Tuesday, April 16, 2013



The Way To Peace! #215

The Two Bombings at The Boston Marathon on Patriots Day, that Resulted in the "Deaths of Three Innocent Bystanders," "one an eight year old boy," and, the "One Hundred and Seventy-six Innocent Bystanders who were Wounded, Seventeen Critically," "Can Be Called Nothing Less than An Act Of Cowardice! "
 "I can not Imagine Being One of Their Family Members," However, "It is Gratifying to See the Outpouring of  Emotional and Spiritual Support, that is Being Sent to Them!"

"The Courageous Acts of The Nurses, Doctors, Firefighters, Police, First Responders, EMT's, and Volunteers," is "A Magnificent Example of Selflessness, Heroism, and Sacrifice," For "Ones Fellow Human Being in Time of Need!"
Let Us,"One and All," "Resolve and Commit Ourselves To Be as Courageous as these Women and Men" and "Resist The Idiotic, Vengeful, and Cowardly Acts of Violence," that are "Being Perpetrated Upon Us by Evildoers" whomever "They" may Be!

For Centuries "We The People," Citizens of this Planet Earth, have been "Threatened, Coerced, and Manipulated by A Culture of Violence," and "It Must Come To An End," for "The Sake of Our Children and Our Children's Children!"

However, From "One Age to Another," "We have been Fortunate," to have had "An Inspirational Leader, or Leaders" to "Lead Us through Moments of Great Tragedy, Massacres, Wars, Genocide, and Natural Disasters, Disease, and Starvation!" "Time Periods" when "We" have been "Oppressed, and Mislead, by The Political Ideologies, Religious Fanaticism, Crime, and, Greed Of Corruption by Financial Leaders and their Financial Systems!"
And, Here "We" are at yet "Another Ideological, Sociological, Philosophical, and Spiritual Crossroad/Moment in Time, that Can Not Be Denied, or Filibustered Away!

And, "Its Time" for "We The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth, "To Act as One Great Inspirational Soul Force Of  Peace and Non-Violence!" "Wholeheartedly, Rejecting The Culture Of Violence" that has Enmeshed Itself into Our Societies, and, "Attempted to Poison Our Way of Life with Its Falsehoods, Lies, Chaos, and, Betrayals!"

And, "Its Time" that The U.S. Congress Passed A Comprehensive/Common Sense Gun Legislation that Provides Our Law Enforcement Community with A Universal Background Check, Ban on Assault Weapons, and, Trafficking of Weapons!

And, "Its Time" that "We The People," "Evolve" from "A Society that Depends on A War Time Economy to A Peacetime Economy!"

And, "Its Time" that "We Turned Away from Ignorance and Embraced The Way of Education, Learning, Truth, Reason, and Omniscience!"

And, "Its Time" that "We Reached out to, Cared for, and, Protected The Lives of Those who are Truly in Need," Living in Poverty, Slavery, Misery, and Displaced from Their Families and Homes!" Refugees of War!

And, "This is The Moment in Time" for "Each and Every Women and Man to Courageously, Heroically, and In All Bravery, Stand Together," as "One Magnificent Interdependent People, "Acknowledging and Respecting Each others Differences," and "Empowering and Giving Grace to Each others Reason To Be!"  For "We are All," "Sentient Beings of this Planet Earth!"

And, "Its Time for Reason and Common Sense to Prevail and Transcend The Evils of Injustice, Lies and The False Rhetoric of Sophists," and, "Their Acts of Betrayal, and Terrorism," that "They have used" to "Try and Break Our Will and Spirits to Be Free Women and Men of  Peace and Equanimity!" "Continuously Attempting to Imprison Our Hearts, Minds and Souls, in Chaos, and Woeful Infirmity!"

And, "Its Time" for "Each and Everyone of Us To Rise Above The Indignities that have been Inflicted Upon Us," and, "Be Inspirational Leaders to Our Children, Neighbors, and Fellow Citizens of this Planet Earth!"

And, This is A Call To Peacemakers and Voices Of Reason all over this Earth of Ours,
"Let Us Demand that The Political, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations," "Say No" to "Illusions of Grandeur and Power!" But, "Say Yes" to "The Social Security, and Welfare of Their Fellow Citizens!"

And, to "Our Global Intelligence Communities," "We The People," are "Depending on You" to "Maintain a Focused, Vigilant, Poised and Conscientious Attention" to "The Acts and Schemes of Tyrants, Dictators, Terrorists and Crime Lords" who are "A Threat to Our Lives, Principles, and, Way of Life," to "Live as A Free People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Age of Peace On Earth!