Tuesday, June 14, 2022



The Way To Peace! #415

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News"- "America Pays Homage to Juneteenth" on "The Nineteenth and Twentieth of June 2022"- and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," and "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries," and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"A Day of Celebration," and "A Day To Remember"- 

June Nineteenth 2020, Known as "Juneteenth-" is "Day of Great Historical Dimensions!"

Also Known as "Emancipation Day" "Liberation Day," and "Freedom Day," This Day Commemorates" from "Its Inception on The Nineteenth of June 1865 in Perpetuity," "The Emancipation of The Last Remaining Enslaved African American in The State of Texas," and "The Confederacy!"

"The Name of This Grand Moment in History" is "A Linguistic Blend of Words that are Combined to Form A New Word" (A Portmanteau, of Phonemes and A Single Morph Representing Two or More Underlying Morphemes), and "It is Significantly Relevant" that This Word "Juneteenth" Should "Become The Name that Symbolizes and Represents Equality under The Law," "Equality in The Eyes of The Law,"and "Freedom and Justice in The Name of The Law For Each and Every African American Citizen," and "A National Holiday that is  Celebrated by A Great Nation of People," of "The United States of America!"

And, "May This Day of Celebration," "Be A Day of Remembrance," "For "All Who have Sacrificed," and "Given Their Lives in The Name of Equality" and "Justice and Freedom" For "All of The Families who have Lost A Love One Due to Racial Injustice, Hate, Prejudice, and Systemic Racism!"

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The U.S. House Of Representatives Passes An Impressive New Gun Reform Bill," Called "The Protecting Our Kids Act"- And "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," and "Experiences Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The Nation," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"Headlines of The Fourth Estate," and "Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Spheres have Reported that on Wednesday, The Eighth of June 2022 "The United States House of Representatives Passed An Impressive," "Extensive," and "Comprehensive New Gun Reform Bill!"
"The Vote was Two Hundred and Twenty-Three to Two Hundred and Four" ("Once Again, With The Democratic Party Leading The Way," "While The Majority of Republicans, All but Five, Voted Against It!").

In An Earlier Vote, "The House also Voted to Include A Purchasing Age Provision" by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Twenty- Eight to One Hundred and Ninety-Nine" that "Would Raise The Minimum Age to Purchase An Assault Rifle in The United States of America from Eighteen to Twenty-One!"

"An Important Component and Element of The Legislation is Called" "The Untraceable Firearms Act" Which "Would Increase and Support Regulations Around So-Called Ghost Guns," or "Firearms without A Serial Number!"

"The Challenge" that "Lies Ahead is," Of Course, "The United States Senate Republicans!" And, "Will They Finally Support The Overall Consensus of The United States Public," "Who Firmly Believe that Common Sense Gun Reform is An Absolute Necessity," Especially Background Checks!" "Which Some Polls Show" that "As many as Ninety Percent of The American People are In Support of!"

At Present, "A Bipartisan Group of Senators are Working on A Compromise Bill" that "Would Strengthen Background Checks," "Increase School Security," and "Improve Mental Health Services!"

However, "It is Difficult to Comprehend" "Why There Needs to Be A Compromise Bill When The U.S. House of Representatives has Already Passed New Comprehensive Gun Legislation!"

"How Many More Families Must Lose A Love One," "When There is The Possibility that Their Love One's Death Could have Been Averted!"

"Isn't It Time for The Domestic Violence that has Plagued America for Millennium after Millennium Ends!"
And, "This is Not about The Second Amendment of The United States Constitution," "This is about Saving Lives of Our Fellow Americans," and "The Lives of Those Whom We Love and Treasure!" "Mothers and Fathers," "Daughters and Sons," "Sisters and Brothers," "Grandmothers and Grandfathers," "Granddaughters and Grandsons," "Nieces and Nephews," "Cousins," "Classmates," "Teachers,"  and "Law Enforcement Officials," and "Neighbors!" "Congress Just Think of All The Lives that Can Be Saved!"

And so, "To The One Hundred Members of The United States Senate The Time to Act is Now!" "Do Not Disappoint or Discourage The Youth of America," and "Do Not Embarrass" or "Disappoint Your Own Families!" "Take Pride in Your Work," and "Vote Now for Common Sense Gun Reform Laws!"

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The June 11th March for Our Lives 2022,"- and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," and "Experiences and Purview's Of The Diverse Multicultural Communities, Rainbow Tapestries," and Fabric Of America," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

"America, Saturday The Eleventh of June 2022 Global Cross Media News Sphere's and The Fourth Estate Will Be Reporting on "The March for Our Lives Protests in Washington D.C." "New York City," "Chicago," "Las Vegas," and "In More than Three Hundred Locations Across The Nation," to "Demand that New Common Sense Gun Reform Legislation Be Passed," and "For All of The Local," "City," "State," and "Federal Elected Officials who have Sworn Oaths" to "Represent The American People," "Act Now!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives,"- "March for Our Lives Rallies Across America"- "Make Your Voice Heard in Every Diverse Multicultural Community, Rainbow Tapestry, and Fabric of The Nation"-
"The Time for The Same Ole Political Rhetoric that Has Led to More Procrastination than Real Action in Passing Gun Violence Protection Legislation is Over," and "Can No Longer be Tolerated!"

"Too Many Innocent Lives have Been Lost Due to Senseless," and " Malevolent Acts of Gun Violence!" "Make Your Voices Be Heard Loud and Clear Because Enough is Enough!"

"Contact Your Elected Officials" and "Demand that We Want a Present and Future Free from The Fear of Domestic Violence!" And, "Free from Racism!"

"Our Time has Come" to "Act Now!" "Let's Join Together with The MFOL," (The Organizers of The Rallies), and "Non-Violence Gun Activists and Advocates," and "Civil Rights and Religious Groups," and "March and Sing Peace," "Love," and "Spiritual Anthems," that "Will Resonate Across The United States of America," "Calling For The Safety and Protection" of "The Lives of Our Fellow Americans," and "The Youth of The Nation!"

And, "Be Sure to Cast Your Vote in The 2022 Midterm," and "2024 Presidential Elections For The Candidates," "Nominees," and "Political Party," that "Best Represents The Ideals," "Values," "Traditions," and "Laws of America," and "Its Democratic Principles," and "Universal Tenets of Life!

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The New York State Eye" on "New Gun Legislation for New York,"- and "The Sociological Pressures," "Perspectives," and "Experiences Of The People," "The Republic," "The U.S. Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Second of June 2022, "A New Gun Law was Passed in The New York State Senate" by "A Vote of 43 to 20," and "In The Assembly" by "A Vote of 102 to 47," (A Long Party Lines with The Democrats Leading The Way), "Banning Anyone under The Age of Twenty-One from Purchasing or Owning A Semi-Automatic Rifle!" "This Legislation is Now on Its Way to Be Signed by New York State Governor and Democrat Kathleen Courtney Hochul," The Fifty-Seventh and Current Governor of N.Y., for Her Signature!"
"This is An Important Positive Step Forward Towards Living in A Civilized Nation of Common Values of Built Upon The Universal and Spiritual Tenets" that are "The Cornerstones and Pillars of Peace," Harmony," "Love," "Integrity," "Compassion," and "Respect For Ones Fellow Human Being!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-"Global Cross Media and Nationwide News" from "The Washington D.C. Eye" on "The January 6 Committee Public Hearings," and "The Sociological Perspective, and Experiences Of The Republic," "Democracy," and "The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People"- "Callender Of Events"- Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The House Select Committee Investigating The Attack Upon The United States Capitol Will Hold Its First Public Hearing on The Ninth of June 2022!"

 "There Will Be at Least Six Public Hearings!" "The First of These Public Hearings Will Be Broadcast on CBS News!" And, It Will Be "A Prime Time Session Beginning at 8 P.M. on Thursday Evening," on "All CBS Stations!"

-(Note that, "The Next Jan. 6 Committee Public Hearing Will Be on Monday, The Thirteenth of June 2022 at 10 A.M.," and then "Wednesday, The Fifteenth of June 2022 at 10 A.M.")-

And, "Finally The American People Will have An Opportunity to Experience and Learn For Themselves" about "The Role that Ex-President Donald J. Trump Played," and "Too What Extent Some Elected Officials," and "Trump Administrative  Staff Members," in Addition to "The Roles that Members of Unpatriotic Militant Groups, who Attempted to Overturn The Election Results of The 2020 Presidential Election, were Involved!"

And, "This is A Great Opportunity for The American People to See and Hear The Whole Truth" and "Nothing But The Truth" about "The Attempted Coup of The Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" of "The United States of America!"



-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," And, "Trust'"-

The Word "Trust" is "The Word that Most Americans are having Difficulty in Attributing to any Political Party These Day's." "Think about it."

However, "It's Time" that "We One and All," "Seriously Consider "Whose Policies, do You Most Believe in!"
And, "Who has Actually Delivered on Their Promises," "Programs," and "Platform," Such as "ARP For One Example!"

And,"Which Political Party and Its Leaders have Been Truthful," or "Forthcoming!"

"Seriously Think about It," Because You have to Consider, "Whether They are Conservatives," "Moderates, " "Progressives," or "Liberals," "Republicans," "Libertarians," "Independents," or "Democrats," Because "No One Political Party" or "Member of Congress," (State, City, Local, or Federal) are "Being Excluded from This Overview," or "Purview," and/or "Public Opinion," and "The Question" is "Who Do You Trust with The Well-Being and Lives of Your Families!"

And, "From A Point of Pure Logic," "What Sense is There in Supporting A Political Party" that, (1) "Has No Platform," and, (2) "Continues to Spread The False Rhetoric of The Big Lie about the 2020 Presidential Election!"

And, "Yes, It makes Sense" that "Everyone has their own Agenda," "Independent of Each Other in Regards to What is in The Best Interest" for "We the People!"
However, "If Recent Demonstrations," and "Town Hall Meetings" are "A True Example of Public Opinion," Then Clearly It's Time for Most Politicians to "Seriously Begin Listening to The Diverse Multicultural Communities, and Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric Of The People," and "The Youth of America," who are "Seriously Concerned about the "Absolute Necessity for Common Sense Gun Laws to Be Passed," and "The Women's Right to Choose," and "The Constitutional Right To Vote," "Racial Equality," and "Economic Parity," and "Protecting The Democratic Principles Of The Republic," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "Clearly The American People are Looking Forward to A Positive Change in The Nation" that "Unites Rather than Divides Them!"
And, "An End of The Lies," and "False Rhetoric and Politicians who have Lied to Them," and "Misled Them!

And, "There is An Absolute Need for Transparency," "Accountability," and "The Truth!"

And, "The Republican Lawmakers of the U.S. Congress have Performed Miserably," in regards to "Arduously and Vigorously Working with The Democrats to Develop and Stimulate The Recovery and Reinvestment of The U.S. Economy," to "Help The Biden/Harris Administration Produce Jobs" for "We the People," and "Re-build Our Broken Post Pandemic Economy!"

And, "Even Though Unemployment is at 3.6%," "The U.S. is Still in Need of Financial Stimuli to Invest in New Energy Projects," and "The Ongoing Challenges Posed by CoronaVirus Variants," and "Most Importantly Climate Warming Concerns!"

And, "Is there any Surprise that American Citizens," irregardless of "What Age They May be," are "Distrustful of The Political Partisanship that Exists in Local," "City," "State," and "Federal Government," and "A Financial System" that has "Benefited the Capitalistic Oligarchs!"

"The Same Oligarchs Who Continue to Manipulate," "Mislead," and "Use The Democratic Principles that our Forefathers and Fore- Mothers Gave Their Lives to Protect," "For Their Own Profit!

And, "The Unethical," "Unprovoked," and "Sinful War Against The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine by The Russian Federation has Not only Caused Crimes Against Humanity Against The People of Ukraine," It has also "Negatively Affected The Finances of Families Earthwide," and "The Economies of The United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations" are "Experiencing," to Some Extent or Another, "Difficulties Due to A Global Food Shortage" and "Prices have Continued to Rise!"

And, "Isn't it Time" that "Our Political Leaders Came Forth as One," and "Declared a Freeze on Prices," and "An Increase on Taxes for Millionaires and Billionaires," and "Protection from Outlandish Profits Made by the Global Financial Institutions and Corporations," until "We the People" of this Earth, are "Protected from the Cancer of Greed," "Lust," "Power and Corruption," that "has Stolen the Joy of Life from Our Families" and "Neighborhoods!"

Once again, I say, "Enough is Enough!" How long do "They" want to "Suck us Dry,"
before "They Finally Get the Point" that "We have had Enough of "Partisan Poisonous Political Systems," that "Displays and Exhibits A Lack of Consideration," and "No Mercy," when "We" are Continuously Being Told to "Turn the Other Cheek," While Wars," "Mass Murders," "Gender and Economic Inequality," "Serious Environmental and Ecological Concerns," "Racism," and "Poverty Continue to Be A Plague Upon Our Lives!" And, "We have had Enough of Two Different Standards, and Values of Life!" "One for the Haves," and "One for the Have Nots!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever, and Wherever You Maybe "Come Forth, Now!" And, "Make Your Voices Heard, Now!" And, "Take a Stand for Peace," "Love," "Equality," and "Equanimity for One and All, Now!" "Before There is Nothing Left to Trust and Believe in!"
"Happy Fathers Day!"

"Gentlemen, Let's Re-Commit and Re-Dedicate Ourselves to Improving The Sociological State of Affairs and Experiences for Our Families," "Neighborhoods," and "Diverse Communities, Rainbow Tapestries, and Fabric of Our Towns and Villages," "Cities and States," and "Sovereign Nations Earthwide!

And, "Let's Build A Twenty-First Century Modern Day Civilization Upon The Pillars and Cornerstones of Peace and Universal Tenets of Life for The Youth of The Earth" and "For The Future Generations to Come," with "A True Vigor," "Soul Strength," and "Passion," and "A Synergy and Partnership United in Purpose," "Cognition," "Love and Compassion," "Truth and Peace," "Justice," "Liberty," and "Equality For One and All!"

And, "With The Absolute Respect and Admiration For Those We Love and Treasure The Most on Our Lives!"

And, "May We Be Guided by A Code of Honor," "Integrity," "Unity," "Ethics," "Morality," "Virtue," and "Spirituality" that "Our Children," "Wives," and "Our Families," "Friends," and "Neighbors" "Can Admire and Be Proud of!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-  "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "For The Week Ending The Fourth of June 2022"-

Global Cross Media News Reports are Thursday, The Ninth of June 2022, "The Bureau of Labor Announced" that "Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine Thousand Americans Filed for U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims" "An Increase of Twenty-Seven Thousand from Last Weeks Revised Level of Two Hundred and Two Thousand!"

And, "Although Inflation" is "Now at An Annual Rate Above Eight Percent Percent Because of "Putin's War" and is "Causing Consumer Anxiety," and "The Challenge of The CoronaVirus Variants Continues to Exist," and "Supply Chain Problems Continue to Exist," and have "Created Obstacles for The Biden/Harris Administration Plans to Rebuild The U.S. Economy," and "Whether or Not Wall Streets Concerns are Merited or Not," "The Federal Reserve" and "The Biden/Harris Administration Continue to Forge Ahead with Their Economic Plans to Improve The Quality of Life for All Americans to Benefit from," and "Enjoy!"
And, "While This Increase" in "U.S. Unemployment Insurance Claims is The Most since Mid- January Unemployment Continues to Remain" at "A Five Decade Low," and "The Unemployment Rate has Dropped to 3.6%," and "U.S. Employers have Added Three Hundred and Ninety Thousand New Jobs in The Month of May," are "All Positive Steps Forward in Re-Building The U.S. Economy!" However, "Let Us Still Agree" that "America is Still in Dire Need of Financial Relief," and "Investment in The Future of The Infrastructure of This Grand Ole Nation," as "Proposed in, (1) "The Biden/Harris/Democratic $1.75 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better Act" ("The Human Infrastructure Bill,") is "Clearly Still A Necessity!

And, "It is Essential" for "The Biden/Harris Administration," to "Continue on Their Cognitive Path" to "Bring Back Jobs," and "Job Security in The United States of America!"

And that, "They Follow Their Economic Vision Path On Course Towards Achieving An Economic Re-birth in America," that "Leads to of A Bold New Civilization" "Excluding No One," and "Has The Grand Potential of "Uniting The Nation," Which is Especially Needed "During A Time Period When The Politics of Obstruction" and "Restrictions to The Right to Vote in America," and "The Lust for Power," "Initiated by The Republican Party" are "Dividing The Nation!"

And, "It also Continues to Demonstrate The Importance of The Democratic Party" to "Stand United and Committed to The Biden/Harris Administration Economic Vision," and "Pledge to Bring Back America," and "Stand Firmly in The Path of Republican Obstruction," and "Stand as A United Party Representing The American People Against The GOP's Efforts to Impede and Prevent Making A Better Life for All Americans!"

And, "Stand Up, as A Legislative and Political Soul Force for The Social Security," and "Economic Parity," that "Would Be of Benefit to The Poor," "The Middle Class," "The Public Sector," and "Small Businesses," and "Place A Fair Tax Upon Large Business Corporations," and "The Wealthy!"

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- "The Future of Democracy in The United States of America"-

"The Hard Work that Lies Ahead for The Biden/Harris Administration, and The Democratic Party Can Not Be Underestimated," Because "It has Become Increasingly Obvious that The Republican Party," ("The Grand Ole Party No More"), has "No Sincere Interest or Intention of Creating Policy," "Programs," or "Policies" that are "Of Benefit to The American People," and "Their Families Welfare!" And, "It has Become More and More Obvious" that "The GOP has Become The Party of The Big Lie," and "Non Truths!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "It Will Take A Balanced and Progressive," "Earthwise and Streetwise Vision," "United in Purpose" and "Devoted in Commitment," "For The House and Senate Democrats and The Democratic Party Nationwide" to "Represent The Will Of The People," and "All that is In The Best Interests Of The People!"

And, "This Moment in Time" and "Moments Like This that Arise in The Future," are "Why President Biden and Vice President Harris" and "Democrats were Voted into Power," and "Why Former President Trump and Former Vice President Pence," and "The Republicans were Voted Out of Power!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "The Overall Support of The American Voting Public in The 2022 and 2024 Elections Will Be Essential in Maintaining and Building A Strong Democratic Majority in Both The U.S. House of Representatives," and "The U.S. Senate!" "Which Will Be Crucial for America's Continued Economic," "Healthcare," and "Sociological Evolution!" And, "The Empowerment and Continued Support of The U.S. Democracy!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- And "Remember to Use Your Common Sense in This New Normal of The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "Where in The United States of America The Tragic Number of Deaths has Surpassed One Million Love Ones," and "Six Million Love Ones have Died Earthwide"- And, "The Continued Danger of The CoronaVirus and Its Deadly Variants Continues to Exist"-

"There have Been Too Many Deaths Caused by The Spread of CoronaVirus," and "Its Variants!" "Too Many Deaths," "Mothers," "Fathers," "Sons and Daughters," "Sisters, and Brothers," "Grandparents," "Aunts and Uncles," "Nieces and Nephews," "Friends and Neighbors," Yes, "There have"Been Too Many Deaths For Anyone" to "Engage in Partisan Politics!"

"As of Monday, The Thirteenth of June 2022, 1, 035, 885 Innocent Lives have Died in The United States of America, and 87, 355, 073 Innocent People have Been Infected by The CoronaVirus and Its Deadly Variants!" "Incredulously Surpassing The 1,000, 000 Plateau of Deaths!"
And, "Earthwide, An Unimaginable 6, 332, 050 have Died," and "540, 848, 556 Innocent Love Ones have Been Infected!"

"History has Shown Us in Lesson after Lesson," and "In Pandemic Event after Pandemic Event," all throughout "The Ages of Humankind," that "It Should Be Absolutely and Abundantly Clear" that "United We Stand," But "Divided We Will Fall into An Abyss of Death," and "Destitution!"

"So For The Sake of The Youth of The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Solar Nations," and "All of Our Future and Present Generations," "Let Us Act Out of Great Concern for All" that is "In The Best Interests of Our Fellow Human Being," and "If You have Not Gotten Your CoronaVirus Vaccine Do Not Hesitate or Procrastinate Do It Right Away!"
And, Do Not Forget "Time is of The Essence!" "Life and Death Lies in The Balance," and "There is No Time to Waste!"

-In Memoriam:

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic, As This Tragic Death Toll has Continued to Rise Above Six Million Love Ones to 6, 332, 050 Who have Died, As of Monday, The Thirteenth of June 2022! This is A Staggering Heartbreaking Statistic to Imagine and Deeply Disturbing!

And, In The United States of America The Number of Deaths Due to The CoronaVirus Pandemic has Surpassed An Incredible and Traumatic Plateau of One Million to 1, 035, 885 Love Ones!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!

And, We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Both The Ukrainian and Russian People, and The Families of Many Others, Journalists, and Foreign Fighters, who have Lost A Love One Due to An Invasion and War that Should Not have Occurred But For The Malicious and Egotistical Decision Making of One Person, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Will Bear The Responsibility for The Deaths of Your Beloved Friends and Family Members in Perpetuity! And, We Mourn The Loss of Your Love Ones with You!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Disasters such as Tsunamis, Earthquakes, and Wherever The Path of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Flood Waters, Mud Slides, and Raging Tides, and Fires have Destroyed Your Homes and Caused The Loss Of Life, and The Loss of Your Love Ones, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!