Friday, July 21, 2017



The Way To Peace! #40 -Revisited-

"You Can Hear The Buzz Beginning to Emerge and Be Discussed on TV and Radio News Programs, amongst Commentators and Their Guests," and "Surfacing in Newspapers and Journals," and also "in Public Opinion Polls," that "The American People" are "Growing Tired of All the Continued Disclosures and News" about "The Connections and Meetings" that "Associates of The 2016 Trump Campaign have had with Officials of The Russian Government," or "With Close Contacts of The Russian Government!"

But, This is "Not the Whole Truth," "It's More Like a Manipulated Half Truth!" Why? Because, "American Citizens Want to Be Informed and Told What the Truth is," and What the Answers are to, (1) Why These Meetings Took Place by Associates of The Trump Campaign and Who Authorized Them, and (2) Were there Any Constitutional Laws Broken!

A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, "Depends on Honest and Free Elections without Foreign Interference," For a "True Democracy to Flourish, Evolve, and Empower The People!"

And, "The Newest Disclosures" about "A Meeting" that "Occurred between Donald Trump Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya," a "Russian Attorney with Government Connections," on June 9, 2016 at Trump Tower, "In the Office of Donald Trump Jr.," a "Meeting" that also "Included The President's Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, who had Been the Campaign Manager for Mr. Trump at this Moment in Time," about "Alleged to Be Sensitive Emails of Former Secretary of State Clinton," Once Again, "Brings to the Forefront the Question" of "Exactly What was the Relationship between Several Associates of the 2016 Trump Campaign and The Russian Government!"

 Jared Kushner is "Slated to Give Testimony in Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee in a Closed-Door Session," on Monday, The Twenty-Fourth of July, 2017, and Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump Jr. are "Scheduled to Appear in Front of The Senate Judiciary Committee," on Wednesday The Twenty-Sixth of July, in "An Open Session!"

"One thing that is Clear" is, "There Still Remains a Great Deal of Clarification" that "Still Remains to Be Addressed," that "Remains Unclear and Unanswered," in Regards to "Russia's Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign!"

And, "Until All The Answers" have Been Provided, "The President's Approval Ratings May Not Improve Significantly," and "Trust in the His Administration May Not Improve Significantly," Until, "All The Questions, Investigations, and Inquiries have Been Sufficiently Brought to A Just Conclusion," "In the Eyes of The Law," and by "All of The Intelligence Agencies, Department of Justice, Special Counselor Mueller, and The U.S. Congress!" And, Lastly, But, Most Importantly, "To The Satisfaction" of "We The People," "Citizens of The United States of America!"

And, "The Recent Comments Made by Walter M. Schaub Jr." the Outgoing Director of Government Ethics," that "Its hard for the U.S. to pursue international anti corruption and ethics initiatives when we're not even keeping our own side of the street clean," in An Article told to The New York Times," and Published on Monday, July 17, 2017, and also Director Schaub's Statement that "I think we are pretty close to a laughingstock at this point," only "Compounds the Necessity to Establish Clarity, Truth, Justice," and "A Return to The Traditions of Good Government and Leadership" that "The United States of America has Been Known and Respected For!"

And, "Why The Republican Party and President Trump" are "So Determined to Force a Health Care System Upon Us," even If, "It Means Negatively Affecting The Lives of More than Twenty- Million American Citizens," who "Presently are Covered by The Affordable Care Act,"  Makes "Absolutely No Sense!"

"The Estimations by The Congressional Budget Office," (CBO), Show that "The GOP's Better Care Reconciliation Act" Will "Increase the Number of People without Health Care by Twenty-Two Million People by 2026!" This, also, "Makes Absolutely No Sense!"

What Does Make Sense is; (1) Find A Bi-Partisan Approach to "Prevent Further Premiums from Rising," and (2) Consult with Health Care Advocates and Professionals to Find Non-Political Solutions that are of Immediate Concern to The American People!

"The Lives, Welfare, and Best Interests of Families All Across The United States of America" are "Depending on "Unbiased, Nonpartisan, Fair, and Objective Minded Officials" to "Provide Them with A Universal Health Care System" that is "Affordable, and Non-Discriminative," that is "Administered by Professionals," who are "Concerned with Providing Health Care that Saves Lives," and "Heals the Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Ailments that Affect Us," Rather than "Looking For a Way to Gain Profit at The Expense of The Sick and Infirmed!"

"Democrats, Independents, Moderates, and Compassionate Conservatives and Republicans" have "a Responsibility to American People" to "Join Together" and "Create New Legislation of Integrity, and Sincerity," that "Transcends the Manipulated Conditioned Partisan Policies of Chaos, Inertia, Division, Stagnation, State of Amorphous, and Hubris," that  "Ignores The Plight Of The People!"
("The Resignation of Sean Spicer," the The White House Press Secretary, on Friday, The Twenty-First of July, 2017, is "Another Example of The State of Amorphous in The Trump Administration!")   

"In these Troublesome Times," that "We Exist in," There is Little Doubt that "We Need to Call Forth A New Age of Heroines, and, Heroes to Step Forward" (in addition to The Brave Women and Men of The Global Armed Forces who Strive to Defend and Protect Us and Our Rights to Live as A Free People) to "Represent We The People," Citizens of This Magnificent Planet of Ours, Earth, that "We Can Be Proud to Speak of," and "Share with Our Children!"

(Congratulations to The Iraqi Government Forces and The U.S. Led Coalition of Nations, who Fighting Side by Side, have Retaken the City of Mosul," from "The Poisonous Control of ISIS/Daesh! This Victory is "An Important Step Towards Eradicating The Threat of Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers Wherever They May Be and Re-Establishing a Just Peace For All The People Of The Earth!) 

And, "The Need For A New Age of Women and Men," Public Servants and Volunteers, who are "Sincerely Concerned about The Welfare, and Issues" that have had "A Profound Effects on All of Our Lives, Can Not Be Underestimated!"

To Be More Explicit, "A New Age of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason to Swell the Present Day Ranks of The Many," who are, already, "Passionately Working to Correct The Injustices" that have "Been Levied on We The People," Citizens of this Planet Earth!

"Women and Men" who are "Avowed Peacemakers, Peace Activists, and, Non-Violent Voices of Reason," who "Believe in A New Millennium that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Spiritually, and, Politically Evolved!"

"Women and Men" whose "Vision of A Global Financial System is Based on A Peace Time Global Economy!" One that is "Beneficial to The Entire Earths Populace," and, "Not Just The Few!"
"A Peace Time Economy" that is "Driven by Humanitarian Concerns" and "Caring for The Welfare of One and All!" And, "A Shared Prosperity For One and All!"

"The Old Model for The Global Financial System," Still, "Does Not Work!"

"This Antiquated Model," was "Not Created to Provide for The Needs of We the People!" And, "It is All Too Obvious!"

It was "Created, Solely, with The Philosophy of Profit in Mind!" Which is "More Compatible with A War Time Economy/Political Mentality!" And, "This is Why A Peace Change Must Come!"

And, This is, also, "Why We are in Need of New Leaders" who are "Willing to Dedicate Their Lives to Preserving, Protecting, and, Defending The Peace!" 

Which is "Why The German Elections is So Important to The Stability and Positive Evolution of The EU!" And, "The Re-Election of Chancellor Angela Merkel's is "A Must" that "Must Be Brought to Fruition and Achieved by The German People!"

And, "Why The Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations Should Be Concerned about The Potential Abuse of A Democratic Way of Life," as "Is On Display in Poland," Where a Political Party, "Can Threaten The Checks and Balance Necessary to Govern In The Name of The People," as "The Law and Justice Party is Attempting to Do," by "Passing Legislation," on Thursday, The Twentieth of July, 2017, that "Allows for The Government to Replace All the Judges on Their Supreme Court!" And, "In Fact, "Allows The Removal of All the Judges on Poland's Highest Courts!" Polish President Andrzej Duda Should Seriously Consider" What is "A Just, Principled, and Moral Way of Life," versus "An Autocratic and Imperious System of Arrogance!" A Way of Life that "Empowers and Inspires The Polish People!"

Once again,"There is Little Doubt," that "We are Truly In Need of  Dedicated Women and Men," who are "Committed to Sowing The Seeds" of "A Just Peace" and "A Just and Inspiring Way of Life!"
And, "Sacrificing, and, Believing in The Visions of Peace!"

"A Peace Everlasting" that "Our Future and Present Day Generations Can Rejoice, and, Take Great Pride in!"

"A Peace Millennia" that "Embraces All of The People," and, "Sentient Life Forms of This Earth," The Third Planet from The Sun!

"Women and Men" who "Respect The Oceans, Land, Skies, Ecology and Environmental State of Being of This Planet Earth!" And, "The Universe that We are apart of!"

"We Need Women and Men of Universal and Spiritual Consciousness," in The Tradition of, "Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Confucius, Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Rabindranath Tagore, Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Moses, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Magdalene, Rumi, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Saint Francis of Assisi, and, Martin Luther King," who "Walked with Us, Talked, and, Sang with Us!" And, "Shared Their Human Concern, Love, Healing, and, Caring Natures with Us!" And, All the While, "They Learned from Us, and, Gave Freely to Us!"

"They Gave Freely and Openly Their Omniscience and Guidance," While "Demonstrating and Showing Us," How to "Enrich Our Lives!"

And, In Doing so, "Showed Us," by Their Example, How "We Can All Prosper in The Name of Oneness and Wholeness," and, "In The Name of Peace Everlasting for One and All to Share!"
"Is There Any Doubt in Your Mind," that "A Change Must Come!" A Peace Change!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Let Us Encourage, and, Inspire All who Would Listen," that "It is Time for A New Generation of Heroines and Heroes to Come Forth!"
"To Come to The Aid of One and All," in "Our Quest for Peace!"

And, Together, "We Can Be A Great Soul Force For Peace!"
And, "Non-Violently Spread The Word of Peace" by "All Means Available to Us!"

Through The Limitless Portals of The Global Cross Media Universe and Social Media via Texts, Emails, Google, Yahoo, Bing, iTunes, YouTube, Facebook, MSN, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace," Music, Cell Phones, Wires, X's, Radio, Network and Cable TV, Satellites, Film, Literature, Newspapers and Journals, and, All The Internet Services, and "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms All Over The Earth!"

And, Once again, Let Us Sing, "Give Peace a Chance," and, "We are The World," Together!

And, "Let Us Non-Violently March,  and Protest in The Name of Peace!"
And, "Have Sit Ins in The Name of Peace!"
And, "Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!"

And, "Let Us Call upon The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, amongst All Warring Nations," and, "Enter into Global Peace Dialogues!"

"We The People," Citizens of This Earth, "want Results, and, Solutions to The Pressing Concerns of this Age!" Its been "Going on for Too Long," with "The Same Ole Answers to Our Concerns!" And, "Enough is Enough!"

And, "All of The World Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations Should Not Mistake Us," For, What Our Intent is, "We want Less Talk and More Action!" And, "Less Partisan Politics!"
For, This is, Most Definitely, "Not The Time For a Politics as Usual Attitude!"

Recently, I have been Returning over, and, over, to "The Deeply Felt Concerns, and, Humanistic Themes," that, I have been writing about, and, I Would like to Share This One with You, Once Again, as Well! Which is, If, There is "One, Note, Song, Play, Film, Piece of Literature, or, Work of Art, Let It Be Created and Conceptualized In The Name of Peace!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of Peace, Justice, Hope, Economic Parity, Technological, Scientific, Cultural, Environmental and Ecological Awareness, and Freedom and The Pursuit of Happiness to Achieve One's Goals and  Beliefs in Life, Whether They Be Spiritual and Universal, or Whatever Gender They May Be, Enjoying All The Human and Civil Rights and Equilibre On Earth, within A Global Earthrise Of New Horizons to Embrace Us!

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,