Friday, June 14, 2024



The Way To Peace! #463

- "Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And "Historic Agreements Signed at The G7 Summit in Italy,"-

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- "Extra Noteworthy News-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Thursday, The Thirteenth of June 2024, At A Joint Press Conference in Borgo Egnazia, Apulia, Italy, "The G7 Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Nations" of "Canada," "the Federal Republic of Germany," "the French Republic (France)," "the Italian Republic (Italy)," "Japan," "the United Kingdom," and "the United States of America," "Signed An Agreement" to "Give The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine A $Fifty Billion Loan" that "Would Be Funded by Interest Earned on Profits from Russia's Frozen Assets," that are for "The Most Part Held in Europe!"

- (Note that, "The Fifty Billion Loan Will Fund Humanitarian Support," and "Reconstruction Costs," and "Military Aid," that "Will Address The Destruction Caused by The Russian Federation's Unprovoked," and "Malicious Invasion of Ukraine" in "Clear Violation of Ukraine's Territorial Rights," and "The Kidnapping of Ukrainian Children!")- 

And "In A Separate Meeting," in Fasano, Italy, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. of The United States of America," and "President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy of Ukraine," "Signed A Separate Ten Year Bilateral Security Agreement" that "Commits U.S. Support to Ukraine for The Next Decade!" "This Agreement Includes Military Training," "Intelligence Sharing," and "Weapons Assistance!"

- (Note that, "This U.S.-Ukrainian Agreement Could Be Undone" by "Future U.S. Administrations!")-

"President Biden" said, "We've taken three major steps at the G7 that collectively show Putin we cannot --- he cannot wait us out," .... he cannot divide us, and we'll be with Ukraine until they prevail in this war. First is the bilateral security agreement just signed. Second, a historic agreement to provide aid $50 billion in value from Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine. And third, an agreement to ensure our sanctions efforts disrupt third countries that are supplying Russia's war efforts. This will increase pressure on the Russian economy.

Collectively, this is a power set of actions, and it will create a stronger foundation for Ukraine's success."

And "President Zelenskyy Called The Signing of This Agreement" a "truly historic day," and "thanked Mr. Biden for his leadership in the G7 decision on $50 billion loan for Ukraine." And saying that, "It is a vital step forward in providing sustainable support for Ukraine in winning this war."

And "In Addition, President Zelenskyy" said, "I would also  like thank the United States Congress for their support ---- both parties, both chambers, thank you. And thanks to every American heart that does not betray freedom and supports us."

-An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives- 

- "Earthwide Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. New Executive Order" as of Tuesday, The Fourth of June 2024,"and "Explicitly Detailing His New Immigration Policy Purview!"

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "President Biden Limits Asylum" and "Shuts Down Border," between "The United States of America," and "The United Mexican States,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Wednesday, June 4, 2024, "President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. New Immigration Policy" is "The Most Restrictive ever Declared under a Democratic Administration!" 

"The Fact is" that "This New Executive Order" Will; (I) "Temporally Shut Down The United States of America," and "The United Mexican States Border," and "Deny Asylum to Most Migrants" who "Do Not Cross into The United States via Ports of Entry" and, (II) "Limit The Total Asylum Requests at The Southern Border" to "No More than 2, 500 Per Day" and, (III) "The Border Will Be Closed If The Seven Day Average for Daily Asylum Claims Passes this Figure" and,

(IV) "Will Re-open only After The Number Falls to 1, 500 for Seven Days in A Row" and, ((V) "Remains this Way for Another Two Weeks!"

- "An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "Politics Must Be Excluded from The Immigration Equation,"- 

"Let's Agree" that "Politics," "Especially Partisan Politics." "Must Be Removed from The Immigration Equation," "If," "There is to Be Any True," and "Compassionate Resolution" to "Solve The Plight of Migrants" who are "Seeking A Safe Haven for Their Families," without "Being Abused by Organize Crime Gangs," and "Organized Crime Organizations," and "The Political Rhetoric," that "Is Being Used to Benefit Political Candidates, or "Political Nominees," or "A Political Party!" "Enough is Enough!" 

"The Lives of Innocent People," "Women, "Children," and "Men," are "Being Manipulated for Profit," and "Lust," without "Any Real," or "Honest Concern," for "Their Lives," or "Futures!" 

"Innocent Women," "Children," and "Men," are "Dying," Because of "The Lies that They have Been Told," on "How They Can Gain Entry into The United States of America," "Illegally!" And "Live in America," "Illegally!"

And "The Time is Past Due" for "An Organized," "Clearly Established," "Just," "Fair," "Legal," and "Compassionate," "Immigration Policy!" "It's as Simple as that!" 

And "It's Time" for "The Five Hundred and Thirty- Five Members of The United States Congress" to "Fulfill Their Duty," and "Personify All that The United States of America Stands for," and "Symbolizes!" "Which is For All to See," and "Read," in "Emma Lazarus' Poem," "The New Colossus," on "The Plague of The Statue of Liberty;" "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, Glows worldwide welcome With conquering limbs astride from land to land; 
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. 
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp." cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
 - "An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "Snap Elections in France."

Sunday, The Ninth of June 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron has Dissolved the National Assembly of 577 Members" and "Called for Snap (New) Elections to Take Place in the Lower House of the French Parliament!"

"This Surprising Act by President Macron Took Place After the First Projected Poll Results Revealed" that "His Renaissance (Centrist Political) Party Would Lose" by "A Large Margin to the Far-Right National Rally (RN) Party" in "the European Parliamentary  Elections on Sunday!"

"The Projection of The Polls had the National Rally (RN) Party Coming in First with 31.5%," and the Renaissance Party Coming in Second with 15.2%, and The Socialist Party Coming in Third with 14.3%!"

-(Note that, "This is the First Time since 1997," "When Jacques Rene Chirac was President of France," that "A French President Dissolved Parliament!" "Which Clearly Signifies the Importance of This Moment in Time," "When Democracy is Being Threatened by Oppressive," "Autocratic," and "Totalitarian Forms of Governance!")-

"President Macron said," in "A Strongly Worded Statement, "I have decided to give you back the choice of your parliamentary future by voting. I am therefore dissolving the national assembly this evening."

 And, "President Macron" also said, In the next few days, I'll be saying what I think is the right direction for the nation. .... "I have confidence in our Democracy, in letting the Sovereign People have their say. I've heard your message, your concerns, and I won't leave them unanswered," .... And also that, "This decision is serious, and heavy. But it is above all, an act of trust. Trust in you my dear compatriots. In the capacity of the French People to make the most just decision."

"Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, the Parliamentary Leader of RN," who "Lost in the Last Elections to President Macron" said, "We are ready to take power if the French place their trust in us."

"In the Last Legislative Elections in 2022, "The Renaissance Party Lost Its Majority at the National Assembly," "Although They Won the Most Seats!" And "There is Little Doubt" that "President Macron Will Face A Challenge of Great Significance" in "These Legislative Elections!" 

And "The Question" is, "Will He, Indeed, Create A Direction," that "Is Truly Visionary," "Egalitarian," "Democratic," "Compassionate," and "Cognitive," that "The French People Can Find Agreement with," and "In Him as Their Leader!"

"The Legislative Elections Will Take Place in Two Rounds on The Thirtieth of June," and "The Seventh of July 2024!"

-An "Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "New President for The United Mexican States,"-

"Headlines of the Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Reported" that Sunday, The Second of June 2024, "Mexico," Officially "The United Mexican States," and "Whose Largest Economic Trading Partner" is  "The United States of America," has "Elected Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo" of "The Left-Wing Political Party, Morena," (61 Years of Age) as "Its New President!" And "This is An Electoral Moment in The History of Mexico" that "Is Being Celebrated All Throughout This Democratic Sovereign Solar Nation!

And, "In Actuality,"  "Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo" is "The First Female President of Mexico in 200 Years," and is also "The First President of Mexico," "Who is of Jewish Heritage!" "President- Elect Sheinbaum Pardo, a "Scientist," "Academic," "Politician," "Served as Head of Government of Mexico City from 2018 to 2023," and "Campaigned on Curbing Crime," and "Enforcing Zoning Laws," in 2018, and "Has Authored More than One Hundred Articles" and "Two Books," on "The Environment," "Energy," and "Sustainable Development," and was "Elected with" Between "58.3" and "60.7" "Percent of The Vote,"to "Xochitl Galvez Receiving" "26.6," and "28.6" "Percent of The Vote," and "Jorge Alvarez Maynez Receiving" Between "9.9" and "10.8" "Percent of The Vote!"

President-Elect Sheinbaum Pardo" has "Established Herself as A Strong Leader," and "Built Her Credibility," and "Support," with "The Mexican People," by "Providing Good Policies," and "Programs," in "Education," "The Environment," "Public Transportation," and "Social Security for All The People!"

And "During The Covid Epidemic," "The President-Elect" was "A Strong," and "Logical Voice of Advise," and "Guidance," and also "Has Championed LGBT Rights," and was "The First Head of Government of Mexico City to Attend The Cities," "Pride March," and is also "A Strong Advocate," and "Supporter of The Principles of Gender Equality," and "The Universal Rights of Women!"

President-Elect Sheinbaum Pardo said In A Statement" that "Expressed Her Full Gratefulness to The Mexican People," (After Electoral Authorities Announced that She Held An Irreversible Lead) "I become the first woman President of Mexico," .... "I don't make it alone. We all made it, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters."

And "The President-Elect" also said, "We have demonstrated that Mexico is a Democratic country with peaceful elections."  

-An "Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The Challenges that Lie Ahead,"-
"There is Little Doubt" that "Among The Many Challenges that Will Lie in Her Path," "The Question of Immigration Should Be in The Forefront of President-Elect Sheinbaum Pardo's to Do List!" "For The Concerns Surrounding The Welfare of The Women," "Children," and "Men," of "South America," "Living in Makeshift Shelters," and "Facilities," and "Housing Quarters On The Mexico-U.S. Border," and "In Mexico Itself," and "Whose Lives are At The Mercy of Partisan Politics," and "Partisan Ideologies," and "Organized Crime," "Must Be Dealt with In The Most Humanistic," "Moral," "Ethical," and "Legal," "Way Possible," with "The Biden/Harris Administration!"
 -  "An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- And "A Word to The Wise"-

"To All of The Leaders of The Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," and "The Heads of State," and "The EU," and "NATO," "Do Not Allow Yourselves to Become Involved in A War of Words" with "Russian President Putin," and "The Government Officials," of "The Russian Federation," who "Have Sold Out Their Nation," and "The Russian People," to "Satisfy Their Own Delusions of Power," "Hubris," and to "Satisfy the Whims," "Caprices," "Impulses," "Ego," and "Lust of Power of Their President," at "The Tragic Cost of Hundreds of Thousands of Lives," and "Injuries in The Hundreds of Thousands!" And "The Destruction," and "Devastation" of "Homes," "Cities," "Towns," and "Villages," "Hospitals," "Schools," and "Places of Worship," and "The Unknown Toll of Sentient Lives," and "The Violation," and "Destruction," of "Nature Itself!"

"These Russian Officials," (and Their President) "Thrive on All The Earthwide Cross Media Coverage They Can Obtain" by" Entering" into "A Bandy of Words!"  

"Yes," of Course, "If They Would Like to Sincerely Sit Down at The Peace Table," and "Discuss Terms of Withdrawal," and "Surrender," then, of Course, "Agree to Do This!" 

However, "Do Not Be Distracted," or "Lose Your Focus" on "Providing Immediate Humanitarian Support," and "Weaponry," for "The Sovereign Solar Nation of Ukraine," and "Its People," who "Have had Their Territorial Rights Violated" by "The Russian Federation," and "Their President!" 

"Because This Tactic,"  Which is "An Old Twentieth Century Means" of "Causing Fear," and "Disrupting The Lifestyles," and "Sense of Security of The People/Citizens," "All Across Western," and "Eastern," Europe," and of Course, "Is An Old Fashion," "and "Outdated Way" to "Attempt The Causation" of "As Much Chaos as Possible between Nations," and "Allies," who are "United Against The Russian Federations Acts of War!"  

And "Remember that Actions Speak Louder than Words," "Unless Its at The Peace Table!"

And "The Untiring Determination of The Sovereign Solar Community of Nations" who are "United in Peace," are "More Potent" than "A War of Words," or "Threats of Nuclear Attacks!" 

"During This Season of Elections Earthwide," "False Rhetoric," and "Attempts to Intimidate," and/or "Inflame The Concerns of The Public with Outright Lies," and "Falsehoods," are "Strategies Used" by "Imperialistic Warmongers," whose "Sense of Governance," is to "Oppress The People," "Control The People," and "Deny The People," "Their Universal Rights," and "Principles," to "Live as A Free People," and "In Peace!"

And by "Presenting A United Union," and "State of Determination," "The European Union (EU)," "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)," "The United States of America," "The United Kingdom," and "All of The United Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earths Seven Continents" who "Believe in Building," "Investing in," and "Creating," "A New Era of Earthwide Partnerships," of "An Age of Egalitarianism," and "Democracy," "Will Display An Immovable Resolve" that "No Dictatorship," "Autocratic," "Despotic," "Totalitarian," and "Warmongering State," "Can Destroy," and/or "Defeat!"
 - United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #462- (Revisited and Revised)- "Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- 

And "Earthwide Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "Why Hasn't The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" and "The Militant Group Hamas," "Agreed to A New Cease-fire Proposal," "How Many More Innocent Lives Must Be Lost,"-

-Extra Noteworthy News- (Flash Back)- "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Friday The Thirty- First of May 2024, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Announced The Details" of "A Comprehensive New Israeli Cease-fire Proposal" for "A Three Phase Hostage Deal" to "Release All The Remaining Hostages in Gaza," and "A Cease-fire Proposal" that "Would Bring An End the Approximately Eight Month Old War between The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" and "The Militant Group Hamas!"

"The First Phase of The Four and A Half Page Israeli Proposal," (Which was Transmitted to Hamas on Friday) "Would Extend for a Six Week Period" During Which; (A) "A Full and Complete Cease-fire Would Take Place" and, (B) "The Release of A Number of Hostages, Including Women, The Elderly, and The Wounded, In Exchange for The Release of Hundreds of Palestinian Prisoners" and, (C) "The Withdrawal of Israeli Forces from All Densely Populated Areas of Gaza" and, (D) "American Hostages Would Be Released at This Stage," and "Remains of Hostages who have Been Killed Would Be Returned to Their Families" and, "Humanitarian Assistance Would Be Provided with Six Hundred Trucks Being Allowed into Gaza Each Day,"

And "Phase Two," Would Include; (A) "The Release of All Remaining Living Hostages, Including Male Soldiers, and Israeli Forces Would Return from Gaza" and,

"The Third Phase," Would Include; (A) "The Beginning of Major Reconstruction and Rebuilding of Gaza Caused by The Devastation of War."

And "President Biden" also said, "As long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, the temporary cease-fire would become, in the words of the Israeli proposal, 'the cessation of hostilities permanently,'"

"The Question" Remains Unanswered, "Why Hasn't The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel" and "The Militant Group Hamas," "Agreed to A New Cease-fire Proposal!" "How Many More Innocent Lives Must Be Lost," "Before Common Sense," "Humanitarian Concerns," and "The Future of The Youth of Both Israel and Palestine" are "Prioritized," over that of "Vengeance," "Revenge," "Reprisal," "Hate," and "Inhumane Political Ideologies!"

 -(Note that, "President Biden" said, "People all over the world have called for a cease-fire," and "Now it is time to raise your voices and demand that Hamas comes to the table, agrees to this deal.")-  

 - "Earthwide Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Legal Challenges" of "Former U.S. President Donald John Trump" are "of Great Significance,"- And "The Growing List of His Guilty Convictions" are "Beginning to Be," "Too Many to Ignore," or "Blame on Someone," or "Something Else," And "The Questions are Beginning to Build Up" with Each New Trial,"-

"There are Many Questions of Interest that Come to Mind," For Example; "What are The Feelings," and "Innermost Thoughts," that "The Majority of Evangelical Christians," and "The Christian Right," Including "Social Conservatives,"and "Christian Nationals," "The Ultra Right Conservatives," "Traditional Republican Conservatives," "Business Conservatives," "Libertarians," "Neoconservatives," and "The Moderate Arm of The GOP," Think about; (I)- "The Former President Being Convicted Guilty" of "Committing Sexual Abuse," and Forcible Touching," in The E. Jean Carroll Case" and, (II) "The Former President Being Convicted Guilty" of "Civil Fraud" in "A Case Filed Against Him," and "The Trump Organization," by "The Attorney General of New York Letitia Ann James," and "Ordered by Judge Arthur F. Engeron" (Who has Been Serving on The Manhattan Supreme Court since 2013) to "Pay $354.9 Million Dollars in Penalties" for "Overstating His Net Worth to Dupe Lenders," and also "Ruled that Mr. Trump is Not Allowed to Run a Company in New York for Three Years," and of Course, (III) "There is The Criminal Fraud (Hush Money Trial" in New York, that "The Former President has "Been Convicted Guilty of," on "All 34 Felony Counts" and, (IV) "This Being The First Ever Criminal Trial of A Former President!"

And that, (V) To Date, "He has Been Charged in Four Separate Criminal Cases," and "Has also Been Charged with Eighty-Eight Criminal Counts," to "Which He has Plead Not Guilty!"

 And "Questions," Such as; "Is There A Pattern to The Former President's Conduct and Behavior" that "He Would Like The American People to Understand!"

 As well as "Questions" of Whether or Not, "The Former President Feel's Anti-Democratic," and "Autocratic Leaders," Such as; "President Vladimir Putin of The Russian Federation," and "Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Mihaly Orban," "Can Be Trusted" to "Respect The Sovereignty of The United States of America," and "Defend America's Democratic Principles," "Constitutional Laws," "Values," and "Tenets," and "A philosophy of human rights inherent to all people in The Declaration of Independence, asserting that "all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." And that "The American People Hold These Democratic Rights to Be True!"

"One Does Not have to Be A Twenty- First Century Student of The Socratic Method," "These are Just A Few" of "The Pertinent Questions" in regards to "Wondering What The Political," and "Religious Factions" who "Presently Support The 45th" (and "Twice Impeached in The U.S. House of Representatives) "Former President" of "The United States of America Donald John Trump," (77 Years of Age), "Feel and "Think about Mr. Trump!"

But, "What is also An Important Note to Make" is "The Responsibility of The Fourth Estate," and "The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's" to "Both Cover" and "Report Factually about Mr. Trump's Legal Challenges," as well as "Provide America with An In Depth and Factual Reportage about Exactly who Mr. Trump is," But, "Without Giving Him Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of Free Publicity!"

 However, "Let Us Agree that "Clearly An Unbiased Factual History of Mr. Trump is A Necessity" that "Every American Citizen Should Be Aware of Before Election Day!"

And "For Future Elections ," "Whether They Be for Federal," "State, "City," and/or "Local," "Public Office," "An Unbiased," "Impartial Vetting System," of "All Candidates," and "Nominees," "Should Be Established!" "For The National Security of Each and Every American Citizen," and "The Preservation," and "Protection of The Democratic Principles," and "Rights of Each and Every American Citizen!"

However, On One Final Note, "The Question" that "Still Remains" is "Why Didn't Mr. Trump," "Take Advantage of The Opportunity to Testify," and "Clear His Name Before The Twelve Jurors," of "The Criminal (Hush Money) Trial," and "Before The Citizens of The United States of America," and "The Earths Populace of More than Eight Billion People/Citizens!"


-United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #437- (Revisited and Revised)- 
"Let Us Continue to Be a Platform" For "Immigrants," and "Refugees," "Who are Legally Seeking to Live in Peace," and "Safe from Harms Way,"- And Let Us Magnify Their Concerns" for "Their Families Sociological Security," and "Voice," and also "Express The Deep Concerns of Our Own for Protection," and "Preservation," of "Their Egalitarian Rights,"-

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have Heard "The Lament of Tens of Millions of Refugee's," and "Migrants," from All over This Earth of Ours, "Asking For Help," "Asking For Support," "Asking For Protection and Defense," from "Military Dictatorships," "Tyrants," "Rebel Militias," "Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates," and "Criminal Organizations!" "Women," "Men," and "Children," who have "Lived in Inhumane Conditions For Years!"

"Women," "Men," and "Children," whose "Only Desire is to Live in The Safety of Their Own Homes," "Without Fear of Oppression," "Violence," and "Death!"

"Women," "Men," and "Children," who have "Mourned the Loss of Life in Their Families," and, "Longed For so Long to See Their Dreams to Come True," and "For Their Children to Have a Good Education," and "An Opportunity to Enjoy A Good Days Work," and "To Live in Peace!"

"Let Us Continue to Be a Platform For Their Voices" and also "to Express The Deep Concerns of Our Own!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Show the World" that "We" have "Not Lost Sight of Our Our Vision Path Of The People, By The People," and "For The Rights Of All The People!" "Nor, Have We Lost  Our Desire to Make A Positive Contribution" to "Our Fellow Human Being!"

So, Let Our Voices Continue to Sing Out, "Songs Befitting A New Era of Peace," "Unity," and "Freedom!" 
And, "For The Right of All The People of This Planet Earth to Be Happy" and "Live in A Cognitive," and "Highly Cultural Time/Space Reality, of The 21st Century!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Utilize the Unlimited Resources of The Social Media," and "The Global Cross-Media Universes to Inform" and "Empower Our Fellow Human Beings" who "Lie in Harms Way," While Simultaneously, "Continuing to Reach Out," and "Build a Bridge of Conscious," "Unselfish, " "Insightful," "Compassionate," and "Thoughtful Awareness!"
"A Bridge that Touches the Universal Nexus of A Soulful," "Peaceful, " and "Courageous Global Society Of, By, and For The People," Who Continue to Be "Activists and Advocates For Equal," and "Civil Rights," and "Humane Rights," for "A Caring," "Loving," and "Compassionate Earthwide Community of A More than Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural Foundation," and "Sociological Rainbow Community," "Tapestry," and "Fabric" of "The Sovereign Solar Nations of The Earth!"

 For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Justice, and Social Security On Earth! And, A New Era of Hope! Truly, A Golden, Illuminating Earthrise of Humanity, Who Believe in Safeguarding of The Lives of All Sentient Beings!
- "An Earthwide Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The Advance Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims for The Week Ending The Eighth of June 2024" "Showed The Most Significant Increase in Months," "However Layoffs Continue to Remain" at "Economically Consistent," and "Sound," and "Historically Low Levels,"- And "New Infrastructure Projects All Across The United States of America" are "Guaranteed to Create Additional Employment Opportunities,"-

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate Rose to 4% in May 2024, for "The First Time in More than Two Years," as "Reported by The Labor Department," on Friday, The Seventh of June 2024, "It Still Remains Among One of The Lowest Rates of Unemployment since 1969," and "It is also Significant to Note" that "Hourly Wages Rose 4.1% from A Year Ago,"-

And "With Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Wednesday, The Twelfth of June 2024, that "According to The U.S. Labor Department Statistics Economic News Release," that "The Annual Inflation Rate for The United States is at 3.3% for The Twelve Months Ending in May 2024," and "Less than The 3.4% It was in April 2024!" 
And "Let Us also Continue to Take Note" that "As A Serious Reminder," "This is Considerably Lower" than "The 6.5% It was in December 2022" and "Continues to Be Good News for The U.S. Economic Recovery," and "Remains Among The Lowest Rates that It's Been since 2023," "When The Average Inflation Rate was 4.1%,"-

And "With The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reporting" on Thursday, The Seventh of May 2024 that "The Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Report Announced" that "Employers Added 272,000 Jobs in The Month of May 2024," "Which is Much Higher than the Estimates of 190, 000" that were "Being Made by Economic Pundits," "Let Us Agree" that "The United States Economy Continues to Be On A Strong Economic Plateau of Recovery," and that "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Democratic Party,"  are "Providing The Good Governance" and "Vision," that Includes, "Well Thought Out," "Conscientiously Aware," "Intelligent," "Cognitive," and "Positive-Minded Legislation," and "Infrastructure Projects Nationwide," and "Programs," and "Policies," and "Investment in The United States of America," Upon Which to "Build The Economic Pillars and Cornerstones," of "An Economic Renaissance," and "Future," that "America Can Rely Upon," and "For The Youth  of The Nation to Advance," and "Feel Secure in," "As They Attempt to Achieve Their Academic," "Creative,"  and "Financial Goals," and "Dreams," and "Visions," in "The Twenty- First Century!" And also that, "Today's Consumers Can Look Forward Towards," and "Begin to Trust in," and "Believe in," and "See A Positive Change in Their Daily Affairs," and "Spending," and "In Their Bank Accounts!" And "For Their Families Sociological Security!"-

However, "Let Us Agree," that "Another Constant Reminder that Remains A Strong Concern," is "Big Business in America," ("In The Spirit of Providing Fair," "Responsible," and "Good Prices," and "Quality Service," "For The American Consumer" who "Have Weathered Difficult Economic," and "Financial Storms," "During The CoronaVirus Pandemic,") "Must Lower Their Prices in Alignment with the Low Annual Inflation Rates," and In Doing so, "Provide Financial Relief for Families All Across The Nation," who are "The Heart," "Mind," "Spirit," "Body," and "Soul," of "The Economic Growth" and "Recovery," of "The American Economy!"
And "Let Us also Wholeheartedly Agree," that "Big Business Must Do Their Part in Empowering The Nation," as "The United States of America Continue to Recover from The Financial Challenges that It has Faced," and that "Continues to Lie in Its Path of Economic Recovery!" For, "There is Enough Profit for Everyone to Share without Gouging The Prices," and "This Will Be A Significant Statement to Make" for "A Great Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation" with "A Capitalistic Economy,"-

And Once Again, "You Don't have to Be Streetwise" or "A Financial Pundit," to "Comprehend" that "At Present" to "A Highly Significant Degree," "The U.S. Economy" is "Still in A Positive Mode of Recovery," in "This Post CoronaVirus Pandemic Time Period!"

 And "Let Us Agree" that "Although Most (Not All) Economic Indicators," "Support The Facts that The Recovery of The U.S. Economy Continues to Be Resilient," and "Persistent," and "Determined to Evolve," on "A Positive Basis," and that  "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," have "Good Reason to Be Proud of Their Economic Achievements," "They Should Remain Fully Engaged in Maintaining A Close Overview of The U.S. Economy During This Spring of 2024," and "As Summer Approaches,"-
And "Now is The Moment in Time" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," to "Go Out" and "Share The Good News" with "The American People," and "Continue to Encourage Big Business to Lower Their Prices," "More in Accordance with The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate,"- 
But, "The Question" Still Remains, "When Will There Be A Consistent Decrease in Mortgage Rates," as "The U.S. Economy Continues on Its Present Course of Recovery,"-

And on Wednesday, The Twelfth of June 2024, "Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that "Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said," (In regards to Interest Rates Hikes), "We think policy is restrictive. And we think, ultimately, that if you just set policy at a restrictive level, eventually you will see real weakening in the economy," .... And "The Fed Chair" also said, "So, that's always been the thought is that, you know, since we raised rates this far, we've always been pointing to cuts at a certain point." "Not to eliminate the possibility of hikes, but no one has that as their base case," No one in the committee does."
And "At Present," "The committee has decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5-1/4 to 5-12 percent."
And "This is Significant Point," and "Factor," "Which Compounds," and "Reflects The Sentiments of The Committee!" And "As "The Fed Continues to Observe" and "Make Their Decisions on The U.S. Economic Recovery," and "As New Data Continues to Present Itself!"

And "The Committee Statement" also said, "The Committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent. In addition, the Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities."

And "Let Us Look Forward to The Fed Reaching Its Goal," to "Bring Inflation Back Down to Two Percent,"-

And "Let Us also Agree," that "As of The Thirteenth of June 2024," "The Economic Growth," and "Economic Recovery in The United States of America for 2024 with," or "Without The Fed's Formidable Considerations," "Continues to Be" from "An Overall Point of View," on "A Positive Path of An Impressive Economic Recovery,"-

And "Let Us also Agree" that "As A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications Challenge Us," and "Motivate Us to Do Better," and "Improve The Quality of Life for The Diverse Multi-Cultural Sociological, Rainbow Community, Tapestry, and Fabric of America," of "All The People," that "From An Overall Purview," and "Streetwise Economic Perspective," and "As The Changes in The U.S. Economy," "Whether They Be Pertaining" to "Decreases," and/or "Increases," in "The U.S. Unemployment Rate," or "The Annual Inflation Rate," that "There are," (At Present) "Sans Any Serious Indication that Suggests" that "There is Any Serious Indication of A Negative Downturn in The United States Economy," that "Fortunately for America," "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party Energy Vision," and "The Rising Number of Infrastructure Improvements in America," are "A Positive Boon for The U.S. Economy," and "In Spite of Republican Party Attempts to Impede Progress," and "Derail Any Positive Legislation to Improve The Lifestyles of The American People," and "Bring Forth New Incentives for The Evolution," and "Growth of The Youth of The Nation," "The Biden/Harris Administration Continues to Take Positive Steps Forward Towards Building A Future of "Innovative Resolve," and "Productive Solutions," and are "On Pace Towards Achieving The United States Climate Warming Goals as well,"-

"The Financial" and "Business Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Spheres have Reported" that Thursday, The Thirteenth of June 2024, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "The Advanced Figure for Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims Totaled 242, 000," "A Significant Increase of Thirteen Thousand" from "The Previous Weeks Level of 229, 000!" And "The Largest Increase since August of 2023!" However, "Layoffs Continue to Remain" at "Economically Consistent," and "Sound," and "Historically Low Levels," and are "Still Among The Lowest Levels that They have Been" since "The Twenty-Fourth of September 2022!"

And "The Four Week Moving Average was 227, 000," "An Increase of 4, 750" from The Previous Weeks Unrevised Average of 222, 250!" And "The Most It has Been since September 2023!" However, "If It is of Any Consolation to State," "This Average is Still Lower" than "What The Average was One Year Ago!"

So, "The Question" of, "What is The Significance of These New Statistics," "The Answer" is, "You Can Continue to Expect" that "From Within This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," that "Unemployment Insurance Claims" Will "Vary Back and Forth," within "A Margin of Change," and "Variation, that "Is Understandable," and "For The Most Part Acceptable," "Unless There is A Serious Economic Dilemma," or "Financial Conundrum," of "Some Sort," "Caused by A Global Pandemic," "Another Outbreak of War," or "A Serious Banking Failure," and/or "Earthwide Conditions," "Coupled with Issues," and "Profound Circumstances," and "Aggravations" that "Have Been Exacerbated by Government Obstructionism Tactics,"and/or "Politician's," and "Anti- American Factions," who "Profit from Causing Chaos," and "Divisiveness!"

-(Note that, "These Increases," and "Decreases in Unemployment," Whenever They Occur, "Will Be Deemed Reasonable," and "Logical," by "Market Specialists," "Economic Pundits," "Streetwise Economists," and "Reasonably Minded Financial Experts," Although, "The Market May React with A Growing Concern!")-

And "The Facts Continue to Demonstrate" that "The Labor Market," and "The U.S. Economy," "Remains," and "Is," from "Within An Overall," and "Fairly Positive Economic Purview," "Continuing Along A Path of Evolving Stability," and "Growth!"

And, When You Include, "The U.S. Annual Inflation Rate at 3.3%," and "U.S. Economic Growth," "Both of These Statistics Together are Positive Signs," that "The Economic Recovery in The United States of America," is "For The Moment," "On Course Towards Improving The Overall Financial Conditions," and "Lifestyles of The American People!"

-(Note that, "This Overall Economic Streetwise Assessment Can Change," "Especially if The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative," and "The Obstructionist Attempts by Far Right Republicans in The U.S. Senate," are "Not Satisfactorily Resolved in The Very Near Future," to "The Degree that The American People," (and "The Federal," "State," "City," and "Local Governments,") are "Not Caused a Major Setback in Their Lifestyles," and "In The Governance of The Nation," and "The Markets Don't Panic!"

And "Lets Agree from A Responsible," and "Mature Point of View" that, "The Legislative Chaos of The Republican Party in The U.S. House of Representative," and "The Obstructionist Tactics" of "The Far-Right Republicans in The U.S. Senate," "Must End!" 
And "All The Members of The GOP Must Remember" that "They were Elected to Serve," and "Represent The American People!" And that "Comes First!")-

And "It is of The Greatest Importance to Note" that "The U.S. Economy has Continued to Improve During A Time Period of High Interest Rates," and "This is A Cognitive Economic Overview to Make," as "The 2024 Summer Season Enters into The Foray of New Economic Perspectives," and "Of What The U.S. Economic Recovery Will End Up Being," as "New Economic Prognostication's are Made," and "New Economic Estimations are Put Forth!"
And "Let Us Remember" that "The Hard Work of The Economic Recovery," "Set in Motion by The Biden/Harris Administration," "Who have Continued to Make Economic Policies" that "Empower All The People," and "Creates A Sociological Sense of Security For All The People," and "Prepares Us" for "The Economic," "Growth," "Development," "Industrial," "Earthwide," and "Political Challenges that Lie Ahead" in This, "The Second Decade of 2024," "Must Not Be Overlooked," And "This is Be A Positive Note," and "Purview of Interest to Surmise" in "This Year of Elections," "For We Will have An Opportunity to Vote in Support of The Democratic Principles," and "The Rights of One and All to Live in A Democracy," and "Enjoy All The Freedoms," "Values," and "Traditions," of "Citizens Living in A Sovereign Solar Democratic Nation!"

But The Question" Still Remains, When Will There Be A Consistent Decline in Mortgage Interest Rates," as "The U.S. Economy Continues on Its Present Course of Recovery!"- (Maybe It Will Occur in September When The Fed Meets Again" and "Provides Us with A New Purview," and "Deeper Perspective,")-

Here are The Current Mortgage Interest Rates for Thursday, June 13, 2024; (A) "The 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Interest Rate" is "7.33%,"- "Last Week," It was also "7.33%,"

(B) "The 15 Year Fixed Mortgage Interest Rate" is "6.55%,"- "Last Week," It was also "6.55,"

(C) "The 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Jumbo Interest Rate" is "7.40%,"- Last Week," It was "7.46,"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The Politics of Good" and/or "Bad Governance," "Can Result in" or "Be A Deciding Factor" of "Whether America's Economic," and "Financial Recovery," "Can Provide The Infrastructure Investment," "Energy," "Environmental," and "Economic Policies," and "Programs," that "Will Enable The Nation" to "Provide Economic" and "Financial Security," for "The American People," and "In Support of America's Democratic Principles," and also "Provide Foreign Aid for Humanitarian Crisis Earthwide," and "In Defense of Its Allies" as "They Fight Against Anti- Democratic Factions," who "Have Violated Their Territorial" and "Egalitarian Rights of Their Citizens!" 

And "The Plan to Raise Tariffs on The Sovereign Solar Nation" of "The Peoples Republic of China," "Should Be A Reality Check for The PRC to Re-examine Their Policies," "Practices," and "Act's," and "In General, "What Their Concept of TCB Actually is!"
"Good Governance is A Right that Every American Citizen Deserves without Question!" Of Which, "The Biden/Harris Administration," and "The Democratic Party," is "Providing The People/Citizens of America Everyday" that "They are in Office!"
"An Exemplification of What Bad Governance is," Can Be "Best Described by The Republican Parties Anti- Women's Rights Legislative Acts," and "Pro- Putin Rhetoric!"

And "It is of The Greatest Importance," for "Every American Citizen who Values Their Rights of Living in A Democracy" to "Demand" that "Their Elected Officials," Whether They Be "Local," "City," "State," or "Federal Officials," "Must Give Their Support to America's Allies," who have had "Their Territorial Rights Violated by Anti-Democratic Factions," who also "Seek to Undermine The Civil," "Human," "Egalitarian," and "Democratic Rights," of "Every Woman," "Child," and "Man," in "The United States of America!" "Time is of The Essence!" "Too Many Innocent People are Being Killed," without "Consideration of Their Democratic," and "Egalitarian Rights!"
However, "The Question" of "Whether or Not There Will Be Another Pause" or "Increase" by "The Federal Reserve" has also "Been Answered" and "The Feds Fund Rate Will Remain" at "A Range of 5.1/4% to 5.1/2% Percent," Which Can Be Construed as "Being Overly  Cautious," or "Too Hesitant to Lower Rates," "Especially as Lessening Signs of Inflation Continues,"  and "After Months of An Aggressive FED Campaign was Engaged in," in "An Effort to Slow Down The Pace of Inflation!"

And "Although The U.S. Unemployment Rate has Risen to 4% in May, 2024," from "3.9% In April," and "Although It is The Highest Its Been on More than Two Years," "It is Still Among The Lowest Rates It has Been since 1969," and "The Fact" is "The Annual U.S. Inflation Rate is at 3.3%," for "The Twelve Months Ending in May, 2024," (and "Among The Lowest Levels Its Been since September 2021,") and "The 272,000 Jobs that Employers have Added in the Month of May," "Demonstrates" that "Importantly," "The U.S. Economy Remains A Resilient One," and "Continues to Remain" on "A Consistent Course of Recovery!" And "The Thoughts of A Recession," are "Slowly but Surely Diminishing to The Degree" that "They Once were in The Minds of Economic Pundits!"

And This is "The Good News" that "The Biden/Harris Administration's Economic Recovery Analysis" has "Projected," and "Its Economic Indicators," had "Hoped for," and "Looked Forward to!"

But, "Let Us Agree" that "It has Become Plainly Obvious" that "A New Era of Earthwise Economics" in "Finance," and "Banking," "Trade," and "Commerce," and "Wall Street," and "Earthwide Markets," and "The Forecasts," and "Expectations of Economic Pundits," (And also, within "The Biden/Harris Administration" and "The Federal Reserve") are "Upon Us," and "A New Era of Economic" and "Financial Prognostications Lie Ahead!"

And "Even Being A Streetwise Financial Connoisseur May Not Suffice" as "The Waves" and "Incoming Tides of Sociological Changes Ebb and Flow O'er The Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, and Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, Fabric" "Institutions," and "Foundations," of "The Twenty- First Century Civilization" of "The Almost Eight Billion Citizens/Populace of The Sovereign Solar Nations!"

However, "As New Facts Provide A Plethora of Financial and Economic Assessments" by "Wall Street," and "The Economic Pundits," and "The Federal Reserve System (FED)," and "The Biden/Harris Administration," "Let Us Still Remember" that "This Post CoronaVirus Phase of Our Lives," "Will Bring Forth A Variety of New Economic Prognostications," and "Financial Changes" and "Unaccoounted for Sociological Surprises," that "Without There Being Experienced Leadership in Positions" of "Government," and "Private," and "Public Sectors," that are "Highly Respected," "Cognitive," "Earthwise," "Insightful," and "Intelligent," "The U.S. Economic Recovery Will Be Hindered," "Impeded," "Flounder," and "Be Manipulated by Soulless Profit Mongers!" And "Obstructionists," and "Partisan Politics," "Must Be Removed from The U.S. Economic Recovery Equation!" "But "Good Governance Must Be Relied Upon to Create Economic Policies," and "Economic Programs," that are "Of Benefit to All The People!" "Why!" Because "The Lives," "Welfare," "Healthcare," "Well Being," and "Sociological Security," of "All The People are at Stake!"

-(And, Take Note that, "It is also of "Great Significance to Continue to Report" that "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022," (A Budget Reconciliation Bill Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer, Democrat from The State of New York," and "Joseph "Joe " Manchin III, Democrat from The State of West Virginia,) "Will Continue to have An Important Impact upon The United States in 2024," as "It Did in 2023!"

And, "The Fact" that It Will Invest Significantly" in, (1) "Domestic Energy Production and Manufacturing," and, (2) "Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Approximately Forty Percent by 2030," and "Below 2005 Levels," and "Reduce Prescription Drug Prices," and, (3) "Most Importantly Reduce The Deficit" and "Keep Inflation in Check," ("Whatever Wall Street's Expectations are," and "Whatever Obstructionist Tactics The Republican Party May Mount," "Whether They Be Positive or Negative,") and "Most Importantly," "Continue to Empower The Federal Reserve," and "The Biden/Harris Administration to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans" to "Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"

However, "There is Still A Great Deal to Be Done in The United States of America," and "No One is Saying" that "The U.S. is Not in Dire Need of Additional Financial Relief," For Example; "Students Still Need Their Loans Forgiven," and "The Poor and Transient American Citizens " are "Still in Need of Financial Assistance," and "A Real Sense" that "Their Lives have A Meaning," and "Investment in The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation is Still Needed," "Bridges Need Repairing," and "Roads Need Repair," and "The Nations Ports," and "Railways Need Repair!" And "These are Just A Few of The Nation's Infrastructure Projects" that "Need Immediate Attention!"

However, "Let Us Agree" that, Whichever Way The Political Winds May Blow," and "After Crucial Government Decisions are Made," "The Business of The United States Congress Should Be" to "Get on with Creating Legislation" that is "In The Best Interests of The United States of America," and "In Defense of," and "In Protection of," "The Democratic Principles of The U.S. Constitution," and "The Republic," and "The Democratic Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" And "If These Elected Officials are Incapable to Do This," "They Should Be Voted Out of Office!"


 - "An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

And "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"- Extra Noteworthy News- "From Normandy, France on The 80th Anniversary of D-Day,"-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's have Reported" that Thursday, The Sixth of June 2024, "President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Gave Praise to The World War II Veterans" at "The 80th D-Day Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony in Normandy, France!"

"With President Biden to Commemorate The 80th Anniversary of The D-Day Invasion," was "French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron," "British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak," and "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau!"

"President Biden Very Passionately," and "Eloquently" said, "What the allies did here 80 years ago, far surpassed anything we could have done on our own," .... "Together we won the war.

And "President Biden" also said, "The men who fought here became heroes---- given an audacious mission, knowing the probability of dying was real," .... "But they did it anyway, knowing without a doubt there are things worth fighting and dying for. Freedom, worth it. America worth it. Then, now and always."


-United Interdependent Global Activists- The Way To Peace! #460- (Revisited and Revised)- "An Earthwide Cross Media News Universe, Including Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "A Sociological Adjustment is Paramount" for "A New Era of Relations between Each Other" and "For The Evolution and Advancement of Humanity In Alignment" with "A Universal Awareness," and "Cognitive Personal Self Improvement," "Spiritual Intelligence," and "Soulful Consciousness" of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The More than Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The  Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," to "Merge into," and "Become A Highly Developed," "Purposeful," "Resourceful," and "Transcendentally Civilized and Significant Age of Great Reason,"-

And, "An Earthwide Spectrum" of "Sociological," "Political," "Humanitarian," "Environmental," "Ecological," "Energy," "Informational," "Communication," "Philosophical," "Candid," "Straightforward," "Current," and "Contemporary," "Earthwide Affairs," and "Events," that "Coalesce," and "Merge" with "An Honest," "Omniscient," and "Omnipotent Spirit," and "Soul Force Of The People,"-

"As The New Moon Provides Us with An Excellent Opportunity" to "Sow The Seeds of Innovative" and "Opportunistic Enterprises," "Let Us also Agree" that "A Sociological Adjustment is Paramount" for "A New Era of Relations between Each Other" and "For The Evolution and Advancement of Humanity In Alignment" with "A Universal Awareness," and "Cognitive Personal Self Improvement," "Spiritual Intelligence," and "Soulful Consciousness" of "The Diverse Multi-Cultural, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The More than Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The  Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," to "Merge into," and "Become A Highly Developed," "Purposeful," "Resourceful," and "Transcendentally Civilized" and "Significant Age of Great Reason!" 

But "This Sociological Adjustment" "Must Occur All Throughout The Limitless Poly Systems" that "Provide Services," and "Regulate All of The Public," "Private," "Academic," "Institutional," "Space Exploration," "Banking," "Science," "Healthcare,"  "Agriculture," "Energy," "Environmental," and "Ecological," "Manufacturing," "Governmental," "The Judicial," and "The Organized and Systematic Collection of Rules of Jurisprudence Law," and "Military  Sectors," and "Any Others," that "Engage in," and/or "Take Part in," "The Sociological Sphere's of Humanity," and are "Effected by The Causation," "Results," and "Consequences," of "Having Acceded to The Limitless Universes" of "Regulations," "Controls," and "Rules," "Defined by Its Endless Stream of Poly Systems!" 

However, "It Will Take A Full Acclamation Of The People, By The People, and For The People For A New Renaissance of Humanity to Take Place," "One of Great Enlightenment," and "Great Expectation," to "Usher in A New Time Period of Sociological Adjustments" to "Correct The Manipulation," of "Mental," "Physical," "Intellectual," "Soulful," and "Spiritual," "Behavioral Patterns," that "Have Been in Place for Millennia Upon Millennia,"in "One Systematic Variation to Another!"

And "A Sociological Adjustment is Paramount" for "A New Era of Relations between Each Other" and that "Provides For The Full Evolution and Advancement of Each Other," In Alignment with "A Universal Awareness," and "Cognitive Personal Self Improvement," "Spiritual Intelligence," and "Soulful Consciousness!" "Resembling A Magnificent Earthrise of Peace and Unity between All People," Irregardless of "Age," "Color," "Creed," "Gender," Mental Disability," "Nationality," "Physical Disability," "Political Preference," "Race," "Socioeconomic Status," "Transgender," or "Tribe!"

"Truly, All of The Diverse Multi-Cultural, Rainbow Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric of The More than Eight Billion People/Citizens" of "The  Sovereign Solar Community of United Nations," "Merged Together" and "Forward into" "An Illuminating," "Courageous," "Code of Honorifics," and "Ethics," "Manifested in A Spectacular Earthrise" of "Chivalry," "Ideals," "Principles," and "Tenets," of "A Transcendentally Civilized" and "Golden Age of Great Reason," and "Passion," "Unity," and "Prosperity," "Justice," and "Peace," and "The Egalitarian Rights for One and All!"

-UNITED INTERDEPENDENT GLOBAL ACTIVISTS- The Way To Peace! #415- (Revisited and Revised)-
-"Earthwide Cross Media and Nationwide News"- "America Pays Homage to Juneteenth" on "The Nineteenth of June 2024"- and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," and "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestries," and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"A Day of Celebration," and "A Day To Remember"- 

June Nineteenth 2024, Known as "Juneteenth-" is "Day of Great Historical Dimensions!"

And "It is Also Known" as "Emancipation Day" "Liberation Day," "Black Independence Day," "Freedom Day," and "el Dia de los Negros" (Black Day) by "The Black Seminoles of Nacimiento in Mexico," And "This Day Commemorates" from "Its Inception on The Nineteenth of June 1865 in Perpetuity," "The Emancipation of The Last Remaining Enslaved African American in The State of Texas," and "The Confederacy!" And "Is The Longest Running African-American Holiday!"

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Earthwide Cross Media News Sphere's Reported" that Thursday, The Seventeenth of June, 2021, "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The 46th" and "Current President of the United States of America Signed" "the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into Law!" "Making it A Legal Public/Federal Holiday!" 

"The Name of This Grand Moment in History" is "A Linguistic Blend of Words that are Combined to Form A New Word" (A Portmanteau, of Phonemes and A Single Morph Representing Two or More Underlying Morphemes), and "It is Significantly Relevant" that This Word "Juneteenth" Should "Become The Name that Symbolizes and Represents Equality under The Law," "Equality in The Eyes of The Law,"and "Freedom and Justice in The Name of The Law For Each and Every African American Citizen," and "A National Holiday that is  Celebrated by A Great Nation of People," of "The United States of America!"

And, "May This Day of Celebration," "Be A Day of Remembrance," "For "All Who have Sacrificed," and "Given Their Lives in The Name of Equality" and "Justice and Freedom" For "All of The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Racial Injustice, Hate, Prejudice, and Systemic Racism!"

-"Happy Fathers Day!"

"Gentlemen, Let's Re-Commit and Re-Dedicate Ourselves to Improving The Sociological State of Affairs and Experiences for Our Families," "Neighborhoods," and "Diverse Multi- Cultural Societies, Rainbow Communities, Tapestries, and Fabric of Our Towns ," and "Villages," "Counties," and "Districts," "Cities," and "States," "Neighborhoods," and "Sovereign Nations Earthwide!

And, "Let's Build A Twenty-First Century Modern Day Civilization Upon The Pillars and Cornerstones of Peace and Universal Tenets of Life for The Youth of The Earth," and "For The Future Generations to Come," with "A True Vigor," "Soul Strength," and "Passion," and "A Synergy and Partnership United in Purpose," "Cognition," "Love and Compassion," "Truth and Peace," "Justice," "Liberty," and "Equality For One and All!"

And, "With The Absolute Respect and Admiration For Those We Love and Treasure The Most on Our Lives!"

And, "May We Be Guided by A Code of Honor," "Integrity," "Unity," "Ethics," "Morality," "Virtue," and "Spirituality" that "Our Children," "Wives," and "Our Families," "Friends," "Colleagues," and "Neighbors" "Can Admire and Be Proud of!"

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, and Communities, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters, or In Truth, Wherever The Path of Earthquakes have Caused Death, and Inflicted Great Distress and Anguish!
Or, Wherever Heartbreaking Deaths, Injuries, and Mass Devastation has Occurred! Or, Wherever The Destructive Path of Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Flood Waters, Mudslides, Raging Tides, and Fires have Tragically Killed, and Brought Pain, and Deep Sorrow, and Extreme Damage Earthwide! And Wherever Homes have Been Destroyed, and The Suffering Caused by The Loss of Life, and The Loss of Love Ones has Been Overwhelming!

We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

-In Memoriam: We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to Both The Innocent Israeli and Palestinian Families who have Lost A Love One Due to The Vicious Brutalities of War, and Military Conflict, that was Caused by A Sneak Attack Upon The Sovereign Solar Nation of Israel by The Immoral Brigades of Hamas, on The Seventh of October 2023!
And We Would also Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of the Hostages who have Died Due to Bombing, and Humanitarian Violations, and The Unmerciful Acts of War!

And to The Families of All The Journalists, who are Members of The Fourth Estate, and The Global Cross Media News Spheres, Journalists who have Died While Providing Accurate and Factual Reportage of This Tragic War, We Would Like to Express Our Sincerest, Heartfelt, and Soulful Condolences for The Loss of Your Love Ones!

-In Memoriam: To All The Families Who've Lost A Loved One Due to Systemic Racism, Prejudice, War, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, or The Mass Shootings that have Taken The Lives of Thousands of Love Ones All Across The United States of America Irregardless of Age, Color, Creed, Gender, Mental Disability, Nationality, Physical Disability, Political Preference, Race, Socioeconomic Status, Special Needs, Transgender, or Tribe, Our Prayers and Meditations are Sincerely with You!

Too Many Innocent Americans have Been Killed in This Overwhelming Difficult Time Period When Gun Violence has Caused An Endless Abyss of Deeply Heartfelt, and Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness and Loss of Life in America! And "It Must End, For The Sake of The Youth of America," and "The Lives of Each and Every American Citizen!

-In Memoriam: We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Seven Million Love Ones to 7, 050, 201, Who have Died, As of Wednesday, June 12, 2024!

This A Staggering and Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine, and Remains A Deeply Disturbing Fact! And When You Take into Account for How Many Families have Been Effected by This Earthwide Pandemic only Compounds The Seriousness of This Loss of Life! 
And "Alerts have Been Sounded about SARS-CoV2 Variants Being Reported in The EU/EEA Sovereign Solar Community of Nations!"

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million" to 1, 188, 195 Love Ones!

And Beware that As of The First of May 2024, The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant JN.1 is Prevalent in The United States of America, and "New FLIRT subvariants, Known as KP.2 and KP.1.1. are "Believed to Be Approximately Twenty Percent (20%) More Transmissible than Their Parent JN.1. the Winters Dominant Variant!"

And If You Still haven't Gotten Your CoronaVirus Vaccination, Take A Moment Out of Your Day, or Eventide, and Get It Now! You have Nothing to Lose and A Lot More to Gain from Doing It!