Friday, March 21, 2014



The Way To Peace! #232

"In spite of What The World May Appear to Be, It is Actually "A Very Small World" that "We Live in!" And, "Though I May Be An Optimist," "The Pragmatist" Part of me Feels that "It isn't Too Far Fetched an Idea" For Patriarch Kirill, The Head of The Russian Orthodox Church to Know the Telephone Number of Pope Francis, The Head of The Roman Catholic Church," and for "Them (or One of Them) to Know the Telephone Number or How to Get in Touch with "The Dali Lama, The Spiritual Leader of Tibet," or "The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Katharine Jefferts Schori" for Example," or vice versa, and "Agree to Join with Religious and Spiritual Leaders of All Faiths," whomever "They" May be (Jewish, Mormon, Islam, etc.) who "Sincerely Believe in Peace On Earth" and "Make Sensational Front Page Headlines" by"Calling Upon Russian President Vladimir  Putin to End His Grand Delusions of Rebuilding The Soviet Union by Violent Acts of Aggression upon Countries who were Previously a Part of The Soviet Union" and have "Chosen of Their Own Free Will to Leave The Soviet Union" (Or, "In Fact Any Sovereign Nation)!

And, by "Making An Illuminated Display of Unity in This Season Of Lent" by "All The Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earth," "Through The Utilization of Every Form of The Cross-Media Universe and The Social Media to Voice Their Announcement to President Putin and The Russian Parliament, "This Would Be "A Great Calling to World Leaders" and "We The People, Citizens of this Sacred Earth," that "They" Do Not Approve of President Putin's Behavior, Nor Do "They" Support This Kind of Oppressive, Aggressive, Dictatorial, Tyrannical Behavior from Any one!
And, that by "No Means Does President Putin's Analogy" that has "Lead to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine," "Represent The Gospel of Peace and Love" that "They Preach, to Us, and Ask Us to Believe in, and Trust in!"
And, that, by "His Own Words and Actions, President Putin has Violated International Law!" And, in Doing so, "He has Implicated The Citizens of Russia!"

If "President Putin would like to Improve The Stature of Russia," "There are Peaceful, Economical, and Universal Ways of Doing this!" Ways that "Any Leader of A Civilized Industrialized Country Knows is Rational, Wise, and Innovative, that Gains The Respect of His or Her Fellow Citizens and The Sovereign Citizens of The World!"

The World is Very Small, and Its Current Financial System Depends on (1) Stability, (2) Long term Visions, and (3) Evolutionary Idea's, (4) Intelligent Investment and (5) A Global Policy of  Equilibre and Commitment to The Ideals of Peace and Freedom For One and All!
And, "This is Not The Time For A Group of Rogue Oligarchs and Russian Parliamentarians to Create Dissolution, Dissension, Discord, Destruction, Disunity and Division Amongst World Powers" and "The Friends and Families who Will Know The Loss of Their Loved Ones due to The Decisions of Invasion and War made by President Putin!"

And, "If President Putin Expects to Receive Great Rewards and Historical Acclaim for His Actions, He is Greatly Mistaken," and in Fact, "Has already Begun to Experience Economic Penalties" with "Standard and Poor's Downgrade of Russia's Credit Rating to BBB (the second lowest investment grade)," and "Russia's Economy Continues It's Rapid Decline," irregardless of Its Gas Exports!"

So, "This is The Time for Billionaires, Multi-Millionaires, and Financial Institutions (such as The IMF and World Bank, amongst others) who Believe in Peace On Earth and A Global Financial System that Relies on Stability, Equanimity, Empirical Wisdom, Intelligence, and Innovation," to "Speak Out and Reach Out to The Rogue Oligarchs" who have "Encouraged and Supported President Putin's Desires to Rebuild The Soviet Union," and "Give Counsel to Him to Call for A Cease Fire!" And, "Retire His Russian Forces to their Previous Positions!"
"Reach out to President Putin Now," before "Chaos Ensues in other Hot Spots" such as, "Moldova, Eastern and Southern Ukraine," Just to Name a Few!

"This is The Time For President Putin to Engage in Diplomacy, Not Warmongering!"

Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and World Leaders of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have "Seen this Course of Action Take Place before in The World!" "Senseless Actions" that Can have "A Negative Ripple Effect that Touches All of Our Lives!" So, "Do Not Remain Silent," or "Take A Wait and See Attitude!" "Make Your Voices Heard" wherever You May Be!
"It's Time For The World to Thrive On A Peace Time Economy," "Not A War Time Economy!" And (as John and Yoko and A Few of Their Good Friends sang), "Give Peace A Chance!"

So, "Lets Continue to Utilize All The Technological Advancements at Our Disposal" and "Stand Strong as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Equilibre, Hope and Awareness!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Empower The Hearts, Minds and Souls of Our Fellow Human Being with A Sincere Belief in Each Other" and "The Rights of One and All to Live as Interdependent Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!"
For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth, within "This Universe of Unlimited Portents!"

Monday, March 17, 2014



The Way To Peace! #231

"As The World Celebrates The Feast of Saint Patrick," and "The 60th Anniversary of Leo Fender's Stratocaster!" And, "As the New Israeli/Palestinian Deadline Approaches!" And, yet "Another Winter Storm Hits The Mid Atlantic, Southeast, and Northeastern States in The U.S." And, "As The Mystery Surrounding The Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Continues!" And, As "The Full Moon Looks Down upon yet Another Child Born into Poverty," "The World is Looking For... Leadership!" "Diplomacy!" And, "A Willingness to Stand up Against Tyranny, Oppression and Aggression wherever it May Occur!" "Leadership" that "Will Distinguish Us, As a Sovereign People of Civilized Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of This Planet Earth!" "A Sovereign People Born to Establish An Age of Peace and Global Equilibre!" "Not War!"

"Leadership, Diplomacy and A Willingness to Stand up Against Tyranny, Oppression, and Aggression is what "We The People are in Need of," or else, "We Will End up Being A Manipulated and Conditioned Global Society that is Controlled, Purely for The Lust, Greed, Power, Riches, and Egotism of A Few Dictators, and Their Sympathetic Oligarchs" who "Support and Give Counsel to Them, only, When its To Their Benefit!"

And, "Whether Your Early Adulthood began in The 20th or 21st Century (Lets Not Be Fooled Again), "The Writing is on The Wall" (as the saying goes) "For All of Our Global Religious, Spiritual, Financial, Political, Military and Civic Leaders of The Earths United Nations to See" and "Act Immediately to Counter and Retaliate Against!"

"We" have but to "Remember The Iron Curtain," that "Separated Europeans from One Another," or, "The Berlin Wall," that "Separated Families and Friends from One Another," to Understand what Can Re-Occur" if, "the Leaders of EU Do Not Act in A Co-operative, Resourceful, Wise, and United Course of Action" to "Halt The Russian Invasion/Aggression in Ukraine, Authorized by President Putin!"

And, "The United Forces of NATO and NATO's Partnership For Peace," whose "Responsibility is To Protect It's Member States across North America and Europe, and, Come To Their Aid, and, or, Provide Security and Defense to Any Member State that is Threatened or Subject to An Armed Attack," "Must Be Prepared to Do Just that!"
"Plus the Fact" that there are "Quite a Few Member Nations" who are "Not as Militarily Equipped to Defend Themselves as Russia is to Invade its Neighbors," Who are "Depending on NATO to Live up to Its Mutual Defense Agreement!"

And, (1) "If it Means Suspending Russia from The G- 8, or G20, Then Do It!"

And, (2) "If it Means Canceling Gas Contracts with Russia, and Replace them with New Agreements with Gas Exporting Nations who are Allies of Peace, Then Do It" (before Russia Threatens to Do it To The EU and other Nations Dependent on Russian Gas)!

"The World is Watching" Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Secretary General of The United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, and President of The European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, who "Must Now Provide The Leadership Needed to Enter into this Course of Action, along side President Barack Obama of The U.S."

And, (3) "If it Means Placing A Hold on Russian Bank Accounts, or The Bank Accounts of Russian Oligarchs and Officials who Support President Putin's Military and Territorial Advances in Ukraine, and Freeze Their Assets, Then Do It!"

And, (4) "If it Means Not Allowing Visas to Russian Officials or Business Leaders who Support President Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, Then Do It!"

And, While Implementing these Sanctions, "It is of The Utmost Importance For The Sovereign Nations of The UN and NATO to Be United in Arms and in Will Power to Counter Any Further Russian Acts of Aggression or Manipulative Take over of Any Nations Government!"
"This is Not The First Time that This Form of Aggression has Happened!" "Remember The Russian Invasion of Georgia in 2008!"
And, "Even before The Crimean Referendum was Voted on," "President Putin Authorized the Take over of A Natural Gas Facility in The Ukraine!" And, "Russian Troops are in Position to Annex Eastern Ukraine!"
And, "These Acts of Aggression and Invasion Will Continue to Occur in Other Global Hot Spots" (such as The East China Sea and The South China Sea) "Unless The Sovereign Nations" of The Earth, "Say Definitively, Enough!"
"The Residents of Crimea May have The Right to Vote for Autonomy and Annexation by Russia," But, "President Putin Does Not have The Right to Invade The Ukraine!"
"Let's be Absolutely Clear about this," (no matter what temporary agreement U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavarov have Come to) "Russia has Violated International Law," and "The EU, The UN, and The U.S. should Act in Accordance with International Law" and "Lay Down The Law to President Putin!"

And (5) "If it Means Building A Missile Defense Shield to Protect Europe (to Make a Point to President Putin) Then Do it!"

"Leaders of The World," This is An Evolutionary Age of Extraordinary Technological, Scientific, and Communication Achievements! 
And, "We" are Fortunate to have Great Doctrines Declaring Our Interdependence, Tenets of Being, and Individual/Civil Rights As Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!
And, "We" have been Left  A Great Inheritance of Ideas, Philosophies, Solar Axioms, Principles and Beliefs by An Illuminated Group of Forerunners, Predecessors, and Great Souls who Provided Us with Guidance, Knowledge, Innovation, Passion, Commitment, Wisdom, Enlightenment, and Leadership!
And, "Its This Leadership, Wisdom, Knowledge, Guidance, Commitment, Compassion, Innovation, and Enlightenment" that "We The People, Citizens of This Earth are in Need of Right Now, if "We are Ever to Enjoy The Fruits of Life! "

However, So that "We Never Lose Hope," "Let Each and Everyone of Us always Remember" that, "The Leadership We are in Need of, or are Searching for, Lies Within The Core, Spirit and Soul of Our Being!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of Reverence For One Another and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

And, Let Us, As True Empiricists, Continue To Share The Truths that "We" have Experienced, via The Social Media and The Cross-Media Universes, so that, In Doing so "We May Encourage Those Who are Still in The Middle of Life and Death Struggles to Survive and Live in Peace and Freedom!" So that, "They Will Know that, They are Not Alone!"
For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, March 7, 2014



The Way To Peace! #230

I have always heard that "The Russian Oligarchs Consider themselves to be Amongst The Elite Power Brokers and Proven Movers and Shakers of The World of Business Affairs," and, of course, "Very Civilized and Cultivated!" So, "I Do Not Understand Why," "These Oligarchs," who have "Accumulated Vast Fortunes in Russia, "and "President Putin's Close/Personal Associates" haven't "Advised Him of The Negative Historical Consequences that His Decision to Authorize The Invasion of Ukraine Can Be."
For example; (1) On Monday, The Russian Market Crashed! It Fell 13%, which is Equivalent to 2, 612 DOW Points! And, (2) The Russian Ruble had Its Worst Fall in 29 Months! And then, (3) Add to this The Fact that The Russian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew only 1.9% in 2013, and, "I would Think that The Russian Oligarchs would Be Quick to Counsel President Putin" that, "Adding The Additional Cost of Invading Ukraine, Plus The Sanctions that Will Be Directed Against Russia, Will Not Be Good For Business, or For The Russian People!"

And, "Why haven't The Russian Oligarchs Taken Direct Action and Pointed Out to President Putin" that "The Days of A War Time Economies" are,  from "A Historical Point of View, An Anathema to Any Nations Leader" who would "Like to Be Remembered as A Great Leader for History to Record and for His People to Admire for Centuries to Come!"
"Just as Dictators and Tyrants are Not Models for The Global Markets and Civilized Nations to Admire in this Age of Big Business, and Banking Syndicates!"

And, "Why haven't These Astute/Worldly Business Personages Taught President Putin that He Can Gain More Global Influence by Simply Continuing to Be A Major Exporter of Gas" than "He Can by Invading Another Sovereign Nation!"
And, that "He Can Gain even Greater Prestige for Himself and The Russian People by Being A Voice of Reason, Not War!" And, also, "by Being A Highly Respected and Co-operative Member of The Earths United Nations!"

And, "Why haven't These Oligarchs Shown President Putin" that "He has A Real Opportunity to Re-Establish Russia's Greatness in The World by Demonstrating through His Words and Actions that True Greatness Grows Out of Showing Reverence and Sincere Concern For The Lives and Well Being of His Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
As well as "Showing Respect for All The Natural Resources of This Planet, and The Universe that Surrounds Us!"
"This is A Cognitive Global Policy of Equilibre that Can Be Admired and Respected by One and All," and, More than Likely, "Help President Putin Gain The Prestige and Respected Place in History that He seems to Covet!"

And, While I'm Still "Engrossed in this Train of Thought," "Why hasn't The Russian Religious Leaders Spoken Out Against this Act Of Barbaric Aggression Against The Ukrainian People," who have "Chosen to Live Free from Russian Oppression and Intimidation!" As is "Their Right as A Sovereign Nation!"
Just as it is "The Right of People from All over The World to Live in Freedom!"
"Freedom to Choose A Path of Non-Resistance," if "They Wish" or "Their Right to Change" from "Living under An Authoritarian State of Being" to One that "Relies on Diplomacy and Economic Co-operation with Other Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Why hasn't His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, The Head of The Russian Orthodox Church Reached Out to The Vatican and Pope Francis," and, "To All The  Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called Out In The Name of Peace," For All The World to Hear, "For President Putin and The Russian Parliament to End The Invasion of Ukraine," and "Allow The Ukrainian People to Follow The Course of Their Own Convictions without Interference!"

And, "Why hasn't Patriarch Kirill Joined Together with Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called upon President Putin to Cease His Warmongering Ways and Reset His Priorities!" And, "End The Russian Aggression in Ukraine!"
"Wouldn't this Be A Magnificent Demonstration of Respect For One's Fellow Human Being,"and "The Importance of Our Cardinal Virtues "and "The Significance and Value of The Church on Earth!"
And, "An Opportunity for The Church Hierarchy to Stand up for Its Beliefs," and "The Rights and Lives of All The People of All Sovereign Nations," of This Planet Earth! And, of "Jesus' Gospel of Love!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Encourage, Empower, and Embrace People Of Peace and Equilibre," whomever and wherever They May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue to Share Our Vision Path Of The People via The Social Media, Cross-Media Universe, and In Peace Gatherings and Non-Violent Peace Demonstrations!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Reach Out through An Earthrise of Universal Conscious Awareness and Spiritual Enlightenment to Interdependent Minds, Hearts, Spirits, and Souls," All The While, "Building A Bridge of Peace with Each Step of The Way to A New Age and Nexus of Hope For All The World to Share!"
For This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!