Wednesday, October 14, 2020



 The Way To Peace! #375

 -"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Questions, Commentaries, Accounts, and Precautions"-

"There is Little Doubt that "History Will Provide A Clear Purview and Overview of The Last Seven Months of The 2020 Year of CoronaVirus with Clarity!"

"And, "What is Most Evident is" that "The Mismanagement of The CoronaVirus Pandemic in The United States of America Could have Been Averted" with "An Immediate, Competent, and Concise Plan of Action and Strategy by President Donald John Trump," and "His Trump Administration!" -(Which was Not The Case as Revealed in The Eighteen Interviews with President Trump,"and "Audio Tape's" of "Rage" "Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book!")-

And, "The Irony and Agony of It All," "Is The Presidents Purposeful Decision and Strategy Not to Forcefully Endorse The Use of Masks," and "His Continued Derision of Those Who Wore Masks" (As The President Did to Former Vice President Joseph Biden During The First Presidential Debate), has "Led Up to The President Himself Being Tested Positive!"

And again, "This Could have Been Averted to A Great Part," If only "The President had Displayed A More Responsible Attitude and Behavior in Regards to Social Distancing Guidelines of The White House CoronaVirus Task Force," and "Wearing Masks" at "His Campaign and Official Events," and "As His Election Campaign Intensified," and as "The Countdown to 2020 Presidential Election" on "The Third of November 2020 Grew Closer!" 

And, "History Will Provide A Clear and Nonpartisan Record of The President's Strategies" of, (1) "Forcing The Reopening of The U.S. Economy," and (2) "The Reopening of U.S. Schools" with "In Person Classes," to "Advance His Overall Plans," "Decisions," and "Perspectives" in "An Attempt to Achieve His Policy Goals!"

However,  "The President's Plans and Strategies Became Unraveled in A Series of Events" that "Led Up to" and "After The First 2020 Presidential Debate with Former United States Vice President and Democratic Nominee for The Presidency  Joseph R. Biden Jr."on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2020, " Such as; "The Unmasked Nomination Ceremony of Judge Amy Coney Barrett for The U.S. Supreme Court,"at "The White House," and "More Unmasked Campaign Rallies," and "Hope Hicks, One of President Trump's Close Political Aids Becoming Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus on Wednesday," and "Who had Been Traveling with President Trump to The Debate," and was "In Close Proximity to The President over The Time Line that Encompassed The Debate," and "A Basically Unmasked Fund Raiser in New Jersey," that "Occurred on The Day that Both The President and First Lady Melania Tested Positive!"

 "You Can Comprehend, When You Look Back on All of These Events," "Including The Post and Pre- 2020 Presidential Debate with Joseph Biden The Democratic Nominee," that were "Publicly Displayed by The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," that "President Trump, Irregardless of The Increase in COVID-19 Cases Nationwide," "Did Not Change His Strategy" and was "Primarily Attended by Unmasked Supporters," and "Unmasked Republican Officials," and "Unmasked Aids, and Advisers!" And, "In Spite of Being Tested on A Daily Basis," "President Trump," and "The First Lady Melania Knauss Trump Themselves Became Victims of The CoronaVirus" and "Became Tested Positive!" 

-(And, "Remember" that "Several of The Trump Family Members who Attended The First 2020 Presidential Debate Incomprehensibly Refused to Wear Masks," and "Were Incomprehensibly a Part" of "What Appeared to Be President Trump's Debate Strategy" to "Disrupt and Interfere with The Debate as Much as Possible!")-

 "All of Which Led Up" to "Thursday, The First of October 2020, "When History Will Record" Global Cross Media News Reports that "President Trump and First Lady Melania" have "Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus," and have "Begun Their Quarantine Process!"

-Extra Noteworthy News Update- Friday, The Second of October 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump was Taken to The President's Suite for Treatment," at "Walter Reed National Military Medical Center by Marine One, Where He is Scheduled to Remain for Several Days," "Due to Concerns about His COVID-19 Symptoms" of "Having A Low Grade Fever," and also "Out of Caution!" And, As It is Generally Known, "President Trump is Seventy-Four Years of Age," and "Overweight," Both of Which are "Not The Best States of Being to Be in If You have Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Questions, Commentaries, Accounts and Precaution"-

"History Will Reveal for Future Generations The Outcome of The 2020 United States Presidential Election Between President Donald J. Trump and Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden!"

-(However Take Note that, "As of Sunday, The Fourth of October 2020, Thirty Days until the 2020 Presidential Election on The Third of November 2020, "The NBC/Wall Street Journal National Poll Taken after The 2020 Presidential Debate," "Shows Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden is Leading U.S. President Donald Trump by Fourteen Percentage Points" "Fifty-Three Percent of Registered Voters Nationally to Thirty-Nine Percent for President Trump!"

And, Take Note that, "Forty-Nine Percent Believe that U.S. Vice President Biden Did A Better Job at The Debate" to "The President's Twenty-Four Percent!"

And, "The Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America has Leads in Several Pivotal States, Such as; Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Florida!" And, In Several Other Pivotal States Such as; "Texas, and North Carolina The Races are Close!"

And, "Fifty Percent Believe that The U.S. Congress Should Not Vote on A New Nominee for The U.S. Supreme Court," until "The Nation Knows who has Won The Presidency!")-

And, "History Will Reveal in Detail The Failure of The Republican Party in Their Duty" to "Represent The American People" in "Crucial Moments," When Programs had Expired" and "The Need was Great," In (1) "The Management," (2) "The Funding," (3) "The Immediate Manufacturing and Distributing of PPE,"and, (4) "Fully Comprehending The Needs of The American People During The Months of Shutdown and Stay at Home Orders," and "Adherence to Social Distancing Guidelines During The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!" 

And, "History" Will also Clearly and Succinctly Record," "Senate Republican Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell's Role"  in "Support of President Trump over The Needs of The American People," "During A Public Health Crisis in The United States of America!" 

"A Health Crisis" that "Caused The Deaths of More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Love One's," as of Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020, of "Families Who have Shed Cascades of Tears of Love" and "Tears of Friendship!" In Addition to "The Confirmed Cases of More than Seven Million American Citizens who have "Felt The Rage of The CoronaVirus!"

And, "At A Time When The American People have Needed The Full Support of The United States Congress" Over and Over Again "They have Found that They Could only Depend Upon The Democratic Party" to "Represent Their Interests," and "Advance Their Concerns," and "Create Detailed Legislation that Brought Them Relief," and "Stimulus Packages," that have "Helped Them to Pay for Their Mortgages and Rent," and "Provide Nourishment," and "Medical Care for Their Families!" 

And, "The American People Thank Them For Performing Their Oath of Office," and "Voting Their Conscience," "For They have Gained Their Respect and Appreciation!" 

But, "Before We Can Feel Absolutely Safe to Leave Our Homes," and "See Our Children and Grandchildren Go to School," and "Participate in After School Activities," and "Before Any Real Sense of Normality Returns into Our Lives," "There is Still So Much More to Be Done!"

And, "We Encourage The U.S. Congress to Get Over Their Differences in This Time Period of Global Pandemic" and "Work Together in Unison" to "Alleviate The Fears," "Frustrations," and "Economic Threat to The Stability of The Lives," and "Homes," and "Healthcare of The Diverse Community Of Americans," as "The End of Year Family Holidays Approach," and "Families from All Across The Nation Will Be In Need Additional Financial Support" and "Economic Relief," and "A True Sense of Peace of Mind!" And, "Irregardless of "What President Trump and Senate Majority Leader McConnell Vacillate Upon," For The Sake of The American People," and "Businesses," who are In Need!"

"Congress Must Clearly Comprehend" that "This is A National Security Matter and Declaration of Great Importance!" And, "Congress Must Act" and "Continue to Act in Support of The American People" until "This Deadly Virus is Under The Control of Medical and Healthcare Experts, Institutions, Hospitals, and Governments of The Earths Sovereign Nations!" And, only then, "Can They Take Pause" to "Fully Review The Lessons Derived from This Era of Global Pandemics!" 

However, "They Must Clearly Comprehend" that "The Complexities of The Twenty-First Century Demand" that "They Must Actively and Cognitively Address The Issues of Climate Warming, War, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Poverty, Free Education, Liberty, Equality, Oppressive and Authoritarian Governments," and "Establish A Bold New New Multi-Cultural Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 

And, All of This Must Be Accomplished "Before Any Attempt of Colonizing The Universe Occurs!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Precautions, and Questions"-

"As The Parallel Universes of War and Peace," and "Threats of New Conflicts Continue to Flare Up," and "Cause New Death Tolls" among "The Diverse Populations of The Earths Sovereign Nations," "Providing New Headlines in The Fourth Estate," and "The Breaking News Spotlights" of "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," Such as, "In Between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey," and "The Rohingya in The Sovereign Nation of Myanmar," "Where The Brutal Genocide of This People is Taking Place," and "The More than One Million Uyghurs" who are "Being Detained in Xinjiang Re-Education Camps"  in Northwest Region of The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China," Where Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Allegations and Accusations of "A Policy of Ethnocide," The Systemic and Deliberate Destruction of An Ethnic Group of People," "Resembling Cultural Genocide," is "Being Imposed Against The Uyghurs by The Chinese Government," and "In The Sovereign Nation of Belarus Where President Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko's Government is Imposing Its One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon It's People," and "In The Sovereign Nation of Syria Where President Hafez Bashar al-Assad, Often Described as A Dictator," is "Forcing His Dictatorial One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon It's People," or "In Venezuela Where President Nicolas Maduro," Often Described as A Dictator," is "Forcing His Oppressive One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon The People of Argentina," and "Wherever  The Imbalance of Justice May Be!" And, "One Wonders What Will It Take" to "Bring A Non-Violent End to Imperialistic Regimes of War," "Lust for Power," "Hate and Violence," and "Bring Peace to This Earth of Ours!" 

However, "Simultaneously The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Continues" to "Demonstrate Its Ability" to "Traverse All Sovereign Borders," and "Infect Whomever Comes in Its Deadly Path," and "Infiltrate The White House," and "Infect Member's of The Trump Administration," "First Lady Melania Knauss Trump," and "The President Himself!" And, "Now even In The Pentagon!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The Sixth of October 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Admiral Charles W. Ray Tested Positive on Monday, The Fifth of October 2020," and "Is Quarantining from Home," and Wednesday, The Seventh of October 2020 "Four Star Marine Corp General Gary Lee Thomas, The Second Highest Ranking Marine Corps Officer has Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus" and "Is In Quarantine at Home," and "After Attending Several Meetings at The Pentagon," in "Secure Areas," "Members of The Joint Chiefs of Staff," "Including United States Army General and The 20th Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Alexander Milley," "General John William "Jay" Raymond of The United States Space Force," and "Four General Charles Quinton Brown Jr. of The United States Air Force,"   and are All Self Quarantining!"

"The Good News" is "At Present, The Three Senior Member's of The Joint Chiefs" are "Not Showing Symptoms!"

However, On Tuesday, The Sixth of October 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump's Ill-Advised Decision" to "Order His Representatives to Stop Negotiations over The New Stimulus Package until After The Election," Which Would have Provided Additional CoronaVirus Relief Funds for The Nation," "Will Not Make It Easier for The Families," and "The Diverse Communities, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The United States of America!"

And, "The Question" is "What Logical, Compassionate, and Meaningful Reason Why" has, "President Trump Decided on This Ill-Advised Course of Action While The Nation is Experiencing A Serious Public Health Crisis," and "Families All Across The Nation have Lost More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Love One's," as of Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020, "While Shedding Cascades of Tears of Love," and are "In The Midst of An Immediate Threat to America's National Security, Safety, Well-Being, and Recovery!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Tuesday, The Sixth of October 2020, "After The Stock Market Crashed over President Trump's Ill-Advised Decision" to "Order His Representatives to Stop Negotiations of The New Stimulus Package until After The Election," President Trump "Called on The United States Congress to Approve A Portion of The CoronaVirus Relief Package," that "Would Provide $1,200 of "Stimulus Checks for Americans!"

In a Tweet The President said, "If I am sent A Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200) they will go out to our great people Immediately. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?

And, "In a Second Tweet" The President said, "The House & Senate should Immediately approve $25 Billion Dollars for Airline Payroll Support, & $135 Billion Dollars for Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business. Both of these will be fully paid for with unused funds from the Cares Act. Have this money. I will sign now.")-

"The Questions"that "Need Answering," are; (1) "Who is Providing Advice to President Trump as He Attempts to Manage The Domestic and Foreign Affairs of The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and, (2) "The American People Deserve to Know Exactly What The President State of Health is, "Especially When The National Security of The Nation is Being Threatened by The CoronaVirus (More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Americans have Died) and "The Financial Security of Millions of Americans are Not Being Respected or Protected by The Trump Administration," and "The Republican Party!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's Global Perspectives, Commentaries, Precautions and Questions"-

As The Parallel Universes of "Politics," "The Judiciary," "Lady Justice," "Supreme Court Nominee Hearings," and "The 2020 Presidential Election Continue" to "Cause A Conflict of Opinions Across The United States of America," "The Objective and Nonpartisan Truth" is "The Nomination of Indiana Judge Amy Coney Barrett for The United States Supreme Court" on Saturday, The Twenty-Sixth of September 2020, by "President Donald John Trump," who "Considers Herself to Be A Public Meaning Originalist," (And, Wife and Mother of Seven), and "Whose Judicial Philosophy Resembles Antonin Scalia of The United States Supreme Court," whom "She Worked for After Graduating First in Her Class at Notre Dame Law School in 1997, and "Who Presently Serves as "A Circuit Judge for the on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh District," "Should Not have Been Made by President Trump at All!"

 "Nor Should Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," "Senator Lindsey Olin Graham Republican from Kentucky," and "Senate Republicans," who "Would Not Consider President Obama's Nomination of Judge Merrick Brian Garland on The Sixteenth of March, 2016" to "Serve as An Associate Justice of The United States Supreme Court," "Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Day's Before the November Third 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," have "Embraced Her Nomination!"

And, "It is Unfortunate that Judge Barrett has Been Thrust in The Middle of This GOP Attempt" to "Politicize The Sacred Halls of The U.S. Supreme Court by Agreeing" to "Support Her Nomination by President Trump!"

And, "It is Obvious that The GOP Does Not have Her Best Interests in Mind," "Nor Do They have The Nations Best Interests in Mind!"

"Their Actions and Reasons for Judge Barrett's Nomination," are "A Total Reversal of Everything They Told The American People in 2016!" When They said "The Next Nominee for The U.S. Supreme Court Should Be Nominated by The Next President," "Not President Obama!"

And also, "The Concerns of Democrats on The Senate Judiciary Committee," about "Judge Barrett's Conservative Background and Beliefs," and "If Judge Barrett Should She Be Confirmed," (1) "Whether or Not Judge Barrett Should Recuse Herself from Participating in Any Future Supreme Court Cases Against The Affordable Care Act,"  Because of "Her 2017 Law Review Essay in Regards to The Affordable Care Act," and "Justice Roberts Decision in Favor of ACA," (2) "The Fact" that "Judge Barrett Added Her Name to List" of "Citizens of Michiana," who "Signed A Right to Life Ad" in 2006, "Sponsored by Saint Joseph County Right to Life" who "Called For Putting An End to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade and restore laws that protect the lives of unborn children." Plus, "The Concerns of The Democrats on The Senate Judiciary Committee," "Should Roe v. Wade Be Brought (Again) Before The United States Supreme Court," "How Would Judge Barret Vote, If Confirmed (Should She Agree to Recuse Herself)," and, (3) "The Reality" that "Should Judge Barrett Be Confirmed," "Would She Guarantee" (Before The Senate Judiciary Committee and The American People) that "She Would Abide by The Laws of The Constitution," over that of "Her Conservative Beliefs" and/or "Any Attempt to Politicize The Supreme Court in Favor of The Trump Administration Policies," or "Any Right to Life Group,"  "Altogether" are of "Great Concern to The Democratic Party!" 

"There are So Many Concerns" about "What Will The Sociological Impact of Judge Barrett's Nomination," and "Confirmation Be," If It Occurs, "On A Real World Impact," is "So Great" and "So Important" to "The American People!"

And, "The Questions" are "Why hasn't The Senate Republicans Led by Senate Majority Leader Addison, Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. Prioritizing Working with Senate Democrats" to "Pass A New CoronaVirus Stimulus Bill," "Instead of The Nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett!" "Especially, When The United States of America are In The Midst" of "A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused The Deaths of More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Love Ones!" And, "Is Threatening The National Security," "Healthcare," and "Welfare of The Nation!"   

And, "How Many Times Can The American People Be Lied to," without "Delivering A Severe and Proper Reprimand Upon The Politicians who Continue to Break Their Word," "Will Be Answered at The Polls on The Third of November 2020," and "Via Mail in" or "Early Voting!"

"The United States Constitution" has "Granted Every American Citizen The Right to Vote," and "No Political Party," "Foreign Entity," "Misinformation," Disinformation," "Unconstitutional Court Challenge," "False Campaign Rhetoric," or "Bully Pulpit Tactic Issued by A President, or Elected Official," "Can Deny This Democratic Constitutional Right from Occurring!"

And, "Every American Citizen Should Contact Their Elected Officials and "Voice Their Concerns" about "Not only Judge Barrett's Nomination by President Trump," But, also "Of Their Concerns" about "Any Attempt to Destroy The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (ACA)," and "Roe v. Wade!" 


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Monday, The Fifth of October 2020, Global Cross Media News are Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press Secretary Announced" that "She has Tested Positive for The CoronaVirus!"

"Adding to The Growing List of Members of The Trump Administration," "White House Staff," "Advisers and Aids" who have "Tested Positive!" Including "Former White House Senior Adviser, Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway," "Hope Hicks, A Close Aid of President Trump," "Bill Stepien Trump Campaign Manager," "The Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronna Romney McDaniel" and "Nicolas Luna An Assistant to President Trump," "Stephen Miller Senior Adviser for Policy to President Trump," and "Two  Deputies of Kayleigh McEnany in The White House Press Shop!"

And, "In Addition to Two Republican Senators on The Senate Judiciary Committee Utah Senator Michael Lee," and "North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis," "Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christy who Helped President Trump for His Debate Strategy with Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden has Tested Positive!"

And, Monday, The Fifth of October 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump is Scheduled to Depart" from "Walter Reed National Military Medical Center" after "Spending Just Three Days in Medical Care!"

And, "The Irony Continues to Be" that "President Trump's Example of Not Wearing A Mask at Campaign Rallies, Special Events," and "White House Activities," has "Become A Part of A Trail of Victims who have Tested Positive Including First Lady Melania Knauss Trump!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- "Republicans For Former U.S. Vice President and Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America Joseph R. Biden" and "His Running mate Current U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris"-

"The List of Concerned Republicans is Becoming Quite Substantial" who have "Decided to Endorse Former U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden," "Rather than Endure Four More Years of A Second Term of President Trump!" And, "They are Republican Notables," Such as, "Cindy Lou Hensley McCain, Philanthropist, Business Woman, and Widow of Senator John McCain from The State of Arizona," "Former Governor John Kasich of The State of Ohio," "Former Governor of The State of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman," "Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman," "Former Congresswoman Susan Molinari of The State of New York," "Retired Four Star General and Former United States Secretary of State Colin Luther Powell," Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John Owen Brennan," "The Lincoln Project," "Olivia "Liv" Troye Former Counterterrorism, National Security, and CoronaVirus Adviser to U.S. Vice President Michael Richard Pence," and "A Lifelong Republican," Who Worked on The  CoronaVirus Task Force," and "A Letter from 43 Alumni For Biden," that is "Made Up of Almost Three Hundred Former Administration and Campaign Officials of The Forty-Third President of The United States of America George Walker Bush" and "More that One Hundred Members of The Congressional Offices and Campaigns of Former United States Senator John Sidney McCain III Republican from The State of Arizona!"

 And, "More than Seventy Former Senior National Security Officials from Several Republican Administrations," in Addition to Former Republican Members of Congress Who Released a Letter Endorsing Former Vice President, and Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America Joseph R. Biden," and also Stated" that "President Trump is "unfit to lead" who "Include "Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden," (1) "Former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and United States Air Force Four Star General Michael Vincent Hayden," (2) "Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Ambassador John Dimitry Negroponte (DNI)," and, (3) "Former CIA and FBI Director William Hedgcock Webster," and, (4) "Former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- "President Trump has Announced that He Will Not Participate in A Virtual Presidential Debate"-

"There are Twenty Days until The 2020 Presidential Election," However, Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump has Disagreed" with "The New Commission on Presidential Debate Rules to Participate in A Virtual Style Debate," on Thursday, The Fifteenth of October," at "Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, in Miami, Florida," Which "Would have Minimized The Potential Risk of Spreading The CoronaVirus!" -(Note that" Former United States Vice President and Democratic Nominee Joseph Biden had Agreed to Participate in the Virtual Debate Style!")-

However, "The Logic of This Decision by The Commission on Presidential Debates is Irrefutable," Especially with "The Growing List of Members of The Trump Administration," "White House Staff," "Advisers and Aids" who have "Tested Positive," In Addition to President Trump," and "The First Lady!"

"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

"There Can Be No Difference of Opinion" that "The Importance of Presidential Debates are of Great Importance to The United States of America's Electoral Process!" "It Provides Everyone of Voting Age," and "The Youth of America with "An Opportunity to Know and Determine for Themselves" "Whom It is" that "They Prefer and Would Like to Vote for!" As well as "An Incentive and Motivation to Vote," "When They are of Voting Age!"  

And, "In This Presidential Election Everything that America Stands for is at Stake!" And, "The Youth of The Nation Deserve Nothing but The Best that The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The United States Constitution has to Offer!"

 And, "The Importance of The 2020 United States Presidential Election Can Not Be Underestimated!"

 And, "It is of Great Importance for Every American of Voting Age to Cast Their Vote for The Nominee" that "They Feel Best Represents The Traditions, Values," and "Constitutional Rights of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The American People!"

And, "Who Best Represents The United States of America Earthwide," with "Its Traditional Coalition of Allies," and "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earths Communities" who "Believe in Truth, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Economic Parity, Global Equilibre, and Peace!"

And, "Who Believe" that "The Time has Clearly Come" for "A Universal Correction in The Earths International and Domestic Systems" that "Empowers and Establishes A New Era" of "Cognition, Compassion, Creative Initiatives and Innovations," and of "Global Equilibre, " and "A Bold New Renaissance of Humanity," and "An Age of Egalitarianism, Exceptionalism, Universal Visions, and "A Multicultural Evolution" that "Respects The Environmental and Ecological Systems of This Planet Earth," and "The Lives of Its Sentient Life Forms!" "Altogether Evolving In A Bold and Enlightening Civilization," "Empowering and Educating A New Era of Peace," and "Peacetime Economies and Industries" that "Each and Every Woman, and Man," "Teenager, Young Adult and Child Can Thrive Upon" and "Share with Their Fellow Citizens and Families" of "This Grand Universe and Cosmos" that "We are But, "A Small Part of!"  And, "This is of Great Importance to Our Future," and "The Futures of The Youth of The Earth" who are "To Be The Inheritors of All The Universal Principles" that have "Been Purposefully, and Consciously Created for The Realization of Their Imagined Livelihoods, Dreams, and Career Goals," "Irregardless of Gender, Creed, Special Needs, Nationality, Tribe, Age Color, Financial Status, or Political Persuasion!"!"

 And, "Do Not Be Deterred by The False Rhetoric," and "Attacks on Mail in Voting," by "President Trump, or "Any Elected Official" Or, "Any Alleged Improprieties," or "Tactics to Delay," or "Prevent You from Voting by Mail," by "Louis DeJoy, The United States Postmaster General!" 

And, "Do Not Allow Anyone to Intimidate" or "Attempt to Turn You Off from Casting Your Vote!"

"The Right to Vote" is "An True Example of Democracy in Action!"

And, "It's Your Constitutional Right to Vote Your Conscience at Your Local Polling Location on Election Day, The Third of November 2020," or "by Mail in Votes," or "Early Voting," for "Whomever You Believe Represents The The Best Traditions, Values, Laws, and All that is "In The Best Interests of The American People," and "All that The United States of America Symbolizes and Stands for!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Precautions, Commentaries, and Accounts,"- "Fourth Estate Headlines and Articles and Global Cross Media News Sphere's Breaking  News Spotlights that "The White House is Embracing A New CoronaVirus National Policy" "Herd Immunity," as "Death Tolls in The United States of America Surpass Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Americans is Senseless," "Dangerous," "Ill-Advised," and "Ludicrous"-

  "The First Day's of The 2020 CoronaVirus of Autumn Continues" to "Show A New Escalation and Rise in COVID-19 All Across The United States of America," and "The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "One Can only Hope" that "The CoronaVirus Projects" that have "Been in Trials over The Summer Will Become A Success," "As The Number of Deaths in The United States of America" has "Risen Above An Unimaginable and Heartbreaking Plateau of More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Love Ones" as of Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020!

"The Companies that have Emerged" and "Become The Hopes of Americans," and "Citizens from All Across The Earths United Sovereign Nations" that have "Entered into The Late Final Stage of Clinical Trials," (1) "Johnson and Johnson," (2) "The Pharmaceutical Company Moderna Inc." -(MRNA)- Final Stage," (3) "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot,"and, (4) "Human Trials on A New Vaccine," at "The Imperial College London," (5)"The  University of Wisconsin," (6) Pfizer Inc. -(PFE)- and (7) "Novavax Inc. An American Vaccine Development Company -(NVAX)- and "All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Look Forward to Their Positive Test Results of Their Trials For The Sake of All of Our Lives!"

And, "As This Important and Vital Phase of CoronaVirus Trial's Continues, It is Important to Report" that "The Food and Drug Administration has Stated" that "There will be "Tougher Standards for The Approval of A Vaccine!"

 (-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Ninth of September 2020, "The Test of Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's COVID-19 Vaccine" has had "A Setback!" And, "All Clinical Trials have "Been Placed on Hold Due to An Unexplained Illness" that "Occurred with One of Its Participants in United Kingdom!"

AstraZeneca Spokeswoman Michele Meixell said, "This is a routine action which has to happen to whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it's being investigated ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials." And, "She also said that It's too early to determine the sick participant's specific diagnosis.")-     

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

 President Trump's Attacks Upon "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, (NIAID),"are "Unconscionable" and
"Another Reason to Cast Your Vote on The Third of November 2020!"

 "The Safety and Protection of All The People" of "The Earths United Sovereign Nations Should Be The Main Priority of Health Institutions, Scientists, The FDA, The CDC, The WHO, Leaders of Sovereign Nations, and Manufacturers," "Before A New CoronaVirus Vaccine" has "Been Approved, Manufactured, and Distributed Earthwide!"

More than "One Million, and Eighty-One Thousand Persons have Died Due to The CoronaVirus," and More than "Thirty-Seven Million, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven Thousand People Earthwide," have "Been Tested Positive as of Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020!"

And, "The Lives of Billions of Women Men, and The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations" "Must Be The Primary Concern Over that," of "The Two P's," "Profit and Politics," as "The Trials and Search for A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment Goes Forth" to "Eventually Become A Reality!"

And, "Any Violation of This Concern Must Be Considered A Serious Crime Against Humanity," so "Deeply Immoral A Concern This Would is!"

And, "Any Political Manipulation" of "Important Life Saving Medical and Health News, Advice, or Guidelines," Should Be Considered "A Crime Against Humanity!"


 -Extra Noteworthy News-

"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America There are Literally Millions of Children Living in Poverty with Their Families," and "Hundred's of Thousands of Homeless Americans Living on Sidewalks, In Public Parking Area's, Wooded Area's, and Train Tunnels," and then "There are Some who are Living in Doorways, Stairwells, and on The Streets," and "Enduring Transient Lifestyles," "Living in Their Cars, Trucks, and Vans," and "One Can only Wonder When A New Economic and/or Relief Program Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," and "President Trump and His Administration," and "The Republican Party" are "Planning to Address This Failure to Represent All The People!"
And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Bureau of Labor Report Announced" on Thursday, The Eighth of October 2020," that "There were Eight Hundred and Forty Thousand New Claims," Which was "A Decrease from The Eight Hundred and Forty-Nine Thousand Americans who Filed The Previous Week," However "It Brought The Last Twenty-Eight Week's Total of Unemployed" to "Another Historical High of Approximately If Not More than Seventy-One Million American's," since "After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America was Declared A Pandemic!"
  And,  "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation," that has Seen An Recent Increase in The Number of Confirmed Cases in at Least Twenty-Eight States of The Union and The District of Columbia!" And, "This is How The 2020 Autumn of The CoronaVirus has Begun!"
And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes in The Reopening of Schools in This Autumn," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Tragically so, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow!" "Projections as High as Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight New Deaths are Estimated to Occur by Years End," unless "A New Vaccine is Discovered and Approved by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease and Prevention" (CDC), 'The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "Health and Medical Experts," and "Global Scientists," and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!" "Which Leads to The Importance of Trust in Our Scientists," and "Trust In Our Government Leaders," and "Health and Medical Institutions!"
Which Leads to, "Whether or Not" "Any New Vaccine Will Receive The Approval of The Earths Populace," as "The Politicization of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Tainted The Importance of Following Social Distancing Guidelines," and Unbelievably so, "Wearing Masks!" As, "Confirmed Cases Earthwide have Risen Above Thirty-Seven Million, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven Thousand," and "More than One Million, and Eighty-One Thousand Deaths have Occurred!"
And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster and Alternative Reality," "There Simply is No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy," and "Nor Will There Be until A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and "Been Given The Official Approval of The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO)!

 And, "Unbelievably The $Six Hundred Dollar Benefit that Ended on The Thirty-First of July 2020" has "Not Been Renewed by Congress!" And, "The Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium," that had Been Extended by The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), "Ended on Monday, The Thirty-First f August 2020!" And, "Both Will Cause A Devastating and Crushing Effect on The Lives and Families of Millions of Americans!" "To Which One Must Add" that On The First of October 2020, "The Expiration of The Federal Payroll Support Program (PSP)," under "The CARES Act Passed by Congress in March 2020, has "Brought on The Furlough of Tens of Thousand Employees Nationwide," "Effecting The Airline Industry," and "Tourist Related Industries," and "Families Across The Nation!"
And, "Unconscionably and Beyond Belief," Beyond Belief, "Because, The United States of America is in The Middle of A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused The Deaths of "More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Persons," As of Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020, and "Still No Agreement has Been Made on The New CoronaVirus Relief Package for America Between The Republican and Democratic Parties, or "The Trump Administration!"

And, "The Advanced Seasonally Adjusted Insured Unemployment Rate of The Department of Labor for The Week Ending The Nineteenth of September 2020 is 8.1 percent!" And, "While This is A Decrease of 0.6%," from "The Previous Week's Revised Rate of 8.7% Percentage Point," "This Explains Why Food Banks are Still Experiencing An Overflow of American Families" who are "In Need of Food and Sustenance for Their Families!" And "This is A Clear Reflection of The Stress and Pressure that Americans are Experiencing," "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck!"
And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020,  "More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Persons have Died in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases" of More than "Seven Million, Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two Thousand American Citizens," "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of More than Two Hundred and Nineteen Thousand Americans," are "Suffering and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
And, "Let Us also Be Absolutely Clear" that "While Wearing Masks," and "Following Social Distancing Guidelines" are "Important Deterrents from Contracting This Vicious and Deadly Virus" that "Knows No Boundaries," "A Vaccine is Needed Now," and "A Bonafide Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now," Before The Earths Populace Can Rest at Peace Knowing" that "The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "The Threat to Our Families Lives is Over!"
"The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis!"
And, "Due to The CoronaViris Crisis The Economic Recession The United States Will Continue," and "The FED also Expects A Severe Contraction in The GDP in 2020," "Which is Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect" that "The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" All of Which Could have Been Averted to A High Degree," But for "The Mismanagement of The Spread of The COVID-19 by President Trump and His Administration," as "President Trump Himself" has "Revealed and Proven to Be The Truth in The Eighteen Interviews and Recorded Audio Tapes" of Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book "Rage!"  

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" that "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Monday, The Twelfth of October 2020, There have Been "More than One Million, and Eighty-One Thousand Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Thirty-Seven Million, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven Thousand Family Members," and "Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!" 
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!" 
"For These Leaders Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates that We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia "The Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives," "Questions, Commentaries, Accounts, and Precautions are Manifold" in "This Era of History of The Twenty-First Century When We are Faced" with The CoronaVirus Pandemic Earthwide," "Authoritarian Rule," "One Man Rule Forms of Government," "Dictatorships," "Imperialists," "Ignorers of Climate Warming," "Domestic and Foreign Militants, Vigilantes, Terrorists, Syndicates of Crime, and Racists," and "The Time has Come for The Earths Populace to Rise Up," and "Establish A Bold New Age" and "Omnipresent Multi-Cultural Civilization Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"A Bold and Purposeful New Civilization Of The People" that "Embraces and Respects The Rights of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earths Sovereign Nations to Live in Peace!"

And, "Wherever and Whenever Attempts are Made to Subjugate The People," or "Manipulate, Lie," or "Seek to Control The People Thru Oppressive Government Policies and Programs," "Untruthful Slogans," "False Rhetoric," "Lust," "Hate," or Prejudice," "Let Us Reject These Attempts Thru Non-Violent Demonstrations," and "Civil Rights and Human Rights Marches," and "Through The Volunteer Efforts of Advocates and Activists" in "Defense of The Civil Rights and  Earthrise Vision Of The People, Wherever They May Live, Irregardless of Nationality, Gender, Creed,Tribe, Age, Special Needs, Color, Political Persuasion or Financial Status!"And, "In Defense of A Global Equilibre" that "Empowers and Gives Birth to A New Age of All The People of The Earths United Sovereign Solar Nations!"

And, "Let Us Take Action Wherever and Whenever The Need Presents Itself" Thru "The Power of The Vote," "The Truth," "Peace," "Justice," and "Equality," as "A Great Renaissance" of "A Bold New Civilization Of The People!" For We Can No Longer Live by The Rules and Regulations" of "Oppression, Injustice, and Corruption!" 

And, "The Youth of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Deserve More than The Cruelty, and Brutality of Indifference, and Disrespect," that "Is All Too Prevalent in Oppressive and Authoritarian Forms of Governance!"     

And, "The Question" is "What Can The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations Be Thinking About" in Regards to "The Conduct and Behavior of Too Many Leaders of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations!" "Leaders who Show No Respect for The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "What Does The Youth of America Think About The Example that "President Trump Displayed" at "The First Presidential Debate with Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America and Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2020 at The Sampson Pavilion of the Health Education Campus (HEC) Which is "Shared by Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio!"

And, "How Can Parents Explain The Continued and Oppressive Interruptions Conducted by President Trump," and "His Lack of Cooperation with Moderator Chris Wallace of Fox TV Network," and "The Lack of Respect" that "President Trump Showed for The Rules and Negotiations Agreed to by Both Campaigns," and "The President's Willingness to Cause Havoc and Chaos During The First Debate," Instead of, "Answering The Important Questions About The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "National Healthcare for America," "The U.S. Supreme Court Vacancy," "The U.S. Economy," "The Reopening of Schools in The U.S. and The Safety of The Youth of The Nation," and "The Unsettling State of Race Conditions in The United States," and "Attempts to Disrupt The 2020 Presidential Election and Mail in Voting," "Environmental and Ecological Concerns," and "Recent Discoveries of The History of President Trump's Taxes," "Among Other Questions Posed to Him by Chris Wallace," "Whose Frustration was Clearly Evident in Attempting to Guide," and "Pose Questions Directly to Both Nominees Through The Ninety Minutes of The Debate!"

And, "Where was The Dignity and Integrity of The Office of The President on Display," "When President Trump Attacked The Son's of Former Vice President Biden!"

And, "Why Didn't The President Answer Chris Wallace's Question," About "Whether He Would Condemn White Supremacy, and Militia Groups," "Without Hesitation," and "Strongly Condemning These Aggressive Instigators," and "Oppressive Groups!" 

And, "What Do You Say to African American Families," Who "After Four Hundred Years of Systemic Racism and Racial Injustices," that "Their President Refuses to Absolutely and Unequivocally Agree to Condemn These Domestic Racist Militias and Instigators," with More than Just Saying "Sure," When Asked This Question!" 

And, "What Do We Say to The Youth of America," Whether They Be "Black, Brown, White, Red, Yellow," and/or "Whatever Intelligent and Beautiful Diversified Mixture of American Families They May Be A Part of," "When They Ask," "How Can President Trump Be The Law and Order President" and "Be in Support of These Groups of Militia!"

And, "What Do We Say to The Youth of America," "Who have Lost A Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Grandparent, or Loving Family Member, or Close Friend of Their Family Due to The Ongoing Threat of  The CoronaVirus Pandemic, "When They See President Trump" and "Too Many of His Administration and Supporters Still Refusing Wearing Masks!"

And, "How Can You Expect to Convince Everyone in America of The Importance of Wearing Face Masks," When Global Cross Media News Reports are"Members of President Trump's Own Family Did Not Wear Face Masks at The Debate!"

And, "After Viewing The Complete First Presidential Debate," "What Can You Say to Parents Who have Lost A Loved One Fighting in Wars on Foreign Shores in The Name Of Liberty, Justice, and Peace For One and All," "Truly Young Women and Men Who have Volunteered to Patriotically Join The United States Armed Forces," and "Who have Been Trained, and Disciplined to Represent The United States of America," and "The Nations Principles, Values, Integrity, and Dignity!"

And, "Why has President Trump Refused to Participate in A Second 2020 Presidential Debate with Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden," in "A Virtual Debate Style!" What is President Trump Afraid of," and "With "The Growing List of Members of The Trump Administration," "White House Staff," "Advisers and Aids" who have "Tested Positive," In Addition to President Trump," and "The First Lady," "The Commissions Decision Makes Absolute Sense!" 

And, "What is Apparent After Viewing The First Presidential Debate" and "Equally as Important to The Nation, Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," is that "Every American Citizen of Voting Age Must Cast Their Vote on The Third of November 2020," or "by Mail in Vote," or "Early Voting at Your Local Polling Places," "Irregardless of Your Gender, Financial Position, Creed, Tribe, Nationality, Special Needs, Political Persuasion, or Color!"

And, "What is also Apparent" is that "The Commission on Presidential Debates Must Must Not Give in to Political Pressure" and "Continue to Stand by Their Desire to Create A Format for Presidential Debate" that "Can Not Be Violated and/or Abused by Any Nominee!"

"Debates" are "A Part of The History" and "Tradition of The Electoral and Democratic Process of The United States of America," and "They Should Be Respected by Every Nominee or Candidate Campaigning for Public Office!" And, "No Elected Official, or President, has The Right to Prevent Any American Citizen" from "Their Constitutional Right to Vote" and "Have Their Vote Counted!"

 And, "Let Us Remember," that "Whenever We are Beset Upon by Lies, False Campaign Rhetoric," and "Unjust and Oppressive Policies" and "Threats to Our Welfare and Healthcare" "We have But to Look Within to Find The Answers" to "All of The Questions" that "Go Unanswered," and "Need Answering in Times of Great Turmoil!" 

And, "When You Feel Lost, Frustrated, or Fearful," "You have But to Look within" to "Discover The Answers You Seek," "For They Lie Within Your Own Hearts, Minds, Intellect, Cognitive and Spiritual Awareness, Earthrise Vision, Souls, and Spirits!"

And, "It is Important for Each and Everyone of Us" to "Remember" that "There is Virtually Zero Degrees of Difference and Separation Between Us!" And, "There is A Spirit and Soul Nexus Connecting Us!"

And, "We are One Nation under God Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All!" And, "Whatever Lies in The Best Interest of The Sociological Affairs of The Earths Populace," that is "Just, Non-Violent, Truthful, Universally Principled, Ethical, and Equal in The Eyes and Courts of The Law," and "Free from The Authoritative and Oppressive Rule of Dictatorial Governments" is "Beneficial to One and All!"

 And, "Truly A Change Must Come!" And, "Let Us Beckon It" with "All The Faith and Belief in The Universal Principles" that "We were Taught to Believe in," and "Sow The Seeds For A New Renaissance and Culture Of Humanity," and "A Bold New Future For All The People!" 

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!


-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of September 2020, "The New York Times Published A Major News Story About Twenty Years of Financial History of President Donald John Trump," who "The Times Revealed has Accrued A Massive Debt of $421 Million Dollars," that "He is Personally Responsible for In Loans and Debt!"
 And that, (1) "The President has Not Paid Income Taxes in Ten of The Last Fifteen Years," and, (2) "President Trump" has "Paid only $Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars  in Federal Income Taxes in Both 2016, and 20017!"

And, "This Story About The President's Finances Will Be A Major News Headline," and "Breaking News Spotlight of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's for Quite A While!"
And, "No Doubt Will Become of Great Interest to The District Attorney of New York County, New York Cyrus Roberts "Cy" Vance Jr." and "Other Investigatory Groups" who are "Interested in President Trump's Finances" and "Tax Returns!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Questions" that "Will Need Answering to" are, "How Will President Trump," "His Administration," and "The President's Attorneys Explain The Allegations of This Massive Debt" to, (1) "Investigative Authorities," (2) "The President's Voting Base," (who have Supported Him Althroughout His Term in Office Loyally), and (3) "The Nation" who are "Struggling to Meet Their Daily Expenses as The CoronaVirus Crisis Continues to Threaten Their Families," "Friends," "Neighbors," and "Fellow Americans," and, (4) "Everyone" who are "Waiting Patiently for More Relief Funding" from "The Republican Controlled Senate," "The Trump Administration," and "The United States Congress," from "Small Businesses," to "The Millions of Americans who are Unemployed," and, (4) "To Whom Does The President Owe This Massive Amount of Debt and Loans to!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of September 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump has Tweeted Denials of The Allegations in The New York Times Report!")-


-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Natural Disasters, such as The Fires Raging in California, Oregon, Washington State, and Across The West Coast, Including Montana, and Parts of Idaho, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than One Million Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!

Thursday, October 1, 2020



The Way To Peace! #374

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Questions, Commentaries  Accounts and Precautions"- "The Mismanagement of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus-"

As The Presidential Campaign Increases in Its Intensity, "It is Shocking and Revealing to See The Campaign Events by United States President Donald J. Trump in Contrast with Those of Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden!" Especially as "We Continue to See Serious Spikes of The CoronaVirus Taking Place All Across The United States of America!"

And, "It's Both Confounding and Shocking to See A Majority of President Trump's Followers Attending His Events without Masks Being Worn!" "Versus The Democratic Nominee for President of The United Stats of America Former U.S. Vice President Biden's Events Being Careful" to "Respect The Social Distancing Guidelines, and Wearing Masks" that have Been Called for by All of The Medical," and "Health Care Experts," from "Anthony Stephen Fauci The Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)" to " Deborah Leah Birx White House CoronaVirus Response Coordinator!" And, of Course, by Medical and Health Care Experts and Institutions from All Over The Earths United Sovereign Nations," and "The World Health Organization (WHO)!"

And, "The Question" is "What Can President Trump Be Thinking" When He See's So Many Americans Attending His Campaign Events, "Not Wearing Face Masks" and "Sitting or Standing Next to Each Other," Obviously, "In Violation of Social Distancing Guidelines" that are "In Place to Save The Lives of Americans All Across The Nation!" And, "Especially as The Number of Deaths in The United States of America has "Surpassed The Unimaginable Plateau of Two Hundred Thousand Americans!" "Love One's" that "Will Be Deeply Missed and Mourned by Their Families!"

And, "Especially," As Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's" and "As Headlines and Articles of The Fourth Estate have Reported," that "A Guideline from The Department of Health and Human Services" was "Dropped into The CDC Website Against All Protocol and The Objections of CDC Scientists," Saying "It was not necessary to test individuals without symptoms of COVID-19," (Even if they had been exposed to the virus)! 

-(Note that, "In a Statement" (A Clarification), "Released on Friday, The Eighteenth of September 2020," Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The CDC Now says "Anyone who has been within six feet of of an infected person for at least fifteen minutes should get a test.")- 

  Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's Global Perspectives, and Precautions"- 

"The Transmission of The CoronaVirus" by "Students Participating" in "In Person Classes," to "Their Families at Home Continues to Be A Growing Concern!" Which "Leads Back to The Reality and Importance of Considering Distance Learning" as "The Primary Method and Procedure for Teaching Our Children," via "The Hi-Tech Digital Universe," "Especially During This Precarious Time Period When The CoronaVirus Continues to Spike" and "Emerge as A Major Threat to The Nations Families!"

"Isn't It Time We Listened to The Trustworthy Medical and Health Care Experts and Scientists who Advise Us," and "Who Consider Our Health and Welfare Irregardless of The Political Party They Prefer," and/or "The Nominee for President of The United States of America They Prefer!"

"The Lives of The Youth of The Sovereign Nations of The Earth are at Stake!" And, "We are Still Immersed in A Battle Against The CoronaVirus!" 

And, "Any Political Manipulation" of "Important Life Saving Medical and  Health News, Advice, or Guidelines," Should Be Considered "A Crime Against Humanity!"

And, "Let's Agree" that "Without We The People," "There is No Economy!" And then, "What is The Value of A Human Life," or "The Life of Your Love One!" Or, "The Life of Your Fellow Human Being!"

And, "Let's Agree" that "The Most Extensive Safety Precautions Must Be Taken," Whether It Be to "Educate The Youth of The Earth," or "Return To Work," until "A Vaccine/Cure," or "Therapeutic Treatment" has "Been Officially Approved," and "Scientifically Adjudicated by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and then "Been Given The Approval of The Earths Medical and Health Care Institutions," and "The Earths Populace" who "Must Believe and Trust in The Word" of "Our Most Highly Respected Health Care and Medical Experts," and "Scientists!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons,News Purview's, Global Perspectives," "Questions, Commentaries, Accounts, and Precautions"- 

"The Question" is "What Can The Youth of America Be Thinking About The Conduct and Behavior of President Trump" at "The First Presidential Debate!"

And, "What Does The Youth of America Think About The Example that "President Trump Displayed" at "The First Presidential Debate with Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America and Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2020 at The Sampson Pavilion of the Health Education Campus (HEC) Which is "Shared by Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio!"

"How Can Parents Explain The Continued Oppressive Interruptions Conducted by President Trump," and "His Lack of Cooperation with Moderator Chris Wallace of Fox TV Network," and "The Lack of Respect that President Trump Showed for The Rules and Negotiations Agreed to by Both Campaigns," and "The President's Willingness to Cause Havoc and Chaos During The First Debate," Instead of, "Answering The Important Questions About The CoronaVirus Pandemic," "National Healthcare for America," "The U.S. Supreme Court Vacancy," "The U.S. Economy," "The Reopening of Schools in The U.S. and The Safety of The Youth of The Nation," and "The Unsettling State of Race Conditions in The United States," "The 2020 Presidential Election and Mail in Voting," "Environmental Concerns," and "Recent Discoveries of The History of President Trump's Taxes," "Among Other Questions Posed to Him by Chris Wallace," "Whose Frustration was Clearly Evident in Attempting to Guide," and "Pose Questions Directly to Both Nominees Through The Ninety Minutes of The Debate!"

And, "Where was The Dignity and Integrity of The Office of The President," "When He Attacked The Son's of Former Vice President Biden!"

And, "Why Didn't The President Answer Chris Wallace's Question," About "Whether He Would Condemn White Supremacy, and Militia Groups," "Without Hesitation," and "Strongly Condemning These Aggressive Instigators," and "Oppressive Groups!" 

And, "What Do You Say to African American Families," Who "After Four Hundred Years of Systemic Racism and Racial Injustices," that "Their President Refuses to Absolutely and Unequivocally Agree to Condemn These Racist Militias and Instigators," with More than Just Saying "Sure," When Asked This Question!" 

And, "What Do We Say to The Youth of America," Whether They Be "Black, Brown, White, Red, Yellow," and/or "Whatever Intelligent and Beautiful Diversified Mixture of American Families They May Be A Part of," "When They Ask," "How Can President Trump Be The Law and Order President" and "Be in Support of These Groups of Militia!"

And, "What Do We Say to The Youth of America," "Who have Lost A Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Grandparent, or Loving Family Member, or Close Friend of Their Family Due to The Ongoing Threat of  The CoronaVirus Pandemic!"

And, "How Can You Expect to Convince Everyone in America of The Importance of Wearing Face Masks," When Global Cross Media News Reports are"Members of President Trump's Own Family Did Not Wear Face Masks at The Debate!"

And, "After Viewing The Complete First Presidential Debate," "What Can You Say to Parents Who have Lost A Loved One Fighting in Wars on Foreign Shores in The Name Of Liberty, Justice, and Peace For One and All," "Truly Young Women and Men Who have Volunteered to Patriotically Join The United States Armed Forces," and "Who have Been Trained, and Disciplined to Represent The United States of America," and "The Nations Principles, Values, Integrity, and Dignity!"

"The Answer" to "All of These Questions," and "Those of Your Own Lies within Your Hearts, Minds, Cognitive and Spiritual Awareness, Earthrise Vision, Intelligence, Souls, and Spirits!"

And "Remember" that "There is Virtually Zero Degrees of Difference and Separation Between Us!" And, "We are One Nation under God Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All!" And, "Whatever Lies in The Best Interest of The Sociological Affairs of The Earths Populace," that is "Just, Non-Violent, Truthful, Universally Principled, Ethical, and Equal in The Eyes and Courts of The Law," and "Free from The Authoritative and Oppressive Rule of Dictatorial Governments" is "Beneficial to One and All!" 

And, "What is Apparent After Viewing The First Presidential Debate" and "Equally as Important to The Nation, Republic, Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," is that "Every American Citizen of Voting Age Must Cast Their Vote on The Third of November 2020," or "by Mail in Vote," or "Early Voting at Your Local Polling Places," "Irregardless of Your Gender, Financial Position, Creed, Tribe, Nationality, Special Needs, Political Persuasion, or Color!"

And, "What is also Apparent" is that "The Commission on Presidential Debates Must Create A Format for Presidential Debate" that "Can Not Be Violated and/or Abused by Any Nominee!"

"Debates" are "A Part of The History" and "Tradition of The Electoral and Democratic Process of The United States of America," and "They Should Be Respected by Every Nominee or Candidate Campaigning for Public Office!" And, "No Elected Official or President has The Right to Prevent Any American Citizen" from "Their Constitutional Right to Vote" and "Have Their Vote Counted!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Thirtieth of September 2020, "The Commission on Debates Announced New Measures for Debates Will Be Forthcoming!")-


-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of September 2020, "The New York Times Published A Major News Story About Twenty Years of Financial History of President Donald John Trump," who "The Times Revealed has Accrued A Massive Debt of $421 Million Dollars," that "He is Personally Responsible for In Loans and Debt!"
 And that, (1) "The President has Not Paid Income Taxes in Ten of The Last Fifteen Years," and, (2) "President Trump" has "Paid only $Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars  in Federal Income Taxes in Both 2016, and 20017!"

And, "This Story About The President's Finances Will Be A Major News Headline," and "Breaking News Spotlight of The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Sphere's for Quite A While!"
And, "No Doubt Will Become of Great Interest to The District Attorney of New York County, New York Cyrus Roberts "Cy" Vance Jr." and "Other Investigatory Groups" who are "Interested in President Trump's Finances" and "Tax Returns!"
-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-
"The Questions" that "Will Need Answering to" are, "How Will President Trump," "His Administration," and "The President's Attorneys Explain The Allegations of This Massive Debt" to, (1) "Investigative Authorities," (2) "The President's Voting Base," (who have Supported Him Althroughout His Term in Office Loyally), and (3) "The Nation" who are "Struggling to Meet Their Daily Expenses as The CoronaVirus Crisis Continues to Threaten Their Families," "Friends," "Neighbors," and "Fellow Americans," and, (4) "Everyone" who are "Waiting Patiently for More Relief Funding" from "The Republican Controlled Senate," "The Trump Administration," and "The United States Congress," from "Small Businesses," to "The Millions of Americans who are Unemployed," and, (4) "To Whom Does The President Owe This Massive Amount of Debt and Loans to!"

-(Note that, Monday, The Twenty-Eighth of September 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are President Trump has Tweeted Denials of The Allegations in The New York Times Report!")-


-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are, Saturday, The Twenty-Sixth of September 2020, "President Donald John Trump Chose Indiana Judge Amy Coney Barrett"who Presently Serves as "A Circuit Judge for the on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh District" as "His Nominee for The United States Supreme Court" in "An Announcement Ceremony at The White House!"

On The Eighth of May 2017 "Judge Amy Coney Barrett" was "Nominated to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals by President Trump," and "Confirmed by The U.S. Senate on The Thirty-First of October 2017 by "A Vote of Fifty to Forty-Three!"

Judge Barrett Considers Herself to Be A Public Meaning Originalist," (And, Wife and Mother of Seven), whose "Judicial Philosophy Resembles Antonin Scalia of The United States Supreme Court," whom "She Worked for After Graduating First in Her Class at Notre Dame Law School in 1997," with "A Juris Doctor Summa Cum Laude,"  as "Judge Antonin Gregory Scalia's Law Clerk from 1998 to 1999!"

"Judge Barrett has had Quite A Distinguished Career as A Student, Judge and Professor!"

As A Professor, "Judge Barrett Worked as A Visiting Associate Professor and John M. Olin Fellow in Law at The George Washington University Law School for One Year!" And then, "Returned to Notre Dame Law School in 2002," Where She Taught Constitutional Law, and Federal Courts, and Statutory Interpretation!" And,"Received The Distinguished Professor of the Year Award Three Times!" 

And, "In 2010 Judge Barrett was "Named A Professor of Law," and also "Held The The Diane and M.O. Miller Research Chair of Law from 2014 to 2017!"

And, "Judge Barrett's Academic Works have Been Published" in "Several Journals!" 

"The Question" is "Can "Judge Amy Coney Barrett Remain An Interdependent Voice of Justice on The U.S. Supreme Court," and "An Unbiased Interpreter of Justice Representing The Laws of The U.S. Constitution," "Free from Politicization," and "Presidential Politics," and "Dedicated and Committed to Fulfill Her Responsibilities and Duties on The Supreme Court without Her Religious Beliefs or Faith Affecting Her Court Decisions!" 

And, "Will Justice Barrett Be Able Judge Fairly," with Her Eight Other Colleagues, "The Sincere and Forthright Concerns of The American People who Come Before The U.S. Supreme Court Asking for A Fair and Just Interpretation of The Law!" "In The True Spirit of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg!"

 It Should Be Noted that "Four Hundred and Fifty Former Students Signed A Letter to The Senate Judiciary Committee in Support of Judge Barnett's Nomination for Circuit Judge for the the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh District!" And, "Her Nomination also Received The Support of Every Law Clerk She ever Worked with," and "All Forty-Nine of Her Faculty Colleagues at The Notre Dame Law School!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's Global Perspectives, and Precautions"-

"The Truth is" "This Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Barrett Should Not have Been Made by President Trump at All!" "Nor Should Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell Jr. from Kentucky," and "Senate Republicans," who "Would Not Consider President Obama's Nomination of Judge Merrick Brian Garland on The Sixteenth of March, 2016" to "Serve as An Associate Justice of The United States Supreme Court," "Two Hundred and Thirty-Two Day's Before the November Third 2016 U.S. Presidential Election!"

And, "It is Unfortunate that Judge Barrett has Been Thrust in The Middle of This GOP Attempt" to "Politicize The Sacred Halls of The U.S. Supreme Court by Agreeing" to "Support Her Nomination by President Trump!"

And, "It is Obvious that The GOP Does Not have Her Best Interests in Mind," "Nor Do They have The Nations Best Interests in Mind!"

"Their Actions and Reasons for Judge Barrett's Nomination," are "A Total Reversal of Everything They Told The American People in 2016!" When They said "The Next Nominee for The U.S. Supreme Court Should Be Nominated by The Next President," "Not President Obama!"

And, "The Question" of "How Many Times Can The American People Be Lied to," without "Delivering A Severe and Proper Reprimand Upon The Politicians who Continue to Break Their Word," "Will Be Answered at The Polls on The Third of November 2020," and "Via Mail in" or "Early Voting!"

"The United States Constitution" has "Granted Every American Citizen The Right to Vote," and "No Political Party," "Foreign Entity," "Misinformation," Disinformation," "Unconstitutional Court Challenge," "False Campaign Rhetoric," or "Bully Pulpit Tactic Issued by A President, or Elected Official," "Can Deny This Democratic Constitutional Right from Occurring!"


 "Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"-

-Extra Noteworthy News- "There are Thirty-Three Days until The 2020 Presidential Election," and "Fourteen Days" until "The Second 2020 Presidential Debate Occurs on Thursday, The Fifteenth of October," at "Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, in Miami, Florida!"

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Non-Partisan Commission of Presidential Debates" has "Announced" that "Steven L. "Steve" Scully, Senior Executive Producer and Political Editor for C-SPAN Television Network, and "One of Its Hosts for its Morning Call-in Show, Washington Journal, and The Weekly, "Will Be The Moderator," and "The Debate is Scheduled to Run from Nine to Ten-Thirty P.M. Eastern Standard Time!" 

-(And, "The Audience Will Be Respectful of Social Distancing Guidelines" and "Wearing Masks!")-

"Everything that America Stands for is at Stake!" And, "The Youth of The Nation Deserve Nothing but The Best that The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The United States Constitution has to Offer!"

 "The Importance of The 2020 United States Presidential Election Can Not Be Underestimated!"

 And, "It is of Great Importance for Every American of Voting Age to Cast Their Vote for The Nominee" that "They Feel Best Represents The Traditions, Values," and "Constitutional Rights of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The American People!"

And, "Who Best Represents The United States of America Earthwide," with "Its Traditional Coalition of Allies," and "The United Sovereign Nations of The Earths Communities" who "Believe in Truth, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Economic Parity, Global Equilibre, and Peace!"

And, "Who Believe" that "A Universal Correction in The Earths International and Domestic Systems" that "Empowers and Establishes A New Era of Cognition, Compassion," and "A Bold New Age of Civilization" is "Important to Our Future!"

 And, "Do Not Be Deterred by The False Rhetoric," and "Attacks on Mail in Voting," by "President Trump, or "Any Elected Official" Or, "Any Alleged Improprieties," or "Tactics to Delay," or "Prevent You from Voting by Mail," by "Louis DeJoy, The United States Postmaster General!" 

And, "Do Not Allow Anyone to Intimidate" or "Attempt to Turn You Off from Casting Your Vote!"

"The Right to Vote" is "An True Example of Democracy in Action!"

And, "It's Your Constitutional Right to Vote Your Conscience at Your Local Polling Location on Election Day, The Third of November 2020," or "by Mail in Votes," or "Early Voting," for "Whomever You Believe Represents The The Best Traditions, Values, Laws, and All that is "In The Best Interests of The American People," and "All that The United States of America Symbolizes and Stands for!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Wednesday, The Seventh of October 2020 Global Cross Media News Reports are "The First 2020 Vice Presidential Debate Between The Forty-Eighth and Current Vice President Michael Richard Pence of The United States of America from Indiana and Democratic Nominee and Current Senator from California Kamala Devi Harris Will Take Place in Kingsbury Hall on President's Circle at The University of Utah," in Salt Lake City, Utah!

"The Moderator Will Be Susan Page of USA Today," and "The Time of The Debate Will Run from Nine P.M. until Ten-Thirty P.M. without Commercial Interruption!"

"The Commission on Presidential Debates Will Announce Further Information" on "Which Networks Will Air This Debate!"  


-Extra Noteworthy News- 

As The Vortex of Parallel Universes Surrounding The Trump Administration Continue to Swirl Around The Nations Capital," and "The United States of America," in "What Appears to Be A Weekly," if "Not Daily Rage of Conflict, Contradictions, and Official Political Affairs," Thursday, The Seventeenth of September 2020, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Olivia "Liv" Troye Former Counterterrorism, National Security, and Coronavirus Adviser to U.S. Vice President Michael Richard Pence," and "A Lifelong Republican," Who Worked on The  CoronaVirus Task Force, "Strongly Criticized President Trump's Management and Response to The Spread of The CoronaVirus in An Ad" saying, "It was shocking to see the President saying that the virus was a hoax, saying that everything's OK when we know that's not" and Added that Mr. Trump, "Actually doesn't care about anyone else but himself."

And, "In a Washington Post Interview" Mrs. Troye is Reported to have said, "Mr. Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic showed his "flat out disregard for human life," because "his main concern was the economy and the election."

-(Note that, "Olivia Troye is Endorsing Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden," "Joining The Substantial Ranks of Republican's who have Endorsed The Vice President" Such as; "Cindy Lou Hensley McCain, Philanthropist, Business Woman, and Widow of Senator John McCain from The State of Arizona," "Former Governor John Kasich of The State of Ohio," "Former Governor of The State of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman," "Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman," "Former Congresswoman Susan Molinari of The State of New York," "Retired Four Star General and Former United States Secretary of State Colin Luther Powell," "The Lincoln Project," and "A Letter from 43 Alumni For Biden," that is "Made Up of Almost Three Hundred Former Administration and Campaign Officials of The Forty-Third President of The United States of America  George Walker Bush" and "More that One Hundred Members of The Congressional Offices and Campaigns of Former United States Senator John Sidney McCain III Republican from The State of Arizona" and "More than Seventy Former Senior National Security Officials from Several Republican Administrations," in Addition to Former Republican Members of Congress Who Released a Letter Endorsing Former Vice President, and Democratic Nominee for President of The United States of America Joseph R. Biden," and also Stated" that "President Trump is "unfit to lead" who "Include "Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden," (1) "Former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States Air Force Four Star General Michael Vincent Hayden," (2) "Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Ambassador John Dimitry Negroponte (DNI)," and, (3) "Former CIA and FBI Director William Hedgcock Webster," and, (4) "Former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor!"

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Keith Kellogg Vice President Pence's National Security Adviser said that Troye was "disgruntled that her detail was cut short because she was no longer capable of keeping up with her day-to-day duties."

However, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Dr. Anthony Fauci of The White House CoronaVirus Task Force said in An Interview with MSNBC" on Thursday, The Seventeenth of September that Troye was a "good person" and "important to the team."


 -Extra Noteworthy News- 

"As The Parallel Universes Of The Health Care and Medical Care Of The People," and "Continued Threats by The Trump Administration Against The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" that "Threatens The Loss of Health Care for Ten's of Millions of American Citizens," and "The 2020 Presidential Campaign Brings Before The American People A Choice Between Four Nominees" that "Must Be Made on The Third of November," and "In Early Voting," and "The Passing of "Associate Justice of The Supreme Court of The United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg," "A Highly Revered Woman and Icon of Justice is Being Honorably Observed by The Nation," In Yet Another Time/Space Reality of The Parallel Universes that Surround Us, "The Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Results" have "Exposed The Inconsistencies Involving The Brutality of Her Death," "The Brutal Death of A Twenty-Six Year Old African American Woman Shot and Killed as She Lay Asleep in Her Bed by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD),"  and "The Inconsistencies Surrounding What Appears to Be A Broken Justice System in The U.S." and "The Divisions and Inconsistencies in How Law and Order is Conducted," and "The Mistrust" that has "Evolved over Four Hundred Years of Systemic Racism" and "Racial Injustice," that has Divided The Nation," and "Revealed The Two Different Worlds that Exist," that has "Launched A New Series of Non-Violent Domestic and International Demonstrations by The People," and "Civil Rights Advocates and Activists," (Threatened by Militias), and "New Concerns of Russian Interference in The 2020 United States Presidential Election" has "Been Acknowledged by The U.S. Intelligence Agencies," If This is Not Enough to Unnerve The Nation, "The First Day's of The 2020 CoronaVirus of Autumn Continues" to "Show A New Escalation and Rise in COVID-19 All Across The United States of America," and "The Sovereign Nations of The Earth," and "One Can only Hope" that "The CoronaVirus Projects" that have "Been in Trials over The Summer Will Become A Success," "As The Number of Deaths in The United States of America" has "Risen Above An Unimaginable and Heartbreaking Plateau of Two Hundred Thousand Love Ones!"

"The Companies that have Emerged" and "Become The Hopes of Americans," and "Citizens from All Across The Earths United Sovereign Nations" that have "Entered into The Late Final Stage of Clinical Trials," (1) "Johnson and Johnson," (2) "The Pharmaceutical Company Moderna Inc." -(MRNA)- Final Stage," (3) "The Test of A Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's Shot,"and, (4) "Human Trials on A New Vaccine," at "The Imperial College London," (5)"The  University of Wisconsin," (6) Pfizer Inc. -(PFE)- and (7) "Novavax Inc. An American Vaccine Development Company -(NVAX)- and "All The Sovereign Nations of The Earth Look Forward to Their Positive Test Results of Their Trials For The Sake of All of Our Lives!"

And, "As This Important and Vital Phase of CoronaVirus Trial's Continues, It is Important to Report" that "The Food and Drug Administration has Stated" that "There will be "Tougher Standards for The Approval of A Vaccine!"

 (-Extra Noteworthy News- Wednesday, The Ninth of September 2020, "The Test of Oxford University and AstraZeneca PLC's COVID-19 Vaccine" has had "A Setback!" And, "All Clinical Trials have "Been Placed on Hold Due to An Unexplained Illness" that "Occurred with One of Its Participants in United Kingdom!"

AstraZeneca Spokeswoman Michele Meixell said, "This is a routine action which has to happen to whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it's being investigated ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials." And, "She also said that It's too early to determine the sick participant's specific diagnosis.")-

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, Wednesday, The Twenty-Third of September 2020, "Testifying Before Senate, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP) Member's," "United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Michael Hahn said In His Opening Statement" that "The efficacy of a vaccine would not be determined by any political actors, but by career scientists by the FDA."

And, Commissioner Hahn also said, "I will fight for science. I will fight for the integrity of the agency."

And, also that, Any issuance of emergency use authorization includes data from "at least one, well-designed Phase 3 clinical trial" and the agency would not authorize a vaccine that the career professionals are uncomfortable with." And, "Commissioner Hahn" also said "FDA will not permit any pressure from anyone to change that."

And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Robert Ray Redfield Jr. The Director of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" said "Before The Committee" that, "We will have the Seven Hundred Million doses based on projection by late March, early April."

-(Note that, "Last week President Trump Contradicted Commissioner Hahn's Timeline" about "The Availability of A Vaccine, "Claiming it would be distributed sooner," After Director Hahn had Stated that, "It would not be widely available until the second or third quarter of next year.")-

And, "Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, (NIAID)," who also "Testified Before The Committee" said, "We feel strongly that if we have combination of adherence to the public health measures together with a vaccine ... we may be able to turn around this terrible pandemic which we have been experiencing." )-       

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, and Global Perspectives"- Questions, Accounts, Commentaries and Precautions"-

 "The Safety and Protection of All The People" of "The Earths United Sovereign Nations Should Be The Main Priority of Health Institutions, Scientists, The FDA, The CDC, The WHO, Leaders of Sovereign Nations, and Manufacturers," "Before A New CoronaVirus Vaccine" has "Been Approved, Manufactured, and Distributed Earthwide!"

More than "One Million, Eighteen Thousand Persons have Died Due to The CoronaVirus," and More than "Thirty-Four Million, One Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand People Earthwide," have "Been Tested Positive!"

And, "The Lives of Billions of Women Men, and The Youth of The Earths Sovereign Nations" "Must Be The Primary Concern Over that," of "The Two P's," "Profit and Politics," as "The Trials and Search for A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment Goes Forth" to "Eventually Become A Reality!"

And, "Any Violation of This Concern Must Be Considered A Serious Crime Against Humanity," so "Deeply Immoral A Concern This Would is!"

And, "Any Political Manipulation" of "Important Life Saving Medical and Health News, Advice, or Guidelines," Should Be Considered "A Crime Against Humanity!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Sun Set's in The Skies O'er The United States of America There are Millions of Children Living in Poverty with Their Families," and "Hundred's of Thousands of Homeless Americans Living on The Streets," and "Enduring Transient Lifestyles," "Some Living in Their Cars and Vans," "Some Living in Wooded Areas and Tunnels," and "Some Living in Doorways, and Trucks," and "One Can only Wonder What New Economic or Relief Programs Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell "Mitch McConnell Jr. Republican from Kentucky," and "President Trump and His Administration," and "The Republican Party" are "Planning to Address This Failure to Represent All The People!"
And, Global Cross Media News Reports are, "The Bureau of Labor Report Announced" that "There were Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand New Claims on Thursday, The First of October 2020," "A Decrease of Thirty-Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Thousand from The Previous Week Before," and "Bringing The Last Twenty-Seven Week's Total of Unemployed" to "Another Historical High of More than Seventy Million American's," since "After The CoronaVirus Outbreak in The United States of America was Declared A Pandemic!"
  And,  "Unemployment in The United States of America Continues to Be A Reflection of The Cause and Effect of The Ongoing Spread of The COVID-19 Across The Nation," that has Seen An Recent Increase in The Number of Confirmed Cases in at Least Twenty-Eight States of The Union and The District of Columbia!" And, "This is How The 2020 Autumn of The CoronaVirus has Begun!"
And, "With The Resumption of In Person Classes in The Reopening of Schools in This Autumn," "One Can only Expect" that "There Will Be A Further Increases in Confirmed Cases," and "Tragically so, "The Number of Deaths in The Nation Will Continue to Grow!" "Projections as High as Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight New Deaths are Estimated to Occur by Years End," unless "A New Vaccine is Discovered and Approved by The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), "The Centers for Disease and Prevention" (CDC), 'The World Health Organization" (WHO), and "Health and Medical Experts," and "Global Scientists," and "Distributed Earthwide to Billions of People!" "Which Leads to The Importance of Trust in Our Scientists," and "Trust In Our Government Leaders," and "Health and Medical Institutions!"
Which Leads to, "Whether or Not" "Any New Vaccine Will Receive The Approval of The Earths Populace," as "The Politicization of The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Tainted The Importance of Following Social Distancing Guidelines" and Unbelievably so, "Wearing Masks!" As, "Confirmed Cases Earthwide have Risen Above Thirty-Four Million, One Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand," and "More than One Million, and Eighteen Thousand Deaths have Occurred!"
And, "The Truth of The Matter" is, "Irregardless of The Successes and Failures of Wall Streets Rollercoaster and Alternative Reality," "There Simply is No Real Stability in The U.S. Economy," and "Nor Will There Be until A Vaccine/Cure," and "Therapeutic Treatment has Been Discovered," and "Been Given The Official Approval of The Food and Drug Administration" (FDA), and "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" (CDC), and "The World Health Organization" (WHO)!

 And, "Unbelievably $The Six Hundred Dollar Benefit that Ended on The Thirty-First of July 2020" has "Not Been Renewed by Congress!" And, "The Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium," that had Been Extended by The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), "Ended on Monday, The Thirty-First f August 2020!" And, "Both Will Cause A Devastating and Crushing Effect on The Lives and Families of Millions of Americans!" And, On The First of October 2020, "The Expiration of The Federal Payroll Support Program (PSP)," under "The CARES Act Passed by Congress in March 2020, has "Brought on The Furlough of Tens of Thousand Employees Nationwide," "Effecting The Airline Industry," and "Tourist Related Industries!"
And, "Unconscionably and Beyond Belief," Beyond Belief, "Because, The United States of America is in The Middle of A Public Health Crisis" that has "Caused The Deaths of "More than Two Hundred Eleven Thousand,  Seven Hundred and Forty-One Persons," As of Thursday, The First of October 2020, and "Still No Agreement has Been Made on The New CoronaVirus Relief Package for America Between The Republican and Democratic Parties!"

And, "The Advanced Seasonally Adjusted Insured Unemployment Rate of The Department of Labor for The Week Ending The Nineteenth of September 2020 is 8.1 percent!" And, "While This is A Decrease of 0.6%," from "The Previous Week's Revised Rate of 8.7% Percentage Point," "This Explains Why Food Banks are Still Experiencing An Overflow of American Families" who are "In Need of Food and Sustenance for Their Families!" And "This is A Clear Reflection of The Stress and Pressure that Americans are Experiencing," "Living from Paycheck to Paycheck!"
And, "When You Include" that From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Thursday, The First of October 2020,  "More than Two Hundred Eleven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty-One Persons have Died in The United States," and "Confirmed Cases of More than "Seven Million, Four Hundred and Forty-Seven Thousand" "You Can Fully Realize by The Numbers of Deaths and Confirmed Cases in The United States" that "The Nation is Still in The Midst of A Serious Public Health Crisis!"
And, "The Families of More than Two Hundred Eleven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty-One Americans" are "Suffering and Deeply Mourning The Loss of Their Love Ones!"
And, "Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that "The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus has Not Abated!" And, "The Health Care System is Still Faced with An Ongoing Crisis!" And, "The Battle is Not Over," and "The War Against This Vicious, Dangerous,  Merciless, and Ruthless Virus," has "Not Been Won as of Yet!" And, "There is Still A Great Amount of Work to Be Done!"
And, "Let Us also Be Absolutely Clear" that "While Wearing Masks," and "Following Social Distancing Guidelines" are "Important Deterrents from Contracting This Vicious and Deadly Virus" that "Knows No Boundaries," "A Vaccine is Needed Now," and "A Bonafide Therapeutic Treatment is Needed Now," Before The Earths Populace Can Rest at Peace Knowing" that "The CoronaVirus is Under Control," and "The Threat to Our Families Lives is Over!"
"The Economic Reality" has "Caused The FED to Project that Interest Rates from 2020 until 2022 Would Remain Close to Zero Due to The 2020 CoronaVirus Crisis!"
And, "Due to The CoronaViris Crisis The Economic Recession The United States Will Continue," and "The FED also Expects A Severe Contraction in The GDP in 2020," "Which is Further Proof of The Impediments that Lie in The Path" of  "A Significant Recovery of The U.S. Economy as President Trump has Expressed," and "Further Proof of The Negative Effect" that "The CoronaVirus has had in The United State of America!" All of Which Could have Been Averted to A High Degree," But for "The Mismanagement of The Spread of The COVID-19 by President Trump and His Administration," as "President Trump Himself" has "Revealed and Proven to Be The Truth in The Eighteen Interviews and Recorded Audio Tapes" of Investigative Journalist Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward's New Book "Rage!"  

And, by Now, "Everyone of Cognitive, Earthwise, or Streetwise Intelligence Should Be Aware" that "We Must Rely upon The Facts Presented" by "Our Respected Medical and Health Experts," In Addition to "Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing, Available Hospital Beds, Swabs, Reagents, Ventilators, Face Masks," and "All of The Meaningful, and Life Saving Medical and Health Care Requests" that have "Been Made by Our Medical and Critical Care Heroines and Heroes" who are "Bravely Working on The Behalf  of The American People," and "Those of Whom are In Sovereign Nations All Across The Earth of Ours" Where "Earthwide," From The Thirty-First of December 2019 to Thursday, The First of October 2020, There have Been "More than One Million, Eighteen Thousand Deaths," and "Confirmed Cases of More than Thirty-Four Million, One Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand" and "Anyone One with Any Common Sense Can Realize The Seriousness of This Pandemic!" 
And, "It is of The Greatest Importance" to "The Health Care" and "Welfare Of We The People," that "All of The Meaningful and Life Saving Requests Made by The Earths Community of Health Care Experts" "Must Be Guaranteed and Delivered Immediately without Procrastination" by "All of  The Global Sovereign Governments, State, City and Local Governments!" 
For They Must Keep Their Contract with The Earths Populace" to "Provide Financial and Medical Support for One and All," who have "Adhered to The Social Distancing Guidelines They have Provided and Asked Compliance of," and "They Must Keep Their Word Nobly," that "In Truth," "Demonstrates," that "We are All in This Global Pandemic," and "Effected by The Deadly and Heartbreaking Affects of This Global Pandemic," "Together!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

"Speaking from Charlotte North Carolina on Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2020," Global Cross Media News Reports are "Surrounded by Government Officials and Health Care Professionals, "After More than Three and a Half Years of Being in Office," "President Trump Signed Two Executive Order for Healthcare for America" that Focused on Protecting Pre-Existing Conditions" and "Preventing Surprise Bills from Occurring!"

"The President's Healthcare Plan has Little Chance of Becoming Law," however, As The First Presidential Debate is Near to Taking Place," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of September, with "His Well Qualified Opponent Democratic Nominee for The Presidency Joseph R. Biden," and "The United States of America in The Midst of A Public Health Care Crisis," and "The Third of November 2020 Presidential Election is Thirty-Nine Day's Away," and "It is Important that President Trump have A Health Care Plan to Refer to!"

" In One of His Executive Orders Implementing His America First Healthcare Plan for America!"There are Several Proposal's such as; (1) "Discounts at Community Health Centers on Insulin and Epinephrine to Those who are Uninsured or have High Cost Sharing;"

(2) "Requested Private-Sector Proposals that Allow for Lower Cost, FDA-Approved Drugs and Insulins from American Pharmacies via Importation and Reimportation, as Outlined in A July Executive Order," and, (3) "Release The 2021 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Premium Landscape, which Shows that Average 2021 Premiums for Medicare Advantage Plans are Expected to Drop 34.2% and that Part D Premiums are Expected to Decrease 12% from Their 2017 Amounts!"

And, "In The President's Second Executive Order He Called for Congress" to "Pass Legislation  Banning Surprise Healthcare Bills by The Beginning of Next Year, and Explore Executive Action to Address the Goal If The Legislative Bid Fails!"    

And, "While on A Trip to North Carolina on Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of September," Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump" said, "Thirty-Three Million Medicare Beneficiaries Will Soon Receive a Card Containing $Two Hundred Dollars" that "They Can Use to Help Pay for Prescription Drugs!"

-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's, Global Perspectives, Commentaries, and Precautions"-

"The Consequences of Words Spoken by Politicians and Their Allies During Election Campaigns," or "U.S. Supreme Court Nominations," and "The Idea's and Proposals Made," and "The Campaign Slogans, Banners, Pins, Badges, Flags, and Campaign Rhetoric Can Often Be Misleading!" And, "Promises Made Can also Be Broken!"

However, In Regards to Healthcare, "President Trump and The Republican Party have Relentlessly Attempted to Repeal and Replace The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Even "While The United States of America is Engaged in A Public Healthcare Pandemic" that has "Caused The Deaths of More than Two Hundred Thousand Love One's," and "Projections and Estimations are by Years End," "This Total of Deaths May Reach as High as Three Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand!"

And, "At Present, More than Seven Million Americans have Been Infected" by "This Extremely Contagious Disease," that "Knows No Boundaries," and "Respects No Person," "Irregardless of Age, Gender, Creed, Tribe, Special Needs, Color, Nationality, or Political Persuasion!" 

And, "As The Day's and Eventide's of This Autumn Season Bring Us Evermore Closer to The Third of November 2020," "Let Us Stay Vigilant," and "Fact Check The Reality of New Proposals, Idea's, Nominations, Court Procedures, and Promises," as "They are Being Offered" and Presented to Us!" And, "The Reasons Why They are Being Offered!" And, "The Source from Which They are Being Offered! And, "Exactly What is Their Track Effort," and "Probable Intentions from Past and Present Actions," and "Whether of Not They Would Manipulate The Truth to Benefit Themselves," or 'For The Sake of Their Own Personal Profit," "Before that of Their Fellow Human Being or Duty!"

"This is The Time Period for One and All to Become Honorable Judges of Integrity and Justice For The People's Court," and "The Republic, Democracy" and "Government of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "The True Arbitrators, Adjudicators, Advocates, and Patriotic Supporters of The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "Do Not Hesitate to Vote," and "Do Not Be Deterred from Casting Your Vote on The Third of November 2020," or Before that "Via Mail in or Early Voting at Your Local Polling Location!"

"There is Too Much at Stake!"


-Extra Noteworthy News-

Global Cross Media News Reports are, Monday, September 21, 2020, is "International Day of Peace" and "Commemorated as The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of The United Nations!"

"For Seventy-Five Years The United Nations has Held A Prominent Place in Global Affairs," and "On This Official United Nations Sanctioned Global Holiday," and "World Peace Day," Let Us Agree that "The Way To Peace is Not An Easy Path to Take!" But, "It is An Earthwide Path" that "Needs to Be Attained For All" that is "In The Best Interests of The Earths Populace," Who are "Tired of War," and "Tyrants and Dictators," and "One- Man- Rule Forms of Authoritarian Government!"

And, "Since 1981 International Day of Peace has Been Celebrated," and "In 2013 United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon," from South Korea, also "Dedicated This Day to Peace Education!"

And, "Today, This Day of World Peace Should Be Dedicated to All of The Oppressed People of The Earth" Such as, "The Rohingya in The Sovereign Nation of Myanmar," "Where The Brutal Genocide of This People is Taking Place," and "The More than One Million Uyghurs" who are "Being Detained in Xinjiang Re-Education Camps"  in Northwest Region of The Sovereign Nation of The People's Republic of China," Where Global Cross Media News Reports are, "Allegations and Accusations of "A Policy of Ethnocide," The Systemic and Deliberate Destruction of An Ethnic Group of People," "Resembling Cultural Genocide," is "Being Imposed Against The Uyghurs by The Chinese Government," and "In The Sovereign Nation of Belarus Where President Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko's Government is Imposing Its One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon It's People," and "In The Sovereign Nation of Syria Where President Hafez Bashar al-Assad, Often Described as A Dictator," is "Forcing His Dictatorial One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon It's People," or "In Venezuela Where President Nicolas Maduro," Often Described as A Dictator," is "Forcing His Oppressive One-Man-Rule Form of Government Upon The People of Argentina," and "This Day of World Peace Should Be Dedicated Earthwide Wherever  The Imbalance of Justice May Be!"

And, "On This The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of The United Nations," "Let Us Commit Ourselves" to "A Bold New Future" and "Civilization Of Peace on Earth," "For The Sake of Today's Youth," and "Future Generations of The Earths United Sovereign Nations!"

And, "May The Peace Bell Wring All Across This Earth of Ours" and "May The Deeper Significance of Peace," and of "A Peacetime Economy," "Be Discussed by Our Families," in "Our Homes," and "Schools," and "In Our Places of Worship," and "Via The Social Media," and "In Public Forums," and "Althroughout Our Public and Private Sectors, and Governments!"

And, "May A New Era of Peace Dialogues Awaken One and All to A Greater Purpose" and "Reason to Be Here on Earth," and "In Cognition" of "The Integration and Processing of The True Significance of Understanding, Experiencing, Contemplating, Judging Fairly, Empathizing, and Acquiring The Knowledge, and Spiritual Enlightenment," and "Scientific Studies of The Myriad Life Forms that Exist," and "The Biological  Anthropology of The Earths Human and Sentient Beings," and "The Cultural and Academic Awareness" to "Create, Build, Establish, and Respect The Interdependent Integrity and Lives of Our Fellow Human Being," and "The Sanctity and Grace of Our Ecological and Environmental Systems and Its Life Forms," and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "This Earth of Ours!" And, "Truly, Let This New Age Become," "A New Renaissance of Humanity!" 

  "Today, Let Us Celebrate "International Day of Peace" and "The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of The United Nations!"


-"Global Cross Media News Universe, Insights, New Horizons, News Purview's Global Perspectives," "Questions, Accounts and Precautions"- "United States Attorney General William Pelham Barr"- "En Bref"-

"The Question" is, "What Place in History Does William Pelham Barr The United States Attorney General Expect to Hold!"

 "Political and Justice Historians are Debating" to "What Degree Will The Attorney General Leave His Imprint on Interpreting The Laws of The United States Constitution," and "The Department of Justice!" 

However, "The Answer Still Remains to Be Determined in The Time/Space Reality of The Trump Administration," and "In The Minds of The American People," and "In The Perspectives, Opinions, Arguments, and Purview's of Justice and Intelligence Officials!"


-Extra Noteworthy News- In Memoriam:

Friday, The Eighteenth of September 2020, "Associate Justice of The Supreme Court of The United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg," who was Nominated by Former United States President William Jefferson Clinton, "Passed Away at The Age of Eighty-Seven of Pancreatic Cancer!"

"Justice Ginsburg was A Civil Rights Icon!" And, "A Grand Dame of The United States Supreme Court," and "The Personification and Symbol" of "The Code of Integrity and Justice!"

And, "The Quintessential Guardian Of and For The Human Rights of All Women and Men" "Irregardless of Creed, Nationality, Gender, Tribe, Color, Special Needs, Age, or Political Persuasion!"

And, "A True Embodiment of The Soul, Honor, Morality, Empathy, Good Judgement, and Spirit of Lady Justice!"

And, "Justice Ginsburg's Passing" is "An Incomparable Loss to The System of Justice of The United States of America!" Outside The Supreme Court

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are Wednesday, The Twenty-Third and Thursday, The Twenty-Fourth of September 2020, "Justice Ginsburg is to Lie in Repose under The Portico at The United States Supreme Court" with "A Public Viewing Outside to Accommodate Social Distancing Guidelines!" And, "Justice Ginsburg's Law Clerks Will Serve as Honorary Pallbearers" with "Supreme Court Police Officers!"

And, "A Private Ceremony Will Be Held in The Great Hall at 9:30 A.M for Justice Ginsburg's Family, Friends, and Member's of The Supreme Court!" 

And, Friday The Twenty-Fifth of September "Justice Ginsburg Will Be The First Woman to Lie in State at The United States Capitol!" And, "The First Woman to Be Given This Honor in The History of The United States," and "Only The Second Supreme Court Justice!" -(Note that, "The First," was "The Twenty-Seventh President of The United States of America, and Chief Justice of The Supreme Court William Howard Taft!"

And, "Previously, Going Back to 1852," Only "Thirty-Three Men were Given This Honor," The First One Being Kentucky Senator Henry Clay Sr. who Died in Office," and "The Second," "The Sixteenth President of The United States of America Abraham Lincoln" who was "Shot and Mortally Wounded in 1865!"  

And, "This Woman and Civil Rights Icon Of The People," and "Personification of Lady Justice" and "Defender of The Rights Of All The People," and "The Law of The Land," "Will Gain Another Distinction at Friday's Ceremony," Which is Being Held at National Statuary Hall in The Capitol," of "Being The First Jewish Person to Lie in State!" "Before Being Laid to Rest Beside Her Husband of Fifty-Six Years, Martin David "Marty" Ginsburg," (An Attorney who Specialized in Tax Law) in "A Private Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery" on Tuesday, The Twenty-Ninth of September 2020!)-

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Family of  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! And, We Deeply Mourn The Passing of Your Love One with You!


-"A Reprise"- Voice of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennia, "It Should Be Quite Apparent to Anyone Earthwide" that "A Monumental Error Occurred Approximately Four Years Ago in The United States of America" that "Must Be Corrected on The Third of November 2020," "For The Sake of The Youth of The Nation," and "For The Sake of The Elderly of The Nation," and "For The Sake of The Middle Class, Disenfranchised," and "Everyone who Believes" in "What Historians Refer" to As "The Grand Experiment," Called "The United States of America," "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Its Sense of Liberty and Justice," and "Its Traditions," "Tenets," "Morality," "Principles," and "Constitution," and "All that It Stands for and Symbolizes" to "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People" of "The Earths United Coalition of Sovereign Nations!"

"This Universal Correction Speaks" to "A Renaissance of Humanity," and "A Bold New Civilization" that "Is All Inclusive!" 

And, "It Speaks to All The People of The Earths United Sovereign Nations," of "A Cultural, Economical, Spiritual, Cognitive, Political, and Egalitarian Evolution!" And, "It Reaches Out," to "All who Would Welcome It," and "Embrace It," and "Share It," with "One and All!"    

For Truly, "A Change Must Come!" And, "A New Renaissance and Culture Of Humanity Must Evolve" into "A Bold New Future Of All The People!" 

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Heroism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, Joie de Vivre, and Innovative, Compassionate and Cognitive Leadership, and A New Era of Justice, Truth, Empathy, Equanimity, Soul Strength, Egalitarianism, Medical, Academic, and Cultural Ingenuity and Peace On Earth, as We Continue to Evolve into A Universe of Limitless Celestial Bodies and Galaxies!



The Way To Peace! #343 -Revisited-

Within The Sociological Sphere's of Our Parallel Universes of Being, "There are Many Different Characteristics of Leadership," "Some Women and Men are Born and Destined to Be Natural Leaders!" And, "Some Begin Their Careers in Starting Positions," (Interns, Ushers, Cashiers, Dish Washers, etc.) and "Work Their Way up The Ladder," (as The Saying Goes) by "Listening, Volunteering to Work Extra Hours, Being a Good Co-Worker, Providing Good Service to Customers, and Displaying An Empathy for Those Working with Them, and The People Surrounding Them," and "Learning Their Craft to The Best of Their Abilities," and to "The Overall Satisfaction of Their Managers, and Employers!"

And then, "There are Those who are in The Right Place at The Right Time," and "Others" who have "Learned The Art of Manipulation for Profit," and "Bend The Rules to Their Satisfaction and Hubris," and There are "Others who are Lucky and Profit in The Short Term," However, "It's Usually at The Expense of Someone Else," and "Lose It All in The Long Term!" And, "In The End, No One Truly Profits by Their Lackadaisical and Non-Committed Efforts!"

"The Women and Men who are Natural Born Leaders" are also "Inspiring and Admired for Their Integrity, Innate Sense of Honor and Ethics, Decency and Truthfulness, Trustworthiness and Honesty," and "Respect The Rights and Principles of Their Fellow Human Beings," and "Display A Natural Sense of Virtue and Charisma," that "Attracts Others" to "Incorporate, Manifest, and Share Those Same Qualities with Everyone They Meet!"

"In This Age Where One-Man-Rule," and "One-Party-Rule Forms of Governance," are "Competing For The Hearts, Souls, Intellect, Spirits, and Idea's" with "Democratic Forms of Governance, "It's The Youth of Our Beautiful Blue Planet Earth that is of Great Concern," for "They have "Been Made Promises," and "Been Enticed by Global and Domestic Leaders of The Earths Sovereign Nations," to "Follow in Their Foot Steps," and "Be Proponents and Exponents of Political Policies," and "Philosophical Theories and Ideologies" that "Will have A Profound Effect upon Future Generations" of "The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of All The People of The Earth!"

And, "Today's Leaders have A Grand Responsibility" to "Lead by The Grand Example of The Most Noblest Among Us," that "History has Recorded!" "Women and Men" who have "by Their Example Sacrificed and Striven to Provide" for "All that Lies in The Best Interests" of "All The People Of Our Home Planet Earth!"

However, "Today, We Must One and All Be," As If "We are A Grand Orchestra Of The People," "Advocates and Activists Of The People," In Harmony with A Grand Purpose of Life!" "Yes, Truly Nothing Less" than"An Extraordinary Movement of Grand Purpose," "Whose Inspiring Arrangements and Musicianship is," As If "It is A Magnificent, Compassionate, Monumental, and Uplifting Cascade of Exceptionalism of The Hearts, Minds, Spirit, Soul, and Intellect" of Unification, Dedication, Cognition, and Commitment!" 

And, "Upon Its Solar Axioms of Exceptionalism," "Lies The Interludes, and Eddies Of The Grand Cosmos" and "Of The Grand Universe," "Touching Each and Every Family, Community, Private and Public Sector, Town, City, State, Region, and Coalition of The Earths United  Peace Loving Sovereign Nations!" 

And, "Herein Lies A Global Equation of Perception, Comprehension, and Compassion" of "An Earthrise Vision Of Global Equilibre For The People, By The People, and For The Sake Of All The People," that "Embraces The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "Environmental and Ecological Systems of Our Home Planet Earth!"


-In Memoriam:
We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families and Communities, Globally and Domestically, who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Natural Disasters, such as The Fires Raging in California, Oregon, Washington State, and Across The West Coast, Including Montana, and Parts of Idaho, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You, and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You and Your Families, in This Time Period of Grief and Sadness!
And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of More than One Million Love One's who've Died Earthwide Due to The Ongoing Spread of The CoronaVirus Pandemic!

And, To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to A Gun Related Act of Violence, Systemic Racism, Prejudice, Police Brutality, or Any Act of Violence Caused by Malevolent Perpetrators who Care Not For The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!
And, We Mourn Their Loss of Life with You in This Sensitive Time Period of Deeply Felt Despair, Sorrow, Unhappiness, and Trauma!