Sunday, February 21, 2016



The Way To Peace! #273

As "We Evolve into the Full Snow Moon," Named so by "Native American Tribes of the North and East," (Because of the Difficult Winter Weather Conditions), "The Political Climate amongst both the Republican and Democrat Parties Nominees, to Become Their Parties Presidential Candidate for 2016," has "Proven to Be Anything but, Cold!" In fact, "The Climate of Political Arena is Bordering on Reaching Volcanic Levels!" 

And, "With Round Three Completed," "The Democratic Party Victor of the Nevada Caucuses 2016," "Goes to Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Winning 52.6 Per Cent of The Vote, and 19 Delegates" (Approx. 51 Delegates Overall)! 
"While Senator Bernie Sanders Efforts Garnered 47.3 Per Cent of the Vote, and 15 Delegates" (Approx. 51 Delegates Overall)! 
Secretary Clinton's Victory was "Hard Earned and Highly Proficient!" 
"Her Coalition of Voter Support that Included Latinos, Union Workers, African Americans, and Voters Forty-Five an Older have Proven to Be The Difference!"

And, "Round Three," "The Republican South Carolina Primary 2016," Is in "The Win Column" for, "Controversial Republican Candidate Donald Trump, Winning 32.5 Per Cent of The Vote, and Has Won 44 out of 50 Delegates" (Approx. 61 Delegates Overall), at Last Count!  "Mr. Trumps Make America First Campaign has Now Won Two Primaries in a Row!" His Victory also "Included Evangelicals," that Sen. Cruz and Ben Carson were Counting on! "Whether Mr. Trump has Enough Voter Appeal to Win the Republican Nomination" is "the Question!"

However, "The Competition for Second, and Third Place has Proved to Be More Interesting," with Senators Marco Rubio Receiving 22.5 Per Cent of the Vote (10 Delegates Overall), and, Ted Cruz Receiving  22.3 Per Cent of the Vote (11 Delegates Overall), "Coming in An Extremely Close Second and Third," at Last Count!
And, There is No Doubt that "They Will Continue to Challenge Each other in the Nevada Republican Caucuses Next Week!"
"Who has the Best Opportunity to Become the Sole Establishment Candidate to Challenge The Front Runner, Donald Trump, Remains a Serious Question!"

Former Governor Bush, Received 7.8 Per Cent of the Vote (4 Delegates Overall)), While Governor Kasich Received 7.6 Per Cent of the Vote (5 Delegates Overall), and, Ben Carson has Received 7.2 Per Cent of the Vote (3 Delegates Overall), at Last Count! 
The Question is, "Will These Three Candidates Be Able to Obtain Enough Financing for Their Campaigns," to the Degree that They Need, "to Compete with Senators Cruz and Rubio, and Real Estate Mogul/TV Host and Producer Donald Trump!"

The Next Primary for The Democratic Party is in South Carolina on the 27th of February, 2016, and The Nevada Republican Caucuses will Be Held on Tuesday, the 23rd of February, 2016! When We'll Find out "Who will Win Round Four!" And, "Whether or Not  Donald Trump Will Still Be the Republican Candidate to Beat!
And, "How Substantial a Lead Secretary Clinton's Superdelegate Count is," Over Senator Sanders, "is Worth Paying Very Close Attention to!" At Present Count, "Sec. Clinton has 496 Superdelegates to 69 for Sen. Sanders!"

("Donald Trump is the Runaway Winner of Round Four," at The Republican Nevada Caucuses 2016, "Winning Approximately 45.9 Per Cent of the Vote," and Senator Marco Rubio has "Come in Second with Approximately 23.9. Per Cent of The Vote," and "Senator Ted Cruz has "Received Approximately 21.4, Per Cent of the Vote!" Ben Carson "Received Approximately 4.8 Per Cent of the Vote, Coming in Fourth," and Governor Kasich "Received Approximately 3.6 Per Cent of the Vote!")

"Super Tuesday," on the First of March, 2016, "Should Be Very Revealing as The March to Both Conventions Continues to Gain Momentum!" 

(Former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida has Suspended His Campaign, Because of His Low Voter Turn Out in The South Carolina Primary!)

And, "As The World Continues to Be Dumb Founded over the Surprises that have Taken Place in the U.S. Primary Elections and Caucuses," Which Will Determine, "Who Will Be the Last Two Standing" to Campaign For The Prestigious Position of Being The 45th President of The United States, "Let's Hope" that the Meeting of Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, Pope of the Catholic Church, and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, on Friday, the 12th of February, 2016, in Havana, Cuba, "The First in History," between These Two Religious Leaders, "Helps Ease The Growing Tensions between Russia, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and, the United Nations!"

"The Global Cross-Media News Reports" that "These Two Religious Leaders have Met," is "Good News to Hear!"

And, "Let's Hope" that "The Joint Declaration" Agreed to by These Two Men of God, "Empowers Women and Men of All Denominations, We The People, and Peacemakers and Voices of Reason All over the World!" And, May This Be "The First Step of Many," that "Advances the Cause of Peace On Earth!"

In Previous United Interdependent Global Activists-The Way To Peace (#239 and #237), We have Written that, "It is of "The Utmost Importance that Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Step Forward" and "Display The Courage and Resolute Commitment to Put an End to Fanatical/Religious Extremists" who "Care Not" if "They" Rape, Murder, Massacre, Assassinate, Kidnap, or Drive from Their Homes, "Their Fellow Human Beings, In The Name of God!"

And, "While there are "Laws Separating Church and State," "This is Not The Time for Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Remain Silent, or, in The Background," Especially, "When it is Concerned with The Well Being of Our Spiritual, Soulful, Health, Emotional, and Mental States of Being!"

And, "By No Means Should Any Spiritual or Religious Leader of The World Depend Solely upon The Statesmanship or Guidance of The Worlds Political Leaders," to Create Through Political Means of Law, "A Global Policy of Equilibre" that is, "Of Benefit to One and All!"
Let's Face The Facts, "Too Many Children are Homeless and Living in Poverty!" And, "Too Many Families are Living in Refugee Camps!"

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance to Hear A Resounding Clamour, A Thunderous Roar," and "An Uplifting Choir of Voices from All The People of The World," Coupled with "A Definitive Statement Made by Pope Francis, Patriarch Kirill, The Dali Lama, The Supreme Leader Ayatollah-Ali-Khamenei, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, and The Grand Ayatollah Ali-al Sistani," "One that is Upheld by All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," that, "We are One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!
And that, In Actuality, "No One is An Immigrant!"

(Pope Francis' Comments about "Building Bridges," on Thursday, the 18th of February, 2016, "Comes at a Challenging Time in Global Affairs," and Was, and "Still is a Welcomed  Statement!" And, "The Vatican Spokesman," for The Pope, The Rev. Federico Lombardi, "Did Not Need to Clarify what He Meant," in a "Follow up Statement on Friday, the 19th of February, 2016!" Again, "We Need" "More Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Speak Up and Make Their Voices Heard," thru "The Din of Political Rhetoric," and "Extreme Radical Terrorist Propaganda!")

"The Diplomatic Efforts" Aimed Towards Maintaining "The Syrian Accords," Agreed to on Friday, the 12th of February, 2016, that Include and Address; (1) The Immediate Necessity for Humanitarian Concerns, (2) A Nationwide Cease Fire, (3) The Ongoing Exodus of Families Fleeing Syria (and Afghanistan), and (4) Combating Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, "Face Great Challenges," and "Must Rely upon A Strong and Dedicated, New Middle Eastern Coalition of United Civilized Nations, Joined Together with the Members of the P5+1, and Iran," and, "the Agreed upon Removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from Office" (at a  Pre-determined Time Period in the Near Future), If, "It is to have Any Chance or Hope of Longevity or Possibility to Succeed," and "Give The Syrian People and The World" a "Reason To Believe in Its Credibility!"
"Mainly, Because of the Differences of Opinion between All the Nations Involved," over "a Realistic Migrant Quota System for Re-Settling Refugees in Europe, Bombing Provisions that Allow for Russia and Syrian Forces to Continue Their Bombing Raids," that are Primarily Directed Towards Syrian Rebels (and Not ISIS/Daesh as They Would have You Believe!) and "Increased Tensions" between "Turkeys Armed Forces and the Kurdish Militia (Supported by the United States) in Northern Syria," Sparked by Turkish Artillery Units Firing upon Kurdish Fighters in the Syrian Town of Azaz, in Aleppo Province, During the Weekend of the 5th of February, 2016, and "Continued Differences between Turkish and Russian Governments!" 

And, When you Include "the Terrorist Attack in the Turkish Capitol of Ankara, on Wednesday, the 17th of February, 2016, that "Killed Twenty-Eight People, and Wounded Sixty-One Others," "When a Car Bomb Struck a Military Convoy!"  
And, "Then the Deaths of Six Turkish Soldiers," "Who were Killed in Another Roadside Bomb Attack," Upon an Armored Military Vehicle," in the Southeastern Turkish Province of Diyarbakir,  on Thursday, the 18th of February, 2016, and "Wounding One Other," "Has Considerably Heightened the Intensity and Immediacy to Resolve All of These Conflicts!"  
(Turkey has Blamed the PKK, a Kurdish Separatist Terror Organization for this Attack! And, A Member of the Kurdish Syrian Group, YPG, is Being Blamed for the Attack in Ankara, by The Turkish Prime Minister!)

And, Then, of course, "There's Russia's Agenda," and "Russian President Vladimir Putin's Support of President Bashar al-Assad," and "then Iran's Agenda," "Plus Iraq, to Complicate Matters," and, "That's Not All," Because, when "You Add Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel and Palestine" into "The Mix," the "Potential of The Agreement is Slim!" 

But, There is One Saving Grace..."Oil!" This is, "The One Factor that has Leverage over All Others," and, "A Reason to Believe in This Act of Diplomacy!" 

"For the Sake of the Future of The Middle East," "Let's Hope," Voices of Reason and Sensibility and Peacemakers, Plus Impartial Statesmen and Stateswomen of True Discernment, and Visionary Religious Leaders, and Intelligent Military Leaders, "Will Suffice in The End!"

("The Attack by United States Warplanes on a Special ISIS Training Camp in Libya," on Friday, the 19th of February, 2016, "Caused the Deaths of Forty-Three Militants," and "Possibly the Death of Noureddine Chouchane," who was a Senior Operative of the Terrorist Group in Tunisia, "While Wounding at Least Six Others," in a Coastal City in Northeastern Libya!" 
"This Air Attack is a Positive Step Towards Destabilizing the Leadership of ISIS!"

And, "This Special Training Camp," in the al-Qasser District in Sabratha, is "Described as Being an ISIS Recruitment Base for Foreigners," by Sabratha Mayor Hussein al-Thawadi (mostly from Tunisia!).

And, "The Sudden Death of Senior Associate Judge Antonin Scalia," 79, of Supreme Court, on Saturday, the 13th of February, 2016, Who was a Guest at Cibolo Creek Ranch, a Luxury Resort, in West Texas, of Apparently of  Natural Causes, has "Revealed the Deep Divisions between Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress!" And, "It Doesn't Appear to Matter to Them, What Their Constitutional Responsibilities are!"

("It has been Reported that Supreme Court Justices have been Chosen Fourteen Previous Times, While a President was in His Final  Year of Office! And, "It Would Be Ludicrous for It to Function with only Eight Judges," If, "The U.S. Senate Chooses Not to Act on Whomever President Obama's Choice is," to Replace Justice Scalia!)

And, "They Wonder Why," "They" (Politicians) are "so Disrespected by the American Citizenry," and "Looked at so Negatively!"

But, "Can President Obama, Escape His Own Past?" "When in 2006, As a United States Senator of Illinois, "He Participated in Filibustering the Nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito," with Twenty-Three other Senators, "In an Attempt to Prevent a Confirmation Vote on Justice Alito," During the Term of Former President George W. Bush!" "It's An Approach," that President Obama has said, "He Regrets!"
Is this "A Political Example of Payback by The Republicans!"
(In the End, The Filibuster Failed and Alito was Confirmed!)

"Whatever The Reason is," It is Another Example of "Why, Not Just The American People, But, The People of The World are Searching For Something New or Someone," to Give Them a Reason to Believe in...."A New Age of Unbounded Hope!" That Free's Their Minds, Bodies, Souls and Spirits!"

A New Philosophy of "Hope!" Realistic and Pragmatic, and, "Yet, At The Same Time Liberating and Uplifting!" Hundreds of Millions, If Not Billions of People All the World over, "Cling to This Grand Thought, Feeling, Idea!"

"Hope" that "Their Poverty and Starvation Will Finally Come to An End?"

" Hope" that "They Will Finally Be able to Afford to Purchase a  Home of Their Own!"

And, "Parents Hope" that "They Will Be able to Find a Good Job to Care for Their Families!"

And, "Children Hope" for Acceptance to a Good School, to Complete Their College Education, and Have The Funds to Be able to Afford It!"

Or, "Hope" that "Someone Will Save Them from a Life of Being Kept as a Sex Slave!"

And, "Hope" that "Universal Health Care," and "Social Security will Grace The Lives of People" "Who have Worked Their Whole Adult Lives," and, "are Looking Forward to Their Retirement!"

And, "Hope" that "The Leaders of The Global Financial System" and "Influential Members of The Global Markets," "Will Awaken to The Responsibility of What is One of The Golden Rules," "Do unto Others as You Would have Them Do Unto You," and, "Regard Your Neighbor's Gain as Your Own Gain, and Your Neighbor's Loss as Your Own Loss," by Laozi, or, "Never Impose on Others What You Would Not Choose for Yourself," by Confucius, (and I would like to add, "Help Thy Neighbor Who is In Need!"). 
And, "Include These Moral Maxims in Their Daily Agendas," as "A Way to Empower The Earths Populace," and "Put An End to Poverty," and "Gross Economic Disparities!" 

And, This Way, "Everyone Can Enjoy and Share Their Pursuit of Happiness," and "The Fruits of Life with Their Families, Friends and Neighbors!" (It is Important to Believe in and have a Categorical Imperative that is Absolutely Vital, and Moral, and , Integral in Your Life!" Or, More Simply Put, "A True Sense of Fair Play!")

And, "A Hope," Wished for by "Millions of Refugees Living in Camps in Foreign Countries," or, "By Those who have Migrated to Foreign Lands in Hopes of Finding a Safe Place For Their Families to Live," that "One Day They Will Be Able to Return to Their Home Lands and Live In Peace!" And, "See Their Children Grow Up and Enjoy Living in a Golden Generation of Culture, Education, Justice, Opportunity and Prosperity!"  

"An All Encompassing  Hope that Leads to Fulfillment," "In Being a Spiritual Idea that Transcends the Frustration and Resignation of Absolutely Nothing to Live for!"

"Truly Hope," For "A Better World for One and All!" 

"Albert Einstein (who is Back in the News once again, Due to the February 11, 2016, Cross-Media News Reports about "Gravitational Waves Discovery," that "Confirmed His Theory of Relativity," in Which, "He Predicted the Existence of Gravitational Waves," a Year after it was Published,"  in 1915), is Quoted" to have said, "If at First, the Idea is Not Absurd, then There is No Hope for It." Even in this Seemingly Contradictory Quotation, "There is The Idea of Hope," For, "What Would This Conditioned Reality," with All of Its Practicalities, Hypotheses, Innovations, and Absurdities, "Be without Hope!"

And, There is No Doubt in my Mind, that "The Earths Societies are Seriously in Need of Hope," Plus, "A Reasonable Rationale that Addresses the Sociological Issues and Concerns Of The People," Coupled with "A Deep Sense of Comprehensive Understanding!" Which is, In Part, "Why Apple's Continued Resistance to A Federal Magistrates Order," on Tuesday, the 16th of February, 2016, "to Cooperate with An FBI Request to Aid Them in Unlocking the iPhone of One of the Terrorists who Killed Fourteen Innocent People, and Wounded Twenty-Two More, in San Bernadino, California," on the 2nd Day, of December, 2015, "Truly Perplexes me, In spite of Privacy and Civil Liberty Issues!"

"The United States and Its Global Coalition Partners" are "Fighting in A Global War against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," that "Has Seen the Deaths of Innocent People, Journalists, and Members of The Armed Forces, in the U.S. and Worldwide!"
"Can you Imagine," "What Privacy or Civil Liberties the World Would have Under the Rule of These Dishonorable Murderers," who have "Committed Atrocities against All of Humanity!"

There is "One More Thought to Add to my Wish List," and "Immediate Hope for The Future," Which is, "For the Tech Companies to Come to The Aid of The U.S. Government to Organize a Modern Rapid Response Operation For The Veterans of Our Armed Services!" 

"It is Beyond Comprehension," "Why Our Veterans Should have to Wait to Receive Their Benefits, or Health Care!" Or, "Receive Whatever Post War Training They Need to Return to Living a Normal Life!"

The Global Cross-Media News Reports that Surfaced on Monday, the 15th, of February, 2016, Originated in a Oscar Winning, HBO,  VA Suicide Hotline Documentary, Titled, "Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1," in 2014. "It Revealed that Veterans who Called a Crisis Hotline had Their Calls Transferred to a Voice Mail System!" 
"This is "A Violation of Extraordinary Enormity," that, also "Demonstrates the Lack of Respect for the Service that These Women and Men have Given Their Country!"
(These Reports were Featured in a Oscar Winning HBO Documentary, Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1, that Won the 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject.)

"The United States Government Must Act to Immediately Modernize the Operational Skills of Running The Veterans Administration!" "Before The U.S. Congress Takes Another Vacation" or "Before President Obama Visits the Sovereign State of Cuba!" "This Must Be an Immediate Priority!" (These are Our Children!)

And, "Six People," were "Tragically Killed in a Series of Random Shootings," in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, on Saturday, the 20th of February, 2016, and "Wounding Two Others , Including a Fourteen Year Old Girl," All of which "Brings to Light the Importance of New Gun Legislation in the United States!"

"The Gun Culture that has Existed in the U.S. for Millennias, Needs Modifications that Respect and Protect the Lives of All The People," and "Sentient Life Forms of This Planet Earth!"  
The U.S. Congress Needs to Act, Now, Before More Lives have Been Lost in Vain!" 
(The Forty-Five Year Old Suspect, Jason Dalton, was Arrested at Approximately 12:40 AM Sunday Morning by Police Authorities!)

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "It is Time For Unbiased, Fair minded, and Just People to Step Forward" and "Provide a True Representation Of The People, and For The People!"

And, It is Time For Those of You who are of Philanthropic Nature to Seek Out and Embrace Those who are The Invisible Transients of Our Earths Societies, Those who Live on Benches, in Fields, Tunnels, Cars, Sidewalks, and Alleys," and "Show Them that They are Not the Lost Tribe of Humanity!" And that, "Their Lives have a True Value," and that, "They are Not Forgotten!"

And, "It's Time For a New Age of Culture to Emerge and Enlighten Us with It's Universal Conscious Awareness, and Creativity!"

An Age of Culture and Innovative Ideas that Bring Hope to The Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Spirits of All The People of The Earth! In An Illuminating Earthrise of Multicultural Beauty!" 
Displaying a Universal Canvas of Limitless Possibilities, Advanced Ecology's, Sciences, Education, Technologies, and, New Horizons that are Of Benefit to All The People of This Planet Earth!"
And, "the Sentient and Inanimate Universes that Surround Us!"    

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Understanding, Justice, Social Security, Universal Health Care, Hope, Economic Opportunity, Ecological Respect, and Reverence For One Another and All Sentient Beings On Earth and The Universe!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016



The Way To Peace! #272

Now, at Last, "The Voice of The People" is "Truly Beginning to Be Heard!" "No More Polls to Influence Us," or "Tell Us, What Lies within Our Own Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Spirits!" 
"The Votes have Been Counted!" And, as We're already Aware of, "The Winner of The First Caucuses in the State of Iowa," have Been Completed with "Round One," Going to "Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton" as "The Victor," on The Democratic Side, and, "Senator Ted Cruz" of the State of Texas, as "The Victor," on The Republican Side! 
And, Now that "The Nations First Primary" in the State of New Hampshire, has Been Completed, "Round Two," Goes to, Independent-Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, as "The Victor," with 60.0% to 38.0% for Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, at "Last Count!" 

"Sen. Sanders with His Impressive Victory," has Won 15 Delegates (Giving Him 36 Including The Iowa Caucuses Delegates to Go to The Democrats National Convention) and Sec. Clinton 9 Delegates (Giving Her 32 Including Her Iowa Delegates to Go to The Democrats National Convention).
However, "Sec. Clinton Remains Ahead in the Total Delegate Count" that "Includes a Nucleus of Superdelegates Nationwide!" 
"Sec. Clinton" has "Gradually Accumulated at Least 392 Delegates," and "Sen. Sanders has at Least 42."
"Superdelegates" are "the Party Officials who Can Support the Candidate of Their Own Choice!"
(The Number Delegates that both Sec. Clinton and Sen. Sanders Need to Clinch the Democratic Nomination is 2,382!)

 And, "Republican Donald Trump," and "His Make America Great Campaign," is "The Victor," with 35.0%, of The Vote Winning 10 Delegates (Giving Him 17 Delegates Including His Iowa Delegates)."

Governor John Kasick of the State of Ohio, Came in Second with 16.0% (Receiving 4 Delegates), Senator Ted Cruz of the State of Texas is Third, with 12.0% (Giving Him 11 Including His Iowa Delegates), Former Governor Jeb Bush of the State of Florida 11.0% (Giving Him 3 Delegates) Senator Marco Rubio of the State of Florida 11.0% (Giving Him 10 Delegates Including His Iowa Delegates), Governor Chris Christie of the State of New Jersey  7.0%, Carly Fiorina 4.0%, and Ben Carson 2.0% at "Last Count!"
(It Takes 1,237 Delegates to Win the Republican Nomination!)

(Both Governor Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have Suspended Their Campaigns for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination due to a Lack of Voter Support in the New Hampshire Primary)

"Nevada (Caucuses)" and South Carolina (Primary)" are "the Next Two States on the 2016 Election Calendar."

And, by All Accounts, "This Appears to Be," "Purely from An Objective Point of View," an Example of, "What Living in a Democracy (with a Capitalist/ Free Market Economy) Can Be!"

And, by All Accounts, "There Appears to Be," an "Anti-Government/Populace Movement a Foot!" Being Led by, on The Republican Party side, "A Billionaire Real Estate Mogul, Former TV Producer/Host," and, on "The Democrat side, A Social/Democrat!" Now, "This is a Perfect Format for a Politically Themed Realty TV Show" (maybe Better than "House of Cards," Starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright!). And, "Can you Imagine" the TV Nielsen Ratings for "What the Actual Debates Would Be!"

And, "Can you Imagine," "How many Newspapers and Journals Can Be Sold!" And, What a "Global Cross-Media News Blitz This Could Turn in to!"

But, "In All Seriousness," is "This Populace/Anti-Government Movement," a True Reflection of "The Pent up Feelings and Frustrations" of What was Once Called, "The Silent Majority," "Speaking Out Loud and Clear?" 
"Making sure that "Their Voices are Being Heard," and, "Let there Be No Doubt" that, "Their Dissatisfaction, Disaffection and Utter Frustration with Washington's Politics," and "Practically Anyone," who "Represents The Political Establishment is Genuine!"

Or, "Is it an Anti-Government/Populace Movement" that is "Based on Clear, Concise, and Highly Thought through Principles," that are Magnificently Representative of "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "A Government" that "Our Founders Built on The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Spirit, Soul, and Shoulders" of "We The People," "Citizens of The United States Of America!" "A Republic," "A Federation of States with a Democratic Form of  Government Of, By, and For The People," that also "Includes The One Per Cent!"
(The Billionaires who have Signed Warren Buffetts "Giving Pledge" is "A Positive Act of Philanthropy by The One Per Cent," and "Should Be Admired," and "Not Berated," or, "Included En Masse," in "Yet Another Campaign Slogan," that "Divides Americans!")

I remember "Highly Principled Candidates from both The Republican and Democrat Parties," from "Senator Barry Goldwater" in 1972, of "to Former Vice President of The United States, Al Gore, in 2000, who ran for The Presidency, Unsuccessfully! 

And, I also Remember Comedian/Civil Rights Activist, "Richard Claxton "Dick" Gregory, in 1968, Who Ran as as a Write-in Candidate of the Freedom and Peace Party, and, of course, American Political Activist/Author, "Ralph Nader," "Who has Run for the Presidency Five Times" as A Write-in Candidate in 1992, and, as Nominee of The Green Party, in 1996 and 2000, and, Then as An Independent Candidate in 2004 and 2008, both of Whom, "Ran Unsuccessfully!"

And, "Now The World  Awaits," Who Will Succeed where So Many Others have Failed!"

Will it Be "The First Woman to Win the Iowa Caucuses," Former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, or "Democratic Socialist," Senator, Bernie Sanders of Vt. Or, Will it Be "Billionaire Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer/Host," Donald Trump, or?

And, "What Exactly are the Policies of A Democratic Socialist?" Will They Be "More in Line with The Policies of Socialist President Francois Hollande of France, (or Socialist Marie-Segolene Royal, who Lost Her Bid to Become the First Woman President of France against Former President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007)," or, "As Senator Sanders has Claimed," in "the Tradition of An American Union Leader" and "One of the Founding Members of the Industrial Workers of the World," and "Socialist Leader," Eugene V. Debs, "Who also Ran Five Times," Interestingly Enough, "As A Candidate of The Socialist Party of America," Although "Unsuccessfully," In Hopes of "Becoming President of The United States!"

"It is of The Utmost Importance" that "Senator Sanders Provides Us with a Clear Understanding" of, "What an Independent-Democratic Socialist is," "If, He is Serious about His Campaign" and "In Hope of Becoming President of The United States Of America," and "Leader of The Capitalist Free World Market Economies," and "The Sovereign People of The Earth!" 

This is "Not The Time to Be Caught up in The Illusion of What Can Be," or "A Maze of Glass Mirrors" Leading Us Down A Long Road that Leads Us into More Political Impasse!" 

"There is A Glass Ceiling Movement with 18 Million Cracks in It," that "Still Lies Before Us," and "Rightfully, Demands that It's Agenda and Priority Be Fulfilled, in 2016!"
"Its A Women's Movement," that "Began with The Suffragettes," and, "Women Finally Being Given The Right to Vote," that "Has Not Yet Reached Its Conclusion, Until There is a Woman President of The United States Of America!" 

And, "To Provide the American People" with "A Clear Understanding" of "What an Independent-Democratic Socialist is," "Now," "Is Better than What a Republican Candidate, or Super PAC, Will Say or Do," to "Try and Spin This Political Ideology and Two Words" (Democratic Socialist) to "Their Advantage," as "the Primary Campaign Continues to Intensify!" 

But, Even More Importantly,  "It's What a True Political, Civil, Moral, Anti-War, and Equal Rights Advocate and Activists Would Do!" "Without Hesitation or Thought of Politicization!"

"One Thing that is Positively Certain" is, "We Live in A Very Serious and Complicated Time Period, Where the Unexpected Lies Around Every Corner," and "To say this, Would Not Be A Gross Understatement!"
And, "Secondly," It Would Not Be An Exaggeration," "To say that We are in Need Highly Experienced, Diplomatic, Compassionate, Intelligent, and Vetted Individuals," to "Provide Us with A Cognitive and Perceptive Ability to Govern," and "Vote and Pass Insightful Legislation" that Empowers Us" and "Prepares Our Towns, Villages, Cities and States for The New Challenges that We Will Most Certainly Face in The Twenty-First Century!"

And, "There is Absolutely No Doubt or Hesitation in saying" that "the Global Cross-Media News Universe," and "The Global Social Media, Will have A Great Responsibility to Be Streetwise and Earthwise," "For The Truth to Be Known as The Truth Wherever It is Spoken and Shared," or "The Impactful Consequences For Being Irresponsible and Naive," May Lead Us to Be Mislead by False Innuendos with Vague Implications," and "Conditioned to Believe in False and Misleading Political Rhetoric," and "Outright and Downright Fabrications!" 
"Unbiased Reportage," in the Tradition of CBS Evening News Anchorman, Walter Cronkite, is the "Truth Seeker" that "We, The Voting Public," and "the Earth Societies of the Twenty-First Century are In Need of!"

"The Borders of The Truth" that are "Being Stretched to Almost Breaking," are "Being Threatened to Do so by Tens of Thousands of Syrian Families Lining the Borders of Syria and Turkey," Who are "Fleeing the Bombs and Oppression that is Being Levied against Them by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Own President Bashar al-Assad," whose "Government Forces are Making a Concerted Effort and Offensive to Push Rebel Forces Out of the Syrian City of Aleppo," and, "the Indiscriminate Bombing by Russia!

And, "Yes, There is No Doubt," that "The Borders of Truth" are Being Stretched to Their Limit," But, Are "We to Forget to Care For Those Who are In Need!" Or, "Must They Die in Untenable Boats While Traversing Across Aegean or Mediterranean Seas," "Where Many have Died," such as, "the Tragic Deaths" of, at Least, "Twenty-Four People (Families of Migrants and Refugees), Including Children," Whose Lives Came to An End,  on Monday, the 8th of February, "While Attempting to Travel from Turkey to Greek Island of Lesbos, in a Crowded Boat!" (It's Been Reported that Four People were Rescued from the Ship!")   

And, "Yes, The Borders of Truth" are "Being Stretched to Over Compensate For Each New Gun-Related  Death that Occurs in The United States," irregardless of the Commandment, "Thou Shall Not Kill!"
And, by "the Violation of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, Sex Traffickers, and Drug and Crime Syndicates," "Who Care Not," 
If, "They Torture, Maim, or, Take Innocent Lives without Consideration of the Families They are Going to Bring Unbearable Pain upon!"

"Leaders of Civilized Nations" of The Earth, "The Vision of One Earth Living in Peace," "Will Remain Just a Dream," If, "You Do Not Utilize All the Strategic Assets at Your Command in Unanimity with One Another," and "Believe that "It Can Be Done!" "Lead Us from Unreal to Real," so, That "All The Families of The Earth," Can Experience A Present and Future Now "Age of Economic Opportunity without Borders!" "Health care without Borders!" "Free Education, and Social Security without Borders!"  

Recently, I saw Beyonce in Concert, Singing a Deeply Soulful Rendition of "Atlast," a Song that Etta James made Popular in 1960! And, "In that Moment," As I Felt myself Flow on Mnemonic Wafts of Quater Notes, Verses, Choruses, and Bridges of Past Memories, The Music Continued to Segue to, "We Shall Overcome" Being Sung by Hundreds of Thousands of Dedicated Participants, Activists and Advocates, "Who Joined Together in a Grand Civil and Equal Rights Demonstration For All of Humanity and The Earths Ecology!" And, Unmistakably, It was "A Great Soul Force," that "Empowered the Winds of Change in The United States, and All Around The World!" 
And, then I Heard "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." Speak these Words, "Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, We are Free at Last," from His "I Have a Dream" Speech!

And, As I Continued to "Give myself up to the Moment," It Segued on A Wave of  Music and Lyrics of  Sam Cooke singing, "A Change Gonna Come," and, then "Let It Be," by The Beatles! 

And, As It Did, It was then, That, I Came to The Full Realization that "Inspite of All the Hard Times," and "the Wars and Strife," and "the Breakdown of Legal and Financial Systems," Natural Disasters, and Political Disasters," and, "the Ongoing Conflicts in The Middle East with Syria, Iran, Israel and Palestine," The Danger and Threats of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "The North Korean Foreign Policy Failures," and "Global Poverty,"   that, "There have Been Many Great Moments" that have "Taken Place in both The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries," Culturally, Politically, Astronomically, Environmentally, Spiritually, Economically, Scientifically, and In Technology! 
"Plus the Selfless Acts of Philanthropy, Public Service, and Defense of Our Principles by the Women and Men of The Civilized Armed Forces of the United Nations!" 
"There is so Much For Us to Be Thankful for," and, "Yet, There is Still so Much More to Be Done, I'm sure You Will Agree!"

However, "Let Us Rejoice in The Knowledge of This," and, "That One Happy Day," "A Change Will Come!" 
And, "Let Us, One and All Remember" to "Vote Your Conscious," For, "This is The Time When Your Vote Can Make a Difference!" And "You have The Power to Give Hope and Encouragement to Those who Have Given up, and Lost Faith!" And, "This is What It Means to Be Here Now!" 

So, Lets Show The World, "What It Means to Be A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People by Example," and, also, "by Concern For Our Fellow Human and Sentient Being!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Now is The Time For Us to Re-Engage," and, "Focus on Making a Better World For All," "Who've Chosen The Path of Peace and Diplomacy," and "Unanimity in Being Free!" 

"Free" to have "the Opportunity to Work Towards Accomplishing The Goals and Dreams that We have Imagined and Wished for!" 

And, "Free at Last," to "Enjoy Living in A New Age of The Global Spirit of Enlightenment and Compassion," and "An Earthrise Vision of Economic Equilibre!"
 For, This is,The Way To Peace, and, An Age of Giving, and, Believing in An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Justice, Hope, Faith, Fellowship, Reverence, and The Promise of Social Security, Law, Solar Exploration, Good News, and Peace On Earth! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016



The Way To Peace! #271

"Now that the Results are in," and "The Excitement Surrounding the First in a Series of Presidential Caucuses and Primary Elections that Will Determine who Will Become Their Parties Nominee to Run For the Presidency of The United States, has Reached Conclusion" with Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton," Achieving an Extremely Close, But, Hard Fought, and Well Deserved Victory" over Senator Bernie Sanders of the State of Vermont, in the Iowa Caucuses (49.9% to 49.6%, and 0.6% for Former Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland), at Latest Count).
(The Final State Delegate Figures are; Hillary Clinton has been awarded  700. State Delegate Equivalents,  Bernie Sanders has been Awarded 697. State Delegate Equivalents, Martin O’Malley has been Awarded 8.0 State Delegate Equivalents! And, Secretary Clinton Will Be Awarded Twenty-Three Delegates to the Party's National Convention to Twenty-One for Senator Sanders!).

"This is a Significant Victory for Secretary Clinton," Who Finally, "After Eight Years have Gone by," "Has Erased the Memory of the Loss Secretary Clinton Sustained in 2008," While Campaigning against the "Then Senator, Barack Hussein Obama, of Illinois!"  "When She Came in Third," Behind Senator's Barack Obama and John Edwards of North Carolina. 

But, "More Importantly," "Former Secretary of State Clinton's Victory" has "Made Her the First Woman in History to Win the Iowa Caucuses!"
(Former Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland has Suspended His Campaign!).

And, "Republican Senator Ted Cruz of the State of Texas, also "Won a Strongly Contested Campaign amongst An Ensemble of Both Establishment and Populace Republican Candidates!"
"Receiving the Most Votes in Iowa Republican Caucus History, 51, 649, to 45, 416 for Mr. Trump (27.7% to 24.3%. 
"Senator Rubio Received 43, 132, and 23.1% at Latest Count!!" 
(Sen Cruz Received Eight Delegates to Donald Trump and Sen. Rubio Receiving Seven each!).

And, by Doing so, Senator Cruz' Victory has "Derailed The Donald Trump Juggernaut," and "Caused a Temporary Blow to Mr. Trump's Highly Contentious and Unconventional Campaign," and, "His Hopes of Becoming His Party's Nominee for the Presidency!" 

To say that "Senator's Cruz and Rubio have become Major Irritants to Mr. Trumps Presidential Aspirations, Would Be an Understatement!"
Senator Marco Rubio of the State of Florida, "Came in a Close Third, just, "One Point and a Few Thousand Votes Behind Behind Mr. Trump!" (Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania have Suspended Their Campaigns!).

"Hopefully, the Cross-Media News Media," "Will Not Continue to Provide The Trump Campaign with Unlimited Free Promotion and Publicity!" "Unfairly," in my Opinion, "Empowering Mr. Trump, (for the Sake of Ratings, and Sales) and, In Doing so, "Impeding the Other Republican Candidates from having a Fair Chance to Succeed or Fail!" 
"It is of the Greatest Importance" that "Mr. Trump Pays For The Grand Privilege to Become His Party's Presidential Nominee For President of the United States, with Hard Work, Positive Policy Ideas, and Dedication," If, "It is to Happen at All!"

And, Without a Doubt, "The Time has Come to Give Positive Policy Ideas, Hard Work, Social Facts, Experience," Global Business Ventures that Provide a Livable Employment For All the People of The World, Social Security, Free Education, Universal Health care,  Alternative Energy, Environmental Issues, and, "A Global Dialogue Between the People of The World and the Elected Officials who Represent The People," A Fair Chance to Succeed!" And, "Address the Honest Concerns of The Earths Populace!" 

And, "May These Prerequisites," "Be the Basis For Determining Who Will Become the Party Candidate of Your Choice," or, As an Example, "The President of The United States Of America!" 

And, "May These Prerequisites," "Prevail over the False Rhetoric, Outright Lies, Insults, and Sensationalism that has Infected Our Political Process!"

And, "May These Prerequisites," "Be The Basis For Building a Global Foundation of a Cognitive, Universal, Philosophical, and Academic System of Principles" that are "Founded in Solar Axioms," that "Embrace the Dignity of All Human and Sentient Beings!"

And, Without a Doubt, "This is The Moment in Time For Our Religious, Justice, Legal, Military, Financial Leaders," and "Ambassadors of The United Nations," and "All The Nations of The Earth," to "Rise Above Their Differences" and "Lead and Show, by Example, "that "They Exhibit The Prerequisites" of "A Future Now Global Vision of Unanimity Of The People, By The People, and For The People," in "A Peaceful, Economic, and Social, Environment of Reason, Rationale, Reverence, Innovation, Significance, Purpose, and Equilibre!" 

"The Future of A Free and Honest Global Electoral Process," and, "A World of Reality in Equilibre with Itself, Is at Stake," and "This is Too Important to Ignore," As It is, "To Not Give Truth a Chance!" 
"Activists, Advocates, and Public Servants," "This is a Worthy Moment in Time" For All of Us to "Engage  and Participate in A United Soul Force Of The Truth," On Behalf of "All The Sovereign People of This Sacred Earth of Ours!" 

And, "As the Global Cross-Media News Blitz has Continued to Escalate to An even Greater Intensity," Before the Next Debate, and, "The New Hampshire Primary," I Found myself Enjoying the Company of a Few Colleagues, and Taking a Brief Moment to "Discuss which Candidate has the Most Potent and Formidable Campaign, Going Forward" and "Who's Campaign Team is Running the Most Knowledgeable, Effective, and Informative National Campaign," and, "While Doing so," We were, also, "Enjoying Listening to One of my Favorite Cd's," a Real Blast from the Past," Which was, "To Become One of the Most Important Music and Charitable Events to Ever Happen" (and Still Remains as such), "The Concert For Bangladesh," Starring George Harrison, and a Prominent Ensemble of Recording Artists (whom I'm sure You are All Aware of, If You've ever Seen or Listened to It), and "Organized by George Harrison and Ravi Shankar!" 

"It was Ravi Shankar who Convinced George to Undertake This Inspiring Concert For Bangladesh!"
It Took Place on the First of August, 1971," Almost Forty-five Years ago, and, I Could Not help, but, "Realize the Shocking Coincidences and Similarities to Global Events Transpiring Today," in the Middle East and Africa! "Where, There are so Many Innocent People Starving," "To Death in Some Cases," and, "Living, Barely from Day to Day," and, "Dreading the Advent of Evening after Evening of Uncontrollable Circumstances and Violence," and "Suffering Great Indecencies," that "No Woman, Child, or Man Should Experience or Wish upon Another!"

"The Similarities that Immediately Came to Mind" was, "The Need to Feed the Refugees" (of Bangladesh at the Time), Who were "Fleeing from The Warfare that was Taking Place in Pakistan," and "Helping to Provide for The Immediate Care and Welfare Of The People," and "For Their Future!"

Just as, "Today, There are Millions of Refugee's and Migrants," Who are "Innocent Victims of The War in the Middle East," and "the Ongoing Conflicts in Africa," Who are "Seeking Refuge in Europe, The United Kingdom, Canada, and The United States!" And, "Looking For a Safe Haven where Their Families Can Live in Peace!" "A Safe Haven," "Where Their Children Can Look Forward to Their Future!"

"A Future" that "Provides For Their Safety and Security," and "Giving Their Children the Opportunity to Receive a Good Education," and "Live Free from Fear of Being Abused, Physically, Sociologically, or Spiritually" by "Dictators or Tyrants, Rebel or Government Supported Militias, Street Gangs, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates or Organized Crime!"

"A Future" that "Allows for Every Child to Dream of," or "Envision Seeking and Attaining Their Personal Goals in Life!" And, "The Opportunity to Try and Do so!"
(Tragically Twenty-Seven People Drowned in a Boat off of the Northern Coast of Samos, a Greek  Island in the Eastern Aegean Sea, Near the Turkish Coast, on Thursday, the 28th of January, 2016! And, "It has Been Reported that Ten were Children!" Five Girls and Five Boys!

And, the Death Toll Continues to Mount as Families who are Desperate to Find a Safe Place to Live, Continue to Undertake Dangerous Journey's, Putting Themselves and Their Children at Risk, and, Unfortunately, In Harms Way," Rather than Remain in Their Home Countries, "to Die at The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," such as; (1) the Fifty Innocent People who Died in Syria, Near the Syrian Capital of Damascus, in the Suburb of Sayyda Zeinab, on Sunday, the 31st of January, 2016, "Caused by a Series of Bomb Explosions, Brought on by a Triple Suicide!"
ISIL/Daesh  has Taken Claim for this "Dishonorable Attack upon The People of Syria!" More than One Hundred were Wounded!

And, (2) Its Been Reported that, "the Deaths of As Many as Eighty-Six People," Occurred Near the Northeast Nigerian City of Maiduguri, Who were "Killed by Murderous Suicide Bombers and Evil Gunmen Riding in Cars and on Motorcycles," " Suspected to Be Members of Boko Haram. The Attack began Saturday Evening, the 30th of January, 2016, in the Village of Dalori, where Homeless Nigerians and West Africans were Living in Refugee Camps. Many of Those who Died were Children, Burned to Death, Caused by Firebombs Being Thrown at The Huts that the Refugees Lived in," or "Their Bodies were Perforated with Bullet Holes!" There is "No Valor to These Barbaric Creatures," Who "Betray Their Fellow Human Beings by Their Evil Acts of Violence!" It has, also, Been Reported that "Three of the Suicide Bombers," who Blew Themselves up, "were Women!" The Projected Number of Persons Injured has Been Estimated to Be as High as One Hundred and Thirty-Six!). 

I can still see "Ravi Shankar and George Harrison Being Interviewed by the Global Press Corps," and Answering Questions "Why, They Chose to Organize The Concert For Bangladesh," Which was "The First of Its Kind," that "Featured So Many Gifted and Great Artists," "All Coming Together" to "Give Freely of Their Talents," "For a Cause Greater than Their Own Personal Career Goals and Ambitions!" 
("We are The World," in 1985, "Band Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas," in 1984, and "Farm Aid" in 1985 are, also, "Very Important Charitable/Humanitarian Music Events," Amongst Many others, that have "Saved Countless Numbers of Lives in Ethiopia, Africa, and, the United States," since "The Concert For Bangladesh" Took Place! And, "Farm Aid" has "Continued to Raise Funds for Family Farmers in the U.S.").

And, "Today," "We The People of the Earth" are "In Need of World Leaders" who are "Willing to Put Their Egos Aside," For, "A Greater Cause than Their Own Personal Ambitions and Profit," "As Did The Artists who Performed at The Concert of Bangladesh!"

"World Leaders" who are "Willing to Work In Concert with One Another," to "Make a Better World For We The People!" Sovereign Citizens of this Planet Earth!
And, "Work Selflessly For The Blue Collar Worker, The Middle Class, Single Parents, and Students!"
And, "To Provide Aid for Those of Us," who have "Been Smitten and Felled by Disease!" 
(Such as the Zika Virus, that is "Spread by Mosquito Bites," and is a "Dangerous Threat to Pregnant Women!" "The Most Recent Outbreak Began in Brazil, in May of 2015," and, As of February, 2016, "The Zika Virus has Occurred in More than Twenty Countries in Latin America," and, "Several New Cases have Been Detected in the United States!" And, "Now, Europe has Experienced Its First Case, in Spain!").

And, "Especially For Those of Us who are Destitute and Living in Despair!" "Refugees, Migrants, The Poor and Transients!"

And, "Make an Honorable Commitment," "To Come to The Immediate Assistance of Our Veterans who have Fought in War after War, and Conflict upon Conflict in Foreign Lands!" 
And, "In Undeclared Wars!" 
"Who've Comeback to Their Homes after having Fought in Seeming less, Endless Tours of Duty, to Their Families in Duress," and "Still Feeling as if They're Living Under Stress to Survive!" "Waiting For Unseemly, Improper, and Unnecessarily Long Periods of Time For Their Benefits to Arrive!"

"The 1960's thru the 70's," in the U.S."Was a Turbulent Time Period," with "Moments of Excellence coupled with Moments of Great Tragedy!" However, "One thing for Sure" was, "There were Great Leaders," who were "Supported by A Great Soul Force of Activists and Advocates" who "Would March and Demonstrate," if "The Cause was a Righteous One!" 
Such as, "The Undeclared War in Vietnam, Civil and Equal Rights and The Poor!" 
"You Knew Martin Luther King Jr. Would Be in the Forefront of Any Non-Violent Effort to Right A Wrong!"

"Just as You Knew" that "Mahatma Gandhi Would Be in the Forefront of His Great Satyagraha Movement, in the 1930 Salt March, to Right a Wrong!" Even when "He was Faced with Immeasurable Odds against Him!"

And, "Just as You Knew" that "Mother Teresa, or Nelson Mandela, or Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Moses, Clara Barton, Mary Magdalene, Mary, Confucius, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, Muhammad, Rumi, Charlemagne, Rabindranath Tagore, St, Francis Of Assisi, Could Be Counted upon," and "Would Be in the Forefront of Making a Better World For One and All!" And, of This, "I have No Doubt!"

As, "I have No Doubt" that "There have Been Hundreds of Millions of Equal, Civil, Peace, and Humanitarian Activists and Advocates, "who've "Given Their Lives to Help and Care For The Poor and Disenfranchised!"

So, "Leaders of The World Nations," and "Those of You who Aspire to Be, or, are Campaigning to Become A Great Leader and Elected Official Of The People," Whatever Rank or Position You are Seeking to Achieve, "Let it Be Known that You have a Very High Bar to Reach for," and, "A Very Important One," Which is, "to Protect, Defend, Inspire, Provide Guidance, and Listen to The Voice Of The People!" 
"Listen," Not just with Your Minds, but, "with Your Hearts and Souls," as Well, "When They Call Out For Help," Due to "Circumstances Out of Their Control!" Or, "When They Feel as if They are in Deep Abyss of Despondency, Anxiety, and Misery!"

Sometimes, "It Might Sound like a Silent Wail in the Night!" 
Or, "The Sound of "A Submerged Sob of Resignation and Depression!" 
The Point is "You Must Be Listening!" 
"You Can Not Be Indulged in Your Own Re-Election Concerns," Campaign Financing, Ideology, Party Affiliation, or Image, "You have To Be a True Servant Of The People!"

And, "In This Day and Age of Global Economic Volatility," that "Can Shake the Global Markets in A Nanosecond," "The Absolute Need For An Economic Strategy" that "Both Empowers and Embraces An Agreed upon Global Agenda of Equilibre," One, that "Provides For A Real Sense of Social Security For Our Families" is "Evermore in Present Need of!"

"A Global Economic Strategy" that is "Both Earthwise and Streetwise!"

"An Earthwise Economic Strategy" that "Both Inspires and Encourages A New Age of Green Entrepreneurialism!"

And, that "Gives Birth to A New Dawn of Peace Time Economics," Driven by New Technologies, Alternative Energies, and "The Growth and Evolution of Cyber Space," as "A Platform For Communication, Information, Knowledge, and A Universe of Products and Commodities that Serve The People!"
And, "Heralds in and Celebrates A New Dawn of Universal Health care, and Free Education!"

And, "Let This Become An Age of Imaginative New Innovations" that "Bring about An Earthrise of Infinitesimal Visions, Inventions, and A Universe of Global Exploration of Limitless Magnitude and Potential," Built on "A Grand Foundation of Sensible, Reasonable, Factual, and Practical Realities Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Whatever Currency or Market Corrections, or Global Marketing Re-Evaluations There May be," "The People of This Earth Must Be Protected from Financial, Harm!"

"The Horror" that Resulted from "The 2007-2009 Recession/Crash," and "the Explicit Reasons For It," "Must Be Strongly Embedded in The World of Business' Collective Consciousness," and "Can Not Take Place Again!"
"The Lives of Hundreds of Millions were Deeply Effected," "Homes were Lost, Jobs were Lost, Businesses were Lost, and Lives were Lost!" And, "Families were Broken along with Their Hopes and Dreams," and "Hundreds of Millions of Families were Devastated, Traumatized, and Shattered Beyond Repair!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to "Build A Bridge of Cognitive Knowing," that "Transcends the False Rhetoric and Propaganda of Conditioned Greed Mongers," and, "Selfish Leaders," whose "Main Goal in Life is Their Own Margin of Profit and Power," "Gained at The Expense of Our Families Welfare and Security!"

And. Let Us Continue to "Share This Cognitive Wisdom" with "All who Would Listen to Its Veracity!" For, "It is This Truthfulness" that "Can Free Our Minds from the Lies, and Half Truths that have Been Told to Us Over and Over Again!" "In A Vain and Egocentric Attempt to Control and Manipulate Us!"

And, Let Us "Face The Truth Straight On," Because, "There are Politicians Running For Office or Seeking Their Political Party's Nomination," or, "There are World Leaders, and Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," Who Will  "Not Hesitate to Bend The Truth to Fit Their Own Sick, Evil, and Immoral Purposes!"
And, "These Individuals" have "No Ethics, No Moral Code, No Sincerity, Integrity, or Honesty!" And, "They Will Do or Say Anything to Achieve Their Goals," at "The Expense of We The People!"
So, "We Must Utilize All The Means of Communication that We Have Available to Us," "To Spread The Truth to All who Would Listen," and "Be Open to"... "The Truth!"

"In The Concert of Bangladesh," Bob Dylan sang in Blowing in The Wind, "Yes, 'n' how many times must a man turn his head Pretending he just doesn't see," and "It's Time For Us, One and All," "To See The Truth, Learn from The Truth, and Share The Truth," so, "That Our Present and Future Generations May Learn to Trust and Believe in Each other," and "Enjoy The Right to Live in Peace and Freedom," As, "An Interdependent Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth," "Free from Fear and Hate!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Great Potential, Truth, Justice, Economic Parity, Social Security, Equality, and Opportunity For One and All, on This Sacred Earth, and, within Boundless Space of The Universe!