Tuesday, January 14, 2020



The Way To Peace! #357

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Within This Time Space Reality" that "Encompasses Us One and All," "A Sense of Timing" and "Reason" is of "The Utmost Importance When Considering A Gesture of Peace" that "Can Inspire and Bring Hope to The Earths Diverse Population!" 

And, "That Goes Equally as Well Towards Committing Military Acts" or "Special Forces Missions Against Global Terrorists," or "Crime Syndicates!"

And, "This also Applies in Regards to Imperialists, and Dictators," who are "Considering Violating The Sovereignty of A Global Nation for Purpose of Conquest and Expansion," at "The Tragic Cost of Life of A Free Sovereign People!" 

And, "Leaders of Democratic Sovereign Nations of The Earth Must at All Times," "Consider International Laws," "Their Own Constitutional Laws," and "The Tenets of The United Nations," "Before Engaging in A Military Act of Aggression," "Especially Towards that of Another Sovereign Nation!"  

"To Display" that "There is A Difference Between Nations and Terrorists" who "Disregard The Law" and "The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings," and "Sovereign Nations who Abide by The Law," and are "Committed and Dedicated to Protect and Defend The Lives of Free," "Law Abiding People All Over The Earth!"

"This is Beginning of The Third Decade of The Twenty-First Century," and "History has Taught Us What The Consequences and Ramifications Can Be If We as A People Of The Earth," and "The Leaders and Elected Officials of The Earth Sovereign Nations Do Not Abide by International and Domestic Laws Can Be!"

And, "To Return Full Circle to The Beginning of This Process of Cognition," "Actions and Reactions When Conducted by Reasonable and Conscientious Women and Men," who are "Leaders of Great Nations," "Must Be Justifiable and Righteous," If  "We are to Put An End To Cycles of Violence," "For The Sake of Our Present and Future Generations!"

And, "It is Time for A Global Consensus that Speaks Out Against War and Violence," and "An Earthrise Movement of All The People of This Planet Earth," to "Speak Out via The Unlimited Resources, Streams, Eddies, Clouds, Emails, Texts, and Sharings" of "The Boundless Universe of The Social Media," and "The Internet," and "The Global Cross Media," "Town Hall Meetings," "Peace Demonstrations," "Peace Marches," or "Sit ins!" "The Point is To Non-Violently Speak Out" and "Rise Up Wherever or However You Can!"

And, "Whether It Be By Contacting Your Elected Officials," "Religious," "Financial," "Military," and "Public Leaders," "Take The Time to Do so," "In The Name of All that Is Just, Moral, and Lawful!" And, "Let Us By Doing so Paint A Clear and Transparent Picture For The Youth of The Earth to See" "How A Responsible People Can Act, Contemplate, and Envision Their Future to Be!"

"Yes, Timing is Everything," and "While There are International Responsibilities to Adhere to," that are "Of The Greatest Importance and Significance to Global Equilibre, Security, Growth and Development," "There is Still Unfinished Business to Complete O'er The Land and Seas, Wherever You May Live!"

"In The United States of America," alone, "There is A Great Deal of Unfinished Business" that "Cannot Wait," and "Must Be Adhered to," "In The Name Of The People," such as; "New Public Infrastructure Programs," and "Legislation to Combat Opioid Addiction," "Corruption," "The Inordinate Cost Factors of Pharmaceuticals and Education," "Healthcare," and "Immigration," and "A Humane Way to Deal with Poverty Among Millions of Americans," that "All Five Hundred and Thirty- Five Members of The U.S. Congress Must Work On and Pass," to "Empower The People," and "Improve The Lives Of All The Citizens of The United States of America," to "Make This Twenty-First Century A Prosperous, Secure, and Beneficial One" "For One and All," and "An Impeachment Trial of President Donald John Trump in The U.S. Senate to Complete!" And, "These are Just Several of The Issues" that "Remain Incomplete" and "Unfinished Business in The U.S."

And, "Unless It's To Defend The Earths Populace from Another Global War," or "In Defense of The Rights Of All The Sovereign People of The Earths Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," "The Earths Sovereign Nations Do Not Need Another War" to "Inflict Further Death and Devastation Upon Our Families" and "Home Planet Earth!"

"For We have had Millennia upon Millennia of War, Conflict, and Violence," and "We Do Not Need Any Further Provocation, Instigation," or "Inflammatory Political Rhetoric" to "Return to This Cycle of Violence and War in The Twenty-First Century," and "In Fact The Earths Population Would Not Miss Another Day of War, and Violence," "If It Never Happened Again!" 
Unless, Once Again, "It is Needed under The Most Dire Circumstances," such as, "The Defense and Protection of Our Rights to Live In Peace," and ""The Defense and Protection of Our Rights to Live In Equality," "As A Law Abiding and  and Just People of The Earth," and "The Defense and Protection of Our Rights to Live In Security As A Free People," As We Enter into "In A New Age of Advanced Opportunity," and "Cultural, Academic, and Spiritual Evolvement, and Compassion," "Moving Ever Forward into A New Era of Global and Universal Exploration," "As A Free and Interdependent Sovereign People" of "Our Home Planet Earth!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Ninth of January 2020, "The United States House of Representatives Approved A Resolution to Limit President Trump's Ability to Engage in Hostilities Against The Islamic Republic of Iran" under "The 1973 War Powers Act" by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty-Four to One Hundred and Ninety-Four!"

"The Vote Followed" as "One Would Expect it in The House of Representatives along Party Lines," with "The Exception that Three Republicans Supported The Measure," and "Eight Centrist Democrats Opposed It!"

"This Resolution" was "Sponsored by Freshman Congresswoman, and Former Analyst for The Central Intelligence Agency and The Department of Defense, Elissa Blair Slotkin, Democrat from Michigan!")- 

As The Sun Set's O'er The Middle East, "Middle Eastern Pundits and Diplomats have Looked Upon This Region in Frustration, Exasperation, and Deep Annoyance over The Chasm and Wide Divide that Exists" and "Continues to Cause Death and Destruction in These Sovereign Nations," and "Sowing The Seeds of Discontent and A Bleak Future for The Youth of This Region," who "Wish A Good Academic Education," and "Good Job Opportunities," and "A Sense of Safety and Security in Their Lives!"

However, "Act of Aggression after Act of Aggression," and "Military Conflict after Military Conflict," "Continue to Diminish Peace Initiatives" and "Diplomatic Efforts to End The War and Violence in This Region!"

And, "The Participants are Numerous," from "Near and A Far," who have "An Interest of One Thing or Another in The Middle East!" Whether It Be Oil, or Territorial!" And, "It Should Be Obvious to One and All that War and Violence is Not The Answer," or "The Path to Take to Resolve and Bridge The Sociological, Cultural, Military, and Political Divide" that "Continues to Exists and Persist," Where Peace Dialogues" and "Peace Summits are Needed" Among Trustworthy, Dedicated, Committed, Honest, and Highly Respected Women and Men!"

However, As A New Decade Begins," and "A New Year Commences," and "With It The Hopes of Peace in The Middle East by The Youth of All of These Middle Eastern Sovereign Nations," and Families who have Been Divided," and "Seen The Loss of Too Many Love Ones," and "Forced to Consider Living in Refugee Camps and Foreign Sovereign Nations," Leaving Their Homes Behind in Hopes of Finding Safety and Security Elsewhere," Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Second of January 2020, "Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani was Killed in An Air Strike Near Baghdad's Airport!"

"The U.S. Pentagon" has "Confirmed that U.S. President Donald John Trump Authorized This Drone Attack on General Soleimani!"

"Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo Released A Statement" saying, The decision to eliminate General Soleimani was in response to imminent threats to American lives."

Friday, The Third of January 2020, President Trump Delivered A Statement saying, "As president my highest and most solemn duty is to is the defense of our nation and its citizens. Last night, at my direction, the United States military successfully executed a flawless precision strike that killed the number one terrorist anywhere in the world, Qassem Soleimani. Soleimani was planning imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him in the act and terminated him."

President Trump also said in His Statement, "America will always pursue the interests of good people, great people, great souls, while seeking peace, harmony and friendship, with all the nations of the world."

Global Cross Media News Reports are Friday, The Third of January 2020, "Iran's Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei Wrote on Twitter, "Martyr Soleimanei is an intl figure of Resistance & all such people will seek revenge."       

-(Note that, "Qassem Soleimani is Iran's Top General," who was "Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard" (The "Quds Force") who also "Determined Iran's Middle Eastern Diplomacy!")-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Seventh of January 2020, "Mohammad Javad Zarif The Foreign Minister of The Islamic Republic of Iran said" in An NPR Television Interview with "All Things Considered" Mary Louise Kelly, In Response to Her Question "Does Iran consider the U.S killing of Qassem Soleimani an act of war? The Foreign Minister answered, "It is an act of terrorism and an act of war."

And, "The Foreign Minister Continued to Explain, "Yes. But it has three basically characteristics. One against Iraq. It violated territorial integrity and sovereignty of Iran. And it also violated the agreement that they had with the Iraqis. And that is why the Iraqis decided to kick them out.

It hurt the feeling of many people across Iran and the rest of the world. And the reaction of that would be to make it almost impossible for the U.S. to continue to stay in this region. That is why I say the days of the United States in our region are limited.

Third is they attacked a citizen and senior official of Iran. We're responsible under international law for protection of our citizens. This was an act of aggression, an armed attack, albeit a cowardly armed attack, against an Iranian official in a foreign country. It amounts to war, and we will respond according to our own timing and choice."

- "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"It Would Be A Major Blessing If Omniscient Minds," and/or "Highly Respected Global Diplomats" were "Able to Diffuse The Anger" and "Call for Revenge in Iran" Because of "The Assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani!"

However, "Unfortunately, The Odds are Against This from Happening," and "There is Little Doubt" that "General Soleimani's Death Will Be Revenged by Either A Proxy of Iran," in The Middle East, or Elsewhere, or by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps Itself (the Quds Force")! 

And, "Unfortunately," Once Again, "Peace Will have to Wait for A Generation of Peacemakers to Arise" and "Come Forth in The Name of All The People of The Earth," and "For The Sake of The Youth," and "Future Generations who Wish to Live in Peace," and "Long for Its Healing Grace to Come!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Seventh of January, 2020, "The Islamic Republic of Iran Launched A Missile Attack Against Two Iraqi Military Bases," "Where United States Forces are Located," in The Republic of Iraq!"

"Fortunately Reports" are "No U.S. Forces were Injured or Killed in The Missile Attacks!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "In An Address to The Nation" on Wednesday, The Eighth of January 2020, President Trump said, "The American people should be extremely grateful and happy. No Americans were harmed in last nights attack by the Iranian regime," and the "only minimal damage was sustained by our military bases.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Fifth of January 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Islamic Republic of Iran" has "Decided to Scale Back Its Compliance with The Iran Nuclear Deal!" This is An Extremely Significant Decision by Iran, and May Be A Potential Threat to Non- Nuclear Proliferation," If Iran also Decides to Install New Centrifuges," Which Means "Machines that Could Produce Enriched Uranium," and "Leading Towards The Production of Weapons Grade Material!" Which Would Once Again Lead to the Reimposed Global Sanctions!" And, A Return Back to The Path and Cycle of Violence, War and Conflict," and Nuclear Fears of Death and Destruction!"

And also, On Sunday, The Fifth of January 2020 Global Cross Media News are "The Parliament of The Republic of Iraq Voted in Favor of A Nonbinding Resolution," to "Rescind Iraq's Invitation to The Forces of The United States of America!"

Note that, "This Invitation was Made by Iran in June of 2014," "After Iran was Attacked by The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL), "Which Led to An American-Led Intervention," Ordered by Former President Barack Obama, to "Counter The Invasion by ISIL!"

And, "Rescinding This Nonbinding Resolution has Great Significance and Symbolism to It," Because "At The Time It was Extended" to The U.S. "Iran was Being Overrun by The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Fighters," and "This American-Led Intervention of Coalition Forces" was "Instrumental and Responsible for Driving ISIL Out of The Territory It Occupied in Iran Which was Significant and Costly," in "Most Importantly in Human Lives," and "Financial Support!"   

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
Now is "The Time for Peacemakers and Voices of Reason," and "Global Diplomats and Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations, Political, Military, Religious, and Financial" to "Speak Out In The Name of Peace and Reason," and "Find A New Solution to The Threat of Violence that Lies Ahead!"

As The Parallel Universes of The Cause and Effect of Military Decisions, Special Covert Missions, and Military Actions," at Times, "Extend Beyond The Boundaries of Reason," "It is The Innocent who Unfortunately Become The Victims of These Acts!"

And, "The Attack Upon Ukrainian International Airlines Boeing Jet 737-800," After Taking off from Tehran Imam Khomeini  International Airport, in The Capital City of Tehran," on Wednesday, The Eighth of January, 2020 that "Killed All One Hundred and Seventy-Six Passengers and Crew on Board," "Is Another Tragic Example of "An  Immoral, Unethical, and Vengeful Act of Misjudgment and Violence," that "Continues to Cruelly and Brutally Plague The Lives of Innocent People," This Time, "Caused by The Iranian Military!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Flight 752 (PS752) was En Route to Kiev When only A Few Minutes into Its Flight It Was Shot Down," and With It, "The Innocent Lives" (at Last Report) that "Included Eighty-Two Iranians," Sixty-Three Canadians," Eleven Ukrainians," Ten Swedes," "Three Germans," and "Three British Nationals," "Came to A Tragic End!"  

And, Let's Be Very Clear that "There is Absolutely No Excuse for This Immoral, Unethical, and Vengeful Act of Misjudgment and Violence," that "Merited This Malicious Act of Retaliation and Revenge!"

"These One Hundred and Seventy- Six Passengers Did Not Conduct" "Nor In Any Way Take Part in The U.S. Drone Attack" that "Killed Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani on Thursday, The Second of January 2020 in Iraq," and "Nor Did They Deserve To Be Victims of This Immoral, Unethical, and Vengeful Act of Misjudgment and Violence by The Iranian Military!"

And, "Yes, The Responsibility and Guilt of This Malicious Act Should Definitely Be Shared" by "The Commander-in-Chief of The Revolutionary Guards General Hossein Salami," "The President of The Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani," and "The Supreme Leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei!"

-(Note that "After Denying Any Culpability," Saturday, The Eleventh of January 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Iran's President Hassan Rouhani Wrote on Twitter," that "The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake. My thoughts and prayers go to all the families. I offer my sincerest condolences.")-  

"This is The Time for Women and Men of True Consciousness and Soulfulness to Stand Up," "Demonstrate," and "Speak Out in A Global Demonstration Against This Immoral, Unethical, and Vengeful Act of Misjudgment and Violence Conducted by The Iranian Military," that "Caused The Destruction of Ukrainian International Airlines Jet" on Wednesday, The Eighth of January, 2020, and "Killed All One Hundred and Seventy-Six Passengers!

And, "Clearly This is The Time" to "Call for A New Era of Global Diplomacy to Reach New Resolutions of Peace and Non-Violence," instead of "Military Acts of War, Conflict, Incendiary, and Inflammatory Rhetoric," and "New Provocations," that "Lead to More Violence, War, and Conflict," and that "Lead to More Deaths, Destruction, Homelessness, Poverty, Starvation, and Inhumane Treatment of Our Fellow Human Beings!" 

To All of The Families who have Lost A Love One, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences! And, "We Mourn The Loss of Your Family Members with You in The Most Deeply Traumatic and Sorrowful Time Period!"

 -Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The First Full Moon of The Decade Occurred" on The Tenth of January 2020, "The Wolf Moon Eclipse," Which "Will also Be The Deepest Lunar Eclipse of 2020," "Provides Us with Yet Another Magnificent Display of Natures Universal Wonder's," "It is Difficult to Comprehend Some of The Man Made Decisions" (Policies, New Executive Orders, Administrative Rulings, and Proposals), that have had "A Direct Effect Upon The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and "A Negative Effect Upon The Economic Welfare of Those In Need" and/or "Who are Less Fortunate!"

And, "The Question" is "Why President Trump Would Consider "A Proposed Rule Change" that "Could Terminate Disability Benefits for Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Income Americans" who are "Amongst The Nations Most Vulnerable Citizens!"

"Doesn't The President and His Administration Realize The Additional Psychological and Emotional Damage and Burden" that "This Proposed Rule Change Can have Upon These American Citizens!"

"This Question" is "An Important One for All Americans to Consider as Well" for Several Reasons, (1) "Is During The Then- Candidate Trump's 2016 Campaign "He Promised to Protect Social Security from Cuts," and, (2) When You Add This "Proposed Rule Change" by The Trump Administration to" Global Cross Media News Reports on Wednesday, The Fourth of December 2019, that "The Trump Administration" and "The U.S. Department of Agriculture Finalized A New Rule" that "Will Cut Food Stamp Benefits to Approximately Seven Hundred Thousand Americans under The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)!" 
"The Question" is "Why Impose New Burdens Upon The Lives of Americans who are Already Experiencing Intense Difficulties in Their Lives to Overcome!"

"It Just Doesn't Make Sense Politically" or from "Any Sense of Compassionate, Humane, or Benevolent Leadership," and "Why Threaten The Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Who are on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP)!"

"Are The Lives of These Fellow Americans and Their Families Unworthy of Government Assistance!"

Let's Put It Quite Simply, "They are Americans in Need of Empathy," and "The Support of The American Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"Why Threaten Their Lives," to "Save What!" "Is This New Proposal An Act of Empowerment" that "Provides Encouragement, Hope, and Inspiration," for "These Americans who are In Need," and "Lift Up Their Spirits!"

"Let Us Find Agreement in" that "A Government Policy or Ruling" that "Is Insensitive to The Needs Of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," "Is Unworthy of The Support or Respect Of The People!"

-(Note that, "Currently Their are Three Separate Categories Based Upon The Severity of One's Disability; (1) Medical Improvement Not Expected, (2) Medical Improvement Expected, and. (3) Medical Improvement Possible! 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Trump Administration Estimated Its Proposal Would Save $Two Billion Dollars over A Decade," However, "The Estimated Cost" of "This New Category/Ruling/Proposal" Called "Medical Improvement Likely," In Which "Millions of Beneficiaries Would Be Subject to Disability Reviews Every Two Years," Would Be $1.8 Billion Dollars!" "What Logic is This!")-

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"Clearly It is Time" for "We The People" to "Contact Our Local, State, and Federal Elected Officials," and "Demonstrate, March, Email, Text, Call," and "Send Out Correspondence Against This Heartless Rulings and Proposals Against Our Fellow Americans," and "Their Children!" "For We Must Defend and Protect Them Against Presidential Rules, Proposals, Executive Orders," and "Government Policies," that are "Cruel, Illogical, Insensitive," and "Lack in Universal Benevolence, Compassion, Spirituality, and Cognition!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Seventh" in "The Series of Twelve Democratic Party Debates Scheduled for the 2020 Presidential Election," of "Democratic Candidates who have Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, 
(1) "Attaining A Minimum of Five Percent Support" in at Least "Four Eligible National or Early State Polls," such as "Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and/or Nevada," or,
(2) "Seven Percent Support in Two Early State-Level Polls," and, 
(3) "Received Campaign Contributions" from "Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand Donors," "Will Be Hosted by CNN, and The Des Moines Register," on "Tuesday, The Fourteenth of January, 2020," from "Drake University, in Des Moines, Iowa!" 

"At Present Six Democrats have Met These DNC Qualifications!

And, "The Six Candidates" are "In Alphabetical Order,"
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania!
(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana!
(3) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota! 
(4) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!
(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California! 
(6) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts!

And, "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, Intelligence, and Experience," of "These Six Interdependent Democrats," "Will also Be On Display" via "The Global Platforms of The Social Media," and "The Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate," Network News," and "Radio News Programs," "Entertainment Programs," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

And, Once Again, "The Curtain Will Rise on "Yet Another Challenging Evening of Debate and Discourse Between These Six Democrats" who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America!"

And, "The Importance of  The 2020 Presidential Election Cannot Be Underestimated," For It "Will Provide An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for and Perpetuate," "A Cognitive New Political," and "Sociological Awareness," and "Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The Sovereign Nation of France, Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Longest Transport Strike In The Nations History," has "Entered into Its Sixth Week!" And, "As Hundred's of Thousands of Protesters, Teachers, Lawyers, Civil Servants, and Union Members Joined in The  Demonstrations in The Streets of Paris and Women and Men Across Nation," on Thursday, The Ninth of January 2020,  in "A Show of Unity Against President Emmanuel Macrons Proposal to Restructure France's Pension System!"

Note that, "These Demonstrators Represent A Broad Spectrum of Citizens" who are "Deeply Concerned with President Macron's Plan to Merge France's Forty-Two Pension Systems into One State Managed System!"

-Note that, "In A Recent Elabe Poll," (A French Polling Company), "This Plan" Which was "Initially Announced on Thursday, The Fifth of December 2019," (The Complexity" of Which "Is Immeasurable by "Any Intellectual or Financial Standards,") has "Not Been Received Favorably by Sixty-Six Percent of French People!"
And "President Macron's Plan to Merge France's Forty-Two Pension Systems into One Universal System," is "Most Likely to Take A Great Amount of Convincing and Compromise Before It Is Embraced by The French Unions and The People of France," and "Before The Implementation" of  "A Such A Life Changing Adjustment Would Receive The Acceptance by The People of France" (In General)! 

And, "One Wonders If President Macron" is "Prepared for The Grand Effort that It Will Take" to "Bring This Change to France without A Nationwide Mandate to Do so," and "Is It Worth Destabilizing The Overall Sociological State of Being in The Nation of France!"

"Because to  to Engage in A Project of This Magnitude," Will Not End over Night," Nor Will It by "Giving Concessions to A Select Group of Union Workers Satisfy The Majority of Unions," and so "The Impasse Will Continue!"to Do so!"

However, Global Cross Media News Reports are Saturday, The Eleventh of January 2020, "France's Prime Minister Edouard Charles Phillippe's Offer" to "Drop Plans" to "Increase the Official Age for a Full Pension to Sixty-Four from The Current Legal Retirement Age of Sixty-Two" as "A Gesture of Compromise to End The Transportation Strike was Received Favorably," by "CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labour)," "Unsa (The National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions),"  and FRC," "Although The Strike Call for Sunday, The Nineteenth of January 2020 by Unsa, "Still Remains on Call!"

"The Prime Minister is Reported to have said, "I am willing to withdraw from the bill the short- term measure I had proposed."

However, Global Cross Media News Reports that "The Call to Strike by "CGT (The General Federation of Labour)," "FO (Force Ouvriere)," and "Solidaires Unions (Solidaires Unitaires Democratiques)," and "The Majority of Major French Unions Continue to Maintain Their Strikes and Protests Against President Macron's Universal Pension Plan," and "The Joint-Union Movement Including CGT, and FO Unions" have "Called for More Strikes on Tuesday The Fourteenth," and "Wednesday The Fifteenth of January," and "One Union Representing Air Traffic Controllers," has "Called for A Strike" on "Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, The Sixteenth of January 2020!" 

And, "The Question" is "Without Earning The Absolute Trust and Respect of French Unions" "Can This New Plan Succeed!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"France is Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance," and "President Macron (and Prime Minister Philippe) have "A Great Challenge Ahead of Themselves" to "Show The Merit of This New Pension System to The French People!"

And, "It is Up to President Macron" to "Display Just How His New Universal Pension System Brings Pension Security," to "All of The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of France!"

And, In Doing so "Show How This Universal Pension System," "Empowers, and Provides Social Security," "For All The People of France," While Simultaneously, "Engaging in Reconstructing Immediate Steps to Build New Bridges of Communication with Union Leaders," "Opposition Leaders," and "Most Importantly The People of France!"

And, Of Course, "It is of The Utmost Importance" to "Listen to The Concerns and Fears of All The People," "Before Engaging in" or "Attempting to Finalize Any Further Decisions" to "Move Forward" with "His Universal Pension Plan!"

And Lastly, "A Final Point of Importance" is "Timing Can Be An All Important" and "All Encompassing Element in The Presentation and Negotiations of This Universal Pension Plan," that "Cannot Be, Nor Should It Be Ignored," "If It's to have Any Real Chance of Gaining Approval and/or Acceptance in Part or Total, in France!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Ninth of January 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The House of Commons Voted to Pass The Brexit Agreement" that U.K. Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson Negotiated with The European Union Last Year!"

"The Vote" was "Three Hundred and Thirty In Favor of The Agreement" a,d Two Hundred and Thirty-One Against!"

On Monday, The Thirteenth of January 2020 "The Legislation Will Be Debated on In Parliaments Upper Chamber, "The House of Lords," and If Passed, Will Still Require The Signature of Queen Elizabeth II to Become Law," and then "The Brexit Cycle Will Recommence in Brussels and The European Parliament!" 

And, "If Formalized" The Path for The United Kingdom to End Its Forty-Six Year Relationship Will End on The Thirty-First of January!" 

-(Note that, "All Practical Ties with The European Union and The United Kingdom Will Remain in Place while Negotiations Begin," to "Establish New Agreements," and to "Bridge The Old Ones," and "Ensure that The Future Relationship Between The EU and The U.K. Will Continue to Thrive and Provide Economic Stability and Security" Between "All Sovereign Nations Involved," "As This New Decade of 2020 Brings with It," "A New Offer of Economic Cooperation and Global Partnerships!"

"Prime Minister Johnson has Until The End of June of 2020 to Decide Whether of Not to Extend Negotiations for Another Year or Two!")-

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign State of Israel, Wednesday, January 1, 2020- Global Cross Media News Reports are "Prime Minister Netanyahu has Asked The Knesset for Parliament Immunity from Prosecution over Corruption Charges," as "He Faces His Greatest Legal  Challenge in Court," and "Before The March General Election in Israel!"  

And, Take Note that, "If The Prime Minister Should Step Down as Chairman of Likud," Gideon Moshe Sa'ar is The Main Choice to Succeed Benjamin Netanyahu!"

"Global Cross Media News Flashback"- "Prime Minister Netanyahu's Problems Grew in Dire Intensity" on Thursday, The Twenty-First of November 2019, "When Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit Announced" that "Benjamin Netanyahu was to Stand Trial" on "Charges of  Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust Stemming from "Three Long-Running Corruption Cases!" "Becoming The First Sitting Israeli Prime Minister to Be Charged with Criminal Wrongdoing!"

-(Note that, "In A Poll Taken on Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of December 2019, by Israel's Channel 12 News," "Fifty- One Percent of Israelis Opposed Granting Mr. Netanyahu Immunity!" "Thirty-Three Percent Support It!")- 

And, "In a Previous Survey Conducted by the Guttman Center for for Public Opinion and Policy Research" Between The Third and Sixth of October 2019, "Sixty-Five Percent of Israeli's Believe that Benjamin Netanyahu Should Resign as Chairman of Likud," If The Prime Minister is Convicted" of "Any of The Three Corruption Charges Against Him!" 

And, "Fifty-Five Percent Believe that He Should Resign Now!" Mr. Netanyahu has "Denied Any Wrongdoing!"

And, "After A Virtual Tie Occurred Between Benjamin Netanyahu and His Likud Party" and "Benjamin Gantz and His Blue and White" "Occurred in "The Second Legislative Elections" on "The Seventeenth of September 2019," with "Blue and White Winning Thirty-Three Seats" and "Likud Thirty-Two," "The Question" of  "Who Will Be Victorious in The Third General Election in March" "Will Be A Crucial" and "Historical Moment to All  Israelis!"

"The Challenge" that "Lies Ahead is A Formidable One for All The People of Israel!"

"The Question" is "What Does The Future Hold for This Sovereign State!"

"Will They Accept A Change in Leadership," and "Move Ahead" to "Advance into A New Decade" and "New Era of Positive Domestic and Foreign Affairs!"

"Domestic and Foreign Affairs" that are "Insightful, Constructive, Purposeful and All Inclusive," that "Embrace and Empowers The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of All The People!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"In Order to Transcend The Political Quagmire in Israel," "The Time for A Bold New Initiative to Take Place is Now!" And, "The Time has Come For The People of Israel" to "Choose An Illuminating, Enlightening, Courageous, and Pragmatic New Direction!"

"A New Direction and Path of Cognition without Corruption," and "Global Equilibre without Chaos and Hubris!" "Clearly It is Time for  A Positive Resolution" that "Is Inspirational to The Youth of Israel," and "The State of Israel," "For The Sake of The Present" and "Future of Israel!"

"Flashback of One of Three Historical Moments" in "American Presidential Politics!"-  "Extra Noteworthy News"-
Wednesday, The Eighteenth of December 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are "After Hours of Intense and Acrimonious Floor Debates," "The United States House of Representatives Voted to Pass Two Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald John Trump, the Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America" and, In Doing so, "Inflicting upon The President" "A Taint on His Political, Business, and Personal Career" that "Can Not Be Erased" or "Revised by Time!"

 "The Vote on Article I"- "Abuse of Power" was "Two Hundred and Thirty Yeas to One Hundred and Ninety-Seven Nays," "One Present," and "Three Not Voting!"

And, "The Vote on Article II"- Obstruction of Congress" was "Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine to One Hundred and Ninety-Eight," "One Present," and "Three Not Voting!"

And, "Now It is The United States Senate Turn" to "Judge The Facts Clearly and Fairly," of "Whether President Trump is In Deed Guilty or Innocent of The Two Articles of Impeachment that "The United States House of Representatives has Voted on" and "Passed Against President Trump!"

And, "It Will Be The United States Senate Turn" to "Bring Forth Witnesses to Testify" and "Substantiate The Facts" and "The Opinions" of "Both Those in Favor and Against Impeachment!" 

And, "Whether They Be Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Social Democrat or Independent," "The Time has Come for An Honest, Non-Partisan Accounting of President Donald John Trump" and "His Actions under The Laws of The United States Constitution For History to Record" for "Generations to Come!"

"For The American People Demand Nothing Less than This of Their Elected Officials" who have "Taken An Oath to Support and Defend The Constitution," and "Serve as A True Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, "It is Their Responsibility to Serve" and "Represent All that is In The Best Interests," "National Security," and "Defense of The United States of America," and "The American People" Before that of "Any Political Interests or Party!" And that also Signifies that, "No One is Above The Law," "Not even The President of The United States of America!"

And, "The Senate's Judgment of President Trump Must Be Impartial" and "Non-Partisan," "Based on Constitutional Law," and "The Truth!"
"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Vote on" and "Passage of The Two Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump" by "The United States House of Representatives," "Will Remembered and Categorized In The Annals of History" as  "Being Nothing less" than "A Shameful Legacy of Dishonor and Betrayal of The American People by President Trump," and "The Party of President's Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr., Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush," that "The President" and "The GOP Will have to Bear and Endure in Perpetuity!"

And, "This Vote Will Be Remembered in The Annals of History" as "A Political Event Extraordinaire," and "Grand Accomplishment by The United States House of Representatives," that "The Founders Would Be Proud of!"


The Way To Peace! #297- Revisited-

We Live in An Age "Where An Unwise Act, or Misguided, ill-Considered Trade, Monetary, Military, Sociological, Health Care, or Environmental Policy," "Can Pose Grave Consequences that Effect All of Us," Wherever, "You May Live on This Planet Earth!" Or, "Wherever Your Village, Town, or City May Be Located!" 

And, Because of "The Continued Evolution and Development of The Global Internet" and "The Seemingly Vast Expansion of The Global Horizons of The Social Media," We "Now Exist in An Age and Season of Existence, in This Time/Space Reality," Where "There is Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us," Wherever, "You May Live on This Planet Earth!"

And, "Thereby Making It Impossible" for "Unwise Policies, False Rhetoric, Egotistical or Defensive Minded Thoughts, Words, Actions (and Tweets)" of "Any Global Leader of The Earths Civilized Nations, (who have "Agreed to Abide by The Charter of The United Nations) to "Not have a Destructive or Destabilizing Effect on The Precarious Balance of Power between Sovereign Nations, (The United States, China, Russia, Eastern Europe, and The Middle East, Immediately Come to Mind), and "Just as Importantly Violate The Trust Placed in Them By The People," All of The Sovereign Citizens of The Earths Communities" (Including Refugee's).

And, "Thereby Making The Simple," But, "Obvious Case" that "Today's Global Policies and Strategies Must have An All Inclusive Motif!" "Relying on Diplomacy and Understanding!" And, "Trade and Employment!" "Health Care and Social Security!" Universal Themes and Cognizant Patterns of Being Here and Now" that "Encourage Good Will in "Its Most Natural State of Being!"

And, "It's Time" that "All The United Sovereign Nations of The Earth Come to A Definitive Agreement" that "War and Conflict Should Be A Thing of The Past!" And that, "There is No Place for It to Exist In The Present or Future!" "Unless It's To Defend The Earths Populace from Another Global War," or "In Defense of The Rights Of All The Sovereign People of The Earths Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People," "The Earths Sovereign Nations Do Not Need Another War" to "Inflict Further Death and Devastation Upon Our Families" and "Home Planet Earth!"

And, "The Policies of Isolationism and Nationalism" are "A Dangerous Deterrent and Obstruction to Global Economic and Sociological Growth!"

"Isolationist and Nationalistic Policies are Definitely Appealing and Beneficial to Some," Especially, "Those who are Seeking Power and Influence at The Expense of The Many who Feel Disenfranchised," and or "are Unemployed!" 
And, "They are Very Astute and Shrewd" in "Using The Needs and Misfortunes of Others," Especially, "Those of Us who are Still Struggling to Recover from The Financial Collapse of The Global Economy in 2007/08," to "Gain Their Advantage!" 

However, "These Policies Intensely Hamper and Impede The Global Sociological Development, Conscious Awareness, and Cognizant Education Of The People," in "This New Season of Hopeful Recovery!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance for Us to always Remember" that, "Until An Age of Global Equilibre is Re-Established For One and All to Share," "Unfortunately We The People Live in A Different State of Being," and "A Different World of Influences than Do The Privileged Few!"

"An Example of The Differences is Obvious," even, "In Terms of Providing a Qualitative Education for Each New Generation," There are "Some Countries where Children (Especially Young Girls) are Forbidden An Education," or For a Lesser Example, "Young Women and Men who have Graduated from College or University, in Some Western Industrialized Nations," have "Learned to Speak Three or Four Different Languages including Their Own," While, "In Other Major Global Civilized Nations College Grads" have "Learned to Speak only One Language in Addition to Their Own!"

Now, "The Latter Point May Not Appear to Be Significant to Many," However, "In An Evolving Age and Civilization of New Global Trade Agreements (with Fair Trade Practices), Global Markets, and A Variety of Diverse Institutions, One's Economic Opportunities are Clearly Dependent upon Being Knowledgeable, Empirical, Well Spoken, Well Educated, Insightful, and Conscientiously Aware of The Consequences, Significance, and Importance of Having a Plethora of Positive Minded Global Relationships to Call upon," Whenever, or "Wherever the Right Moment Presents Itself for You," or "For Your Company or Clients Benefit!"

"It's as Simple and as Important as that!" Who Your Connections and Contacts are "In This Age of Highly Diversified Global Cross Media Universe's of Opportunity," "Can either, Place Your Life in A Profitable and Influential Sphere of Global Contacts and Influences" or "Else You Will have to Depend on A Higher Minimum Wage," and, or "The Support of A Social System" that "Provides Economic Security," and "Programs that Make It Possible for One to Advance and Educate Themselves in Local, Regional, or National Public Initiatives!"

And, In The Latter Example, "The Lack of Gender Equality" Can Make for, "Even Far Greater Divisiveness and Frustration," and "This is Why, "We Must All Be Careful Not to Accept The Political Rhetoric and Ideologies that are Purely Self Serving and that Feed upon The Frustration of Others," Because, "Their Goals are to Continue to Divide, Manipulate, and Deter Us," "We" who are "The Sovereign Citizens and Salt of This Earth," from "Ever Becoming Equal Participants of A New Age and Season of Global Equilibre," and "Equal Opportunity For One and All!"

"A Global Age of Equilibre" that "Unites Us, One and All!"

"A Global Age of Equilibre" that " Excludes No One from Enjoying The Pursuit of Happiness and Prosperity," that "The Privileged Few" have Been Enjoying on A Daily Basis for Millennias!" 

"A Global Age and Season of Equilibre" that "Demands" that "The New Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" is "Well Equipped with The Proper Changes to Embrace and Reflect The Multi-Dimensional Diversity Of The People," and "The Times and Challenges" that "We The People are Faced with on A Daily Basis!"

"Challenges and Signs of The Times" that "Can either Empower Our Families," or "Impede and Place Barriers in The Way of Our Children from Succeeding In Their Life's Quests and Goals!"

And, That is Why, "This New Age of Global Leadership Must Present The World with Global Policies, Thoughts, and Ideas" that "Increase The Opportunities for Our Global Work Force to Succeed!"
From Poland to The Baltic Sea Nations, and from Italy to Spain, and France to The United Kingdom, and The Middle East to Africa, and from Asia to South America, and from The United States and Canada to Belgium and Scandinavia, "An All Inclusive Global Peace Time Economic Strategy" that "Empowers, Educates, Enlightens, and Gives Support to All The People of The Earth," and "Not Just the Minions, Lobbyists, and Domains of The Global Oligarchs and Their Special Interests!"

And, "To Illuminate and Give Credence to This Age and Season of The Twenty-First Century," "It is of The Utmost Importance For The Global Cross Media Universe and The Social Media" to "Continue to Expose The Injustices, Abuses, Deprivations, Indigence, Lawlessness and Oppression, Hardships and Cruelties," "Wherever They May Be!"

And, "Let Us All Continue to Expose The Lies, False Rhetoric, and Double Standards," "Wherever They May Exist!"

And, "The Coalition of Civilized Nations," of Which The United States is a Core Member of, "Must Eliminate the Syndicates of Murders and Criminals" who have "Caused The Migration of Tens of Millions of People, Mothers and Fathers and Children, to Foreign Lands, away from Their Homes and Relatives to Exist as Undocumented Immigrants or Refugees of War," Some "Barely Existing in Refugee Camps," Resembling "A Lost Tribe of The People Suffering Indignities that No Child or Adult Should Experience!" And, "This to Must Change!"

(It is A Grand Statement that The Legal Process in The United States Does Not Allow For Injustices to Destroy The Fabric of Our Society!" 
Such as, On Saturday, The 28th of January 2017, "A Federal Court in New York Issued An Emergency Stay" on "President Trump's Executive Order Banning Immigration from Seven Muslim Countries!"
"This a An Important Victory for The ACLU" (The American Civil Liberties Union), and "Several other Activist Groups" who "Filed A Class Action Suit on Behalf of Two Iraqis" who were Being Held at John F. Kennedy International Airport," Because of "President Trump's Ban!"
And, "This is A Victory for Religious Freedom" and "The Innocent Refugees (who have Been Driven from Their Homes by Ruthless Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals) who are "Seeking a Safe Haven" to "Live in Freedom and Security!" And, "A Major Victory For The Citizens Of The United States and Our Democracy!"

And, On Friday, The Third of February, 2017 "Federal Judge James Robart of Seattle," "Placed a National Block on President Trump's Executive Order Barring Refugees and Nationals from Entering The United States of America!"

At Present, "The U.S. Department of Justice has Made No Decision on An Appeal," Until, "They've Reviewed the Court's Written Order!"
"This Court Decision" is "Another Great Victory For All that The United States of America Stands for!"

"Whenever I See The Plaque at The Base of The Statue of Liberty" and Read, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" It Instills in Me "A Sense of Overwhelming Pride in The Best Qualities, Tenets and Principles Of The United States Of America," and "A Pridefulness in The Billions upon Billions of People throughout The Ages" who "Fought For Each Others Rights to Live in Peace, Justice, and Freedom!" 

Yes, "The Billions upon Billions Of The People," who Meditated and Prayed, Contemplated and Envisualized An Age Of Peace, Freedom, All Inclusiveness, Equality and Justice!" And, For, "The Tremendous and Unlimited Capacity To Do What is Right and Truthful," and For, The Limitless Diversity Of The Universal Fabric and Sentient Tapestry Of The People, By The People, and For All The People" of This Planet Earth!

This is "A History of Facts that Every Child is Taught in School," and, It Amazes me that "Some of Us have Forgotten this!"

And, "The Firing of Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates" by President Trump, "Because She Refused to Defend The President's Executive Order to Ban Immigrants from Seven Muslim Countries," is "A Sad Commentary on The Presidents First Eleven Days in Office," after Being Sworn in on Friday, The Twentieth of January, 2017!

And, "That Feeling Continues to Resonate" and, even, "Taint The Hallowed Office of The President Of The United States," and "The Core Principles that The United States Of America Stands for!"

Oh, How I Can Hear "The Founders" of This Great American Experiment, "Calling Out For All The People,""Civil Rights Activists and Advocates for Human Rights" and "The Rights of All Sentient Beings" to "Speak Out, Demonstrate, and March Against This Grievous Act against The People!"

"Why," Quite Simply, "Because, The United States Of America is A Nation Of Immigrants" (with the Exception of Native Americans) and "The Principles" that "This Grand Ole Country Stands for "Must Be Preserved" and "Remain Sacred and Implicit in Our Lives, Republic, and Democracy, Forever!" For The Sake of Our Children," and "Our Children's Children," and "All The Children Of The World," and "All Those Future Generations to Come Forth and Grace This Planet Earth!"

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that "President Trump's Nominee for The Supreme Court," Judge Neil Gorsuch, 49, "Judge of The United States Court of Appeals for The Tenth Circuit in Denver, Colorado," and "A Graduate of Harvard Law School," with "A Doctorate in Philosophy in Jurisprudence from University College, Oxford" (who Would Be The Youngest Justice on The Current Supreme Court Bench if Confirmed) "Adheres to The Law and Principles of The Land, and The U.S. Constitution!" 
And, "Leaves Absolutely No Doubt in Anyone's Mind" that "He Will Respect The Tenet and Word Of The Law over The Policies of Any Political or Religious Ideology!") 

And, There Must Be "A Return to A Normal Process of Human Evolution," that "Bears The Promise of Greatness," and "This New Beginning Must Take Place Now," and "In All Earnest!"

"A New Beginning that Bears The Vision" of "A Global Union Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
Composed of "A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People," that "Transcends The Illusions and False Ideologies of Political and Religious Predators," whose "Crimes and Atrocities Committed  against Humanity" "Demands that These Predators of Our Youth","Must Not Go Unpunished" and "This Responsibility We Hold Sacred and Binding by All The Nations and Leaders of The Civilized World!"

And, "It's Time" that "We The People Became Fully Engaged in This New Age" "Where Global Innovations Swirl around Us," and "Earthwise Visions Enrich, Educate, and Empower Us," One and All to "Reach Beyond Our Potential" and "Rise to New Levels of Success, and Respect," "While Enjoying All the Benefits of  Environmental and Ecological Security," as "A Compassionate and Empathetic Member of The Earths Community of Nations," For, "It is A Reality and Goal in Life Worth Achieving," and "Sharing with Your Fellow Human Being," and "The Sentient Universe that Surrounds Us!"

Or Else, We Will Be Faced with "The Dark Path" that "Former Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev Warned Us of," When He Wrote, "It All Looks as if The World is Preparing for War," in An Op-Ed that Time Magazine Published on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of January 2017, and "This Should Be A Severe Warning to The Leaders of All Nations" and "The Earths Populace!"

Mr. Gorbachev also Stated that, "No Problem is more urgent today than the militarization of politics and the new arms race." These are Wise Words from The Nobel Peace Prize Winner!"

"The NATO Build up in Poland, the Baltic Nations and Eastern Europe" and Russia's Mobilization of It's Armed Forces," and "Continuous Airspace Violations Over Europe is Proof of This Military Threat to The People of The World!"

And, "The Comments that U.S. President Trump has Made that have Been Reported by The Global Cross Media News Organizations, that "He wouldn't mind having an arms race" Does Not Help to Cool Down the Intensity or The Rhetoric between Russia and The U.S.

And, The Comments Made by Russian President Putin that "Modernizing Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces is a Priority," Certainly is "Incendiary Rhetoric" and "Harmful to Relationships with NATO Nations," and "Rebuilding Damaged Relations with The U.S."

Both Leaders, President Trump and President Putin are "Embarking Down a Dangerous Path of Destruction," Where Diplomatic Efforts "May Come Too Late, or Be Too Little to Avoid A Global Catastrophe!" 

It's Definitely Time for "Calm, Interdependent and Trustworthy Intermediaries to "Find a Common Ground of Interest for New Dialogues to Open Up" (Which Should Be The Avoidance of a Nuclear War) between "The European Union, NATO, Russia, The United States, Germany, The United Kingdom and The United Nations!"

(The United States and Russia Hold More than Ninety Per cent of The Worlds Nuclear Arsenals!)

And, "This is Not The Time for The Global Sovereign Nations of The Earth" to "Become Distracted from Eliminating The Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers" who are "Responsible for The Killing of Innocents, The Torture and Terrorizing of Our Families," and "Causing Millions upon Millions of People to Be Driven from Their Homes," and "Enslaving and Manipulating Our Children to Believe in Their Lies" and Immoral and Sacrilegious Propaganda!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us "Continue to Sow The Seeds of A Way of Life" that "Leads Us To An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age Of Hope, Technological Evolution, Scientific Advancement," and "A Cultural Expansion of Meaningful and Purposeful Earthrise Proportions of Unlimited Universal Horizons," "Graced by A Nexus of Gifted, Experienced, and Exemplary Minds," of "The Grand Cosmos," and "A Global Equation Of, By and For The People" that "Is Earthwise, Streetwise, and In Equilibre with All The People," and "Knowing that They Will Not Be Denied Economic Opportunity, Gender Parity, or Peace," at Long Last, "For One and All!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Era of Universal Justice, Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, and An Era of Opportunity, Stability, and Security For Our Youth, Peace of Mind, and Peace On Earth!

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!