Thursday, January 14, 2016



The Way To Peace! #196 Revisited

Okay (or "D'accord," as The French Would say) "Lets Get It On," "As We Take a Moment to Commemorate All the Grand Achievements and Accomplishments of Nobel Peace Prize and Congressional Gold Medal Winner, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr." by "Celebrating His Birthday," I Can Still See Martin, on the 28th of August, 1963, "Standing on the Steps of The Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, D.C." and "Hearing His Voice Resonate Out to A Dedicated and Committed Throng of Hundreds of Thousands of Civil and Equal Rights Activists and Advocates, Admirers, Celebrities and Religious Leaders," Touching the Spirit of a Great Soul Force, with Mahalia Jackson, "The Queen of Gospel," Urging Him on, "To Tell Them about The Dream Martin," "A Dream that Will Always Remain with Us!" "What a Glorious Day It was!"

And, "Let Us also Take a Moment to Assess The Global Cross-Media News Blitz of Recent Events" that have "Transpired All over The Earth, and Their Significance! Beginning with; 
(1) As The Global Markets Continue Their Daily Roller Coaster Ride, and, "Obsession over China's Slowed Down Economic Growth and Development," and, "the Geopolitical and Financial Effect that It is having on the Global Economies," China has also, Unfortunately, Become "A Grand Distraction Away from the Need For a Global Strategy" that, for One, "Improves the Economic Relationship between the Major Industrialized Nations and Emerging Market  Economies," and, "This Obsession," also, "Takes the Focus off of the Need for Improved Wages by Chinese Workers!" 
And, Do the Chinese, "Under the Leadership of President Xi Jinping and Zhou Xiaochuan, the Current Governor of the Peoples Bank of China (PBC)," Really Care about, How "They" Participate as a Member of the Global Economy, or, How "They" Effect the Global Capital Markets, by "Their Policies and Actions!"

Or, "Is this Recent Dance with the Chinese Yuan and the PBC, yet Another Approach by China to Control Global Trade," and, "or, Prevent the Growth of Capitalism, Worldwide!"
 However, "This Feels like Deja vu," All over Again! "The Similarities between China's Economic Experiments and What the Japanese Attempted to Do, Years ago!"

But, "There Should Be Concern" over, "How Unpredictable the Chinese Leadership is in Taking Care of Business," at the Highest Level, "in President Xi Jinping's Government!" 
"A World Power Can Not Expect to Lead by Example," if, "It Continues to Cause Major Volatility amongst the Global Currencies!" And, "Especially" if, "They Do not have the Cognitive Knowledge to Know What They are Doing in the First Place!" "What is Their Economic Vision!"

(2) "The Need for A Global Economic Strategy," One, "that Stabilizes the World Markets Based on Empowering the Earths Populace" and "Not Based on the Most Current Geopolitical Event," is "A Must For Global Economic Growth and  the Social Security of The World Populace," "We The People!"

Understand, "This Goes Beyond the Strategies and Policies of the Peoples Bank of China, the IMF, or the U.S. Federal Reserve!"

And, "This Goes Beyond Interest Rates, and Export and Demand!" As the "2008 Global Economic Crash Demonstrated," "There are Families Involved All over the World,  "Who are Effected by the Decisions of a Few Women and Men," and, "Who Depend on Global Stability and Growth For The Welfare of Their Children, Employment, and Livelihood!"

(3) On Tuesday, the 12th of January, 2016, "Ten U.S. Sailors (Nine Men and One Woman) were Detained on Their Patrol Boats, in Iranian Territorial Waters," off the Farsi Islands. "The Ten Sailors Remained in Iranian Custody Overnight, But, were Released Unharmed!" 
"Thanks to the Diplomatic Efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif," this "Delicate Situation Did Not Become a Major Confrontation between the United States and Iran!" Especially at a Time When the U.S. Congress and National Political Candidates, in the U.S. are Still Debating The Merit of the P5+1 Nuclear Accord with Iran, and, "Could have had a Negative Impact on the Outcome of the Agreement!" And, also, "At Stake was the Hundred Billion Dollars in Frozen Funds that Iran is to Receive!"

"Fortunately Calm Voices Prevailed," and "Voices of Reason Can Claim the Day!"
"Secretary of State Kerry and Foreign Minister Zarif are "To Be Commended For Their Astute Awareness of this Accidental Occurrence," that was "Caused by "A Navigational Error/Problem!" (The Propaganda Video of the U.S. Sailors Being Shown in Iran and the United States Should Not Tarnish the Prompt Resolution of This Situation!) 

(4) And, "As President Assad Continues To Threaten The Lives Of The Citizens Of Syria," Who, "Only, Long For The Freedom, and, The Right To Live Free from Oppression," Saudi Arabia and Iran "Increase the Already Intense State of Imbalance in the Middle East!"
"It is a Human Tragedy that For 1400 Years" the Sovereign Nations of the Middle East have "Been Engaged in One Conflict after Another!" And, "This Can Not Continue to Go on Into Infinity!"

"An Amelioration Must Take Place Between Nations!" "A New Equation of Change Based on Respect For One Another!" And, "A Promise," that "Together, A New Age of Peace, Prosperity, and Equilibre Will Transcend the Persian/Arab Divide," and "Allow for Kurd and Christian, Israelite and Muslim to Live in Peace," as "Equal Partners in the 21st Century and For Millennia to Come!"
"A Promise" that "Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, and Zoroaster would Give Their Blessings to!"

And, "Let there Be No Doubt" that "the Fight against Global Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," that "Continue to Plague the Middle East and The Earth,"  and, "the Ouster of Syrian President Assad Should Take First Priority!"

"This is a Moment in Time," When "Good Must Prevail over Evil," and "The U.S. Led Coalition of Nations" (and Russia) "Must Stay United in Purpose and Determination to Defeat the Extreme Radical Terrorist Forces that Continue to Threaten All Our Lives!"

Just Recently, "New Foreign and Domestic Terrorist Acts have Transpired," with the Shooting of a Twenty year old Man, by the French Police, "As He Attempted to Enter a Police Station, in the Northern Paris Neighborhood of Barbes," on the 7th of January, 2016, "Bearing a Butcher's Knife" (Meat Cleaver), and, Yelling out "Allahu Akbar," (at Practically the Same Time as Last Years Tragic Massacre at the Offices of Charlie Hebdo Took Place, When Two Gunmen Murdered Twelve People)!
"A Note was Found on His Body Acknowledging Responsibility for His Actions, in Arabic, along with the Image of an ISIS Flag, Printed on Paper!"  He was also "Carrying a Fake Explosive Device!"

And, also, "on Thursday Morning, the 7th of January, 2016," "The Shooting of a Police Officer," Occurred in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Seriously Wounding the Officer."
Thirty year-old, Edward Archer of Yeadon, PA., "Shot Police Officer Jesse Hartnett, in His Car!" But, "Despite Being Seriously Wounded," Officer Harnett "Chased, Shot, and Arrested Archer!" (Archer has Confessed to Committing the Crime "in the Name of ISIS)

And, "the Arrests of Two Palestinians, Born in Iraq," in Texas and California, "Took Place on Thursday, the 7th of January, 2016." Twenty-three year old, Aws Mohammad Younis Al-Jayab of Sacramento, was Arrested in California, and, Twenty-four year-old, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan of Houston, was Arrested in Texas! 
"Both Men, Came to the United States as Refugees from Iraq!" Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, in 2012, and, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, Became a Legal Permanent Resident, in 2011! "They were Both Arrested on Terrorism Related Charges!"

(Let Us Remember, "For the Sake of A Real Perspective," that Since 2006, "At Least, One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Thousand Refugees have Come to The United States," Asking for Asylum, and, "are "Primarily Law Abiding Citizens" who have Placed a High Value on Being Residents, if Not Citizens, of the U.S.)

And, On the 12th of January, 2016 a Suicide Bomber, a Saudi National, "Blew up Himself" Killing Eleven People (Ten of Which were German Tourists and One was Peruvian) and Wounded Fifteen More! "The Attack Took Place Around the Obelisk of Theodosius" in Sultanahmet Square, Istanbul, Turkey!
"The Suicide Bomber," Nabil Fadli, Twenty-Eight  Years of Age, was a Refugee Seeking Political Asylum in Turkey! (He was ISIL/Daesh Supporter)

And lastly, On Wednesday, the 20th of January, 2016, "Militants Killed at Least Twenty People," at the Bacha Khan University, in Charsadda, Peshawar, and, "Wounded Countless Numbers More!"

"What Kind of Human Being Would Kill Unarmed Innocent Students!"
This is "Another Example of The Betrayal of The People of The Earth," and, "All that We Hold To Be Sacred," "Our Children," and "the Continuous Attempt to Intimidate and Create Fear in Our Communities!"

"Every Civilized Nation of The Earth," Must Continue, "In All Haste to Suppress, Defeat, and Eliminate These Beasts of Humanity/Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates" from "Continuing to Murder Members of Our Families," and "The Children of Our World Communities!"

"They have Violated The Religion of Muslims All Over The Earth," "by Their Evil Acts of Violence and False Propaganda!"
("Recent Global Cross-Media News Reports" are, "The Pakistani Army has Confirmed," "All the Militants were Killed!")

(5) "The Lead Poisoning Scandal, in Flint, Michigan" is "A Violation of the Peoples Trust at The Highest Level!" "Imagine the Governor of Your State Misinforming You about the Amount of Lead that You Use in Your Daily Affairs!" That "Your Children Drink and Bath in" (approximately 9, 000 Children have Been Exposed to These Poisonous Toxins, and, at Present, There are at least 200 Cases)! 
And, "This has Been Taking Place For almost a Year," While "the Governor" has Known "The Truth!" And, "to Compound the Effrontery He Chose to Raise Water Rates!"

"Republican Governor Rick Snyder, Should Resign from Office!" Its as Simple as That! And, "He Should also Be Brought up On Criminal Charges!" "What was the Governor and Emergency Manager Thinking!" (Water Filters are Finally Being Given Out!)

(6) And, "Governor Jerry Brown of California has Declared a Methane Gas Leak Emergency in Porter Ranch CA." Latest Estimates are , "It will Take at the Least, Three Months to Repair the Leak!" "Southern Gas Co. is Responsible For Clearing up This Serious Emergency!"
(The Difference between the Actions of Governor Jerry Brown and Governor Rick Snyder are Worth Mentioning! Governor Snyder of Michigan, "Being a Portrait of Negligence of Duty," At the Least!))

(7) "The Supreme Court Decision of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association," Will have "Powerful Ramifications Althroughout the United States!" The Question is "Can Public Employees Be Forced to Pay Union Agency Fees? Monday, January 11th, Public School Teacher Rebecca Friedrichs, a Plaintiff, "Brought Her Case to the Highest Court in the Land!"  

(8) And, "As New Refugee Camps Continue to Be Built in the Middle East, and Africa for Millions of Children, Women, and Men," the "Challenges Continue to Mount!" 
"Unsanitary Living Conditions, the Lack of Education, Food, Clean Water, Safety, Frustration, Humiliation, and Death" are "All Too Familiar the Member's of These Families!" And, "the Ongoing War against Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates," and "the Calamity Taking Place in Syria," "Guarantee's that There Will Be More Tragedies to Assail and Torment These Families!" 

(9) And, "As Victims of Natural (and Man Made Disasters) Continue Their Long Road Back from having Their Homes Destroyed" and "Being Devastated By Their Property Loss," and "the Loss of Their Personal Effects," the "Bureaucrats Procrastinate" and, "Delay Implementing the Infrastructure Repairs and Economic Support," that are "Needed!"

(10) And, "As Our Police, Fire, Postal, Transportation, Air, Rails, Libraries, Schools, Education, Continue To Be Threatened with Cutbacks, and, Firings!"

(11) And, "As The European Banks Continue To Be Under Pressure To Bail Out The Euro Zone,"

(12) And, "The Euro and Dollar Become Strange Bed Mates Of Chaos and Dissolution,"

(13) And, Once again "Mexican Drug Lord, Joaquin Guzman Loera," aka "El Chapo," Head of the Sinaloa Cartel," (Supposedly, "the World's Most Powerful Drug Trafficking Organization) has "Been Captured by The Mexican Marines!" 
El Chapo was Arrested on Friday, the 8th of January, 2016! "Five Other Suspects were Killed," and, "One Marine was Wounded," in "the Gun Fight that Took Place near His Home State Sinaloa!"

It Appears as if El Chapo was "Betrayed by His Own Vanity!" When "He was Tracked Down by the FBI," who were "Monitoring A Secret Interview with El Chapo, conducted by American Actor Sean Penn, and Mexican Actress Kate Del Castillo," Whom he Was in Discussions with, to "Produce a Film about His Life's Story!" 
"He is Presently Being Held in Custody in Mexico, in the Same Prison that He Previously Escaped from, in the Same Cell!" 
The Question is, "Will  He Escape again," or "Be Extradited to the United States," where "He is also Facing Indictments and Charges that Include Narcotics Trafficking and Murder," in at Least Seven Federal Courts!.

(14) And, "As North Korea Continues to Violate the Non-Proliferation Treaty," (of "Which It is No Longer a Member of) "Agreed to by The Civilized Nations of The Earth," (Whose Objectives are to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, Promote Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, and Achieve General and Complete Nuclear Disarmament) "by Claiming it Set off, yet Another Atomic (Hydrogen?) Bomb," on Wednesday, the 6th of January, 2016, "Clearly Signifies" that "It's Time For All of The Civilized Nations of The Earth," and "Not Just the UN Security Council," to "Bring Stronger Sanctions Against the Government of North Korea!"
(The United States and South Korea Doubt North Korea's Claim to Be True!)

But, Specifically, China Should Stop Cuddling and Pampering North Korean President Kim Jong- un, and "Initiate Strong Diplomatic, Economic, and Trade Sanctions to Show the Seriousness of North Korea's Unwillingness to Be A Mature Member of the Earths Sovereign Nations! 
"There are More than Enough Active Conflicts in the World Today, In The Middle East and, North Africa, without North Korea!"

(15) On Monday, the 18th of January, 2016, "The British Parliament Debated" in Westminster Hall, "Banning Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump from Entering the United Kingdom," Because of His Remarks " to Temporarily Halt the Immigration of Muslims into the United States," and, also, "About the Trustworthiness of Muslim Residents and American Citizens, who Already Live in the U.S." in Regards to the War Against Terror! And, "How Inflammatory a Visit by Mr. Trump Would Be in the UK!"
More than Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight Thousand Signatures have Been Gathered by "An Online Citizens Petition," to Ban Mr. Trump from the United Kingdom, Which is "Far beyond the One Hundred Thousand Signatures Needed," to Be "Considered For a Debate!"

And, Although Mr. Trump is "Leads in the Polls to Be the Republican Party Nominee for President of The United States, He has, of Late, "Received Criticism from Governor Nikki Haley, of South Carolina," in the Republican Party Response to President Obama's State Of The Union Address, (that was Given the Seal of Approval by Paul Ryan, 54th Speaker of The United States House of Representatives, and Mitch McConnell, United States Senate Majority Leader, and, Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee) and "Mr. Trump's Brand Name," has "Been Taking a Beating in the Middle East, the UK, and, the U.S."

(16) And, "The Delay of The Freddie Gray Trial Will Do Absolutely Nothing to Rebuild Trust in the African American Community!"

(17) And, As Violence and Mass Shootings Continue to Bring "Tears of Tragedy," to "Families of Innocent Victims," (the Presidents Tears Included) in the United States," President Barack Obama's Press Conference, Announcing that "He would Be Taking Executive Action to Combat Gun-Violence," and, "the Need for New Gun Reform Legislation, is a "Welcomed Display of Activism by The White House," on "Behalf of "We The People!" 

This is Nothing to Do with "Violating The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution," But, "It Does have to Do with the Ongoing Gun Culture in the U.S." which has "only Empowered Gun's to Be in the Possession of the Wrong Hands," and, Unfortunately, "The Stubborn Resistance of the NRA to Work with State and Federal Governments to Pass New Gun Reform Legislation that Protects Our Families from the Gun Related Violence that has Permeated Our Society in the 21st Century has Not Helped! 
"Too Many Innocent Victims have Died!" And, This is "A Moral Issue" that Clearly Expresses "The People Concerns!" "This is No Longer The Wild, Wild West!" 

And, "If An Executive Order" is the "Only Recourse Left to President Obama," then "Let it Be," "Because the U.S. Congress, Unfortunately, and Embarrassingly, Shows No Serious Inclination to Do Anything," Other than to "Filibuster, Delay, and Procrastinate," "While American Citizens (Children, Women, and Men) are Dying!"(And, This Inaction, and, or Inability to Work Together on the Part of the U.S. Congress also Includes "Their Reluctance to Pass New Immigration Reform")!

(18) And, As the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Private Insurance Companies Continue to Increase Health Care  Prices and Costs, What is The U.S. Congress Doing? "Continuing Their Attacks on the Affordable Health Care Act," of Course! While "The Exorbitant Health Care Prices Being Levied on the U.S. Public, by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industries Continue, and, Profit at The Expense of The People," is "A Gross Violation of We The People!"

And, As I Viewed President Obama, "Giving His Final State of the Union Address," Followed by "The Republican Party Response," Delivered by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, (who Surprised a lot of Pundits, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, Due to Her Candor and Overall Perspective, and, Specifically, In Regards to Governor Haley's Comments, Directed Primarily Towards the Campaign and Rhetoric of Republican Candidate Donald Trump),   I could Not help but "Think about," Inspite of All The Presidents Accomplishments and Achievements," In Foreign Affairs, Receiving The Nobel Peace Prize, The Death of Osama bin Laden, New Relationships with Cuba, New Trade Agreements, The Overseas Contingency Operation, and, The P5+1 Nuclear Agreement with Iran, and, His Resolute and Dedicated Activism Towards Achieving New Environmental and Climate Warming Accords with the Nations of The Earth, and, In Domestic Affairs, "Achieving Rights For the LGBT Community to Legally Enjoy Marriage Equality in the United States, and the Passage of The Affordable Health Care Act, His Dedication Towards Passing New Gun Reform and Immigration Reform Legislation, and, the Recovery of The U.S. Economy (however "Soft" It is), "Just How Divided the United States Of America has Become!"

As is Demonstrated again, by the U.S. Congress' New Attempt to "Repeal The Affordable Health Care Act," Inspite of the "All the Negative Repercussions it Would have," and "All the Damage that Would be Brought upon Tens of Millions American Citizens!"
What an "Extremely Contentious Seven Going on Eight Years," President Obama's Time in Office has Been, "Which is Totally Opposite" of "What he Claimed His Administration Would Be!"

And, Inspite of "Recent Job Reports" with "Unemployment Figures at Five Per Cent," and, "the Addition of Two Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand New Private Sector Jobs," and Improved Housing and Labor Numbers," Showing a Vast Improvement of the U.S. Economy, Especially, When One Considers that the U.S. Lost 2.6 Million Jobs, in 2008, alone, and Unemployment Figures were as High as 7.2 Per Cent, (which was Much Higher in Street Reality), When President Obama Took Office, "The Reality of These Numbers Just Don't Add up," Especially, "When One Considers the Millions of People who Lost Their Jobs Due to The Global Financial Crash/Recession from 2007 to 2009," "Have Given up All Hope of Obtaining New and Qualitative Unemployment," in Line of What They were Previously Enjoying," (that No U.S. Consensus Report Can Know of), It's then that "You Can Realize Why there is Such a Heavy Heartened Feeling that The Economy/Things are Not Really Getting Better!" 

And, So, "What is the Reason Why," "There isn't  a Cognitive Strategy for The Elimination of Poverty," and, that "also Empowers The Middle Class," Who are "Struggling to Maintain a Qualitative Way of Life for Their Families," and, "Sometimes Going from Paycheck to Paycheck, with Both Parents Working, Just to Make Ends Meet" (as the Saying goes).

And, "What is the Great Reluctance by Too Many Politicians to Support a Raise in the Minimum Wage" to, At Least,  "a Livable Standard!"

And, "Why Does it Appear," As if,  "There is A Callous Disregard For the Lives of Those who are Living in Poverty!"  "It Always Appears as if the U.S. Congress has An Excuse" for "Cutting Programs that are Beneficial to The Poor!" 
"Is This Another UN-Official War," But, "This Time" within The Borders Of The U.S. "An UN-Official War Against The Poor!" Does It Sound "Too Far Fetched!"

Understand, that, at Present, "Approximately One Out of Every Five Children" is "Living In Poverty In The U.S." So, Why, Would "Any Elected Official," No Matter "What Party Affiliation," Vote For, "Cutbacks In Programs that are Beneficial To The Survival Of The Poor!" And, "Not Vote," Instead, For "Closing The Tax Loopholes For The Rich and The World Of Big Business!"

Is It, "Because The Poor" Do Not Reflect, "The Capitalistic Vision Of The Status Quo, or, The Global and U.S. Oligarchs!"

Or, Is It, "Because The Poor," Reflect "The Most Vulnerable and Undesirable Part, or Image Of Capitalism!"

Again, I Ask You, "Why Use The Poor," as "A Tactic For Gaining Support for Your Ideology, or Political Party Nomination!" "The Hypocrisy of it All," When "Hundreds of Millions," if, "Not Billions of Dollars are Being Spent on Political Campaigns!"

And, "It's Not as if There are Numerous, Obvious, or Major Changes that One Can Point to, As Being, "Positive Changes," When it Comes to the Solar Axiom, that "The Welfare and State of Being of The Poor has Increased Substantially!" "Appalachia Still Needs Economic Empowerment Programs" "to Change the Financial Horizons of Its Landscapes!" And, "Our Urban Communities are Still Lacking!"

Imagine This, There are "Still Approximately 28.3 per cent of Native American Indians Living in Poverty!"
And," 27.2 per cent of African Americans Living in Poverty!""
"23.5 per cent of American Hispanics!" "10.5 percent of American Asians!"
And, "19.9 percent of Americans in General," Who are "Living in Extreme Poverty!"
(And, These U.S. Consensus Bureau Figures have Not Changed a Great Deal over the Last Few Years, Unfortunately! In fact, 47.7 million Americans were Living in Poverty as Recently as 2014)

"We The People, Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, were "Taught and Brought Up To Help Those Who are In Need!" And, "Look Out For," and,, "Help Your Neighbor," If, "They're In Need!" And, "Come To The Aid Of Your Fellow Citizen, When They are In Need," or, are "Being Oppressed," or, have "Been Struck Down By Natural or, "Man Made Disasters!"

"We've Learned This, from "Our Religious Studies," or, "Academic Studies," "Philosophers," or, "Political Party's," Whether They Be, In Principle, "Democratic, Socialistic, Communistic," or, "Whatever, Their Beliefs and Ideologies May Be!" "To Help Those Who are In Need is A Universal Covenant Of All Human Kind!"

And, It is, "A Core Principle" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Irregardless, Of "What Divisive Political, or, Religious Rhetoric," "We" were "Being Fed To Manipulate Us," and, It is, "A Strategic Part Of What Our Core Beliefs are!"

So, "Why have Our Elective Officials, Taken This Course Of Policy Making? (1) To Balance The Budget? Or, (2) Reduce The Deficit?

And, What Exactly, "Is The Merit Of Cutting Back On Economic Programs," that, "Can Be Of Aid To "The Poor!" Is It; (1) "Because The Poor Do Not Contribute Enough," To "The City, State, and, Federal Governments," or, "to The Election Campaigns Of Politicians," Because, "They are Struggling Financially To Survive," or, (2) The Monies are Simply Being "Rolled Over," that, were "Allocated For The Poor," Into "Another Politicians Pet Project!"
And, This Way, "The Poor," Will Be "Forced To Pay Their Own Way," "One Way or Another!" "Steal, Beg, or Whatever," If, "They Would Like To Continue To Be A Sovereign Citizen Of This Planet Earth!"
Is "This How A Democracy Works at Its Best!" "No, I Think Not!"

Or, "Is This," Just, "Another Example Of How Capitalism," and, "The Policies Being Put Forth By, Its Cohorts, and, Elected Officials, Lobbyists, and, Partners In The World Of Big Business, Banks, and, The Global Markets Greedily Believe," "Works Best For Them!"

For Example, If "Apple Communications," Does Not Reach "Its Quarterly Projections," as Forecasted By Its CEO, "The Global Markets Would All React in Great Concern," or, As Recent Events have Revealed," When it Appears as If, "China's GDP is Not Reaching Its Expectations," or "Crude Oil Prices Continue to Fall to New Lows," "The Global Markets" have "All Taken a Tumble," and "Market Experts, Commentators, and Investors" have "All Spoken out Vociferously," So "Great is The Emergency and Their Fear!"
But, If "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "Starving To Death," such as, In Syria, or, In Somalia, Where Its Debt is Approximately Ninety-Three Per Cent of It's GDP, or, are "Being Threatened and Driven from Our Homes, by Dictators," such as, In Syria, "Creating a Refugee Crisis," "Where is The Panic?" 

And, "When Does The Global Leadership Take Action to Drive Out The Oppressors!" 

And, "When are "The International Activists Of The People," Going to Decisively Act In the Name Of The People!" And, "When are "The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders Of The United Nations" "Going To Act Decisively," and, "Be The Voice," and, "The Will Of The People!" 

And, When are "We," Who are The Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!" "Going To Be Heard!" 
Haven't "We," Endured Enough Deaths Already! 

However, I Guarantee, that, If, "Oil Production, or, Oil Distribution" were Being Threatened," There Would Be "An Immediate Voice Of Concern," and, "Call To Action," By All The Leaders Of The Earths Nations," and, "Of Course, The Global Markets!"

So, Why is There "An UN-Official War Against The Poor!" Because, "They," Really, "Don't Count In The Scheme Of Things," Do They!"

And, Are "They" "An Important Part Of Any Candidates Election Strategy?" No!
So, You Can See that, "Their Value As Sovereign Citizens Of The World," "Is Not Very Important" To "The Powers that Be!"


But, To Us, "These Families are Important To The Fabric Of The Earths Society!"
And, "In Many Cases," "They" are "Our Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Uncles and Aunts, Grand Fathers and Grand Mothers, Mothers and Fathers!"

But, "It Is Beyond me," How, "An Elected Official," or, "The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders Of The Earths Communities," "Can Continue To Look The Other Way," When Faced with The Misery Of The Poor!"

Just Imagine, "There are More than Fifteen Million Children Living In Poverty, In The U.S. alone! And, that's, "An Increase Of Eighteen Percent," Since The Year Two Thousand!

And, While "The Elected Officials" Of The U.S. Congress are On Paid Vacation, Another Child Goes Hungry, Because, Of These Politicians Inaction and Party Ideologies! If, "Its Not An UN-Official War against The Poor," It Certainly Feels as If, "It's A Blatant Disregard" and "Heartless Injustice Being Inflicted on One's Fellow Human Being!"

"No One" Should Ever Wish, "This State Of Being On Any Child," or, "Anyone," "Irregardless, Of What Race, Creed, Political Affiliation, or Nationality They May Be, On This The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, If, This "UN-Official War against The Poor," Is A Reflection Of "A Selfish, Soulless, Greedy, and, Power Hungry Capitalistic Ideology," "This Can Not Continue To Exist!"
"We" are "A Civilized People Of The World," Living In The Second Decade Of The 21st Century, and, "The Days Of Imperialism are Over!"

And, If, "Capitalism," or, Any "Ism Whatsoever," Would Like To, "Continue To Evolve In Conjunction," or, "In Parallel, with The Will Of People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, Then, Whatever "The Ism" May Be, Would have To Show "A Real Desire" To Be Compassionate, Merciful, and, In Union and Communion with "The Greater Good," "Of The People, By The People, and By The People!" 

Yes, "For The Greater Good" of, "We The People," and, "For, What is in The Best Interests and Livelihood Of Our Fellow Human Beings," and, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Earth and The Universe!

"We" are All Aware, that, For Decades, There has Been "An Incredible Investment," In Space Travel, Which Is "Part In Part" True To The Human Nature, as well as, Being Consistent, "In Our Desire To Travel To New Continents, and, New Worlds, Beyond The Earths Horizons!" However, "We" Must Be, "A Unified World Of Peace, Harmony, and, Equanimity," that, Cares about, "The Quality Of Life For One and All!"
It Would Be "A Great Disappointment In Our History," If "We" Did Not Evolve, As "A Unified World Of Great Potential and Great Purpose!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, "A Way To Heal and Cure The World!" And, This is, "The Way To Build A Foundation For A Global Peace Time Economy," and, "A New and Vibrant Age Of Green Industrialization," and, "Research and Development In Alternative Energies," and, "Green Entrepreneurialism!" And, This is The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!


Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue To Be A Great Soul Force," In The True Tradition Of, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Socrates, Rumi, Confucius, Moses, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Zoroaster, Martin Luther King Jr, St. Francis Of Assisi, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, Charlemagne, Nelson Mandela, and, Clara Barton!

And, "Let Us Make A Great Soul Print Of Peace For The World," Wherever Injustice, and Tyranny Threatens, and, "Let Us Spread The Good News and Good Karma," Of Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, Movement, and, Vision "Of, By, and, For The People" via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, Google, Bing,, You Tube, iTunes, Napster, X's, Fax's, Emails, Texts, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Activist Groups, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Cable, Network, and, Satellite, TV and Radio, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Strikes,,, .de, .fr. .com, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards Discovering New Medicines, and, New Cures, and, New Technologies, that, "Can Create New Jobs," Educate," and "Put The People Back To Work!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Spread The Good News and Good Karma," of "Our Great Soul Print Of The 21st Century," via "The Vote/Electoral Process," and, "All Across The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited, and, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links," and, "Nexus Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Move Ever Forward," "Towards A Global Peace, and, Worldwide Peace Dialogues!" And, "The Crafting Of An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration," that, "Guarantees The Sovereign Right Of, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth," "To Live In Freedom, and, Accorded All Of The Liberties" of "A Unified World Of Peace, Justice, Prosperity, and, Equanimity For One and All To Share!"

And, "Let Us Continue To Rise Above The Clouds Of A Conditioned Reality, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and, "On The Gentle Eddies, Waves, Streams, Currents, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!"

In An Age, Where "We Can Be Heroes," As David Bowie Wrote and Sang, "Forever and Ever."
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Monday, January 4, 2016



The Way To Peace! #270

"Seven Continents, More than 100, 000 Islands, Oceans, Limitless Numbers of Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Mountains, Valleys, Waterfalls, Icebergs, Deserts, Open Plains, and Jungles, Nations, States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Billions of Human Beings, Billions of Sentient Life Forms and Organisms, Skies, Stars, Moons, Sun's, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, X's, Shooting Stars, Galaxies, Black Holes, and Solar Systems!"
"Think about It!"

"We" are but, "A Minuscule," Ever so " Infinitesimal Part," of, "A Limitless, Unbounded Infinity of A Grand Creation!"
"How Breathtakingly Magnificent This Grand Adventure is!" And, There is, "Still So Much More Knowledge to be Gleaned from It!"

Whether it Be from "A Cognitive or Purely Academic Perspective," or, from "The Absolute Awe -Inspiring Experience" that "Can Be Gained from a Spiritual Quest!"
How "Remarkable," "This Empirical, Physical, Astronomical, and Universal Experience is !"

And, "Think about," and Focus on, "How Much Education, Omniscience, and Awareness," "We Can Share and Pass Along to Our Children and the Future Generations of This Planet Earth!"

"Think about It," When "You Hear Political Rhetoric that is "False and Misleading, Degrading and Outright Lies!"

"Think about it," When "You Read False Propaganda and Misleading Statements by Global Extreme Terror Syndicates!"

"Think about It," When "You See Acts of Violence and Invasion's of An Interdependent Sovereign Nation!"

"Think about It," When "You See, Read, and Hear Global Cross-Media News Reports," In the Newspapers, Journals, Internet, Network, Cable, Satellite TV, and Radio Programs, "Depicting in Stark Detail, the Tortures, Kidnappings, Mass Shootings, and Cruelty Being Perpetrated by Immoral Militants Groups, Sex Traffickers, Domestic Terrorists, Illegal Weapons Dealers, or Crime and Drug Syndicates!"

"Think about It," When "Global Finance Systems, and Banks," "No Longer Reflect or Provide the Proper Services, Investment, or Support Needed by the Public," to "Rebuild, Repair, Research, and Develop New Enterprises that Empower the Public and, the Global Economy," or "the Financial Encouragement that Small Businesses Need," or, "the Business World, and Sovereign Governments Need to Invest and Provide New Jobs and Improved/Modernization of Public Infrastructures!"

"Think about It," When "You Discover" that "There are Certain Religious, Political, Military, and Financial Leaders and Global Oligarchs," that Are "Taking Illegal, Immoral, and Unfair Advantage Of The People," As "They Deride The People, and, At The Expense Of The People!"

And, "You Will Be Able to See in All Clarity and Pure Visibility," the "Imbalance of The Global Human Equation!" And, "How this Imbalance," has "Trickled Down, Ripple upon Ripple into All of Our Lives!"
"Creating Distrust, Resignation, the Lack of Hope, and Disbelief in the Tenets and Way of Life" that "We were Brought up and Taught to Believe in!"

But, "Back to The Equation!" A "Change Must Come in the Mind set of Every Human Being, Worldwide," that "Comprehends that the Falsehood's that We have Been Conditioned by," "Must Be Undone and Eradicated/Expunged from Our Consciousness!" 
And, "We Must," One and All, "Become Equal, Civil, Environmental, and Peace Advocates/Activists!" And, "Utilize The Vote, Non-Violent Global Demonstrations, Sit ins, Strikes and Meditation, and Contemplation and Concentration" on, "What is Real versus Unreal in Our Lives to Achieve Our Goals!"

"A Global Equation/Change" that "Is Beneficial to the Overall Growth and Evolution of Each and Every Child and Adult!" So, that "Our Earths Societies May Evolve in A Global Equilibre," that "Casts Out the Evildoers, who Presume to Oppress and Control Us by Force," or, "by Tempting Us with Simple Platitudes and Subtleties, in An Attempt to Lure Us," into yet, "Another Mental, Financial, Spiritual, Psychological, Political, or, Militaristic Trap!"

"Think about It," As "We Embark upon a New Year, 2016," with "All the Potential that it Beholds," in this 21st Century!" And, "Consider Carefully," "All that We have," Before You/We, "Allow It to Be Taken Away," by "Greedy, Unprincipled, Spiteful, Egotistical Pretenders/Sophists, Machiavellian, Decadent, Corrupt Licentious, and False Prophets!"

And, "Always Remember," to "Vote Your Conscious!" And, "Believe in What You Know to Be the Truth," and "In Fact What is The Truth!"

"For, This is The Second Decade of The 21st Century" and, "We" have "The Voting Power," and "The Buying Power on Our Side!"

And, "We are," and, "Makeup the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul of The Armed Forces of The United Coalition of Civilized Nations!" And, "The Body, Mind, Heart and Soul of Law Enforcement of The Truth and Justice O'er The Land!" 
So, "What Do We have to Be Afraid of? "Rien," as "The French Would Say!"

And, "Nothing," and "No One," "Can Deter Us from Living Our Lives as A Free Interdependent Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, "No One Can Deter Us from Living by The Tenets, and Values of A Free Interdependent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" For, "This is Our Destiny and Fate!" And, "The Inheritance" that "Each and Every Child, Woman, and Man, was Born to Enjoy, Defend, Share, and Live By!"

So, "Let Your New Years Resolution Be," One of, "Down with Tyranny, and Down with Political, and Religious Extremists," who "Attempt to Divide and Manipulate Us!"

And, "Down with Financial Corruption" that "Attempts to Misuse and Drain Us of Our Personal Assets and Resources, and Our Will to Live"

For, "We" are "the Innovators, the Pioneers, the Scientists, Astronauts, Mathematicians, Engineers, Librarians, Teachers, Doctors, Entrepreneurs, Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Special Operations Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Nurses, Postal, Fire, and Police Officials, Lawyers, Judges, High Tech Graphic Designers, Meteorologists, Energy, Housing, Airline, and Automobile Industries, Marketing Experts, Retail, Travel and Leisure Industries, Musicians, Dancers, Artists, Conductors, Arrangers, Filmmakers, Sports Athletes, Public, Civil and Equal Rights Advocates and Activists, Journalists, Philanthropists, Philosophers, Environmentalists, Volunteer and Rescue Workers, Parents, Government Servants, Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and The Hope and Truth Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and, "For The Future!"

"Whatever the Category is, that You May Be a Part of, or Represent," "You/We" are "The Engine, Soul, Spirit, and Conscious of Our Global Society! And, "The Driving Force" of "A 21st Century Earthrise Vision of A Global Society of Enlightenment and Unanimity!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Strive in the Pursuit of Excellence!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "You/We have to Be Streetwise and Earthwise in All of Our/ Your Pursuits!"
And, that "This Should Be Our Mantra, Strategy, and Cross-Media Universal Prototype/Model," For "A Global Ascendancy Of, By, and For The People!"

"For Much Too Long The Peoples Concerns have Been Ignored," or "Placated by Illusions and Delusions of Grandeur," and, if, "We are to Transcend These Illusions," and "Succeed in Making a Better World For One Another," a la, "A Beautiful Song of Interconnected Sonorities of Inspiring, Uplifting, and Meaningful Melodies of Peace, Prosperity, and Harmony," For One Another, "We Must, Come Together," as The Beatles Sang, "As a United People of The Earth," and, "Truly Create a Reality of Change," that "Embraces" and "Allows For Us to Share A Fundamentally, Higher Value, and Universal State of Being For the Sake of Future Generations to Come!"  "Out of Respect For The Sanctity of Life, and The Lives of All Sentient and Universal Beings!" This is "A Gift of Life that We Can Give to Our Children and Grandchildren!"

This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Peace, Love, Honesty, Compassion, Soul Strength, Trust, Faith, Justice, and Reverence!