Thursday, March 22, 2012



The Way To Peace #201

"Women of The World," This is, "An Important Moment in Time," "To Speak Out and Stand Up For The Principles, Ideals and Freedoms," that, So many have "Demonstrated for, and, Given Their Lives for!"
So Many "Great Women of The Earth" have Struggled To "Get Out from Under The Tyrannical, Dictatorial, and Conditioned Reality" that "Prevented Them, "In The Past," from Voting, Earning Equal Wages, Respect, and, from "Achieving Their Goals and Dreams!" And, "This Debasement and Oppression of Women's Rights," Continued to Go On, "For Millennia after Millennia!"
And, Here "We" are in the Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century, and "The War against Women's Rights Continues!"

Since the 20th Century, "Women such as; Clara Barton, who was the Heart, Soul, and, Driving Force Behind The Red Cross, The Suffragettes, whose Activism and Passion Lead The Way to Women Being Able to Vote (in the U.S.), Eleanor Roosevelt, who Provided the Heart, Mind, and Passion, that Supported her Husband (President Franklin D. Roosevelt) during his Most Difficult Time Periods during The Great Depression), Indira Gandhi, who Proved that A Woman could "Without a Doubt," Be The Iconic, Spiritual Leader of A Nation Of People, Representing The Largest Democracy on Earth, India, and, Golda Meir, who Gave Her Life for Her People, so, that They could Live in Freedom, with Dignity and Security, in what was, and, still is One of The Most Volatile and Dangerous areas on This Planet Earth, and, Rosa Parks, whose Bravery was "With a Doubt," a Magnificent Display of Individual Courage, who Stood up for Her Beliefs and Civil Rights, although Her Life was Threatened, and, Mother Teresa, who was "Without a Doubt," the Heart, Soul, Inspiration, and Protector of The Poor and Disenfranchised All over This Earth of Ours!"

And, Today, We have "Women, who are Heads of State, Leaders of Financial Institutions, Doctors, Wives, Nurses, Innovators and Leaders of The Worlds Of Fashion and Culture, and Brave and Courageous Members of The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations, and Members of Police and Fire Departments, Political Parties, Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Judges, Actresses, Artists, Dancers, Singers, Postal Servants, and, Teachers of Our Children," and, on and on "The List of Accomplishments continue!"
"Without a Doubt," "Women" have Demonstrated that "They are Intelligent, Iconic, Soulfully Aware, Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earths Societies, Communities, and Countries," and, have "Merited The Respect of Their Peers!"
And, "No Political Party, Institution, Corporation, Religious Body, or Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Rights of Any Woman," "Without A Mandate," That is "Wholly Supported and Approved by, A Majority Of Women, On This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

The Saying that, "This is A Mans World," is "No Longer is The Rule of Thumb," as Another Saying Goes! Both "Women and Men," are "In Equal Standing and Equal Partnership," and, are, "The True Representatives and Voice Of The People!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Harmony On Earth!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind and, Soul, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue "To Be A Great Soul Force of Peace," and "A Unified World of Equanimity," In The Great Spiritual and Compassionate Tradition of; Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Mary Magdalene, Confucius, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Charlemagne, Muhammad, Rumi, Clara Barton, Lao-Tse, Moses, Martin Luther King, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To New Levels Of Spiritual, and, Universal Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and Understanding! And, "Soar To New Horizons, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Limitless Potential," On The Eddies, Streams, X's, Currents, Waves, Rivers, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Be, "A Great Soul Force," Marching On The Way To Peace, and, "Moving, Ever-Forward," Towards An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium, and, "A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us Continue To "Show Compassion For Our Fellow Citizens Of This Planet Earth," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and, "Rise To New Levels Of Conscious Awareness, and, A Universal/Spiritual Omniscience!" And, In Doing So, "Reach Across" The Pretentious, and, Selfish Divide, that, has Tried To Separate, Dominate, and, Prevent Us, from Being "A United People," Living In "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us, "By Demonstrating Together, Singing Anthems Of Peace Together," and "Crossing A Bridge Of Peace Together," Rise To New Heights of Conscious and Spiritual/Universal Awareness, All The While, "Sowing The Seeds" Of Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of "A Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People,"
"Non-Violently!" And "Together, Let Us Continue To "Shake Up, Rock Out and, Change The World, Now!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A New Age Of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Peace On Earth!