Tuesday, December 13, 2016



The Way To Peace! #268 -Revisited-

"The Final Supermoon of 2016," The Pedigree of Which is Magnificent, Majestic, and Awe Inspiring to See, (or "The Super Full Cold Moon, or Super Long Nights Moon as Native American Tribes have Named), Is as "Good a Time as Any," to "Make My Wish List for the Jewish, Milad-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad), Christmas, and, New Years Holidays" and The Twenty-First Century is, "If, The Worlds Populace Must Exist," (as It has For Millennia upon Millennia), "As a World of Divided Sovereign Nations and States," "Let Us Be Undivided in Spirit, Soulfulness, and Purpose!"

"It Would Be An Extraordinary Moment in Time," and For All The Peoples of The World, 
"If Peace Reigned in A Magnificent State of Grace, Cascading Over All of Our Lives!" 
"Empowered by "A Peacetime Economy," that "We Can," One and All, "Enjoy and Share in Parity with Each Other!"

And, For "A New Age of Environmental Awareness to Enlighten Us," and "Through Renewable Energies," and "Continued Reductions in Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions," "Improve The Quality of Life for Everyone!"

"The Terms," that All the Major Nations of The Earth Agreed to,"In The Paris Agreement," Must Be Re-Doubled in Effort," and "Their Commitment Must Be Reinforced by Concrete Actions!" And, Each Nation Must Remain Loyal to The Principles and Terms Agreed upon!"

And, "Newly Elected Leaders," such as, U.S. President-Elect Trump, "Must Not Violate The Terms of The Agreement," or "Withdraw Their Nation from Continuing to Observe The Terms Agreed upon," or "Retreat from The Inspiring Intent of This Document!"

"Any Attempt to Withdraw from The Paris Agreement" by "A Newly Elected World Leader" Would "Be a Major Affront," and "Display a Lack of Respect for The Grand Effort Made By All of The Nations who have Expressed a Deep Concern about Climate Warming," and "Environmental Issues" that are "A Threat to Our Planet," and "The Earths Communities," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "I Would also Like to Make a Wish," For, There to Be "A Reconciliation of All The People of The Earth in Peace!"

And, that "We Be Not Divided" by "The Impediments that Bar The Way To Inner Clarity and Perceptivity!"

"Nor, Let Us Be Divided by The Voices of Dissent that Argue against the Conclusions, Intelligence, and, Advice of Scientists!"

And, Let Us Not Be Deluded by The False Rhetoric of Political Discourse "that Bloviate, Rather than Educate," or, "Religious Ideologies that Pontificate, Rather than Heal and Enlighten The World!"

And, "Let Us Not Be Psyched Out of Believing in That Which You Truly Love and are Inspired by," and, "What is Real from Unreal!"

"History has Revealed that For Millennia upon Millennia," "The Earths Populace/We The People" have Been "Taught and Conditioned, by Egregious Religious, State, Civil, Business, and, Military Leaders," to Hate Our Fellow Human Being," and,"Engage, over and over again, In Wars that have Violated The Core Beliefs of Our Faiths," "Under False Pretenses!"

Or, "Our Historical Records have Revealed" that, "We"..."The People," have Been "Told Outright Lies," in order that, "A Few," May Gain Property and Wealth, "at The Expense of The People," and, "Relish in the Enjoyment of Seeing Those of Us, who were Less Fortunate!" And, At Times, "a Whole Race of People, Have Been Subjugated and Enslaved in The Name of God!"

Or, "We" have Been "Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe in What is Good Versus Evil," "But, Not For The Good or Benefit of The People" (does it Sound Familiar)!

And, Here "We" are "Half Way thru The Second Decade of The 21st Century," with A Global Tapestry of the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the French Republic, NATO, International Courts of Law, and, International Trade Agreements between Sovereign Nations All over The World, and "Building a Nexus of Bridges of Commerce to Herald in A Global Peacetime Economy," and, "Yet, The World Still Exists in a Fractious State of Being!"

"The Key Words" are "United, Republic, and, Union!" "A State in which the Power Lies in the Hands Of The People" (and Their Elected Representatives), "Joined Together in a Common Purpose," (such as Freedom)! "This is what the Civilized Nations of The Earth Must Be!"

Or, "A Grand Union of United Nations," Sworn to Eradicate the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists, and, Their Criminal Collaborators from Ever Being a Threat to the Best Interests of Our Nations, and, the Well Being and Lives of We The People!"

"An Example of This Grand Union of Nations is," When I Look Back on November 30 'Til December 12th of 2015, "to When All the World Leaders Who Attended the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21 or CMP 11)," Principally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, United States President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, (Ex) UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Plus, All The New Leaders Who Ratified of The Paris Climate Agreement," on Wednesday, the Fifth of October 2016, "Forged Ahead In a Concentrated Effort to Create a New Reality," and with It, "Taking Another Positive Step Forward," Towards "Achieving Climate Equilibre," that "Will Protect and Preserve the Ecological and Environmental Survival of This Sacred Earth of Ours," and "Help Secure The Lives of All The People," and "Sentient Beings!" 

"Impressively and In a Determined Fashion," All Came Together in a Common Cause of Survival," and "For The Good of All the People of This Planet Earth," and, "All are "To Be Highly Commended!"

("This Global Agreement" to "Lower Carbon Emissions", and "Limit Global Temperatures from Rising Higher than Two Degrees Celsius," When Compared to Pre-industrial Levels, will "Enter into Force on the Fourth of November, 2016!" (More information will be Available at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change!)

But, For My Former Wish of Peace On Earth to Come True, "It is of the Utmost Importance" that "All The Nations of The Earth Remain Explicitly Aware of," and, "are In Absolute Agreement" that "There is Another Danger to This Earth of Ours" that "Lies Beyond The Pollution of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies!"

"This Danger," "Lies in The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals," who "Care Not if They Destroy Our Towns, Villages, and Cities!"
"Nor, Do They Care about Murdering Our Children, or Enslaving Them!"
"Nor, Do They Care about Killing or Torturing the Innocent!"

"They" have "Stolen Our Children, Our Lands and Property, and, have Caused The Ruination of Millions of Families!"

And, "They" are "No Better than Criminals," (Crime and Drug Lords, and Sex Traffickers), Pretenders of The Faith, (that They have Disgraced by Their Actions), "Maiming, Killing, and, Torturing Innocent Women and Men, in the Name of God!" "While Sinning against God," and, "The Children of God, Their Fellow Human Beings!"

("The Bombings in Cairo, Egypt on Sunday, The Eleventh of December, 2016,  and Istanbul Turkey," on Saturday, The Tenth of December, 2016, are "Clear Reminders of The Ongoing War Against The Crime Syndicates of Terrorists, Murderers and Criminals!")

(And, The War in Syria and Iraq are Proof of What a Unified Coalition of Nations Can Achieve If They Work Together For a Common Purpose and Not Against One Another For Political Advantage (as Russia Appears to Do at Every Possible Turn in The Wheel of War!")

So, "Let Your Environmental and Ecological Accords," "Reach New Agreements" that Specify,
(1) You Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission,"
(2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change,
(3) Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe,
But, also, "Add a New Perspective!" "A Vow to Protect The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth," from, "The Dangers of Depraved, Diabolical, Wanton, and, Malicious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, "Their Malevolent Accomplices!"

But, "Let Us Agree" to "Not Allow Ourselves to Continue to Be Fooled or Pitted against One Another," "In The Name of God!" "Where One Nation of People are Deluded into Taking the Lives of Another," "Under the Guise of False Statements," and "Misleading Beliefs of Superiority", "In the Name of God!"

And, "Let Us, also, Agree" to "Not Allow the Political Ambitions, Greed, and, Lust of Power," of Any World Leader, Domestic Politician, Business, Drug or Crime Syndicate, or, So-Called Religious Leader, "to Delude, Terrorize, Enslave, Subjugate, Addict, Torture, or, Commit Criminal/ Unlawful Acts against Humanity!"

Instead, "Let Us Wholeheartedly Agree" that, "It is Time For A Prevalent Spirit of Good Will to Embrace The World, and, "All The People and Sentient Beings of The Earth!"

So, that, "Refugee Families Can Return Home and Be Re-United with Their Loved Ones!"

And, So, that, "A New Age of Financial Enterpreneurialism and Opportunity, and A Global Peacetime Economy Can Merge with Global Equilibre Of The People, By The People, and For The People, that Produces A Global Corporation Of The Earths Populace that Focuses Upon, Re-Building The Earths Infrastructures, Environmental and Ecological Enterprises, Free Education for Our Youth, and, Like A Magnificent Tapestry of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Drape Itself O'er The Earths Communities" and Usher in A New Age of Social and Economic Security," that Empowers and Greatly Enhances The Lives of All The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Bringing a Much Needed Respite," and "Healing Soul Force to Restore, Renew, and Mend The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric of This New Norm!"

"It Shouldn't Take Another Horrific Mass Carnage of Innocent Victims to Mobilize the World Leaders of Civilized Nations to Act in Full Force," "Putting in Action a Global Strategy and Military Engagement," Arming Their Navy's, Armies, Air Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Special Operation Forces, Spy Satellites, and, Drones, "to Suppress, Prove False, Find and Destroy the Tyrannical Operatives of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Leaders, and, "Remove from Power and Influence, Any Leader who has Imperialistic Delusions of World Domination!"

"History has Provided Us with a Cognitive Understanding and Knowledge of Times Gone By," when "Previous Acts of War, Mass Carnage, and Violence, Conducted by Barbarians, and Uncivilized Nations, Threatened the Security of the People of The Earth!"

And, "If There is Further Reason to Justify the Full Global Mobilization of All Sovereign/Civilized Nations against the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists, Murderers, and Criminals," Which is the Displacement of Millions of Innocent People from Their Homes is One, (Vet Them, Screen Them, But, Provide Them with Homes, and Safe Harbor. (Let's always Remember that Joseph and Mary, when Mary was Pregnant with Baby Jesus, were Homeless),
And, (2) the Murder and Torture of Innocent Victims, and (3) the Generations of Children who are Being Denied a Proper Education, and, the Surety, Safety, and, Security of Growing up without Living in Fear of Losing Their Lives, "are Compelling Reasons to Act Now!"

"There Can Not Be A Generation Gap," or, "A Void of Conscious Awareness, or, "A Lapse in Spiritual and Religious Values," that "Prevents Us from Displaying a Sense of Empathy and Philanthropy For Our Fellow Human Being!" "Our Doctrines and Tenets Guarantee" that "Our Freedom and Innate Quality of Life Should Be Passed On to Every Generation," For the Benefit and Welfare of Every Woman, Man, and, Child!" And, "For People Of All Genders and Ways Of Life!"

"Without A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, United in Spirit and Purpose," "A Divided World Will Exist, With Millions of People Living in Poverty," and,
"Too Many People Still in Need of Healthcare," "Lacking in Employment," and, "Without Access to Higher Education!"

And, There are "Too Many People" Living amongst Us, "Who are Plagued by Fragile Psyches," or, are "Exhibiting Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Psychic Imbalances," and, are "Easily Manipulated by the State of Amorphous, and, Sociological Inequalities," that, Still Exist in Our World Today, and, "Cause (in Them) a Sense of Resignation and Frustration," or, "Cause Them to Strike Out in Vehemence," or, "In Blind Confusion, Towards Their Fellow Human Being!"

"Causing Death and Despair" to, "Too Many Disheartened, and, Disconsolate Families who've Lost a Loved One!"

"These Individuals are Susceptible to Becoming Perfect Converts of Terror Syndicates," and, "Crime!"

"Ending up as Another Negative Statistic," and, "Soulless Perpetrator Doomed to A Hellish Demise" (as is the Case with the Majority of Foreign Fighters and Domestic Terrorists) "with the Eventuality of Death and Disgrace as Their Final Act."

However, "With a Great Union Of, By, and, For The People," in Place, "Educating, Healing, Providing Philanthropy, Healthcare, Social Security, and, Opportunity For The People," A Soul Force of Public Servants, "Can Reach Out to These Individuals who've Gone Astray," and, "Help Them Find a New Balance in Their Lives!"
"One, that Embraces Humanity," and, "All Sentient/Universal Life Forms!"

"Envision" with me, "A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that is "Empowered by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), the IMF, and, A Vibrant Age of Global Technology, Enlightened Scientific Discoveries, Resilient Global Markets, Emerging Economies, Investment in the Modernization of the Earths Infrastructures, a New World Unification of Banking and Privatization in the Name Of The People, Affordable Healthcare, and, a Global Peace Time Economy!"
And, "Bringing Forth a New Global Financial Equilibre and Security," to "Our Towns and Villages, Cities, States, and Nations of The Earth!"

Yes, "This is a Substantial Holiday Wish List," and, "Change Can Prove to Be Difficult," But, "As The History of Humankind has Shown Us," "Where, There is a Will to Make a Positive Change For the Betterment of All Humankind," "It Can Be Done!" And, "The Proof Lies in Each New Day, Season, Idea, Thought, Word and Action!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Can We Ride the Wind to, Yet, a New Horizon, Where Innovation, Evolution, Generosity of Spirit, and Change Exist For All The People of The Earth!"

"Where a Magnificent Earthrise of Infinite Proportions, Illuminate and Enlighten the Earths Populace!"

"Where a Child's Smile Can Bring a Cascade of Endless Joy and Happiness into Your Life!"

"Where a Politicians Mantra, or, Motto is, To Truly Serve the People!"

"Where All the Tithes of The Worlds Religions are Used Solely For the Benefit Of The People!"

And, "Where Cyber Space is a Place of Growth, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joyful Entertainment, Universal Exploration, Global Bridges to The Great Spirit Of The People, and, The Sharing of Evolutionary New Arts and Culture!"
The Answer is, "Yes We Can!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Truth, Social Security, and, Hope On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The Thirteenth of December, 2016- Amis,
On Tuesday, The Thirteenth of December, 2016, Exxon/Mobil Chief Executive Officer Rex Wayne Tillerson was "Chosen by President-Elect Trump to Be His New Secretary of State!" President-Elect Trump called Mr. Tillerson an "Embodiment of the American Dream."

However. Because of Mr. Tillerson's Close Russian Connections, "He May have a Difficult Time Getting the Votes He Needs for His Confirmation from Both Republicans and Democrats!"

Mr. Tillerson has Been Given Support for His Nomination from "Former Republican Secretary of Defense Bob Gates," and "Former Republican Secretary of States Condoleeza Rice and James Baker," and "Former Republican Vice President Richard B. Cheney!

-Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twelfth or December, 2016- Amis,
"The Recount Bid by Jill Stein of The Green Party," in Pennsylvania, has "Been Rejected by A U.S. District Judge on Monday, The Twelfth of December, 2016!"

And, On Friday, "The Ninth of December, 2016,"
The Michigan Supreme Court "Denied Ms. Stein's Appeal," to Continue the Recount!

"The Recount in Michigan was Stopped after Three Days," Ending The Legal Process that Ms. Stein had Hoped (and Ten's of Millions of Others), to Find Discrepancies, that The Voting Machines were hacked or The Votes Miscounted in These Two States!"

"The Wisconsin Recount" is "Expected to End Today," "without Any Significant Changes in The Final Tally!"

President-Elect Trump "Will Be Sworn into Office as The Forty-Fifth President of The United States Of America on January 20, 2017!" "The Inauguration is Scheduled to Commence at Noon!"
(It is Now up to "The Department of Justice to Find Further Evidence of Russia and WikiLeaks Interference with The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election!)

- Extra Noteworthy News- Monday, The Twelfth of December, 2016, Amis,
"President-Elect Trump's Dispute with The Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA) over "Russian Hackers and Their Interference in The United States Election Borders on The Ridiculous," If, "It was Not So Important to Future Attempts (and there will be) to Interfere with U.S.Elections" (and Other Sovereign Nations Worldwide).

"This has," and "Continues to Be a Major Concern to Republican and Democratic Party Lawmakers alike!"

"Republican Senators such as, John McCain of Arizona, the Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina," and "Democratic Senators Charles Schumer, of New York (the Next Democratic Party Leader of The U.S. Senate), and Jack Reed of Rhode Island," are "Just a Few who have Expressed Their Serious Concern over Russian Interference/Cyberhacking of U.S. Elections!"

However, "Mr. Trump Remains Stubbornly in the Category of Doubting Politicos," although "The Federal Bureau of Intelligence, The CIA, Intelligence Agencies, and U.S. Intelligence Researchers," One and All, have "No Doubt of Russian Interference!"

"It was Obvious to Anyone with Any Common Sense" that, by "All Appearances," on a Daily Basis for Months, "Russian Hackers (and WikiLeaks) Attempted to Taint Mrs. Clinton and Her Campaign," through "The Release and Publishing of Illegally Obtained Emails" (Stolen), "While Sparing Mr. Trump Any such Embarrassment!"

And,"President-Elect Trump's Argument" to Substantiate His Point of View, that The U.S. Intelligence Agencies got "Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Wrong," in 2003, "Is Just Not Enough to Validate or Substantiate His Point of View in the Case!"

"Let's Hope that Future Relations with The U.S. Intelligence Community and President-Elect Trump," are "On Better Terms!" "Because without Trust" in Our Intelligence Agencies, "The War Against The Murderers and Criminals of Immoral Terror Syndicates, Will Suffer for It!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance for The United States" to "Remain a Centralized Core of The Coalition of Nations Committed to Eliminate these Syndicates of Murderers," and "The Information Gathered and Shared by Our Global Intelligence Agencies" is "at The Core of This Mission or Any Military Operation!"

And, "The President of The United States is The Commander and Chief of The U.S. Armed Forces," and Needs Their Trust and Support," (and that Includes U.S. Intelligence Agencies) and also "Needs to Display Leadership Qualities that are Cognitive, Unifying, and Admirable!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Saturday, The Tenth of December, 2016, Amis,
On Thursday, The Eighth of December, 2016, "Republican House of Representative Sam Johnson," from Texas, Who is "A Member of The Ways and Means Committee," Introduced Legislation that "Would Substantially Cut Our Social Security," and "Raise The Retirement Age from Sixty-Seven to Sixty-Nine!" "Rep. Johnson is, also The Chairman of The Social Security Subcommittee!"

"You Would Think after Decades of Threats to Cut Our Social Security Benefits," The Republican Party "Would Change Their Attitude from Cuts to One of Empowering of The Social Security System of We The People!"

"We"... "The People," Who have "Spent Our Lives Working to Support and Empower The United States of America" with "A Potent and Formidable Financial System!" "Giving Our Lives and Wages to This Commitment!"

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, Advocates, and Activists, "This is Not The Time to Adopt A Wait and See Attitude!" Whenever "You Hear or Read of Another Policy or Legislation" that "Threatens The Welfare, Health Care, or The Overall Quality of Life Of The People," Contact "Your Local, Regional, or National Representative," and "Expressly Voice Your Concern and Opinion!"

And, "Do Not Hesitate" to "Non-Violently Demonstrate or Protest Against These Harmful Proposals, Policies, and Legislation!" And, "Let's Make Our Message Clear and as Succinct as Possible!"

The United States of America is "Not a Government Of Oligarchs, Represented By Lobbyists, and For The Pleasure and Greed of Egotistical and Political Ideologists of Divisive Policies!"

"It's a Democracy/Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Friday, The Ninth of December, 2016, Amis,
On Thursday, the Eighth of December, 2016, Amis, "President-Elect Trump Chose Andy Puzder," A Chief Executive for CKE Restaurants Holdings Inc., the Parent Company for Carl's Jr. and Hardees Burger Chains, "For Labor Secretary!"

And, once again, "Proof of Mr. Trump's Hypocrisy is Clearly on Display! "
Mr. Trump said "Mr. Puzder will fight to make American Workers safer and more prosperous," However, Mr. Puzder is Well Known for "Being against Raising the Minimum Wage Beyond Nine Dollars an Hour," and is also, "A Critic of The Affordable Care Act!" So, How is that "Fighting for American Workers" or "Showing Support for the Heath Care and Welfare of American Workers!"

"Labor, Environmentalist, and Civil Rights Activists and Advocates," "Do Not Wait and See What Idea's, Actions, and Policies Mr. Trump's are," "Prepare Now," Let's Not Get Caught up in the Rhetoric of Misleading Promises," Actions Speak Louder than Just Words" and "the President-Elect Must Understand that He Can Not say One Thing, While the Facts Totally Belie the Opposite of What He's saying!"

"The Sooner Mr. Trump Comprehends" that "The Lives of The People are Not a Part of A Scripted TV Reality Program," "The Better The Quality of Life of Our Lives Will Become!"

"The United States of America is A Democracy/Republic" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Not An Oligarchic Reality TV Show Of, By, and For The People that Laughs and Cries on Cue by The Director or Leader of Any Political Party!"

"We Need Real Down to Earth Policies" that "Protect, Defend, Enhance, and Empower Our Families and Communities!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The Eighth of December, 2016- Amis, 
"Has President-Elect Trump Met His Match?" Union President Chuck Jones of The United Steelworkers Local 1999 is "Standing Firmly By His Facts!"

I Must Admit "Mr. Jones has Been Doing His Job Thirty Years Longer than President-Elect Trump" (Who has Never Held Public Office!) And, "He has The Experience to Show for It!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Thursday, The Eighth of December, 2016- Amis,
"The Announcement by President-Elect Trump of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt," "Who is Known to have Ties with The Fossil Fuel Industry," and "has Engaged in Legal Fights Against Environmental Legislation," as "Head of The Environmental Protection Agency" is "An Affront Against, Both U.S. and Global Environmentalists," and "A Clear Sign For Environmental Activists to Stay Vigilant," and "Begin Preparations for Protest Demonstrations!"

It would "Take Nothing Less," Than "A Firm Commitment and Promise by President-Elect Trump and Mr. Pruitt" that "They Would Not Dismantle The EPA" or "Withdraw from The Paris Agreement to Satisfy the Concerns of Environmentalists!"

"The Meeting between Former Vice President Al Gore and President-Elect Trump" on Monday, The 12th of December, 2016, "Will Have Important Significance to it in Light of the Choice of Mr. Pruitt as EPA Head!"

During The 2016 Presidential Campaign "President-Elect Vowed to Dismantle The EPA" and "Withdrawn The U.S. from The Paris Agreement!"
And, Mr. Pruitt Appears to have "The Same Sentiments!"

"Mr. Pruitt Wrote in The National Review," Earlier This Year, that' "Scientists Continue to Disagree about The Degree and Extent of Global Warming and Its Connection to The Actions of Mankind," which is "a Verifiably Untrue Statement!" At Least, "Ninety Per Cent Believe to The Contrary!"

"There Should Be Little Doubt in Anyone's Mind" that "We have Entered into Very Serious Times," and "Nothing Should Be Taken for Granted in regards to President-Elect Trump," "Who has Never Held Public Office!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-Thursday, The Eighth of December, 2016- Amis,
"A Pure Example of Double Standards" is "Being Displayed by The Republican Party" who have "Continued to Exemplify a Laissez-faire Attitude" in regards to "President-Elect Trump's, Obvious, Intent" to "Continue to Advance His Families Business Interests" and "Exporting His Brand Name!"

"The GOP" Would "Be Calling for President Obama's Impeachment," If, "He had Actively Promoted His Books," or Private Business Ventures During His Presidency!"

"Democrats, Independent, and Interdependent Republicans" have "To Maintain a Constant Vigilance" in "Every Aspect of The Trump Presidency!"

"The Principles and Tenets of The United States is at Stake," and "The Family Values that All Americans were Taught to Believe in" Can Not Be Refuted, Invalidated, or Negated" by "One Mans Avarice, Egotistical Desires, or Misuse of Power!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Seventh of December 2016- Amis,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has "Decided to Place a Ban on Full-Facial Veils!"
And, "In a Very Direct Statement, Chancellor Merkel Stated," In Front of The Annual Conservative Party Convention, that "German Law Superseded Islamic Law, or Shariah!"

"Ms. Merkel is Under Pressure," and "Facing Strong Criticism of Her Refugee Policy," that has "Granted Asylum to At Least Eight Hundred and Ninety Thousand Refugees," Who were "Seeking Asylum from Primarily Muslim Countries!"

"These New Measures are An Attempt" to "Demonstrate that She is Deserving of Re-Election," for a Fourth Term, "as Chancellor of Germany," Next Year, "When New Elections Will Be Held!"

Last September, Ms. Merkel said that a" Ban on Burqas Would Be Appropriate in Certain Situations, such as Courtrooms or the Civil Service!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Seventh of December, 2016- Amis,
Global Cross Media News Reports that "Former Senator Bob Dole" of Kansas, "Coordinated The Infamous Telephone Call between President-Elect Trump and Taiwan," in "An Effort to Develop and Build a Closer Relationship with The United States!"

Mr. Dole, who is Now "A Lobbyist with Alston & Bird," a Washington Law Firm, "Received One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars for His Efforts" from May 2016 to October!

"This Took Close Coordination" between "The Taiwanese Government and Mr. Trump's Campaign Team!"
However, "It has Soiled Relations with China!"

In Memoriam: Monday, The Twelfth of December, 2016 -
"The Bombings in Cairo, Egypt and Istanbul Turkey," are "Clear Reminders of The Ongoing War Against The Crime Syndicates of Terrorists, Murderers and Criminals!"

On Sunday, the Eleventh of December, 2016, A Bomb was Set Off at "The Coptic Christian Cathedral Compound," on "The Women side of The Worshiping Hall in The Small Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul," that is "Attached to The Coptic Cathedral," in The Abassyia District of Cairo! "This Attack Caused The Deaths of at Least Twenty-Five People, While Wounding at Least Forty-Nine in Addition!" "Taking The Lives and Wounding Innocent Women, for the Most Part!"
(As of Today, The Twelfth of December, 2016, "No one has taken Responsibility for Immoral Act upon The Innocent!")

And, on Saturday Evening, the Tenth of December, 2016, Two Suicide Bombers "Killed at Least Thirty-Eight Innocent People, Including Thirty Police Officers, and Seven Civilians," at "An Evening Soccer match by Istanbul's Besiktas Soccer Team!"

(Responsibility for These Attacks were Claimed by a Group that is at War with The Turkish Government Called TAK)

We Send Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, and Neighbors of Both Egypt and Turkey who have Lost a Loved One, Due to These Cowardly and Immoral Acts of Violence!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

And, to "All The Families and Communities" who "Have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or "Natural Disasters!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,