Wednesday, February 10, 2016



The Way To Peace! #272

Now, at Last, "The Voice of The People" is "Truly Beginning to Be Heard!" "No More Polls to Influence Us," or "Tell Us, What Lies within Our Own Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Spirits!" 
"The Votes have Been Counted!" And, as We're already Aware of, "The Winner of The First Caucuses in the State of Iowa," have Been Completed with "Round One," Going to "Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton" as "The Victor," on The Democratic Side, and, "Senator Ted Cruz" of the State of Texas, as "The Victor," on The Republican Side! 
And, Now that "The Nations First Primary" in the State of New Hampshire, has Been Completed, "Round Two," Goes to, Independent-Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, as "The Victor," with 60.0% to 38.0% for Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, at "Last Count!" 

"Sen. Sanders with His Impressive Victory," has Won 15 Delegates (Giving Him 36 Including The Iowa Caucuses Delegates to Go to The Democrats National Convention) and Sec. Clinton 9 Delegates (Giving Her 32 Including Her Iowa Delegates to Go to The Democrats National Convention).
However, "Sec. Clinton Remains Ahead in the Total Delegate Count" that "Includes a Nucleus of Superdelegates Nationwide!" 
"Sec. Clinton" has "Gradually Accumulated at Least 392 Delegates," and "Sen. Sanders has at Least 42."
"Superdelegates" are "the Party Officials who Can Support the Candidate of Their Own Choice!"
(The Number Delegates that both Sec. Clinton and Sen. Sanders Need to Clinch the Democratic Nomination is 2,382!)

 And, "Republican Donald Trump," and "His Make America Great Campaign," is "The Victor," with 35.0%, of The Vote Winning 10 Delegates (Giving Him 17 Delegates Including His Iowa Delegates)."

Governor John Kasick of the State of Ohio, Came in Second with 16.0% (Receiving 4 Delegates), Senator Ted Cruz of the State of Texas is Third, with 12.0% (Giving Him 11 Including His Iowa Delegates), Former Governor Jeb Bush of the State of Florida 11.0% (Giving Him 3 Delegates) Senator Marco Rubio of the State of Florida 11.0% (Giving Him 10 Delegates Including His Iowa Delegates), Governor Chris Christie of the State of New Jersey  7.0%, Carly Fiorina 4.0%, and Ben Carson 2.0% at "Last Count!"
(It Takes 1,237 Delegates to Win the Republican Nomination!)

(Both Governor Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have Suspended Their Campaigns for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination due to a Lack of Voter Support in the New Hampshire Primary)

"Nevada (Caucuses)" and South Carolina (Primary)" are "the Next Two States on the 2016 Election Calendar."

And, by All Accounts, "This Appears to Be," "Purely from An Objective Point of View," an Example of, "What Living in a Democracy (with a Capitalist/ Free Market Economy) Can Be!"

And, by All Accounts, "There Appears to Be," an "Anti-Government/Populace Movement a Foot!" Being Led by, on The Republican Party side, "A Billionaire Real Estate Mogul, Former TV Producer/Host," and, on "The Democrat side, A Social/Democrat!" Now, "This is a Perfect Format for a Politically Themed Realty TV Show" (maybe Better than "House of Cards," Starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright!). And, "Can you Imagine" the TV Nielsen Ratings for "What the Actual Debates Would Be!"

And, "Can you Imagine," "How many Newspapers and Journals Can Be Sold!" And, What a "Global Cross-Media News Blitz This Could Turn in to!"

But, "In All Seriousness," is "This Populace/Anti-Government Movement," a True Reflection of "The Pent up Feelings and Frustrations" of What was Once Called, "The Silent Majority," "Speaking Out Loud and Clear?" 
"Making sure that "Their Voices are Being Heard," and, "Let there Be No Doubt" that, "Their Dissatisfaction, Disaffection and Utter Frustration with Washington's Politics," and "Practically Anyone," who "Represents The Political Establishment is Genuine!"

Or, "Is it an Anti-Government/Populace Movement" that is "Based on Clear, Concise, and Highly Thought through Principles," that are Magnificently Representative of "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "A Government" that "Our Founders Built on The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Spirit, Soul, and Shoulders" of "We The People," "Citizens of The United States Of America!" "A Republic," "A Federation of States with a Democratic Form of  Government Of, By, and For The People," that also "Includes The One Per Cent!"
(The Billionaires who have Signed Warren Buffetts "Giving Pledge" is "A Positive Act of Philanthropy by The One Per Cent," and "Should Be Admired," and "Not Berated," or, "Included En Masse," in "Yet Another Campaign Slogan," that "Divides Americans!")

I remember "Highly Principled Candidates from both The Republican and Democrat Parties," from "Senator Barry Goldwater" in 1972, of "to Former Vice President of The United States, Al Gore, in 2000, who ran for The Presidency, Unsuccessfully! 

And, I also Remember Comedian/Civil Rights Activist, "Richard Claxton "Dick" Gregory, in 1968, Who Ran as as a Write-in Candidate of the Freedom and Peace Party, and, of course, American Political Activist/Author, "Ralph Nader," "Who has Run for the Presidency Five Times" as A Write-in Candidate in 1992, and, as Nominee of The Green Party, in 1996 and 2000, and, Then as An Independent Candidate in 2004 and 2008, both of Whom, "Ran Unsuccessfully!"

And, "Now The World  Awaits," Who Will Succeed where So Many Others have Failed!"

Will it Be "The First Woman to Win the Iowa Caucuses," Former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, or "Democratic Socialist," Senator, Bernie Sanders of Vt. Or, Will it Be "Billionaire Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer/Host," Donald Trump, or?

And, "What Exactly are the Policies of A Democratic Socialist?" Will They Be "More in Line with The Policies of Socialist President Francois Hollande of France, (or Socialist Marie-Segolene Royal, who Lost Her Bid to Become the First Woman President of France against Former President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007)," or, "As Senator Sanders has Claimed," in "the Tradition of An American Union Leader" and "One of the Founding Members of the Industrial Workers of the World," and "Socialist Leader," Eugene V. Debs, "Who also Ran Five Times," Interestingly Enough, "As A Candidate of The Socialist Party of America," Although "Unsuccessfully," In Hopes of "Becoming President of The United States!"

"It is of The Utmost Importance" that "Senator Sanders Provides Us with a Clear Understanding" of, "What an Independent-Democratic Socialist is," "If, He is Serious about His Campaign" and "In Hope of Becoming President of The United States Of America," and "Leader of The Capitalist Free World Market Economies," and "The Sovereign People of The Earth!" 

This is "Not The Time to Be Caught up in The Illusion of What Can Be," or "A Maze of Glass Mirrors" Leading Us Down A Long Road that Leads Us into More Political Impasse!" 

"There is A Glass Ceiling Movement with 18 Million Cracks in It," that "Still Lies Before Us," and "Rightfully, Demands that It's Agenda and Priority Be Fulfilled, in 2016!"
"Its A Women's Movement," that "Began with The Suffragettes," and, "Women Finally Being Given The Right to Vote," that "Has Not Yet Reached Its Conclusion, Until There is a Woman President of The United States Of America!" 

And, "To Provide the American People" with "A Clear Understanding" of "What an Independent-Democratic Socialist is," "Now," "Is Better than What a Republican Candidate, or Super PAC, Will Say or Do," to "Try and Spin This Political Ideology and Two Words" (Democratic Socialist) to "Their Advantage," as "the Primary Campaign Continues to Intensify!" 

But, Even More Importantly,  "It's What a True Political, Civil, Moral, Anti-War, and Equal Rights Advocate and Activists Would Do!" "Without Hesitation or Thought of Politicization!"

"One Thing that is Positively Certain" is, "We Live in A Very Serious and Complicated Time Period, Where the Unexpected Lies Around Every Corner," and "To say this, Would Not Be A Gross Understatement!"
And, "Secondly," It Would Not Be An Exaggeration," "To say that We are in Need Highly Experienced, Diplomatic, Compassionate, Intelligent, and Vetted Individuals," to "Provide Us with A Cognitive and Perceptive Ability to Govern," and "Vote and Pass Insightful Legislation" that Empowers Us" and "Prepares Our Towns, Villages, Cities and States for The New Challenges that We Will Most Certainly Face in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "There is Absolutely No Doubt or Hesitation in saying" that "the Global Cross-Media News Universe," and "The Global Social Media, Will have A Great Responsibility to Be Streetwise and Earthwise," "For The Truth to Be Known as The Truth Wherever It is Spoken and Shared," or "The Impactful Consequences For Being Irresponsible and Naive," May Lead Us to Be Mislead by False Innuendos with Vague Implications," and "Conditioned to Believe in False and Misleading Political Rhetoric," and "Outright and Downright Fabrications!" 
"Unbiased Reportage," in the Tradition of CBS Evening News Anchorman, Walter Cronkite, is the "Truth Seeker" that "We, The Voting Public," and "the Earth Societies of the Twenty-First Century are In Need of!"

"The Borders of The Truth" that are "Being Stretched to Almost Breaking," are "Being Threatened to Do so by Tens of Thousands of Syrian Families Lining the Borders of Syria and Turkey," Who are "Fleeing the Bombs and Oppression that is Being Levied against Them by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Own President Bashar al-Assad," whose "Government Forces are Making a Concerted Effort and Offensive to Push Rebel Forces Out of the Syrian City of Aleppo," and, "the Indiscriminate Bombing by Russia!

And, "Yes, There is No Doubt," that "The Borders of Truth" are Being Stretched to Their Limit," But, Are "We to Forget to Care For Those Who are In Need!" Or, "Must They Die in Untenable Boats While Traversing Across Aegean or Mediterranean Seas," "Where Many have Died," such as, "the Tragic Deaths" of, at Least, "Twenty-Four People (Families of Migrants and Refugees), Including Children," Whose Lives Came to An End,  on Monday, the 8th of February, "While Attempting to Travel from Turkey to Greek Island of Lesbos, in a Crowded Boat!" (It's Been Reported that Four People were Rescued from the Ship!")   

And, "Yes, The Borders of Truth" are "Being Stretched to Over Compensate For Each New Gun-Related  Death that Occurs in The United States," irregardless of the Commandment, "Thou Shall Not Kill!"
And, by "the Violation of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, Sex Traffickers, and Drug and Crime Syndicates," "Who Care Not," 
If, "They Torture, Maim, or, Take Innocent Lives without Consideration of the Families They are Going to Bring Unbearable Pain upon!"

"Leaders of Civilized Nations" of The Earth, "The Vision of One Earth Living in Peace," "Will Remain Just a Dream," If, "You Do Not Utilize All the Strategic Assets at Your Command in Unanimity with One Another," and "Believe that "It Can Be Done!" "Lead Us from Unreal to Real," so, That "All The Families of The Earth," Can Experience A Present and Future Now "Age of Economic Opportunity without Borders!" "Health care without Borders!" "Free Education, and Social Security without Borders!"  

Recently, I saw Beyonce in Concert, Singing a Deeply Soulful Rendition of "Atlast," a Song that Etta James made Popular in 1960! And, "In that Moment," As I Felt myself Flow on Mnemonic Wafts of Quater Notes, Verses, Choruses, and Bridges of Past Memories, The Music Continued to Segue to, "We Shall Overcome" Being Sung by Hundreds of Thousands of Dedicated Participants, Activists and Advocates, "Who Joined Together in a Grand Civil and Equal Rights Demonstration For All of Humanity and The Earths Ecology!" And, Unmistakably, It was "A Great Soul Force," that "Empowered the Winds of Change in The United States, and All Around The World!" 
And, then I Heard "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." Speak these Words, "Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, We are Free at Last," from His "I Have a Dream" Speech!

And, As I Continued to "Give myself up to the Moment," It Segued on A Wave of  Music and Lyrics of  Sam Cooke singing, "A Change Gonna Come," and, then "Let It Be," by The Beatles! 

And, As It Did, It was then, That, I Came to The Full Realization that "Inspite of All the Hard Times," and "the Wars and Strife," and "the Breakdown of Legal and Financial Systems," Natural Disasters, and Political Disasters," and, "the Ongoing Conflicts in The Middle East with Syria, Iran, Israel and Palestine," The Danger and Threats of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "The North Korean Foreign Policy Failures," and "Global Poverty,"   that, "There have Been Many Great Moments" that have "Taken Place in both The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries," Culturally, Politically, Astronomically, Environmentally, Spiritually, Economically, Scientifically, and In Technology! 
"Plus the Selfless Acts of Philanthropy, Public Service, and Defense of Our Principles by the Women and Men of The Civilized Armed Forces of the United Nations!" 
"There is so Much For Us to Be Thankful for," and, "Yet, There is Still so Much More to Be Done, I'm sure You Will Agree!"

However, "Let Us Rejoice in The Knowledge of This," and, "That One Happy Day," "A Change Will Come!" 
And, "Let Us, One and All Remember" to "Vote Your Conscious," For, "This is The Time When Your Vote Can Make a Difference!" And "You have The Power to Give Hope and Encouragement to Those who Have Given up, and Lost Faith!" And, "This is What It Means to Be Here Now!" 

So, Lets Show The World, "What It Means to Be A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People by Example," and, also, "by Concern For Our Fellow Human and Sentient Being!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Now is The Time For Us to Re-Engage," and, "Focus on Making a Better World For All," "Who've Chosen The Path of Peace and Diplomacy," and "Unanimity in Being Free!" 

"Free" to have "the Opportunity to Work Towards Accomplishing The Goals and Dreams that We have Imagined and Wished for!" 

And, "Free at Last," to "Enjoy Living in A New Age of The Global Spirit of Enlightenment and Compassion," and "An Earthrise Vision of Economic Equilibre!"
 For, This is,The Way To Peace, and, An Age of Giving, and, Believing in An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Justice, Hope, Faith, Fellowship, Reverence, and The Promise of Social Security, Law, Solar Exploration, Good News, and Peace On Earth!