Monday, May 9, 2016



The Way To Peace! #279

"The Philanthropy of The Women and Men of Giving Pledge" is "An Extraordinary Demonstration and Display of Concern For One's Fellow Human Being," All the World Over!

"They are Billionaires," who's Concern For the Earth's Environmental and Ecological State of Being Goes Beyond just "Words, and Political Rhetoric," "They Act" Whenever and Wherever The Need May Be, without "Procrastination, Delay, or Hesitation!"
"They Assess the Seriousness of the Situation and Act Accordingly!"

And, I have to Shake my Head, Whenever "I Hear Political Diatribes" by Candidates, "Campaigning for The Highest Offices in The Land," and "Directing Their Negative and Accusatory Rhetoric" Towards the "One Per Cent," without Clarifying that "Not Everyone" who has "Been Fortunate to Become One of the One Per Cent" is "Out to Drain the Last Cent Out of the Earths Economy," "For Their Own Personal Benefit!"

"It is of the Utmost Importance to Take the Time" to Acknowledge "Those Interdependent Individuals who've Separated Themselves" from "the Greed Mongers, Egotistical Imperialists and Oligarchs" whose "Main Intentions are to Monopolize the Global Economies and Financial System," "For Their Profit!"

And, When I See, Hear, or Read about "the Wonderful Ideas, Projects, and Acts of Philanthropy" by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Tusk Trust, the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, the Royal Foundation (The Invictus Games), and Many Others, "It Gives me An Optimistic Viewpoint" and "Earthrise Vision of What the Future of Our Earths Communities and Civilized World of Twenty-First Century Can Be!"

And, "The Fact" that "They are Actively Working Towards Eliminating Poverty, Protecting African Wildlife, Especially The Black Rhino and African Elephants that were on the Verge of  Extinction, and Creating Opportunities for the World's Disenfranchised, and Advancing the Research, Development, and Implementation of Renewable Energy Sources," "Gives Hope to The Future Generations of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "I am Grateful for the Global Celebrities" who've "Freely Given Their Services, and Celebrity Status to Come to The Aid of Victims of Natural Disasters, Worldwide," All the World Over!
"Celebrities and Superstars" (who are also of The One Per Cent) who've "Donated Their Talents," to "Raise Attention or Finances for Families, Communities, Hospitals, Schools, and Businesses that have Been Destroyed!" 
"Celebrities and Superstars" who's "Act's of Philanthropy and Generosity" have "Been of Great Assistance to the Countless Numbers of Families who've Lost a Loved One," Due to Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Massive Thunder and Rain Storms, Flash Floods, Tornadoes, Fires, Hurricanes, and Disease!"

And, I Find that, "It is Unconscionable," and "All to Easy to Lump Together Everyone of a Certain Financial Level and Levy Indiscriminate Attacks against Them," As, "the One Per Cent!" After All, "They are Citizens of the Earth," and "Not All of Them are the Cause or Blame for All the Sociological, or Economic Injustices," that have "Been Beset upon The People of This Planet Earth!"

"Actors and Actresses," George Clooney, Sean Penn, Angelia Jolie, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Michael Douglas, Kevin Bacon, and Recording Artists Madonna, and Wyclef Jean, amongst Many Others, have "Donated, Participated, Performed on, and, Produced Telethon's to Provide Financial Aid for The People of Haiti," and "We are The World," and "Band Aid," are just "a Few of the Events and Contributions Made by Global Personnages," Who are also, a Part of the "One Per Cent," that are "Incessantly Criticized For Raising Campaign Funds for the Candidate or Nominee of Their Choice!" Especially by Politicians "Campaigning for Whatever Public Office They are Seeking," and, "Find it to Their Advantage to Use," the "One Per Cent Campaign Rhetoric," to "Get Our Votes!" (Instead of Changing The Campaign Finance Laws)

 "Political Candidates," such as, "Billionaire Donald Trump," are "Willing to Do," or "Say Anything," that He Thinks, "We"...The People, "Want to Hear," to "Become The GOP Nominee," or "The President of The United States!"

And, "He is Willing to Abuse Any Ethnic Group, Celebrated War Veteran, Gender, Principle, Political Ideology, or, Leader of His Party to Do so!"

And, "He is Willing to Use Any Tactic of His Celebrity," that "He Believes is Necessary," to "Entice the Global Cross Media News Universe to Promote, Publicize, Market His Brand Name" (ad Nauseam), and "Provide Him with Free Coverage of His Irreverent Campaign!"
(It has Been Reported that Mr. Trump has Received Approximately Two Billion Dollars of Free Cross Media Coverage this Year!)
And, "He Belittles Anyone who Speaks the Truth against Him," in "the Most Crass, UN-Presidential, Ways!"

"A Question You Must Ask of Yourself," If, "You are a Republican is," Does Mr. Trump's Candidacy, "Remind you, or Inspire You," or, In any Way,  "Make You Think of Former Presidents of The United States, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, or Ronald Reagan!"

And, "How" are "We" to Explain the "Derogatory and Malicious Things that He has said,".... "to Our Children!"

And, "How are Educators to Explain His Presidential Candidacy,.... "to Our Children!"

And, "How are Our Religious Leaders Going to Explain the Use of Expletives and Irreverent Gestures Mr. Trump has Made to, "Become The Republican Party Nominee.... "to Our Children!"

And, "The Fact" that, Mr. Trump has "Actually Supported Nuclear Proliferation," As "a Means to do What," "Convince Us to Vote for Him," is "Beyond Comprehension!"

"Where is The Integrity, and Sense of Global Leadership that the United States is Known for!"

And, "He has said" that, "He Would Ban Muslim Refugees" who have "Been Driven from Their Homes by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates," from "having Safe Haven in the U.S."

And, "He Would Build a Wall between the United States and Mexico," to "Keep Hispanics from Entering the United States Illegally!" "Referring to Them in Derogatory Ways!" 
And, "Claiming that He Will Make Mexico Pay for This Wall!" 
Once again, It Appears as if, "He is Willing to Say or Do Anything to Be the GOP Nominee and, or, President of the United States," even, "at the Expense of His Own Party's Unity!"

And, Once again, It Appears as if, "He simply Does Not Care What the Consequences are," Nor, "the Depth, Damage, or Significance of Whatever the Offense is," that "He has Just Made," "He only Appears to Care" about (1) Becoming the GOP Nominee, and (2) Become President of the United States at Any Price!

"Can You Imagine," if, "You or I said the Things that Mr. Trump has said," or "Behaved the Way Mr. Trump has in Public," "We Would Be Severely Criticized, Ostracized, Excoriated, and Ridiculed for Our Suggestive Behavior, Expletives, Acts of Provocation, Outright Lies, and False  Rhetoric!" 

And, "Why Would Any Serious Minded Person," or, "In Fact, Anyone with Any Common Sense," "Choose or Consider Electing to Public Office Anyone who Thought and Expressed," As Mr. Trump did, "in An Interview" with Cable Network CNBC, "That if the Economy Crashed, You Could Make a Deal!" As if, "the United States Government" was "A Network Make a Deal TV Show!" 
"He has No Consideration or Real Comprehension of The Negative Effect and Consequences" of "What the Crash of the U.S. Economy Would have upon the Global Markets, Global Currencies, Global Governments, Institutions, and The Earths Populace, and Business Communities!" 
And, If, "This is An Example of Mr. Trump's Business Acumen," Then, "We Definitely Don't Need a Trump Presidency!"

"The Founders of Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence," while Not Being Perfect Themselves, "Still Held and Led by a Standard and Grand Premise to Create a Better Life," For, "We The People!" And, "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, I Can only Imagine what CBS TV Anchorman/Journalist Walter Cronkite, or What NBC Anchors David Brinkley, and Chet Huntley, Would Report, or, What Conservative Republican William F. Buckley, or Congressman, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp, Would say about "The Trump Candidacy!"

This is Most Definitely "Not the Time to Experiment with An Inexperienced Candidate, to Lead the United States of America!" The World is "Still Engaged in A World against Terror," and "The Ongoing War's in Syria and Iraq," and "Regional Conflicts are, In Effect, Taking Place Worldwide!" And, "Global Economies are Still in a Delicate State!" And, "Dictators and Tyrants are Threatening The Peace of The Earth!" 

And, "It is the Moral Responsibility" of the United States "to Elect a Knowledgeable, Cognizant, and Experienced, Leader," who is "Respected by Our Allies," "Showing Reason and Compassion in Resolving the Myriad Issues that have had a Negative Effect on The People of The Earth," While, "Creating An Atmosphere of Opportunity For All The People of The Earth," with "a Clear Vision in Mind," on "How to  Make a Better World For All The Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance that the Global Cross Media News Universe," "Use It's Extensive Talents, and Abilities to Conduct An in Depth, In Close, and Detailed Due Diligence of Checks and Balances of the Presumed GOP Nominee to Be!" From, "His Bankruptcies in Atlantic City, to His Real State Property Deals, Being Fired at NBC, from Producing the Miss USA Pageant, Because of His Derogatory Remarks about Immigrants, after Univision also Canceled It's Planned Telecast of The Pageant, and, the Circumstances surrounding, The Fact that Trump had His Name Removed from A Prominent Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Development in Dubai, by Damac Properties!" 

If, Mr. Trump is "to Be the Presumed GOP Nominee," Let Him Earn and Deserve it," Not by His Impetuous and Provocative Attitude," and "Celebrity Status," But, "by Merit, and Principled Beliefs, Moral Character, Detailed Economic Policies, and Knowledge of What the Office of The Presidency of the United States Signifies," and "An Inspiring Demeanor and Comportment" that, "Both, Unifies and Empowers All The People of The United States of America (and the World)!"
And, "Vet Him as You Would any Candidate or, Nominee Thoroughly!" 
"History has Taught Us," "What the Consequences Can Be if, A Candidate or Nominee is Not Vetted Fully and Carefully!" 

"This Presidential Campaign" has "Too Many Serious Ramifications" to It, "Not to Examine In Detail, What Extent the Presumed Nominee's Policies, Experience, and Leadership Qualities are!" 
And, If, "They are Truly What is Best," or "Truly Exemplify, What is The Best Way to Improve The Quality of Life For Each and Every One of Us!"

Here are the 2016 Republican and Democratic Primary Results for Tuesday, May 10, 2016-
1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of West Virginia;
Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 51.4% of the Vote! And, 16 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Received 36.0% of the Vote! And, 11 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 716 Pledged Delegates and 523 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 239! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 430 Pledged Delegates and 39 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 469 ! -(At Last Count)-

United States Vice President Joe Biden, "in An Interview with Co-Anchor Robin Roberts of Good Morning America," on Tuesday, the 10th, of May, 2016, said, "I feel Confident that Hillary will be the Nominee, and I feel Confident She' ll be the Next President!"

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)-

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Nebraska;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 61.4% of the Vote! And, 36 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 18.5% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Governor John Kasich has Received 11.4% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

2) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of West Virginia;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 76.9% of the Vote! And, 31 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 9.0% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Governor John Kasich has Received 6.8% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

3) Donald Trump has a Total of 1,087 Pledged Delegates and 49 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Mr. Trump a Total of 1, 136! -(At last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 546 Delegates, and 19 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Sen. Cruz a Total of 565! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 168 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 153 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Kentucky for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Won by the Slimmest of Margins Receiving 46.8% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Senator Bernie Sanders has Received 46.3% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Oregon for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;
Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 53.5% of the Vote! And, 28 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Received 46.5% of the Vote! And, 24 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

3) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 767 Pledged Delegates and 524 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 291! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 488 Pledged Delegates and 40 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 528! -(At Last Count)-

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Oregon for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 66.6% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 17.0% of the Vote! And, 3 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 16.3% of the Vote! And, 3 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Donald Trump has a Total of 1, 103 Pledged Delegates and 58 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Mr. Trump a Total of 1,161! -(At last Count)-
However, The Question Still Remains, "Will there be a Third Party Candidate to Oppose Mr. Trump," or, "Will The Stop Trump Movement have a Convention Surprise for Mr. Trump," in Cleveland, from the 18th to 21st of July, 2016!

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 549 Delegates, and 18 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Sen. Cruz a Total of 567! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 168 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 159 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

It is Perplexing and Disturbing, "Why the U.S. Cross Media Universe has Surmised or Theorized" that, "this Presidential Election Will Be Decided by the Nominee who has the Worst Negatives," Instead of, "Who is The Most Qualified Nominee to Be President of the United States!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "We Must Remain Earthwise and Streetwise," and "Provide Clear and Precise Advice and Counsel in Moments, that "History Will Surely Portend as Being in Tone, Substance, Spirit, and Essence," As, "Being a Crucial Step Forward in Our Collective Lives, Communities, and Societies!"

So, "Let Us," Once again, "Reach Out via The Global Cross Media Universe and Social Media" to "Provide Positive Information," and "Hopeful Introspection," and "Universal Analysis of the Alternatives that Lie Ahead of Us!" And, "All the Opportunities that Can Result from Making a Cognizant Choice or Decision in Our Lives!"

And, "Let Us," through "Contemplation, Meditation, and Soul Searching," "Re-Enforce the Vision Path that We have Embarked upon," So, that "We Can Embrace and Enjoy the New Horizons of Prosperity, Global Synergy, Alternative Energies, and, the Tenets of Peace, and Economic Parity!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of The People, By The People, and For The People, and, All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, and The Universe that We are, But a Small Microcosm!