Monday, December 17, 2012



The Way To Peace! #211

"With each Child and Adults Funeral" that "Tragically takes place in Newtown, Ct."  it "Reinforces the Immediate Need" for "Stronger and Insightful Laws against the Sale of Assault Weapons," and, for "Stronger Laws for Background Checks" involving the "Sale of Weapons of Any Type!"

"How many More Mass Killings/Shootings" do "We Need to Endure," before "Our Politicians Act! "What are They Afraid of!"

And, "How many More Mass Killings/Shootings" do"We Need to Endure" before "Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Demonstrate, and, Speak out in Mass" against the "Sale of Assault, Chemical, or, Weapons of Mass Destruction!" "What are They Afraid of!"

And, "How many More Funerals," do "We Need to Endure" before "There is an End of Violence and War!"

This is, "The Time for Change!" And, "Change We Must" if,  "We" are "Truly to Live in An Age without Fear, Hate, and Revenge!" And, "It should not matter" what "Creed, Race, or Nationality you may be!"

What "We" as "A People," are in Immediate Need of,  is "A Great Wave of Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Actions, and A Universal Conscious Awareness of Peace" to "Saturate The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us," for "We" are, "One and All," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth! And, "Our Children are Depending on Us," if, "They are Truly to Survive, Thrive, Evolve, and, Live in An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!" This is, The Way To Peace!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



The Way To Peace ! #210

While "Terrorists," and, "Tribal, National, and International Leaders of Middle Eastern Nations," Specifically, Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Israel, "Continue To Do Battle and Wage War" against One another, "Causing The Loss of Many more Innocent Lives, than their Prime Directives," "Tears of Pain, Frustration and Anger," "Continue to Flow from The Eyes of Parents, Grandparents and Family Members!" "Innocent Lives," whose only "Misfortune was To Be In The Wrong Place" at "The Time when A Missile Fell from The Skies to Take their Lives," or, "Cause The Loss of Limbs and Their Homes!" "Ending The Dreams, Goals. and Visions," of what could have been, "A Family or Child's Life's Ambition!" "The Tragedy of it All, Is Beyond Comprehension!"

And, "Now, Every Second Counts" that May "Lead To, Either, Further Inaction, Procrastination, Injury, Death and, or Destruction!" "Or, "A Peaceful Pause" and then, "Resolution!"

"Imagine, This is, The Second Decade of The 21st Century," Haven't "We Learned Enough, from Death and Destruction!" Do, "We" Need "Further Education in The Artlessness of War!"

"Military, Financial, Political/Civilian, Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earths United Nations," It's Time that "You Brought Forth, Your Most Eloquent Generals, CEO's, Civilian/Political, Moral, and Philosophical Leaders To Find New Solutions," For "The Issues that Divide Us," and, "Heal The Divide Between Nations" that Continue "To Be Antagonists of One another, Provoking One another, Threatening Peace," and, "In Doing so, Causing Further Loss of Innocent Lives!"

It's Obvious that "These Antagonists have Lost Sight of whats Wrong from Right," and, "The Suffering that their Actions have Cast upon Our Families," "We The People!"
Were "These Antagonists Weaned on Violence!" And, "Fed Words of War!" And, "Taught To Kill, Maim, Murder, and Assassinate without Thought," of what "The Consequences would Truly Be!"

It is "UN-Imaginable" that "The Founders of any Religion,. Political Ideology, or Way of Life, Would Condone, Encourage, or Embrace, such Violent Acts and Encounters!" Or, "Consider Them To Be," "A Just Cause!"

It is of The Utmost Importance that "We The People," One and All, "Speak Out," as "A Great Choir of Peace," against any" Further Acts of War," For, "They Must Come To An End," For, "The Sanity, Survival, and Grace of Our Planet and Each other!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Encourage Our World Leaders To Stand as "A Great Collective of The Soul, Peace, Unity, and The Social Security and Welfare Of The People."

And, Let Us Encourage Them "To Be  and Act," as "A Great Soul Collective of Truth, Purpose, Respectfulness, and Universal Consciousness," "One that Builds A Bridge of Equanimity," that "Reflects A Vision of Courage, Soul Strength, Dignity, and Peace!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, "A Peace," that Muhammad, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Zoroaster, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Rumi, Moses, Charlemagne, Martin Luther King, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, Clara Barton, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Rabindranath Tagore, and Socrates, have Taught Us, and, Would have Desired Us To Have and Share, with One another!" For, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Thursday, November 8, 2012



The Way To Peace! #209

From "Election Day in The U.S. to Malala's Day on Saturday the 10th of November," A Global Moment "Honoring Malala Yousafzai and Her Goals To Ensure that Every Child on this Planet Earth receives an Education!" It's difficult to "Comprehend that there are 61 Million Children Worldwide" who are "Being Denied an Education!" "Children who are Being Threatened with Harm or Possibly Death if They Go To School!" "Malala is One of these Gifts of Life" whose "Life has been Threatened!" But, "They Will not Be Denied!" "Courageously, They Continue to Walk Through Perilous Journey after Journey" to Receive an Education! These "Children are The New Heroes and Heroines of The 21st Century!" I would like "To Encourage Voices Of Reason, Educators, and Peacemakers to Join in This Global Moment To Honor Malala" (Google Global Moment to Honor Malala for more information)!

"It is Gratifying," to say the least, that more and more "Voices Of Reason are Speaking Out" against the "Unspeakable Atrocities Levied against Our Children!" Celebrities such as "Mira Sorvino, Demi Moore, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Oprah Winfrey" are just a Few to "Voice their Concerns," in Conjunction with "Parents and Citizens Of The Earth," who have had "Their Children Attacked on The Way To School, or Kidnapped, and Enslaved," only "To Become Sex Objects and Sold," as such, In the "Immoral World of the Global Sex Trade!"

If there ever was a more "Justified Cause for The Religious, Political, Financial, and Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations To Come Together," and Coalesce as "A Great Soul Force, In The Name of Justice," "Combating Crimes against Our Children" Should Be at "The Top of The List!" This "Perverse Nature Cannot Be Justified" and "Our Children Must Be Protected from The Predators who Sell Them into Servitude," at "The Mercy of The Most Depraved Members of Humanity!" "Ask any Parent or Family Member" and "They will Tell you that The Time To Act is Now!" "The Time for A Global Initiative To Save The Honor of Our Children and Improve Their Quality of Life, is Now!"

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of True, Hearts Minds, and Souls, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue To Advance The Cause of Those who are In Need," and, as "In A Great Earthrise," "Let Us Agree To Protect The Rights of All Sentient Beings!"

And, As "A New Holiday Season and New Year approaches," Let Us "Contemplate, Meditate, Concentrate and Act upon New Idea's, Thoughts, and Words" that "Can Enrich and Empower The Quality of Life of Our Families, Friends, and Neighbors!" For "We" are "One and All," "Sovereign Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" And, if, "We" are "To Evolve as A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "We" Must "Learn To Show Respect and Honor Towards One Another!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



The Way To Peace! #208

"Let The Healing Begin Anew!" "Now is The Time For One and All" in The United States Of America," Politicians, Citizens, Religious and Prominent Financial Leaders "To Come Together," "Irregardless of what Ideology or Political Party You May Belong to!"
"Let's Come Together" as "One People Indivisible," that is "Truly A Government Devoted To The People, For The People, and By The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True, Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries,  Let Us Continue "To Work Towards The Goal/Vision" of "A World that Guarantees The Social Security" of Each and Every Citizen of This The Third Planet from The Sun!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Age of Peace On Earth!  

Thursday, September 13, 2012



The Way To Peace! #207

As "We" approach, yet another, "Season of Change," In this seemingly, "Never ending Cycle of Being Here and Now," You would have thought that, Here, In this, "The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," "Our Cognizant Powers,"and, or "The Documented History of Humankind," would have "Taught Us" that "Violence only Leads To There Being More Violence!"
And, that "Axiom" should be "The Guiding Principle To Lead Us, One and All," No Matter what "Creed, Race, Religion, or Nationality, You may Be," To Agree that, "Peaceful Co-Existence is The Way!" Or, quite simply, that "Violence Does Not, or, Will Not Solve Our Problems, or Differences of Opinion!" In Fact, It only "Multiplies and Intensifies whatever Our Differences or Problems May Be!"

And, it is Obvious that, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, "Need to Educate An Interdependent Corps of Women and Men" (outside of the State Departments and Military Departments) "Dedicated" solely, "For the Purpose of Sowing The Seeds of A Global/Diplomatic Peace Initiative!"
And that, These Sowings, "Peace Dialogues," should Be "Ongoing" until, "An Age of Peace on Earth Truly Exists, For One and All To Share!"

"An Age that Embraces Economic Parity For One and All!" "Social Security For One and All!" And, "The Sincere Belief" that "Each and Every Newborn Child" is "A Sovereign Citizen of," This, "The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Work Together as "A Great Soul Force of Peace!" "A Soul Force" that is, "Truly Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of This Planet Earth! It's Time "For One and All" To, "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Thursday, August 9, 2012



The Way To Peace! #206

What is "The Reason or Root Cause" for so many, "Senseless Acts of Violence," here In The Second Decade of The 21st Century! Do These "Acts of Violence," Truly, Solve Problems, or Resolve whatever Differences of Opinion that May Exist amongst Us? "Not at All!"

And, "How many Innocent Lives" have been Lost to These "Senseless Acts of Violence," and "Vengeful Behavior!" "Acts" that have "Taken Away A Family Member without Pause or True Reflection on Why!"
And, "Whether or Not," These "Acts  are Accidentally Aimed" at"A Child, Mother or Father, Brother or Sister, Aunt or Uncle, Niece or Nephew, Cousin, Grand or Great Grandparent," and, "Planned or Carried Out by One or A Few, or by Many," "Whatever The Extenuating Circumstances May Be," "These Useless and Immoral Acts of Violence" and "Vengeful Behavior," "Must Come To An End!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us "Emphatically Encourage" The Religious, Spiritual, Political, Financial, and Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, All of Our National, Regional, and Local Leaders, "To Speak Out, and Pass Laws, Against All Senseless and Immoral Acts of Violence," Wherever "They May Occur," and "Against Whomever The Perpetrator or Perpetrators May Be!" And, "These Laws" Must  Be "Emphatically and Justly Enforced!"

And, Let Us, "One and All," each and every "Sovereign Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun," "Demand An End To These Acts of Violence!" For "They" have "No Place" in Our Lives, or In Our Societies, or In The Future Societies of This Planet Earth!
"These Immoral Acts," "Lack In Consciousness, Righteousness, Intelligence, or Omniscience! And, are "Not A Reflection of The Way or Path" that Our Most Revered Women and Men, such as; Socrates, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Clara Barton, Mohammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Rumi, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Charlemagne, Mary, Lao-Tse, Moses, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa,  Mahatma Gandhi, or, "We The People" Desire, Believe in, or  have "Chosen To Take!" Nor, are "They" The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012



The Way To Peace! #205

I've been Deeply Concerned by "Why" there have been "So many Suicides in The U.S. Armed Forces" this year. There has been "One Suicide a Day," by the Last Count!
"These are Brave and Courageous Women and Men" who have "Volunteered to Enlist in Our Armed Forces" "To Protect The Principles, Ideals, and Lives of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! To which, "We" are "Eternally Grateful!" But, The Question still Remains, "Why" have "So Many Committed Suicide!"

It has been recently reported that "a Budget of Four Billion Dollars" has been Created by The U.S Government Devoted towards "Discovering, What The Causes/Reasons are!" And, The U.S. Government and The Pentagon are, both, to be Commended for "Actively Engaging" in Finding Out what "The Reasons and Causes" are, for these "Tragic Suicides in Our Military!"
And, "Just as Importantly," "We The People," "Would like to Know" what, "The Results are!"

I do not Believe that "Ignorance is Bliss," "Wisdom/Omniscience is!" And, "The Lives of Our Children and Parents," Who have "Volunteered/Enlisted, To Fight In Tour after Tour," on Foreign Shores are, "The Most Important Gift of Our Families!" And, Let Us Simply agree that, "The Birth of Our Children" Comes with "The Great and Wonderful Expectation, and Joie de La Vie," that "Each and Every Parent Shares with The World, In Plethora!" And, "No Parent Welcomes The Idea that Their Child's Future" is, "To Be Cut Short by An Act of Suicide!"  That includes "Sisters and Brothers, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Great Grandparents, or Cousins!" "Absolutely, No One!"

So, "We," All, "Need To Know The Reasons and Causes" that are "Taking So many Lives!" Again, "Why are These Suicides occurring?"

There Should be "A National Discourse" Taking place in "Town Meetings all across The United States" and, "The Cross-Media Universe!" And, "The Social Media" Should, also, "Be Actively Engaged in A Global Peace Dialogue," discussing "The Issues of War and Peace In Global Forums," that "Create and Reflect A Higher Level of Visibility and Concerned Public Opinion!"

And, "Increased Encouragement" Should Be Offered To Our Veterans and Active Members of Our United Coalition Armed Forces" to "Openly Discuss The Emotional, Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical Effects and Vicissitudes of War," and, "The Reasons and Causes "Why So Many Suicides are Occurring!" "Just Imagine The Millions of Members of Our Armed Forces"who have Fought in Wars, Worldwide, who are "Suffering from PTSD!" It will "Take Much More" than "Family Interventions" to "Heal The Wounds of War," It will Take "An Earthrise of Global Proportion" and "A Great Soul Force" of "We The People," "To Raise The Conscious Awareness" of what, "The Amount of Pain and Conflict (that for much too long has gone unspoken about) is!" That has been "Caused by The Effects of The Continuing Ongoing Phases of War and UN-Declared Wars, and, Conflicts" that are Taking place "All across this Earth of Ours!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "While The Impediments" that "Lie in The Way Of Peace are Significant," I hope that You'll Forgive me, if the title of A Beatles song comes to Mind, "We Can Work it Out," which I sincerely Believe Should be "Our Mantra in these Troubled Times, Economically, Spiritually, Psychologically, and Sociologically!"

And, May "We" Continue "To Rise To The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us," "In The Illuminating Tradition" of Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Mohammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Clara Barton, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Rabindranath Tagore, Moses, Rumi, and Nelson Mandela!  For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



The Way To Peace! #204

"Syria is In Need" of "A Compassionate Leader of Great Soul Strength," and, It's Obvious that "President Bashar al- Assad is Not that Man!"

"A President" has "A Great Responsibility To His People To Govern Fairly" and, "To Act Justly On Their Behalf !" 
But, "By Authorizing The Murder of Forty-Nine Children and Their Families and Friends (by His Armed Forces)," President Assad has "Committed An Act of Betrayal of The Highest Consequence, Against His Own Countrymen, Women, and Children!"
And, "By His Orders and Actions," "He has Condemned Himself!" And, "By His Actions," "He has Given up The Right To Lead His People!" Nor, Can He Be Expected To Be A Unifying Force Of Peace For His People!" Or, "A Respected Leader & Member of The Earths United Nations!" 
And lastly, "He is Supposed To Be The Commander and Chief of His Armed Forces," and "It is Their Responsibility To Protect, Serve, and Preserve The Rights Of The People," "Not Kill Them!"

The Time has Come for "The Political, Religious and Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations To Demand President Assad's Resignation," Before "More Atrocities are Committed!" "The Age of The Dictator is Over!" This is, "The Age Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

Voices of Reason & Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of the 20th and 21st Centuries Let Your Voices Be Heard, and, Let This Be "A Summer of Peace & Change" that "Brings Social Security, Economic Parity, and Equanimity For One and All!"
For This is, The Way To Peace & An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, May 18, 2012



The Way To Peace #203

Yesterday, I watched "One of the Classic Films of All Time," "Mr.Smith Goes To Washington," Starring James Stewart, Jean Arthur, and Claude Rains, and, of course, I Could not But Apply the Sentiments and Significance of this Wonderful Film to; (1) Today's Political Gridlock, and (2) the Continued Manipulation of Our Way of Life and Our Freedoms, by The Global Oligarchs, Who Support and Cater to The Desires of The Elite," and "The Invisibles" (a group whose names you rarely see in print, who hide behind the veil of corporations, financial institutions, and governments) ," "Bringing Them Increased Profits" and "Further Control over Our Lives!"

"They," the Infamous "They" "Profit At The Expense Of The People/The Public," "We" Who are The Citizens Of The Earth!" While "They," the Infamous "They," Wish To "Privatize Our Libraries, Public TV and Radio!"
And, "They" also "Wish To "Privatize and Convert Our Public Parks" into Business Zones and Privately Owned Business Enterprises," Solely for "Their Own Profit!" And, "They" Continue to "Attempt To Influence and Control,"" "Our Government Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," with "Their Lies, False Rhetoric, and Manipulative Idea's and Ideologies," through "Paid Lobbyists For Their Profit," and, "Super PACS, For Their Profit!"
And, "They" also Continue to "Pass Laws," To "Tax The People," and, "Enter into Wars" "without "The Consent Of The Government Of The People!"
And, When "We The People," are being Threatened with "The Loss of Our Homes, Bank Accounts, Pensions, and, Employment, Do "They" Come To Our Assistance? No! But, "They" Do "Come To The Assistance of The Banks, and Wall Street!" And, of course, "They" Do "Come To The Assistance of Corrupt Financial and Political Systems!" Even the Same Ones, that have "Been The Cause of The Worst/Catastrophic Financial Crises In Modern Times!"

And, While "Tens of Millions of Children are Homeless and Living in Poverty, Worldwide," "The Political and Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations," "Continue to Bicker amongst Themselves," and, "Continue To Vote For, and Support The Implementation of New Austerity Programs!"
There is a Saying that, "You can not get Blood from a Stone" however, These Leaders (whom "We" are All Aware of) Continue to Try and "Drain The Blood. Sweat and Spirit Of  We The People," until there is "No Strength Left in Us To Fight Back," and, "They" Continue to "Tax The Hard Earned Wages Of The People," "At The Total Disregard Of We The People!" This " Total Lack of Concern For The Lives and Welfare" Of "We The People," Must Come To An End!"

Irregardless of what "Political Party Ideology, You Adhere to," or, "What Religion You Believe in," or, "What Financial Demographic You are Apart of," "A New Universal Dialogue" that "Truly Represents The Vision and Voice Of The People" Must Sincerely, "Be Entered into!"
"A New Dialogue and Vision" that "Reflects An Honest and Sincere Compassion For The Needs Of The People!"
And, "Vows To Protect The People," from "Crime, Drug Cartels, Genocide, War, Tyrants and Dictators!" And, "Vows To Serve The People!"
"A New Dialogue and Vision" that Brings Forth "A Higher Standard Of Life and Awareness," that "Empowers and Enlightens The People!"
And, "A New Way Of Life" that "Guarantees The Health Care, Education, Sovereign Citizenship, and, Social Security Of We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth! So that "Our Present and Future Generations" "May Live in Peace, Economic Parity, and Equanimity with One Another!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and, Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
Let Us "Continue to Strive for, and, Believe in," "A Way Of Life that Embraces, Nourishes, and Cares for The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"

And, Let Us "Continue To Evolve" as "A Great Soul Force Of The People and Truth," "In the Universal and Spiritual Tradition of;" Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, St. Francis Of Assisi, Confucius, Clara Barton, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Lao-Tse, Rumi, Rabindranath Tagore, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, Moses, and, Mohammad!
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, March 23, 2012



The Way To Peace #202

"Our Concept and Standards Of Justice" Can Not Be Permitted/Allowed To Be Implemented on "A Selective Victim Basis!" Whether it Be, the "Dire Circumstances Surrounding The Death of Trayvon Martin's Death," or "The Threat of Potential Genocide in Sudan," or "The Continued Massacre of The Citizens Of Syria!"
Or, "The Continued Life and Death Struggle/UN-Declared War In Afghanistan!"

"Justice Must Prevail, In Equanimity, For One and All!" For, "We" are "All Sovereign Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Age of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Peace On Earth!

Thursday, March 22, 2012



The Way To Peace #201

"Women of The World," This is, "An Important Moment in Time," "To Speak Out and Stand Up For The Principles, Ideals and Freedoms," that, So many have "Demonstrated for, and, Given Their Lives for!"
So Many "Great Women of The Earth" have Struggled To "Get Out from Under The Tyrannical, Dictatorial, and Conditioned Reality" that "Prevented Them, "In The Past," from Voting, Earning Equal Wages, Respect, and, from "Achieving Their Goals and Dreams!" And, "This Debasement and Oppression of Women's Rights," Continued to Go On, "For Millennia after Millennia!"
And, Here "We" are in the Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century, and "The War against Women's Rights Continues!"

Since the 20th Century, "Women such as; Clara Barton, who was the Heart, Soul, and, Driving Force Behind The Red Cross, The Suffragettes, whose Activism and Passion Lead The Way to Women Being Able to Vote (in the U.S.), Eleanor Roosevelt, who Provided the Heart, Mind, and Passion, that Supported her Husband (President Franklin D. Roosevelt) during his Most Difficult Time Periods during The Great Depression), Indira Gandhi, who Proved that A Woman could "Without a Doubt," Be The Iconic, Spiritual Leader of A Nation Of People, Representing The Largest Democracy on Earth, India, and, Golda Meir, who Gave Her Life for Her People, so, that They could Live in Freedom, with Dignity and Security, in what was, and, still is One of The Most Volatile and Dangerous areas on This Planet Earth, and, Rosa Parks, whose Bravery was "With a Doubt," a Magnificent Display of Individual Courage, who Stood up for Her Beliefs and Civil Rights, although Her Life was Threatened, and, Mother Teresa, who was "Without a Doubt," the Heart, Soul, Inspiration, and Protector of The Poor and Disenfranchised All over This Earth of Ours!"

And, Today, We have "Women, who are Heads of State, Leaders of Financial Institutions, Doctors, Wives, Nurses, Innovators and Leaders of The Worlds Of Fashion and Culture, and Brave and Courageous Members of The Armed Forces of The Earths United Nations, and Members of Police and Fire Departments, Political Parties, Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Judges, Actresses, Artists, Dancers, Singers, Postal Servants, and, Teachers of Our Children," and, on and on "The List of Accomplishments continue!"
"Without a Doubt," "Women" have Demonstrated that "They are Intelligent, Iconic, Soulfully Aware, Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earths Societies, Communities, and Countries," and, have "Merited The Respect of Their Peers!"
And, "No Political Party, Institution, Corporation, Religious Body, or Government Agency" has "The Right To Dictate or Forcefully Attempt to Violate The Rights of Any Woman," "Without A Mandate," That is "Wholly Supported and Approved by, A Majority Of Women, On This, The Third Planet from The Sun!"

The Saying that, "This is A Mans World," is "No Longer is The Rule of Thumb," as Another Saying Goes! Both "Women and Men," are "In Equal Standing and Equal Partnership," and, are, "The True Representatives and Voice Of The People!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace and Harmony On Earth!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind and, Soul, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue "To Be A Great Soul Force of Peace," and "A Unified World of Equanimity," In The Great Spiritual and Compassionate Tradition of; Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Mary Magdalene, Confucius, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Charlemagne, Muhammad, Rumi, Clara Barton, Lao-Tse, Moses, Martin Luther King, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

And, Let Us Continue To "Rise To New Levels Of Spiritual, and, Universal Conscious Awareness," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and Understanding! And, "Soar To New Horizons, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and, Worlds Of Limitless Potential," On The Eddies, Streams, X's, Currents, Waves, Rivers, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Continue To Be, "A Great Soul Force," Marching On The Way To Peace, and, "Moving, Ever-Forward," Towards An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium, and, "A Unified World Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us Continue To "Show Compassion For Our Fellow Citizens Of This Planet Earth," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and, "Rise To New Levels Of Conscious Awareness, and, A Universal/Spiritual Omniscience!" And, In Doing So, "Reach Across" The Pretentious, and, Selfish Divide, that, has Tried To Separate, Dominate, and, Prevent Us, from Being "A United People," Living In "A Unified World Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us, "By Demonstrating Together, Singing Anthems Of Peace Together," and "Crossing A Bridge Of Peace Together," Rise To New Heights of Conscious and Spiritual/Universal Awareness, All The While, "Sowing The Seeds" Of Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of "A Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People,"
"Non-Violently!" And "Together, Let Us Continue To "Shake Up, Rock Out and, Change The World, Now!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A New Age Of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Peace On Earth!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



The Way To Peace! #200

Have The Political, Religious, Military & Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations "Forgotten The Lessons," that, History has Shown Us! Do "They" Need "Another Massacre," such as, "The One," that took place, "At Srebrenica," before "They Come To The Aid of The Syrian People," who are "Being Murdered on A Daily Basis!" "Murders and Killings," Authorized by Their Own President (Assad), and, Carried Out by His Army, "without Due Process of Law," or, "without Care of Whom Their Weapons May Kill," or, "Whose Home They May Destroy!"

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Demand" that, Our Leaders Do More than, "Just Talk" about Doing Something, "We Demand" that, "They Do Something," In Defense of, and, In Protection of, "The Innocent Lives, Principles, and, Rights, of The Syrian People!"
And, by Doing so, "Make A Statement"(By "Their Joint Actions), that, "Any Further Persecutions, Massacres, and, or, Genocides, Will Not Be Tolerated" in Syria, or, Anywhere, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Reach Out, Through The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, "Call Upon The Leaders Of The Earths United Nations," To "Defend The Liberties Of All The People" of This Sacred Planet of Ours, and, also, "Demand" that, "They Unanimously Agree," To Protect "Each and Every Citizens Sovereign Right," To Live as A Free Woman or Man, Irregardless of Creed, Race, or, Nationality!

And, To "Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth," Let Us "One and All Agree," To "Keep Sacred," In Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, "The Life and Liberty of Our Fellow Human Being," and, "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth! And, An Earthrise Of Universal Equanimity, "For One and All To Share!"

Friday, February 10, 2012



The Way To Peace! #199

Once again, "We See and Hear of New Atrocities," Taking Place on "The Sea's and Shores of Our Planet Earth!" Truly, Have "The Religious, Political, Military, and, Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations," "Learned Nothing at All," from "The Past History of The Earths Societies!"

"Has History," Not Shown Us, "The Utter Futility of Assassinations, and, The Outright Murder," "Of The People," "In Our Streets, Homes, Neighborhoods, Villages, Cities, and, States!" Or, "The Senseless Warring of One Tribe against Another!"

"How Many More Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, and Grandchildren, Must Die In Vain!" Or, "At The Whim or Egotistical/Maniacal Behavior of Another Tyrant/Dictator!" "The Shame of It, Is Beyond Comprehension In This Day and Age, or, In Any Age!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit, of The 20Th and 21st Centuries, "Do Not Remain Silent!" Continue "To Speak Out," Through Every Means Available, "via The Social and The Cross-Media Universes!" From Syria To China, and, from Russia To The United States! From Europe To Asia, and, from Africa To The Americas, "Let Your Voices Be Heard," Loud and Clear, that, "This Violent Aggression, Towards Our Fellow Human Beings, Must End!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Speak Out," Loud and Clear, "To The Religious, Financial, Military, and, Political Leaders of The Earths United Nations," that, "They Must Stand as One" against All, "Who are In Violation of The Sacred Rights" of "All Women, Men, and, Children," "To Live as Free, Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!" And, that, "They Must Stand as One" "In Defense of The Lives," of "All Sentient Beings!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!