Saturday, December 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #355

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"In A Historical Vote," Friday The Thirteenth of December 2019 "The House Judiciary Committee Voted to Advance Two Articles of Impeachment" of  "President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America," for; (1) "Abuse of Power," and, (2) "Obstruction of Justice," by "A Vote of Twenty-Three to Seventeen," to "The Full House of Representatives" for "A Final Roll Call Vote," "Before The Nation" in "The Clear Light of Day," and "For All of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "The Earths Populace to See Democracy in Action!" And that, "No One is Above The Law!"

"President Trump is The Third President of The United States of America" to have such "A Dishonorable Distinction Attached to His Term in Office" and "To Be Recorded in The Annals of History in Perpetuity!"

 As The Parallel Universes of Politics and Journalism "Continue to Merge, Clash, Investigate, and Publish" on A Daily Basis "The Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Spheres of Influence Reported," on Tuesday, The Tenth of December 2019, that "Jerrold Lewis Nadler" (U.S. Representative from New York) Chairman of The House Judiciary Committee, "Announced Two Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald John Trump; (1) "Abuse of Power," and, (2) "Obstruction of Justice!"

"Let Us Review The Chronological Data Leading Up" to "Chairman Nadler's Announcement that,"For the last several months the investigative committees of the House have been engaged in an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump's efforts to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 elections. Efforts that compromise our national security and threaten the integrity of our elections. Throughout this inquiry he has threatened to conceal the evidence from Congress and from the American people. 
Our President holds the ultimate public trust, when he betrays that trust and puts himself before country, he endangers our constitution, he endangers our democracy, and he endangers our National Security. 
The Framers of the Constitution prescribed a clear remedy for Presidents who so violate their oath of office, that is the power of impeachment. 

Today in service to our duty to the Constitution, and to our country, the House Committee on the Judiciary is introducing two articles of impeachment charging the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, with Committing High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The First Article is for Abuse of Power. It is an impeachable offense for the President to exercise the powers of his public office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or injuring the National Interest. That is exactly what President Trump did when he solicited and pressured Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 Presidential election. Thus damaging our National Security, undermining the integrity of the next election, and violating his oath to the American People.  
These actions moreover are consistent with President Trump's previous invitations of foreign interference in our 2016 Presidential election. And when he was caught, When the House investigated and opened an impeachment inquiry President Trump engaged in unprecedented, categorical, and indiscriminate defiance of the impeachment inquiry. 

This gives rise to this Second Article of  Impeachment for Obstruction of Congress. Hereto we see a familiar pattern in President Trumps misconduct. A President who declares himself above accountability, above the American people, and above Congresses power of impeachment, which is meant to protect against threats to our democratic institutions, is a President who sees himself as above the law. We must be clear No One not even the President is Above The Law!"

And after "Thanking Chairmen and Chairwomen who Participated in and Helped Lay the Foundation for Drafting These Articles They are Introducing Today," He said, "We do not take this action lightly, but we have taken an oath to defend the Constitution and unlike President Trump we understand that our duty, first and foremost, is to protect the Constitution and to protect the interests of the American people. That is why we must take this solemn step today.

 Elections are the cornerstone of Democracy and are foundational to our rule of law. But the integrity of our next election is at risk from a President who has already sought foreign interference in the 2016 and 2020 elections, and who consistently puts himself above country. That is why we must act now."

And, As The Parallel Universes of "Partisan Politics Continue to Go Head to Head" in "An Intense Struggle over A Move to Vote" on "The Two Articles of Impeachment in The House Judiciary Committee," In A Hearing that "Lasted at Least for Thirteen Hours Filled with Arguments, Criticisms, Accusations Pertinent Facts, Focused Determination, Abhorrent Misconduct, and Misleading Information," and "As The Republicans' were Continuously Defeated in One Vote after Another In Their Partisan Attempts," to "Propose Amendments," that "Would Weaken The Impact of The Two Articles of Impeachment," or "Embarrass The Democrats!" 

"In The End, " As The Full Moon Rose Over The Nation's Capitol, "It Took A Late Night Decision by The Chairman of The House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Lewis Nadler" (D-N.Y.) to "Call Recess and Postpone The Votes," that "Would Allow The Committee to Rest over Night," and have "A Final Vote on Friday, The Thirteenth of December 2019" to "Advance The Articles to The Full House of Representatives" for "A Final Roll Call Vote!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Second of December 2019, The House Republicans Released Their One Hundred and Twenty-Three Page Report Stating that "The Democrats had Not Proven" that President Trump had Committed "evidence of bribery, extortion, or any crime of high misdemeanor."

However, "The Three Hundred Page Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report of The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in Consultation and Coordination with The House Committee on Oversight and Reform and The House Committee on Foreign Affairs of "The Impeachment Inquiry of U.S. President Donald John Trump Totally Rebukes The Republican Report!"

"This Report was Adopted by A Vote of Thirteen to Nine by The House Intelligence Committee, "Accusing President Trump of Abusing His Office" and "Endangering National Security!" 

"This Impeachment Investigation," that Began in September of 2019, "States Unequivocally" that "The impeachment inquiry has found that President Trump, has personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. Government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection. In furtherance of this scheme, President Trump conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations, including one into President Trump's domestic political opponent. In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression is eastern Ukraine.

The President engaged in this course of conduct for the benefit of his own presidential reelection, to harm the election prospects of a political rival, and to influence our nation's upcoming presidential election to his advantage. In doing so, the President placed his own personal and political interests above the national interests of the United States, sought to undermine the integrity of the presidential election process, and endangered U.S. national security. 

Note that, "This Three Hundred Page Report is Very Detailed and Informative and Deserves Reviewing in Full!"

However, "Several Other Paragraphs are Significant in Reference to The Reason to Move Forward with The Impeachment Inquiry" Specifically in regards to President Trump's Previous Actions: "In making the decision to move forward, we were struck by the fact that the President's misconduct was not an isolated occurrence, nor was it the product of a naive president. Instead, the efforts to involve Ukraine in our 2020 election were undertaken by a President who himself was elected in 2016 with the benefit of an unprecedented and sweeping campaign of election interference undertaken by Russia in his favor, and which the President welcomed and utilized.

Having witnessed the degree to which interference by a foreign power in the 2016 election harmed our democracy, President Trump cannot credibly claim ignorance to its pernicious effects. Even more pointedly, the President's July call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, in which he solicited an investigation to damage his most feared opponent, came the day after Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified to Congress about Russia's efforts to damage his 2016 opponent and his urgent warnings of the dangers of further foreign interference in the next election. Within this backdrop, the solicitation of new foreign intervention was the act of a president unbound, not one chastened by experience. It was the act of a president who viewed himself as unaccountable and determined to use his vast official powers to secure his reelection.

This repeated and pervasive threat to our democratic and electoral process added urgency to our work. On October 3, 2019, even as our Committee was engaged in this inquiry, President Trump publicly declared anew that other countries should open investigations into his chief political rival saying, China should start an investigation into the Bidens," and that "President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens."

And, "Several Other Paragraphs" also Stood Out Beginning with; ""By doubling down on his misconduct and declaring that his July 25 call with President Zelensky was "perfect" President Trump has shown a continued willingness to use the power of his office to seek foreign intervention in our next election. His acting Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, in the course of admitting that the President had linked security assistance to Ukraine to the announcement of one of his desired investigations, told the American people to "get over it." 
In these statements and actions, the President became the author of his own impeachment inquiry.

The question presented by the set of facts enumerated in this report may may be as simple as that posed by the President and his chief of staff's brazenness: is the remedy of impeachment warranted by a president who would use the power of his office to coerce foreign interference in a U.S. election, or is that now a mere perk of the office that Americans must simply "get over"?

"Wednesday, The Eleventh," and "Thursday, The Twelfth of December, "The House Judiciary Committee Hearings Continue," until "A Voted to Advance Two Articles of Impeachment" of  "President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America,"  Occurs on Friday, The Thirteenth of December 2019 !"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Day One"- Wednesday, The Fourth of December 2019, " Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Judiciary Committee Began Holding Its First Hearing of The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America!"

"Four Constitutional Law Experts," "Noah Feldman, Pamela Karlan, Michael Gerhardt, and Jonathan Turley," "Testified Before The Committee!"

"The Primary Responsibility of The House Judiciary Committee Will Be to Draft Potential Articles of Impeachment!"

And so "Begins The Next Phase in The Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Day One" of "The House Judiciary Committees First Hearing of The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump, The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America, Ended" with "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi Democrat from California "Making A Statement on The Speakers Balcony, on Thursday, The Fifth of December 2019, "The President leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying, once again, to corrupt, the election for his own benefit," and Speaker Pelosi Continued to say, The President "abused his power for his own personal benefit at the expense of our national security," "in exchange for an announcement of of an investigation of his political rival."

And, Speaker Pelosi Continued, "If we allow a president to be above the law, we do so surely at the peril of our republic."

And, "Sadly but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders, and a heart full of love for America, today I am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment!

"This Statement by Speaker Pelosi Occurred" on Thursday, The Fifth of December 2019, after "Eight Hours of Testimony from Four Constitutional Law Scholars on Wednesday, The Fourth of December 2019," "Three of Which, "Noah R. Feldman, Harvard Law School, Pamela Susan Karlan, Stanford Law School, and Michael J. Gerhardt, University of North Carolina School of Law, Testified Their Beliefs," that "President Trump" had "Committed Impeachable Offences in His Dealings with Ukraine!" Only, "Jonathan Turley," George Washington University School of Law" (Who was Called to Testify by The Republicans) "Disagreed!"

"Constitutional Law Scholar," Michael Gerhardt said, "If what we're talking about is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable."

Thursday, The Fifth of December 2019, President Trump Tweeted, "If you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast, so we can have a fair trial in the Senate, and so that our Country can get back to business."

-(Note that of His Own Accord, "President Trump has Not Agreed to Participate in The House Judiciary Committee Hearings on His Impeachment," and has "Not Allowed White House Officials to Testify!")- 

"The Next Judicial Committee Hearing" on "The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump," The Forty-Fifth President of The United States of America, "Will Occur on Wednesday, The Eleventh of December 2019!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Ninth of December 2019, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Four Hundred and Thirty-Four Page Inspector General Report Revealed" that "The Department of Justice (DOJ) and  The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Probe into The Russia's Interference into The 2016 U.S. Election was Politically Unbiased!"

"Inspector General of The United States Department of Justice Michael E. Horowitz's Report" was "Based on More One Million Documents from The Department of Justice" and "FBI Interviews with More than One Hundred Witnesses!" And, "It Closely Examined The The Procedures for Obtaining The 90 Day Surveillance Warrant and "Renewal for that Warrant for Carter Page (A Trump Aide)!"

"This is Another Important Report of An Investigation of Grand Significance" as "The House Judiciary Committee Continues to Conduct Its Interviews" and "Gather Pertinent Information in Regards to "The Impeachment Inquiry of President Donald John Trump!"

However, "The IG Report also Revealed that The Federal Bureau of Investigation had "Made Seventeen Mistakes in Its Applications to The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and "Withheld Important Information that was Opposite or Erroneous to The Material" that "It Provided to The Department of Justice" and "The Secret U.S. Court in Charge of Approving The Surveillance of Trump Campaign Associates!" Deciding to Rely instead on The Material that It Derived from Christopher Steele," (Refer to The Christopher Steele Dossier) who was "A Former British Intelligence Official!"

However, "The Report Made It Clear" that "There was "No Evidence" that "Political Bias Influenced FBI Decisions in The Investigations!" And, "The FBI" had "Adequate Reason for For Its Investigations" into "The Trump Campaigns Connections to Russia!" 

-(Note that, "Wednesday, The Eleventh of December 2019, "Inspector General Horowitz, Will Be Testifyng Before The House Judiciary Committee!"

And, also "Take Note" that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr Issued A Statement saying, "The F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken."

Global Cross Media News Reports are Christopher Asher Wray, Director of The F.B.I. said "He Accepted All of The Reports Findings!" And that "He had Already Taken Steps to Rectify the Serious Mistakes that IG Horowitz Detailed!"

President Trump Tweeted on Tuesday, The Tenth of December 2019, "I don't know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn't the one given to me. With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest women & men working there!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Tenth of December 2019, "House Speaker Nancy Patricia Pelosi in The Company of Other Prominent House Members Announced" that "They had reached an agreement with the White House on The USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) Trade Deal."

Speaker Pelosi said, "This is a day with all been working to and working for on the path to "Yes." And, Speaker Pelosi also said, "This trade deal is much better than NAFTA. But in terms of our work here, it is infinitely better that what was initially proposed by the administration." 

And, "Speaker Pelosi also "Thanked Chairman of The Ways and Means Committee Richie Neal," (Richard Edmund U.S. Representative from Massachusetts), " and "Richard Trumka The President of the AFL-CIO" (The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations),  "for His Brilliance and Knowledge," and "The Eight Members of  The Task Force" for "Their Leadership on negotiating different segments of the legislation!"

Note that, "Enforcement for Workers Rights," "The Environment," and "The Prescription Drug Issue," were Significant Priorities in This Agreement!"

And so, "The U.S. House of Representatives Continues Their Impressive Work on Legislation" that is "Of Benefit To The America People!"

And now, Just Maybe, "The United States Senate Will Begin to Do Their Job on Behalf of The United States of America" and "the American People!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News reports are Wednesday, The Fourth of December 2019, "The Trump Administration" and "The U.S. Department of Agriculture Finalized A New Rule" that "Will Cut Food Stamp Benefits to Approximately Seven Hundred Thousand Americans under The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)!"

"This New Rule Will Go into Affect on The First of April of 2020" unless "There is Such An Acclaim and Demonstration Against It by The American People" that "This Rule Will Be Forced to Be Rescinded!"

"Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that This is "Not Legislature Passed by The U.S. Congress" "It is Another Executive Rule Authorized by President Trump!"

"Current SNAP Regulations Limit Adults to Three Months of Benefits over A Three Year Period," unless "They Meet The Required Twenty Hours of Work each Week," However, "States who are Still Experiencing High Unemployment Can Waive that Requirement!" 

However, "Let Us Clearly Comprehend" that This Executive Rule Will have A Heartbreaking Negative Affect upon Members of Our Our Families, Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters, and Children, who have "Not Prospered under The Trump Administrations Domestic or Foreign Economic Policies" "Will Be Severely Harmed" by "The Overwhelmingly Callousness of This Presidential Rule!"

"The Question" is "Why!" "Are The Lives of These Fellow Americans and Family Members Unworthy of Government Assistance!" "They are Americans in Need of Empathy," and "The Support of The American Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"It's Not A Government of USDA Secretary George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III or President Donald John Trump!"

And, "It is Unconscionable" that "President Trump and His Administration Continue to Demonstrate A Lack of Concern" "For The Welfare and Lives of Americans who are in Need!"

"Is It Because He is A Billionaire" and has "Never Walked in The Shoes of Americans who have Experienced Economic Difficulties in Their Lives," and are "Living Below The Poverty Line," or "Barely Above It," from "Which They have Not Yet Recovered from!"

Or, "Is It Because The U.S. Economy is Slowing Down Because of The Trade War of Hubris" "Between President Trump and President Xi Jinping of The Peoples Republic of China!" 
"A Trade War" that has "Caused Severe Harm to The Farm Community All Across The United States!"

And, "These Cutbacks Will Reduce What?" "A Very Small Portion of The U.S. Debt" or "Deficit!" "There Simply is No Logic, Practicality or Compassion to This New Rule" that "Threatens The Lives and Livelihood of Hundred's of Thousands of Americans!"

And, "Let's Again, Clearly Comprehend that "These Americans who Will Be Adversely Affected" are "Not Strangers!" "They are Our Fellow Americans!" And, "They are," in Many Unfortunate Cases, "The Poor and Disenfranchised, Living in Transient Conditions!"

And, "Referring to Them as Able Bodied Adults without Children," "Simply Does Not Validate Taking Food away from Them!" "Nor, Is This Helping or Empowering Them," "This is Punishing Them!"

"The Billie Holiday Composition Rings out All to Clearly in my Mind, " Them that's got shall have them that's got shall lose," and "This Must Change!"

And, "We The People Must Contact Our Local, State, and Federal Elected Officials," and "Demonstrate, March, Email, Text, Call," and "Send Out Correspondence Against This Heartless Rule Against Our Fellow American," and "Our Children!" "For We Must Defend and Protect Them Against Presidential Rules," and "Government Policies," that are "Cruel, Illogical, Insensitive" and "Lack in Universal Cognition!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
"For A New Correction and Change to Come in Our Lives," "We Must Act as One Magnificent Soul Force Of The People of All The People," and "Non-Violently Make Our Voices, Feelings, Opinions, Beliefs, and Ideas Heard Above The Din of False Campaign Slogans and Promises," and "In Defense of  Our Traditions, Rights, Ethics, Freedom, Unification, Democratic Way of Life, Universal Cognition, and Laws of The Land!"

As The Parallel Universe of "This New Era of Politics, Economics and Finances, Global Trade Agreements, National Debts and Deficits Continue" to "Unnerve The Governments of Sovereign Nations Earthwide," and "Cause The Global Markets to Rise and Fall," like "A Universal Roller Coaster of Risks, and Slow Growth (an Profits)," and In Doing so "Threaten The Social Security and Stability of The Earths Civilizations," "One Would Think that French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic  Macron," An Intelligent and Instinctive Politician and Financier," and "His Prime Minister Edouard Charles Philippe" "Would have Learned Their Lessons" from "Last Years Protests of The Yellow Vests!"

However, "Even More Importantly" is, "Before Shaking Up France's Pension System," and "Drawing The Anger of Estimates as High as" "A Half a Million Frenchmen and Women All Across The Nation," that "Included Hospital Workers, Teachers, Civil Servants, and Union Workers," and "A Broad Spectrum of Citizens" who are "Deeply Concerned with His Plan to Merge France's Forty-Two Pension Systems into One State Managed System!"
("The Complexity" of Which "Is Immeasurable" by "Any Intellectual and/or Financial Standards," or "Comprehension of Such a Plan!")

"Before Announcing," as "President Macron Did on Thursday, The Fifth of December 2019," or "Attempting to Engage in A Project of This Magnitude," that "Would have A Dramatic Affect upon The People of France," One Would Expect that "Anyone Contemplating such a Life Changing Adjustment Would," without, "A Second Thought," "Believe that They had Earned the Absolute Trust and Respect of Those" "Who Would Be Most Directly Affected by This New Pension System!"
 "Which by The Sentiment" as "Expressed in France, on December The Fifth," Simply is Not The Case" in "Regards to President Macron!"

"France is Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Governance," and "President Macron (and Prime Minister Philippe) have "A Great Challenge Ahead of Themselves" to "Show The Merit of This New Pension System to The French People!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that "Timing is A Significant Element to The Successful Presentation A New Proposal Whatever It May Be," and "President Macron's Sense of Timing May have Backfired on Him!"

"It is Now Up to President Macron" to "Take Immediate Steps to Build New Bridges of Communication with Union Leaders," "Opposition Leaders," and "Most Importantly The People of France!" And to "Listen to Their Concerns and Fears," Before Engaging into Any Further Plans" to "Move Forward" with "His State Managed Pension System!"

"It's A Time for Good Will to Win The Day," and "Embrace, Empower, and Provide Social Security," and "Pension Security," For  "All of The Lives of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earths Sovereign Coalition of United Peace Loving Nations!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The NATO Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was "Celebrating The Seventieth Anniversary of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Tuesday, The Tenth of December 2019 was Canceled," "Due to U.S. Criticism of The Keynote Speaker Stanley R. Sloan" (A NATO Expert, Former CIA Analyst, and a Fellow at The Atlantic Council), was "Accused on Making Anti-Trump Statements by U.S. Ambassador to Denmark Carla Sands (Former Actress, Businesswoman, Chiropractor, Investor, and American Diplomat)!"

"The Secretary-General of The Danish Council Lars Bangert Struve is Reported" to have said, "We have all the time known that Mr. Sloan has a critical approach towards President Donald Trump," and He also said, "That is no secret, especially when following his Twitter and Facebook profile. We have, however, never doubted that Mr. Sloan at our conference would deliver an unpolitical and objective lecture."

-(Note that, Sunday, The Eighth of December 2019, "Secretary-General of The Danish Council Lars Bangert Struve" Tweeted that, "The Entire Event had Been Canceled" saying, "The process had become too problematic.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Eleventh of December 2019, "Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General of The United States Department of Justice Testified Before The House Judiciary Committee for Six Hours," and "Answered Questions and Elaborated on The IG Report!"

And, "While The Inspector General Did Not Support President Trump's Tweet," on Tuesday, The Tenth of December 2019, In Which One of The Comments The President Made was, "the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest women & men working there," "He Did Voice Sharp Criticism of The Agency," and "Especially The Crossfire Hurricane Team!"

"IG Horowitz's Opening Statement Began" with "In July 2016, after then FBI Director James Comey had announced the conclusion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) "Mid Year Exam" investigation into presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's handling of government emails during her tenure as Secretary of State, the FBI received reporting from a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) that in a May 2016 meeting with the FFG, Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could assist in the election process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to candidate Clinton and President Obama. Days later, on July 31, the FBI initiated the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation that is the subject of our report."

 -(Note that, "George Papadopoulos was Arrested on July 27, 2017 and "Cooperated with Robert Mueller's Investigations. And, On The Fifth of October 2017 "Pleaded Guilty" for "Making False Statements to FBI Agents on Part of A Guilty Plea Bargain," and was "Sentenced to; (1) Serve Fourteen Days in Prison, (2) Twelve Months of Supervised Release, (3) Two Hundred Hours of Community Service, and, (4) A Fine of Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars!")-   

And, Inspector General Horowitz also Stated, "We were deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, hand picked investigative teams; on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations; after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI; even though the information sought through use of the of FISA authority related so closely to an ongoing presidential campaign; and even thought those included in the investigation knew that their actions were likely to be subjected to close scrutiny. We believe this circumstance reflects a failure not just by those who prepared the FISA applications, but also by the managers and supervisors in the Crossfire Hurricane chain of Command, including FBI senior officials who were briefed as the investigation progressed."

And, IG Horowitz also stated "In the preparation of FISA applications to surveil Carter Page, the Crossfire Hurricane Team failed to comply with FBI policy, and in doing so fell short of what is rightfully expected from a premier law enforcement agency, entrusted with such an intrusive surveillance tool.    "The Federal Bureau of Investigations" (FBI), "Saying that "We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias was or improper motivation influenced his decision."

Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives-
"Inspector General "Michael E. Horowitz's Report, Statement, and Testimony Before The House Judiciary Committee was Informative and Detailed, and His Recommendations to The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Will Provide Significant Improvements to This Prominent Agencies Continued Service and Defense of The United States of America" from "Foreign Entities who Threaten The Nation," "Its Constitutional Laws," and "The Sovereignty of The Nation," and "For The Lives of All Americans to Live as A Free People of A Great Democracy, Republic and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Importance for All Americans to Fully Comprehend" that "This Inspector General Report and Testimony Does Not Change The Fact" that "Russia" (Not Ukraine) "Violated The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," and "Interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election," "Which Elected Donald John Trump as The Forty-Fifth President of The United States!"

As The Sun Set's O'er The United Kingdom, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and His Conservative Party Won A Resounding Victory in The December Twelfth U.K. Elections," Winning Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Seats," (at Last Count), and "Providing Them with A Commanding Majority in The U.K. Parliament!" And, "Proving that The Prime Minister's Qualculations and Political Instincts for Calling for The Early Election were Correct!"

And, "Now Prime Minister Johnson's True Test of Character and Leadership," and "His Vision of One Nation," "Will Go Through Its Strongest Test," for as The Saying Goes, "Action Speaks Louder than Words," and "A True Vision" that "Embraces, Empowers, and that "Is Inclusive of All The People," is "A Worthy Vision and Political Policy," If "Honored by Unbiased, Impartial, and Non-Partisan Public Service!"

-(Note that "The Labour Party Won Two Hundred and Three Seats,"and "The Scottish National Party Won Forty-Eight Seats," and "Liberal Democrats Eleven Seats," and "Democratic Unionist Party Won Eight Seats," and "Sinn Fein Won Seven Seats," and "Plaid Cymru Won Four Seats," and "Green Party Won One Seat," and "The Brexit Party" Won None," at Last Count!)-

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, and Global Perspectives"-
Based on The Election Results in The United Kingdom on Thursday, The Twelfth of December 2019, "It Seems Clear" that "The Voting Electorate of The United Kingdom has Rejected The Labour Party! "And "Does Not Believe" that "Labour Can Provide The Necessary Leadership and Character to Lead The U.K into 2020!"

And, "To Compound This Election Loss" is "The Obvious Fact," that "Jeremy Corbyn's Leadership and Vision for The United Kingdom" is "Not Inspiring, Vigorous, or Spirited Enough" to "Provide The Bold Leadership and Direction that The Labour Party Needs" to "Surmount The Lack of Confidence that Exists Towards Their Policies and Idea's for The Citizens of The United Kingdom!"

And Lastly, "Change Does Not Come Easily For A Great Nation," Its People," and "It's Leaders," "Especially When It Involves The Lives and Fate of All The People!" 

And, "As It is In A Democracy," "It Will Take A Vote of Confidence Of The People, By The People, and For The People" to "Bring A Positive Change," that "Is Beneficial, Empowering, and Inspiring to All The People," and "Provides Them and Their Families with Social Security in Their Lives," and "Trust and Belief in In Their Elected Officials!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Sixth" in "The Series of Twelve Democratic Party Debates Scheduled for the 2020 Presidential Election," of "Democratic Candidates who have Met The Qualifications Set Up by The Democratic National Committee," (DNC) by, 
(1) "Attaining A Minimum of Four Percent Support" in at Least "Four Eligible National or Early State Polls," such as "Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and/or Nevada," or,
(2) "Six Percent Support in Two Eligible State-Level Polls," and, 
(3) "Received Campaign Contributions" from "Two Hundred Thousand Unique Individual Donors," "Will Be Hosted by PBS NewsHour, and Politico," on "Thursday, The Nineteenth of December 2019," from "Gersten Pavilion at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California!" And, "Broadcast on PBS CNN, PBS International, CNN en Espanol, and Streamed on's Homepage,'s Home Page, and's Homepage!"    
"The Moderators Will Be Judy Woodruff, Tim Alberta, Amna Nawaz, and Yamiche Alcindor!"

 "At Present Six Democrats have Met These DNC Qualifications!

And, "The Six Candidates" are "In Alphabetical Order,"
(1) Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. from Pennsylvania!
(2) Mayor Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg from South Bend Indiana!
(3) Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar from Minnesota! (4) Senator Bernard (Bernie) Sanders from Vermont!
(5) Billionaire/Hedge Fund Manager/Philanthropist/Fund Raiser/Environmentalist Thomas Fahr Steyer from California! 
(6) Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren from Massachusetts!

And, Once Again, "The Curtain Will Rise on "Yet Another Challenging Evening of Debate and Discourse Between These Six Candidates" who are "Campaigning For Their Party's Nomination" for "President of The United States of America!"

And, "The 2020 Presidential Election," Will "Provide An Opportunity for Each and Every American Citizen of Voting Age" to "Engage in, Sustain, Encourage, Maintain, Empower, Vote for, and Perpetuate" "A New Political," and "Sociological, Cognition," and "Cultural Change in The United States," without "Foreign Interference," or "Cyber Crimes!"

And, "This Exciting Political Season Showcasing The Idea's, Policies, Demeanor, Comportment, Passion, Character, Intelligence, and Experience" of "These Six Interdependent Democrats," "Will also Be On Display" via "The Global Platforms of The Social Media," and "The Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate," "Radio News Programs," "Entertainment Programs," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Universes!"

As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The Sovereign State of Israel, Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Twenty-First of November 2019 "Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit Announced" that "Benjamin Netanyahu is to Stand Trial" on "Charges of  Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust Stemming from "Three Long-Running Corruption Cases!" "Becoming The First Sitting Israeli Prime Minister to Be Charged with Criminal Wrongdoing!"

And, "Although Benjamin "Benny" Gantz, Leader of The Blue White," The Colors of The Israeli National Flag, (Former Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces from 2011 to 2015) has Previously said, " I would form a liberal unity government and that is what I intend to do,"As of Friday, The Twenty-Second of November 2019 "He has Been Unsuccessful" in "Doing so," ("This After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," Chairman of Likud (National Liberal Movement) also "Failed to Do so")-

-(Note that, "This is The First Time" that "Someone Other than Prime Minister Netanhayu had Been Given Such A Mandate since 2009!")-

And, "After A Virtual Tie Occurred Between Benjamin Netanyahu and His Likud Party" and "Benjamin Gantz and His Blue and White" "Occurred in "The Second Legislative Elections" on "The Seventeenth of September 2019," with "Blue and White Winning Thirty-Three Seats" and "Likud Thirty-Two," "The Question" is; (1) "Will A Third Candidate Emerge" or, (2) "Will There Be A Third National Election!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias "These Four Words, "To Honor and Serve," have "Been a Fundamental Part" of "The Core Foundations" "Rich Traditions," and "Cultures of The Earths Sovereign Nations of Peace Loving Societies and Countries All Across This," "Our Home Planet Earth!"

And, "Whomever You May Be," or "Whether You May Be," "A Public Servant, Civil Servant, First Responder, Emergency Rescuer, Spiritual or Religious Devotee, Philanthropist, Doctor or Nurse without Borders, Environmental and Ecological Activist and Advocate, or Member of The Peace Corps, or Anti-Poverty, or Gender Rights Advocate or Activist, or Member of The Armed Forces, or Law Enforcement Official," "To Honor and Serve" Should Be "The Mantra," and "Code of Honor You Hold in Your Highest Esteem!"

And, "To Pass This Code D'Honneur"along "To Each New Generation" via "The Boundless Outlets," Streams of Information," and "Communication Platforms of The Social Media," in "Our Homes, Schools, Libraries, Entertainment Platforms, Cultural, Philosophical, and Global Cross Media Universes of Influence and Eloquence," is "Of The Greatest Significance" to "The Continued Evolution and Maturity" of "The Earths Diverse Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric Of, By, and For The People!"
 And, "This is The Universal Inheritance" that "We The People of This Planet Earth," "Should Be Freely, Openly, and Joyfully, Sharing with Them!"

Along with "Love For One's Family, Social Security, Good Friendships," and "An Education Full" with "True Accounts of Historical Data and Events, Academics, and Universal Cognition!"
"Utilizing All Their Senses To The Highest Degree" of "Perceptivity, Ingenuity, Insightfulness, and Intuition within "A Universal Constitution of Solar Axioms," and "Global Equilibre!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age and Era of Peace, Justice, Faith, Truth, Compassion, Social Security, Purpose, Honesty, and Reason to Believe, Love, Good Friendship, and The Pursuit of Happiness, Opportunity, and A True Justification for Being Here and Now on This, "Our Home Planet Earth!" 

-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being. And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair and Trauma!

And To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Natural Disaster, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!