -(At Last Count)-  
Former U.S. Representative William Joseph "Joe" Walsh- 1.1% -(At Last Count)-

-:Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Question" that Remains and "Will Be Interesting to See" is "How The U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of President Trump" on The Fifth of February 2020, "Will Effect His Support within The Republican Party," and "The American Voting Public of The United States of America!"


The Way To Peace! #178- (Revisited)-

"The World of The 21st Century," "Should Resemble A Unified World!" A Global Community, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "An Age of, Heroines and Heroes," "Of Peace, By The Glory Of Peace, and, For The Sake Of Peace, For The World!"

And, "An Age of, Volunteer Workers, Who In Times of Severe Crisis, are Willing, Ready, and, Able, To Come Forward, To Aid Their Fellow Citizens, and, Neighbors, Who've had Their Homes Destroyed," and "Seen Their Communities Wiped Out By Natural Disasters!" 

"Women and Men," Who are Truly, "Volunteers Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

"The World of The 21st Century," "Should Resemble A Unified World" of, "Political Leaders," who have "Vowed to Legislate on Behalf Of The People," and, "Be True Representatives Of The People!" Including "Financial, Religious, and Military Leaders," "Who Realize The Seriousness of Their Responsibilities to Their Fellow Human Being," "To Make A Better World!"

And, also, "Who have Dedicated Themselves To Make The Economical, Spiritual, Political, Sociological, Personal and Universal Reforms," that, "Will Guarantee, The Social, Financial Security, Health, and Welfare" that, "Will Grace and Empower The Earths Communities," and "Enhance The Quality of Life Experiences," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

"The World of The 21st Century," "Should Resemble A Unified World of, Philosophers, Voices of Reason, Philanthropists, and, Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and Soul," "Whose Vision Of The Earth is Consistent" with "The Idea's, Hopes, and, Earthrise Vision Path," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! "Whose Teaching and Activism, Fully Supports, The Fact" that, "We The People," are Citizens of "One World!" 

"We were Born on This Planet Earth," and are "One and All," "Sovereign Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, "Irregardless of the Lies, and False Rhetoric" that "We" Have Been Taught To Believe in by Obstructionists, or Segregationists," or, by "A Manipulative, Selfish, Egotistical, Conditioned Global Oligarchy," or by "Those World Leaders whose Strategies and Imperialistic Designs are World Domination," "Let Us, always, Remember" that "In Times Gone by When The World has United in It's Fight against Oppressors, Dictators, and, Corrupt Financial Institutions," in "The Name of Freedom, Justice and Peace, "The World has been Victorious!"

And, "Let Us Find Peace of Mind and Purpose in Knowing" that "History has Recorded" that "Truth, Peace, and Justice has Prevailed!"
But, "Now Comes The Greatest Challenge of All to Accept and Respect Each Other!"

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "This is Not the Time to Be Building Wall's to Keep People Out!" "Let Us instead, Show Beneficence to Our Fellow Human Being!" "For It's Time to Build Homes to Keep People Secure," and, that "Includes Migrants, Transients, The Homeless, Refugee's, and The Poor," "Safe and Secure from Harms way!"

And, "The Leaders of the Worlds Major Industrialized Nations Must Take An Increased Leadership Role in This Effort a la the G-7, sans Russia!"

And, "Russia, Must Decide Whether it will Act as a True Coalition Partner with The Civilized Nations of The World, As It Did with the P5 +1," For example, "But, Not only to Work Towards Preventing Further Nuclear Proliferation, But, also, to (1) Come to the Aid of Those who are in Need, and (2) Respect the Rights of All Sovereign Nations of the World who Believe in Peace," and "The Well Being of It's Citizens!"


"The World of The 21st Century," "Should Resemble A Unified World, Driven By A Peace Time Economy," and "An Age of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism!" "Empowered by A New Equation Aligning Innovation, Ecological Concerns, Space Exploration, Global Stimulus Programs,  International Trade Agreements,"  and "An Ever Expanding Growth in Hi-Tech, and, Science," "All of Which Should Give Birth to A New Age of Global Employment Expansion and Job Security," "For the Earth's Populace!"

And, "A Unified World Of Enlightened Omniscience! Strengthened and Illuminated By A Committed Generation of, Teachers, World Leaders, and Parents, Combined" with "A Compassionate, Purposeful, and, Universally Minded Generation of, Scientists, Engineers, and, Visionaries, Who Represent A Technologically Inspired Human Conscious Awareness!" Who are, also, "An Environmental, Ecological, and, Morally Aware Group" "Of Interdependent Individuals," Who are "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth! 

And, An Age Where "Journalistic Integrity" is "The Motto/Axiom of The Global Cross-Media News Universe!" And, "Where American Broadcast Journalist and CBS Evening News Anchorman Walter Cronkite Still Remains the Model For Journalistic Integrity" and "The Image that Most Serious Journalists Aim for!" -(In the 1960s and the 1970s Walter Cronkite was Referred to as Being "The Most Trusted Man in America!")-

And, "Truly, At A Time when The World is Rife with Real Life Stories of Heartbreaking Human Drama" as "Migrants Undergo Life and Death Journey's in Search of a New Home," and "The Serious Effects of Climate Change," "The Ongoing War in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan," and "The Escalation of Violence between the Sovereign Nations/States of Israel and Palestine in the Middle East," and "The Courageous  Act's of Heroism in the Face of Terrorist Attacks," and "Domestic Violence," and "The Selfless Act's of Volunteerism, and Public Service, as Flash Floods, and Fire's Destroy Homes, and Businesses, Leaving Families Possession less and Homeless," or "The Impoverished State of Hundred's of Millions of People Worldwide," "The Fourth Estate and  Global Cross-Media News Sphere's Must Remain Focused" on "Being Direct and Straight Forward," "Factual, Investigatory, Trustworthy and Honest," "Courageous When Necessary," and "Determined in The Face of Authoritarianism," and "The Threat to The Liberties, Freedoms, and Principles" of "A Free Democratic Sovereign Nation!" 

And, "The World of The 21st Century," "Should Be An Age of Opportunity and Fulfillment," and "A Unified World of Honorable, Principled, and Intelligent Young Women and Men," "Who've Enlisted in Our Armed Forces, To Defend The Rights, Principles, Laws, and Freedoms," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"Brave and Courageous Women and Men," "Who've Volunteered and Dedicated Their Lives To Be," "Protectors and Defenders Of The People," and "Resistant To The Hostile, Evil, and Oppressive Directives of Dictators, Tyrants, Organize Crime/Drug Lords, and Agents of Corruption, Greed, Lust, and, Violence!"

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt," "As We Continue to Pursue New Global Approaches to Put An End to The Culture of War" and "Gun-Related Violence" that "Continues to Threaten Our Earth, and Our Lives," that "A Powerful, Global Military Defense and Response to Aggression," "Coupled with Global Diplomatic Efforts," are "The Most Formidable Way to Maintain Peace!" And, Let Us "Not Doubt This For One Nanosecond!"

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "The Global War on Terror Continues to Exist and Threatens All Our Lives," and that "Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates are Willing to Commit Any Atrocity," such as, "Torture, or Act as Suicide Bombers," to "Commit Their Dishonorable Acts of Violence to Murder, Maim, or Injure Innocent Bystanders, Children, Mothers and Fathers," If "They Believe that This Will Lead to Their Advantage!")

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Cohorts and Militias" have "No Respect For Our Cultures, Principles, Values, or Individual Freedoms," Nor, "Do They Show Any Reverence For Our Families, Religious Freedoms, or Sacred Sites!"

 And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" in "The Minds of The World Leaders of The United Nations" that "The Future of The World Depends on The Civilized Nations of The Earth Acting in Concert with One Another" to "Use Maximum Effort," and "All the Resources of Their Combined Military Power to Force An Absolute Submission and Capitulation of the Leaders and Followers of These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates" and "Their Political Allies!" "Any Delay in Doing so," "Will Cause only More Suffering, Destruction, and Tears!"

"The World of The 21st Century," "Should Be Made Up of A Unified World of Law Enforcement," "Who are Dedicated To Protect We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, from "The Predators, Who "Seek Out Our Children For Their Immoral Purposes!"
"A Unified World of Law Enforcement Officials," "Who have Given a Solemn Oath, a Pledge, a Vow," that "Guarantee's the Protection of Our Son's and Daughters, from The Predators who Attempt To Corrupt Them, Kidnap Them, Enslave Them, Coerce Them, and, Addict Them," "For Profit, or For Their Own Evil Intentions!"

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt," in Any one's Mind," that "Our Law Enforcement Officials" are "Not Exempt from Any Charge" If "They Perform an Unpremeditated Act of Violence Without Due Cause," against "We The People!" And, "Will Be Judged Guilty by Their Peers," If "They Do Not Demonstrate or Show Proof of,"or "Reason For Their Actions," in "A Court of Law!" 
And, "They Will Be Held Accountable For Their  Actions Just as Everyone Else is!" And, Let There Be "No Doubt" that "New Criminal Justice Reform is Needed!"

And, "The World of The 21st Century," "Should Be A Unified World, that Is Against Poverty!" And, "Against Homelessness!" And, "Against Racism!" And, "Against Gender Discrimination!"

And, "A Unified World that Recognizes" that "Without The Universes of Art and Culture,"  "We" Would Be Existing In A World, "With No Soul," and "Without The Creative, Interdependent, Free Flowing, Individualistic Expression" of "Our Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and Feelings!"

"The Universes of Art and Culture Opens Up Our Minds and Intellect" to "Imagine and See Things that We Never Thought Could Be!" "Entertaining Us,"  "While Inspiring Us To Dream, Communicate" and "Pursue The Goals of A Lifetime of Visions!" 

"The Universes of Art and Culture Teaches Us" "How to Admire, Express, and Share The Beauty Of Life," and "The Joy Of Life,"  and "All the Natural Embodiment's of Life's Riches," "It's Skies, Seas, Landscapes, and Celestial Bodies,"  and "A Myriad Generations of Sentient Beings" and "The Quintessential Essence of The People Of The Earth," "Their Soul and Indomitable Spirit!"

And, "A Unified World Knowing" that "There is a Global Constitution that Represents," "All The People," "Irregardless of, Race, Creed, Gender, Special Needs, Age, Color, Tribe, or Nationality You May Be!"
And, that "There is a Universal Emancipation Proclamation," and, "Global Declaration of Independence" that "Guarantee's that All Women and Men of The Earth are Free to Pursue An Interdependent Life of Their Own Choosing!" "As long as It is Respectful of The Rights of One and All to Live in Peace!" "Benefiting One and All," and that "Provides Equal Justice For One and All!" 

"This Earthrise Vision of The 21st Century" is "A Transcendental One," "A Global Equation of What The World of The 21st Century Should Resemble,"  and "A Way To Peace," and "An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium! " "For Future Now Civilizations," and "For An Endless Season Of Generation's of We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, "For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and Soul of The Twentieth, and, Twenty-first Centuries, "The Gift Of Life that We Behold," "Is Sacred," Just as, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth, "Is Sacred!"
So, "Let Us Resolutely, and Determinedly," "Continue To Sow The Seeds" of "Our Earthrise Vision Path," "Of, By, and, For The People," Wherever The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of Change, and Peace May Be!" And, "Wherever The Dawn Of A New Age Of Non-Violent Evolution, Revolution," and "The Birth Of New Worlds," and "New States Of Being May Be!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Share," "The Good News," that, "We" are Here, Ready, Willing and Able, To Join and Support The Course of Evolution," "Wherever It May Occur, Each and Every One Of Us," As "A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," via, The Global Internet, and "The Social," and "Global Cross-Media Universes!" And, "via The Nexus of The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Hi-Tech, Activist Communication Network, and, Links," "Of The People!"

And, "Lets Continue To Spread The Idea's, Words, Thoughts, and Actions" of "Our Peace and People Initiative," "For, (1) A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogues, and, 

(2) A New and Advanced Age of Job Creation, and Alternative Energy, and, 
(3) A Peace Time Economy," that, "Is Empowered By, The Development and Research" of "An Eco-Vision Of Green Manufacturing and Productivity," that, "Graces and Enhances Our Quality Of Life," and "The Quality Of Life of, The Earths Environment and Ecology!"

And, That, also, "Gives Birth To A New Age of Economic Growth" "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "via "Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Bing, YouTube, MSN, Linkedin, and Hi-Speed Computers,"  and "Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures for The Diseases" that have "Scourged The Earth For Centuries!"

And, "Lets Continue To Spread The Word, Thoughts, Idea's, and, Acts of Conscious Awareness," "via The Universes of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film," and "Thru All The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture!" 

And, also, "via, Interviews, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Activist Groups, The Vote, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,,, .fr, .de, .com, iTunes, Telethons, X's, Fax's, Meditation, Contemplation," and, "Thought Projection!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground Of Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Personal, Sociological, and, Universal Heights" of "Enlightened Consciousness, Equilibre, and Equanimity On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Change, Hope, and Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being," and once again, "For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings" "Of This Planet Earth!" 

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To, A Peace Time Economy, Empowered and Driven By, A World Of Green Industrialization, and, Education!
And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

-In Memoriam:
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Hollywood Legend, Icon, Actor, Producer, Director Philanthropist, and Author Kirk Douglas, Born Issur Danielovitch, Passed away at The Age of One Hundred and Three" at "His Home in Beverly Hills, California!"

"To Enumerate the Myriad Number of Great Films" that "Kirk Douglas Starred in and Produced" is "Challenging to say the least!"

"To Name Just a Few of The Ninety Films" that "Brought Mr. Douglas Great Acclaim are; "Champion" (1949) (Received His First Academy Award Nomination for Best Actor), 

"Young Man with a Horn" (1950), 

"Detective Story" (1951), (For Which He Received A Golden Globe Nomination for Best Actor in a Drama),

"Bad & the Beautiful,"  (1952), (For Which He Received His Second Oscar Nomination), 

"Lust for Life," (1952) ("Received An Academy Award Nomination" and "Golden Globe Winner for Best Actor),

"20,000 Leagues under the Sea" (1954),

"Ulysses" (1954) 

"The Vikings" (1957), Best Actor Award at The San Sebastian International Film Festival,

 "Gunfight at the O/K. Corral" (1957)

And, "Spartacus" (1960), (A Film for Which Mr. Douglas Won Great Acclaim as Both a Producer and Actor!)

And, "Seven Days in May" (1964), "Just Barely Touch The Talent, Ability, Passion, and Success of Kirk Douglas" and "Truly Mr. Douglas Represented The Golden Age of Hollywood and The World of Cinema!"

And, "Among All of The Prestigious Awards" that "Kirk Douglas has Received" are also "The Presidential Medal of Freedom, (1981), "An Oscar for Lifetime Achievement Award," "The National Medal of Arts" (2002), "The Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award" (1998)!"  

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Kirk Douglas!

And To Mr. Douglas' Family, Friends, and Myriad Number of Film Admirers, We are Very Fortunate to have His Universe of  Creativity and Visionary Enterprises to Share with Our Friends and Families, for As Long as The World of Cinema Provides The Earths Populace with Great Films and Talent!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!