Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The Way To Peace! #106 Revisited

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, Philanthropists, Philosophers, Educators, Women and Men of Culture, Universal and Spiritually Minded Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates, and News Journalists of Unbiased and Truthful Reportage! And, Those Military and Civilian Leaders of Moderate, Compassion and Humanistic Natures, No One Can Afford to Remain Silent During This Time Period of Change in Our Lives. This Age Demands That "We" Speak Out in The Name of Peace, and "We" Must Respond with All the Soul Power, and Resolute Purpose of Our Vision Path!

And, "We" Must, "One and All," Take an Activist Role as Participants of This Earthrise Movement and Evolution "Of, By, and, For The People," with The Best Interests "Of The People," in Mind!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance For Us to Take An Active Part in Defense Of An Earths Populace, Who Desire Full Employment, Social Security, Responsible Government, and A Global Financial System that is Not "Out Sourcing The Future," of The Workers of The World!
It is Obvious that Discontent is Everywhere, and, Has Caused Frustration, Worldwide Discontent and Dissatisfaction amongst "The People," and, Global Demonstrations "By The People!"

And, It is, also, Obvious That "We" are at "A Crossroads," That Can Not Be Superficially Patched Up! There are Too Many Real Concerns "Of The People," That Must Be Adhered to! That Need Real Solutions!

And, The Future of The Youth Of This Earth of Ours, Depends on Those of Us, Who are in Responsible Positions to Provide Them with A World of Resources and Principles of An Earths Society, That is Rooted in Equanimity and An Even Handed Righteousness, That Embraces and Respects The Lives, and Protects of The Rights of, "One and All!"

And, "We" Need A Global Economy That No Longer Rewards The Few/Elite Insiders of The Financial Community! "We" Need A Global System of Finance That Works "For The People!" And Not The Present System, That is of No Real Benefit To The New Earthrise Evolution "Of The People!"

And, The Winds Of Change are A Reflection of This Escalating Public Opinion! And, The Logic is On Our Side, Because, The Present System, That has Ruined so Many Lives Especially Over The Last Few Years, (Although it has Been Beneficial to Wall St.) Will End up, Being The Downfall of Us "One and All!'
A Global Financial System That Profits at The Expense of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, That Does Not Share its Profits with "The People" is a Reflection Of A Failed System That Can No Longer Be Apart Of The Earths New Millennium of Progressive Movements That are Now in Place to Non-Violently Change, and Shake Up The World For The Sake, "Of The People!"

This New Movement Represents and Reflects The Universal Consciousness of A Great New Soul Force "Of The People," That is Interdependent of The Failed, Corrupt, Selfish, and Destructive World of Big Business and Government, That has Conditioned Us To Believe in The False Promises, Rhetoric, and Policies of Misdirection, and Led Us Down A Path Filled with Delusion, Confusion, and Illusory Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, of Separatism and Folly!

This New Movement of Interdependent Women and Men of All Ages, Knows from Experience, The Importance of A New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration, That Free's Us from The Chains of An Impassioned and Abusive Leadership, and Instead Reaches Out to Establish A New Age of Hope That Brings Forth A Passionate and Empathetic Understanding of The Earths Populace! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

A Movement That is Bent on Healing The Earth and Discovering New Cures and New Solutions to The State of Amorphous and Conflict That has Plagued This Earth of Our for Much Too Long!

A New Movement That is Confident Enough, In Itself, To Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All of The Warring Factions of Chaos! Made up of A New Global Leadership of Civilian and Military Representatives of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earths United Nations, Whose Beliefs are Mirrored with Ours, In The Pursuit of Peace On Earth!
This is The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, No One Ever said That The Way Would Be An Easy One, But, It is A Necessary, and Strategic Path of Action For Us to Take!

And, It is A Necessary Path of Action For Us to Take, For The Sake of Our Youth, and The Brave and Courageous Women and Men of The Earths Armed Forces!

And, It is A Necessary Path of Action For Us to Take, in Defense of The Poor and Disenfranchised! And, For Our Exhausted Middle Class Citizens Of The Earth!

So, Let Us Continue to Build The Greatest Global Communication Network of Peace and Change, That The Earth has Ever Known!

And, Let us Spread The Word of Peace and Change via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Non-Violent Evolution on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Through "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," and Wherever The Need May Be! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Healing in A Vibrant New Millennium of Great Spirit, Conscious Awareness, Shared Prosperity For "One and All!" A Spiritual and Socially Evolved Age of Universal Enlightenment!