Tuesday, July 14, 2015



The Way To Peace! #257

On this Day, "the 14th of July, Bastille Day, France's National Holiday," There is Much to Celebrate! "The Good News is" The P5+1 Negotiations with Iran have "Reached a Historic and Comprehensive Agreement!"
And, "When All the Details and Fine Print have been Revealed, and Confirm that All the Nations involved have Negotiated in Good Faith," "All of Our Hopes and Aspirations for a Successful Conclusion to Years of Diplomacy will Finally Be Rewarded!" And, "The World will Celebrate This Grand Effort of All the World Powers Involved!"

And, "Yes, there will be Critics," But, "if This Agreement Can Ease the Tensions that have Escalated in The Middle East," and "the Threat of A Nuclear Armed Iran," then "The Middle East and The World Will Be All the Better For it!"

And, "As long as the P5+1 and Iran have Sincerely, and Truthfully, Negotiated the Terms of This Agreement in All Honesty," then "This New Diplomatic Model Can Stand as An Example For Resolving the Differences between Nations in Future Conflicts," "Wherever They May occur on this Planet Earth, amongst Civilized Nations!" "With New Hopes of Bringing An End to Long Standing Conflicts, and Disputes amongst Warring Factions, Radical Extremist Syndicates, and Sovereign Nations!" 
And, "Giving Hope A The Vision Of, By and For The People," that "A New Age of Peace, in the 21st Century Can Actually Be Achieved!" And, "An Age of Prosperity," "One that Benefits All The People, Can Be Realized!"
For," This is The Way To Peace," and "An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Good Faith, and Security For All The People of This Planet Earth!"