Thursday, January 8, 2015



The Way To Peace! #245

"It is Inspiring to See Pictures of Parisians and Citizens of France Fearlessly Demonstrating in The Place de la Republique," "Defiantly in The Face of Terrorism" and "Out of Respect for the Twelve Cartoonists/Journalists and Police Officers who were Killed in the "Dishonorable, Shameful, Deplorable, and Evil Attack on The Offices of French Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo, on Wednesday, January 7th!"  
I Can See The Signs Saying, "Je Suis Charlie," "All throughout The Magnificent Crowd of People in The Place de la Republique," which has "Now become a Slogan of Unity, Solidarity, Free Speech, and Freedom of Expression All Over The World!"

"The Most Recent Global Cross-Media News Blitz" has Reported that Brothers Cherif, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, (who were responsible for the Attack at The Magazine Offices of Charlie Hebdo) were Killed by the French Police, in Dammartin-en-Goele, France, on Friday, the 9th of January! And, Amedy Coulibaly, 32, (who Killed a French Police Officer on Thursday, January 8th, and 4 Hostages in The Hyper Cacher Grocery Store) was Killed in Paris at the Hyper Cacher Grocery Store on Friday, as well, by French Police! 
And, It has been Reported that Hayat Boumeddiene," the Alleged Accomplice of Coulibaly," has Fled to Syria! 
Hamyd Mourad, 18, who "Surrended to A Police Station in Charleville-Mezieres," which is approximately 145 miles northeast of Paris, has been released by the Police!
"There have been 17 Victims in Total!"

"This Flagrant/Reprehensible/Malevolent Attack is Another Attempt by Radical Extremists to Intimidate, Threaten, and Control The Cross-Media News Universe and Try to Prevent Journalists from Utilizing Their Right of Freedom of Speech," and "Their Bound Duty to Report The Truth!" 
However, "What These Radical Extremists Do Not Know" is that "Journalistic Integrity Can Not Be Subjugated by The Evil Acts of Radical Extremists, or Dictators as A Matter of Fact!"

"Journalists" are in "The Forefront of The Global War against Terrorism" where "Danger Lies around Every Corner," and "The Challenge of Reporting The Latest News in A Conflict/War zone that has No Borders, is Fraught with Hazardous, Perilous and Unpredictable Conditions!"

"They Can Be Found on The Front lines besides Our Comity of Coalition Forces," "Continuously Reporting and Sending in Their Bi-Lines, and Stories in Harms Way!" 
"These Women and Men are The New Unsung Heroes and Heroines" who "Refuse to Be Censored or Suppressed by Radical Extremists/Fanatics!"

And, "Satire is One of The Great Traditions of The Global Cross-Media News Universe," and "Uniquely so in France!"
And, "It is The Power of Free Speech and The Pen, that Empowers Political Cartoonists and Journalists all over The World!" And, "Gives Those who are Oppressed a Plateau to Speak Out against Tyranny and Injustice!"

"So Many have Fought in World Wars, Undeclared Wars, and Regional Conflicts to Preserve and Defend The Rights" of "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth! 
"Our Grandparents, Mothers and Father's, and Sons and Daughters, have Given Their Lives to Fight against Oppression, and Evildoers," Just so that, "Their Generation and Future Generations Can Live in Freedom and Enjoy The Rights and Principles of Being A Free People!"

 But, "These Barbaric Attacks on Our Personage, and Our Global Society Will Not Paralyze Us, or Condition Us to Live in a Perpetual State of Fear!" "Nor, Will it Silence The Voice of The People, or Impede Us from Non-Violently Marching, Demonstrating, or Protesting against The Atrocities Perpetuated by Extremists/Fanatics and Their Propaganda, and Their Attempts to Lure Our Youth to Their Side by False Rhetoric!"
And, "We"... "Will Never Surrender Our Right to Live in Peace and Freedom!"

And lastly, "It is of The Greatest Importance for The Global Religious Leaders and Leaders of Sovereign Nations All O'er This Earth to Speak Out Forcibly," and "Condemn in The Strongest Words and Actions, The Radical Movement and Acts of Terror by Extremists and Fanatics!"

"Is There Need for Any More Evidence, before The Sovereign Nations of The Civilized World Join Together in Agreement" to "Utilize All The Power and Might of The Global Military Industrial Complex, and The Global Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies!"  I Think, "An Unequivocal No, Is The Answer!"
"Use Your Spy Satellites, Monitoring Devices, and Whatever Advanced Technological Equipment You Deem Necessary to Identify, Seek, and Find Those Who Dare to Threaten The Peace and Security of The Civilized World!" "This is The 21st Century," if, "There Ever was A Time to Act, That Time is Now!" 

Our Sincerest Condolences Go Out to All The Families in Paris who are Mourning The Loss of One of Their Family Members due to This Tragic Event, and, Now, Must Endure This Loss For The Rest of Their Lives!"

Let Us All, Join Together with These Families and The People of France in Memoriam of All "The Innocent Bystanders, Police Officers, and The Cartoonists/Journalists of Charlie Hebdo!"
For, This is to, Is The Way To Peace and A Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace On Earth!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015



The Way To Peace! #244

"It is Without a Doubt in my Mind" that "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth, will Be, Once again, "Asked to Make Great Sacrifices in This New Year, 2015," Just as "We have been Asked to Do over and over again, for Millennia upon Millennia!"

And, "We will be Asked to Make even Greater Reflections, Deliberations and Contemplations," Which "Will Result in there Being even Greater Moments that History will Record," As Being,  "When A Great Movement and Evolution of Sociological, Communication, Information, Scientific, Technological, and Global Cross-Media Change Took Place!"

And, Yes, There will be Great Tragedies, of Shakespearean Proportions," Some of Which, "Have Already Occurred," from "Which New Leaders," and "A Great Soul Power and Voice of The People will Rise O'er This Earth!"
"An Earthrise Of, By, and For The People," that will "Carry Forth the World," that "Our Fore Mothers and Fore Fathers Envisioned" of "A Grand Experiment, and Grand Undertaking," that "They Hoped would One Day Evolve into A Great Day and Constructive Society Of The People!" Where Fear and Injustice Would Not Prevail!" 

Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, has been reported, to have said, "Courage is More Exhilarating than Fear," and, Georgia Congressman, Civil Rights Leader John Lewis (the only remaining Big Six Leader of The American Civil Rights Movement) is reported to have said, "Fear Not, We've Come Too Far to Stop Now," and, A Quote by Ernest Hemingway "The World Breaks Everyone, and afterward, Some are Strong at The Broken Places," are All Quotes that Provide Insight, Inspiration, and Clarity to The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us! So, "Lets Continue to Transcend, and Rise to The Challenge of Adversity and Injustice," Whenever and Wherever It May Occur On This Planet Earth, "In The Name of Peace and Good Will Towards All Who Truly Believe in A World of Sanctity and Justice For Their Fellow Human Being," No Matter Where They May Exist On This Planet Earth!
"In A Global Equilibre Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "A Global Illuminating Moment that Brings Grace, Empowerment, and Peace To All Our Lives!"

And, As I, "Now, Find myself Walking Across This Bridge of Time Space Reality" into The Year 2015, "As The Waxing Phase of This Moon Cycle Flows and Evolves into A Moments Repose," "I Find myself Thinking of Those who have Led The Way" In Pursuit of The Truth, Justice, and Peace!" "Whose Guidance has Meant So much To Our Civilized World and Its Evolution, Whom History has Recorded as Being Spiritual, Religious, Military, News, Civil Rights, Humanitarian, Just, Icons, Of The Ages, such as TV News Journalist and Anchorman Walter Cronkite and Illuminated, Interdependent Beings and World Renowned Peacemakers, Cultural Leaders, and Activists, such as; Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Clara Barton, Confucius, Zoroaster, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mary, Lao-Tse, Moses, Rumi, Mary Magdalene, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Mohammad, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, and Carl Gustav Jung!" 

And, "It is within The Wee Hours of The Morning when The Cross-Media and Social Media Blitz has Finally Ebbed from Its Continuous Flow," that, I, also, Fully Realize and Deeply Feel" "The Depth of Loss, Tragedy, and Often-timed Deep Sadness," that has "Accompanied Each Step along The Way To Peace! "A Peace that has Not Yet Fully Occurred!" But, that "I Sincerely Believe Will," "One Day!"

However, "It is, also, For The Most Part, both, Deeply Unnerving and Challenging to Come to An Inner Perspective of The Daily, and, or Accumulated Events of Our Time Space Reality, That have Occurred, such as, The Tragic Deaths of 2 American Skiers, 20 Year Old Ronnie Berlack of Franconia, N.H., and 19 Year Old Bryce Astle of Sandy, Utah, who Died in an Avalanche on Gaislachkogel Mountain, at the Austrian Resort of Soelden, to The Passing of Former N.Y. Governor Mario Cuomo, and then, "There is The Overall Sense" of  "What Ratio of Right or Wrong has Won The Day!"
Or, "How Long will it Take before There is An Enduring Peace On Earth!" 
Or, "How to Balance or Comprehend The Good News with The Bad," is Often-times, "Beyond One's Normal Sense of Rationality!"

And, So I Pursue "The Good News with Vigor and Anticipation of What is Yet To Come! Knowing that, at Any Time, Whatsoever, An Act of Extreme Violence May Occur!
Or, The Continuation of An Ongoing Conflict, Provocation, Unresolved War, or Act of Aggression/Invasion by One Sovereign Nation against Another May Erupt into A Full Fledged Battle Ground, with Unfortunate/Innocent Casualties to Pay The Price!"

But, It is Gratifying to "Hear of The Miraculous Survival of 7 Year Old Sailor Gutzler from a Plane Crash in Kentucky," that "Tragically Took the Lives of  4 Members of Her Family," including "Her Parents, Marty 48, and Kimberly Gutzler 46, and Her 9 Year Old Sister Piper, and 14 Year Old Cousin Sierra Wilder." (Especially in Light of The Recent Disasters that have Taken Place with Malaysian Flight 370 and AirAsia Flight QZ8501). 

However, The Deaths of 132 School Students and 10 School Staff Members and 3 Soldiers in Peshawar, Pakistan by Taliban Terrorists in December 2014, Is An Atrocious, Abhorrent, Incomprehensible, Reprehensible, Indefensible, Shameful, and, An Immoral Act!" "There is No Honor or Respect to Be Gained by The Massacre of Children!" 

And, "Just as Damnable" are "The Acts of Kidnapping, Children Sold into Bondage and Murder of Children and Adults by Vigilantes and Terrorists," and "The Immoral and Savage World of Human Trafficking, Worldwide, by Drug Lords and Crime Syndicates!"

It is Obvious that "There Can Be No True Peace On Earth until These Predators of Our Youth, Vigilantes, Extremists, and Terrorists have been Exposed and Ostracized from The Civilized World!"

And, "It is Time For The Comity of Nations Dedicated to Bringing Peace On Earth" to Utilize The Advanced Technological Capabilities of Global Satellite Reconnaissance to Unearth This Unwanted Immoral Element from Their Holes in The Ground, Hidden Caves, or from Their Disguises to Resemble, or Appear, as a part of The Civilized World!"

"The Good News is" that "This New Age of Advanced Science and Technology" is , Once again, "Fully Engaged in An Energetic Out Reach into The Cosmos to Explore The Infinite Universe of Sentient and Inanimate Worlds of Creation," of which "We are But An Infinitesimal Part of!" However, "The Bad News is," that "There are Those who would Use this Same Technology to Hack into Some Global Corporation" such as "Sony Films, or Sovereign Government, International Banking System, or Our Personal Accounts!" 
"The Negative Impact of These Global Hackers and Sovereign Nations (such as North Korea) has Threatened Even Movie Chains!" (AMC Theatres and Regal Cinemas are a part of "This Global Hacking Negative Ripple Effect).
"The US Response" to "The Hacking of Sony Films was More than Appropriate, and, "It is Time for President Kim Jong-un to Bring North Korea into this New Age of Global Economics and Technological Evolution, as A Partner of Peace!"

"Power Hungry Leaders, Dictators, Religious Extremists/Fanatics, Crime/Drug Lords, or Political Sophists and Financial Manipulators, Sadists have No Place amongst A Civilized World!" "It's as Simple as that!" "This is Not The Middle Age, It's The 21st Century!" And, These Individuals Must Be Condemned by All Religions and Sovereign Nations of The Earth!

"The Good News/Positive Side of This New Global Equation" is that "We"... "The People" are "Not Afraid of The Butchery, Massacres, Barbaric, and Evil Intent of A Small Group of Extremists!" And, "Have Given Our Wholehearted/Emphatic Support to The Comity of Sovereign Nations and Their Military Armed Forces" to "Repulse and Destroy these Assassins of Children and Destroyers of Homes and Families!" "There is No Place for This Extreme Movement" in "The Final Analysis!"

And, "While The Release of 65 Year Old Alan Gross, by Cuba," is "Good News," There is "Still Much to Be Done on The Global Landscape to Improve Global Conditions for A 21st Century, Peacefully, Sociologically, and Economically!" "Empowering A Peoples Evolution!"

"One Simple Example is," Russia, Iran, and Syria, "Must Decide on Whether it is To Their Advantage or Not, To Be Excluded or Included as Positive Working, Global Economical, and Sociological Partners For Peace and Prosperity in The World!"

While, "On Another News Front," The Sovereign Nation of Greece Must Decide, Whether or Not, It wants to Continue Its Membership in The Eurozone!" But, "Just As Importantly," "The EU has To Continue to Find New Solutions on How To Rescue Nations with Struggling Economies and Holders of Large Amounts of Debt," "If, The EU is to Continue to Evolve as A Powerful Force in The Global Market Place!" (Where Economic Fears Can Cause The Loss of Unimaginable Profits in a Nanosecond and Cause Great Fear in The Global Economies!

And, "While President Barack Obama's Executive Order," that "Opens The Way For Undocumented Immigrants to Legally Live and Prosper in The US," is "Good News", There are "Still Too Many Americans and Native Americans who Feel Alienated! Marginalized!" "Left Out!" "On the Low End of Being Profiled Against!" "Feeling Isolated and Cut Off from Being A Positive Participant and Contributor to This Great Land of Opportunity!"

Yes, "The Good News is" "Gas Prices are at Extraordinary Low Prices,"  but, "Politically and Economically The United States Of America is Resembling The United States Of Capitalism!" "The Beneficiaries, of which, are The DOW, Banks, Insurance Companies, Political Pack Groups, Lobbyists, and The Oligarchs!"

"There Too Many Living in Poverty and Too Many who have Lost Hope!" "Which Should Never Happen in This Great Land of Opportunity!" And, "It's Time for A New Political Resurgence of Interdependent Individuals, Institutions, and Businesses, who are Committed and Dedicated to The Principles and Visionary Ideals of What The Founders of Our Society Believed, Could Be The Model for A New World!" This was "The Grand Experiment!" "The Grand Undertaking" that "They Lived and Died for," To Make into A Reality! "This is What They Pledged to Do!" It was "A Covenant between Them" "A Vow and Commitment!" "An Oath, Contract, an Agreement They Made with Each Other!" And, It was to Be Called "The United States Of America!" Not "The Divided States Of America!" Nor, "The Capitalist States Of America!"
It was Meant to Be"A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

So, Let Our New Years Resolution Be, "A Commitment, One and All, To Redouble, Re-Triple, or Quadruple, if Necessary, Our Political, Sociological, Spiritual, Conscious Efforts and Activism, Advocacy and Determination To Build A Peace Everlasting!"
"A Peace that Embraces One and All!" "That is Cognizant of The Needs of One and All!" And, "The Resolve To Discover New Solutions to The Seemingly Endless Inadequacies and Atrocities that Exist in Our Societies!" "In Our Towns and Villages, States, Counties, and Countries!" And, "Within The Boundaries of Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls!"

For, Then "We Can Eliminate The Unjust from Our Lives!" And, "Eliminate The Economic Disparities in Our Lives" and "Come Together, One and All to A Magnanimous Conclusion," As "A Great Soul Force Of, By, and For The People," that "We Must Live in A World Of Peace On Earth!"

"For The Sake of This Earth, and The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!" "For, The Sake of Our Children and Their Children, For All Eternity to Come!" "Truly, Let Peace Be at Hand!"

"The Good News" is that, "All of These Issues are Being Debated in The Open Horizon of A New World of Communication and Information!"
"The Social and Cross-Media News Universes have Brought Them All Clearly Into The Light of A Day and Night," in This, The 21st Century, Year 2015! And, Once again, "Non-Violent Civil Rights, and Peace Activist Demonstrations are On The March!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Can This World, This Earth of Ours, Exist Without Peace? "The Answer is An Unequivocal No!"

Can "We" Allow Our Children Grow Up Being Uninformed, Uneducated, Conditioned Beings, Controlled by Extremists to Act as Puppets for Their Immoral Causes, and Only to Conduct Unimaginable Acts of Violence Towards Their Fellow Human Being, Family Members, Friends and Neighbors? "The Answer is An Unequivocal No!"

"Should A Mother, Father, Sister, or Brother, Have to Experience Feelings of Hopelessness," "Seeing Their Family Evolve in A State of Amorphous, and Chaos!" "Plagued by War, Death, Rape, Frustration and Rage!" "Living as An Oppressed People," in Refugee Camps, Controlled by Dictators, Crime Lords, and Purveyors of Evil!" "The Answer is An Unequivocal No!"

So, "Let Us Continue to Non-Violently, March, Demonstrate, Defend, Protect, Sit In, Sing Peace and Civil Rights Anthems, Email, Text, or whatever Your Mode of Communication is," "To Every Corner of This World of Ours, To Whomever You Feel is A Kindred Spirit, Soul mate, Peacemaker, Political, Religious, Military Civilian, or Financial Leader, The World Over," that "The Time for Peace is at Hand!" "A Peace Protected and Defended by The Global Military Industrial Complex, Intelligence Agencies," and "A United Global Comity of Sovereign Nations!" "Its Time We Gave Peace Chance!"
This Would Be A Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Age Of Peace On Earth! And, "A Great Gift to Each Other, Out of Reverence For One Another," and "All that We Consider To Be Sacred!"