Friday, June 1, 2018



The Way To Peace! #318

As The Parallel Universe's of Our Conditioned Time/Space Reality Continue to Reveal Inconsistencies in Statements and Comments "One Wonder's What The Truth is!" The Global Cross Media News Headlines have "Touched upon Many Interesting Issues and Questions such as, (1) Who Authorized The Many Russian Nationals, Russian Corporations, Russian Banks, Russian Officials and Russian Oligarchs" to "Make Contact with Trump 2016 Campaign Officials, as well as with Michael Cohen President Trump's Personal Attorney," and "Even Member's of President Trump's Family!"

And, "You Don't have to Be One of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team of Prosecutors," or "One of The Investigative Journalists of The Fourth Estate," or "Congressional Intelligence Committee's," or "The United States Intelligence Agencies," to "Want to Know The Truth about The 2016 Russian Interference in The Presidential Election," or Quite Simply "Express a Sincere Curiosity or Personal Interest," in "How Surprising," and then "How Unbelievable and Infuriating It was to Find Out" that "All of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies Agreed that Russia Did In Fact Interfere in The 2016 Elections!" And also, that "All of The U.S. Directors of The Intelligence Agencies," have "Expressed A Serious Concern" that "Russia, May In Fact, Attempt to Do It again!"

-(Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of May 2018, The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Warned that "A Sophisticated Malware System Connected to Russia (Russian Computer Hackers)  has Infected at Least Five Hundred Thousand Consumer and Office Devices," and "Infected Devices in More than Fifty Countries were Detected," at "The Last Global Cross Media News Report!"

The FBI has "Asked Internet Users to Reboot Their Routers," and/or "Change Their Passwords and Update Network Equipment!" 

"The Department of Justice" (DOJ) has "Asserted that This Malware Attack is Being Conducted by A Group Known as "Sofacy," also Known as "Fancy Bear," who is "The Russian Military-Group" who "Attacked The Democratic National Committee During the 2016 Presidential Election!" 

U.S. Law Enforcement is "Attempting to Seize Control of A Network of Hundreds of Thousands of Wireless Routers," and "Other Devices Infected by This Software," that is "Used in Most Cases" to "Attack Military, Government and Security Organizations!" 

And, "This is All The More Reason Why The Russian Investigations Should Continue!")

But then, "Why Does President Trump," and "His Team of Personal Attorney's," and "Member's of His Administration," and "The Republican Member's of The House Intelligence Committee," Led by Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) "Want An End to The Russian Investigation!" And, "Why Do They Continue to Attack Special Counsel Mueller's Investigation," and "Even Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein!"

However, "Let's Get Back" to "The Questions" of,  "Who are "These Russians!" And, "What is Their Common Interest," and "Who Authorized Them to Work Towards This Goal," and "What were They to Gain from Achieving It," and "What Made Them Believe They Could Get away with Illegally Interfering in Another Sovereign Nations Elections!" These are "Just A Few of The Questions" that "Can Not Go Unanswered!" And, "We The People Earnestly Look Forward to Getting All The Answers," and "Knowing The Whole Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Let's Agree" that at Times,  "Our Standards, Values, and Moralities are "in Direct Contrast" with "Campaign Finance Laws," "Campaign Slogans," and "Campaign Promises Made to The Base of A Political Party!" 
And, "When Our Standards, Moralities, and Values," are "In Contrast" with "Political Ideologies, and Executive Order's," "The Consequences" are, at Times, that "These Contradictions Give The Appearance of," or are "In Fact Violations of The Law!" And, "As We are All Aware of, "No One is Above The Law!"

However, As Some Attorney's have Attempted to Convince Us, "This is Not True," Notably and Recently, When "Concerned with The President of The United States!" But, "Is This A Constitutional Fact?"

-(Note that President Trump Announced on Thursday, The Thirty-First of May 2018 that "He Would Be Giving A Pardon to Dinesh D'Souza," who was "Convicted of Illegal Campaign Donations to Republican Candidate Wendy Long," Who Lost Her Race Against New York Senator Kristen Gillebrand in 2012!" 
Mr. D'Souza was "Sentenced to Five Years Probation," and "Served His First Eight Months in a Community Confinement Center," and Now, "Thanks to President Trump has Been Pardoned! However, "The Question" is, "Is This A Precursor For What's to Come," Which is? What!" 

Mr. D'Souza has also "Made Disturbingly Inflammatory and Highly Controversial Remarks" about, (1) The Parkland Students, Tweeting after "A Ban on Assault Weapons was Voted Down by Tallahassee Lawmakers, "Worst news since their parents told to them to get summer jobs" and (2) He also Tweeted that "Could it be the organizer of the Charlottesville Rally is a left-wing fascist pretending to be a right-winger?"  And (3) "Hitler was Not Anti-Gay!") 

"Let's One and All Agree" that "One of The Main Centerpieces of A Free and Democratic Society is," "No One is Above The Law!" 

But, "Does It Change" If "You are President, Vice President, Senator, Member of The House of Representatives, Religious Leader, or CEO!" Exactly, "What is The Legal Standard For Living in A Sovereign Democratic Nation," and "When is One "Absolved from The Obligation to Comply with It!" This is "The Tenth Amendment of The U.S. Constitution, The Law of The Land!" 

"Is There A Double Standard?" And, "What Do We Tell Our Youth," When "They Become Old Enough to Comprehend Right from Wrong!"

And, "What about When It Comes to Trade Tariffs," that "If Not Applied with A Global Equilibre in Mind," "Can Lead to A Trade War!" Is There A "Double Standard!" 

Or, Is It Called A Favorite Nation," or "Favorite Company Policy," Such as, President Trump's Decision to Instruct Wilbur Ross," The Secretary of Commerce to "Revise The One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollar Fine ZTE," (China's Second Largest Telecom Gear Maker) "Owes The U.S." Initially, For "Violating U.S. Sanctions," and "Now ZTE has Further Compounded This Offense" by "Rewarding Its Employee's Involved in These Transactions " with "Full Bonuses Instead of Reprimanding Them, "Leaving The Department of Commerce" with "No Other Choice" Other than to "Impose A Ban on The Chinese Telecom Gear Maker from Purchasing U.S. Technology for Seven Years," and "Fining Them One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars in Addition to The Amount Agreed to In A Plea Deal," and "Placing Them on Its Black List!"

In 2017 "ZTE Agreed to Pay $1.2 Billion Dollars in Combined Fines to Several U.S. Agencies," In "A Plea Deal, When "It Violated U.S. Sanctions by Selling American Technology to Iran and North Korea," However, "Three Hundred Million was to Be Suspended," Unless, "ZTE Violated Its Deal with The Commerce Department, Which It Did!"

President Trump says "He wants to help ZTE, But Why!" "What about U.S. Sanctions!" "The Question" is "Are We Living in A Time/Space Sphere of Double Standards!" And, If so, "What are The Ramifications!" And, "Is There A Historical Precedent to Judge What The Results May End Up Being!"  

Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump is Using The Offer of Sanction Relief for ZTE," as (1) "Leverage in Its Trade Negotiations with China," and, (2) To Obtain Assistance from President Xi Jinping in The Delicate Negotiations Leading Up to The Summit with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un, on The Twelfth of June?"

However, "Here's Where The Multiple Standards of The Political Sphere's of Trade, Politics, and Tariff's Comes into Play," "The Fines, Amounting to as Much as One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars," that "ZTE Would have to Pay for Violating Sanctions," was to have "Gone to Victims of Terror!"

"The U.S. Commerce Department has Formally Accused ZTE of Violating Sanctions," and "Actually Expected to Receive Three Hundred Million Dollars," of Which, Under U.S. Law "Half is to Go into A Fund Created by The U.S. Congress," to "Compensate Families of Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism!" (Global Cross Media News Reports are More than a Billion Dollars has Already Been Collected Since 2015 When The Fund was Established!)

But, "Now What!" How Far Can "This Example of Multiple  Standards of Doing Business Globally Extend Itself!" 

And, "What of The Trade Negotiations with U.S. Allies," "The EU For One Example!" 

And, "How Should These Multiple Standards Be Applied" in Regards to (1) The Withdrawal of The United States from The JCPOA, and (2) Will The U.S. Expect Germany to Cease Its Negotiations with Russia over Nord Stream 2, An Offshore Pipeline that Would Deliver Gas from Russia via The Baltic Sea in Exchange for Starting Trade Talks with The EU, or Cease Its Business Dealings with Iran, and (3) Will The U.S. Expect France to Cancel All of Its Contractual Agreements with Iran, and (4) How Will Candid Discussions at The 44th G-7 Summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada on The Eighth and Ninth of June 2018 Be Affected, and (5) Will Rising Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum by The U.S. Cause A Trade War with The EU." 

Shouldn't There Be "A United Global Trade and Political Standard," that is "Measured by Excellence," or "A Strategy," that "Is Fair and Just," and "Applicable to The Growth and Development of All The Sovereign Nations and Communities of The Earth," and "Not Just For A Selective Few!"

And, "Shouldn't There A Moral and Legal Standard," that "Is Not A Double Standard," that "Projects and Protects," "Our Laws, Our Youth, Our Values, Traditions, and Moralities," that "Is Truthful, Trustworthy, Genuine, Sincere, Honest to Goodness, Unhypocritical, and Forthright," that "Represents The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of All The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, May 24, 2018 "In Letter Written to Chairman Kim Jong-Un of North Korea," President Donald Trump "Cancelled The Planned Summit," that was to "Occur Between The United States and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un," on The Twelfth of June 2018 "For The Denuclearization of North Korea!"

President Trump Wrote in The Letter; "Dear Mr. Chairman, We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place. You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.

I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.

If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.

"There were a Series of Moments" that "Caused The Collapse of The Summit," One was "The Response" Made by "A Top North Korean Official," Who Reacted to a Comment Made by Vice President Pence," saying "The Vice President's Remarks" were "Stupid and Ignorant!" 

"This was An Unfortunate After-Effect of A Comment Made During An Interview with Fox News," on Monday, the Twenty-First of May 2018, When Vice President Pence Warned The Chairman "It would be a great mistake to for Kim Jong-Un to think he could play President Donald Trump," if they meet next month."

And, On Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of April, 2018, on CBS' "Face The Nation," National Security Adviser John Bolton "Made What Turned Out to Be A Provocative Comment," that "The United States was looking at the Libyan model" in Regards to "The Denuclearization of North Korea." Which was also "Not Received Well by North Korea." 

("Eight Years After Muammar Gaddafi Agreed with Western Powers to "Dismantle His Nuclear Programme Libya" in 2003, In Return for The Lifting of Sanctions, "He was Assassinated by Western-Backed Rebels!")

-(Note that On Wednesday, The Thirtieth of May 2018, "Vice Chairman of North Korea's Ruling Workers' Party Central Committee Kim Yong Chol" Arrived in New York City to "Meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo" to Discuss A New Reset of The Twelfth of June 2018 Summit or Schedule A New Date!"

This Will Be "The First Time that A High Level Meeting Between a U.S. and Senior North Korean Official have Met on U.S. Soil since 2000!"

White House News Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said "We're continuing to prepare for the meeting between the President and the North Korean leader. We are preparing and expect that to take place on June 12, and we will be ready if it does on June 12, and if not, then we will be ready if it takes place on July 12.")

-(Note that On The First of June 2018 "Kim Yong Chol Will Be Visiting The White House" to "Discuss Denuclearization" and "The Summit," with "President Trump and His Advisers!)

There is a "New Configuration" of Advisers, Attorney's, Congressional Leaders, Administration Officials, and Military Leaders "All Attempting to Counsel The President," and "Vying For President Trump's Attention in A Number of Different Categories!" And, As We've All Witnessed "They All Take Turns Speaking Out on The Presidents Behalf," Which, at Times, "Does Not Appear to Be A Clear, Concise, and Coordinated Message," Irregardless of "What Their Intentions May Be," Which, at Times, "Gives One The Appearance of A State of Amorphous in The White House!" 

And, "It Will Be Interesting To Discover" Whether Secretary of State Pompeo "Can Be A Centered Voice of Reason and Trust!" Not only, In Negotiating with The North Koreans," But, also with "America's Allies in A Variety of Foreign Affairs Involving New Trade, and Security Decisions!"

However, "If The Response that Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto Tweet on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of May 2018" is "An Indication of How Provocative President Trump's Campaign and Policy Rhetoric Can Be, "Voices of Reason and Caution Will Be Needed" to "Right The Course" that "Any Misunderstood or Misleading Comments May Cause!" 

-(Note that President Trump said at A Campaign Style Rally in Nashville, Tennessee, to Raise Campaign Funds for Marsha Blackburn, Republican Representative from Tennessee, who is Running for a Senate Seat,  that "They (Mexico) is going to pay for the border wall and enjoy it. O'kay, They're going yo enjoy it." to Which Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto Tweeted "No. Mexico will Never pay for a wall. Not now, not ever."

I Would Imagine that "These Distractions" are "Not The Best Climate For Serious Discussions to Take Place in!"

And, "There is Little Doubt" that "Historians Will Look Back upon This Time Period in The United States of America" with "Sincere Interest!")

And, "As The Parallel Universes of Politics and Foreign Affairs" Continue to "Influence The Sociological State of Being of Americans," and "Cause An Intense Divisiveness," that is, at Times, "Based on False Claims," to "The Dismay All Americans in Search of The Truth," "The Two Classified Briefings/Meetings on The Allegation that The FBI Placed a Spy in The Trump Campaign and The Protection of Methods and Sources," Being "Conducted by The Department of Justice and The Federal Bureau of Investigation" on Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of May 2018, with (1) A Group of Republican Lawmakers and (2) A Bi-Partisan Group of Lawmakers (The Gang of Eight) Is "An Example of "How Polarized The Government is," and "How The Politicization The Russian Probe" has "Become A Threat to These Investigations!"

-(Note that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and White House Attorney Emmett Flood, who is A Member of President Trump's Personal Legal Team, "Facilitated Both Briefings" and Expressed "President Trump's Desire for as much openness as possible under the law." And, "They also Imparted The President's understanding of the need to protect human intelligence services and the importance of communication between the branches of government." And then Left Before The Actual Meetings Began!) 

"Rep. Adam Schiff of California Made a Brief Statement to Reporters," on Behalf of Leader Schumer, Leader Pelosi Vice Chairman Warner, and myself, "Today's Gang of Eight Briefing was conducted to insure protection of sources and methods, nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the Trump Campaign, or otherwise failed to follow appropriate procedures and protocol."

"It's Time For Unbiased Influential Lawmakers," and "Voices of Reason" to "Counsel The Trump Administration," that "Discovering The Truth of These Investigations is Instrumental to Well Being of The National Conscience, Democracy, Republic, Law of The Land, and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And, "No One Should Attempt to Impede The Legal Process," and "Course of The Russian Investigations!" 

And, "It's The Patriotic Duty For The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress," and "All The Intelligence Agencies," and "The U.S. Departments of Defense and State to Work Together," and "Discover Who is Complicit in Russia's Violation of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Sovereign Nation of The United States of America," and "Who Participated and Colluded with Russia," "To Illegally Interfere in The 2016 Presidential Election!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of May 2018 The Women of Ireland Made A Grand Statement that Their Lives and Their Bodies are Theirs to Morally and Responsibly Care For" by "Voting to Replace The Eighth Amendment," by "A 66.4% to 33.4% Vote!"

Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Leo Varadkar said In a Speech to Crowds at Dublin Castle, The Irish Republic "Trust and respect women to make their own decisions and choices." And, He also said, "It's also a day when we say no more. No more to Doctor's telling their patients there's nothing can be done for them in their own country, no more lonely journeys across the Iris Sea, no more stigma as the veil of secrecy is lifted and no more isolation as the burden of shame is gone." And, The Prime Minister also said, "I want to tell you that Ireland today, is the same as it was last week, but more tolerant, open and respectful."

And, "The P.M. Hoped that A New Abortion Law Would Be Enacted by The End of The Year!"

-(Note that "The Save The Eighth Campaign Called This Result "A Tragedy of Historic Proportions.")

"There is A Universal Correction" Taking Place in The Earth's Societies Today, "A Correction" that "Embraces and Empathizes with All The People and Families of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" "Change!"

"A Correction" that "Empowers and Enlightens The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, By The People and For The People!" A Correction that is Based Upon The Global Assessment that A Peacetime Economy, Economic Parity, and Equal Opportunity For One and All," is "More Beneficial To The Earths Populace," and "The Global Financial System and Markets," than "A War Time Economy!"  

"A Universal Correction" that "Is Based on The Truth, Equality, Global Equilibre, Justice, Freedom," and "The Principles and Tenets of Peace and Respect For Your Fellow Human Being!"

"A Universal Correction" that "Is Cognizant, Academic and Spiritual," and "Whereby We are All The Conservator's and Protector's of The Earths Ecological and Environmental Systems, and The Cosmos, and The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!"

-("History Will Record and Indicate" that "This Adjustment and Change in Our Sociological, Cultural, Spiritual, and Economical Development," "This Global Occurrence and Event Social, Is In Full Evolution!" And, has "Brought Justice and Exposed Religious, Political and Governmental Leaders," as well as "Celebrities, and Important Personnage's of Both Private and Public Sectors!")

-(Note that Movie Mogul, Film Producer, and Former Co-Founder of the Entertainment Company Miramax, Harvey Weinstein, "Surrendered to A New York City Police Precinct," on Friday, The Twenty-Fifth of May, 2018 and "Made a Plea of Not Guilty to Charges" that "He Raped One Woman," and "Forced Another to Perform Oral Sex!" 

On Wednesday, The Thirtieth of May 2018, "He Declined to Testify Before A New York Grand Jury" that "Will Be Deciding Whether to Indict Him on His Rape and Other Sex Charges!" His Attorney's Claimed that "Weinstein has Been Given a Deadline to Testify or Not by Wednesday," and "There wasn't enough time to prepare," and "His request for more time was denied."

"A Grand Jury Indicted Harvey Weinstein" on "Two Counts of Rape," and a "Single Count of Criminal Sexual Acts!"

Benjamin Brafman, Weinstein's Attorney, said His Client 'Intend's to enter a plea of Not Guilty and vigorously defend against these unsupported allegations that he strongly denies. We will soon formally to dismiss the indictment and if this case actually proceeds to trial, We expect Mr. Weinstein to be acquitted,"

"If Convicted Weinstein Faces up to Twenty-Five Years in Prison!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"It is Pass Due For The Five Hundred and Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress to Pass A New Farm Bill!"

"Farmers Definitely Deserves More" than "Being Used as A Political Bargaining Chip For President Trump, Congress," or "The Parallel Sphere's of Trade, and Partisan Politics," that has "Infected The Nations Capitol" with "Its Ugly Face of Hubris, The Illusion of Power, and Greed!"

"The History Of The Agriculture Industry" has "Evolved Through Millennias" as "The Farm Industry Spread Across The United States with The Aid of Canals and Railroads," to "This Twenty-First Century Age of Modernization!"

I Can See Pictures of Senator Robert F. Kennedy Sitting with Iconic Civil Rights Activist and American Labor Leader Cesar Chavez on The Tenth of March 1968, Some Fifty Years Ago, "The Day that Cesar Chavez" (Founder of The United Farm Workers Union) "Ended His Twenty-Five Day Hunger Strike," that "Helped Farm Workers Receive Better Wages, Better Working Conditions, Respect," and "A New Contract that Offered Them A Better Life!" 

And, of course, In Times of Need "Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews, and Bob Dylan," and "A Few Good Friends Revived The Spirit of Woody Guthrie," with "Farm Aid," that "Raised Funds for Family Farmers in The United States!"

"The Agricultural Industry has A Great History to It," with "Great Men and Women to Right Its Course If It ever went Too Far Astray," and "If The U.S. Congress" has "Any Semblance of Good Conscience and Good Sense about It," and "Respect For The Sacrifice Farmers have Made," "It Will Pass A New Bi-Partisan Backed Farm Bill," that "Is Fiscally Responsible," without "Interfering with Its Supplemental Nutrition Program, (SNAP)" or without "Involving It in Immigration Policies," or "Partisan Politics!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Cesar Chavez Ended His Hunger Strike Just Days Before Senator Robert F. Kennedy Decided to Run For The Presidency of The United States of America!" 

"The Year 1968 was A Year that Promised Great Things," and then "Broke The Hearts of Hundred's of Millions Americans," Caused by The Deaths of Civil Rights Leader and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy!" Whose Assassinations Traumatized A Nation!" 

"In A Recent Interview" with The Washington Post Robert Kennedy Jr. said "I was disturbed that the wrong person might have been convicted of killing my Father." And, He also said, "My Father was the chief law enforcement officer in this country. And, I think it would have disturbed him if somebody was put in jail for a crime they did not commit." 

And, "He Pointed Out" that "The Gun that Sirhan Sirhan Used," who was "Convicted of His Father's Murder,"  Fired only "Eight Bullets," While His Own Personal Investigation Revealed" that "Thirteen Shots were Fired." 

And, "After Meeting with Sirhan," who is Now Seventy-Four Years of Age, Last December, and "Serving Life In Prison," (Originally Sirhan had Been Sentenced to Death in 1969, But that Sentence was Commuted to Life) and "Speaking with Him for Three Hours" at "The Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility," A State Prison in California, "He was Convinced that There was a Second Gunman," and "He Would Like A New Investigation to Be Opened!"

Robert F. Kennedy was Seriously Wounded The Same Evening He had Won The California Primary," on The Fifth of June 1968,  and After "He had Completed His Victory Speech at The Ambassador Hotel," and "On His Way to A News Conference, He was Shot Three Times!" "Five Other People were also Injured!"  He Died of The Shooting on The Sixth of June!"

"For The Fifty Years Robert F. Kennedy's Assassination has Been The Fount of Conspiracy Theories" Expressing This Same Opinion, that "There was A Second Gun Man!"    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-First of May 2018, "President Trump Met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and The Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher Wray at The White House!"

"This Meeting Occurred after The President had Tweeted, " I hereby demand, and will do so tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or Surveilled  the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes- and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration."

"Deputy AG Rosenstein Issued A Statement on Sunday," after The Presidents Tweet, "that If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a Presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action."

And, "A Spokeswoman for the Department of Justice Sarah, Isgur Flores," also Stated "The Department has asked the Inspector General to to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election." 

And, "Spokeswoman Flores also Stated, 'As always the Inspector General will consult with the appropriate U.S. Attorney If there is any evidence of potential criminal conduct."

Global Cross Media News Reports are Chuck Schumer, Senate Democratic Leader from New York said on The Senate Floor, "That he (The President) would issue such an absurd and abusive demand based on no evidence shows just how little regard the President has for the rule of law."

Lets Be Absolutely Clear, "Discovering New Facts and Evidence," about "Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election Should Be A Major Concern for All Americans," and Especially, as "We Enter in the 2018 Mid Term Election Season in The United States!"

And, "If The Inspector General, Michael E. Horowitz, Can Be of Assistance" in "Clarifying The FISA Application Process Used by The FBI was Proper," "Good!"

Because, "The Number One Priority" is "For The American People to Know The Truth" about "Who Participated in Illegally Assisting Russian Agents to Violate and Interfere with The Election of The President of The United States!" 
And, to Do This "We The People are Going to Need The Full Cooperation of All of The Intelligence Agencies, Congressional Committee's, and Special Counsel Investigation Team," to "Honestly Perform This Duty!" 

And, " It Would Be Extremely Helpful for Everyone to Work Together to Achieve This Goal!" And, "It is Necessary for Everyone Involved" to "Unite Together in This Purpose," to "Discover The Whole Truth!" 

And, "The Democracy, Republic, Laws of The Land," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Must "Be Protected and Defended" from "Foreign Entities whose Sole Intent" is to "Destroy Everything The United States Stands for," and "This is Why The Russian Investigations are of The Utmost Importance and Meaning to The Nation!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Global Cross Media News Reports are "An Up-and-Coming Report from The Department of Justice Internal Watchdog Will Criticize Leaders of The Federal Bureau of Investigation," For "Not Acting Soon Enough in Examining a Group of Hillary Clinton's Emails," that were "Discovered on Former Rep. Anthony Weiner's Laptop in 2016."   

And, "To Compound The Delay in Reviewing Mrs. Clinton's Emails," was "The Highly Untimely Clearance of Them." and "The FBI's Decision" that "Not to Pursue Criminal Charges," Two Day's Before Election Day," by Then-Director James Comey!"

And, "This Revelation on Top of Russian Interference in The 2016 Presidential Election" is "Enough for One to "Look Deep within Oneself," and "Take a Moment to Seriously Consider," "The Consequences and Ramifications of Our Actions," and "The Importance of The Electoral Process!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Sixteenth of May 2018 After Fourteen Month's, Richard Burr, (R-N.C.) "The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Made a Statement that The Committee Agreed with 2017 Assessment by The U.S. Intelligence Agencies that Russia Interfered with The U.S. 2016 Elections to "Hurt Mrs. Clinton's candidacy" and to help Donald Trump Become President of The United States!"

Chairman Burr said in The Senate Intelligence Committee Statement that "His Staff had spent Fourteen Months "reviewing  the sources, trade craft, and analytic work, and we see no reason to dispute the conclusions."

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Sit Down Together" and "Speak of The The Sea's, The Skies, The Land," and "This Planet Earth," and "The Need For Us to Be The Conservator's and Protector's of This Earth's Ecological and Environmental Systems," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "Let Us Sit Down in An Earthsmile Summit" and "Share The Truth" and "Share The Enlightenment, The Luminescence and The Transcendence of The Grand Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe with One and All!"

And, "Let Us Sing The Ole Anthems of The Land, Peace, Grace, Hope, Compassion," and "We Shall Overcome," and "Let Us Share The Omniscience of The Ages" in "A Golden Cloud of Communication and Information and X's Over Bridges of Thought" to "Each and Every Mind, Heart, Spirit and Soul Who Aspire to A Universal Correction," and "A New Universal and Personal Inner Perspective," that "Brings Change on The Winds of The Advent of Opportunity For All The People!"

And, "Let Us Sit Down and Talk, March, Demonstrate," and "Be The Instruments and Vehicles" of "An Environmental, Ecological, Sociological and Earthwise State of Being," of "Cosmos," and "of The Universe," and "Of The People!"

For "This is Our Opportunity" to "Non-Violently, Diplomatically, and Governmentally Insist" that "We Must Act Now," "For The Youth of The Earth," and "For Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, "This is Our Opportunity" to "See A Great Earthrise in Our Lives" that "Brings Us To A Great River, A Great Sea, and A Great Mountain," Where There are "No Wall's Between Us as A People," Where "There are No Immigrants," and Where "There are No Refugee Camps!" 
And, "Where People Live Together," and "Care For Each Other's Welfare Whenever and Wherever Malevolent Predator's of The Innocent May Threaten Us!" 

Or "When Natural Disasters Strike," such as "Mount Kilauea's Volcanic Eruption" in Hawaii that "Began on The Third of May" 2018 with "It's Lava Flows Rolling Over Everything in Its Path," and that has "Caused The Destruction of as Many as Eighty-Two Homes," by "The End of May," "Is Such An Example of A Natural Disaster," that "Everyone Should Be Concerned about," and that "Our Federal Government Should Be Engaged in!" And, "This Our Opportunity to Do Something about it!"   

And, "The Massive Destruction Caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico" in 2017, that "Caused The Directly or Indirect  Deaths" of "Four Thousand Six Hundred People," is "Another Example of Natural Disasters" that are "Rotating Around The Earth on A Seasonal Basis," that are "Environmental and Ecological Concerns," and "Earth Changes" that "We Should One and All Be Concerned with," and that "All The Nations of The Earth Should Be Researching," and "Let's Not Forget" that "Another Hurricane Season is Upon Us!" And, "This is Our Opportunity to Do Something about it!"

And, "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch," Floating Between Hawaii and California with "Enormous Fields of Plastic and Chemical Sludge, and Other Pollutants," Desecrating The Waters of The Pacific, and "The Eastern Garbage Patch" and The North Atlantic Garbage Patch, The Indian Ocean Garbage Patch," and from "The Mediterranean Sea to Afghanistan and Iran to The Sea's of Japan are Oceanic Area's," that have "Been Polluted with Plastic and Other Debris" that "We Should Be Concerned about" and "This is Our Opportunity to Do Something about it!"

-(Note that Former New York City Mayor Bloomberg's "Seventy Million Dollar American Cities Climate Change Program" is "A New Plan" to "Help U.S. Cities Meet The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goals of The Paris Agreement," to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions by Twenty-Six Per Cent by 2025!" "Twenty U.S. Cities Will Be Selected!" This is "A Positive Step Forward to Make A Better World!")   

And, "This is Our Opportunity" to "Stand Up and Share An Earthwise Vision of A New Day," and "New Scientific, Technological, Philanthropic, Meaningful and Cognitive Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Innovations, and Actions" that "Heal The Earth," and "Embrace All who Feel Disenfranchised, and "Living in Poverty!" 
And, "Altogether as "A Great Soul Force Of The People," We Can  Build Homes in The Ole Traditional Sense of Community, Generosity, and Well Being," Because "No One Should Be Without A Home!" "No Child, No Mother and No Father, or Adult of This Planet Earth Should Be without A Home!"

"When You Think of The Prosperity that A Few are Fortunate to have," "You Can Come to The Full Realization" that "It's Time For A New Time/Space Reality of Economic Parity, Opportunity, and Hope," and "A Universal Correction of The Course of Our Conditioned Reality," that "A Universal Correction" that "Empowers The Winds of Change and Awareness of A Grand Equilibre," and of "A Quality of Life of A Grand Earth Society of Freedom, Equality, and Of The People!"  

And, "Let's Sit Down Together," and "Share The Cultural and Transcendental Song Of This New Universal Correction in Our Lives," and "A Plethora of Grace," and "Let Us Celebrate" Being a Part of "A Grand Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Justice, Truth, Economic Parity, Social Security, and An Age of Happiness, Love of The Family and Reverence For The Earth, and Peace!" And, Let Us Always Remember that We are Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!" And, "No One Should ever Be in Need of A Passport!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, On Thursday, The Seventeenth, The U.S. Senate Voted  to Confirm Gina Haspel's Nomination as Director of The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "Fifty-Four to Forty-Five,"  Making Her "The First Woman to Lead The CIA!"  

But, "First Acting CIA Director Gina Haspel,' Who had "Spent Thirty-Three Years in The CIA," had to "Go Through Strong Opposition on The Senate Intelligence Committee," However, "After She Obtained The Support of The Top Ranking Democrat on The Committee Mark Warner of Virginia," and even "Though She Did Not Receive The Support of Sen. John McCain of Arizona," The Committee "Voted in Her Favor" by "a Ten to Five Vote," on Wednesday, The Sixteenth of May 2018!

"The Strong Opposition to Acting CIA Director Haspel was "Due to Her Role in Overseeing" A "Black Site," in Thailand, in 2002, "An Interrogation Program" that "Included The Use of Torture," and "Interrogation Methods" that "Included Water Boarding," in "The Years After The 9/11 Attacks Took Place in The United States!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are Ms Haspel "Ordered The Destruction of Ninety-Two Video Tapes" that "Documented the Techniques Used on Al-Shari and Abu-Zubaydah," Who were "Being Held at The Thai Location!"

Ms Haspel was "Given Strong Support by The Trump Administration," and also by "Former and Current Intelligence Officials," and "Enough Lawmakers and Democrats," to "Give Her The Nomination!"  

Gina Haspel "Replaced Mike Pompeo as CIA Director, Who is Now The U.S. Secretary of State," and She is "The Seventh Director of The Central Bureau of Investigation!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "During Her Confirmation Hearing," Ms Haspel "insisted she does not believe torture works and would refuse a presidential order she considered "immoral" even if it was legal."

-Memorial Day Weekend- In Remembrance-
I Would Like to "Share My Respect For The Brave and Courageous Women and Men of The American Armed Forces," and "Their Selfless Acts Of Heroism," "Who Died In Service of Our Country!" 

"We Honor You For Sacrificing Your Lives" so that "The Principles, Traditions, Values, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness that The United States of America Stands for Will Be Preserved for Today's Generation and For Future Generations to Come!"  

And, "To All The Families" who've "Lost A Loved One in Service of Our Nation," "We Will Never Forget Their Sacrifice, Dedication, and Commitment to Excellence, The Nation, Living in Peace," and "In Defense of Those who have Been Threatened by Tyranny, Oppression, Premeditated-Inhumane and Unsanctified Aggression, Totalitarianism, Despotism, and In Fear of Losing Their Liberty, Independence and Freedom!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
A Royal Wedding is Always A Grand Event, Celebrated Throughout All The Earth's Communities and Nations!! 
And, We Would Like to Wish Meghan Markle and Prince Harry A Loving and Joyful Life Together!
Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of May 2018 "Forty-Four Year Old Democrat Stacey Adams" who had "Previous had Two Firsts to Her Credit and Resume;" (1) The First African American Woman to Serve as Leader of Either Party in The Georgia General Assembly, and (2) The First African American Woman to Lead The Georgia State Representative for The 89th House District, "Has Now The Distinction of Adding Another First," "The First African American Woman to Win Democratic Primary Election for Governor!"

"It May have Been A Robocall Recorded by Hillary Clinton," The Day Before The Primary "Calling on Democrats to Back The Candidacy of Stacey Adams," that "Helped The Former Minority Leader for The Georgia General Assembly, and Georgia House of Representatives Stacey Adams Defeat Former State Rep. Stacey Evans!" And, "If She Wins in November She Will Become The First Woman Governor of The State of Georgia! But, "First She has To Get Past The Republican Candidate to Do It!"

Stacey Adams had "Received The Endorsements of Congressman John Lewis, Senator Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton!"

"The Republican Candidate Will Be Decided in A Runoff" Between Georgia Secretary of State "Brian Kemp and Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle" on "The Twenty-Fourth of July 2018."
(Neither Candidate Received Fifty Per Cent of The Vote Needed to Win The Nomination!)

-(Note that Public Opinion Poll's Showed that Thirty Per Cent of Republican Voters Remained Undecided Leading up to Tuesday's Primary!)

"The General Election," to Replace Georgia Governor Nathan Deal who is Term-Limited, "Will Take Place on The Sixth of November 2018."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Some Things in Life Make Sense" and "Others Make Absolutely No Sense," Such as "The Shooting-Murder" of "Innocent Students Going to High School!" Which "What Occurred on Friday, The Eighteenth of May 2018!

"When Another Tragic Shooting Occurred," and at Least, "Ten Innocent Lives, Eight of Whom were Students, and Two Teachers," were "Killed at Santa Fe High School," Thirty-Five Miles from Houston, Texas!" And, at Least "Nine Students and A Police Officer were Wounded in This Malicious Attack," "Two Person's In Serious Condition," and "Six Person's have Been Released from The Hospital!" 

And, "This Can only Be Described" as "Being A Malevolent Attack Directed upon The Youth of America!" And, "Why" is "The Question!"

"The Suspect," Seventeen Year Old, "Dimitrios  Pagourtzis a Student of Santa Fe High School," has Given a statement "Admitting to shooting multiple people inside the school with the intent of killing people."  And, He also Stated that "he did not shoot students he liked so "he could have his story told." "Another Person of Interest is also Being Held!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Pressure Cookers and Pipe Bombs" were "Found in Various Locations Around The School!" And, "The Suspect had intended to Commit Suicide," but "Surrendered to Authorities Instead!" He is "Being Charged with Capital Murder!"

"Police Authorities Responded Quickly," and "Prevented More Death's from Occurring!" And, "Investigation's are Actively Being Conducted to Discover All The Fact's" Surrounding "This Evil and Premeditated Act of Violence!"  

Superintendent Leigh Wall Posted in a message on Facebook, "It is with great sadness that I stand here to share with you that we experienced an unthinkable tragedy at our high school this morning. We are grieving the loss of member's of our SFISD Family"

And, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas Referred to The Shooting as "One of the most heinous attacks that we've ever seen in the History of Texas schools." 

"The Questions" that Arise are Many! But, "How Can We Prevent These Malevolent Acts of Acts of Violence from Taking Place!" 

"Is There No Adult Supervision of These Predators of Our Earth!" Is There "No Early Warning System Set Up in Place," that "Recognizes These Emotionally and/or Mentally Unbalanced Predators of Our Youth!" "Is There "No Way to Know Who These Vindictive Predator's of The Innocent are!"

And, "What Responsibility Lies upon The Conscience of Some of Our Elected Officials Who Conduct Their Election Campaigns Using False Rhetoric, Lies, and Divisiveness," Instead of "Campaigning on How They Intend on Improving The Quality of Life in America," that "Benefit's All The People!" And, "Guides All The People!" And, "Supports The Constitution," and "Respect For The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of All The People," Irregardless of "Gender, Creed, Nationality, Age, Tribe, Ethnicity, or Color!" 

And, "What Responsibility Lies upon Religious Leaders," who "Preach Vengeance upon Their Fellow Human Being," and "Ignore Their Tenets," and "The Misery It Places upon The Families who have Lost A Member of Their Family Due to Hate, Untruth's, Racism, Hubris, and Evil!" 

"It's Been Written in All The Tenets," and "It's Written in The Laws of The Land," and "It's Written in The United Nations Charter," that "Everyone Should Be Taught to Respect The Life of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" 

As, "Shouldn't Every Adult Already Know," that "They Should Respect The Life of Their Fellow Human Being," and "The Lives of All Sentient Being!"

And, "Isn't It Time for Each and Everyone of Us To Make Our Voices Heard Loud and Clear," "Violence is Not The Way To Solve Our Problems!" 

And that, "Violence is Definitely Not The Way To Heal The Pain, Frustration, Anger, and Sadness," that "Plagues The Lives of So Many Millions Of People All Around The Earth!" 

Of course, If "One Should Do Harm to Another Human Being," "They Should Receive Due Punishment for Their Crime!" Such as The Evil-Acts of Syndicates of Criminals," Who've "Committed Crimes Against All Humanity Should Be Punished!" Or, "Dictator's Who've Committed Unconscionable Crimes Against Their People" "Should Be Punished!" 
"This is "An Obvious Statement" that "One and All Can Agree with," as "Examples of What A Civilized People of The Twenty-First Century Should Not to Do!"

"Let Us One and All Agree," that "Taking The Lives of Our Youth," "Who are Undeserving of This," is "A Violation Against Everything that We have Been Taught" and "Believe in," that "Is Righteous and Just," and that Simply "Can Not Be Condoned!" "Too Many Innocent Young People have Been Killed!" "Too Many Innocent People All Over The Earth have Been Killed!"

This is "The Twenty-First Century," and "We Must as A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth," Embrace A Universal Correction in Our Lives" that "Makes A Better World!"

"A Better World" that "Equates to One and All Living in Peace, Equilibre, Equality, Freedom, and Social Security, without Poverty!" 
"A Better World" Where "The Health and Welfare of One and All is Guaranteed from The Day of Their Birth!"

And, "It's Time To See Our Religious Leaders," and "Elected Officials," and "Law Enforcement Officials," Walking In Our Communities with Community Leaders!" And, "Meeting and Talking in Person with Parents" and "The Younger Generation Who are The Inheritor's of All The Values, Traditions, Democracy, Republic, Laws of The Land, Principles of The Nation, and Government Of The People By The People and For The People," "In A Display Of Openness, Unity, Sincerity, Community, Truth and Respect For One Another," and "For All The People of Our Planet Earth," and "This Beautiful Planet Earth Itself!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart, and Soulful Condolences to The Families Who've Lost A Loved One in This Tragic Shooting at Santa Fe High School in Houston, Texas. And, To The Students, Community, City of Houston, and State of Texas, We Mourn with You Over The Loss of Your Friends, Fellow Students, and Neighbors!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Parallel Legal Parries to Cases that are Relative," or "Court Battles Directly or Indirectly Involving The Russian Investigations," Continue to Present Themselves, and "Produce Global Cross Media Head Lines and Lead Stories, "The One Story that Continues to Stand Out is "Why President Trump," and "His Team of Administration and Personal Attorneys," "Continue to Attack Robert Mueller's Russian Investigations!"

"The Seventeenth of May 2017, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein "Authorized Robert Mueller to Investigate Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign, and Any Russian, (or Other Foreign) Interference in The Election, Including Exploring Any Possible Links or Coordination Between Trump's Campaign and The Russian Government," "and Any Matters that Arose or May Arise Directly from in the Investigation." And, That is "Exactly What He has Done" with "No Exceptions!"

Since then, "Charges Related to The Russian Probe have Emerged," Beginning with; (1) On The Thirtieth of October 2017, Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and His Business Partner Rick Gates, were Indicted on Twelve Counts Related to Their Business Consulting Business, Including Money Laundering, Conspiracy, and (2) George Papadopoulos Plead Guilty to Lying/Making False Statements to Agents from The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), also On The Thirtieth of October 2017, (3) Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Pled Guilty to Lying/Making False Statements to The FBI about Conversations He had with Then- Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on The First of December 2017, (4) Thirteen Russian Nationals and Three Russian Entities were Indicted on Charges Related to The 2016 U.S. Election On The Sixteenth of February 2018, (5) Thirty-Two New Financial Charges were Made Against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates On The Twenty-Second of February 2018, and (6) Rick Gates Pled Guilty to Conspiracy, and Lying/Making False Statements On The Twenty-Third of February 2018 and (7) Dutch Attorney Alex van der Zwann Pled Guilty to Lying to Lying to The FBI about His Dealings with Rick Gates, and Another Unnamed Person that The FBI has Assessed as Being Tied to Russian Military Intelligence On The Third of April 2018!

And, "There is Little Doubt," Meaning "There is Absolutely No Reason to Suggest that The Russian Investigation is Over!"

President Trump "Still has To Answer The Four Dozen Questions" that Special Counsel Mueller has "Given to The Presidents Attorney's for Answering!" And, "The American People Expect The President to Answer These Questions," Irregardless of The Arguments" that "His Personal or Administrative Attorney's," and "Consultants May Present!"

And, "It is In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and The Grand Democracy and Republic of The United States," and "Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," that President Trump Answer's These Questions Before The Mid-Term Elections are Over," and "The 2019 Overture to The 2020 Presidential Election Begins!"

It is of The Utmost Importance that "These Serious Questions," and "If Possible Whatever Business," that "May Be Left Concerning The Russian Investigations," and Their Ongoing Configurations, "Be Addressed Before The 2020 Election Campaigns Begin!"

"The Threat of Interference in U.S. Elections," or "Suggestion of A Threat by Any Foreign Entity or Cyber Criminal," "Must Be Prevented from Occurring!" And, "The Russian Investigations (with The Exclusion of The Republican Majority of The House Intelligence Committee) are, at Present, "The Best Hope that The United States has to Prevent This!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Fifteenth of May 2018 Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson of U.S. District Court of Columbia Seriously Set Back Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort's Attempts to Escape Special Counsel Robert Manafort by "Ruling that Rod Rosentstein, Deputy Attorney General "Followed the Justice Department's Rule's when he hired Robert Mueller and Robert Mueller's case against Paul Manafort is not overly broad or improper." And, "The Special Counsel did not act without authority."

Judge Jackson also wrote "Manafort was, at one time, not merely 'associated with,' but the chairman of the Presidential Campaign, and his work on behalf of the Russian-backed Ukrainian political party and connections to other Russian figures are matters "of public record"....and "that it was "logical and appropriate" for investigator's tasked with probing for links between Russian government and and campaign associates "to direct their attention to him."

Judge Jackson's Ruling was a Stark Contrast with "Another Judge T.S. Ellis III for the Eastern District of Virginia, who on Friday, The Fourth of May 2018 "Aggressively questioned the Prosecutor's about Whether They were Using The Manafort Indictment to "exert leverage on a defendant" and that "The Mueller Team is trying to make Manafort sing."And, that "They "don't really care" about Manafort, or the charges they've brought against him."

Again, This is Appears to Be Totally Contrary to The Ruling Made by Judge Jackson!"

Paul Manafort, of course,  is "Hoping that Judge Ellis Will Rule in Favor of His Motion to Dismiss the Federal Grand Jury indictment against him."

Judge Ellis has Asked the Prosecutor's to "Turn over An Unredacted Memo under Seal, that "Gives Robert Mueller Authority to Investigate Paul Manafort's Ukraine Work," Issued on The Second of August 2017, so that "He Can Determine whether the parts made public by Mueller's Team were indeed the only portions relevant to Manafort."

Perception is Everything and When A Judge says "I don't see what relation this indictment has (Meaning The Indictment against Paul Manafort) to the special counsel's authority," It is Understandable Why Rudy Giuliani Referred to Judge Ellis During The Weekend News Programs Whenever He had The Opportunity!"
However Michael Dreeben, The Attorney Arguing for The Mueller Team, said "the Manafort indictment falls within the Russian investigation because he was an official in the Trump campaign and had connections to Ukraine."

Attorney Dreeben also said in Response to Judge Ellis' comment that "We don't want anyone with unfettered power," (Out of Concern over Robert Mueller's Authority) "We are not operating with unfettered power," and also Noted that "The Mueller Investigation is Accountable to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein" and "The August Second Memo" that Details The Boundaries of The Investigation."

Paul Manafort and His Attorney are Attempting to Convince Judge Ellis with "A Two Part Argument (1) That Rod Rosenstein did not have the power to give Robert Mueller that broad authority to investigate "any matters that that arose or may rise directly from the investigation. 

And (2) That even if Rosenstein did have that authority, Mueller overstepped the investigations parameters by bringing charges stemming from activities the Justice Department was aware of before Mueller was appointed."

However, "You Can Clearly Comprehend Why Paul Manafort" and "His Team of Attorney's are Not Happy with Judge Amy Berman Jackson's Ruling Against Them!"

Judge Jackson Wrote in Her Thirty-Seven Page Opinion Paper "Given the combination of his prominence within the campaign and his ties to Ukrainian officials supported by and operating out of Russia, as well as to Russian Oligarchs, Manafort was an obvious person of interest."

And so, "Paul Manafort Will Be Going to Trial in Washington," in September of 2018!

And, "While Judge Ellis Still hasn't Ruled on  Ruled on "Paul Manafort's Request for A Dismissal of Charges," He has Set A Date For "Going to Trial in The State of Virginia on The Twenty-Fourth of July of 2018," (Originally Set for The Tenth, But Delayed Due to "a Medical Procedure Involving a Member of Judge Ellis' Family!") on "Charges of Bank Fraud and Tax Evasion!"

Paul Manafort has "Pleaded Not Guilty in Both Cases to Felony Charges" Including (1) Conspiracy, (2) Bank and Tax Fraud, (3) Money Laundering and Failing to Register as a Lobbyist in His Work Before 2014 on Behalf of Ukraine's Pro-Russian President at the time, Viktor Yanukovych.

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Eighteenth Of May 2018, "More than One Hundred Passengers Died in A Plane Crash," Just After "Their Flight DMJ  0972 Departed in A Boeing 737-200," with "One Hundred and Five Passenger's and Six Crew Members (who were All Mexican Nationals) Aboard," from Havana's International Airport, and "Crashed in A Field of Yuca-Root Plants" Near Terminal 1 of Havana's Jose Marti International Airport," Near The Town of Santiago de las Vegas, Approximately Nine Miles Southwest of The City of Havana!

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Three Female Passengers have Survived The Plane Crash," But are "In Critical Condition!" 

The Boeing 737-200 was "Operated by State-Run Airline Cubana de Aviacioni," However, "It had Been Leased by Damojh Aerolineas (Global Airlines)," A Small Mexican Charter Company!

"DMJ 0972" was "A Domestic Flight Departing for Holguin, The Fourth Largest City in Cuba," and "Popular Tourist Area," that was "Originally Bound for Guyana!"

"Authorities are Conducting a Thorough Investigation," into "Why This Boeing 737-200 Crashed!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families Who Lost A Loved One in This Tragic Plane Crash in Cuba! And, To All of The Friends, Neighbor's, Co-Workers, and The City of Havana, and Sovereign Nations of Cuba, and Mexico, We Grieve For Your Loss with You!

-In Memoriam:
"Celebrated American Novelist and Award Winner Phillip Roth Passed away," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Second of May 2018 at The Age of Eighty-Five of "Congestive Heart Failure" in New York City! 

"Amongst His Great Successes" is The Novella "Goodbye Columbus" in 1959, For which "He Received the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction," "Portnoy's Complaint," in 1969, and "He Received a "Pulitzer Prize" for His 1997 Novel "American Pastoral!"

"Phillip Roth" was and Still is "One of America's Great Fiction Novelists!" 

In Memoriam:
"Renown Canadian-American Actress Margot Kidder" (and Co-Star of "Superman,") "Passed away in Her Sleep," on Sunday, The Thirteenth of May 2018, in Her Home in Montana, at The Age of Sixty-Nine! "The Cause of Death is Still Unknown!"

Margot Kidder's Career as An Actress Took Notice in Brian De Palmas Film Thriller "Sisters" in 1973, and She Won Two Canadian Best Actress Awards For "Black Christmas" and "A Quiet Day in Belfast" in 1974, and was "Cast in A Lead Role in "The Great Waldo Pepper" (Starring Robert Redford) in 1975, and "Co-Starring with Christopher Reeve," in "Superman" in 1978,  and "The Amityville Horror" in 1979," and "Apocalypse III:Tribulation," in 2000, After which, "She Worked Steadily in Independent Films," into The Twenty-First Century, Winning A Daytime Emmy Award in 2015 for Her Performance in R.L. Stine's "The Haunting Hour," a Children's Television Series!

Margot Kidder was also "A Passionate Political, Environmentalist, Anti-War Activist!"

The Memory of Phillip Roth and Margot Kidder Will Be Etched In Our Minds Through Their Contribution to The Arts, Entertainment and Life!

And, We Would Like to Express Our Sincerest Heart, and Soulful Condolences to Their Families! And, To Their Friends, Colleagues, and Enthusiasts and Admirers of Their Talent, We are Fortunate to Have Their Body of Work to Look Forward to, Enjoy, and Share with Our Families, Friends, and Future Generations! 

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!