Friday, September 2, 2016



The Way To Peace! #286

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Once again, "As The Crickets and  Katydids Remind Us" in "A Resounding Crescendo of Admiration and Respect For The Advent of Autumn" in "All It's Multicolored Hues and Splendor of Nature's Glory!" 

And, "As Labor Day Signifies" and "Commemorates the Celebration" of "The Grand Accomplishment of The Global Work Force," and, to A Lesser Degree, "The End of Summer and The Beginning of A New Fall Season," and, "As We Continue Our Journey" along "This Empirical, Existential, and Exponential Path of Trials and Tribulations of Life," Let Us, also, "Continue to "Sow The Seeds of Global Entreneurialism For New Ecological and Environmental Enterprises that Protect Our Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Together, "Continue to Be Innovative and Groundswelling Pioneers," and "Supporters of New Energy Enterprises!"

And, Let Us "Continue to Encourage Our Scientific Community to Move Forward Towards Finding New Cures For Diseases that have Plagued This Earth of Ours for Millennias," as well as "Cures For The Outbreak of New Forms of Viruses" that "Threaten Our Communities," such as "Zika," or "Ebola!"

And, Let Us Together, "Continue to Urge The Hi-Tech Companies of The Earth to Be Champions Of The People," and Not Just "The Avante-Garde Community of A New Age of Global Commercialism!"
"The Integrity and Survival of We The People," Depend on "A United Vision of Moral Cohesion, and Global Linkage of Peace, Freedom, Non-Violence, Hope, and Creative Solutions that Involve Honest, Sincere and Harmonic Communication, and Diplomatic Fellowship of Cognizance and Compassion, Soul and Spirit," For which, "The Universal Hi-Tech Community" has "A Very Important Part to Play" For the Benefit of, "The Present and Future Generations of The Global Families and Nations of This Planet Earth!"

And, As "The Internet has Made Communication Worldwide, Simpler, More Direct, and Rapid," "Making it Possible," Seemingly in A Nanosecond, "For New Global Cross Media Artists and Producers to Emerge" from "the Unknown Ranks of the Invisible Talent Pool that Exists All over The Earth," and, so, "has It Enhanced The Global Cross Media News Coverage Worldwide," where "Photos" such as; (1) "The Five Year Old Boy, Omran Dagneesh, Covered with The After Effects of Destruction and Dust Of War in Syria," is Seen on The Covers of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal" and "Reported All over the Global Web, (Omran's 10 year Old Brother, Ali, Died in The Hospital, Due to Injuries Caused by the Same Russian or Syrian Airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria as Omran and His Family Experienced)" to (2) "In Depth News Coverage of Russia's Ongoing Tensions in The Crimea, and, also, with Ukraine," and (3) "New Concerns about  China's New Overseas Military Base in Doraleh, Djibouti," and (4) The Global Reportage that "American Freelance Journalist Lindsey Snell is Being Detained by The Turkish Government," since The Seventh of August 2016, for "Violating the Military Zone, by Crossing The Border in between Turkey and Syria," Allegorically and Realistically Create and Present, "A Multicolored Fabric of The Future of The 21st Century" as "It Looms before Us," in "A Grand Tapestry of Human Behavior," and "Imperialistic Strategic Designs!"

All the While,"There Still Exists In The Exploration of The Universe," "The Unknown Frontiers of  A Sentient Evolution," and "The Answers to A Myriad of Questions that have Been Posed For Millennias on This Planet Earth," All, "Waiting to Be Discovered by Women and Men of This New Frontier of Vast Advanced Conscious Awareness!" (Let's Hope that "The Explosion of The Space Exploration Technologies Corp. Rocket," on Thursday, the 1st of September, 2016, "Does Not Delay This Grand Quest, for Too Long!")

"Expand upon This Train of Thought," "The Importance of Visionary Leadership," Leaders who "Possess A Cognizance of The History of Humankind and It's Common Denominators," that "Present and Reveal An Overview of A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People" is of "The Greatest Significance to Our Personal and Global Evolution, Growth, and Development," as "A Compassionate, Inspirational, Peace Driven, Intelligent, Economical, and Soulful Community of The Earth!

(It would Be "A Positive Statement," and "Inspiring Step Forward Towards Eliminating Poverty in The Twenty-First Century," if "The Anbang Insurance Group and Its Members, Plus Chairman, Wu Xiaohui," and the  Other Chinese Billionaires, "Committed Themselves and Their Resources Towards Charitable and Philanthropic Global Concerns,"  and "Invested in Projects that were "Aimed Towards Helping The Poor," as Much as, "They have Invested in Commercial Projects!" 
However, "The Members of The Baishoutao, and Mr. Wu," will "Have To Take Off Their White Gloves," and "Take a Hands on Approach to Do This!"
"The Giving Pledge Group of Billionaires and Multi-Millionaires are The Global Model" that "Mr. Wu and His Associates Should Adhere to," in "The True Spirit of Confucius and Lao-Tse!")

(And, Irregardless of The Statement by Xinhua News Agency," China's Press Agency, to "Urge Restraint," in regards to "North Korea's Recent Nuclear Test," Its Fifth, on Friday, The 9th of September 2016, "It Would Be a Positive Step Forward Towards An Age of Peace," and "A Golden Age of Global Evolution," in The Twenty-First Century, if President Xi Jinping of China, "Uses His Art of Diplomacy," to "Convinced North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un" to "Disembark from The Path of Destruction and Provocation," that "He has Decided to Lead His Countrymen and Countrywomen Down!"

President Xi Jinping "Must Diplomatically Convince Kim Jong-un" that "His Decision to Use Nuclear Diplomacy," For Whatever Reason (The Sixty-Eighth Anniversary of North Korea's Founding),  is "A Dangerous Path to Take," that "Will Continue to Estrange and Alienate North Korea" from "Ever Becoming a Part of The Global Community of Peace Loving Nations!"

And, "The Fact" that "North Korea's Nuclear Test" is "In Violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution," (of which China is a Security Member), "Should Be Enough of a Reason to Convince Marshal Kim Jong-un!"

However, if "That is Not Enough," "The Consequences that North Korea is Bound to Face in the Near Future," by The United States, Japan, and South Korea," alone, "Should Be Enough of "A Reason" to "Give Kim Jong-un Pause to Reflect upon the Rationality of His Decision to Instigate A Path of Provocation and Destruction," that "Can only Enrage His Neighbors," and "Anger World Powers" to "Bring Upon His Nation/People Further Economic and Political Sanctions and Restrictions!"
And, "It is Irrational to Think" that "The United States, Japan, or South Korea Would Allow This Threat to Their Sovereign Shores and People" to "Remain as Constant Threat!"

But, This Will also "Demonstrate Whether China has The Will and Determination" to "Act as A World Power in Defense of The People of The Earth!"
And, This is "A Responsibility" that "Demands Action that Matches Diplomatic Overtures!"

"China has A Great History that Embraces the Teaching of Confucius and Lao-Ste," and "This Will Test," Whether "Their Teaching has Not Been Forgotten," by The Chinese Leadership, "For The Sake of The Chinese People," and "An Age of Golden Opportunity and Peace For All The World to Share," North Korea as well!)

"A Global Evolution, Growth, and Development" that is "Empowered by Education, Cultural Evolvement, Conscious Awareness," and "Political Stability, that is Imbued with Sociological Awareness and Responsibility For Each and Every Sovereign Peace Loving Citizen of This Planet Earth!" Coupled with "A Philosophical Awareness and Philanthropic Conscious Awareness of The Overall Needs of The Earths Populace!"

All this, "Fused Together With a Militaristic and Committed Sense of Justice For One and All," and "In Support and Respect For Our Freedoms, Rights, Tenets, Principles," and "The Joie de Vivre of Families, Communities, Values, and Way of Life, Can Create A Platform of Global Equilibre," that "Usher's in A New Age of Peace On Earth," Where "The New Norm of The 21st Century is The Embodiment of Hope, and Empathy For Our Fellow Human Being" and "The Lives of All Sentient Creatures," Whether, "Here on Earth or Althroughout The Limitless Expanse of Universe!"

This Would "Give Birth to An Earthwise and Streetwise Vision of Reason and Prosperity!" And, "A Labor of Love and Experience" that "Our Generation Can Pass along to Future Generations with An Ego-less Sense of Pride," and "A Transcendental View of Life in Perspicacity, Clarity," and "In Reality with An Earthrise Perspective of Truth and Conscious Awareness!"

"Imagine A Labor of Love that Gives Rise" to "A Golden Age of Global Employment and Manufacture,"Strategically  Modeled to Provide Opportunity and Security For The Global Working Force!"

"Imagine A Global Work Force Operating at Peak Levels" Turning Out "Satisfactory Product and Merchandise For The Earths Populace to Share!"

"An Educated Global Work Force" "Trained in The Art of Social, Environmental, Ecological, and Energy Prowess, Proficiency, and Expertise in Producing New Fields of Energy, Healthcare, and Technology!"

Can You Imagine, "The Sense of Satisfaction that Would Permeate Each and Every Person" and "The Sense of Accomplishment and Professionalism that Would Infuse and Impregnate The Global Mindset of Workers All over The Earth!"

Can You Visualize, The Growth of Our Communities,  and The Conveyance of The Human Spirit to New Heights of Experience and Gratification For A Global Employment Model that is Based on The Improvement of The Human and Ecological Reality, For Everyone, Not Just The Privileged Few! 

And, "A Global Model that has A Built in Security Net For Every Demographic of Humanity!" Whether Rich or Poor, Middle Class or...!

And, Can You Conceptualize A Golden Age of Super Speed Transportation," and "Culture" Making It Possible to "Experience The Earth from All Perspectives," and "Destinations," as If "You were Traveling to Work" or "Shopping at The Super Market," on "Any Given Day of The Week!" A la "A Weekend in Paris in A Moments Notice at An Affordable Price!"

However, "The Need For A Global Strategy" that "Visualizes Encompasses An Equation of A Grand Union of Employee's, Unions, and Management," and that "Welcomes Them," Both, with "A Sincere Embrace, and "Pays Them Both An Equal Wage," is "A Sound Strategy and Vision For The Twenty-First Century!"

"A Global Equation For Universal Employment" that "Pledges to Provide Healthcare For It's Employee's and Their Families!"

"A Global Model For Management, Unions, and Nations" that "Does Not Force Child Labor" Instead "Invests in Their Education and Training!"
That "Pledges to Provide Every Child," of This Planet Earth, with "An Equal Opportunity to Succeed in Life," and "Enjoy All The Innovative and Natural Fruits of Life's Being!"

"A Global Model For Children" that "Pledges to Provide Each and Every Child with A Positive Vision of  The Value of Public Service, Work, and Family," Can Be in "A Peacetime Economy!"
And, Guaranteeing Them, "An Opportunity to Play, Develop, and Mature" in "A World that Embraces, Loves, Befriends, Empowers, and Encourages Them to Participate as An Active Partner For Life," In "A Grand Experience of Universal Endeavors, and Personal Challenges, Sharing's, and New Philosophies, Ideas, Visions, and Goals of A Sentient Existence," on Both "Earth," on "A Microcosmic Earth-Wide Basis," and "In New Space Ventures" that "Explore The Macro-Cosmic Galaxies and Universe that Surrounds Our Planet!"

And, "It is Time," For, The Worlds of Finance and Business," and "Investment and Banking," "Unions and Management," to "Work as "A Grand Ensemble of Plausible and Cogent United Entrepreneurs Of The People, By The People, and For The People," along side, with "Representatives and Elected Officials" who have "Sworn to Function on Behalf Of The People," and "Create An Untouchable, Non Politicized Universal Program of Social Security Pensions," For The Billions of Employee's who "Have Worked and Contributed Mightily to The Global Economic System," For "All Their Lives!"
 "With The Absolute Assurance" that "Their Social Security is Guaranteed," For, "All The Remaining Post Employment Days of Their Lives!"

This Would Be "A Guaranteed Life Benefit to All The Labor Force Of The World" as "A Gesture of Thanks For Their Service, Commitment, Dedication, and Support" of "A Global Financial System" that has "Great Promise," if, "Managed Justly, Reasonably, Intelligently, En Equilibre, Morally, Ethically, Virtuously, with Integrity, Decency, Solidarity, and  Truthfulness For One and All!"

(At a Time when "The World Needs Voices of Reason, Equilibre, Unity, Cognitive Awareness, Intuitive Understanding, Insight, Compassion, Tolerance, Charitable and Thoughtful Consideration, and Fair and Just, Lawmakers," and "Unbiased News Reportage," "The Breitbart News Influence and Uptick," and, "The Republican Nominee For President of The United States, Donald Trump," "Simply Do Not Fit The Mold," Nor "The Need of The Times!"

"Their Combined Influence" Creates Disunity, Division, Fear, and Increased Dissension and Friction" that "Can only Lead to Further Discord and Hostility, and "A Cacophony of Disharmony, and Noise of Destructive Elements, and Acrimony," sans "Soul" or "A Meaningful, Purposeful, Productive, Creative or Empowering Significance," that "All The People of The World Can Share and Rejoice Together in Peaceful Cooperation" and "Universal State of Being!"
"Breitbart News," and "Mr. Trump" are "Totally Out of Step with The Needs of The Present and Future Generations of The Twenty-First Century!" And, "They" are "Far Beyond the Pale" of "What One Might Refer to" as "The Fringe Element of The Republican Party!"
"They Enjoy," Too Much, "The Ego of Being Front Stage and The Center of Attention For Their Own Sense of Profit!" And, "The People of The United States," and "This Planet Earth," Deserve More than "What They are Offering Us!")

("The Speech Made by The Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton," on Thursday, the 25th of August, 2016, was "Precise and Correct in Every Sense," in Regards to Mr. Trump, "Using His Own Words to Make Her Point Clear and Concise!"
And, It is Obvious that The GOP Nominee is Not Representing The Traditions, Values, Political Agenda, or Ideology of The Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, or Ronald Reagan!)

(And, Mr. Trump's "Deportation Policy" in regards to Undocumented Immigrants in The United States, "is Ludicrous," and "Should Be Offensive to Every American Citizen!"
After all, with The Exception of Native Americans, "The United States of America is A Nation of Immigrants!"

And, "His Zero Tolerance Stand" on Criminals, Human Smugglers, and Drug Traffickers is "Absolutely Nothing New!" In Fact, "Border Control Agents," for one Simple Example, have "Been Increased Incrementally over The Last Few Decades," to More than 17, 000!
And, "It has Been Estimated," that "Mr. Trumps Immigration Plan," would "Cost Billions to Implement," which is also, "Ludicrous to Imagine," Especially," when "There are So Many Other Urgent Priorities in The United States!"

It Appears as if, "Mr. Trumps Sole Goal" is to "Dominate The U.S. and Global Cross Media," "For His Own Sense of History, Glory, Ego, and Profit!"

And Lastly, "Hillary Clinton's Comment" that, "Trump Failed The Test," referring to His Trip to Visit and Speak with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, is "Completely Accurate!"
However, "To Put it Succinctly," Mr. Trump has "Failed to Demonstrate Admirable or Inspirational Leadership Qualities" since His Campaign Began," including "His Brexit Comments!" 

And, President Nieto has "Made it Abundantly Clear" that "Mexico Will Not Pay For Building A Wall, between The U.S. and Mexico," as "Mr. Trump has Vowed Will Occur!" And, To Play on The Emotion and Frustrations of American Citizens who Feel as if "They have Been Disenfranchised and Deprived from Achieving The American Dream," is "Another Offensive," that "Americans Should Not Condone or Tolerate from Mr. Trump!")

Last Evening, Wednesday, The Seventh of September, 2016, I Watched "NBC's Commander in Chief Forum," as I'm sure, Most of You Did as well!
"The Idea is Very Commendable!" And, I Hope that "The Members of The United States Armed Forces" were "Satisfied with This Approach Towards Seeing The Presidential Nominee of Your Choice," in Action, and "Answering Questions Succinctly," and To Their Best Effort, "Honestly and Intelligently!"
And, "Displaying An Awareness of The Strategic Partnerships," and "Global Relationship that Exists between The United States and The Leaders and Citizens of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth!" And, "The Sensitivity and Overall Knowledge" that "It Takes to Be President of The United States of America!"

And, "You May Agree or Disagree with The Responses of The Nominee's," However, "You were Able to See and Hear," in "A More Intimate Basis Who They are!"

However, "Several Troubling Responses or Comments," Made by Nominee Trump, "were Disturbing to Hear;" (1) His Criticizing of U.S. Generals, Working with President Obama, in "The War Against The Criminals and Murderers of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," Saying that "They" were "Reduced to Rubble," and "Embarrassing to Our County!"
(Mr. Trump has Been "More Complimentary Towards President Vladimir Putin of Russia, than President Obama and Our Generals (with the Exception of The List of Eighty-Eight Generals and Admirals who Vow to Support Him, of Course!)

And, Secondly, that "The Intelligent Experts," Who Provided Mr. Trump with "Classified Intelligence Briefings," by "Their Body Language," Gave Him The Impression, that "They" were "Dissatisfied with President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and Democratic Party Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, for "Not Following The Advice of Intelligence Experts"....and, that "They were Not Happy! Our Leaders Did Not Follow what They were Recommending!"

For One Thing, "These are Classified Intelligence Briefings," are They Not! And, Secondly, "Can You Seriously Imagine Mr. Trump" as "President of The United States!"

(On a 2016 Campaign Political Update, "The Dallas Morning News has Endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of The United States!" This is, "The First Time in more than Seventy Years," that "They have Endorsed a Democratic Nominee for President!")

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries "Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues are Important Paths to Pursue," in both, "Foreign Affairs, and on The Domestic Front!" And, "The Native American Protest at Standing Rock Reservation, in North Dakota," by The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, "Deserve Full and Respectful Consideration from The Obama Administration!"

"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe" are "Protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline" (An Oil Pipeline), "Because of Their Concerns" that "It Will Come Too Close to The Reservation," and "The Town of Cannonball and The Cannonball River," Causing Harm to The Health of The Residents in Their Community," and also, "The Missouri River!"

"The Permit" has Been "Issued  by The Army Corps of Engineers to the Energy Transfer Partners," to "Build The Pipeline," without any Direct Input by The Tribe!"

"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe" has "Expressed Their Concern" that "This Oil Pipeline will Have a Negative Effect on Clean Drinking Water for The Reservation, and "Violate The Spirit and Earth of Their Sacred Sites, Burial Grounds, and Ancestral Land!"

And, The Tribe Claim that The Pipeline Violates "The Clean Air Act," Plus, The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)," The Rivers and harbors Act," and "The National Environmental Policy Act!" And, "It is Planned to Be Built Beneath Lake  Aohe," A Damned Area of The Missouri River, that "Provides Drinking Water to The Reservation!" And, "Have Taken Their Case To Court!"

A Ruling Will Be Made by Sept. 9th by A District Court Judge in Washington DC.

In Consideration of "The History of Broken Treaties The U.S. Government has with Native American Nations," This Would be An Excellent Opportunity to Demonstrate that The Past Behavior of The U.S. Government ,"is "Solely a Thing of The Past," and "Will Not Be Repeated," Again, "in The Twenty-First Century!"

"Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has Expressed His Support of The Sioux Tribe," and "Now Would Be a Propitious Moment in Time For The Obama Administration," and "The Presidential Nominee's of both The Republican and Democratic Party," to "Express Their Feelings about The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Concerns!"
(As of Friday, The 9th of September, 2016, "The U.S. Suspended It's Construction Work on Part of The North Dakota Oil Pipeline" until "Further Review of The Tribes Complaints!"
"This is An Inspiring Moment," and A Just and Fair Decision" for "The Obama Administration to Make!")

And, On a Final Note, "The Canonization of Mother Teresa as A Saint," on Sunday, the 4th of September 2016, by Pope Francis, is "A Wonderful Step Forward" Towards "Acknowledging The Vast Contribution to The Catholic Church by Women," who have "Devoted Their Lives to The Gospel, Spirit, and Life of Jesus of Nazareth!"
And, "Specifically Honoring Mother Teresa's Dedication and Commitment to Help The Poor," and "Her Extraordinary Example as A Woman of The Church," in "The Tradition of Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary!"

And, "We Must Congratulate Russia and The United States" for "Coming to A Strategic Agreement," on Saturday, The 10th of September, 2016,  to "Target The Murderers and Criminals of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!"

And, "The U.S. and Russia are also To Be Congratulated" For Agreeing to "A Genuine Reduction of Violence" (although War and Violence are Synonymous)!
"The Targeting of Civilians in The War in Syria," has Caused "Thousands of Unnecessary Deaths!"

And, Once again "U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov are to Be Congratulated," For "Transcending The Impediments that have Hindered The Negotiations For Weeks!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Age Of A Polyphonic and Universal Song Of Life, Graced by A Grand Spirit and Soulful Choir of Voices, Altogether, Singing Out A Worldwide Mantra, Composed of Three Words, An Idea that has Long Been Desired and Wished For, and An Oath, Affirmation, Proclamation, and Declaration For The World, of Peace On Earth!

In Memoriam-
I Would Like to Take a Moment to "Honor The Loved Ones," (Innocent Victims) Who Died on September 11th, 2001, Due to A Series of Terrorist Attacks, on Flight #93, that Crashed at Shanksville, PA, The Pentagon, in Washington, D.C, and The World Trade Center, in New York City!

The Coordinated Attacks "Caused the Deaths of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Six Innocent People," and "Injured More than Six Thousand." And, "It has Been Estimated" that there were "Ten Billion Dollars in Property and Infrastructure Damage," and, at least "Three Trillion Dollars in Total Costs!"

I Would, also, To "Pay my Respects" to "The Families, Friends, Neighbors, Colleagues, and Country," who Still Mourn Their Loss!"

In Memoriam:
"The Tragic Number of Death's of The War in Syria," has "Reached More than Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand People!" At Least, "Fifty Thousand of Which are Children," as of the Week of August 22nd, 2016!"

"Add to This Heart wrenching Figure," is "The Millions who have Been Forced to Leave Their Homes Behind," to "Live in Refugee Camps," or "in Foreign Countries, in Hopes of Re-Building Their Lives," and "Starting All over Again!"

Let's Hope that "This Continually, Ever Growing Number of Death's," are "Enough Motivating Factors," for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and United States Secretary of State John Kerry (who have Finally Reached an Agreement, as of, Saturday, the 10th of September, 2016) "to Find Common Cause" for "An Agreement that Pursues An Impressive, Comprehensive, Formidable, and Trustworthy Solution for "Working Together," to Eradicate ISIS (or Daesh) and "All the Murderer's and Criminal's of the Extreme Radical Syndicates and Their Malevolent Surrogates, from The Middle East, and, from "All the Nations of The World!"

"This Should Not Be A Political Issue," This should Be "A Matter of Concern for All The Nations of The World to Agree Upon," and "Pursue with A Sincere Passion," in "The Name of All the People of The Earth!" 
"These Crimes Against Humanity Must Not Be Allowed to Continue!"

In Memoriam:
Comedic Genius Gene Wilder has Passed away to The Tender Age of 83 of Complications due to Alzheimer's Disease!

I Remember Gene Wilder from "His Films with Richard Pryor," However, He Starred in Wily Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, Young Frankenstein, and "Received An Academy Award Nomination for The Producers," and "For Co-Writing Young Frankenstein!

Mr. Wilder also Directed "The Woman in Red" that Co-Starred, His Very Talented Wife, Gilda Radner, who was "a Brilliant Comedienne in Her Own Right!"

Mr. Wilder also "Won An Emmy in 2003," for His Guest Role on the TV Sit-com "Will & Grace in 2002-03!"

Mr. Wilder was born Jerome Silberman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1933! He Studied at The Old Vic Theater School, in Bristol, Connecticut, and at Herbert Berghof's HB Studio, and, at "The Prestigious Actors Studio" under "the Tutelage of Lee Strasberg!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues of Mr. Wilder!

In Memoriam:
The War Against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates has "Erupted, once again,  in A Cowardly Attack on Students at The United States University in Kabul, Afghanistan," on Wednesday, The 24th of August, 2016, "Claiming the Lives of Twelve Innocent Persons" (Seven of Which were Students, Two Security Guards and Three Police Officers) with "Injuries to at Least Forty-Four People!"
Fortunately, "The Lives of Approximately Seven Hundred Students were Rescued!"  And, at Least, "Two of The Suspected Murderers were Killed by Security Forces!"

"These Attacks upon Public Places and Institutions, and Innocent Bystanders, are The Acts of Malevolent Criminals," who "Deserve, Nothing Less than Life Imprisonment for Their Crimes Against Humanity!"  

And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who "Have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!"

In Memoriam:
And, "to The Families and Communities who have Lost Love One's Due to Natural Causes," or "Have had Their Homes Destroyed Due to Natural Disaster's," such as, "The Raging Fires in the Mountains of San Bernardino, California,"  that has "Caused The Destruction of More than One Hundred Homes," and "Forced at Least Eighty-Two Thousand People to Evacuate from Their Homes," in the Month of August, 2016! "The Death of," at Least, "One Person has Been Reported!"

And, "The 6.2 Earthquake that Struck Central, Italy," on Wednesday, the 24th of August, 2016, that "Caused the Deaths of at Least Two Hundred and Fifty People," and "Left Homes and Businesses in a State of Destruction," and, "the List of Injured Persons Equally as Serious!" 
(The Effect Earthquake was "Felt all the Way to Rome!) 
And, Where"Ghost Towns," Now, "Replace Cities and Towns," Where "Life and Culture Flowed in Abundance," such as Amatrice!" "We, also Send You Our Deepest and Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences!"

And, "The Death's of Three Hundred and Twenty-Three Reindeer," in Central Southern Norway is Deeply Unsettling and Disturbing!

"The Photos that were Made Available, by The Norwegian Environment Agency," on Monday, the 29th of August, 2016, "Revealed The Bodies of These Beautiful Animal's, All Lying Altogether," on The Hardangervidda Mountain Plateau, in a National Park, Where, "More than Ten Thousand Reindeer Roam Freely," and, is "Home to One of The Largest Reindeer Herds in Europe!"

"They were Discovered by a Gamekeeper," on Friday, the 26th of August! 
"The Cause of Death," is "Being Struck and Killed by Lightning," in A Thunderstorm Storm!

"This Tragic Incident" is "The Largest Natural Disaster of Its Kind to have Ever Occurred!"

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,