Monday, January 23, 2017



The Way To Peace! #295

"The 58th Presidential Inauguration of The 45th President of The United States Of America Donald J. Trump," was "Staged and Presented to Impress We The People" in "The Grand Ole Tradition" that "We have Grown to Expect and Admire," from George Washington's Inauguration, to "Today's Twenty-First Century Extravaganza!"
"With the Newly Instated President Trump Making Promises, "How He Intends to Make America Great Again" and that, "We are transferring power from Washington D.C., and Giving it Back to You The People!" And, also Promising "a New Vision to Govern our Land!"

But, What Does All This "Pomp and Circumstance Signify in Real Terms," in regards "to This New President and His Make America Great again Movement," who "Lost the Popular Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election to Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by almost Three Million Votes," and has "The Lowest Approval Rating for A New President to Take Office that The Gallup Polling Firm has ever Measured," and has "Never Held Public Office!"

And, "Who Is Bent upon Repealing The Affordable Care Act "(as His First Executive Order is Plainly Directed towards Accomplishing) along with The Republican Party, "Irregardless of The Fact" that "The Health Care of Twenty Million Americans will Be Threatened and Negatively Affected!" And, "Even Some Republican Governors," Governor John Kasich of Ohio, Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan, Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, and Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada, have "Expressed Serious Concern about it!"

And, "Who Continues to Ignore the Opinion of The Leaders of The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," In Regards to "Russian President Vladimir Putin's Intentions to Disrupt the 2016 Presidential Election" through "Illegally Using the Tactic of Cyber Hacking of Former Secretary of State Clinton and The Democratic Party's Emails to Do so!"

(Note this Date in Your Calendar for All Posterity! Wednesday, January 11th 2017, "President-Elect Trump Finally Agreed with the Leaders of U.S. Intelligence Agencies" and "Acquiesced to The Already Well Known Fact," that "Russia was Behind Cyber Attacks aimed at Influencing The Novembers Elections!"
At President-Elect Rump's First Post Election Press Conference (Live Not via Twitter), He Stated that "Mr. Putin shouldn't have done it!"
Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "the Leaks of A Dossier by Christopher Steele," a Director of London based Private Security-and-Investigations Firm, (Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd.) who was "a Former British Intelligence Officer," Revealing "Unsubstantiated Allegations about President-Elect Trump and His Connections with Russia," May have had Some Part in "This Russian Cyber Hack, Espionage/WikiLeaks Illegal Act of Interfering in the 2016 Presidential Election" that "Targeted Mrs. Clinton and The Democratic Party," and "May have had Some Influence on Mr. Trump's Remarks Concerning "A Carefully Planned out Illegal Tactic by Russia," that "Many Experts Agree Cost Mrs. Clinton the Election!"
"Let's Look Forward to The U.S. and Global Intelligence Communities Coming Forth with Clarifying Information," and "The Truth Behind Russian Cyber Hacking," and "President Putin's Role in this Illegal Act of Interfering in An American Election!"
And, "What Exactly is President Trump's Role," or "His Representatives Roles, in this Russian Espionage, Cyber Hacking Cold War Tactic of The Twenty-First Century," if Any at Al!
"The American People (and All The People of The Earth) Deserve a Clear Airing of All The Serious Global Reportage Surrounding of All of These Allegations!"
Or, are "All of These Accusations, Charges, Briefings, Dossiers, and Reports," "Nothing more than Another Example of Smear Tactics and Smoke and Mirrors by One Politically Motivated Group or Another!"
Or, Some Fictional Drama Constructed by The Global Cross Media News Universe!"
"It's Up to The Reporters, and Global Intelligence Agencies to Come Forth with The Proof of These Allegations," so that "We The People Can See for Ourselves," "Exactly What The Truth is!"
And, "Then Our Lawmakers Must Bring Forth Fair and Unbiased Charges Against The Parties who have Committed These Grievances," and "Then Bring Them Up on Charges in A Legal Court of Law," (Whether it Be "An International or Domestic Court of Law).
"There Can Not Be Any Violation," or "Attempt to Violate The Electoral Process of Any Sovereign Nation!" "This Can Not Be Condoned!

"Note that by Thursday, the Twelfth of January, 2017, President -Elect Trump Recanted His Acceptance of The U.S. Intelligence Briefing," Because, "It Included the Unverified Allegations of Christopher Steele's Dossier in It's Findings!")

So, "What is The Nature of This New Trump Administration!" And, What are "We The People to Believe!" Presidential Tweets, Presidential Campaign Promises," or "Presidential Responses to The Questions Posed to Him by The Global  Cross Media News Organizations at Press Conferences!" Or, "President Trumps Promise to Unify The United States of America," or "The Soon to Be Delivered State of The Union Address!" What are "We The People of The United States Of America to Rely upon!" What is The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth!"

And, "Which Trump Do You Believe?" The One that Tweets or The One that Speaks!"

And, "How are You to Believe in Anything The Trump Administration says," "When Sean Spicer The White House Press Secretary, "Actually Accused the Press of Minimizing The Number of People who Came to Washington to Attend The Inauguration," on Friday, The Twentieth of January, 2017! 

And, "What are The Allies of The United States to Believe!" Again, "The President Trump that Tweets or The One that Speaks!"

And, "If You are a Religious," and, or "Spiritually Minded Individual who is Inspired by," or, "Is Motivated by A Higher Consciousness of Cognizant, Experienced, and Moral Political Leadership,  What Do You Think about President Trumps Constantly Contradictory, and, at Times, Seemingly Irreconcilable Conflicting Behavioral Patterns!"

And, "If You are A Parent and are Teaching Your Children to Tell The Truth, What Do You Think about It!"

Yes, Politicians have Been Known to Make Promises while Campaigning to Get Your Vote," and "Then Flip Flopped When Their Promise was Not Profitable to Their Campaign," and President Trump has Been Known to Do this as Well," However, "The United States of America Symbolizes a Great Nation of Democratic Principles and Values" that "Must Be Continued" and "Shared with All The Peoples of The Earth," as "The Founders Put Forth in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence!"

And, Here "We are in The Twenty-First Century" with "A Global Economy in Need of A New Peace Time Engine of Global Trade," and In Need of Social and Employment Security," with "War, Regional Conflicts, Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals Threatening The Stability of Our Earths Communities," and  "The Ecological and Environmental Welfare of We The People and Our Planet Earth Needing Conscientious Adhering to," plus, "The Education of Our Children, Universal Health Care," and "The Need of Twenty-First Century Commitment to A Global Vision of Equilibre," that "Is All Inclusive and Respectful of The Rights of All People!"

And, "We Do Not Need to Shake up The World," as Much as "We Need to Unify The Earths Communities!

And, "We Do Not Need To Build Walls between Us," as Much as "We Need to Build Bridges of Trust and Peace to The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us," "Extending to Every Corner of This Planet Earth!"

And, "We Do Not Need The Leaders of Global Community of Civilized Nations to Use The Global Web as a Tool for Dissension and Division," and "We Do Not Need More Gadfly's," as Much as "We Need Peacemakers, and Philosophers of Enlightenment and Knowledge, and Scientists of The Future, and Philanthropists of  Generosity," who are "Concerned with The Welfare of Humanity, and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" 

And, "We Do Not Need Politicians whose Campaign Strategies Rely upon Dividing Us to Conquer Their Opponents," and "We Do Not Need a Law Enforcement Community that Relies upon Racial Profiling,  and Economic Profiling" to "Protect and Provide a Just and Lawful Service to We The People," "We Need Insightful, Community Orientated, Cognizant, Women and Men who Believe in Providing Law and Order for All The People, "and "A Twenty-First Century Millennia of Women and Men to Perform Their Duties as Public Servants, and True Representatives Of The People to Act on Behalf Of The People in Governments Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "We Need A Spiritual, Religious, and Military Soul Force," and "Grand Union of The People to Protect and Defend The Earths Communities" from "the Malevolent Acts of Violence," at "The Behest of Dictators, Tyrants, and Syndicates of Evildoers!"

"The Attacks and Acts of Violence" Made upon Our Families, Homes, Communities, Souls, Spirits, Values, Cultures, Hearts and Minds, "Must Not Be Allowed to Cause Fear, Resignation, Acquiescence, or Submission in Our Lives!"

This Should Be "The Fabric and Tapestry of The New Norm of Global Leadership in The Twenty-First Century! "

And, "With Each New Administration" that "Comes to Power via The Electoral Process," "All Thought of Ego, Haughtiness, Self Centered Political Ideology, Self Importance, and Arrogance Must Be Cast Out," "For A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People to Exist, and Prosper," and "That One and All Can Share and Enjoy The Pursuit of Happiness," without "Fear of Being Disenfranchised, Marginalized" or "Made to Feel as If They are An Insignificant, and Meaningless Part of Society!"

And, "To Each New Leader that Comes to Power," "It Will Take More than Simply Talking The Talk to Make a Sincere Difference in The Lives of We The People," "It Will Take Walking The Walk," "Being Activists," and "Remaining in Close Touch With All The People to Earn and Deserve Their Trust!"

And, "The Three Hundred and Twenty Million People in The United States," plus "More than Seven Billion More," Worldwide, are "Depending on Sound, Intelligent, Purposeful, and Inspiring Leadership to Stabilize The World," and "Make Our Global Communities a Peaceful and  Sociologically Secure Environment," for "Our Families to Thrive in!"

("The Non-Violent United Women's Marches" that "Took Place All over The United States on Saturday, The Twenty-First of January, 2017, (and the World)" are "A Clear Example of
(1) The Concern over President Trump's Political Agenda, (2) The Need for Qualitative Health Care, and (3) The Threats by President Trump and The Republican Party to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" Millions of Concerned Women Made Their Voices Heard Loud and Clear for The New Trump Administration to Hear!) 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us Continue to Be Vigilant, Non-Violent, Public Servant, Activists, who Use Common Sense and Universal Conscious Awareness to Guide Us!

And, Let Us Continue to Be "Compassionate, Empathetic, and Comprehensive Advocates Of The People," and "Supporters of Human Rights and The Rights of All Sentient Beings," and "Crusaders For The Rights and Education Of All The Children of The Earth!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age Of Hope, Technological Evolution, Scientific Advancement, and A Cultural Expansion of Earthrise Proportions of New Universe of Unlimited Horizons of Gifted, Experienced, and Exemplary Minds, and A Global Equation Of, By and For The People that Is Earthwise, Streetwise, and In Equilibre with All The People, and with Economic Opportunity, Gender Parity, and Peace For One and All!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send The Sincerest Condolences of Our Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or Due to "Natural Disasters," such as "The Twenty-Four Reported Tornados, at Last Count, that Ravaged The Southeastern United States Of America, on Saturday and Sunday, The Twentieth and Twenty-First of January, 2017, that has "Caused at Least Nineteen Storm Related Deaths throughout The States of Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and Florida!" It's Been Reported that "at Least Twelve Deaths Occurred in The State of Georgia alone!"

And, At Least, "The Three Storm Related Deaths that Occurred in California," Due to Rain Storms, Mudslides, and Flooding that have Been Ongoing During the Month of January, 2017. 

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,