Tuesday, August 6, 2013



The Way To Peace ! #219

It seems Obvious, to me, that "When We Move," As a Society, Beyond "Stop, Question, and Frisk Laws," "Stand Your Ground Laws," and "Profiling," The World that "We Presently are Being Conditioned by, and Manipulated by," "Will Change For The Betterment of One and All!" 

And, "When "We Accept Our Differences" and "Acknowledge Them" as "Being Unique Characteristics" that "Identify Who We are," and, "Not as Being A Part of A Specific Class/Demographic Of People," "We Will," One and All, "Begin to Enjoy The Fruits of A Natural Evolution/State of Being that Graces Us, One and All!"

And, When "We Accept" that "We are All Sovereign Beings of This Planet Earth," and "Embrace A True Comprehensive Solar Axiom of Justice," "A Natural Evolution/State Of Being," "One that Embraces Truth and Justice For One and All Will Prevail!"

And, When "We Accept This Universal and Personal Perspective/ Reality" and "The Acceptance of Our Fellow Human Being as Truly Being An Existential and Essential Part of Our Lives" "A New Cognitive Philosophy Of Life Will Give Birth To A New Age of Peace On Earth" that "One and All Can Embrace and Share with Each Other!" "A Way Of Life that Graces Us, One and All," As, "A True Empowerment Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

So, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Start by Showing Respect For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Show Respect For The Lives and Livelihood Of Our Women and Children!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Our Actions Be The Proof of Our Commitment To The Way Of Peace!"

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Learn To Dance, Sing, Laugh, Meditate, Contemplate, Work, and Live Together!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Culturally and and Philosophically Evolve as One People,  Sovereign Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Respect The Synchronicity and Synergy that Connects Us, Like A Magnificent, Illuminating, Metaphysical Bridge Of Humanity, All Together!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Show Compassion For Those of Us who are In Need!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Share The Profits of Our Worldly Goods, Commerce, and Experiences with One Another!

Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Embark on An Earthrise Vision Path that Leads Us To The Universe that Lies Within and Without Us, Far Reaching Amongst The Stars and Planets of The Great Cosmos, and yet Within The Hearts, Minds, and Souls Of Each One of Us!

Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Use Our Scientific, Technological, Intellectual, and Financial Skills and Knowledge To Advance Our Way Of Life, and In Doing so, Heal The Wounds that Have Restricted and Impeded Us from Living In A Natural State Of Evolution/Grace!

Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Utilize The Social Media, Cross-Media Universe, and Global News Media to Unite and Bring Us Together, and Spread The Word that Our Time has Come to Live In Equanimity!

Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Elect Public Servants who Truly Represent Us! And, That Means All Of The People, All Of The Time!"

Out Of Reverence For One Another, May Our Global Armed Forces Honor Us, and Protect Us from Oppressors, Terrorist Groups, Dictators, Crime and Drug Lords and Their Organizations, and The Global Oligarchs who have Corrupted Our Legal System, Government Officials and Influenced Legal Decisions that have Distorted The Word Of The Law!

Out Of Reverence For One Another Let Us Learn To Share A World/Universe Of Transcendence, Love, Peace, and Harmony, with One Another!

And, Out Of Reverence For One Another, Let Us Light The Way To A Future of Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Interdependent and Uplifting Exploratory Experiences and Personal/Universal Changes that are Beneficial to One and All!

For, This is The Way To Peace and An Age Of Omnipresent, Omniscient,  and Omnipotent, Peace On Earth!