Tuesday, May 24, 2016



The Way To Peace! #280

Let's Hope the "Forty-Second G7 Summit," (once again without Russia), on Kashiko Island, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, from the 26th 'til the 27th of May, 2016, at the Shima Kanko Hotel, "Results in A Productive Agenda of Cooperation between All the Nations Involved!" 
And that, "a Full Realization, Understanding, Appreciation, and Recognition of the Seriousness, Timely and Opportunistic Moment that Avails Itself of This Moment!" Driven by a Desired Contemplation to Change and Define A New Age of A Global Economic Architecture," that "Gives Strength to The Equation that Improves the Quality Life Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "In An Age of Financial and Sociological Security!" 
And, Let Us Hope that a "Joined Concert of Contemplation," that Prioritizes the Global Issues that are of Most Concern to We....The People," are "the Main Concerns of the Collective Consciousness of the Leaders Participating in The Summit!"

For, Without a Doubt, "This is Another Important, and Strategic Opportunity" for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, President Barack Obama of the United States of America,  President Francois Hollande of France, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada (first Time Attendee), Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy, the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Council President Donald Tusk, and Guest Invitees President Maithripala Sirisena of Sri Lanka, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc of Vietnam, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, (who is Hosting This Years Forty-Second G7 Summit) to "Find Common Ground to Address the Issues of a Stagnant Global/Slow Growth Economy, Climate Change and Alternative Energies, Poverty," and "A Just and Fair Way/ Attitude Towards Dealing with the Devastating Influx of  Immigrants/Migrants," in Europe, the U.K., Canada, the U.S. and Throughout the Middle East, and, the World!
(Of Course, "Eradicating Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates" is "the Most Direct Way To Resolve The  Tragic State of Influx of so Many Homeless Families!")

And, "It Should Be Obvious to All the G7 Nations and Their Leaders" that, "As soon as All of the Terrorist Leaders and Their Mentally Conditioned Forces of Crimes against Humanity are Forced into Submission," "the Sooner it Will Be" for "Millions of Families to Return Back to Their Homes and Rebuild Their Lives" with "The Help and Assistance of All The Civilized Nations of The Earth!"

And, "G7 Discussions," in Regards to Global Trade, Should Prioritize; (1)  Fair Labor Policies amongst All Nations, Stressing the Need to Agree upon Fair Wages for The Workers of The World, Matched with; (2) Benefit's, and Health Care that Guarantees that Each and Every Employee Will Receive the Financial Empowerment Needed to Provide for Their Families, Educate Their Children, and Enjoy Their Lives, Coupled with the Full Realization that Their Futures Will Be Secure and Safe from Global or Regional Threats against The Earths Economies and Societies!

And, "One Definitive Way to Improve The Earth's Economies" is "to Provide Women with Equal Wages," and "Empower Them with Equal Opportunities to Lead The Way towards Energizing the Earths Economies with Fresh Idea's, Purpose, and Global Political, Religious, Financial, Defense, Sociological, Environmental and Ecological Policies of Inclusion!"

There are "Billions of Women" Mother's, Daughters, Sister's, and Aunts, Grandmothers, and Great Grandmothers" who are "All Deserving to Be Treated Equally and Respectfully" by "Every Male, Government, and Institution, on This Planet Earth!"
Whether it Be, "in The Family, or In Church or Place of Worship, or In Business, Politics, Education, the Armed Services," or "In Whatever the Public, Cultural, or Sociological Way of Life that May Present Itself!" 

And, "With Their Inclusion," in All Equilibre, "A Future of All Inclusion and Respect For Ones Fellow Human and Sentient Being," Can, at Last, "Take a Quantum Leap in Becoming a Reality in the Twenty-First Century!"

And, "An Agreement by All G7 Nations to Agree to A Realistic Approach" towards "Legally Placing a Halt on," and "Impeding China's Not so Subtle," Continued "Island Expansion Policies in the South China Sea," is of the Utmost Importance," in "Maintaining A Peaceful Coexistence in The Region amongst Sovereign Nations!" 

And, "The Fact that China Continues to Stubbornly and Purposefully Advance Their Island Building Strategy," based on "Their Beliefs" that "They" and "They alone are Correct in Their Assessment of Their Nine, Ten, or Eleven-Dash Line Claim," in the South China Sea, "Has Become An All to Familiar Course of Action," "Taken by Nations who Believe" that, "They have The Right to Reclaim Territory/Land, that is "No Longer Theirs," for "Whatever Reason!"

And, by "Showing a United Resolve," the G7 Would Demonstrate that "the Civilized Nations of The World are Not Going to Relive the Mistakes and Errors of The Twentieth Century," All over again, by "Capitulating to What are Obviously the Overt Actions of Imperialism," Here in The Twenty-First Century!

And, by "Demonstrating a No Non Sense Attitude," "They" The Leaders of the G7 Nations, Will, also, "Be Sending An Explicit and Straightforward Message to North Korea," or "Any Nation Entertaining Ideas of World Domination, or "Any Rogue Nation Living in the Grand Illusion of Becoming a Super Power," that "These Divisive and Dangerous Stratagems and Ruses Will Not Be Tolerated!" 

And, In This Age, "When The People of The World Grow Tired of War and the Senseless Conflicts," that "Continue to Plague Our Lives, Like a Vicious Strand of Cancer sans Cure," Let Us Hope that "President Obama's Symbolic Visit to Hiroshima," Japan (the First U.S. President Currently in Office to Do so) on the 27th of May, 2016, is "A Clear  Reminder of The Cruel and Inhumane Tragedy of War and The Massive Loss of Lives" that "has Scarred the Memory of Generations for Seventy-One Years, and "Will, No Doubt, Continue to, In Memoriam, For Millennia upon Millennia to Come and Go," When the United States Decided to Drop Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan!" 
"The First Bomb was Dropped," on the 6th of August, 1945, that "Caused the Deaths of Approximately One Hundred and Forty Thousand People," or More, on The City of  Hiroshima, and Three Days Later, "The Second Atomic Bomb was Dropped," on the City of Nagasaki, "Causing The Deaths of Approximately Eighty Thousand People," or More," Is a Clear Reminder of What the Perils of War," and "Especially What the Spread of Nuclear Proliferation Can Result in!

And, "As Symbolic as President Obama's Visit is," It is, also, "A Clear and Present Warning of The Utter Futility of War," and "The Dangers of Nuclear Weapon Proliferation, in The Twenty-First Century of Our Lives!" 

And, Let Us Hope that the G7 Endorses "A Logical Approach towards Eliminating Poverty" by "Agreeing to Join Forces with the Global Private Sector, the International Monetary Fund, and Philanthropic Groups such as The Giving Pledge, and The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation,"  and "Methodically Invest, Empower, and Remove All Remainders and Vestiges of the Thought, Idea, or Semblance of Poverty" from "the Minds, Hearts, Spirits, and Souls of the Oppressed and Less Fortunate Disenfranchised Families and Individuals of The Earth Societies!"

And, "In order to Establish a New Global Perspective and Innovation in Discovering and Implementing A New Strategic Balance and Visionary Approach towards Encouraging Global Economic Growth," in the Twenty-First Century, as the Continued Evolution of Digital Currencies such as Bitcoin Surface and Emerge, "the G7 Nations Must Come up with Regional, Local, and Global Marketing Ideas," that are "Attractive, Practical, and Exciting to the Global Consumer," and, also, "Invest in Training and Educating The New Generations and Lost Generations of the Unemployed, of the Twenty-First Century," so that, "They Can Learn to Confidently Embark upon New Careers in Hi-Tech, Health, and Energy Sectors," as "The Tides of Global Employment continues to Bring about New Changes in Our Towns, Villages, Cities, and States!"
The saying "Out with the Old and In with the New, "Should Not Signify Giving up or Forgetting About the Many in The Work Place," who've "Seen Their Lives and Careers Sadly Affected by Energy, Environmental, or Hi-Tech Changes!"

And, In Fact, "One Sure Way to Improve and Empower The Global Economies" is to "Re-Commit and Re-Dedicate Government Investment and Spending" towards "Improving the Overall State of Evolution and Design of The Earths Infrastructures" to "Encompass, Accommodate, and Improve the Quality of Life of the Earths Growing Population!"

And, As the Earth Continues to Evolve into A Digital World, Ensnaring Us All in It's Web (for Better or for Worst), "Traditional and Clearly Established Ways of Doing Business Must Be Maintained," and "The World of Cyberspace Must Be Protected from The Predators, Scam Artists, and Terrorists, who "Care only about Their Own Self, Warped, and Egotistical Pleasures and Profit." at "the Expense of Our Children" and "Our Lives in General!"

"The Internet Must Be a Safe Place for Our Families to Surf through," "Deriving Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication, from It's Universal Sea of Global Cyberspace Experiences!"

And, "Definitive and Stable Currency Rates Must Be Maintained," and "Currency Devaluations Must Not Be Impetuously Implemented," or "Seen to Be Manipulated for Self Gain, alone!"
And, "Encouragement, Information Sharing, and Investment in Emerging Economies Must Continue," Whenever It is Absolutely Necessary, and "Forgiving Debt," Must always Be Considered!

"It is Impossible to Ignore in This Day and Age of The Internet," The Fact, that "We are All Sovereign Citizens and Nations of This Planet Earth! And, "The Way Forward into The Future Lies in Cognizant, Earthwise, and Streetwise Awareness," that "We are Zero Degrees of Separation from One Another," and "All Our Fates are Intertwined with One Another!"

"Just as The Earths Environmental and Ecological State Of Universal Being," and "the Lives of All Sentient Creatures are One and All Intertwined Together!"

And, "Pure Common Sense Should Tell Us of the Importance, and Responsibility of What Being a Positive Minded, Interdependent, Citizen Should Entail!" It's Been Written in Our Constitutions, Declarations, Bill of Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Adopted by The United Nations, and It All Comes Down to "Respecting the Civil and Political Rights of All Individuals, Including the Right to Life, the Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Electoral Rights, and Rights to Due Process (of Law) and a Fair Trial!"

So, Let Us Hope that the G7 Leaders are "a Sensible and Reasonable Group of Concerned Elected Officials and Public Servants" who "have Dedicated and Committed Themselves to Listen," Unwaveringly, Resolutely, and Purposefully, to "the Ills and Misfortunes Of The People, While Taking Heed and Considering Carefully the Trials and Tribulations Of The People, and Defending Our Rights to Live as A Free People!"

Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for Washington State for Tuesday, May 24, 2016;

1)Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 72.7% % of the Vote! And, 74 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Received 27.1% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 768 Pledged Delegates and 537 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 305! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 497 Pledged Delegates and 42 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 539! -(At Last Count)-

The Questions that Remain are;
(1) How Much is Sen. Sanders Prepared to Do to Obtain His Objectives?

(2) Will He Disrupt the Democratic Convention?

(3) Will He Pull Back from Demanding that the Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Be Forced to Leave Her Post as Chairperson, Because of Sen. Sanders Dissatisfaction with How She has Performed Her Duties?

(4) And, Will Sen. Sanders Be a Team Player In Support of Sec. Clinton, When She Becomes the Democratic Nominee and Begins Her Campaign against Donald Trump, as She Did, When She Campaigned for President Obama, after Losing In a Hard Fought Primary Campaign in 2008 (although Sec. Clinton, then Sen. Clinton, was ahead of, then Sen. Obama, in the 2008 Primary Popular Vote).

(5) Sen. Sanders is a Self Proclaimed Democratic Socialist, It Will Be Interesting to Find out If, He Will, also, Campaign for, and Help to Raise Campaign Funds for the Other Democratic Candidates who are Running for Election, or Re-Election, as He has Done in His Own Campaign, and with the Same Fervor?

(6) And, Will He Passionately Work Towards Defeating Donald Trump in the General Election (as He has Claimed He Would Do) and also, Convince His Ardent Followers to Do the Same?

These are just "a Few of the Questions" that "Only Sen. Sanders Can Answer!"

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for Washington State for Tuesday, May 24, 2016;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 76.2% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Senator Ted Cruz has Received 10.1% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At last Count)-
Governor John Kasich has Received 9.9% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Donald Trump has a Total of 1, 131 Pledged Delegates and 65 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Mr. Trump a Total of 1,196! -(At last Count)-

Mr. Trump is the Likely GOP Nominee! Although The Questions that Still Remain are; (1) Will there be a Third Party Candidate to Oppose Mr. Trump, or, (2) Will "The Stop Trump Movement have "a Surprise Ending for Mr. Trump," at the GOP Convention, in Cleveland, from the 18th to 21st of July, 2016!

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 551 Pledged Delegates, and 18 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Sen. Cruz a Total of 569! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 168 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 161 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

Let's Hope that the Global Cross Media News Corps, "Stops Providing Mr. Trump" with "Free Media Coverage!"
The Office of the Presidency of the United States of America, Can Not Be Given Away for Free!" "It Must Be Earned Through Hard Work," and, "by Presenting Positive Minded, Cognizant, and Well Thought Out Ideas and Policies," and, "With The Approval" and "Majority of Votes Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The Electoral College!"

And, "The Most Qualified Nominee to Convince The People of Their Worth and Stature," Will Become the Next President of the United States!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Let Us Continue to Steadfastly, Remain Resolutely Committed to Enhance, Enlighten, and Improve the State of Being of Our Fellow Human Being and the Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Strengthen The Soul Force that Lies within Us," So, that "We May Be Resistant to The False Rhetoric and Lies" that "We have Been Told to Manipulate and Condition Us with Falsehoods and False Promises!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Transcend the Negative Illusions that are Inflicted upon, and Perpetrated against Us, So, that, "We May Distinguish Clearly," "What is Real from Unreal!"

And, So, that "We May Raise Our Conscious Awareness to Embrace and Enjoy the Limitless Horizons of the Great Universe that Surround Us," and, Let Us Continue to "Sow the Seeds of An Earthrise Vision Path" that is "Beneficial to The Lives and Families Of All The People of This, the Third Planet from The Sun!"

For, This is The Way to Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Ennobled, Honorable, Just, Principled, and Unprejudiced People, Charged and Empowered with Economic Growth and Opportunistic Parity For One And All On Earth! And, Graced by A Peace time Economy!
In Memoriam,
On this Memorial Day, We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to "All the Families and Friends of The U.S. and Coalition Forces," who've Lost a Loved One, "Fighting in the War against Terror!" And, to "All the Families of Innocent Bystanders," who've Lost a Loved One "in the Ongoing Warfare!"

We Would also Like to Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to "All the Families who've Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, Disease Outbreaks, and Gun Related/Gang Violence!"

And, Our Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soul "Go Out to One and All," who've Shed Tears of Love for "Their Loved Ones who've Passed Away," before They've had An Opportunity to Live a Full Lifetime on this Earth," "In this Time of Memoriam!" In Addition to, "the Myriad Families" who are "Missing a Mother or Father, Daughter or Son, Sister or Brother, Aunt or Uncle, Grandmother or Grandfather, or Family Member who has Passed Away!"

And, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to All the Families and Friends who've Lost a Precious Loved One who was Traveling on EGYPTAIR Flight #804 from Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, France to EGPYT, on Thursday, the 19th of May, 2016. "Sixty-Six Passengers, Including Three Children, Died!"
"The Flight Disappeared over the Mediterranean Sea," near the Greek Island of Karpathos, Approximately 66 Miles in Egyptian Airspace"

"The Search is Still Ongoing," and "Partial Wreckage of the Aircraft have Been Found!"

French President Francois Hollande has said, "No Hypothesis Ruled Out," (for this New Air Flight Catastrophe).

And, Celebrated CBS "60 Minutes" News Correspondent, Morley Safer Passed away, Thursday, the 19th of May, 2016, in His Home, at the Age of 84, Due to Poor Health!
Mr. Safer, "who just Recently Announced His Retirement from the CBS "60 Minutes" News Magazine Program," was the "Longest Serving News Correspondent," on "60 Minutes!"
And, was "the Last of the Original News Correspondents" of "60 Minutes," that, also, "Included Dan Rather, Harry Reasoner, Ed Bradley, Mike Wallace, and Producer Don Hewitt!"

Canadian-American Morley Safer "Broadcast Journalist, Reporter, Author, Correspondent," and "60 Minutes Legend," also "Received Twelve Emmys, Three Oversea Press Club Awards, and Three Peabody Awards," and, was Named "Chevalier dans L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres," by the French Government!"

"Morley Always Took Pleasure in Going Wherever The Story was," from Paris to East Berlin, and, from China to Vietnam (covering the Vietnam War), and, from the Middle East to North Africa!
And, "His Interviews were, Always, Revealing, Engaging, Insightful, Knowledgeable, and Entertaining to the Millions of Viewers who Saw Him" on "60 Minutes!"

Monday, May 9, 2016



The Way To Peace! #279

"The Philanthropy of The Women and Men of Giving Pledge" is "An Extraordinary Demonstration and Display of Concern For One's Fellow Human Being," All the World Over!

"They are Billionaires," who's Concern For the Earth's Environmental and Ecological State of Being Goes Beyond just "Words, and Political Rhetoric," "They Act" Whenever and Wherever The Need May Be, without "Procrastination, Delay, or Hesitation!"
"They Assess the Seriousness of the Situation and Act Accordingly!"

And, I have to Shake my Head, Whenever "I Hear Political Diatribes" by Candidates, "Campaigning for The Highest Offices in The Land," and "Directing Their Negative and Accusatory Rhetoric" Towards the "One Per Cent," without Clarifying that "Not Everyone" who has "Been Fortunate to Become One of the One Per Cent" is "Out to Drain the Last Cent Out of the Earths Economy," "For Their Own Personal Benefit!"

"It is of the Utmost Importance to Take the Time" to Acknowledge "Those Interdependent Individuals who've Separated Themselves" from "the Greed Mongers, Egotistical Imperialists and Oligarchs" whose "Main Intentions are to Monopolize the Global Economies and Financial System," "For Their Profit!"

And, When I See, Hear, or Read about "the Wonderful Ideas, Projects, and Acts of Philanthropy" by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Tusk Trust, the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, the Royal Foundation (The Invictus Games), and Many Others, "It Gives me An Optimistic Viewpoint" and "Earthrise Vision of What the Future of Our Earths Communities and Civilized World of Twenty-First Century Can Be!"

And, "The Fact" that "They are Actively Working Towards Eliminating Poverty, Protecting African Wildlife, Especially The Black Rhino and African Elephants that were on the Verge of  Extinction, and Creating Opportunities for the World's Disenfranchised, and Advancing the Research, Development, and Implementation of Renewable Energy Sources," "Gives Hope to The Future Generations of The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "I am Grateful for the Global Celebrities" who've "Freely Given Their Services, and Celebrity Status to Come to The Aid of Victims of Natural Disasters, Worldwide," All the World Over!
"Celebrities and Superstars" (who are also of The One Per Cent) who've "Donated Their Talents," to "Raise Attention or Finances for Families, Communities, Hospitals, Schools, and Businesses that have Been Destroyed!" 
"Celebrities and Superstars" who's "Act's of Philanthropy and Generosity" have "Been of Great Assistance to the Countless Numbers of Families who've Lost a Loved One," Due to Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Massive Thunder and Rain Storms, Flash Floods, Tornadoes, Fires, Hurricanes, and Disease!"

And, I Find that, "It is Unconscionable," and "All to Easy to Lump Together Everyone of a Certain Financial Level and Levy Indiscriminate Attacks against Them," As, "the One Per Cent!" After All, "They are Citizens of the Earth," and "Not All of Them are the Cause or Blame for All the Sociological, or Economic Injustices," that have "Been Beset upon The People of This Planet Earth!"

"Actors and Actresses," George Clooney, Sean Penn, Angelia Jolie, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Michael Douglas, Kevin Bacon, and Recording Artists Madonna, and Wyclef Jean, amongst Many Others, have "Donated, Participated, Performed on, and, Produced Telethon's to Provide Financial Aid for The People of Haiti," and "We are The World," and "Band Aid," are just "a Few of the Events and Contributions Made by Global Personnages," Who are also, a Part of the "One Per Cent," that are "Incessantly Criticized For Raising Campaign Funds for the Candidate or Nominee of Their Choice!" Especially by Politicians "Campaigning for Whatever Public Office They are Seeking," and, "Find it to Their Advantage to Use," the "One Per Cent Campaign Rhetoric," to "Get Our Votes!" (Instead of Changing The Campaign Finance Laws)

 "Political Candidates," such as, "Billionaire Donald Trump," are "Willing to Do," or "Say Anything," that He Thinks, "We"...The People, "Want to Hear," to "Become The GOP Nominee," or "The President of The United States!"

And, "He is Willing to Abuse Any Ethnic Group, Celebrated War Veteran, Gender, Principle, Political Ideology, or, Leader of His Party to Do so!"

And, "He is Willing to Use Any Tactic of His Celebrity," that "He Believes is Necessary," to "Entice the Global Cross Media News Universe to Promote, Publicize, Market His Brand Name" (ad Nauseam), and "Provide Him with Free Coverage of His Irreverent Campaign!"
(It has Been Reported that Mr. Trump has Received Approximately Two Billion Dollars of Free Cross Media Coverage this Year!)
And, "He Belittles Anyone who Speaks the Truth against Him," in "the Most Crass, UN-Presidential, Ways!"

"A Question You Must Ask of Yourself," If, "You are a Republican is," Does Mr. Trump's Candidacy, "Remind you, or Inspire You," or, In any Way,  "Make You Think of Former Presidents of The United States, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, or Ronald Reagan!"

And, "How" are "We" to Explain the "Derogatory and Malicious Things that He has said,".... "to Our Children!"

And, "How are Educators to Explain His Presidential Candidacy,.... "to Our Children!"

And, "How are Our Religious Leaders Going to Explain the Use of Expletives and Irreverent Gestures Mr. Trump has Made to, "Become The Republican Party Nominee.... "to Our Children!"

And, "The Fact" that, Mr. Trump has "Actually Supported Nuclear Proliferation," As "a Means to do What," "Convince Us to Vote for Him," is "Beyond Comprehension!"

"Where is The Integrity, and Sense of Global Leadership that the United States is Known for!"

And, "He has said" that, "He Would Ban Muslim Refugees" who have "Been Driven from Their Homes by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates," from "having Safe Haven in the U.S."

And, "He Would Build a Wall between the United States and Mexico," to "Keep Hispanics from Entering the United States Illegally!" "Referring to Them in Derogatory Ways!" 
And, "Claiming that He Will Make Mexico Pay for This Wall!" 
Once again, It Appears as if, "He is Willing to Say or Do Anything to Be the GOP Nominee and, or, President of the United States," even, "at the Expense of His Own Party's Unity!"

And, Once again, It Appears as if, "He simply Does Not Care What the Consequences are," Nor, "the Depth, Damage, or Significance of Whatever the Offense is," that "He has Just Made," "He only Appears to Care" about (1) Becoming the GOP Nominee, and (2) Become President of the United States at Any Price!

"Can You Imagine," if, "You or I said the Things that Mr. Trump has said," or "Behaved the Way Mr. Trump has in Public," "We Would Be Severely Criticized, Ostracized, Excoriated, and Ridiculed for Our Suggestive Behavior, Expletives, Acts of Provocation, Outright Lies, and False  Rhetoric!" 

And, "Why Would Any Serious Minded Person," or, "In Fact, Anyone with Any Common Sense," "Choose or Consider Electing to Public Office Anyone who Thought and Expressed," As Mr. Trump did, "in An Interview" with Cable Network CNBC, "That if the Economy Crashed, You Could Make a Deal!" As if, "the United States Government" was "A Network Make a Deal TV Show!" 
"He has No Consideration or Real Comprehension of The Negative Effect and Consequences" of "What the Crash of the U.S. Economy Would have upon the Global Markets, Global Currencies, Global Governments, Institutions, and The Earths Populace, and Business Communities!" 
And, If, "This is An Example of Mr. Trump's Business Acumen," Then, "We Definitely Don't Need a Trump Presidency!"

"The Founders of Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence," while Not Being Perfect Themselves, "Still Held and Led by a Standard and Grand Premise to Create a Better Life," For, "We The People!" And, "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, I Can only Imagine what CBS TV Anchorman/Journalist Walter Cronkite, or What NBC Anchors David Brinkley, and Chet Huntley, Would Report, or, What Conservative Republican William F. Buckley, or Congressman, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp, Would say about "The Trump Candidacy!"

This is Most Definitely "Not the Time to Experiment with An Inexperienced Candidate, to Lead the United States of America!" The World is "Still Engaged in A World against Terror," and "The Ongoing War's in Syria and Iraq," and "Regional Conflicts are, In Effect, Taking Place Worldwide!" And, "Global Economies are Still in a Delicate State!" And, "Dictators and Tyrants are Threatening The Peace of The Earth!" 

And, "It is the Moral Responsibility" of the United States "to Elect a Knowledgeable, Cognizant, and Experienced, Leader," who is "Respected by Our Allies," "Showing Reason and Compassion in Resolving the Myriad Issues that have had a Negative Effect on The People of The Earth," While, "Creating An Atmosphere of Opportunity For All The People of The Earth," with "a Clear Vision in Mind," on "How to  Make a Better World For All The Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance that the Global Cross Media News Universe," "Use It's Extensive Talents, and Abilities to Conduct An in Depth, In Close, and Detailed Due Diligence of Checks and Balances of the Presumed GOP Nominee to Be!" From, "His Bankruptcies in Atlantic City, to His Real State Property Deals, Being Fired at NBC, from Producing the Miss USA Pageant, Because of His Derogatory Remarks about Immigrants, after Univision also Canceled It's Planned Telecast of The Pageant, and, the Circumstances surrounding, The Fact that Trump had His Name Removed from A Prominent Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Development in Dubai, by Damac Properties!" 

If, Mr. Trump is "to Be the Presumed GOP Nominee," Let Him Earn and Deserve it," Not by His Impetuous and Provocative Attitude," and "Celebrity Status," But, "by Merit, and Principled Beliefs, Moral Character, Detailed Economic Policies, and Knowledge of What the Office of The Presidency of the United States Signifies," and "An Inspiring Demeanor and Comportment" that, "Both, Unifies and Empowers All The People of The United States of America (and the World)!"
And, "Vet Him as You Would any Candidate or, Nominee Thoroughly!" 
"History has Taught Us," "What the Consequences Can Be if, A Candidate or Nominee is Not Vetted Fully and Carefully!" 

"This Presidential Campaign" has "Too Many Serious Ramifications" to It, "Not to Examine In Detail, What Extent the Presumed Nominee's Policies, Experience, and Leadership Qualities are!" 
And, If, "They are Truly What is Best," or "Truly Exemplify, What is The Best Way to Improve The Quality of Life For Each and Every One of Us!"

Here are the 2016 Republican and Democratic Primary Results for Tuesday, May 10, 2016-
1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of West Virginia;
Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 51.4% of the Vote! And, 16 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Received 36.0% of the Vote! And, 11 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 716 Pledged Delegates and 523 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 239! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 430 Pledged Delegates and 39 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 469 ! -(At Last Count)-

United States Vice President Joe Biden, "in An Interview with Co-Anchor Robin Roberts of Good Morning America," on Tuesday, the 10th, of May, 2016, said, "I feel Confident that Hillary will be the Nominee, and I feel Confident She' ll be the Next President!"

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)-

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Nebraska;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 61.4% of the Vote! And, 36 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 18.5% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Governor John Kasich has Received 11.4% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

2) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of West Virginia;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 76.9% of the Vote! And, 31 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 9.0% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Governor John Kasich has Received 6.8% of the Vote! And, Zero Delegates! -(At last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

3) Donald Trump has a Total of 1,087 Pledged Delegates and 49 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Mr. Trump a Total of 1, 136! -(At last Count)-

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 546 Delegates, and 19 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Sen. Cruz a Total of 565! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 168 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 153 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Kentucky for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Won by the Slimmest of Margins Receiving 46.8% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Senator Bernie Sanders has Received 46.3% of the Vote! And, 27 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Here is the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Results for the State of Oregon for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;
Senator Bernie Sanders has Won Receiving 53.5% of the Vote! And, 28 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has Received 46.5% of the Vote! And, 24 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

3) Sec. Hillary Clinton has 1, 767 Pledged Delegates and 524 Superdelegates, Giving Sec. Clinton a Total of 2, 291! -(At Last Count)-

Sen. Bernie Sanders has 1, 488 Pledged Delegates and 40 Superdelegates, Giving Him a Total of 1, 528! -(At Last Count)-

(2, 383 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

1) Here is the 2016 Republican Primary Results for the State of Oregon for Tuesday, May 17, 2016;
Donald Trump has Won Receiving 66.6% of the Vote! And, 17 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Governor John Kasich has Received 17.0% of the Vote! And, 3 Delegates! -(At last Count)-

Senator Ted Cruz has Received 16.3% of the Vote! And, 3 Delegates! -(At Last Count)-

2) Donald Trump has a Total of 1, 103 Pledged Delegates and 58 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Mr. Trump a Total of 1,161! -(At last Count)-
However, The Question Still Remains, "Will there be a Third Party Candidate to Oppose Mr. Trump," or, "Will The Stop Trump Movement have a Convention Surprise for Mr. Trump," in Cleveland, from the 18th to 21st of July, 2016!

Sen. Ted Cruz has a Total of 549 Delegates, and 18 Un-Pledged Delegates, Giving Sen. Cruz a Total of 567! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Sen. Mark Rubio has a Total of 168 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Senator has Suspended His Campaign)

Gov. John Kasich has a Total of 159 Delegates! -(At Last Count)- (The Governor has Suspended His Campaign)

(1, 237 are Needed to Win the Nomination!)

It is Perplexing and Disturbing, "Why the U.S. Cross Media Universe has Surmised or Theorized" that, "this Presidential Election Will Be Decided by the Nominee who has the Worst Negatives," Instead of, "Who is The Most Qualified Nominee to Be President of the United States!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "We Must Remain Earthwise and Streetwise," and "Provide Clear and Precise Advice and Counsel in Moments, that "History Will Surely Portend as Being in Tone, Substance, Spirit, and Essence," As, "Being a Crucial Step Forward in Our Collective Lives, Communities, and Societies!"

So, "Let Us," Once again, "Reach Out via The Global Cross Media Universe and Social Media" to "Provide Positive Information," and "Hopeful Introspection," and "Universal Analysis of the Alternatives that Lie Ahead of Us!" And, "All the Opportunities that Can Result from Making a Cognizant Choice or Decision in Our Lives!"

And, "Let Us," through "Contemplation, Meditation, and Soul Searching," "Re-Enforce the Vision Path that We have Embarked upon," So, that "We Can Embrace and Enjoy the New Horizons of Prosperity, Global Synergy, Alternative Energies, and, the Tenets of Peace, and Economic Parity!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of The People, By The People, and For The People, and, All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, and The Universe that We are, But a Small Microcosm!      



Sunday, May 1, 2016



The Way To Peace! #278

On This "May Day," When "People All over The Earth" are "Celebrating The Arrival of Spring," and "International Workers' Day!" Here in The United States, "We," also, "Have A Providential, Prestigious, and Welcomed Moment," In Which to "Celebrate the Long Overdue Acknowledgement of Women Icon's of The Suffrage, Women's, Civil and Equal Rights Movements, "Who Will be Featured on U.S. Federal Currency," "For the First Time in More than A Century!"

In 1886, 1891, and 1896, "First Lady Martha Washington" (the Wife of the First President of the United States of America George Washington) was on the U.S. $1. Dollar Silver Certificate! 

And, In 1865, "An Image of Native American Pocahontas," the Daughter of  the Paramount Chief, of A Network of Tributary Tribal Nations in the Tsenacommacah," Named Powhatan, (that Encompassed the Tidewater Region of Virginia) was on "the Back of the $20. Dollar Bill!"

"Abolitionist Harriet Tubman will Be Featured on The Front of the $20. Dollar Bill!" And, "Marian Anderson, One of the Most Renown Singers of The Twentieth Century,  Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the only U.S. President to Be Elected Four Times from 1933 to 1945), and Baptist Minister, Nobel Peace Prize Award Winner, Civil and Equal Rights Leader, and Author,  Martin Luther King Jr." will "Appear on the Reverse side of the $5. Dollar Bill!"
"President Abraham Lincoln will Continue to Be on The Front of the $5. Dollar Bill!"

"Susan B. Anthony and Native American Sacagawea," of The Lemhi Shoshone Tribe, and "Helen Keller have Been on Coins in Limited Circulation!" However, "This is a Brand New Beginning, for The Twenty-First Century," that "May" also, "Break the Barrier of Men's Hold on the United States Presidency!"

"Harriet Tubman, Marian Anderson, and Martin Luther King Jr. are The First African-Americans, Who will Be Featured on U.S. Federal Currency! 

However, I'm sure that "Coretta Scott King, Civil Rights Activist, Advocate, and Author, Who Continued to Fight For Civil and Equal Rights, Long After the Death of Her Husband Martin Luther King Jr., and, Shirley Chisholm, "Who Became the First African American Woman to Be Elected to the United States Congress from New York, from 1969 to 1983, for Seven Terms in Total," "Should also Receive Future Consideration!"
"Congresswoman Chisholm," Who was, also, "The First Woman, to Run for the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination in 1972," and "the First Black Candidate for The President of The United States by a Major Party," and "Coretta Scott King," "Will always Be Remembered as Being Prominent Women Icons, and Civil Rights Leaders of the African American Community," and "Their Place in History Can Not Be Denied!" And, "Their Thoughts, Actions, Activism, Advocacy, and Acclaim Will Be The Inspiration For Future Generations to Come!"

And, One Must Add to "The List," Both,  "Claudette Colvin," a Sixteen Year Old Student from Booker T. Washington High School, in Montgomery Alabama, "Who, in 1955, Would Not Give up Her Bus Seat," and "was Arrested for Resisting Bus Segregation" (Nine Months before Rosa Parks was Arrested for the Same Offense), and, Of course, "Civil Rights Activists Rosa Louise McCauley Parks," Whom the United States Congress Called "The First Lady of Civil Rights," and, "The Mother of The Freedom Movement,"  "Who, also, Should Be Acknowledged as Being An Important Part of the Civil Rights and Women's Right Movement," amongst "Many Others!"
And, "Their Recognition Should Be Acknowledged For the Sacrifice, Dedication, and Commitment They Made in Their Lives," For, "All of History to Record!"
And, On One Last Note, "Without Equivocation," The Name of Poet Laureate "Maya Angelou," "Should Be Added" to "The List!"

In the Past, "African-Americans have Been on Non-Federal Currency," Circulated by the Confederate States of America, "As Slaves!"

Last Year, "We Took a Moment to Commemorate and Celebrate The 95th Anniversary of The Ratification of The 19th Amendment to The Constitution of the United States," Which was "Ratified on, the 18th of August, 1920," after 70 Years of Intense Struggle to Do so, and "Put into Effect on the 26th of August!" (UIGA-TWTP! #259)
It was A True Labor of Love" that Finally, "Gave Women The Right To Vote in The United States Of America!"

And, It was "A Grand Achievement for The Women's Suffrage Movement," and "Thanks to The Extraordinary Efforts and Sacrifice, Dedication and Perseverance, and Magnificent Commitment To The Women's Rights Movement, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojouner Truth, Francis Willard, Carrie Chapman Catt, Harriot Stanton Blatch, Ida B. Wells, and Susan B. Anthony," amongst "Many Other Dedicated Women Activists, Who Strove Tirelessly For Female Citizens to have The Same Rights as Men," in the U.S., "Each New Generation Can, Now Look Forward to Their Future, Knowing that They Have a Choice," and "Their Thoughts Words, and Actions Can Make a Difference!"

"The Passage of The 19th Amendment was, and, Still is a Great Moment of Accomplishment For The Women of The United States Of America," Who Now have "A Grand Opportunity to Make Their Voices Heard," "Loud and Clear," in "The 2016 Presidential Election!"

And, "Each New Generation of Young Girls and Women," "Can Now Imagine Becoming The President of The United States, Should They Wish to!" And, "This is A True Demonstration of Democracy at Its Very Best!

And, "With The Approaching End of The The Democratic Campaign" and, With It, "Who Will Become the Democratic Nominee for The President of the United States, Clearly In Sight," and "The Visions and  Dreams of the Suffragettes and Women's Movement Coming A Step Closer to Becoming Realized," "We Can Finally See This Goal and Reality Coming to Fruition!"

"You Can Feel It," like "A Grand Choir of Voices Touching The Heart, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of Tens of Millions!" "You Can Hear Chaka Khan, Yolanda Adams, and India Arie, with Stevie Wonder on Keyboard, and Prince Playing Guitar, Singing "I'm Every Woman" (at The BET Tribute for Chaka) and, "The Super Band of Musicians Empowering The Message with a Strong, and Powerful Rhythm, and Uplifting Musical Arrangement," Lifting Everyone Up Out of Their Seats, Clapping, and Participating in Singing The Chorus, Men and Women Combined, Joyously Seizing the Moment and Rising to Its Undeniable Intensity and Applause!"

And, "You Can Sense A Great Moment of Expectation," Beginning to Take Place, that "Women the World Over, Will Soon Be Experiencing and Sharing a Monumental Choice in the Advancement of Women's Rights!" "It's a Moment," that has "Been Missing," "For More than Two Hundred Years in the United States!"

And, "You Can Feel It Beginning to Grow and Evolve into An Earth Shaking Moment!" "It's in The Air We Breathe," and, "It Feels Like A New Beginning, A Life Giving Moment, Like the Birth of A Child, or The Birth of An Evolutionary Moment of Grand Consequence!" It's a "New Movement in The Age of The Women Of The Twenty-First Century!"

It's Like a "Three Day Music Concert" that has Been in the Making For Years Starring Beyonce, Florence and The Machine, Sister Sparrow and The Dirty Birds, Alabama Shakes, with Special Appearances by Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Katy Perry, Carol King, Rihanna, Miranda Lambert, Mariah Carey, Reba McEntire, Jennifer Lopez, Janet Jackson, Dolly Parton, Pink, Mary J. Blige, Adele, and Taylor Swift, "Filling out The Galaxy of Stars," Illuminating The Super Star Studded Concert! 
And "Imagine that You've Been Queueing up and Waiting on Line for Days," or "Trying to Purchase a Ticket Online," and, "The Growing Intensity has Been Spreading and Expanding in Wave after Wave of Great Expectancy and Anticipation," that "This is a Concert that Women and Young Girls of All Ages have Been Waiting for!"
And, "Finally the Day Arrives," and "You Have Your Ticket and You're Sitting in Your Seat," and "The Curtain Opens up with Everyone on the Concert Stage Singing "Respect," and, then "Gloria Gaynor's Anthem for Women All over The World," "I Will Survive!"

And, "You Can Finally See and Experience the Sensational Event" of "The 18 Million Cracks in the Glass Ceiling," that  "Secretary of State Clinton Spoke of in Her 2008 Campaign," When She was Then Campaigning as Senator Clinton from New York against, at the Time, Senator Barack H. Obama of Illinois, "Beginning to Break," and, With "Its Enormous Shatter"  Will Bring, "The Prodigious and Historical Prominence of One of The Most Significant Political and Sociological Moments in Time," of Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton "Becoming The Nominee of the Democratic Party for Presidency of the United States of America!" 
And, "Her Combined Total of 2, 220 Pledged and Superdelegates" (1, 700 Pledged Delegates, Plus 520 Superdelegates-At Last Count), "All But Guarantees Secretary Clinton Will Reach the 
2, 383 Needed to Achieve Her Party's Nomination!"

And, "This is A Moment," that "All Suffragettes and Women of The United States, and Earth," "Can Share and Rejoice in!"

There have Been "Prominent Women Heads of State,"  Namely, In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (and Lets Not Forget Queen Elizabeth II), and, Prime Minister Golda Meir of Israel, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India, and, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany," are "Just A Few Prominent Women Leaders to Acknowledge of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries!" However, "Whether The United States Will Become A Member of This Historical Path of Grand Distinction Is Still to Be Determined," But, "It's Getting Closer!" 
(Christine Lagarde is the First Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund-IMF)

However, "The Answer to This Question," "Will Lie Purely and Literally in Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirit and Hands Of The People to Vote Their Conscious!" And, "The Visions and Policies that Will Be Expounded upon," By The Republican and Democratic Nominees, Altogether, "Will Be Debated In The Global Cross Media News Universe," and "Discussed in The Public Forum of We The People," and, "We....The People," Will Decide "Which Nominee Can Improve Our Quality of Life, Defend, Protect, Articulate and Represent The Principles, Tenets, and Beliefs of The United States of America!" And, "Who Will Best Empower, Inspire, and Build A Bridge of Out Reach, and Trust to Every Nation and People Worldwide!" 
And,"This is A Moment When Every Vote Will Count," "No Matter What Gender Creed, Race, or What Voting Age You May Be," "Your Vote Will Be the Deciding Factor!"

(As of May 4th, 2016, Both Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Governor John Kasich of Ohio have "Suspended Their Campaigns!" Leaving Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer Donald Trump to "Stand Alone," in His Campaign to Become the Republican Nominee for President of the United States! "Does this Mean that There Will Not Be "A Contested GOP Convention!" And, "Will the Republican Party United Behind His Candidacy?)

(And, Will Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, "Continue to Aim His New Campaign Strategy" towards a "Contested Contest" at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, to Be Held, July 25-28 at The Wells Fargo Center? "I'm sure Donald Trump and The Republican Party Hope so!")

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Us Be a Propitious Part of The Broad Spectrum of Change" that "Is Needed to Create A New Age of Environmental and Ecological Protection, Defense, and Continued Care and Evolution of Our Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Be "A Great Soul Force of Peacemakers" and "Warriors of Truth, Compassion, Enlightenment, Global Equilibre and Reason, Culture and Hope!" Truly A Magnificent Earthrise and Universal Covenant and Nexus of A Great Age of Wonderment, Solar Exploration, and Innovation," Formulating into "A Global Equation Of, By, and For The People" that "Is Committed and Dedicated to The Welfare, Education, Serenity, Earthwise, and Enlightenment Of Each and Every Child of This Planet Earth!"

And, "Let Us Never Forget" that (as the Song goes) "We are The World," and "We Can Make a Difference!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth! And, An Age of Peacetime Economies, In Which Global Trade and Environmental Policies Enrich the Lives of All The People Of This Sacred Planet Earth!

In Memoriam:
Reverend Daniel Berrigan, an American Jesuit Priest, Who "Became a Prominent Symbol and Leader of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement in the 1960's," has "Passed away at the Age of Ninety-Four," on Saturday, April 30, 2016!

Reverend Berrigan, and, His Brother, Reverend Philip Berrigan. were "Both Ardent Anti-War Activists," Who were Sought after by The FBI for Stealing and Burning War Records from the Select Service Offices in Catonsville, Maryland, along with Seven Other Catholic Protesters, Who Became Known as "The Catonsville Nine!"

And, For these "Anti-War Actions," They were Placed on The FBI "Most Wanted List!"
(Daniel and Philip were also Placed on the Cover of Time Magazine (Jan. 25, 1971)!

They were, eventually, "Captured and Sentenced, along with the Other Members of The Catonsville Nine, on the 9th of November, 1968, "from Two to Three and a Half Years in Prison," for "Destroying Federal Property," and "Interfering with the Selection Service Act of 1967!"

Paul Simon included a lyric about Reverend Berrigan, in "Me an Julio Down by The School yard." 
And, Reverend Berrigan has, also, had "a Documentary Produced about Him," by Lee Lockwood," called "The Holy Outlaw!"

And, "Their Legal Battle was Produced in a Feature Film" Entitled, "The King Of Prussia,' by Emile de Antonio, that Starred Martin Sheen!

Reverend Daniel Joseph Berrigan Remained "An Anti-War, Peace Activist, Pacifist, and Jesuit Priest Throughout All of His Life!"

And, He, also, Received Many Awards such as; The Gandhi Peace Award in 1974, and, Thomas Merton Award in 1988, amongst many others!

Reverend Berrigan was "An Inspiration and Voice For Many Truth Seekers, Peacemakers, and Anti-War Activists!"

But, "He" was, also, "A University Educator, Poet, and Author, Who Gave His Life For What He Believed in!
We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to His Family, Friends, and Admirers!

And, We also Send Our Sincerest Condolences to the Family, Friends, Navy SEALs Special Operation Forces, Friends, and Neighbors of Navy SEAL 1st Class Charles Keating IV, 31, who Died in Action, on Tuesday, the 3rd of May, 2016, Near Irbil, Iraq!

Navy SEAL 1st Class Keating IV was One of the United States Special Forces Advisors sent to Iraq, "to Be of Assistance to Kurdish Peshmerga Forces," and "Local Forces," Fighting against Daesh (ISIS)!

Navy SEAL 1st Class Keating IV, "Will Be Remembered" as, "One of the Brave Men and Women," who "Fought on the Front-Lines of The War against Terror, Constantly in Harm's Way," to "Preserve the Dignity, Freedom, and Tenets of Life of All Humankind," Irregardless of Where the Mission Took Them, in "The War against Terror!"

Navy SEAL1ts Class Charles Keating IV, "is the Third U.S. Combat Casualty" since "The Summer of 2014," when "New Redeployment Orders" were "Issued to Conduct Special Operations against Daesh" (ISIS)!

"May All the Women and Men who've Lost Their Lives" in "The War against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, Their Dishonorable Surrogates Worldwide, " Finally Rest in Peace!"