Monday, October 15, 2018



The Way To Peace! #327

"As President Trump Continues to Campaign Across The United States to Advance His Agenda," and "Take A Victory Lap for The Confirmation of Judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh as An Associate Justice of The  Supreme Court,  and "In Support of Republican Candidates  in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," Looking Back on "The Kavanaugh Nomination Process," It is Essential to Remember that, "All We Asked for" was, "A Vote of Conscience and Truth," and "A Vote," that "Should have Transcended Party Ideology," or "Party Loyalty!"  

"A Vote" by "One Hundred Members of The U.S. Senate," As "True Representatives of A Great Nation, Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," that "Reflected A Maturity, Cognizance, Understanding," and "A Principled Calling!" 

And, "A Vote" that "Protected The Integrity of The Highest Court in The Land," "The Supreme Court of The United States of America," that "Would Prevent The Court from Becoming Yet Another Example" of "A Political System" that is "Dominated" by "The Disrespectful and Vituperative Rhetoric and Policies of Partisan Politics!" 

"All that We The People Asked for" was, "A Vote" that "Our Founders Would have Been Proud of!"

And, "A Vote" that The Youth of America Would Be Proud of!"

And, "A Vote" Based on "The Facts of Judge Kavanaugh's Career and Life!"

"The Fifty to Forty-Eight Vote Reflects A Nation Divided!" However, "Let's Agree" to "Move Forward," and "Re-Focus Our Resolve upon," The Fact that "The Final Votes Cast in The 2018 Mid-Term and 20/20 Elections," Will Be "Just As Important to The Lives and Future of The American People!" 

However, "This Historical Moment Will have A Profound Affect upon The Branches of The Judiciary, The Legislature, and The White House," and "The Lives of  The American People For Present and Future Generations to Come!" 

And, "Historians of Jurisprudence," and "Scholars who have Studied The Democratic Principles of America," Will "Look Back on This Nomination Process to Become An Associate Justice of The Supreme Court in The United States, with "Great Interest and Great Perturbation!" 

And, "There is No Doubt" that "All who are United" and "Believe in All that America Symbolizes and Stands for," Amongst The Global Community of Sovereign Nations, "Will Look Forward with Great Anticipation Towards The Choices Americans Will Make in The Future," and "For The Sake of Peace and Justice For One and All," and "In Respect and Reverence For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The Earths Populace of Sovereign Citizens!"

-(Note that, Saturday, The Sixth of October 2018 Judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh was "Sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.! "Retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy was also in Attendance!")-

-(Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump Told Reporters," Aboard Air Force One, as "He was Watching The Senate Vote on TV" that "He's (Referring to Judge Kavanaugh) going to go down as a totally brilliant Supreme Court Justice for many years.")

"As The Parallel Sphere's of Politics, Justice, and Government Continue to Evolve," and are "At Times In Conflict with or In Agreement" with "The Will Of The People," "A Fundamental Difference Between Living in A Democracy and/or Under Authoritarian Rule is, that "For One Important Example" "Living in A Democracy," "Dr. Christine Margaret Blasey Ford 51," a "Professor of Psychology" at Palo Alto University in California, and a Research Psychologist at The Stanford University School of Medicine, Married with Two Children since 2002, and "Julie Swetnick 55," a "Professional Web Developer," in the Washington D.C. Area, and "Deborah Ramirez 53," a "Volunteer Coordinator," at Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services in Colorado, and Board Member at Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN) and "Married for More than A Decade," Can Still Pursue Their Accusations of Alleged Sexual Assault Against Now Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Michael Kavanaugh, in "A Criminal or Civil Court of Law," Should They Wish to, "As in The Bill Cosby Case!" Whereas, "One is Not Guaranteed of This Civil Right" "Living Under Authoritarian Rule!"

And Yes, As in The Cosby Case, "It May Take Years Before A Satisfactory Result May Be Ruled on," and "Possibly Others Will have to Come Forth to Bear Out The Facts of Their Separate Individual Cases," But, "In The End, These Three Women Will have Their Day in Court," and "All The Evidence Will Be Heard," and "The Truth Will Be Served to Their Satisfaction," and of course, "For Justice Kavanaugh!"

And, "Whether or Not The Democratic Party "Should Reclaim A Majority in Both The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives As A Result of The 2018 Mid-Term Elections" "They Can Still Pursue The Possibility of Impeaching Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh," "Over Allegations that He May have Committed Perjury When He Gave His Testimony During His Hearing," "Before The Senate Judiciary Committee!" 

And, In Doing so, "Advance The Process of Learning The Whole Truth," and "Preserving The Honor Of The Nation," and "The Integrity of The Nations Judicial System," and then "We The People Will Be Well Served," and "The Law of The Land and The Vision of The Founders Will Remain Intact," and "The Democracy Will Be Preserved For The Sake of Future Generations and The Present!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News -"Inconsistencies with The Principles of The United States of America and Living Conditions in The U.S.")- 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The United States Economy Added One Hundred and Thirty-Four Thousand Job's," in September 2018 Jobs Report, "Released on Friday, The Fifth of October!"

 And, "Unemployment Figures Dropped to 3.7%," "The Lowest Unemployment has Been Since December of 1969!" 

And, "Labor Force Participation is at Sixty-Seven Per Cent!" While "Average Hourly Earnings Rose 0.3%, Above Last Months Figures!" And, "Nonfarm Payrolls," were "Estimated to Rise by One Hundred and Eighty-Five Thousand!" 

And, "While The Trump Administration May Be Satisfied," and "Even Take Pride in These New Figures,"  "It Doesn't Help Clothe or Feed The Millions of American Children Living in Poverty," and "It Doesn't Improve The Living Conditions for The Fifteen Million American Families," who are "Living Below The Poverty Line!"

Nor, "Does It Eliminate The Hardship or Change The Living Conditions," that "The Homeless and Transient American Population are Living Under," in The United States!

"What This New Job Report Does Reflect" Is "The Inconsistencies of Living in The United States!" 

And, "Taking All of This Extra Noteworthy News into Full Contemplation and Comprehension," Let's Be Honest with Each Other," "This Job Report Isn't Enough For Ten's of Million's of Americans" to "Trust or have Faith in President Trump's Make America Great Campaign!"  

And, "One Wonders," "Exactly What Does The Republican Party of Former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Senators Robert Dole, and John McCain, and Member of The House of Representatives Jack Kemp Stand for," and "What Would The GOP Like The Youth Of America to Believe in," "Half Truths and Lies!"

And, "This New Job Report," "Has Not Returned The Four Hundred and Nineteen Migrant Children," Who have "Been Living in U.S. Detention Centers Against Their Will," "Back to Their Parents and Families," that "The Zero Tolerance Policy of President Trump," and "His Administration," has "Immorally and Illegally Instituted!"

Nor, "Has It Brought An End to The Ceaseless Attacks Made by President Trump and His Administration Upon Special Counsel Robert Mueller and The Russian Investigation, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein,  U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions," and "Other Respected Officials of The Intelligence Agencies, The Fourth Estate, The Fed, The United Nations, and The Global Cross Media News Universe!"

-("The Use The Bully Pulpit," and "Social Media," During The Two Years of His Presidency, as "His Intimidation, and/or Attack Vehicle," is at Times, "Beyond The Contemplation or Imagining of What A President of The United States is Supposed to Act Like!")-

And, "This New Job Report "Has Not Reduced The Trillion Dollar Debt of The United States," "Demonstrating that The President's Tax Reform Policy," is "Not Reducing," or having "A Positive Affect on The U.S. Deficit!" 

-("The U.S. Debt has Been Estimated to Reach Twenty-Nine Trillion Dollars by 2028," If "The Federal Government Continues On Its Current Course" as "Predicted by The Non-Partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)")-

Nor, "Did This New Job Report Prevent Wall Street from Closing 831.83 Points Lower" on Wednesday, The Tenth of October 2018! Making It "The Worst One Day Crash" of "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)" and "Standard and Poor's 500," Since "February 2018." 

And, "The Worst Single Day Sell Off" for "The National Association of Securities Dealers and Automated Quotations exchange," (Nasdaq) Since "The Twenty-Fourth of June 2016!"   

And, "Let's Agree" that  This New Job Report "Will Not Take The Weight of This Debt Off of The Shoulders of Current and Future Generations of Americans!"

Nor, "Has It Taken away The Pressure and Stress that American Farmers are Experiencing," "Because of The Trade War with The People's Republic of China," (It's Not a Skirmish)!  

Nor, "Has It Changed The Opinion of Ten's of Millions of Americans," who have "Always Expected Their Presidents to Respect, Personify, and Represent The Principles, Law of The Land, and The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, "This New Job Report" "Has Not Diminished The American People's Demand For The Truth to Be Told," and "For President Trump to Answer All The Questions," that "Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Given To The Presidents Attorneys for Answering," in Regards to Russia's Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election," and "The Trump Campaign!"

And, "While The Question" of Who Wrote The September 5, 2018 New York Times Op-Ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance inside the Trump Administration," written by Anonymous (a Senior Aid of The Trump Administration), has of "Yet Not Been Divulged," Still "It's Description of The Alleged Workings of President Trump and His Administration," are "Reasons to Give One Pause," and "Wonder Exactly What is The Truth," and "No Single Job Report Can Change that!"

-(Note that, "Lesley Stahl's 60 Minutes Exclusive Interview with President Trump on CBS News," Sunday, The Fourteenth of October 2018, "Provided America with An Up Close View" of "The Pros and Cons of His Presidency!" 
And, As The Saying Goes, "For Better or For Worst," "Whether You Agree or Disagree with His Policies," and "His Approach of Being President of The United States (POTUS),"), "This Interview Will Show All of The Reasons Why You Voted For or Against Him!")

"Let's Agree" that "The 2018 Mid-Term Elections" Will "Provide The Citizens Of The United States Of America," with "A Clear Opportunity to "Express Their Opinions," and "Decide Whether or Not," "The Time has Come" to "Make A Universal Correction in Governance of The Nation!"

However, "Let's One and All Agree" that There has "been Too Much Negativity," and "Too Much of A State of Amorphous, Distrust, and Divisive Policies," that have "Divided The Nation!"

"As The Sun Sets in The Skies of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations," "Let Us Find Solace, and Soul Strength in The Words, Idea's, Thoughts, and Actions of The Voices of Reason and Diplomacy, and The Peacemakers," "For Their Inspiration, Purpose, Earthrise Vision, Reason to Believe," and "A Universal Sense of Global Equilibre, Perceptivity, Social Security," and "Respect and Reverence for Our Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings of Our Blue Planet Home, Earth!"

"The Policies of Global Expansion of The People's Republic of China, and The Russian Federation," are "Not Advancing The Global Agenda's of The Global Sovereign Nations who are Striving to Advance A Global Agenda of Equilibre and Partnerships that are of Benefit to All The Earths Populace!"

"China's One Belt and One Road Foreign Policy and Economic Strategy" (OBOR), is "No More than An Economic, Militaristic, Cyber, and Territorial Initiative and Strategy to Control The South China Sea, Taiwan," and/or "Any Sovereign Nation," who "Stands in Their Way!" 
It is Not An Example of "The Golden Rule," "Taught by Confucius," or "The Tao-Te-Ching" (The Book of the Way and its Virtue) "Taught by Lao-Tzu," It is "Just Another Example" of "A One China-One-Man-Rule Foreign and Domestic Policy!"

And, "The Sovereign Nations Engaged in Wars and Ongoing Conflicts in The Middle East Appear to Lack An Earthwise Vision," of "How to End Their Military Incursions from One Sovereign Nation to Another," and "Re-Focus Their Attention on A Peaceful and All Inclusiveness of All The People," Living in Peace and Harmony," and "Establishing and Building A Lasting Prosperity, with Each Other, and "An Overriding Tenet," that "Teaches One and All to Honor and Respect One Another," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, As The Parallel Sphere's of Global Influences Continue to have A Positive, Negative, or Neutral Affect On All of Our Lives," It is Important For "The Mosaic of Sovereign Nations," that "Comprise The European Union" (EU) to "Continue to Establish A Pro-Active Agenda" that Fills in The Void Created by The United States in Regards to (1) A Fair, Just and All-Encompassing Immigration Policy, (2) Maintaining The Iran Nuclear Agreement, and In Fact, Upgrading It to Include "A New Perspective of Collaboration and Cooperation," between "All of The Conflictive Sovereign Nations Involved in Wars and Conflicts in The Middle East," and "The Elimination of Terrorist Factions," and "Syndicates of Criminals, Rapists, Kidnappers, Torturers," or "Any Militaristic Faction or Sovereign Nation," who has "Been Bent upon Creating An Atmosphere of Irreconcilable Middle Eastern Policies of Destabilization, and Oppression," and have "Actively and/or Covertly Attempted to Subvert The Peace Process, and "Committed A Crimes Against Humanity," and "Inflicted Pain and Sufferance upon The People," and "Forced Millions upon Millions Of People," (Mothers, Fathers, Sons, and Daughters) to "Flee Their Homes in Fear of Death and Destruction!" (3) Become More Attentive to The Sociological, Economic, and Political Affairs of The Sovereign Nations of Africa, and Increase Development and Educational Opportunities in The Public Sector, and Put Forth A Peace Agenda that Builds Concrete Bridges of Amity and Relevancy between African Nations and The EU, and Lays The Foundation for Cultural Evolution, Economic Parity, and Equal Rights for One and All! (4) And, Continue to Build upon The Political and Economical Vision of The European Union, While Simultaneously Empowering The People of Each Sovereign Nation," and "Providing Them with A Real Sense of Being Included, and Making Sure that The More than Five Hundred and Ten Million People are Cared for, Protected, and Provided with The Social Security that They are Deserving of! (5) And, Continue to Develop Policies that are Convincing, Progressive, Cognitive, Assuring, and Realistic, Demonstrating The Dangers and Pitfalls of One-Man-Rule, and One-Party-Rule Forms of Authoritarian Governance!

"It is of The Greatest Importance" that "The Union Of The People, By The People, and For All The People Be The Primary Concern" of "All The Leaders of The European Union," and "German Chancellor Angela Merkel" and "French President Emmanuel Macron" "Must Continue to Speak Out In The Name of All The People," and "The EU!"

And, "The United Kingdom Must Re-Examine Its Brexit Stance!" There is (1) "No Dishonor in A New Vote," or (2) "In Making A Cognitive Review of This Highly Consequential Decision," "Decided upon by The Slimmest of Margins," (51.9% to 48.1% Percent with London, Scotland and Northern Ireland Voting Overwhelmingly in Favor of Remaining in The EU) even at "This Late Date in Time!"

Global Cross Media Reports are "At An Event at Thomson Reuters in London," on Thursday, The Eleventh of October 2018 "Tony Blair," Former Labour Party Prime Minister (from 1997 to 2007) "Told Reporters" that "I think the odds are now fifty percent that you will get another (referendum) vote."

The Former Prime Minister also said "I still believe that i is possible Brexit is stopped." And that, "There is no majority in Parliament for any proposition that the Prime Minister brings back."  

And, "The Question" For A New Vote Could Ask, "Whether Voters Wanted to Exit without a Deal or Stay in a Reformed EU and Offer New Membership Terms." And, It is also Reported that He said "EU Leaders Would Be Willing to Reform The Bloc."

-(Note that Conservative Party Prime Minister Theresa May has said "There Will Be No New Referendum,")-

-(Note that Global Cross Media Reports are As of Monday, The Fifteenth of October 2018 "Talks between High Level Negotiators of The EU and United Kingdom have Broken Down After Taking Place for Little More than One Hour!")-

"The True Question" is "Will The Voters Demand A New Referendum Vote!"

"Let's Find Agreement" in "The Importance of Sovereign Nations Working Together to Advance Peace, Economic Parity and Global Stability" is "The Tapestry of Global Equilibre," that is "Needed to Calm The Emotional Perspective," and "Mental Tranquility, Economic Security, and Spiritual, Religious, and Cognitive Sphere's of Sociological Issues and Affairs," that "The Earths Populace Experiences on a Daily Basis!"

And, "Let's Agree" that, "Brexit" has "Not Contributed to This Calming," Whether It Be "Emotionally, Mentally, Tranquilly, Economically, Spiritually, Religiously, or Cognitively!" In Fact, "It has Caused An Ongoing Discourse and State of Disagreement," that has "Led to An Ongoing  Political and Sociological Imbalance," "In and Amongst The Public and Private Sectors!"   

And, This is "The Time to Be Building Bridges and Cementing Relations between All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" It is "Not The Time to Be Withdrawing or Exiting" from "Being a Sovereign Partner of The Earths Landscape and Panorama of Nations!"          

And, "The Divisiveness and Vindictiveness in Our Communities and Sovereign Nations Must End!" 

And, "It is The Responsibility of Every Family of The Global Sovereign Nations to Teach Their Children The Truth," and "Where The History of The Humanity has Taken A Disastrous Path of Action," Because of Lust, Greed, Hubris, and Imperialistic Power Impulses," and that "We are One and All of The Same DNA," "Imbued with A Human Genome whose Nucleotides are Made Up of A Universe of Chromosomes," that "If Permitted and Taught Honestly Can Lay The Path For A Cognizant Universal Enlightenment," that "Embraces and Empowers The Youth of The Earth," and "Provides Each and Every New Born Child," with "An Opportunity to Live Their Lives in Security and Harmony with Each Other!" 

And, In Doing so, "Providing For The Global Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The All The People," with "A Just, Purposeful, and Unified State of Existence," and In Doing so, "Teaching and Sharing with The Earth's Populace The Importance of Being The Conservators and Protector's of The Grand Ecology and Environmental Sphere's of Being" that also "Make Up The Sentient Life Forms of This Planet Earth," "Our Blue Home, Earth!" 

And, "This is A Global Equation of Equilibre" that "Should Embody The New Normalization of The The Twenty-First Millennia!" 

And, "It's Synergy Should Embody, Personify, and Epitomize, "The Limitless Grand Soul Strength and Soul Force Of The Earth''s Sociological Universe of Human Affairs as They Present Themselves," and "The Grand Intelligence and Enlightenment of The Cosmos," and "The Innumerous Bodies of The Grand Universe!"

"A Synergy of Empirical, Experiential, Understanding, and Cognitive Awareness," and "An Interdependency of Unlimited Universal Proportions," that "Embraces One and All!"

And, "Think of It," "This All Lies within The Universe of Chromosomes with The Nucleotides of One's Being!"

And, "As The Parallel Sphere's of Sociological Influences, and "Politics," and "The Foreign and Domestic Affairs of Sovereign Nations," Continue to "Be Featured and Spotlighted in "The Headlines and Bylines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Universes," and "Communication and Information Platforms," and "Social Engines," The Attacks upon Journalists Seeking The Truth and Accuracy of A Story or Subject of Interest Continues" to "Present New Casualties and Disappearances," Such as; "Missing Journalist Jamal Khashoggi," a Columnist for The Washington Post,"Who After Entering a Saudi Consulate in Istanbul Turkey on Tuesday, The Second of October 2018 (to Obtain Paperwork that Would Permit Him to Marry His Finance, Hatice Cengiz ) "Never Re-Emerged" and "has Disappeared!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are on Thursday, The Eleventh of October 2018 "Turkish Authorities" have "Claimed They have An Audio and Video Recordings of Mr. Khashoggi," "Being Interrogated, Tortured, and Killed!"

If True, "This is Another Senseless Attack upon A Member of The Fourth Estate!" And, If True, "The Question" Why This Occurred "May Be Because Mr. Khashoggi," who was Previous A Former Saudi Royal Insider, "Criticized The Regime," and "Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman!"

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Told CNBC that "He still planned to attend the Riyadh Summit, (Saudi Future initiative conference Hosted by The Crown Prince, Known as "Davos in the Desert," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Third of October 2018) despite concerns about Khashoggi's status."

However, "CNN, who was a Media Partner for The Event, and Richard Branson," and "Several Other Global Business Leaders, and Attendees," have also "Cancelled Their Intentions to Attend The Conference!"

And, "Whatever Plans Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has had To Modernize Saudi Arabia" has "Been Seriously Affected by The Events Surrounding The Disappearance of Mr. Khashoggi," and "Now This New Global Cross Media News Report "Alleging that Mr. Khashoggi was Murdered in The Saudi Consulate," Will only "Add to The Fallout" and "Negativity!"

"What is Most Concerning" is "How The Fourth Estate is Being Targeted in Election Campaigns by Candidates and Nominees," or "Whenever A Political Leader," or "Leader of A Sovereign Nation Decides to Use The Media as Their Personal Punching Bag to Arouse Their Base," or "Use The Power of The Bully Pulpit to Attack Them," and that "Includes, Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, News Programs, Journalists, Commentators or "Whomever The Target of The Day or Week May Be!" 
And, "This Occurs Especially Whenever Someone Feels" that "They are Being Unfairly Featured or Reported on in The Media!"

And, "It is Unfortunate," that "So Many People are Fooled by These Attacks upon The Media, Because, In The End, "Too Many Member's of The Fourth Estate," and The Global Cross Media News Universe, Pay The Price," Sometimes with The Loss of Their Lives!"

"Mr. Khashoggi Told A BBC Reporter Three Days Before He Disappeared," When asked when he might be able to return home again," "He Replied, "I don't think I'll be able to."

(Saudi Arabia Denied any involvement in Mr. Khashoggi's disappearance!)

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Friday, The Twelfth of October Global Cross Media Reports are "After Spending Two Years in Prison in Turkey, "U.S. Pastor Andrew Brunson was Released by The Turkish Government,"and "Although He was Convicted Guilty and Sentenced to Three Years, One Month and Fifteen Days in Prison," "He was Released Citing Time Served!"

Pastor Brunson was "Accused of Being Allied with Turkish Groups" who were "Allegedly Involved" in a "Failed Coup Against The Turkish Government in 2016!"
And, "If Found Guilty," "He Could have Received a Sentence of Thirty-Five Years in Prison!" (Pastor Brunson has Denied Charges of Espionage!")

And, Today, The Twelfth of October 2018 "Pastor Brunson had His Day in Court," Fortunately For Him, On Thursday, The Eleventh of October, Global Cross Media News Reports were  "A Deal has been Reached by the United States and Turkey," that "He was to Be Released."

Pastor Brunson "Can Thank The Sanctions and Pressure Placed on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Regime by The U.S.Government For His Freedom!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Are there "New Cracks in The Walls of The West Wing and The Trump Administration!" 
 Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Ninth of October 2018 "President Trump Accepted The Resignation of Nikki R. Haley United States Ambassador to The United Nations!" 

Former Ambassador Haley, had "Planned to Resign by Years End," However, "She Decided to Move up Her Departure Date Ahead of Time!" 

Today, "President Trump Met with The Former Ambassador in The Oval Office to Make The Announcement Official!" 
The President said "She's done a fantastic job! And, we've done a fantastic job together!"  And, "The President also said that Former Ambassador Haley was "Very Special" to Him!

However, "There is Little Doubt" that "At Present Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton are The Primary Policymakers for President Trump," and "Acting as The Ambassador to The United Nations" is "Not The Most Productive Position to Hold, at Present, in The Trump Administration," Especially with "All of The Anti-United Nations Positions," that "The President has Publicly Stated about The U.N."  

And, "As One of The Rising Stars of The Republican Party," This May Be The Best Time to Leave The Trump Administration Before The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," and "Especially Before The 20/20 Election Campaign Begins," Which is "Expected to Be A Hotly Contested Election Campaign!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let The Truth Be Known Where The Untruth Resides In The Open Light of Day or Night!"

And, "Let Us Be Social, Legal, and Equal Rights Activists and Advocates," and "Environmental Scientists Of Jurisprudence" and "The Truth!"

"The Truth," is at Times, "Difficult to Hear" (as The Saying Goes)! But, As The Socratic Method Epitomizes and Symbolizes It is A Solar Axiom," that "We Must Adhere to" If, "We are To Survive and Evolve as A Free Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, "It is A Necessary Universal Axiom" that "Every Parent Should Share with Their Children," and "Every Leader of The Earths Community of Peace Loving Sovereign Nations Must Share with "The Sovereign Populace Of The Earth," "Generation upon Generation," "For The Continued Evolution and Development of Our Cognitive, Cultural, Spiritual, Sociological, Scientific, Technological, Biological, and Universal Growth" and "The Furtherance of The Earthrise Vision of The Solar Mindset Of The Grand Cosmos!"

And, "The Official United Nations Climate Report Revealed A Truth" that "Must Be Observed as Being A Significant Statement," and "Sign of The Times," that "Must Not Be Ignored!"

On Monday, The Eighth of October 2018,"The Fifth Assessment Report of The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC) "Established by The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988, and The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) "Provided an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical, and socio-economic aspects of climate change," at "A Meeting Held in South Korea!" 

And, The AR5 Synthesis Report (SYR) Made Projections that, (1) Further Warming will continue if emissions of greenhouse gases continue, (2) The Global Surface Temperature Increase by The End of The 21st Century is likely to Exceed the 1.5 C and is likely to Exceed 2.0 C for many Scenarios, (3) The Global Water Cycle will Change, with Increases in Disparity between Wet and Dry Regions, as well as Wet and Dry Seasons, with Some Regional Exceptions, (4) The Oceans will Continue to Warm, with Heat Extending to The Deep Ocean, Affecting Circulation Patterns, (5) Decreases are likely in Arctic Sea Ice Cover, Northern Hemisphere Spring Snow Cover, and Global Glacier Volume, (6) Global Mean Sea Level will Continue to Rise at a Rate Very Likely to Exceed the Rate of The Past Four Decades, (7) Changes in Climate will Cause an Increase in the Rate of CO2 Production. Increased uptake by The Oceans will Increase The Acidification of The Oceans, (8) Future Surface Temperatures will be Largely Determined by Cumulative CO2, Which Means Climate Change will Continue even If CO2 Emissions are Stopped.

-(Note that "The Summary also detailed the range of forecasts for warming, and climate impacts, with different emission scenarios. Compared to the previous report, the lower bounds for the sensitivity of the climate system to emissions were slightly lowered, though the projections for global mean temperature rise ( compared to pre-industrial levels) by 2100 exceeded 1.5 C in all scenarios.")

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Some of The Earths Most Prestigious Scientists have Concluded," that "Unless New Technologies are Developed to Remove Greenhouse Gases from The Atmosphere, Global Warming is Likely to Reach Dangerous Levels."  

"There are Many Doubters and Naysayers," of "The Seriousness of Climate Warming," and "There are also Those who Do Not Believe The Consensus of The Overwhelming Number of Scientists," who are "Seriously Concerned with Global Warming!" 

However, "The Truth," and "The Solutions Offered in All Sincerity," to "Assure that The Youth of The Earth Will have A Future to Enjoy, Prosper, and Share with Their Children," "Must Not Be Ignored" for "The Reason of Profit at Any Cost," even "If It Means at The Cost of Lives," and "The Survival Of Our Celestial Home," "Our Blue Planet Earth!"

"Let's Accept This Challenge," and "Rise Above The Indifference," and "Lack of Conscious Awareness of Those who Would Ignore The Truth For The Sake of Personal Gain," and "Let's Continue to Sow The Seeds of An Enlightened Perspective and Universal Thought," that "Is All Inclusive and Respectful of The Lives of All Sentient Beings" and "The Environmental and Ecological Systems Of Our Lands, Seas, Skies, and Atmosphere!"

For This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Age of Peace and Harmony, and The Social Security, Healthcare and Welfare of One and All On Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "New Declarations"-
Sunday, The Fourteenth of October, 2018 "Pope Francis Declared The Sainthood of Two Prominent Figures of The Holy Catholic Church," of The Twenty-First Century, "Pope Paul VI," and "Oscar Romeo The Martyred Fourth Archbishop from El Salvador," who was also "One of The Most Highly Respected and Beloved Human Rights Leaders!"

"Archbishop Romero was Killed as He was Celebrating Mass in The Chapel of Divine Providence," by "Right Wing Death Squads" on "The Twenty-Fourth of March 1980!" 

"The Archbishop Spoke out Against Repression, Torture, Social Injustice and Poverty," and "Campaigned for The Human Rights and Dignity Of The People!"

And, "The Anniversary of His Death" is "Commemorated Each Year by The United Nations on The Twenty-Fourth of March," as "The International Day for The Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Violations and for the Dignity of Victims!"  

Pope Paul VI Succeeded Pope John XXIII, and "Presided over The Catholic Church from 1963 Thru 1973, When The Church was "Going Through an In Depth Period of Reform and Modernization," and "It was Through His Auspices" that "A New Dialogue between The Roman Catholic Church was Begun with All of Humanity," (and The State), who "Searched For The Truth," and also by "Simply Allowing Vernacular Languages" to "Be Used During The Liturgy Rather than in Latin!"

In 1965 Pope Paul VI Addressed The United Nations and Pleaded for The Cause of Peace," (The Pope was The First Reigning Pontiff to Visit The Western Hemisphere), and One Phrase Speaks For All The People of The Earth,  When He Passionately said, "No more war, never again war. Peace, it is peace that must guide the destinies of people and of all mankind." 

"Pope Paul VI was Truly A Pastor of Peace and The People," and "A Protector and Servant of The Poor!"   

"Pope Francis Canonized Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Romero in St. Peters Square" on Sunday, The Fourteenth of October!

-Extra Noteworthy News- "New Declarations"-
On Friday, The Fifth of October 2018 "A Congolese Doctor Denis Mukwege and "A Yazidi Woman Nadia Murad," and "Iraqi Human Rights Activist," who was "Kidnapped and Made A Sex Slave" by ISIS, "Received Confirmation" that They were "Awarded A Joint Nobel Peace Prize!"
"Nadia is The First Iraqi" to "Be Awarded A Nobel Peace Prize!"

Doctor Mukwege, a Congolese Gynecologist, has Heroically Worked To Heal The Wounds of Brutality Inflicted upon Women, in The Panzi Hospital, Located in The Hills above The Town of Bukavu in The Congolese, "Women who have Been Raped and Physically, Mentally and Psychological Traumatized!"

The United Nations has "Estimated that Two Hundred Thousand Congolese Women are Rape Survivors!"

"War has Been Declared as Being Hell," But, "This May Be An Understatement!" 

"The First Congolese War," that "Began in East of The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 1995, and "The Second," that "Began in 1998,"  has "Allowed Men from All Sides of This Conflict to Act without Conscience," "Using Women as Weapons," and "Sex Slaves without Mercy!" 

"We Highly Commend Dr. Mukwege and His Colleagues" For, "Caring for" and "Giving Solace to" "So Many Broken Bodies and Souls of Innocent Women and Young Girls, Tens of Thousands," who have "Been Savagely Attacked and Violated!"

On The Fifteenth of September 2014, at The Age of Nineteen, "Nadia Murad Basee Taha was Kidnapped" from "Her Hometown of Kojo, Iraq," and "Raped Over and Over Again," and then "Held as A Sex Slave" in Mosul, and "Where She was Tortured and Sexually Abused" by ISIS for "Three Months, until "She was Able to Escape!" 

But, Nadia's Story Did Not End There," Because of "Her Indomitable Soul Strength" and "Will To Live," and "Her Commitment to Tell Her Story," and "Become An Activist" for "Victims of Rape and Violence," who have "Been Savaged by Men of War," and "Militants without Souls," who have "Committed These Atrocities Against Our Daughters, Sisters, and Wives!"

In February of 2015 "She Gave Her First Testimony to Reporters of The Belgian Newspaper La Libre Belgique," and In December of 2015, "In What was The First Time United Nations Security Council was Ever Briefed on Human Trafficking, "She Gave a Brief Testimony to The UN Security Council on the issue of human trafficking and conflict."

And, In September of 2016 Amal Clooney Informed The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime" (UNODC) that "She was Representing Nadia Murad as a client in legal action against ISIL commanders."  

And, "Though She has Received Serious Threats to Her Life, She has Gone Forth to "Found Nadia's Initiative," An Organization Dedicated to "Helping women and children victimized by genocide, mass atrocities, and human trafficking to heal and rebuild their lives and communities."

On The Third of May 2017, "Nadia Met with Pope Francis and Archbishop Gallagher in Vatican City," to Ask for The Vatican's "Help for the Yazidis still in ISIS captivity," and also "Highlighted the current situation and challenges facing religious minorities in Iraq and Syria particularly the victims and internally displaced people as well as immigrants."

"Let Us Congratulate Nadia Murad," and "Highly Commend Her For The Bravery, Courage, and Activism that She has Displayed on Behalf of The Women and Children who have Become Victims of War, Unconscionable Violence," and "Sexual, Physical and Spiritual Abuse," and "The Thousands of Women and Young Girls who are Still Being Held Captive!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Twenty Deaths have Resulted from Hurricane Michael's Vortex of Destruction" that "Raged and Charged Its Way Through The Florida Panhandle and Big Bend Area, Georgia, and The Carolina's," On, at Times, "One Hundred and Fifty-Five Mile Per Hour Winds," "Leaving Homes, Properties, Hospitals, Churches, Towers, Roadways, Tree's, Boat's, Cars, Trucks, and Businesses Destroyed," and "Unleashing Flood Waters," with "More than 1.5 Million People Living In The Dark, Due to Power Outages," and "Leaving More than Nine Hundred and Seventy Thousand People Across Six States Emotionally Distraught and Traumatized!"  

"The Search Continues for Thousands of Missing Persons," and "Calls Continue to Come in Large Number's Requesting for Help in Finding A Family Member, Friend, or Neighbor!"

Governor Rick Scott said "We're not completely done, we're still getting down there," Referring to "People who Chose to Remain in The Disaster Area's!"

Friday, The Twelfth of October 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are Walt Disney Co. has Donated One Million Dollars for relief efforts to areas devastated by Michael."

Disney Chairman and CEO Michael Iger said in a Statement, "The families and communities impacted by this devastating hurricane need our help as they begin to rebuild."

Once again, We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families who've Lost A Loved One or Dear Friend, Due to The Destruction of Hurricane Michael! And, To All of The Communities who have Been Affected by All The Ruination and Frustration Caused by This Storm We are with You in Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Sixth of October 2018 "A Tragic Limousine Accident Took Place in Schoharie, New York," about Thirty Miles West of Albany, "When A Limousine Driver Drove a 2001 Ford Excursion Limousine Through a Stop Sign and into the Parking lot," of Apple Barrel Country Store and Cafe, a Popular Country Store, "Causing The Deaths of Twenty People!"

"This Limousine Crash" is "The Deadliest Transportation Disaster to Take Place since February 12, 2009," (When Colgan Air Flight 3407 Crashed in Buffalo, Causing The Death's of Fifty People)! 
"Eighteen People, who were Celebrating The Thirtieth Birthday of One of The Close-Knit Group of Friends and Family Members, Including the Driver, and Two Pedestrians were Killed," in This Unfortunate Accident," of "Which Four Sisters and Two Brothers, and A Recently Married Couple,  Amongst The Limousine Passengers, Lost Their Lives!"

"The Chairman of The National Transportation Safety Board Robert Sumwalt Told Reporters" at a Police Briefing on Sunday, that "The fact that the NTSB is here indicates we're very concerned about this." 

He also "Estimated that Investigators Will Be Collecting Evidence at The Scene for at Least Five Day's!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Friends, who Lost a Loved One in This Heartbreaking Accident! 

-In Memoriam:
Saturday, The Sixth of October 2018 Scott Wilson Star and Fan Favorite of The Walking Dead Series Died of Leukemia," at "The Age of Seventy-Six!" 

"Mr. Wilson Will Always Be Remembered for His Role as Hershel Greene" in "The Walking Dead," However, He was also "A Veteran Actor who Performed in In The Heat of the Night," 1967, "In Cold Blood," 1967," "The Great Gatsby" 1974, "The Right Stuff," 1983,  "The Exorcist III," 1990, "Young Guns II," 1990, "Judge Dredd," 1995, "Dead Man Walking," 1995, "G.I. Jane," 1997, "Pearl Harbor," 2001," Junebug," 2005, However, He has had "More than Fifty Film Credits to His Career!"

And, "Received A Golden Globe Nomination for Best Supporting Actor," in "The Ninth Configuration" in 1980.

"Mr. Wilson Will Be Returning to Season Nine of The Walking Dead!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of Scott Wilson! And To His Legion of Fans, Colleagues, and Friends, We Mourn Your Loss with You! 

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Official Death Toll Caused by The Destructive Tsunami and Earthquake that Brought Devastation to Indonesia" on The Twenty-Eighth of September 2018 has "Reached Two Thousand and Seventy-Three People," and, "This Death Toll is Still Expected to Rise!" And, "The Number of Those who have Been Injured Continues to Grow!"

And, "While Rescue Missions Continue to Search For Those who have Survived," The Global Community of Sovereign Nations "Must Act with More Immediacy," to "Provide Assistance for The People of Indonesia," Where "More than Two Hundred Thousand People are In Desperate Need of Assistance," and "The Number of People who are Homeless has Surpassed Eighty-Thousand," and, "As Many as Five Thousand People are Missing!" And, "This is A Conservative Estimate!"

And, "The Rebuilding and Recovery has Been Estimated to Take at Least Two Years!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The People of Indonesia and To All of The Families who Lost A Loved One Caused by The Tsunami and Earthquake that has Traumatized a Nation!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! Twenty People have Died in Florida, Georgia, and North and South Carolina Due to Hurricane Michael, and Two Thousand and Seventy-Three People have Died Due to The Tsunami and Earthquake in Indonesia!