Friday, July 21, 2017



The Way To Peace! #40 -Revisited-

"You Can Hear The Buzz Beginning to Emerge and Be Discussed on TV and Radio News Programs, amongst Commentators and Their Guests," and "Surfacing in Newspapers and Journals," and also "in Public Opinion Polls," that "The American People" are "Growing Tired of All the Continued Disclosures and News" about "The Connections and Meetings" that "Associates of The 2016 Trump Campaign have had with Officials of The Russian Government," or "With Close Contacts of The Russian Government!"

But, This is "Not the Whole Truth," "It's More Like a Manipulated Half Truth!" Why? Because, "American Citizens Want to Be Informed and Told What the Truth is," and What the Answers are to, (1) Why These Meetings Took Place by Associates of The Trump Campaign and Who Authorized Them, and (2) Were there Any Constitutional Laws Broken!

A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, "Depends on Honest and Free Elections without Foreign Interference," For a "True Democracy to Flourish, Evolve, and Empower The People!"

And, "The Newest Disclosures" about "A Meeting" that "Occurred between Donald Trump Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya," a "Russian Attorney with Government Connections," on June 9, 2016 at Trump Tower, "In the Office of Donald Trump Jr.," a "Meeting" that also "Included The President's Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, who had Been the Campaign Manager for Mr. Trump at this Moment in Time," about "Alleged to Be Sensitive Emails of Former Secretary of State Clinton," Once Again, "Brings to the Forefront the Question" of "Exactly What was the Relationship between Several Associates of the 2016 Trump Campaign and The Russian Government!"

 Jared Kushner is "Slated to Give Testimony in Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee in a Closed-Door Session," on Monday, The Twenty-Fourth of July, 2017, and Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump Jr. are "Scheduled to Appear in Front of The Senate Judiciary Committee," on Wednesday The Twenty-Sixth of July, in "An Open Session!"

"One thing that is Clear" is, "There Still Remains a Great Deal of Clarification" that "Still Remains to Be Addressed," that "Remains Unclear and Unanswered," in Regards to "Russia's Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign!"

And, "Until All The Answers" have Been Provided, "The President's Approval Ratings May Not Improve Significantly," and "Trust in the His Administration May Not Improve Significantly," Until, "All The Questions, Investigations, and Inquiries have Been Sufficiently Brought to A Just Conclusion," "In the Eyes of The Law," and by "All of The Intelligence Agencies, Department of Justice, Special Counselor Mueller, and The U.S. Congress!" And, Lastly, But, Most Importantly, "To The Satisfaction" of "We The People," "Citizens of The United States of America!"

And, "The Recent Comments Made by Walter M. Schaub Jr." the Outgoing Director of Government Ethics," that "Its hard for the U.S. to pursue international anti corruption and ethics initiatives when we're not even keeping our own side of the street clean," in An Article told to The New York Times," and Published on Monday, July 17, 2017, and also Director Schaub's Statement that "I think we are pretty close to a laughingstock at this point," only "Compounds the Necessity to Establish Clarity, Truth, Justice," and "A Return to The Traditions of Good Government and Leadership" that "The United States of America has Been Known and Respected For!"

And, "Why The Republican Party and President Trump" are "So Determined to Force a Health Care System Upon Us," even If, "It Means Negatively Affecting The Lives of More than Twenty- Million American Citizens," who "Presently are Covered by The Affordable Care Act,"  Makes "Absolutely No Sense!"

"The Estimations by The Congressional Budget Office," (CBO), Show that "The GOP's Better Care Reconciliation Act" Will "Increase the Number of People without Health Care by Twenty-Two Million People by 2026!" This, also, "Makes Absolutely No Sense!"

What Does Make Sense is; (1) Find A Bi-Partisan Approach to "Prevent Further Premiums from Rising," and (2) Consult with Health Care Advocates and Professionals to Find Non-Political Solutions that are of Immediate Concern to The American People!

"The Lives, Welfare, and Best Interests of Families All Across The United States of America" are "Depending on "Unbiased, Nonpartisan, Fair, and Objective Minded Officials" to "Provide Them with A Universal Health Care System" that is "Affordable, and Non-Discriminative," that is "Administered by Professionals," who are "Concerned with Providing Health Care that Saves Lives," and "Heals the Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Ailments that Affect Us," Rather than "Looking For a Way to Gain Profit at The Expense of The Sick and Infirmed!"

"Democrats, Independents, Moderates, and Compassionate Conservatives and Republicans" have "a Responsibility to American People" to "Join Together" and "Create New Legislation of Integrity, and Sincerity," that "Transcends the Manipulated Conditioned Partisan Policies of Chaos, Inertia, Division, Stagnation, State of Amorphous, and Hubris," that  "Ignores The Plight Of The People!"
("The Resignation of Sean Spicer," the The White House Press Secretary, on Friday, The Twenty-First of July, 2017, is "Another Example of The State of Amorphous in The Trump Administration!")   

"In these Troublesome Times," that "We Exist in," There is Little Doubt that "We Need to Call Forth A New Age of Heroines, and, Heroes to Step Forward" (in addition to The Brave Women and Men of The Global Armed Forces who Strive to Defend and Protect Us and Our Rights to Live as A Free People) to "Represent We The People," Citizens of This Magnificent Planet of Ours, Earth, that "We Can Be Proud to Speak of," and "Share with Our Children!"

(Congratulations to The Iraqi Government Forces and The U.S. Led Coalition of Nations, who Fighting Side by Side, have Retaken the City of Mosul," from "The Poisonous Control of ISIS/Daesh! This Victory is "An Important Step Towards Eradicating The Threat of Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers Wherever They May Be and Re-Establishing a Just Peace For All The People Of The Earth!) 

And, "The Need For A New Age of Women and Men," Public Servants and Volunteers, who are "Sincerely Concerned about The Welfare, and Issues" that have had "A Profound Effects on All of Our Lives, Can Not Be Underestimated!"

To Be More Explicit, "A New Age of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason to Swell the Present Day Ranks of The Many," who are, already, "Passionately Working to Correct The Injustices" that have "Been Levied on We The People," Citizens of this Planet Earth!

"Women and Men" who are "Avowed Peacemakers, Peace Activists, and, Non-Violent Voices of Reason," who "Believe in A New Millennium that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Spiritually, and, Politically Evolved!"

"Women and Men" whose "Vision of A Global Financial System is Based on A Peace Time Global Economy!" One that is "Beneficial to The Entire Earths Populace," and, "Not Just The Few!"
"A Peace Time Economy" that is "Driven by Humanitarian Concerns" and "Caring for The Welfare of One and All!" And, "A Shared Prosperity For One and All!"

"The Old Model for The Global Financial System," Still, "Does Not Work!"

"This Antiquated Model," was "Not Created to Provide for The Needs of We the People!" And, "It is All Too Obvious!"

It was "Created, Solely, with The Philosophy of Profit in Mind!" Which is "More Compatible with A War Time Economy/Political Mentality!" And, "This is Why A Peace Change Must Come!"

And, This is, also, "Why We are in Need of New Leaders" who are "Willing to Dedicate Their Lives to Preserving, Protecting, and, Defending The Peace!" 

Which is "Why The German Elections is So Important to The Stability and Positive Evolution of The EU!" And, "The Re-Election of Chancellor Angela Merkel's is "A Must" that "Must Be Brought to Fruition and Achieved by The German People!"

And, "Why The Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations Should Be Concerned about The Potential Abuse of A Democratic Way of Life," as "Is On Display in Poland," Where a Political Party, "Can Threaten The Checks and Balance Necessary to Govern In The Name of The People," as "The Law and Justice Party is Attempting to Do," by "Passing Legislation," on Thursday, The Twentieth of July, 2017, that "Allows for The Government to Replace All the Judges on Their Supreme Court!" And, "In Fact, "Allows The Removal of All the Judges on Poland's Highest Courts!" Polish President Andrzej Duda Should Seriously Consider" What is "A Just, Principled, and Moral Way of Life," versus "An Autocratic and Imperious System of Arrogance!" A Way of Life that "Empowers and Inspires The Polish People!"

Once again,"There is Little Doubt," that "We are Truly In Need of  Dedicated Women and Men," who are "Committed to Sowing The Seeds" of "A Just Peace" and "A Just and Inspiring Way of Life!"
And, "Sacrificing, and, Believing in The Visions of Peace!"

"A Peace Everlasting" that "Our Future and Present Day Generations Can Rejoice, and, Take Great Pride in!"

"A Peace Millennia" that "Embraces All of The People," and, "Sentient Life Forms of This Earth," The Third Planet from The Sun!

"Women and Men" who "Respect The Oceans, Land, Skies, Ecology and Environmental State of Being of This Planet Earth!" And, "The Universe that We are apart of!"

"We Need Women and Men of Universal and Spiritual Consciousness," in The Tradition of, "Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Confucius, Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Rabindranath Tagore, Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Moses, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Magdalene, Rumi, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Saint Francis of Assisi, and, Martin Luther King," who "Walked with Us, Talked, and, Sang with Us!" And, "Shared Their Human Concern, Love, Healing, and, Caring Natures with Us!" And, All the While, "They Learned from Us, and, Gave Freely to Us!"

"They Gave Freely and Openly Their Omniscience and Guidance," While "Demonstrating and Showing Us," How to "Enrich Our Lives!"

And, In Doing so, "Showed Us," by Their Example, How "We Can All Prosper in The Name of Oneness and Wholeness," and, "In The Name of Peace Everlasting for One and All to Share!"
"Is There Any Doubt in Your Mind," that "A Change Must Come!" A Peace Change!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Let Us Encourage, and, Inspire All who Would Listen," that "It is Time for A New Generation of Heroines and Heroes to Come Forth!"
"To Come to The Aid of One and All," in "Our Quest for Peace!"

And, Together, "We Can Be A Great Soul Force For Peace!"
And, "Non-Violently Spread The Word of Peace" by "All Means Available to Us!"

Through The Limitless Portals of The Global Cross Media Universe and Social Media via Texts, Emails, Google, Yahoo, Bing, iTunes, YouTube, Facebook, MSN, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace," Music, Cell Phones, Wires, X's, Radio, Network and Cable TV, Satellites, Film, Literature, Newspapers and Journals, and, All The Internet Services, and "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms All Over The Earth!"

And, Once again, Let Us Sing, "Give Peace a Chance," and, "We are The World," Together!

And, "Let Us Non-Violently March,  and Protest in The Name of Peace!"
And, "Have Sit Ins in The Name of Peace!"
And, "Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!"

And, "Let Us Call upon The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, amongst All Warring Nations," and, "Enter into Global Peace Dialogues!"

"We The People," Citizens of This Earth, "want Results, and, Solutions to The Pressing Concerns of this Age!" Its been "Going on for Too Long," with "The Same Ole Answers to Our Concerns!" And, "Enough is Enough!"

And, "All of The World Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations Should Not Mistake Us," For, What Our Intent is, "We want Less Talk and More Action!" And, "Less Partisan Politics!"
For, This is, Most Definitely, "Not The Time For a Politics as Usual Attitude!"

Recently, I have been Returning over, and, over, to "The Deeply Felt Concerns, and, Humanistic Themes," that, I have been writing about, and, I Would like to Share This One with You, Once Again, as Well! Which is, If, There is "One, Note, Song, Play, Film, Piece of Literature, or, Work of Art, Let It Be Created and Conceptualized In The Name of Peace!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of Peace, Justice, Hope, Economic Parity, Technological, Scientific, Cultural, Environmental and Ecological Awareness, and Freedom and The Pursuit of Happiness to Achieve One's Goals and  Beliefs in Life, Whether They Be Spiritual and Universal, or Whatever Gender They May Be, Enjoying All The Human and Civil Rights and Equilibre On Earth, within A Global Earthrise Of New Horizons to Embrace Us!

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,

Monday, July 3, 2017



The Way To Peace! #304

"Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, Cheyenne, and Navajo," have Just Reminded me "As New Moon Cycles Present Themselves along with The Old," that "We Must Not Be Fooled" by "The Multiple Faces of Illusion" that "Attempt to Cloud Our Vision and View," of "What is Real from Unreal!"

And, "Make No Mistake" that "We have Returned to An Age and Cycle of War Time Economies, Once Again!"

"After Sixteen Years of War in Afghanistan," The Trump Administration and Republican Party have "Empowered Secretary of Defense Mattis to Increase The Number of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan by Double the Amount!" Is, "This Deja-Vous" All Over Again!

Understand, The Question is, "Has The Security Situation in Afghanistan Deteriorated to Such a Degree" that "The U.S. and Its Coalition Allies" (Including NATO Countries) have to "Relive a Cycle of War and Conflict," All over again! And, "This Time Around,"  Will there "Be a Different Result!"

And, While Simultaneously, "This Escalation is Taking Place," at A Time, when "The U.S. is Planning to Increase Its Troop Levels in Iraq," and Along side with "It's Iraqi and Coalition Forces Drive ISIS/Daesh Completely Out of Mosul," and "Syria," "To Support These New Troop and Special Forces Escalations," President Trump has "Requested An Increase of Fifty-Four Billion Dollars," in the "New 2018 Federal Budget Proposal!" (At the Expense of the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture, Humanities, Labor, Foreign Aid, Art, the State Department, and the Most Vulnerable amongst Us)

But, It is Understandable that, "This New Strategy in Afghanistan" has "Been Placed in The Hands of Secretary of Defense Mattis" (until It Becomes a Political Liability), Because President Trump has "No Expertise in this Area!" However, The Question is, "Is This Something to Be Concerned about!" 
And, Are "We Falling into The Same Trend" as "During the Vietnam UN-Declared War!" Or, "During Former President George W. Bush's Administration," The Forty-Third President of The United States!

Should "We Be Paying Closer Attention" to "This New Escalation of U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria," and "Foray's into Yemen!"

"The Thirteen Billion Dollar Cost of the New Super Aircraft Carrier the USS Gerald R. Ford," "Symbolizes this New Age of  Escalating Wartime Budgets," and "Global Economies," that "The Earths Nations are Evolving into," "Led by The U.S. Russia and China!"

And, "Should We Be Paying Closer Attention" to the "War of Words," between "The United States and North Korea," and then "The United States and Russia," and "The United States and China," and "Iran," and "Reconfiguration of Weapons and Troop Escalations and Exercises, that are "Taking Place in Eastern Europe, with NATO Forces and Russian Forces," and "Eastern Asia," with Multiple Countries (Japan, South Korea) Allying Themselves with Either South Korea and The U.S." or with "North Korea!" 

Or, "A New War of Words," between "China and The U.S." over "the Proximity of a U.S. Naval Patrol," Conducted by the USS Stethem, " a U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer,  "near Triton Island," in the South China Sea, on Sunday, the Second of July, 2017!" 
"An Island Controlled by China," whose "Ownership is Being Disputed between China, Vietnam and Taiwan!" All of Which, has "Intensified the Configuration of the Relationship between the United States and China!"

And, "While These Escalations are Continuing to Occur," The "Ongoing War against Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals who Pray Upon The Innocent," and "Attempt to Destabilize Our Lives and Threaten Our Security Continues!"

However, "Just as Importantly," as "If, We are Evolving in A Parallel State of Being," The Question of New Revelations Continue to Emerge," in Regards to, "The Inappropriate Behavior of President Trump," in (1) How He Chose to Ask Former Director of The FBI James Comey to "Let Go of the FBI Investigation of President Trump's Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn," and (2) The Reason Why Mr. Comey was Fired!" 

And, There Continues to Be "An Ever Growing List of Associates of The President's 2016 Election Campaign," and "Their Meetings with Russian Government Officials," that also "Need Clarification for American Citizens to Be Satisfied with!"

"Understand," that "We are Living in A Dangerous Age," Where Violence is Being Perpetrated by So-Called Patriots, Terrorists, Domestic Agitators and Demagogues," and "In to Many Unexplained Incidents Occurring from (1) the Shooting of A Thirty Year Old Black Woman, Charleena Lyles, by The Police, who was Three Months Pregnant, in Seattle, Washington, on Sunday, The Eighteenth of June, 2017, (Whom Police Claimed Attempted to Attack Them with "A Knife"), to (2) the Cowardly Attack Upon Republicans at a Baseball Practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, The Fourteenth of June, 2017, Injuring Four Innocent People, (the Assailant was Killed by D.C. Police) to (3) One Innocent Person Being Killed by a Coward who Drove His Van into a Group of Worshipper's, Who were Aiding a Man who had Collapsed in Front of the Finsbury Park Mosque in London, England, on Monday, The Nineteenth of June, 2017,  (Ten People were Injured), to (4) Another Cowardly Act by A Malevolent Conditioned, Evil-minded Man, who Died Driving His Car into a Police Car on The Champs-Elysees, on Monday, The Nineteenth of June, 2017, "For Us to Be "Continuously Distracted or Mesmerized by President Trump's Next Tweet," or "Threat to Fire Special Counselor Mueller, or "Is White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus Going to Be Fired," or "Is the President's Press Secretary Sean Spicer ," or "Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rosenstein," or "U.S. Attorney General Sessions Going to Be Fired," or a "New Attack upon a Member of The Fourth Estate!"

And, "We Can Not Allow Our Perspectives to Be Clouded" to "The Extent that Our Vision is Being Impeded from Seeing the Whole Picture," and "Truth's as They are Being Presented!" 

And, Add to that, "New Government Proposals Being Made" to Cut Important Environmental, Medicaid, and Health Care Programs," or "The Repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act," or "The Reversal of Transgender Students Bathroom Use," by The Trump Administration, "Without Public Input," or "Discussion in A Public Forums!" That's "Why We have Town Hall Meetings!"

And, President Trump's Decision to "Withdraw the U.S. from The Paris Agreement Needs More Public Input, by American Citizens," (and Non-Violent Demonstrations If Need Be) and "Discussion in Public Forums All Over The United States!"

Understand,"These Important Decisions Should Not Be Made by A First Time President," "Without The Input of All the Citizens of The United States Involved, Republican, Independent, or Democrat!"

And, "Who is to Benefit from Tax Reform," and, "President Trump's 2018 Federal Budget Proposal," Should "Be Discussed in A Public Forum and Town Hall Meetings!" 

The United States is a Democracy/ Republic," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "It's Not An Autocratic State," To Be "Governed Lobbyists, Big Business or Wall Street!"

"The Question of Should We Be Concerned," is "Easily Answered," and The Answer is, "Yes We Should!"

And, "Let's Face This Reality Head on," We have a President who is "Under Investigation by The FBI and Special Counselor Mueller for Obstruction of Justice Charges," and has "Hired His Own Personal Attorney to Represent Him," (as has Vice President Pence), and "Is also Being Sued by the Attorney Generals of Maryland and the District of Columbia," and Two Hundred Democrats in The U.S. Congress who Filed a Federal Lawsuit Accusing President Trump of "Violating the Constitution by Profiting from Business Dealings with Foreign Governments," and "Until All These Investigations," and 'Lawsuits," are Resolved," "Yes, We The People, Citizens of The United States Should Be Concerned, Vigilant," and "Involved in Our Domestic and Foreign Affairs!"

And, "I Hope that President Trump Realizes that These Investigations and Lawsuits," are "Not Personal Attacks Upon Him," or a "Witch Hunt as He has Tweeted!" The United States is A Nation Built upon The Laws of The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence to Protect We The People of These United States of America," and "The Founders," in Their Genius, "Created A Democracy/Republic," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," With "Three Extraordinary Branches of The Federal Government" to "Represent, Govern and Protect Each and Every Citizen!"

And, "Let's Hope that The Republican Party" is "Not Willing to Let this Manipulated and Misdirected State of Government Amorphous to Continue to Exist without Resolution," or, at "The Expense of We The People," Just so Long as, "They are Able to Push Through Their Agendas in Secretive Backroom Negotiations amongst Themselves!" "Making Critical Domestic Policy and Health Care Decisions" without "Input from The People, or Public Discourse!"

But, "What are The Senate Republicans Thinking!" "How Ludicrous is It," to "Negotiate A Health Care Plan to Replace The Affordable Care Act without Public Input," or Without "Discussions in a Public Forums," in "Town Hall Meetings!"

And, Then Add to that, "The Fact that "The GOP Rank and File in The Senate" have "Only Just Received a Draft of the New One Hundred Forty-Two Page Senate Version of The House of Representatives Health Care Bill," on Thursday, The Twenty-Second of June, 2017, Called "The Better Care Reconciliation Act,"   so, "How are They Supposed to Give It the Proper Due Diligence" and "Vote on It," having had "Input From The People," as "True Representatives Of The People!"

This is "Definitely Not A Health Care Plan Of, By, or For The People," It's a Health Care Plan "For The Hubris Of The Republican Party, Negotiated By The Leadership Of The Republican Party, and For The Lobbyists and Big Donors Of The Republican Party!"

The Questions of (1) "Will This Revised House Version of AHCA, the BCRA, Cover the Needs of All The People," and (2) Will It Provide Health Care For Everyone,"Is a Resounding No!" But, Still, "They Expect to Pass this New Version in The Senate by July Seventh?" Friends, "This is Not The Way A Democracy is Supposed to Work!"

And, Add to This, "The Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) New Analysis of The Better Care Reconciliation Act," Released on Monday, the Twenty-Sixth of June, 2017, Stated that by 2026, "BCRA Would Increase the Number of People without Health Care" by "Twenty-Two Million," and Let's Be Honest, "Any Merit of This Supposed Health Care Act Can Not Be Accepted or Believed to Be A Vast Improvement over The Affordable Care Act!" 
"In Actuality BCRA" is More Like a "Tax Cut for Wealthy Americans, Dressed up in a Health Care Package!" And,  "While We The People Accept the Reality that The U.S. is a Capitalistic Economy," That "Does Not Mean Our Political Party's," Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Republican, have "A Right to Abuse Our Democratic System," that "Embraces All The People," with "Tax Cuts that Favor Corporations and The Wealthy!"

And, Quite Truthfully, "It Still has to Be Proven" that "All the Time and Effort The GOP has Put into Trying to Repeal The ACA has Been Worth It," in "Any Real Sense of Time/Space Reality!" 
Or, "That It has Been Worth Our Hearing," Over and Over again, "All the Negative Political Rhetoric," that The GOP has Been Spewing Forth, that has "Been Directed Towards The Democrats, and Former President Obama," about "How Bad ACA is!" 

And, It Just Doesn't Make Sense, "Why Work on This Bill Behind Closed Doors without Public Input," and Then Expect It, (1) To Be Positively Received by Elderly Americans, "Who Will End Up Paying More for Their Coverage, Approximately Five Times More than Younger People," or (2) Individuals with Pre-Existing Conditions, "Who Will End Up Paying More for Their Coverage," and (3) Giving Tax Cuts to The Affluent, and Insurance and Drug Industries, "Who Don't Need It," and (4) Cuts to Medicaid, that Affects the Poor, and Approximately Two-Thirds of People in Nursing Homes, "Who Truly Do Need It," and (5) Cuts in Federal Medicaid Payments to Planned Parenthood For One Year (Why for One Year? Why at All!) that Sincerely Affects the Lives of So Many, "Who Truly Need It,  or (6) Delay the Cadillac Tax to 2016, or (7) Provide A Capital Gains Tax Cut for Affluent Americans, or (8) Phase Out Extra Funding to States, that was Used as An Incentive to Expand Eligibility for Medicaid! 

Let's Try to Understand This, "After Eight Years of Attempting to Repeal the Affordable Care Act" that "Provides Coverage for Twenty Million American Citizens," Mothers, Fathers, Daughters and Sons, Grandparents and Grandchildren, This is "The Stellar Health Care Bill of The Twenty-First Century," that "The Republican Party" has "Come up with!" This is, "The Best" that "The Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Rockefeller, Buckley, Kemp, and Reagan, "Can Come up with!" Seriously, "After Eight Years!" 
And, "They Expect Our Support in Passing This Bill!" "No," Should be The Overwhelming Response of Every American Citizen," Irregardless of Political Party! 
"The Vote" on The Better Care Reconciliation Act, "Should Not Be Just Delayed," It Should Be Permanently Cancelled!" 

However, Should They Persist, "Let's Not Just Show Them Our Disapproval," "When It's Time for The Midterm Elections," Let's, One and All, "Show Those Politicians who Chose to Negotiate in Closed Backroom Sessions," and "Voted For A Bill They've Never Read in Full," or "Given the Proper Due Diligence to," Exactly, "What We Think of Them!" By "Voting Them Out Of Office!"

And, "If There ever was A Moment in Time," for Senators Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders," and "Popular Vote Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election, Former Secretary of State Clinton," and "Former President's Obama, Clinton, and Carter," and "Vice President's Biden, and Gore" to "Speak Out along with Concerned Citizens, Activists, Advocates, and Civil Liberty Attorneys," that "Time is Now!"

Why, Because, "We have a Government" that is "Not Representing the Health Care or Welfare of All The People," or "Our Democratic Ideals, Republic, or Government Of, By, and For The People!" Let Us Simply Agree and Understand," Once and For All, that "Universal Health Care For All the People," Should Not Be Used as "A Political Issue!"

"This is The Twenty-First Century," and "We are Soon to Enter the Second Decade," and "A Non-Violent Public Discourse" is "Absolutely and Definitively Necessary," along with "Conclusions of All the Ongoing Investigations," One Way or Another!

"No Government" or "Government Official," is "Above The Law, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independents, or the U.S. Constitution!" "They were Created to Protect What is In Our Best Interests and Democracy!" And, "For Our Own Good!" And, "Must be Adhered to," and "Implemented For Our Good," and "For the Future of Our Democracy/Republic" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "A Global Strategic Vision of Peace, Stability and Equilibre Should Be Embraced by All the Civilized Nations Of The Earth!" And, The G20 Hamburg Summit in Germany, from the Seventh and Eighth of July, is "An Excellent Opportunity to Rekindle the Flame and Desire to Reach Out to A Higher Purpose in Life!" One that Empowers All The People of The Planet Earth" with "A Grand Purpose of Being Here and Now," that "Our Future Generations Can Share with Each Other" and "Be Proud of!"

"A Grand Purpose" that "Chancellor Merkel of Germany, President Macron of France, President Trump of The United States, President Jinping of China, Prime Minister May of The United Kingdom, Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Prime Minister Modi of India, EU President Tusk of the EC, EU President Claude-Juncker of the EC, and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and President Putin of Russia, and President Nieto of Mexico, and Prime Minister Gentiloni of Italy," and "All the Participating Leaders of Nations," and "Representatives of International Organizations Can Be Proud of!"

And, This is  "A Grand Opportunity for U.S. President Trump to "Rebuild Positive Relationships with The Allies and Coalition Nations," who have "Fought Side by Side with The U.S. against Enemies of Peace and Freedom," and "The Sovereign Rights of All Nations!"

And, "This is a Perfect Moment for Bridge Building Wherever It is Needed!"

And, While President Trump is at the G20, "This is a Perfect Moment in Time for Him" to Discuss; (1) Russian Cyber Hacking with Russian President Putin, and (2) Seek a Strategic Accord with President Putin on the Removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from Office, (3) Respecting The Sovereign Rights of The Baltic Nations and Ukraine, (4) An All Out Military Campaign Uniting The U.S. and Coalition Forces with Russia's Allies in The Ongoing Conflict against Syndicates of Criminals and Murderers who Continue to Threaten the Global Communities, "Would Be a Good Beginning!" "Anything Less Would Be Disappointing!"

And, "This Would Be An Opportune Time," for "President Trump to Reinstate The United States in The Paris Agreement" as "A Proactive Leader against Global Climate Warming," and "A Strong and Forceful Champion of The Environmental and Ecological World!"

And, As "A Gesture Towards Improving the Conditions for Global Financial Stability and Growth," Speak Out Eloquently," as "The Leader of The Worlds Largest Economy," "In Ways," that are "Advantageous and Visionary," "Benefiting of All The People of The Earth!" And, "As An Empowerment of Encouragement to All the Nations of The Earth," "Establish A Golden Age of A Global Peacetime Economy!"

And, In a Purposeful and Positive Way, "Begin the Process of Mending Fences and Reaching Out to The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media Universe," who "Thrive on Information, Communication, and Verifiable Facts," to "Perform Their Duties in A Responsible Manner," and "In the Tradition of Great Journalists the World Over!" "Women and Men," who are "Often Reporting the News in Harms Way!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, This is, "The Time For Us to Embrace Our Future," and "Embrace Our Lives, Our Environment, Ecology, Technologies, Culture, Earth, Seas, Skies, Stars, Planets, and Illuminating Bodies of The Cosmos!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Global Equilibre, and Pursuit of Happiness and Social Security on Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News
"The Recent Allegations of Sexual Abuse Crimes Surrounding Cardinal George Pell, 76, of Australia," have "Cast New Aspersions Upon the Image of The Roman Catholic Church," and "The Illuminating Image of Pope Francis!" And, "This is A Pity!"

"So Much Moral Responsibility Lies Upon The Church to Uphold The Teaching Of Jesus," and "The Fact" that "There have Been so Many Cases of Pedophilia in The Church" is "An Even Greater Shame!"

When Jesus' said to Peter, "And, I Tell you that You are Peter and upon this Rock I Will Build my Church, and the Gates of Hades Will Not Overcome It," Implies "a Great Significance to The Roman Catholic Religion!" And, "For This Disgrace to Come Upon It," and "Taint the Meaning and Teaching Of Jesus Of Nazareth," who "Gave His Life to Save Sinners," is "Near to Being as Tragic a Reality as You Can Experience" or "Read about!"

And, "It's Time for The Ordained Priesthood, The Deacons, Archbishops, Bishops and Cardinals of The Roman Catholic Church," to "Follow in The Path of Jesus as They have Been Taught and Sworn to Do," or "Leave The Church before They Destroy All that It Signifies!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-Saturday, The Twenty-Fourth of June, 2017, "A Powerful Landslide Struck and Devastated Xinmo Village," in South West China, in the Sichuan Province, "Leaving Death and Destruction Everywhere," with "Countless Numbers Of People Destitute and Traumatized," and "Causing Homes to Be Leveled!" And, "There Still Remains at Least Ninety-Three Missing Persons!"

"The Threat of a Second Landslide," on Monday, the Twenty-Sixth, has "Forced the Evacuation of Rescue Workers!"

"The Devastation" was "Caused by An Estimated Crush of Six Hundred Thirty-Six Million Cubic Feet of Earth and Stone!" And, Global Cross Media Reports are, "This Crush of Mountainside," is Equivalent to "More than Seven Thousand Two Hundred Olympic Sized Swimming Pools, Falling Down from as Much as One Mile High!"
Hopefully, "Conditions Will Improve to Permit Rescue Workers to Continue Their Search for Additional Missing Persons!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Families, Friends, and Neighbors of Xinmo, Who've Lost a Tender Loved One Due to This Natural Disaster!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Sixth of June, 2017, The U.S. Supreme Court has "Decided to Uphold President Trump's Executive Order" to "Temporarily Enforce a Ninety Day Travel Ban to Six Primarily Muslim Populated Nations," Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Iran,  (that had Been Blocked by Several Regional Federal Appeals Courts), "in Order for The Trump Administration to Proceed with An Internal Review of The Screening Procedures for Visa Applicants," from These Six Countries! 

"The Review" is "Expected to Be Completed before October 2nd," After which, "The Justices will Hear Arguments for This Case in the Month of October!"

However, Just as Importantly, The Supreme Court Protected the Rights of Foreigner's "with a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a Person or Entity in the United States!"

"This Ban Will Be Enforced Seventy-Two Hours after Being Cleared by The Court!"

However, "This Temporary Travel Ban is Far from Being Over with," and "Will Be Contested by Civil Unions Groups All over The Unites States!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media Reports are, "the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Admiral Mike Rogers the Director of National Security" "Told Special Counsel Robert Mueller" that "President Trump Asked Them" to Say, "There was No Collusion between His Election Campaign and Russia."

"Their Testimony is Reported to have Occurred  Last Week!" And, Even though Both Officials "Did Not Consider The President's Request to Be An Order," It's Up to Special Counselor Mueller to Make this Decision!" (Note that Both Intelligence Officials Refused to Acknowledge This Point Previously," in Front of, The Senate Intelligence Committee!)

"Their Testimonies Continue to Add up," to "Whether Official Charges of Obstruction of Justice Will Be Made against President Trump!"

And, "When You Include the Testimony of Former Director of The FBI James Comey," in Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee, that President Trump said to Him in a Private Conversation in the White House Oval Office, on the Fourteenth of February, 2017, "I hope you can see your way to letting this go, to letting go Flynn go." ("This" Being in regards to The FBI Investigation against His Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Mr. Comey had Written Down the Remarks of His Conversations with the President in Memos!), and Ex-CIA Director Brennan's Statement to The House Intelligence Committee Investigating Russian Interference in the 2016 Elections, that "Russia Brazenly Interfered" in the Election, "Including Actively Contacting Members of President Donald Trump's Campaign!"

Ex-CIA Chief Brennan also said, "By the time I left office, on January 20th,  I had unresolved questions in my mind, as to whether or not, the Russian's had been successful in getting U.S. Person's involved in the (Trump) Campaign, or not, to work on their behalf. Again, Either in a witting or unwitting fashion." He also said that "Frequently people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are they are on a treasonous path until it's too late!"

"All of These Testimonies are Not Circumstantial Evidence, They are Factual," although, I'm Sure, "Different Interpretations," Can, Some How, "Be Derived from Them!"

All We Ask is, "For All The Truth to Come Out, The Whole Truth and Nothing

As History has Concluded and Shown Us, "No Government Official is Above The Law!" And, "This is A True Measure of The U.S. Democracy!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Chairman Kim Jong-un and The North Korean Government" have "Committed Many Human Rights Violations," However, "The Latest Act of Injustice," Beginning with (1) The Arrest and Imprisonment of Otto Warmbier 22, on January 2, 2016, (who was Visiting North Korea as A Tourist) "For Stealing a Propaganda Poster from His Hotel," that Led to (2) Otto Being Sentenced for Fifteen Years of Hard Labor in Prison, to (3) His Death Seventeen Months Later, on Monday, June 19, 2017, Six Days after Being Released by North Korea (on Humanitarian Grounds) of "a State of Unresponsive Wakefulness" (known as a Persistent Vegetative State), "Can only Be Construed" as Being "An Act of Barbarism and Inhumanity," that "Lacks in Comprehension," Other than, "Chairman Kim Jong-un," and "His Government," have "Absolutely No Spiritual, Moral, Humane, or Religious Belief or Conviction!"

"The Fact" that, "This Young Man has Been in A Coma Since Two Months after Being Sentenced," (that's More than A Year Existing in a State of Comatose) and, "All Because of Stealing a Propaganda Poster from His Hotel," is "Beyond Belief!" 

"This Should Not Be The Cause of Death," for a "Twenty-Two Year Old Young Man," who was "Simply Looking Forward to a New Adventure in His Life!" And, "What Caused His Death Can only Be Surmised" as "Being Caused by Tortuous Conditions and Abuse,"  that "Led to His Permanent State of Unconsciousness!"

"The United Nations Security Council has Passed Sanctions against North Korea," South Korea has Passed Sanctions Against North Korea," "Japan, and The EU have Passed Sanctions against North Korea," and "The United States have Passed Sanctions against North Korea!" 

It Should Be Absolutely Obvious" that "No One" (Other than on Official Business) "Should Travel to North Korea!" And, "Increased Sanctions Should Be Imposed by All The Nations of This Planet Earth!" 
And, North Korea and Chairman Kim Jong-un, "Should Be Isolated from The Earths Community of Nations," until "They Agree to Abide by The UN Charter," and "International Law," and "Desist from Perpetrating Any Further Violence," or "Premeditated Attacks Upon It's Neighbors!" And, "They Should Agree without Protest" to "Not Commit Any Further Threats against The  World Community!"

 Otto Warmbier 22, was Born and Raised in Cincinnati, Ohio! We Extend Our Sincerest, Heart, Spirit, and Soulful Condolences to His Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Classmates of The University of Virginia! His Loss Will Be Deeply Felt for The Rest of Their Lives!

(There are Three Americans Still in Custody in North Korea)

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As if The Citizens of London haven't had "Enough Tragic Events to Effect Their Lives, Today, "A Massive Fire Caused The Deaths of At Least Twelve People," although, "The Death Toll is," Unfortunately, "Expected to Be Much Higher," and as Many as "Seventy-Five People were Hospitalized!"

The Fire Took Place at "Grenfell Towers" in White City, London, a Twenty-Four Story Apartment Building, Wednesday Morning at Approximately 1 a.m. "Trapping People who Lived on Higher Floors" with "No Other Recourse," other than "To Remain in Their Apartments in Hope's of Being Rescued," or "Jump Out of Windows," and In some Cases, "Parents Felt They had to Literally Toss Their Children from Windows Wrapped in Blankets to Save Their Lives!"

"Hundred's of Firefighters Fought against The Flames of Death and Destruction, for Hours," Although by Evening "The Search for Survivors was Abandoned!"

"The Fire May have Been Caused by Cladding" (Aluminium Covering the Insulation or the Structure)! "Investigations are Underway" to Find Answers to The Question, "Why The Fire Spread so Quickly!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
This Morning, Wednesday, The Fourteenth of June, 2017, "A Gunman Began Shooting with An Assault Rifle," at Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia." 

"Congressman Steve Scalise," Current U.S. House of Representative Majority Whip of the Republican Party from Louisiana, was "Seriously Injured," and "a Staff Member of Congressman Roger Williams, from Texas, Zach Barth, Two D.C. Policemen," and a "Former Congressional Aid, Matt Mica, was also Wounded!"

"The Gunman James T. Hodginson, 66," from Belleville, Illinois, was Killed by Police!"

"It is An Assumption" that "The Gunman was Targeting Republicans!" And, "It has Been Discovered from the Postings on His Facebook Page" that "The Gunman was Anti-President Trump!"

"Ironically, South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan said," as He was Departing from the Practice, The Gunman asked Him, "were the People on the Field Democrats or Republicans?" 

"The D.C. Police Displayed Great Heroism," in "Attacking the Gunman," and along with "The Alexandria Police Prevented Further Deaths from Occurring!"

"This Act of Domestic Violence Occurred" at a "Congressional Baseball Practice for Tomorrows Competition," for "A Charity Baseball Game," between "Republican and Democratic Member's of Congress!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
President Trump's Week has Begun with "What Must Be Several Disconcerting Headline Stories; (1) A Three Judge Panel of The United States Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit Court in San Francisco has "Ruled against Reinstating President Trump's Revised Second Executive Order against Six Primarily Muslim Countries, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Syria, and Libya," saying "We conclude that the President by issuing the Executive Order, exceeded the scope of the authority delegated to him by Congress." And, In Doing so, "Upheld the Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for The Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia," and (2) The Attorney Generals, Brian Frosh from the Maryland, and Karl Racine from the District of Columbia, have "Filed a Suit against President Donald Trump's Businesses!" Claiming that the "President has Violated Anti-Corruption Clauses in the Constitution" by "Accepting Millions in Payments and Benefits from Foreign Governments since Moving into the White House."

It Appears as If the President has "Not Turned over the Ownership of His Global Business Empire," when "He Became President!"  Although, "He had Previously Stated," in January, that "He Would Turn over His Business Assets to His Sons," and Placed into A Trust," to "Be Managed by Them!" 

And, (3) Tomorrow, Tuesday, The Thirteenth of June, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Sessions, "Will Be Meeting in a Public Hearing with The Senate Intelligence Committee" to "Discuss Previously Undisclosed Meetings/Discussions," that "He had with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Serge Kislyak, During the 2016 Election Campaign!" And, "What was His Involvement," If any, with "The Firing of Former FBI Director James Comey!"

And, "Several Questions Still Remain," Which are (1) Will Attorney General Sessions Invoke Executive Privilege During His Testimony and (2) Will there Be a Classified Hearing after the Public One has Concluded!

"It is of The Utmost Importance" that "The Senate, House, FBI, DOJ, and Special Counsel Investigations Bring a Full Discovery of All the Facts, and The Truth" about "Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election," and "Exactly What was the Connection that Several Members of The Trump Campaign had with Russian Officials!"

There are "Many Unanswered Questions Surrounding The Trump Administration," However, "The Republican Party has An Opportunity to Rise above Party Ideology and Partisan Politics" by "Working with Democrats on Bi-Partisan Legislation" that Empowers and Provides For, "What is in The Best Interests of The People!" And, One Gesture Towards Doing This, "Would Be to Provide Health Care Hearings in Public" and, "Not in Back Rooms" with "No One but Themselves to Determine What is The Best Health Care Policy For The American People!"

Have "The Party of Lincoln Forgotten that The U.S. is a Republic/Democracy," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" It's Not An Autocracy, Nor is It, "A Government For The Sole Benefit Of Political Agendas, By Politicians, and For The Politicians," and "Their Political Ideologies!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Winds of Change are Causing a "Vortex of Demonstrations Across the United States and Russia!" And, "What Global Leaders of The Earths Civilized Nations Need to Comprehend, " is that "The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The Earth's Populace Demands" that "Policies of All Inclusiveness," "Must Embrace The Rainbow Communities of The Earths Social Structure and Societies!" For "We are A Rainbow of Cultures, Creeds, Nationalities, and Genders" of "The New Face of Normality of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, by "Not Comprehending this, "Only Leads to More Divisiveness, Isolationism, and Separatism!" And, "Polarization!" (For Example; So far President Trump has "Not Acknowledged Gay Pride Month in the U.S.)

And, "Thousands of American Citizens have Participated as Many as One Hundred Equity Marches," this Past Weekend, "All Across The United States," "Protesting against The Reversal of Federal Guidelines" that "Advised School Districts to Allow Transgender Students to Use Bathrooms of Their Choice!"

And, "The Equity Marches" were, also "In Acknowledgement and Respect" of "The First Anniversary of The Mass Shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida," on June 12th, 2016, that "Caused the Deaths of Forty-Nine Innocent People!" (Fifty-Three Innocent People were Injured)

And, Across the Ocean in Eurasia, on Russia Day, (a National Holiday), "Thousands of Russian Citizens" are "Demonstrating against Government Corruption, Unemployment," and "Protesting against the Autocratic Rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin All Across Russia!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are at Least "Three Hundred People were Detained in St. Petersburg," and "Six Hundred in Moscow," at Last Count! Demonstrators Chanted, "Russia without Putin," and "Russia Will Be Free!" 

And, "Alexei Navalny, who is "The Chief Opponent to President Putin," and "Who Plan's to Campaign against President Putin in Next Years Elections was Arrested," as "He was Preparing to Leave His Home to Attend the Demonstrations!" It was Mr. Navalny who "Called for These Demonstrations to Occur!"

Mr. Navalny is "Being Charged" with "Failing to Follow Police Orders, and Violating Public Order!" And, If Sentenced, "He Will have to Spend Fifteen Day's in Jail!"

"Respect For The Winds of Change," and "The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," "Can Not Be Impeded or Obstructed by Autocratic Rule, Collusion, or Corruption!" And, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century is "A Mirror of These Changing Times!"

And, "Global Policies of The Earth's United Civilized Nations Must Embrace this Evolution and Universal State of Being Of, By, and For The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Election Results are In, and "Prime Minister Theresa May's Idea" of "Calling For An Early Election Did Not Work Out as She had Hoped!" Her Conservative Party "Lost Their Majority in Parliament!" 

"Which Gave The Prime Minister Two Choices," (1) Resign or (2) Find Another Party to Give Her the Majority to Govern with!

And, "Fortunately" for The Prime Minister, "The Democratic Unionist Party," in Northern Ireland, "Agreed!" (I Can Hear Bob Dylan singing, "The Times They are a Changing")

We Wish Prime Minister May Good Luck with "Making Good Policy Decisions for The People of Great Britain," and "In Establishing The Correct and All Inclusive Tone for Governing!" "These are Trying Times" and There is "No Way to Avoid the Impediments and Threats to Our Security," that "Lie in The Way!"
And, There is "No Way to Avoid The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," and "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

One Lesson, "I'm Sure The P.M. Readily Realizes" is that "Politics Can Be Fickle at Times!"

However, It is a Good Day, "When The Good Queen Elizabeth II Gives You Her Approval" to "Form a New Government" and "Start Anew!" Although, First Things First, "The Brexit Negotiations Still Need Completing!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The Testimony of Former Director of The FBI James Comey, is "Another in a Series of Step's in the Investigatory Process in Russian Interference in the 2016 Elections," and "Connections between Associates of The Trump Campaign with Russian Officials of The Russian Government, and Whether or Not There was Any Attempt of Collusion by President Trump to Cover up Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's Involvement with Russia, or in Any Way Whatsoever Impede The Russian Probe!"

And,, "The Public Relation Spins have Begun in All Seriousness!" And, "Now" that Mr. Comey has "Testified in An Open Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing," for "All the People Of The United States," and "All The World," to See and Hear," and, "Read His Written Statement before Testifying," the "Swirl of Spiraling Information Pros and Cons," Will Grow in Intensity "Clouding Political and Legislative Agendas for Months to Come!"

And, "The Shift of Believability," and "Who Do You Trust," Will Be "Shifted Back and Forth from President Trump to Former FBI Director Comey!"

However, "The Questions Still Remain and Demand Answers," from "Whether or Not There is a Secret Taping System Set up in The Oval Office," to "the Validity of The Dossier of M.I.6. Moscow Field Agent Christopher Steele," to What was "The Real Intention when The President said to Former Director Comey, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."    

And, "The Calls for Impeachment Still Remain!" And, "New Calls for The Implementation of The Twenty-Fifth Amendment by Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich," of The Clinton Administration, "Add to The Threatening Atmosphere that Surrounds The Trump Administration!" Irregardless of "The Advise, Counsel, and Defense"of President Trump's "Personal Attorney Marc Kasowitz!"

"Fortunately," For Us, "There are Journalists Who are Factually Seeking to Discover The Truth Behind Russia's Interference in the 2016 Election's," and "the Connections, Politically and Financially," that "May have had An Affect on the Judgment of Several Associates of The Trump Campaign!" "Journalists who Thrive on Gaining All the Facts and Confirmation of The Facts," In, "The Rich Tradition and Journalistic Integrity," that "Woodward and Bernstein's Investigatory News Reportage have Inspired Us with!"

And, Add to that, "The Ongoing Investigations of "the U.S. Senate, House, FBI, and DOJ, Committees," and "Special Counselor Robert Mueller," and "The Potential of Reaching A Final Conclusion" to "All of The Alleged Innuendos, Leaks, Tweets, Negative Aspersions, Slander, and Insinuations,"  that have "Tainted and Created a Negative Undercurrent and Discordant Tone in Washington, D.C." and "The United States of America," May Be "Legally Resolved For The Betterment Of Our Democracy and Republic," and "All of The Citizens Of The United States," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Seventh of June, 2017, ISIS Militants "Using Guns and Suicide Bombs Attacked both The Iranian Parliament Building,"  in Tehran, the Capital of Iran, and "The Shrine of Revolutionary Founder and Spiritual Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Approximately Fifteen Miles Away, "Causing the Deaths of At Least Seventeen People," and "Wounding as Many as Forty More!" 
And, Six Militants were Reported to Be Killed in Total," "Four at The Parliament Building," and "Two at The Holy Shrine!" 

This was "The Worst Terrorist Attack," and "First to Take Place in Iran Since 2010," and "No Doubt" has "Caused Deep Concern for the Safety of Its Citizens!"

And, "The Fact" that "These Attacks have Occurred During The Holy Month of Ramadan" Underscores the Saying that "War is Hell," Although Necessary, When "It's Being Ethically Conducted" to "Protect and Defend The Rights of Freedom For All The People" who "Truly Wish to Live Their Lives in Peace!"

"Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei" said "The Iranian Nation Will Go Forward." And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Newly Re-Elected President Hassan Rouhani" said, "Terrorism is a Global Problem," and Called for "Regional and International Cooperation and Unity." 

Iran's Revolutionary Red Guards have "Accused Saudi Arabia for Supporting ISIS Militants in The Attacks!"

"Statements of Condolences have Been Sent to Iran from World Leaders in Sympathy For The Innocent Victims who Died in this Attack, and Their Families," and also "In Condemnation of The Evil Perpetrators!"

And, One again, We Send Our Heartfelt Condolences to The Families and Friends of The Innocent People who have Lost Their Lives Due to The Cruelty of War and Violence! And, We Extend Our Sympathies To The People of Iran and The City of Tehran, who Fully Realize that Acts of Violence Knows No Boundaries or Morality.

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Former FBI Director James Comey's "Prepared Written Statement" Gives One "An In Depth, Detailed, and Important Look into His Relationship with President Trump," and the "President's Concern over the FBI Russian Investigation," and "The FBI's Investigation of Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn!"

And, "It Underlines Mr. Comey's Feeling of Awkwardness" about "Meeting Alone with The President," Because, "He Felt It Would Be In appropriate" to Do so "While Continuing to Conduct Investigations of Michael Flynn," and "Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign!" "A Sentiment" that "He Strongly Shared with U.S. Attorney General Sessions!"

The Stage is Set for "What has The Potential to Be A Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing with Powerful Consequences Tomorrow," June the Eighth, "When Former Director of the FBI Comey," Finally has "An Opportunity to Improve His Standing in The Intelligence Community," and "Before The People Of The United States," and "Make The Facts Heard in An Open Hearing," "Something the Top Intelligence Leaders Testifying at Today's Senate Hearing Declined to Do?"

"President Trump's Personal Attorney Marc Kasowitz," who is "Representing President Trump" in the "Special Counsel Probe into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign," said "The President feels completely and totally vindicated."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Today, Wednesday, The Seventh of June, 2017, "In Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee," "National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers" and "National Intelligence Director Dan Coats" were "Not Prepared to Discuss Conversations" that "They had with President Trump" in "An Open Public Hearing!"

"They were Not Prepared (Refused/Declined) to Answer in Public," Whether President Trump had "Tried to Influence Investigations into Russian Election Meddling and Possible Coordination with the Trump Campaign."

Director Coats said, "What I am not willing to do is Share Confidential Information that I think ought to be protected in an Open Hearing!"

During the Hearing "The Washington Post was Mentioned Several Times" in regards to "An Article They Published," about a "Conversation Director Coats had with President Trump!" "Director Coats Declined to Discuss the Article Displayed in The Washington Post" in "An Open Hearing!"

There is Little Doubt that "A Closed Hearing Will Be Scheduled," Hopefully in the Near Future, to "Discuss in Detail," the "Alleged Conversations President Trumps has had with the Directors of Several U.S. Intelligence Agencies" about (1) Conversations They had with The President about His Former National Adviser Michael Flynn, (2) Russia's Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign, and (3) Alleged Connections that Several Associates of The Trump Campaign May have had with Russian Officials!

Needless to Say, "There is A Great Expectation Awaiting Former FBI Director James Comey's Testimony," on Thursday, The Eighth of June, 2017! "His Memos of The Meetings and Conversations with President Trump in regards to Michael Flynn," President Trump's Former National Security Advisor, "The Russian Investigations," and "Being Fired by President Trump," have "Been Long Awaited!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday Evening, The Third of June, 2017, On "the Eve of Ariana Grande's Return to Manchester, with a Number of Stars, to Give a Benefit Concert for The Victim's of May Twenty-Seconds Concert and Their Families at Manchester's Old Trafford Cricket Ground," and Five Day's and Five Day's Before Parliamentary Elections," Several Acts of Violence Occurred in London, England, (1) A White Van Drove into A Crowd of People Walking Along the Sidewalk at The London Bridge, and (2) Stabbings have Occurred in Borough Market Area. Tragically, "Seven Innocent People were Killed" and as Many as "Forty-Eight who were Injured!"

"The Three Male Cowards" who "Instigated the Attacks upon Innocent Pedestrians and People who were Enjoying an Evening Out in The Bars and Restaurants in the Fashionable Borough Market Area," were "Killed by London Police within Eight Minutes of When the Attacks began!"

Prime  Minister May Stated that These Acts of Violence "were inspired by a single, evil, ideology of Islamist Extremism," that "Represented a perversion of Islam and of the Truth!"

"Global Leaders" and "People from All over The Earth" have "Expressed Their Condolences to The Families of the Innocent People who have Lost Their Lives," and "In Support of The People of Great Britain!"

"Twelve Additional Arrests have Been Made!"

We Extend Our Sincerest, Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families and Friends who've Lost a Loved One, in Yet Another Act of Cruel, Dishonorable, and Disgraceful Act of Violence! And, We Express Our Sympathy to The People of The City of London and Great Britain at This Time of Mourning!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Just Day's before the State of Florida and The United States Commemorates the "One Year Anniversary of The Deadliest Mass Murderer of American Citizens on The Twelfth of June 2016," at "The Pulse Nightclub, in Orlando, Florida," Where "Forty-Nine Innocent People were Murdered, and Fifty-Three Innocent People were Wounded," A "Resentful and Bitter Ex-Employee of Fianna Inc." an RV Accessory Company that He was Fired from Last April, "Returned to the Industrial Area where He Previously Worked, Near Orlando," and "Shot and Killed Five Innocent People!" This Occurred, This Morning, Monday, The Fifth of June!

"This is Another Deeply Disturbing Act of Violence to Take Place," At a Time, When "Acts of Terrorism" are "Occurring All over the Earth" and "For This to Occur Now" (or Actually at Any Time) "When the City of Orlando and Surrounding Counties are already Feeling the Emotion of the Coming Anniversary of the Pulse Night Club Murders," Only, "Intensifies and Dramatizes the Importance and Need to Return to a Time Period of Common Sense and Reason," "Instead of Violence to Calm the Much Too Often Anger and Rage," that has "Caused the Deaths of Too Many of Our Family Relations, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Citizens!" "We Can Not Solve Our Problems by Killing or Harming Each Other!" And, "This Violence Must Stop!"

Orlando Police Chief Demings said, This same person, "Allegedly battered another Employee in 2014," But, "No Charges were Brought upon him!"

"Thankfully Orange County Sheriff Deputies Arrived Quickly after the Shooting Began," and "Prevented More Deaths from Occurring!" "The Coward Committed Suicide!"

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs "Extended Her Sympathy and Sorrow to The Families and Friends of The Victims!"

And, At Present, "It is Not Believed that the Murderer was Affiliated with Any Terror Syndicate!"

And, Once again, We Extend Our Sincerest and Most Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, and Friends who Lost a Loved One Due to This Malevolent Act of Violence! And, We Extend Our Sympathy to The People of The City of Orlando for having to Bear, yet Another Loss of Life in Their Community!


-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Third of June, 2017 "A Bomb Scare Caused by Fireworks Being Set Off," and "People Crying a Bomb had Been Exploded," "Caused a Mass Stampede of People in The Piazza San Carlo in Downtown, Turin, Italy," Who had Come to The Piazza to "Watch a Giant Screening of The UEFA Champions League Final between Juventus and Real Madrid," and "Caused More than One Thousand Five Hundred People to Be Injured!"

"The Sound of Fireworks," (or Whatever Caused The Sound) and "Cries of a Bomb Exploding," Created A Sense of Anxiety and Fear, and "Caused Wave after Wave of People and Juventus Fans," to "Stampede and Run over One Another in An Attempt to Escape!"

"This Unfortunate Incident Occurred" just "Shortly Before The Violent Attacks in London Took Place!"

"Fortunately, There have Not Been Any Reports of Death Taking Place!" 

-Extra Note Worthy News-
The World is Looking Forward to Hearing The Testimony of Former FBI Director James Comey in Front of The Senate Intelligence Committee who is Investigating the Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Campaign on Thursday, The Eighth of June, 2017!

Especially, Because, "Mr. Comey Will Finally Be Able to Address His Meetings with President Trump," and "Any Extra Communications that He has had" with President Trump, "Specifically," in Regards to "Dropping The FBI Investigation of Former National Security Adviser to the President Michael Flynn," and "FBI Investigations Involving Russia's Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election Campaign," and "Being Fired!"

Mr. Comey has "Kept Private Memos of His Meetings with President Trump!"

And, With "The Growing List of Associates of the 2016 Trump Campaign, Including President Trump's Son-in-Law and Close Adviser Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, the President's Former National Security Adviser, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone, who are "All Expected to Give Testimony" in Front of Either "The Senate, House, or DOJ, Committees," and also with "Special Counselor Robert Mueller!"

It is "Understandable Why President Trump has Felt it Necessary to Hire a Private Attorney, Marc Kasowitz to Advise Him," (as Reported on The Twenty-Fourth of May, 2017) to "Counter the Leak's and New Information" that Will Be "Most Definitely Coming Forth from the Testimonies," and "Committee Hearings!"

"President Trump has Known Mr. Kasowitz for Decades" and has "Used His Services" in "His Divorce, Allegations of Fraud at Trump University, and Real Estate Transactions!" 

And, "Fortunately, President Trump Did Not Invoke Executive Privilege," in "An Attempt to Prevent Mr. Comey from Giving His Testimony!" In the Past, "President's Richard Nixon, William Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush" had "Attempted to Assert Executive Privilege!"

And, "Just as Interesting" Will Be, "Whether or Not, Former FBI Director Comey "Will Provide the Senate Intelligence Committee" with "An Honest Representation of His Meetings and Communications with President Trump," "Inregardless of the "Pressure He has Been Experiencing,"or "Negative Comments," or "Not so Subtle Administration Warnings that have Been Directed against Him!" 

And, "As a Growing Concern and Dissatisfaction in Recent Policy Decisions of President Trump," Saturday, The Third of June, 2017, "Thousands of Demonstrators Participated in" a Non-Violent, "March For Truth" All Across The U.S. "Calling for (1) Greater Government Transparency with The Public, (2) An Independent Impartial Investigation into Trump's 2016 Campaigns Alleged Ties to Russian Officials, and (3) President Trump's Withdrawal of The U.S. from The Paris Agreement!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Today, Friday, The Second of June, 2017 A Lone Criminal, Whom Authorities Claim, "Attempted to Rob the Resorts World Manila," in the Capital of the Philippines, "Caused The Deaths of as Many as Thirty-Seven Innocent People Due to Suffocation," and "Injuring at Least Seventy More," when "the Criminal Set the Tables Afire," and "Everyone Panicked," Some Running Towards Exits" and "Others who Ran into a Bathroom into Hide," and "Suffocating to Death," Most of which, "It is Reported were Women!" However, Reports are "Victim's were also Found on the Second and Third Floors of The Resort!"

In Total, "More than Twenty Resort Guests Died," Plus, "Another Thirteen," who were "Hotel Staff Members," who also "Lost Their Lives!"  

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Coward/Thief" who "Perpetrated this Violent Crime," was "Engaged in A Shootout with Security Guards, but "Still Escaped with Approximately $2.3m in Casino Chips," and then Took His Own Life," after "Entering into a Hotel Room and Set Himself on Fire," (and Shot Himself) "Rather than Be Arrested and Placed in Prison," by the Philippine Authorities!

"Video Footage Shows the Gunman Entering The Resort with An Assault Rifle," and "Opening Fire Indiscriminately upon the Guests."

"Originally the Incident" was "Being Referred to as A Robbery by Police" and "Not a Terrorist Attack," However, "An Offshoot of ISIS has Claimed Responsibility for The Robbery!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to the Families and Friends who've Lost a Loved One in this Act of Violence by a Cowardly and Evil-Minded Thief! And, We Extend Our Sympathies to The People of The Philippines who've Been The Victim's of Much Too Much Violence!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.
Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,