Monday, November 25, 2013



The Way To Peace! #126 Revisited

As "The New Holiday Season Comes Upon Us," and While there is "Much to Be Deeply Concerned about Economically, Politically, and Sociologically," there is also "Much to Give Thanks for and A Great Deal to Feel Grateful for," "Especially when I see The Network and, or Cable News Reports showing The Return of The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces being Greeted by Their Families!" "How Deeply Touching these Moments are!" And, "Finally After So Many Years and Tears Spent Existing in Harms Way," "They are Home!" "Home at Last!"

And, On The International Front lines of Negotiations, "After Decades Of Very Little Constructive Communication, Iran has Agreed to a Six Month Freeze of Its Nuclear Program To Develop a Nuclear Bomb, and, Limit Its Nuclear Activities in General" with Six World Powers, China, Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, and The U.S." These Negotiations were held in Geneva, Switzerland and Spearheaded by U.S. Secretary Of State, John Kerry! "This is a First Step Towards The Normalization of Relationships with Iran and A Hopeful End of Nuclear Proliferation in The Middle East!"

And, I'm also "Hopeful that The Meeting between Pope Francis and President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Will Lead to A Positive Resolution of The Continuing Conflict in Syria!" "More Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earths Nations Need to Speak Out Forcefully" if, "There is Ever To Be An Age of Peace in The Middle East!" And Financial Leaders Must, also Work In Concert, Diplomatically and Philanthropically, with Our Heads of State" if, "Peace is To Truly Be at Hand!"

And then, There is "The Outpouring of Humanitarian Aid and Volunteerism to Help The Homeless and Destitute Typhoon Victims in The Philippines, and The Victims of The Midwest Tornadoes and Thunderstorms," that were "Struck Full Force, in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois!"
It is "A Blessing to See so Many Governments and Philanthropic Organizations Working in Concert with Each other" "Providing Food, Medical Supplies, Water and Housing for The Communities that have been Destroyed in The Path of Natures Fury!"
And, "A Further Demonstration of The Positive Good that Humankind Can do When Faced with Great Adversary!"

And, I would also like to "Take a Moment" to "Congratulate Angelina Jolie for Receiving The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award!" "She became The Youngest Recipient of This Prestigious Award" given by The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences," for Her Outstanding Commitment and Contribution to Humanitarian Causes!"

And, "Congratulation to, Sixteen year old,  Malala Yousafzai for Being Named 2013 Glamour Woman Of The Year, and , also for Winning The Sakharov Prize for Freedom Of Thought Award, for Being An Advocate of  Girl's Education, and for Her Courage in the face of Extremism and Terrorism!"

And, also, "Congratulation goes out to "Former Secretary Of State Hilliary Rodham Clinton for being Given The 2013 Liberty Medal in Recognition of Her Exemplary Career in Public Service for Nearly Forty years, and, for Furthering The Ideals of Freedom, Women's Rights, and The Principles of Democracy!"
And, "Oprah Winfrey and Former President William Jefferson Clinton for Being Given The Medal Of Freedom, The United States Highest Civilian Award!"

And, I would like to "Congratulate, "The Giving Pledge Campaign" of One Hundred and Fifteen Billionaires (at last count) who have "Pledged/Committed to Donate Fifty Per Cent of Their Wealth to Aid Philanthropic Causes Worldwide!"

And, I'm also "Very Grateful" for "A Growing Sense of Cognitive Equilibre, Intelligence and Awareness," Evolving amongst "Interdependent, Enlightened and Concerned Citizens and Officials of Our Earths Communities" that is "Creating A Much Needed State of Balance To Counter The Political Brinkmanship, and Political Ideologies of A Few Malinformed and Misguided Sophists" who are "Spewing Forth Political Rhetoric and Untruths in An Attempt to Confuse, Demoralize, Mislead, Control, and Condition" "We The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth, to "Act Totally Contrary to The Principles and Ideals Created by The Founders of Our Democratic Way Of Life!"

And, also for "The Ongoing Efforts of The Peace Corps!" "A Imaginative Way To Promote Peace and World Friendship through Volunteer Efforts Worldwide!" This Idea was  Created by Former President John F. Kennedy's Administration, more than Fifty Years ago!"

All of which has "Brought me To This Moment In Time and Space," and, Today, I Felt The Return of Music in my Life!" It Felt Like "The Song of The Great Spirit!" "Music Of The People!" And, "Music of The Streets, Highways, Subways, Trains, Airways, and, Seas!"
It Felt Like, "An Anthem of Peace, Love, and, One World!" And, "The Music Played by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under The Moon, and, Stars!"

It Felt Like, "An In Concert Performance, by Your Favorite Artist, on A Sunny Day in The Park!"

And, It Felt Like, "The Music of Christmas, and, The Holidays," Played on The Radio, and, In Stores, and, On The Streets, and, In The Homes of, "We The People!"
It was, "The Celestial Song Of Life, Flowing on Wafts of Winds of Change, Hope, and, Peace!"
"Clear, Strong Winds Of The People," Bringing, "The Good News of Forth Righteousness, and, Truth!" "Perseverance, and, A Positive Soul Strength and Soul Force Manifested in Every Action and Idea!" "Bringing Comfort to Those, Who Have Hungered For so Long For A Better Life," and, "A More Humane World to Live in!"

And, "Its Bringing with it A Great Storm that Rejects The Negative Conditioning of The Human Spirit!" "Clearing The Way For A New Earthrise Evolution!"
And, "Clearing The Path For A Great New Moon Sowing Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, "Sowing The Seeds of A Great Cultural, Technological, Scientific, Sociological, Ecological, and, Spiritual Movement, of The Highest Order!"
"Transcending The State of Amorphous of A Conditioned Way of Life," Created by The "Ists," and, "Isms," of, The Global Oligarchs, and, Their Hired Lobbyists!
And, "Establishing A Vibrant, Powerful, and, Meaningful Law of The Land," "Housed In An EarthWise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, Of, By, and, For The People," that Empowers Each and Everyone of Us to Live as Free Women and Men" of, This, "The Third Planet from The Sun!"
And, "Documenting that We are All Equal in The Light of The Sun, Moon, and, Billions upon Billions of Galaxies and Luminous Bodies of The Universe!"
And that, "We are All Born as One People," Of The Earth!

"Its A Great Storm," whose Might is even Greater, Because, "It is Imbued in The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls of We The People!"

And, Its Like "A Great Song, whose Melodies, Harmonies, Arrangements and Orchestrations, are Being Played by Every Form of Social, and, Cross- Media Universe, All across This Earth of Ours," via Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Yahoo, and, Google!
And, "Downloaded To One and All," via, "The Greatest Non-Violent-Universal Activists Communication Network and Nexus of The World!" For, "We are The World!"

And, Its Like "An Anthem Of The World, By The World, and, For The World," that, is "Defended and Protected by The Global Coalition and United Armed Forces Of The World," who have "Vowed to Protect We The People," from, The Proponents of Warmongers, and, The Corrupt Business Machine of Crime, Lust of Power, and, Greed!
"A Global Coalition Force of Interdependent Women and Men" who have "Vowed to Protect The Peace!" And, "The Establishment of A Global Peace For One and All to Share!"
And, "The Re-Establishment of Diplomacy as A Way To Solve Our Differences of Opinion," and, by Doing so, "Create An Earthrise Stage For A Global Engagement of Peace Dialogues to Run Concurrently Al through-Out The World," Without End!
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, "Establish A Peace Millennium On Earth!"

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Be, The Composers of A Great New Universal Anthem of Peace!"

And, "Let Us Be, The Arrangers, Conductors, Singers, and, Musicians, of This New World Anthem!"

And, "Let Our Voices Sing Out Proud and Clear," that, "We are The Earth," and, that, "We are The Universe!"
And that, "We are One People Of The Sea, Land, and Skies Of The Earth!"

And, "As Children and Adults Of The Earth," "Let Us Take a Vow to Respect, Care for, Protect, and, Defend, This Earth of Ours," and, "The Rights of We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to "Evolve, Be, and, Share The Music Of The Celestial Song of Life" with Each Other! "In Equanimity and Compassion with One Another!"

And, "Let Us Sing," "Give Peace A Chance, "Amazing Grace, "Heal The World, "This is Our Land, "Peace Train, and, "The Times They are A Changing" as "We Soar to A Higher Ground of Enlightenment, Wisdom, and, Conscious Awareness on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change!"
And, "Lets Continue to Spread The Music and Lyrics of Our Earthrise Movement Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth! And, "A Way To Return to The Music of Life and A Great Soul Force of The Light!"