Tuesday, July 14, 2015



The Way To Peace! #257

On this Day, "the 14th of July, Bastille Day, France's National Holiday," There is Much to Celebrate! "The Good News is" The P5+1 Negotiations with Iran have "Reached a Historic and Comprehensive Agreement!"
And, "When All the Details and Fine Print have been Revealed, and Confirm that All the Nations involved have Negotiated in Good Faith," "All of Our Hopes and Aspirations for a Successful Conclusion to Years of Diplomacy will Finally Be Rewarded!" And, "The World will Celebrate This Grand Effort of All the World Powers Involved!"

And, "Yes, there will be Critics," But, "if This Agreement Can Ease the Tensions that have Escalated in The Middle East," and "the Threat of A Nuclear Armed Iran," then "The Middle East and The World Will Be All the Better For it!"

And, "As long as the P5+1 and Iran have Sincerely, and Truthfully, Negotiated the Terms of This Agreement in All Honesty," then "This New Diplomatic Model Can Stand as An Example For Resolving the Differences between Nations in Future Conflicts," "Wherever They May occur on this Planet Earth, amongst Civilized Nations!" "With New Hopes of Bringing An End to Long Standing Conflicts, and Disputes amongst Warring Factions, Radical Extremist Syndicates, and Sovereign Nations!" 
And, "Giving Hope A The Vision Of, By and For The People," that "A New Age of Peace, in the 21st Century Can Actually Be Achieved!" And, "An Age of Prosperity," "One that Benefits All The People, Can Be Realized!"
For," This is The Way To Peace," and "An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Good Faith, and Security For All The People of This Planet Earth!"

Monday, July 6, 2015



The Way To Peace! #256 (Including #193 Revisited)

"As Summer Opens a New Season of Blue Skies, and Heatwaves, I Find myself Enjoying The Panoramic View of Nature in All Its Splendor, and Limitless Beauty, all the while, Waiting for Apache, Cherokee, Navajo, and Comanche to Arrive," although, often times, "The Magnificence of this Season is Interrupted by Destructive Seasonal Disturbances and Natural Phenomenas, that Rage Havoc wherever and whenever  Natures Fury Chooses to Erupt on The Face of The Earth!" Still, I Find that "One's Tendency is to Look Forward to Calmer Times, Warm Temperatures, Family Trips to The Beach, or A Seasonal  Destination that is Pleasing to Your Body, Mind, and Spirit!"

But, "This Summer, There are Too Many Potentially Disturbing, Political Storms on The Global Horizon to Ignore!" And, "Sometimes Reality is Like Existing within The Eye of A Hurricane!"  "With Diplomatic Storms and Violent Winds of Change Ready to, Either, Cause a Positive Effect on The World, Bringing about A Quantum Leap in Global Affairs that Uplifts The Overall Quality of Life, Culminating in An Apex of A New Age of Prosperity that Benefits All The People," or "Descends and Fall's Off the Precipice of Life into  A State of Global Chaos and Amorphous!"

For example, We have (1) The Growing Friction between NATO Countries and Russia, 
(2) The P5+1 Ongoing Nuclear Talks with Iran, will be Extended past the June 30 Deadline, until A Positive Agreement has been Achieved that All Parties Involved and The World Can Celebrate,

(3) Racial Tension in The United States Continues to Flare up,

(4) The Homeless Migration of Immigrants, 

(5) Terrorist Syndicate Attacks on Innocent Bystanders, such as the Callous Attack that Occurred on the Beach and inside the Hotel Riu Imperial Marhaba in Sousse, Tunisia, on Friday, the 26th of June, 2015,  Causing The Deaths of 39 People, 30 of which were Britons, (the Murderer, Seifeddine Rezgui, a Devotee of ISIS, was Killed by the Police)

(6) The Beheading of Herve Comara, 54, in Saint Quentin-Fallavier, the Southeast France, 30km Southeast of Lyon, also on the 26th of June, 2015, (the Suspect, who has Admitted to the Brutal Crime, Yassin Salhi, 35, has been Detained by the Police),

(7) The Savage Bombing Attack upon the Shiite-Affiliated Al-Sadig Mosque in Kuwait's Cap[ital, Kuwait City, on Friday, June 26th, 2015, Tragically Killing at least 27, with more than 227 who were Injured, During Friday Prayers (also Ashamedly claimed by ISIS), with the  Threat of More Attack to Take place During Ramadan, 

(8) Kidnappings, 

(9) Sex Trafficking, 

(10) Climate Change, 

(11) The Stagnant World of Politics,

(12) The EU and Greek Impasse! Does it Actually Signify a Meaningful Promise of There Being a United Eurozone! Does it Symbolize a Real Opportunity For European Nations to Establish a Future of Unified Prosperity For its Future Generations?

(13) The Global Currency Fluctuations, and, What effect Will the The Liquidity Policy of China's Central Bank have, and, The Risk of Investing in The Roller Coaster Ride of The Global Marketplace! 

(14) Global Unemployment!
All of which, Portends that "New Pages of History May be Written that are Not Congruous with the Idea of Casually Enjoying a Day at The Beach, Picnics, Free Concerts in the Park, or Attending Your Favorite Sports Event! 
And, There is little Doubt that The War against Radical Extreme Terrorists Exists! "Because it Does!" And, "It has had and will Continue to have An Effect on All of Our Lives until the World Powers Eradicate the Terrorist Syndicates that are the Cause of it!"

And, "There is Little Doubt" that, "We," "As  a People," "Need New Motivational, Courageous, Inspirational, and Visionary Leaders" to Show that "They" are Aware of The Type of Meaningful and Concrete Expectations that "We The People are Interested in!" And, The Sociological Contract that "We" Expect Fulfillment of! An Engagement of Principles! 
A Philosophical Commitment that Empowers Our Most Realistic Expectations! 
"A Rendez-vous with Fate" that "Merges Together with  a Time and Place that Promises to Embrace All the Most Uplifting and Joy filled Grace of An Age of Peace!"

"An Age of Social and Global Security that is Founded on Respect For One Another!" 
"A Construct of Spiritual Awareness" that is "Based on, and Defined by Empirical Evidence that is Undeniably The Truth!"

"An Age Of Employment that is Driven by A Peacetime Economy, with Peacetime Values Shared Jointly by Business and Labor in A Grand Equilibre!" "Sans Greed, Lust, Crime, or Unfair Labor, Business, or Banking  Practices!"

"An Age When All The Nations of The World have Accepted that The Concept of Global Trade and Trade Agreements, Need Not Be a Way to One-Up-man-ship or Superiority over Another Sovereign Nation," but, "Rather A Strategic Way to Guarantee Employment and Security For New Generations, and Our Present Day Societies!"

"This Rendez-vous with Fate has been Long in Coming," But, Without a Doubt, "Extremely Necessary to Deal with The Needs Of We The People," As, "We Continue to Face The Everyday Challenges of This 21st Century!" "Where the Face of Resignation and Frustration is Much Too often on Display!"  And, "You Don't have to Be A Psychic to Understand what the Ramifications of this State of Resignation Signifies, and How Deeply Rooted in the Human Psyche It Can be!"

And, "To Those Politicians who are Solely Interested in Being Elected or Re-Elected to Office, It's Time You  Clearly Understood the Depth of Resignation that Exists," and, "On Your Honor," "Promise to Make A Conscious, Sincere,  Passionate, and Fervent Vow to Do Something about it!"

For, It is "A State Of Resignation" that "Is Deeply Rooted In The Human Psyche!" 
"Due to A Lack Of Hope, and, The Near Despair" of Millions Of People," Who, "No Longer Believe, that, Any Politician, Can Be Fully Trusted!"

And, "This State Of Resignation," is "A Reflection of A Great Psychological Damage" that Exists, amongst "Hundreds of Thousands," Who have "Literally Dropped Out of Our Society!" 

"A Transient Population," "Including Members of Our Armed Forces," Who have "Returned Home," To Find that, There's Little, If Not, "No Employment Available," and, are "Experiencing PTSD," and, are "Wandering Homeless" from, "City To City," and, "Town To Town," only, "Seeking A Meal, Drink, or, A Place To Sleep!"

This "State Of Resignation" has Been Caused By, "The Endless Cycles" of, "Threatened School Closings, Library Closings, and, Cutbacks that Negatively Effect Our Police, Fire, Postal, and, Transportation Departments! And, Further Cutbacks Directed Towards Our Teachers!"

This "State Of Resignation" is Being Caused By, "An Endless Cycle Of State, City, and, Federal Budget Cuts," that, are, Slowly But Surely, "Draining The Services," that, are Needed, To "Care For Our Parks, Neighborhoods, and, The Education Of Our Children!"

And, Its , Literally, "Sapping Away The Idea's, and, Thoughts" of, "The Realization of A Unified World Of Peace and Prosperity, For One and All!"
Plus, "The Dream, and, Earthrise Vision" of "The Realization A Great People," Of This Planet Earth! "Living In An Age Of Equanimity," and, "Enjoying A Universal Quality Of Life," and, "Joy Of Being Apart" of, "A New Age of Magnificence and Splendor!"

"We Need Elected Officials," "Who Care about Repairing Our Roadways, Railway's, Bridges, Tunnels, Subways, and, Neighborhoods," that, Would "Cause A Resurgence in Employment," and, More Specifically, "Put The People Back To Work!"

"We Need Elected Officials," "Who are "Not so Caught Up In Their Austerity Programs, and, Cutbacks" that "They" Can Not See that "The Earths Infrastructures Need Rebuilding, Repairing, and, A Major Overhaul," If, They are "To Embrace The Growing Population Of The Twenty-First Century!"

"We Need Elected Officials," "Who are Not Caught up in Their Own Selfish, Political Rhetoric, and, Idea's," that, "Do Not Represent The People!"

Nor, Do "They" "Represent The Ideals, and Best Principles" that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, were "Brought Up To Believe In!"

"They," only, "Represent Their Own Limited Perspectives Of The World," and, are Content On, "Destroying What Is In The Best Interests of The World, at The Expense of We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, It Is "A Shameful, and, Disgraceful Sight To See!"

And, So, Here "We" are, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Existing As If, "We" are "Living In The Eye Of A Hurricane Of Amorphous, and, Injustice!" 

And, As "The Hurricane Winds Of War, Rage and Contort Themselves, All Around Us," and, "Show No Mercy" "For, The Disenfranchised, The UN-Employed, The Homeless, Transients, and, The Untouchables, "We" "Look, once again, To "Those Of Us," Who, Still, "Have The Courage" To Combat, The Oligarchs, The Oppressors, The Dictators, and, The Foes of "We The People!" "Foes, Who are "Willing To Destroy All" that, "Is Sacred To Us," Whether, It Be, Our Lives, or, The Survival Of This Planet Earth!

And, once again, "We Call Out" To "The Brave and Courageous Women and Men," Who are "Willing To Sacrifice and Give Their Lives," Just as, So Many Before have Done, Who have "Come To The Aid of We The People," and, Who have "Come Forth All Together," to "Unite with "The Peacemakers, Voices Of Reason, Doctors and Nurses Without Prejudice, Philanthropists" and, "The Religious, Military, Financial, and, Civilian Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, and, Coalition Forces Of Peace and Freedom," To "Institute A New Universal State Of Being, Reasoning," and, "Worthwhile Global Purpose and Importance To Enlighten The World!"

"A Great Purpose," that, "Calls For The Drafting of A New Global Constitution," that, Coupled with, "An Emancipation Declaration," that, "Guarantee's The Freedom" of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth to Exist as, "Interdependent Sovereign Citizens," and, also, "Guarantee's" that, "We" Will Exist Free from Threats Of Crimes against Humanity!" And, "The Protection and Empowerment of Our Children, Our Communities, and, The Social Security and Welfare Of The Elderly, and, The Lives of One and All!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal, Cure, and Empower The World!

And, A Way To Build The Foundation Of A New Age Of Advanced Technology and Science, that, Fulfills The Realization of An Age Of Green Industrialization, Research and Development In Alternative Energy, Green Entrepreneurialism, Education, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and, Omnipresent Peace Millennium! And, "The Prevention of A Real Possibility of there Being The First World War Of The 21st Century from Ever Occurring!"


Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls Of The 20th, and, 21st Centuries, Let Us Move "In All Urgency," Towards A New Age Of Peace Dialogues, "To Address The Global Economic Crisis," and, "An Endless Flareup Of Violence, and, UN-Declared Wars, and Regional Conflicts" that, "Continue to Occur Worldwide!"

And, Let Us Continue To Call For, "A Global Truce" that, Is Directed Towards, "Changing The Psychological Mindset Of Warring Factions," and, "Political, Religious, Economic, and, Sociological Adversaries," Who Know of "No Other Way To Resolve Their Differences of Opinions, and, Ideologies," "Other than By Violence!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise Above The Injustices Caused By Economic Disparities, Racial Profiling, and, Poverty," By, Directing Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Towards "Finding Solutions," that, "Will Improve The Quality Of Life," For, "All The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To A Higher Ground of Universal, Spiritual, and, Philosophical Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Share and Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" of "Our Earthrise Eco-Vision," and, "Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, " via The Unlimited Resources, and, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus Of The People, All Across This Earth Of Ours, via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Linkedin, MySpace, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection, X's, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Interviews, In Concert Performances, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes Of Art and Culture, Amazon. co.uk, . fr,. de, .co.jp, ,com, Napster, The Vote, Newspapers, The Cross Media News Universe, Magazines, Hi-Speed Super Computers with Dedicated Programs and Algorithms, Directed Towards, 

(1) Achieving Peace In The World, (2) Discovering New Medicines and Cures For The Diseases, that have Plagued The Earths Communities Far Too Long, (3) A Peace Time Economy, and, Green Manufacturing and Distribution, (4) Affordable Health care, and, (5) Research and Development Of New Technologies, and, (6) Climate Warming! And, also, via Telethons, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Emails, Texts, and Fax's!

And, Let Us Continue To Share and Spread "The Good News and Good Karma" of "Our Earthrise Evolution, Movement, and, Revolution Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, On The Gentle, Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, with "Each Inhale and Exhale Of Breath," that, "We Make!" 

"Giving Encouragement, and, Empowerment, To All Who are In Need," and, Who are "Reaching Out For Our Help," In "Overcoming The Violence, and, Oppression" that "Is Imprisoning Them," and, "Attempting To Prevent Them," from, "Reaching Their Goals, Dreams, and, Hopes, To Live Freely," As Sovereign Citizens/People Of This Planet Earth, without, "The Chains and Bars Of Indifference, Greed, Lust For Power, and, Corruption, Impeding Them!"

And, Let Us "Join Hands" and, "Cross The Bridge Of Peace Together," and, Continue To Evolve, "In All Urgency," Towards, "Creating An Age Of Peace On Earth, and, Unifying The World!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Sojourn" To "New Worlds Of Enlightenment, Celestial Bodies, and, Galaxies Of The Cosmos," As "A Unified World Of Peace!" 

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Security On Earth!