Wednesday, June 8, 2016



The Way To Peace! #278 Revisited

Last Year, "We Took a Moment to Commemorate and Celebrate The 95th Anniversary of The Ratification of The 19th Amendment to The Constitution of the United States," Which was "Ratified on, the 18th of August, 1920," after 70 Years of Intense Struggle to Do so, and "Put into Effect on the 26th of August!" (UIGA-TWTP! #259)

It was A True Labor of Love" that Finally, "Gave Women The Right To Vote in The United States Of America!"

And, It was "A Grand Achievement for The Women's Suffrage Movement," and "Thanks to The Extraordinary Efforts and Sacrifice, Dedication and Perseverance, and Magnificent Commitment To The Women's Rights Movement, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojouner Truth, Francis Willard, Carrie Chapman Catt, Harriot Stanton Blatch, Ida B. Wells, and Susan B. Anthony," amongst "Many Other Dedicated Women Activists, Who Strove Tirelessly For Female Citizens to have The Same Rights as Men," in the U.S., "Each New Generation Can, Now Look Forward to Their Future, Knowing that They Have a Choice," and "Their Thoughts Words, and Actions Can Make a Difference!"

And, "Today," Thursday, the 9th of June 2016, President Barack H. Obama has just 'Endorsed Former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton for President of the United States of America!"

However, Let's Not Forget, "New York Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm," "Who Became the First African American Woman to Be Elected to the United States Congress from New York, from 1969 to 1983, for Seven Terms in Total, and, was, also, "The First Woman, to Run for the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination in 1972," and "the First Black Candidate for The President of The United States, by a Major Party," "Will always Be Remembered," Along with "Coretta Scott King," (the Wife of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr), and Many Others, as "Being Prominent Women Icons, and Civil Rights Leaders of the African American Community," and "Their Place in History Can Not Be Denied!" And, "Their Thoughts, Actions, Activism, Advocacy, and Acclaim Will Be The Inspiration For Future Generations to Come!"

But, "It was," and Still is, "The Passage of The 19th Amendment," that "Remains a Great Legislative Event" and "Illuminating Moment of Accomplishment For The Women of The United States Of America," Who, Now have "A Grand Opportunity to Make Their Voices Heard," "Loud and Clear," in "The 2016 Presidential Election!"

And, "Each New Generation of Young Girls and Women," "Can Now Imagine Becoming The President of The United States, Should They Wish to!" And, "This is A True Demonstration of Democracy at Its Very Best!

And, "With The Approaching End of The The Democratic Campaign," and Bringing with It, "The Advent of It's Convention," and, "Who Will Become the Democratic Nominee for The President of the United States Clearly In Sight," and "The Visions and  Dreams of the Suffragettes and Women's Movement Coming A Step Closer to Becoming Realized," "We Can Finally See This Goal and Reality Coming to Fruition!"

"You Can Feel It," like "A Grand Choir of Voices Touching The Heart, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of Tens of Millions!" "You Can Hear Chaka Khan, Yolanda Adams, and India Arie, with Stevie Wonder on Keyboard, and Prince Playing Guitar, Singing "I'm Every Woman" (at The BET Tribute for Chaka) and, "The Super Band of Musicians Empowering The Message with a Strong, and Powerful Rhythm, and Uplifting Musical Arrangement," Lifting Everyone Up Out of Their Seats, Clapping, and Participating in Singing The Chorus, Men and Women Combined, Joyously Seizing the Moment and Rising to Its Undeniable Intensity and Applause!"

And, "You Can Sense A Great Moment of Expectation," Beginning to Take Place, that "Women the World Over, Will Soon Be Experiencing and Sharing a Monumental Choice in the Advancement of Women's Rights!" "It's a Moment," that has "Been Missing," "For More than Two Hundred Years in the United States!"

And, "You Can Feel It Beginning to Grow and Evolve into An Earth Shaking Moment!" "It's in The Air We Breathe," and, "It Feels Like A New Beginning, A Life Giving Moment, Like the Birth of A Child, or The Birth of An Evolutionary Moment of Grand Consequence!" It's a "New Movement in The Age of The Women Of The Twenty-First Century!"

It's Like a "Three Day Music Concert" that has Been in the Making For Years Starring Beyonce, Florence and The Machine, Sister Sparrow and The Dirty Birds, Alabama Shakes, with Special Appearances by Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Katy Perry, Carol King, Rihanna, Miranda Lambert, Mariah Carey, Reba McEntire, Jennifer Lopez, Janet Jackson, Dolly Parton, Pink, Mary J. Blige, Alicia Keys, Adele, and Taylor Swift, "Filling out The Galaxy of Stars," Illuminating The Super Star Studded Concert! 

And "Imagine that You've Been Queueing up and Waiting on Line for Days," or "Trying to Purchase a Ticket Online," and, "The Growing Intensity has Been Spreading and Expanding in Wave after Wave of Great Expectancy and Anticipation," that "This is a Concert that Women and Young Girls of All Ages have Been Waiting for!"
And, "Finally the Day Arrives," and "You Have Your Ticket and You're Sitting in Your Seat," and "The Curtain Opens up with Everyone on the Concert Stage Singing "Respect," and, then "Gloria Gaynor's Anthem for Women All over The World," "I Will Survive!"

And, "You Can Finally See and Experience the Sensational Event" of "The 18 Million Cracks in the Glass Ceiling," that  "Secretary of State Clinton Spoke of in Her 2008 Campaign," When She was Then Campaigning as Senator Clinton from New York against, at the Time, Senator Barack H. Obama of Illinois, "Beginning to Break," and, With "Its Enormous Shatter"  Will Bring, "The Prodigious and Historical Prominence of One of The Most Significant Political and Sociological Moments in Time," of Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton "Becoming The Nominee of the Democratic Party for Presidency of the United States of America!" 

And, "Her Combined Total of 2, 800 Pledged and Superdelegates" (2, 219 Pledged Delegates, Plus 581 Superdelegates) -At Last Count), "Guarantees" that "When the First Vote is Called for at The Democratic Convention," Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "Will Become the Democratic Nominee!"  And, "the First Woman Nominee to Run For The Presidency of The United States of America, from Any Major Political Party!" And, with "President Barack H. Obama's Endorsement," Former Secretary Clinton's Nomination as The Democratic Nominee For President of The United States is An Absolute Reality!"
(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination)

This is a Historical Moment of the Highest Political Acclaim! Former U.S. Secretary of State Clinton has "Finally Smashed The Glass Ceiling!"

And, "This is A Moment," that "All Suffragettes and Women of The United States, and Earth," "Can Share and Rejoice in!"

(The Campaign Teams of both, Former Secretary of State Clinton, and Senator Sanders are to Be Complimented for Conducting a Spirited and Competitive 2016 Primary and Caucus Campaign for The Democratic Nomination!)

There have Been "Prominent Women Heads of State,"  Namely, In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (and Lets Not Forget Queen Elizabeth II), and, Prime Minister Golda Meir of Israel, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India, and, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany," are "Just A Few Prominent Women Leaders to Acknowledge of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries!" 
However, "Whether The United States Will Become A Member of This Historical Path of Grand Distinction Is Still to Be Determined," But, "It's Getting Closer!" 
(Christine Lagarde is the First Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund-IMF)

However, "The Answer to This Question," "Will Lie Purely and Literally in Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirit and Hands Of The People to Vote Their Conscious!" And, "The Visions and Policies that Will Be Expounded upon," By The Republican, Libertarian, Green, and Democratic Nominees, Altogether, "Will Be Debated In The Global Cross Media News Universe," and "Discussed in The Public Forum of We The People," and, "We....The People," Will Decide "Which Nominee Can Improve Our Quality of Life, Defend, Protect, Articulate and Represent The Principles, Tenets, and Beliefs of The United States of America!" And, "Who Will Best Empower, Inspire, and Build A Bridge of Out Reach, and Trust to Every Nation and People Worldwide!" 

And,"This is A Moment When Every Vote Will Count," "No Matter What Gender Creed, Race, or What Voting Age You May Be," "Your Vote Will Be the Deciding Factor!"

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic District of Columbia Primary Election Results. This is The Last Primary of the 2016 Primary & Caucus Campaign Season:

Former Secretary of State Clinton has Won Receiving 78.7% of the Vote! And, 14 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Sanders has Received 21.1% of the Vote! And, 4 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 2, 219 Pledged Delegates and 581 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 800! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 832 Pledged Delegates and 49 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 881! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Clinton's Combined Total of Pledged 2, 219 and 581 Superdelegates Gives Her a Total of 2, 800, and that "Makes Her the Democratic Party Presumptive Nominee!"
(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)
And, "The First Women to Be Chosen as The Democratic Party Nominee for Presidency of The United States of America," or, "of Any Major Party!"

On Friday, June the 24th, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont said that "He Would Vote for Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in the November Election," When He said "Yes," "if He would Cast His Vote for The Presumptive Democratic Nominee," in An Interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Program!

With Senator Sanders Acquiescence to the Eventuality of Secretary Clinton Becoming the Democratic Party Nominee, "The Democrats are Now Fully United and Committed to Secretary Clinton's Campaign to Become the First Woman President of The United States Of America!"
(U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and Michelle Obama have also Endorsed Secretary Clinton as The Presumptive Democratic Party Nominee, Next Stop is the Democratic Convention from the 25th 'Til the 28th of July, 2016, in Philadelphia)

The Latest Bloomberg Poll, Posted on the 14th of June, 2016, Shows Former Secretary of State Clinton "Leading Donald Trump by 12 Percentage Points," 49% to 37%!
And, The New "Republicans For Hillary Movement," May also, "Add to Mr. Trumps Woes" and "Lagging Support in The Republican Party!"

1) Donald Trump has a Total of 1, 447 Pledged Delegates and 95 Unpledged Delegates, For a Total of 1, 542, and is the Presumptive Nominee of the Republican Party! -(At last Count)-

"The Remaining Questions are" (1) Will Mr. Trump Self Destruct before the Republican Convention, or (2) Will Bill Crystal and "The Stop Trump Coalition" Find Enough Support to Stop Mr. Trump from Obtaining the Nomination, or (3) Is There Still Enough Time for A New Candidate to E,merge from "The Stop Trump Coalition" to Derail Mr. Trump's Campaign for The Presidency of The United States Of America!

However, Whatever the Course of Events May Be, "The Republican Chances of Remaining in Control of the U.S. Senate is Becoming Slimmer and Slimmer!"

And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear about the GOP Presumptive Nominee for President Of These United States Of America," At Present, Mr. Trump Shows "Absolutely No Similarity to Whatever The Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan Stood for!" 

Former Governors Gary Johnson of New Mexico, and William Weld of Massachusetts have Been Chosen as Libertarian Nominees to Run for The Presidency.

And, David French, "Bill Crystals Conservative Choice to Run as A Republican Independent Alternative to Donald Trump," after Having Given Consideration to the Idea of Running, "has Decided Not to!"

And, Dr. Jill Stein of Massachusetts, has been Chosen as the Green Party Nominee to Run for the Presidency!

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 560 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)
Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 167 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)
Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 161 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

Here are the 2016 Primary and Caucus Election Results for Tuesday, June 7th-
1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of California;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 56.0% of the Vote! And, 257 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Senator Bernie Sanders Received 43.1% of the Vote! And, 188 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of New Jersey;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 63.3% of the Vote! And, 73 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 36.7% of the Vote! And, 47 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

3) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of New Mexico:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Won Receiving 51.5% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 48.5% of the Vote! And, 14 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

4) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the Territory of The Virgin Islands on the 4th of June;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Won Receiving 84.2% of the Vote! And, 7 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 12.2% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

5) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the Territory of Puerto Rico on the 5th of June;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Won Receiving 61.0% of the Vote! And, 36 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 38.6% of the Vote! And, 20 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

6) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Montana;
Senator Bernie Sanders Won Receiving 48.7% of the Vote! And, 10 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Received 46.6% of the Vote! And, 9 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

7) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of South Dakota;
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Won Receiving 51.0% of the Vote! And, 10 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Senator Bernie Sanders Received 49.0% of the Vote! And, 10 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

8) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the North Dakota Democratic Caucus;
Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 64.2% of the Vote! And, 13 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-
Former Secretary of State Clinton has Received 25.6% of the Vote! And, 5 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

9) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 2, 184 Pledged Delegates and 572 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 756! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 804 Pledged Delegates and 48 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 852! -(At Last Count)-

Secretary Clinton's Combined Total of Pledged 2, 184 and 572 Superdelegates has Given Her a Total of 2, 756, Which is "Sufficiently More than What is Required to Become the Democratic Party Presumptive Nominee," and "Obtain the Nomination!"
And, is "The First Women to Be Chosen as The Democratic Party Nominee for Presidency of The United States of America," or, "of Any Major Party!"

This is "a Historical Moment" in "the Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Years of Presidential Campaigns in The United States of America," that Began in 1788, with the Election of General George Washington, "Who Became the First President of the United States!"

The Former Secretary of State also has "Three Million More Popular Votes than Senator Sanders!"

However, Senator Sanders still Believes He Still has a Chance to Convince Superdelegates at the Democratic Party Convention to Change Their Minds and Vote for Him!
(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of California;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 77.8% of the Vote! And, 112 Delegates! -(WTA)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 11.1% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! - (Has Suspended His Campaign)-
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 7.5% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-

2) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of New Jersey;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 80.6% of the Vote! And, 51 Delegates! -(WTA)-
Governor John Kasich has Received 13.3% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! - (Has Suspended His Campaign)-
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 6.1% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-

3) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Montana;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 73.5% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(WTA)-
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 9.0% of the Vote! And, Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-
Governor John Kasich has Received 7.3% of the Vote! And, Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-

4) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of New Mexico;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 70.9% of the Vote! And, 19 Delegates! -(WTA)-
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 13.3% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-
Governor John Kasich has Received 7.5% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-

5) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of South Dakota;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 67.1% of the Vote! And, 29 Delegates! -(WTA)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 17.0% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-
Governor John Kasich has Received 15.9% of the Vote! And, 0 Delegates! -(Has Suspended His Campaign)-

6) Donald Trump has a Total of 1, 441 Pledged Delegates and 95 Unpledged Delegates, For a Total of 1, 536, and is the Presumptive Nominee of the Republican Party! -(At last Count)-

"The Remaining Question is" will Bill Crystal and "The Stop Trump Coalition" have "a Convention Surprise For Mr. Trump," or are "They Content to Let Him Self Destruct His Campaign on His Own!"
However, Irregardless, to What They Decide, "It's Becoming More and More Apparent" that "The Republican Party May Pay The Ultimate Price" For Mr. Trump's Nomination in "the Next Down Ballot Elections!"

Former Governors Gary Johnson of New Mexico, and William Weld of Massachusetts have Been Chosen as Libertarian Nominees to Run for The Presidency.

And, David French, "Bill Crystals Conservative Choice to Run as A Republican Independent Alternative to Donald Trump," after Having Given Consideration to the Idea of Running, "has Decided Not to!"

And, Dr. Jill Stein of Massachusetts, has been Chosen as the Green Party Nominee to Run for the Presidency!

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 560 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 167 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 161 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)
(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Perseverance" Be Our Mantra, Within This Time/Space Reality and Journey of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, Let Us, "Steadfastly Hold on to Everything that We Believe to Be Meaningful, Rare, and Selfless," with "All the Tenacity and Will Power of Our Combined Soul Strength!"

And, "May Our Determination to Bring about a Positive Change in the World," Be Carried Out with "the Resolute, Unwavering, Steadfast, and Unfaltering Patience and Endurance of a Marathon Runner," Purposefully, Carefully, and Deliberately Training to "Participate in the Race of Their Lives!" "A Race that Can Make The Difference between Achieving Your Goals in Life," versus "More of the Same ole State of Resignation," and "Depressed Stagnation of a Conditioned Reality!"

And, Let Us, "Re-Dedicate and Re-Commit Ourselves to Purposefully Apply Ourselves to Continue to Prepare," in All Due Diligence, to Do, "Whatever is Needed to Make a Better World For One and All!" Through "Positive and Non-Violent Activism," and, "Environmental, Just and Humane Advocacy For the World!"

And, Let Us, "Provide Public Service and Philanthropy," Wherever, "the Need May Be!"

And, Let Us, "Make the Effort to Bring about A New Era of Beneficence," that "Inspires and Motivates Our Children to Understand the Meaning of Caring For Your Fellow Human Being" and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

So that "Future Generations Can See the Clarity of An Earthrise Vision Path" that "Leads the Way" to "A Magnificent Age of Opportunity and Kindness, Hopefulness and Transcendence, Social Security and Health care For One and All," "Emancipated and Enlightened by A Global Peace Time Economy!"

So that "Our Children Can Understand Why," It is "Necessary to Protect and Defend The Rights of All Human Beings," Who, "Truly Wish to Live in Peace and Harmony with One Another!"
This is "An Earthwise and Streetwise Down to Earth Sense of Comprehending the Importance of Maintaining a Global State of Equilibre between Us," One and All, For, "This is," in Truth, "The Age of Zero Degrees of Separation between Us!" 

"The Social Media and the Global Cross Media Universe," have "Built a Bridge that Unites Us," One and All, "Providing Us with  Knowledge, Insightfulness, and Enjoyment," and "A Global Architecture of Conscious Awareness," that "Flows Across the Land, Sea and Sky," like "An Electromagnetic Wave, Desiring to have A Discourse with One and All!"

"Can You Imagine A New Age of Ethics" where "The Tenets and Value Systems Of, By, and For The People," of This Planet Earth, "Clearly Addresses and Expresses a Natural Flow, Interaction, and Evolution of The Earths Societies!" 
"Where Structured Spheres of Experience," "Well Crafted and Documented in a Cognitive and Historical Library Of The People," "Can Open up The Universal and Personal Dimensions of Your Mind and Intellect," to "A Cogent, Compelling, and Eloquent Reality" based on "Solar Axioms of Survival, Evolution, and Being!" 

And, "Can You Imagine and Envision," What "We Can Do through Scientific and Technological Discoveries and Imagination," "Coupled with Common Sense, Reason, and Logic! 

And, "Imagine Living in An Age of Empirical, Impactful, Perceptive, and Introspective Mindfulness" that "Knows without a Second Thought," (in a Nanosecond), "The Values and Compassion that Best Sustains, Nourishes and Empowers the Global Equation Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" That "Provides For One and All!" "Putting An Ending to Poverty!" 
And, "Putting An End to Hatred, and Violence!" "War and Conflict!" And, "the Fear that You Will Be Unable to Care For Your Family," or "Provide For Your Children's Education and Well Being!"

"These Fears" and More, "Exist For Too Many of Us," of "All Ages!" And, "It's Time For A Meaningful Change to Enter into Our Lives!" "A Meaningful Change" that "Enhances, Improves, Elevates, and Exalts Our Everyday Living!" "Our Attitudes, Our Thoughts, Words, Ideas, and Actions!" All in Reverence and Respect For Our Fellow Human Being! And, "All the Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth," and "The Universe that Surrounds and Embraces Us, in It's Limitless Grace and Beauty!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace and Tranquility On Earth!