Monday, August 1, 2016



The Way To Peace! #284

As "We Enter into, Yet, Another New Moon Cycle," and "As Mnemonic Moments and Passages of Past Experiences Flow Through my Mind," For my Minds eye to See (without The Encouragement of Any Summer Potation), I Find myself "Ensconced in, and Possessed by A Myriad Number of Thoughts of Perilous Events," that have "Occurred in Human History of Times of Great Tumult, Violence, and Revolution," All, "Flowing Through my Consciousness" of Times Gone by! 

And "As I Recall Several of These Moments," Quite Vividly, such as, "Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha Non-Violent Movement" (which Encouraged Mass Civil Disobedience), and Became "a Great Non-Violent Soul Force Movement," Beginning in 1917, and Then, "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Non-Violent Civil Rights-Soul Power Movement," (Originally Empowered by Black Churches in the U.S. in 1957) that was "A Great Demonstration of Non-Violent Civil Disobedience and Resistance" (that was, also, "Inspired by The Mahatma's Satyagraha Movement), Which Led to Dr. King's "I Have a Dream Speech," in Washington D.C.  on the 28th of August, 1963!

And, As I Continued to "Reflect Upon These Passages in Time," I Remembered that "We" also had "Musical Anthems to Inspire and Energize Us," During Marches and Demonstrations from "We Shall Overcome to James Browns "Soul Power!"

This Time Period "Gave Birth to A Vast Cadre of Artists" who "Sang about The Power of The Soul!" It was A "Sign of The Times!" 

And, Although "The Premise of These Civil Disobedience Marches and Demonstrations Varied to A Degree," It was "Always The Soul and The Rights of The People to Live in Equality and Freedom" that was "The Driving Factor in Bringing Change and Opportunity to The Disenfranchised People of The World!" L'ame, as The French would say, was "The Root of The Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"The Soul" was, and "Has always Been The Heart, Mind, Intellect and Spirit Of The People!" And, It Must Continue to Be "For The Sake of All the Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" I Can Hear Stevie Wonder singing, "Loves in Need of Love Today," and "Soul!"

And, When I Reflect upon "Nelson Mandela," who "Ended  and Resolved," What seemed Like, "An Eternity of Apartheid in South Africa," and went on To Become "The First President of His Country, "Elected In a Fully Representative Democratic Election Process" and "The First Black Chief Executive," after "Decades of Imprisonment," I am Reminded of "How Important it is To Heal the Wounds that Bind Us, Non-Violently and Peacefully," and "Madiba," is "A Courageous Example of A Leader," who "Cared about The Fate of All The People," and "Understood this Importance" if, "South Africa was to Survive the Apartheid System that was Strangling it," (Nelson Mandela was also Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi)!

And, "Thanks to Madiba," and "Jesus of Nazareth, Lao-Tzu, Siddhartha Gautama, Rumi, Socrates, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mother Teresa," and, "So Many Other Inspirational Leaders," "There was," and Has always Been "A Great Soul Force" Leading The Way to Change," and "A Higher Purpose in Life!" And, "A Sincere Caring For All the People!"

"Unlike the Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates" who "Use Their Religion Falsely!" And, "Kill, Maim, Murder, Kidnap, and Destroy" "without Concern For Their Fellow Human Being!" There is "No Honor or Soul" to "Their Actions," which are "Truly Crimes Against All Humanity!""They Kill Innocent Children, Mothers and Fathers without Shame!"

(On Sunday, the 31st of July, 2016 Pope Francis spoke Sincerely and Eloquently that "It was wrong to identify Islam with Terrorism, and that Social Injustice and Idolatry of Money were among the Prime Causes of Terrorism.")

And, "It is Clearly of The Utmost Most Importance to Comprehend" that "Now," that "We have Entered A New Phase" of  "The Global War Against Extreme Radical Terrorists," (The Overseas Contingency Operation), "Due to The Fact" that "They are Slowly but Surely Being Forced Out of Their Caliphate," and "Forced Out of Aleppo and Mosul," and "All The Territory that They Once Possessed," that "They will Attempt to Retaliate," and "Will at Times Succeed!"
Such as; In the Attack on a Mini Bus in The City of Khalis, by a Suicide Bomber (Approximately Fifty Miles from Baghdad on Monday, the 25th of July, 2016, Causing the Deaths of Fifteen Innocent People," and, Once again, "Many of Which were Children and Women!"

To, "The Attack in Ansbach, Germany," that "Injured Fifteen  People, Three of Which are Very Serious," Caused by a Suicide Bomber at The Ansbach Music Festival, in Germany, on Sunday Evening, the 24th of July, 2016!

(The Responsibility for These Attacks" are, as usual, "Claimed by Terrorist Syndicates of Disrepute!)

And, "This was One of Four Attacks" over "a Time Period of Six Days in Germany, that have "Taken the Lives of, at Least, Forty Innocent People," and Injured More than Forty!"

And, "The Deep Wounds of War Continue to Take the Lives of The Innocent!" This Time, It was "An 85 Year Old Priest, Jacques Hamel, Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Rouen, Who was "Killed by Two Cowardly Criminal Murderers," on Tuesday, the 26th of July, 2016! "One Person was Seriously Injured!"

"The Attack Took Place During the Celebration of Morning Mass," when "The Two Murderers Broke into The Church, Saint-Etienne-Du-Rouvray, near The City of Rouen, in Normandy, "Taking Hostages," and "Killing The Arch Bishop!" To "What Ludicrous Purpose," To Target Countries belonging to The Crusader Coalition!"
(Daesh/ISIS has Claimed Responsibility for This Attack upon The Innocent)

"Fortunately, "The Hostages were Rescued Unharmed" and "The Two Murderers were Killed as The Tried to Escape the Church!"

President Hollande of France said, "We are facing a group that has Declared War on Us," and "We have to Fight This War with Every Means!"
  And, Again, "This Attack" and "The Other Attacks that have Occurred are a Part of "A Destructive Aspect of The New Norm of The 21st Century, and Will Continue to Be so, Until  "A New Age of Law and Order is Constructed" to "Address This Plague Upon Our Towns, Villages, Cities, States, and Countries!" For, without a Doubt, It is "A Sin Against The Spirit and Soul of The People," and "A Crime Against All Humanity!"

And, Let Us "Comprehend Clearly," that "What is at Stake" is "The Soul and Lives of Today's Modern Civilization" of "We The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

And, without A Clear Understanding of "The Present State of Human Affairs, and A Full Realization of What Lies ahead of Us, "We" will Be "At The Mercy of False Rhetoric and False Propaganda of Fear, Lies, Threats" and "A State of Amorphous Meant to Discourage and Intimidate Us!"

 ("Seeing and Hearing The Parents of Captain Humayun Khan, "a Muslim-American War Hero," who was Killed in Combat in 2004, at The 47th Quadrennial Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, the 28th 0f July 2016, is "a Reminder of The Personal Contribution that Many Families have Given to Preserve Our Freedom and Way of Life!" And, "Represents Everything that America Stands for!" 
And, The Heroism of Ghazalan and Khizr Khan Son, Captain Humayun Khan, is "An Inspiration for All Americans," irregardless of Creed, Gender, Nationality, or "Political Persuasion!" 
This was, without a Doubt,  "One of The Significant Moments" to Occur at The 47th Quadrennial Democratic National Convention, "In Support of Their Nominee, Hillary Clinton," and "Her Stronger Together Campaign!")

("The Response to The Khan Family by The GOP Nominee Donald Trump," has Been "Strongly Criticized by Gold Star Families," and "Republican Party Leaders, Senator John McCain, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," as well as by "Most Civilized Political and Civil Officials," and "The American Public at Large!")

(It is Unfortunate that "Mr. Trump" Continues to Prove Himself to Be An Insensitive Leader of The Republican Party!")

(However, Let Us always Remember that "The Majority of the "More than One Billion Muslims Worldwide, are Peace Loving People!")

And, "Let Us Remember" that "Fortunately, The Positive Aspects of The New Norm of The 21st Century is "We," have at "Our Command a World of Civilized Nations who have Coalesced Around the Immediate Need to Eradicate from Our Civilized Reality The Threat of Violence, Lawlessness, Crime, and Injustice," from "Impeding The Growth and Development of The Earths Societies and Communities into A Prosperous Age Of, By and For The People!"

So, "Let The Armies, Intelligence Agencies, Police, Law Enforcement Officials, NATO, and Special Operation Forces of Justice, Truth, and The People," Continue to "Advance and Drive The Murderers who Dare to Threaten Our Families from Their Safe Havens Until They have No Place to Hide!"

However,  "As We Move Forward Into The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," It is also, of "The Utmost Importance to Implement a Global Strategy for The Investment and Construction in Our Communities by Global Business and Financial Leaders," and "The Leaders of Our Civilized Governments of The Earth!" And, By Doing so, "Create A Global Climate and Environment" "Made of A Universal Fabric of Growth, Education, Employment, Culture, Spirit of Achievement," and "The Spirit and Soul Of The People!"

And, Let it Be, "An Honest and Inspiring Fabric" of "Philanthropy, Reason, Conscious Awareness, and Understanding" of "The Suffering and Needs of The Poor, Less Fortunate, Homeless, and Disenfranchised," who "Long to Be a Part of This New Age of Science, Technology, Globalization, Communication, Opportunity, and Freedom!"

And, "What Needs to Be Constructed and Guaranteed" is "The Right of All Women, and Men, to "Enjoy The Equities and Liberties of Being An Equal Part of The Global Equation of The World" that "Grants One and All the Freedom to Vote Their Conscious," and "Live Up to Their Ability as An Interdependent Being of The Twenty-First Century!" 

"When You Consider Being A Woman," and "Living in A Country," Where Your "Rights To Vote are Limited, Where Its Frowned on by Some for You to Drive a Car, Have the Freedom to Dress as A Modern Women of The Twenty-First Century, Socialize Freely and Openly in Public, and Enjoy the Simple Pleasure of Swimming in Public Swimming Pools that are, also, Frequented by Men!" Or, "Receive Equal Wages for Performing the Same Work or Job as Any Man would!"
"Just Imagine Living Under These Conditions in The Twenty-First Century!" It's "Simply Ludicrous!"

And, "It is Perplexing," Why, "Chinese President Xi Jinping" and "The Communist Party Appear to Be So Threatened by Liberal Ideas!"

Is President Xi Jinping and The Communist Party "So Threatened by Liberal Activism" that "They" have to "Conduct a Purge of All Liberal Ideas," and "Hold Hearings/Trials in the People's Court of The City of Tianjin," the Week of August the First, 2016, (Near Beijing), "to Punish Four Individuals, Gou Hongguo, Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen, and, Zhai Yanmin" for "Their Liberal Ideas and Activism!"

"I Wonder what Confucius," or "Lao Tzu," Philosopher and Father of Taoism, "Would Think of President Jinping's Policies" and "Adaptation of Communism to The Twenty-First Century!"

Would "Lao Tzu Feel," that "There is a Distinct Policy," by Communist Leaders, "Directed Towards Impeding The People," from "Following A Path to Natural State of Goodness in China?"
And, Have "These Leaders by Their Example," and 'The Use of Anti-Government Claims," and "Accusations of Conspiracy," Proven that "They have Forgotten The Way!"

And, What Would "Confucius Feel,"  What Would "This Revered Philosopher, Teacher, and Political Theorist, Feel" about "The Moral and Personal Behavior of The Chinese Leaders of The Twenty-First Century!"

Would "Confucius Approve of The Political Attacks that Threaten The Human Rights of All the Chinese People," if, "They Should Differ in Opinion with The Xi Jinping Governments Concept of Justice, and Propaganda," that are "Levied Against Anyone who Believes in The Right of The Chinese People to Live Interdependent of The Chinese Ideology" or "Whatever The Ideology May Be!" And, were "Being Manipulated" by "A New Phase (or Ongoing) of Anti-Liberalism Propaganda!"

Or, "Would Confucianism," also "Be Attacked as Being Too Liberal!" And, Would "The Golden Rule Be Too Powerful a Statement," for President Xi Jinping and The Communist Party to Adhere to, "Do not do to others, What you do not want done to yourself!"

I Believe that "Confucius Would have Embraced All the Seasons of Life and Humanity," and "Continued to Champion Family Values," and "The Sovereign Rights of All The People to Live in Peace, Prosperity, Freedom, Harmony," and "In Global Equilibre" and "Respect For All The People of This Planet Earth!" 

"The Fabric of The New Norm" of The Twenty-First Century "Must Provide For The Investment in Our Youth!" "This Aspect of The Evolution of Our Present Generations and Those to Come" is "As Important as Any Defense Budget of The Earths Major Industrialized Nations!"

And, "To Guarantee that Their Future" will "Be Empowered with Knowledge, Wisdom, Unlimited Opportunity, Good Employment, Emotional Stability, and Social Security," Will "Help Eliminate Any Reason" for "One Person to Steal from Another," or "Plunder or Be Jealous of Another's Wealth!" Or, "Threaten the Life or Family of Innocent People!" 
"If, You are Financially Secure and Emotionally Cognizant of Another's Way Of Life," "Life's Decisions Change For Your Betterment," and "For The Betterment of All Humanity!"

And, "A Powerful Investment," by All The Leaders of The World, "Must Be Made to Heal the Wounds of Centuries of Abuse, Misuse, and Manipulation, of The Human Spirit and The Soul of The People of This Sacred Planet Earth!

And, "A Time of Nourishment," and "The Sharing of The True History and Cognizant Knowledge of The Earths Cultures, "Must Be Made,"with "An even Broader Perspective and Insight of The Universe," and "The Makeup and Effect that Our Institutions have had On Us!"

And, "An Earthrise Vision Path" that, "Embraces A Global Ecological and Environmental Cognizance" and "Cosmic Conscious Awareness," Must Be Included in "The Positive and Innovative Fabric of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "A Emphatic Healing of The Global Body of People is Important" if, "We" are to "Re-Establish An Emotional Universe of Equilibre," as "We" Continue to "Evolve and Experience New Frontiers for Our Bodies, Minds, Intellect, Spirit and Souls" to "Cradle The Souls of New Worlds!"

For, "Without An Advanced Comprehension of All These Aspects," Positive and Negative, of "The Human Character/Being," Like Dissonant and Harmonious Notes, "It will Be Very Difficult to Create An Earthwise Global Equation of Equilibre Of The People" that "Improves the Overall Conditioned Reality that "We" are "Faced with!" And, "Build A Global Support System," that "Embraces and Replenishes Us, One and All!"

"This is An Important Factor" in "The Development, Enlightenment, Healing," and "Growth of We The People," as "We Evolve" into  "The Modern Day Civilization" of "The New Norms of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "Through Education, Communication, The Social Media," and "The Global Cross Media Universe," "The Zero Degrees of Difference," that Exists Between Us, "Can Be Traversed Quickly," and "This New Sense of Balance and Evolution in Our Lives," "Can Be Attained and Shared with Our Future Generations in Clarity, Parity, and Truthfulness!"

"It's, Definitely, All a Part" of "A Continual Healing, and Empowering Process," from "Which a New Sense of Equilibre Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "Can Take Root in," and "Transcend the Cyclic Pressures and Impasses" that "Lie in The Way," and "Attempt to Impede The Vision Path of Human Evolution, Growth, and Continued Development!"

"A Continual Healing and Empowering Process," that Allegorically, "Removes Blood Clots from The Brain," and "Purifies The Air that We Breath and Depend on To Survive," and, that "Severes the Chains of Resignation, Frustration, Intimidation, Limitation, and Fear of The Unknown," and "Aftershocks and Horror of Past Indignities, Violations, and Tragedies that were Heaped Upon The Human Experiential Being!" Bringing with It, "A Great Soul Force of Peace and Truth, Justice and Hope!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us always Remember with Great Passion," the Hopes of "The World of The Many," Who are "Helpless Pawns in The Negative Rivers of Greed and Lust that Binds Them To Lives of Meaningless Pursuits," and "Let Us Remember" the "Great Struggles of The Many," Who Continue to Strive to Survive through Perilous Journey's with No End in Sight!"

"In this Age of Zero Degrees between All of Us," One, "Can Not," But, "Feel The Plight of The Child without Hope of A Future," Who's "Tears are Shed on Beds of Loneliness," and As it is, "In Too Many Cases Parent less," only "to Be Exploited by The Predators of Vice and Crime!"

So, "Let Us Join Together O'er, Land and Sea" to "Change The Fabric of Our Communities to Truly Reflect The Values and Tenets" that "We" were "Taught to Believe in," For, "There Can Not Be Any Further Delay in Healing The Soul of The World," For "We are The The World," and, "Our Time has Come to Heal The World!" And, "The Soul of The People of This Planet Earth" and "The Macrocosm that We are All An Important Part of!"

And, "Together," In Harmony, "We Can Be An Eternal Song Of Life," that "Our Children and Their Children's Children Can Be Proud of," For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

In Memoriam:
"The Death of Darlene Horton, 64," the Wife of Richard Wagner, a Florida State University Psychology Scholar, on Wednesday Evening, the 3rd 0f August, 2016, is "Another in A Series of Random Murders" to "Occur over The Course of this Year!"

This Time "the Murder Occurred in Russell Square, in Central London, UK."

"Mrs. Horton had Accompanied Her  Husband, Richard, to London," where He had just Completed Teaching Summer Classes!" And, "They had Planned on Departing for Tallahassee, Florida, on Thursday, the 4th of August!"

"Whether This Attack" was "Terror Motivated," or "Caused by a Mental Health Issues," by a 19 Year Old Teenager," as Mark Rowley, "the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner has Stated," It is Still "Another Murder of An Innocent Person," and "This News is Deeply Disturbing!" "Five Additional Persons were Wounded!"

"Too Many Families have Seen Their Relatives Murdered" by "Random Acts," or, by "The Evil and Dishonorable Acts of Terror!" And, To Say that "We," "All Look Forward to An End to This Period of Time," that has Been "Marred by The Deaths/Murders of The Innocent," would "Be An Understatement!" This is "Not An Aspect or Facet of The New Norm" that Anyone of Us Wished for The Twenty-First Century! "Especially a Century" that has "So Much Potential to It!"

The 19 year Old Suspect, "a Norwegian National (of Somali Origin)," who has "Lived in the UK since 2002," "has Been Arrested on Suspicion of Murder" and is "Being Held in in Police Custody!"

And, Once again, We "Send Our Condolences to The Family of Mrs. Horton and Her Husband Richard," who "Must Be Devastated by this Tragedy!" And, To All of Their Friends and Colleagues at Florida State University!

And, We Wish "a Speedy and Healthy Recovery To Those Who were Injured!"

And, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to All The Families, Friends, and Communities that Have Lost a Loved One "Due to The Cruelty of War!"
And, "to The Families and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Du to Natural Causes," or "Seen Their Homes Destroyed Due to Natural Disaster's" such as "The Massive Flooding and Rainstorms in Maryland, that have "Caused the Deaths of at Least Two People," and "Floods that have Driven Hundreds of People from Their Homes," over the Weekend of July 30th, 2016!

Sharing The Light, Peace & The Celestial Song Of Life,