Thursday, January 8, 2015



The Way To Peace! #245

"It is Inspiring to See Pictures of Parisians and Citizens of France Fearlessly Demonstrating in The Place de la Republique," "Defiantly in The Face of Terrorism" and "Out of Respect for the Twelve Cartoonists/Journalists and Police Officers who were Killed in the "Dishonorable, Shameful, Deplorable, and Evil Attack on The Offices of French Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo, on Wednesday, January 7th!"  
I Can See The Signs Saying, "Je Suis Charlie," "All throughout The Magnificent Crowd of People in The Place de la Republique," which has "Now become a Slogan of Unity, Solidarity, Free Speech, and Freedom of Expression All Over The World!"

"The Most Recent Global Cross-Media News Blitz" has Reported that Brothers Cherif, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, (who were responsible for the Attack at The Magazine Offices of Charlie Hebdo) were Killed by the French Police, in Dammartin-en-Goele, France, on Friday, the 9th of January! And, Amedy Coulibaly, 32, (who Killed a French Police Officer on Thursday, January 8th, and 4 Hostages in The Hyper Cacher Grocery Store) was Killed in Paris at the Hyper Cacher Grocery Store on Friday, as well, by French Police! 
And, It has been Reported that Hayat Boumeddiene," the Alleged Accomplice of Coulibaly," has Fled to Syria! 
Hamyd Mourad, 18, who "Surrended to A Police Station in Charleville-Mezieres," which is approximately 145 miles northeast of Paris, has been released by the Police!
"There have been 17 Victims in Total!"

"This Flagrant/Reprehensible/Malevolent Attack is Another Attempt by Radical Extremists to Intimidate, Threaten, and Control The Cross-Media News Universe and Try to Prevent Journalists from Utilizing Their Right of Freedom of Speech," and "Their Bound Duty to Report The Truth!" 
However, "What These Radical Extremists Do Not Know" is that "Journalistic Integrity Can Not Be Subjugated by The Evil Acts of Radical Extremists, or Dictators as A Matter of Fact!"

"Journalists" are in "The Forefront of The Global War against Terrorism" where "Danger Lies around Every Corner," and "The Challenge of Reporting The Latest News in A Conflict/War zone that has No Borders, is Fraught with Hazardous, Perilous and Unpredictable Conditions!"

"They Can Be Found on The Front lines besides Our Comity of Coalition Forces," "Continuously Reporting and Sending in Their Bi-Lines, and Stories in Harms Way!" 
"These Women and Men are The New Unsung Heroes and Heroines" who "Refuse to Be Censored or Suppressed by Radical Extremists/Fanatics!"

And, "Satire is One of The Great Traditions of The Global Cross-Media News Universe," and "Uniquely so in France!"
And, "It is The Power of Free Speech and The Pen, that Empowers Political Cartoonists and Journalists all over The World!" And, "Gives Those who are Oppressed a Plateau to Speak Out against Tyranny and Injustice!"

"So Many have Fought in World Wars, Undeclared Wars, and Regional Conflicts to Preserve and Defend The Rights" of "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth! 
"Our Grandparents, Mothers and Father's, and Sons and Daughters, have Given Their Lives to Fight against Oppression, and Evildoers," Just so that, "Their Generation and Future Generations Can Live in Freedom and Enjoy The Rights and Principles of Being A Free People!"

 But, "These Barbaric Attacks on Our Personage, and Our Global Society Will Not Paralyze Us, or Condition Us to Live in a Perpetual State of Fear!" "Nor, Will it Silence The Voice of The People, or Impede Us from Non-Violently Marching, Demonstrating, or Protesting against The Atrocities Perpetuated by Extremists/Fanatics and Their Propaganda, and Their Attempts to Lure Our Youth to Their Side by False Rhetoric!"
And, "We"... "Will Never Surrender Our Right to Live in Peace and Freedom!"

And lastly, "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Global Religious Leaders and Leaders of Sovereign Nations All O'er This Earth to Speak Out Forcibly," and "Condemn in The Strongest Words and Actions, The Radical Movement and Acts of Terror by Extremists and Fanatics!"

"Is There Need for Any More Evidence, before The Sovereign Nations of The Civilized World Join Together in Agreement" to "Utilize All The Power and Might of The Global Military Industrial Complex, and The Global Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies!"  I Think, "An Unequivocal No, Is The Answer!"
"Use Your Spy Satellites, Monitoring Devices, and Whatever Advanced Technological Equipment You Deem Necessary to Identify, Seek, and Find Those Who Dare to Threaten The Peace and Security of The Civilized World!" "This is The 21st Century," if, "There Ever was A Time to Act, That Time is Now!" 

Our Sincerest Condolences Go Out to All The Families in Paris who are Mourning The Loss of One of Their Family Members due to This Tragic Event, and, Now, Must Endure This Loss For The Rest of Their Lives!"

Let Us All, Join Together with These Families and The People of France in Memoriam of All "The Innocent Bystanders, Police Officers, and The Cartoonists/Journalists of Charlie Hebdo!"
For, This is to, Is The Way To Peace and A Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace On Earth!