Monday, January 14, 2019



The Way To Peace! #333

"The Power of The Judiciary" is "A Welcomed Ally to Any Democratic Free Sovereign Nation," who "Lives by," and "Thrives Upon Its Principles and The Truth," to "Protect It" from "Anti-Democratic Foreign and Domestic Entities!" 
As well as "To Provide The  Proper Legal Guidance and Empowerment," of "A Just and Impartial Parameter of The Law of The Land," and On Friday, The Fourth of January 2019 "As The Parallel Sphere's of Politics, Finances, Religion, New Exploratory Committees, Campaign Investigations, Immigration, and New Court Challenges Continue to Roil on A Volatile Course Involving Global and Domestic Events," "Federal Judge Beryl A. Howell," The Chief Judge of The United States District Court for The District of Columbia, "Extended The Term of The Grand Jury up to At least Six Months!"

Note that, "This Decision to Extend The Term of The Jurors," who were "Impaneled on The Sixth of July, 2017 was "Approved A Week in Advance of The Scheduled Expiration Date of The Grand Jury's Term on Sunday, The Sixth of January 2019!" And, Global Cross Media News Reports are "An End Date," or "Length of The Extension," has "Not Been Confirmed by The Court!"

And also, Note that, under "Normal Circumstances A Grand Jury's Term is Limited to Eighteen Months!" However, "These are Not Normal Circumstances," and "It also Reveals," that "There are Additional Investigations and Evidence" that "Needs to Be Unearthed," in Regards to "Russia's Interference in the 2016 Elections of The United States of America!"

"We Commend Judge Howell's Decision," and "We Sincerely Look Forward to Justice Being Served," and "The Whole Truth Being Revealed in Regards to Russia's Violation of The United States Constitution," and "The National Election Process of This Sovereign Nation!"

And, "Let Us Come to A Clear and Concise Agreement," that "The Russian Investigations" are "Not A Witch Hunt," and To Suggest that They are is "Simply An Affront to The Law," and "The United States Department of Justice," and also to "The Courageous and Determined Effort Being Made on The Part of The American People" by "Special Counsel Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors," in "Their Effort Bring The Truth," and "Nothing but The Truth to The Forefront of The Light of Day!" 

-(And, Note that, "Global Cross Media News Reports are "More than Two Dozen Russians" have "Been Indicted for Their Involvement in Russia's Violation and Interference in The 2016 U.S.  Election," by "Robert Mueller and His Team of Prosecutors" since "Mr. Mueller was Appointed Special Counsel on The Seventeenth of May 2017," and "New Indictments are Expected in The Near Future!")-

And, On Tuesday, The Eight of January 2019, Global Cross Media News Platforms Reported that "Russian Attorney Natalia V. Veselnitskaya 43," was Indicted and "Charged with One Count of Obstruction of Justice."

The United States attorney's office for The Southern District of New York "Moved to Unseal "The Indictment" United States vs. Natalia V. Veselnitskaya. 

And, "It Charges" that Ms. Veselnitskaya had secretly cooperated with a Russian prosecutor in drafting the Russian response in a United States money-laundering case."

"It's Important" that "We Remember" that "It was Ms. Veselnitskaya" who "Delivered High Level Sensitive Information," that was a Part of "Russia and Its Government's Support for Mr. Trump," from "Rob Goldstone," a Publicist and Longtime Acquaintance of Mr. Trump," that "Set Up a Meeting with Donald Trump Jr.!" 

And that, "It was Rob Goldstone," who "Sent An Email to Trump Jr. Stating" that, "The Russian Government was involved and that the purpose of the meeting was to was to get "dirt on Clinton" and that the meeting concerned a "Russian effort" to aid the (Trump) campaign." 

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Meeting Took Place on The Ninth of June 2016 at The Trump Tower in New York City!" And also, "In Attendance was Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort!"

-(Note that, "Publicist Rob Goldstone," who Arranged The Meeting, "Did so On Behalf of Singer-Songwriter Emin Agalarov, who was His Client!")-

GCMN Reports are "There were Several Other Participants Included in This Meeting," Besides Mr. Trump Jr., Mr. Kushner, Mr. Manafort, Mr. Goldstone, and Ms. Veselnitskaya, Who were Rinat Akhmetshin, A Russian American Lobbyist and Former Soviet Counterintelligence Agent, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, a Georgian-American, U.S. Based Senior Vice President of the Crocus Group (a Real Estate Development Company Run by Aras Agalarov!"      

"Initially, Donald Trump Jr. Denied The True Intention of The Meeting," However, On The Eighth of July 2017, "He Confirmed The True Intentions of The Meeting," But only "After He was Confronted with The Truth, Brought on by The New York Times," Who were about to Report on Email Exchanges between Rob Goldstone and Himself!"

-(Note that, In July of 2017, "President Trump's Attorneys Confirmed a Report" that "President Donald Trump had Himself Drafted Trump Jr.'s Initial Misleading Statement.")-

"The Question" is "Will Rob Goldstone Be Indicted!" And, "Has President Trump Acted Improperly, and/or has "He Violated Campaign Finance Laws," or "In Any Way Obstructed Justice," and "If He has to What Degree!" And, "What is The Penalty for A Sitting President," "If Any of The Before Mentioned Allegations are True!" 

"It Should Be Noted that, "Special Counsel Robert Mueller III is Investigating the emails and meeting, and their relation to the Russian Interference in The 2016 United States elections."

-(Note that, Global Cross Media News Reports are "Michael Cohen, President Trump's Former Personal Attorney," has "Accepted An Invitation" to "Appear Before A Congressional Panel by Elijah Cummings," Chairman of The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, "on The Seventh of February 2019.")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Twelfth of January 2019- The New York Times Headline "F.B.I. Investigated If Trump Worked For The Russians" "Dominated All The Breaking News Spotlights of The Global Cross Media News Sphere's," and " Will No Doubt Be The Leading Story for The Fourth Estate," even "Supplanting The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People" that "President Trump has Precipitated," until Either (1) "The President Either Declares A National Emergency," or (2) "Performs His Duties as A Responsible Leader of A Great Sovereign Nation," and "Brings An End to The Partial Government Shutdown for The Good of The Nation," and "The Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees who have Been Either Forced to Be on Furlough," and/or "Denied A Paycheck!

"A Government Shutdown that President Trump Can Take Claim for Becoming Infamous," as "The Longest United States Government Shutdown in Modern History!"

However, "This New York Times Headline/Article" has "Increased The Call For Impeachment by Political and Civil Factions," who "Believe" that "President Trump has Violated Campaign Finance Laws," and also Should Be Brought up on "Obstruction of Justice Charges," and has "Worked on Behalf of Russia Against American Interests," and "Threatened National Security of The United States!"

-(Extra Noteworthy News- Saturday, The Twelfth of January 2019 President Trump Tweeted "Wow, just learning in the Failing New York Times that the corrupt former leaders of the FBI, almost all fired or forced to leave the agency for some very bad reasons, opened up an investigation on me, for no reason and with no proof, after I fired Lyin' James Comey, a total sleaze!")-    

"As The Winter Season of 2019 Continues to Envelope Our Communities with Its Cold Embrace,"  "The Questions" that Still Remain Unanswered are: (1) "Will Prime Minister Theresa May Survive All The Confrontations and Wide Divide of Opinions in The United Kingdom," Caused by The Brexit Negotiations with The EU, and,

(2) When Will President's Xi and Trump Comprehend that "Their Trade War is having A Negative Effect upon Their Own Nations!" And that, "Trade Wars are Not Good for Business or The Global Economies!"

(3) When Will Our Teachers and Educators Be Properly Compensated for Teaching Our Youth!"

(4) With All of The Money Being Spent on Lotto Each Year, "Why is there a Lack of Funds Available for Education," and "After School Programs!" During The Heat Wave of 2018, "Some New England Schools Did Not have Air-conditioning Because of A Lack of Funding!" "Why!"

(5) And, "Why isn't the Same Amount of Investment Being Provided" to "Aid Those who are Living Below The Poverty Line," and/or "Families who are Homeless and Living Under Stressful-Transient Living Conditions," as "There is For Military Budgets!" Is It Because, "The Earths Sovereign Populace is Still Being Subjected to War Time Economies," instead of "Peacetime and Humanitarian Goals!"

(6) "Why are Women Still Being Paid Less than There Male Counterparts" in the "Private and/or Public Sectors!"

(7) "Why is There Still Discrimination, Bigotry, Racism, Sexism, Classism, Prejudice, and Anti-Religious and Anti- Migrant Behavior," When, In Fact, "We are One and All Sentient Beings, Born on This Planet Earth!" Isn't It Time We Learned to Accept This!"

(8) "Will Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Tour of The Middle East," from The Eighth through The Fifteenth of January 2019, "Solidify and Mollify The Coalition of  Sovereign Nation's," who have "Fought Side by Side with The United States Against Syria, Iraq, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Other Militant Groups who've Suppressed The Rights of Free People," "Wherever The Sun Set's on The Communities of Women, Men, and Children who Long to Live in Peace and A New Age of Prosperity," Who are "Now Greatly Concerned that President Trump's Order to Withdraw U.S. Armed Forces from Syria" Will only "Bring More Misery, War, and Conflict to This War Torn Region!"   

"Our Present, (and Future Generations) are Dependent upon Women, Men, and Children, Living and Evolving in A Just and Free World," and "In An Age of Equilibre and Equality with Each Other," and "Enjoying A Cognizant and Universal Education, Limitless Opportunity, and Social Security!"

"Let Us Agree" that, "It Will Take Leaders from Every Sphere of Industry and Government of The Earths Sovereign Community of United Nations," to "Make A Better World for One and All," However, "We Must One and All Do Our Part," "For The Sake of One and All," and "The Youth of The Earth!" 

And, "Let Us One and All Remember" that "We All have The Same DNA," Wherein Lies "The Genetic Information and Instructions used in the growth, development, and functioning of all known sentient organisms." 

And that, "In This Time/Space Reality of Vast Information and Communication," that has "Been Provided to Us by An Imaginative Technological Evolution of Invention," and "A Golden Global Cloud and Web of Omniscience, and Interlinkage and "Inter-reaction," that "Connects Us with Each Other," "There is Virtually Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!"

And, "As Nations Reach Out to Colonize and Establish New Sphere's of Human Civilization," "Developing New Environmental and Ecological Systems, in The Grand Universe," that "We" are But, "A Very Small Microcosm," It is of "The Utmost Importance" that "Our Mindset Be of One with Each Other," and "In Respect with One Another," and "In Admiration and Reverence with The Grand The Cosmos of Contemplation, and Unification!" For, "There is Still So Much More For Us to Learn," and "New Earthrise Visions, New Experiences" and "New Horizons that Lie Ahead For Us," as "One Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
As The Sun Sets O'er The United Kingdom, "The British House of Commons Delivered Prime Minister Theresa May A Second Blow to Her Brexit Strategy in The Last Twenty-Four Hours," by "A Vote of Three Hundred and Eight Against and Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven For!"

"Mrs. May had Hoped for A Twenty-One Day Intervening Period to Improve The U.K.-EU Brexit Deal!"

However, Now, "Prime Minister May has A Three Day Challenge to Avoid A New Deadline," The Twenty-First of January 2019," to "Come up with A Bold, Cognizant, and Imaginative Strategy," For "How to Remain A Global Partner with The EU, While Remaining Interdependent!"

"If Mrs. May Should Lose Another Vote in The House of Commons in Three Days," "The Doors of New Ideas and Alternatives Will Open up To A Slew of New Policies to Address This Evolving Crisis in Governance in The United Kingdom!"

"This Three Day Challenge" was "Forced upon The Prime Minister by Conservative MP Dominic Grieve," who was "Former Attorney General for England and Wales, and Advocate General for Northern Ireland, and President of The Franco-British Society," who "Led The Opposition Against Her,"(Members of Labour and Conservative Party's Joined Forces),   Which has "Now Resulted" in "What is Being Called The Grieve Amendment!"

"Mr. Grieve," who was "Awarded The Legion of Honour in 2016, Told The BBC " I would rather hope that the government has been focusing on alternatives as it is has been pretty clear for three to four months that the PM's deal is in trouble."

"While It May Be Extremely Inconvenient for Prime Minister May, and Her Supporters," "This May Be The Exact/Precise Moment in Time to Reach Out To The People," and "Seek Their Counsel in Public Forums!" And/or "Call For A New Vote on The Brexit Referendum!" And, "Let The People Decide" in "An Unbiased, Nonpartisan Atmosphere!"

Sometimes, "It Takes a Grand Gesture" to "Bring about A New Era," or A Positive Change," that "Improves The Quality of Live and Overall Living Conditions Of The People!" And, "In Committing Oneself," and/or "One's Domestic and Foreign Policies to This Grand Gesture of Change and Empowerment Of The People and For The People, Bring about "A Change The Outcome of What May have The Appearance of Being, "A Doomed Situation," that "Can  Result in Economic Instability in The United Kingdom!"

Of Course, "Everyone Must Agree" and "Come to A Full Comprehension and Cognition," that "While This is An Age of Interdependency," "It is also "A Time Period of Global Partnerships and Alliances," and "There is Much to Lose" If "A Universal Purview and Global Perspective is Not Adhered to!" 

But, "It All Begins" with "What is in The Best Interests Of All The People," and "Future Generations who Will Benefit from A Universal Nexus of Sovereign Nations of Peace, Equilibre, Equality, Justice, Economic Parity, Diplomacy, Harmonious Living Conditions, Social Security, and Unity!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Tenth of January 2019 "While President Trump Visited The Southern Border of The United States," to "Continue to Make His Argument for Funding His Steel Barrier," and also "Threatening to Declare A National Emergency," The United States House of Representatives Passed Legislation to Reopen The United States Government Of, By, and For The People," by "A Two Hundred and Forty to One Hundred and Eighty-Eight Vote," and Thereby "End The Partial Government Shutdown!"

Now, "It Will Be Up to The United States Senate to Demonstrate The Courage to Pass This Bill," by "A Margin of More than Sixty Votes," ("That Will Mean that Republican Senators Will have to Join Forces with The Democrats to Do This"), and "Stand Firm in The Face of A Potential Veto by The President of The United States!" "Who has Precipitated A Partial Shutdown of The Government Of The People," that has "Negatively Effected The Lives of Eight Hundred Thousand American Workers," and "When You Include The Negative Ripple Effect of This Partial Government Shutdown" "Millions of Americans Will Be Affected by It!"

-(Note that, "There is No Money for President Trump's Steel Barrier/Border Wall/Slat Fence!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Seventh of January 2019 Jim Yong Kim, The World Bank President, "Announced that He Plan's to Resign from The World Bank on The First of February 2019!"

Mr. Kim's Resignation is "Scheduled to Occur Approximately Three Years Before His Contract Expires!"

"The Question" of "Who Will Replace Mr. Kim Now Remains to Be Seen," and, Although, In The History of The World Bank, "The United States has always Chosen Its New President," It Still Remains, "Whether There Will Be United Agreement Between The U. S. and Other Member Nations on Whom that Individual Will Be!" -(Note that, "The U.S. Department of Treasury" is "The Largest Shareholder at The World Bank!" "It Controls Approximately Sixteen Percent of Voting Shares!")-

In 2012 "Mr. Kim was Appointed by President Obama to Become The President of The World Bank," and was "Reappointed in 2016," to "A New Term Lasting until 2021!"
-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "Department of Defense Chief of Staff  Kevin Sweeney was Asked to Resign by The White House!"

In A Statement Released on Friday, The Fourth of January 2019, Mr. Sweeney, also "A Retired Navy Rear Admiral said, "After two years in the Pentagon, I've decided to return to the private sector." And, Mr. Sweeney also said, "Its been an to serve again along side the men and women of the Department of Defense."

"This Resignation of Mr. Sweeney," (some say "Forced by President Trump after Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis Resigned") is "Another Apparent Crack in The Walls of The Trump Administration and The West Wing," and also "Strongly Suggests that There are Serious Differences of Opinion amongst Several High Ranking Officials of The Department of Defense, and The U.S. Armed Forces," in Regards to "The Military Strategies and Decisions Pertaining to Syria and Afghanistan" Being "Made by The Trump Administration!"

"Mr. Sweeney's Resignation," and "The Appointment of Pat Shanahan as The Acting Secretary of Defense," at "A Time When The United States is Engaged in A Period of Intense Foreign Policy Changes and Decisions," is "Not in The Best Interests of The American People," "Nor is It in The Best Interests of The National Security and Defense of The Nation!"

And, "This is The Time for Concerned, Seasoned Officials to Intercede," and "Provide Conscientious, Knowledgeable, Cognizant, Diplomatic, and Military Experience and Advice," "Whenever Issues and Policies of National Security, and Global Partnerships are in Dispute!"

-(Note that, "It Must Be Observed" that "Mr. Sweeney is The Third Senior Official of The U.S. Pentagon to Resign," Since President Trump Declared in A Video on Wednesday Evening, The Nineteenth of December 2018," "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."  And, Added in A Tweet, "Our boys, our young girls, and our men---they're all coming back, and they're coming back now." And, "Global Cross Media News Reports and Headlines of The Fourth Estate Reported" that President Trump had "Ordered a Full Rapid Withdrawal of over Two Thousand United States Armed Forces from Syria," "over The Advice and Consultation of His Generals and Civilian Advisers!")- 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
 Thursday, The Third of January 2018 "The U.S. House of Representatives Took up as Its First Order of Business to Elect Nancy Pelosi," Democrat from California, to "Be House Speaker for The Second Time!"

And then, "The House Took Care of of Business" by (1) "Passing a Continuing Resolution" (CR) to "Reopen The The U.S. Government," by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Forty-One to One Hundred and Ninety," (Sans Funding For President Trump's Border Wall/Slat Fence), and
(2) "Approved A Measure to Fund The United States Department of Homeland Security on An Interim Basis," by "A Vote of Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine to One Hundred and Ninety-Two" (Sans Funding For President Trump's Border Wall/Slat Fence)!"

And, "It is Now The Responsibility of The U.S. Senate to Pass This CR!"
But, "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Republican from Kentucky, "Refuses to Bring This Measure up For Vote on The Senate Floor," Why, Because, "He Believes President Trump Will Not Support or Sign It!"

Although, "Republicans Hold A Fifty-Three to Forty-Seven Margin in The U.S. Senate," Two Republican Senators "Susan Collins from Maine and Cory Gardner from Colorado have said They Will Vote to Reopen The Government!"
 And, "It is Time For The Republican Party to Stand Up as Women and Men of Conscience" and "Vote For This CR Measure!" 

"The Majority of Americans Support The Reopening of The U.S. Government," and "It is The Responsibility and The Duty of The U.S. Congress," to "Choose Country Before Party Loyalties," and "Campaign Promises!" And, "The American People Expect Nothing Less than This!"

And, "It is The Responsibility to Override A Presidential Veto," If The Veto is Not Consistent with What is in The Best Interests of The American People!"

"Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees are Either on Furlough or Living Without A Paycheck to Care For Their Families," and "Provide For Their Lives," and "Service For Their Country!"

And, "The Nation has Not had An Opportunity to Express Their Opinion of This Partial Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People in Public Forums!" "It has Been Thrust upon Them by President Trump without Consideration of Their Opinions," or "The Damage This Shutdown is Causing The Nation!"

And, "The United States is A Democracy, Republic and Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," It's Simply Not A One-Man-Rule Form of Government," and "It's Time For The U.S. Congress to Act Accordingly," and "Vote as A Principled, Just, Independent, and Fairminded Legislative Body of The U.S. Government!"  

President Trump's Invitation to The Leaders of Both Party's of The U.S. Congress," on Wednesday, The Second of January 2018 to "Discuss Border Security in The Situation Room Proved to Be Fruitless," with "House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat from New York Remaining in Solidarity," in Regards to "Not Providing The Five Billion Dollars in Funds to Build President Trump's Border Wall/Slat Fence!" The Democrats have "Offered $1.6 Billion for Border Security!"

And, "Thereby Leaving The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People Still in Place!" And, "Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Employees in A State of Limbo!" 

"It is Time For The U.S. Congress to Vote to Override The Presidents Ill Advised Decision to Precipitate This Shutdown," Especially, After Originally, as has Been Reported in The Global Cross Media News Universe and The Fourth Estate" that, "The President had Initially Agreed to Support The U.S. Senate Vote," that "Took Place on Wednesday, The Nineteenth of December 2018," to "Provide Another Short-Term Spending Bill to Keep The Government Funded until The Eighth of February 2019, " and "Thereby Allowing All of The Party's involved to Come to A New Compromise on The Fiscal Budget for 2019," and "President Trump's Demand to Build His Border Wall/Slat Fence," and "Thereby Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Do so!" 

However, "The President" then, "Changed His Mind after The House Freedom Caucus," and Other Conservative Leaders, "Convinced Him that Signing The Short-Term Spending Bill," was "Not in His Best Interest!" Which has "Left Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Employees Either on Furlough," or "Without a Paycheck for The Christmas and New Years Holidays," and "Into 2019!"  

"This Misguided and Insensitive Decision on the Part of The President," is "Simply Beyond Politics as Usual," and/or "Beyond Comprehension of What The Needs of The American People are," and "What The American People Expect from Their President!"

-(Global Cross Media Reports are "After Returning from Camp David," On Sunday, The Sixth of January 2019 President Trump Told Reporters "I have informed my folk's to say that we'll build a steel barrier," and He also said If, "They (Meaning the Democrats) don't like concrete, so we'll give them steel.")-

-(Note that, "In An Approximately Nine Minute Prime Time Address," on Tuesday, The Eighth of January, 2019 "President Trump Addressed The Need for His Border Wall/Slat Fence/Steel Barrier Before the Nation," from The Oval Office!  And, "Gave His Reasons Why The Need for His Border Wall is A Matter of National Emergency and National Security!"

However, "It Must Be said" that "Border Arrests are at A Forty-Five Year Low," and "Twenty-Five Percent Lower since Last Year!" However, "Since President Trump has Taken Office," It Must also Be Said that "U.S. Immigration and Custom Officers," (ICE) have "Increased Arrests by Forty Percent!"

"It is Extremely Difficult for to Confirm the Figures that President Trump Spoke of During His Address," However, "Fact Finders" have "Shown How These Figures were Used to Support His Contentions," although, "They May Not have Been Used in A Detailed and Exacting Manner!" 
And, "It Must also Be said," that "The only Way The American People Can Verify Exactly What The Truth is," "Is by Fact-Checking with Unbiased, Impartial, Non-Partisan Fact Finders on Their Own!" 

For Example Yes, "Fifteen Thousand Americans Died of Drug Overdoses Involving Heroin, in 2017," (Which "Breaks Down to Approximately Three Hundred People a Day," as President Trump Espoused in His Address). And, Yes, "Ninety-Percent of The Heroin Sold in The United States Comes from Mexico," But, "Practically All of It Comes through "Legal Points of Entry," So, "If The Figures Don't Lie," President Trump's Border Wall/Slat Fence/Steel Barrier along The Southern Border, "Would Do Very Little to Contain This Drug Epidemic!"  
Global Cross Media Reports are "President Trump's Address Contained Much of The Same Campaign Content" that "He has Previously Shared with His Campaign Followers and Base!"

But, "Most Experts Consider The Reasons for The National Emergency and National Security Concerns that The President has Espoused," and "The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government that He has Precipitated" are "Not Merited," as "He has Declared!"

 "After The President's Prime Time Address to The Nation, "There was A Succinct and Direct Rebuttal from Democratic Leaders," House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi from California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York!" During Which Time They,
(1) "Reiterated Their Opposition to President Trump's Border Wall," and (2) "Expressed that There is Enough Bi-Partisan Support to Pass A New Spending Bill" (CR) to "Fund The Government," and (3) "The Partial Shutdown of The U.S. Government was Due to A Presidential Temper Tantrum, and (4) "The President is Appealing to Fear not facts, division not unity," and, (5) Separate the Shutdown from Border Security," and, (6) "End this Shutdown now!")-

"The Questions" that Still Remain are, (1) "Is The $5.7 Billion Dollars that President Trump is Demanding for His Border Wall/Slat Fence/Steel Barrier Worth Putting Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Employees, Either on Furlough, and/or Without A Paycheck," and, 
(2) "Is The $5.7 Billion Dollars that President Trump is Demanding for His Border Wall/Slat Fence/Steel Barrier Enough of A Reason to Partially Shutting Down The United States Government Of The People," for "What Will Become The Longest Period of Time that This has ever Occurred, Come The Fourteenth of January 2019," and, (3) Is This Truly A Matter of National Emergency and National Security" as "President Trump has Declared," and "A Crisis of the heart, and a crisis of the soul," and (4) Is The President's Border Wall Truly to Be paid for by The New U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal, and (5) Exactly, How is It that "The Border Wall Will Pay for Itself."

"President Trump Invited Democrats Senator Schumer and Rep. Pelosi to Meet with Him on Wednesday, The Ninth of January 2019" in "An Attempt to Break The Impasse!"

However, "This Meeting Did Not Bear Out The Favorable Results Needed to End The Partial Shutdown of The U.S. Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
"It Appeared to Be More Like A Government Controlled and Governed by One-Man," who Did Not Comprehend The Unnecessary Hardship, Stress and Travail Eight Hundred Thousand Federal Workers were Going Through," Due His Demands for A Steel Barrier/Border Wall/Slat Fence!"

"The Meeting was Doomed after An Exchange of Differing Opinions Occurred Between Democratic Leaders Sen. Schumer, Rep. Pelosi, and The President," When The President Asked House Speaker Pelosi "In Thirty Days, will you be in favor of a wall? To which Speaker Pelosi said "No." And, President Trump Replied: What's the point?" And then, Walked Out of The Meeting!"

"The Hubris Involved in This Exchange/Meeting" is "Beyond Comprehension!" "Americans are Being Furloughed and/or Not Being Paid," Because, "The President of The United States" is "Demanding $5.7 Billion Dollars to Fund His Steel Barrier Between The United States and Mexico!" "A Campaign Promise" that "He is Willing to Place over The Lives and Welfare of American Workers!"

"There is A Clear Disagreement even In The President's Own Administration and The Republican Party," over "Whether or Not The United States is Facing An National Emergency!" However, "The President Continues to Persist with This Argument!" And, "The American People are Paying The Price For It!"

And, "It Appears as If President Trump Does Not Care who Pays for His Steel Barrier," as "Long as It is Built," and "His Campaign Promise has Been Fulfilled!" But, "At What Price is The Question!"  

 -(Note that, "Fifty-Seven Percent of Americans Oppose The President's Border Wall," While Thirty-Eight Percent are In Favor of It, in A CNN Poll, Conducted by SSRS," who are A Full Service Survey and Market Research Firm!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Seventh of January 2019, The United States of America and The People's Republic of China Re-Opened Discussions on The Ongoing Trade War between The Two Sovereign Powers!"

"This New Series of Discussions" on "How to Resolve This Trade War of Hubris Between Presidents Xi and Trump," is "A Result of A Temporary Tariff Truce Agreed to by The Two Leaders," on The First of December 2018, "In A Face to Face Meeting that Occurred at The G20 Summit in Argentina!"

"Let's Agree" that "This Trade War Between The U.S. and China in "Not Good for The Global Economies," "Nor, has It Been a Positive Strategy by President Trump and His Administration" to Improve Whatever Concerns and Differences of Opinion in Regards to U.S. Trade with China!" 

And, "The Cost of This Trade War," has "Hurt Farmers, The Automobile Industry, Hi-Tech Companies, and The American Consumer!" And, "One Can Agree In General," that "It Is Not Good for Business, Globally or Domestically!"

And, "Let's Encourage Future Administrations to Diplomatically Exhaust All that Is Necessary," Before "Embarking on A Course of Trade Wars!" 

"There is Too Much To Lose," and "Not Enough to Gain to Merit This Course of Non-Productive Activity in Foreign Policy, Trade, Commerce, and Among Global Partnerships and Industries!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Are The Times Beginning to Change in The Global Market Place!" "Is There a New Purview in The Global Market Place" that is having "A Positive Effect upon Domestic Markets!" 

"A Positive Change that "In Effect,"  "Empowers The Financial Status Of The Earths Populace," and "Improves The Living Conditions of The Families of The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" Well, "This Still Remains to Be Discovered," However, The Announcement of "The Launching of A New Low Cost Stock Exchange" Called "MEMX," (or Members Exchange) Maybe "A Sign of The Changing Financial and Economic Times!"

"Fourth Estate News Headlines and Articles," Plus, "The Global Cross Media News Platforms Covering This New Exchange Published a News Release Stating" that "MEMX will be controlled by the nine banks, brokerages, and high frequency trading firms funding it."

"MEMX Investors" Include: Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Investments, Citadel Securities LLC, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, UBS Group, Charles Schwab Corp., E'Trade Financial Corp., TD Ameritrade Holding Corp., and High Speed Trader Virtu Financial inc.!"

-(Note that, MEMX is Applying for Exchange Status from The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Early This Year." However, "It Will Take at Least Twelve Months to Obtain SEC Approval!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Without An Accurate Historical Representation of Human Affairs," The Earths Populace, Could For Example, "Become Lost in The Revisions of Absolutely Anyone who Had An Inkling to Do so!" And, "There are Many who Engage in This Process of Redefining What Occurred During A Specific Historical Event," or "Any Viewpoint of The Annals of History that May have Occurred!"

On Wednesday, The Second of January 2019 "President Trump Attempted to Revise The Reasons Why The Soviet Union (Today's Russian Federation) Attacked Afghanistan," on "The Twenty-Fourth of December 1979 until The Fifteenth of February of 1989."

"This Attempt to Revise," What was, In Fact, "A Brutal Invasion of Afghanistan by The Soviet's" (Russia) to "Strengthen and Support Afghan's Communist Party," who had "Successfully Taken over Power" in "A 1978 Coup," and "Installed Nur Mohammed Taraki as Their President," and that "Caused The Deaths of Approximately Two Million Civilians," During The Period of Over Nine Years of Soviet (Russian) Occupation" of Afghanistan, "Occurred at President Trump's First Cabinet Meeting of 2019!" -(In Comparison Fifteen Thousand Soviet Troops were Killed and Thirty-Five Thousand were Wounded!")-

Where President Trump said, "The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there."

"Any Fact Check," or "Historical Description" of "Why Russia, The Soviet's,  Invaded Afghanistan Would Be in Absolute Disagreement with President Trump!" 

"The Question" is "Why Would The President Engage in This Attempt to Revise This Deliberate, Calculated, and Premeditated War Against Afghanistan by The Soviet's (Russia) is "Simply Beyond Comprehension!"

"Why" Because, "There are Too Many Scholars to Refute it," and "The Historical Account and Facts of This Brutal War," are also "Irrefutable to Deny!"

In 1980 Alone, (1) The United Nations General Assembly Passed A Resolution Protesting Soviet Intervention," and, (2) Thirty-Four Nations of The Islamic Conference Adopted a Resolution Demanding The Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Afghanistan, and, (3) The United States Led A Boycott of The 1980 Summer Olympics Held in Moscow!"

"It Would Be Remiss Not to Mention," that "Afghanistan has Been in One War after Another for Decades," Former President George W. Bush "Blamed Osama Bin Laden," who had Been Living in Afghanistan, "For The 9/11 Attacks on The United States!"

And, "When The Taliban," who were in Power at The Time, "Refused to Extradite Bin Laden without Absolute Proof of His Actions," and also "Refused to Expel Al-Qaeda," A Militant Sunni Islamic Multi-National Organization Founded by Osama Bin Laden, "On The Seventh of October 2001 The United States, Supported by Australia, Canada, and The United Kingdom Declared War On Afghanistan," with "Its Goal" to; (1) Dismantle Al-Qaeda and Deny It from having a Safe Base of Operations in Afghanistan, and, (2) "Remove The Taliban from Power. This War was Code Named "Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan" (2001-2014) and "Operation Freedom's Sentinel (2015-Present)- 

"Eventually More than Forty Sovereign Nations, Including NATO Members" Became "A Coalition of Nations in Support of The United States!" And, This War has "The Second Longest United States Force Participation in U.S. History," More than Seventeen Years!"

"There is A Dramatic and Tragic History to The Ongoing Wars in Afghanistan," As of The Twenty-Seventh of July 2018 "Two Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-Two Military Deaths have Occurred in The Afghanistan War," ("One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six Due to Hostile Action")! And, "Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Service Members have Been Wounded in Action!" And, "Accounting's of The Number of Deaths and Wounded since 2018 have Increased in Number!"

And, As of The Fifth of August 2018 "Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Eight Coalition Soldiers have Died in Afghanistan," and that "Number of Deaths," and "Those who have Been Wounded in Action has only Increased in Number!"

"History is Not to Be Taken Lightly," and "To Those Revisionists who are Seriously in Pursuit of The Truth Goes The Responsibility to Present It Accurately!" And, that also "Applies to Global Educators, Academics, Religious, Civilian, Economic, and Political Leaders who are In Search for The Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Ninth of January 2019 "President Trump Threatened to Suspend Federal Emergency Management Agency Funds" (FEMA) that had "Been Directed to Aid The Victims and Survivors of The Recent Fires in California!"

"It Sounds Unimaginable," Especially after, "All of The Destruction and Damage Communities, Businesses, and Families have Experienced Due to Forest Fires," that have "Burnt Down Their Homes" and "Ravaged Their Properties," and "Caused The Loss of Life of Their Love Ones!" 
 -(Note that, "Last Year Californians Experienced The Deadliest Forest Wildfire in The States History!")-

However, President Trump is "Taking This Very Vulnerable Moment in Time to Threaten to Deny American Citizens The Aid that They Desperately Need," and "Choosing Instead to Criticize California's Mismanagement of Forest Programs!"

Wednesday, The Ninth of January 2019, President Trump Posted This Tweet, "Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forest fires that, with Proper Forest Management would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money."

"The American People have always Shown Compassion," and "Come to The Aid of Their Fellow American in Times of Need!" Whether, "It Be Caused by Flooding, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, or Wildfires!" 

And, "It Doesn't Matter if You are A Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Democrat, Neighbor, Firefighter, the National Guard, Police, First Responder, or Emergency Rescue Worker," When There is An Emergency The Nation Responds Compassionately, Financially," and "In Woman and Man Power!" 
So, "It is Difficult to Accept" that "Any Leader Would Find Objections in Times of Need," to "Help Another American Citizen, Community, and/or Family in Need of Assistance," Especially, "When The Destruction has Been Caused by A Natural Disaster!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Thirty-First of December 2018, Senator Elizabeth Warren 69, from Massachusetts "Became The First Prominent Democrat to Announce" that "She is Forming A Presidential Exploratory Committee!" 

"The Next Step Will Be to Declare Her  Candidacy," and "Cast Her Hat into What Will Soon Become A Charge of Democratic Candidates Seeking The Nomination of Their Party for President of The United States of America!" "20/20 Here We Come!"

And, In The Wings "Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. 76," is "Deciding Exactly When to Make His Announcement!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Millennias, "Let Us Never Forget" that "Once upon A Time," "There were Historical Moments" of "A New Deal, Camelot," and "A Dream," that "Gave Birth to Movements of Political and Sociological Change and Compassion," that "Empowered, Motivated, and Gave A Sense of Hope to The American People in The Twentieth Century!"

"Historians" have "Notated The Pros and Cons of This Historical Time Period," However, "It Can Not Be Denied that Women and Men of Great Soul Courage and Principal Came Forth in The Spirit of Those who Came Before" to "Sow The Seeds," and "Bring A Positive Change in The United States even at The Cost of Their Own Lives!


And, Although, "They Came Forth at The Peril of Losing Their Own Lives," "These Men and Women Did Not Hesitate," Because, "They Knew" that "We" have "to Believe in Something!" If "We Don't," What Do "We" have, "Nothing!"

And, "They also Knew" that "We" have "to Believe in Someone!" Because, If "We Don't," What Do "We" have, "Nothing!"

"Martin Luther King Jr." had "A Dream," that, "We Believed in!" And, "He had A Great Soul Strength," or as James Brown sang, "Soul Power," that, "We Believed in!"

"Mahatma Gandhi" had "A Great Soul-Force," that, "We Believed in," and, "Inspired Martin to Believe in!" And, "They Both Led," Each in His Own Time Period, "Non-Violent Movements," that, "We Supported and Believed in!" And, "Gave Us The Will Power to Achieve Our Goals!"

And, Whether it Be, "A Civil Rights Movement," or, An "End The War Movement," or, "Feed and Heal The World Movements," Its Time that, "We Believed in These Goals Again!"

And, "Whether You are An Optimist, Atheist, Pragmatist, Realist, or Pessimist," "Its Time" to "Bring Back The Dream," and, "Believe Again!"

And, "Its Time to End This Vicious Cycle of Violence and Crime," that, "We have Grown to Accustomed to," and, "Believe Again!"

And, "We have to Protect and Care For The Defenseless and Destitute," and, "Help Them" to "Believe Again!"

And, "We have to Guide Our Children, in The Ways of Peace, Equality, Equanimity and, Harmony," so, that "They May have Something Worthwhile and Good," to "Believe in!"

And, "We" have to Sing The Songs and Anthems of Peace and Love, Again!"

And, "Trust" that, "We" Can "Believe Again!"

And, "We" have to "Share The Fruits of Life with One Another," For We are One and All Born on This Planet Earth," and are In Fact, "One and All The Chromosomes of The Diverse DNA of Humanity," and "Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People," and, "It's Time We Respected The Lives of All Sentient and Human Beings of This Planet Earth," and "Mindset of The Grand Cosmos," and "Grand Universe!" And, "Its Time We Believed in Each Other Again!"

"Martin Luther King had A Magnificent Dream Vision of Great Insightfulness, Non-Violence, and Inspiration!" "Mahatma Gandhi had A Great Soul Force of The Truth (Satyagraha) and Non-Violence!" "Jesus Of Nazareth Shared His Gospel of Love and Peace!" "Siddhartha Gautama Shared His Eight Fold Path!" 

And, "Mother Teresa (Saint Teresa of Calcutta) Believed in Being Merciful and Caring For The Sick and The Poor!" And, "Lao-Tzu Taught Us The Way Of Life," and "Confucius Taught Us The Golden Rule,"  of which, "They All Gave of Themselves Freely!"
And, "St. Francis Of Assisi Cared for The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" And, "Socrates Believed and Gave His Life For The Truth!"

And, The List Goes On and On of "Great Souls and Individuals" Who "Shared Their Lives and Truths For Our Benefit," "Muhammad, Mary, Coretta Scott King, Charlemagne, Zoroaster, Moses, Clara Barton, Nelson Mandela, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rosa Parks, Rumi, and Harriet Tubman" were "All Believers," and "Its Time" that "We The People," Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth," were "Once and For All," "Believers Again!"
And, Awaken from, "The Nightmare of Being A Sovereign People," "Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe in Untruths and False Rhetoric!"

And, "Its Time" that, "We Believed in Our Own Vision Path!" Truly, "A Vision Path Of The People!"

"A Vision Path that is All Inclusive!"

"An Earthrise Vision Path" that, "Gives Hope to Those Who have Lost Their Homes Due to Natural, as well as, Man Made Disasters!" Who are "Still Living in Tents, and, Without The Means to Take Care of Themselves, or, Their Families!"

"A Vision Path" that "Awakens Us," to "The Unlimited Potential and Good that Lies within Each and Everyone of Us!"

"Isn't it Ironic" that, When Martin Lived, "We were Involved in An UN-Declared War," and "A Divided Country," and "World!"

And, Here "We are Living in A New Millennium," "Approaching A New Decade," and "We are Still Involved in, Yet, Another UN-Declared War" (Actually Wars or Military Conflicts!) and, "A Global War on Terrorism!" And, once Again, "We are Existing In a Divided Country," and, "In Many Ways, A Divided World" (Irregardless of "This Age of Instant Communication, and Information Provided by The Global Internet")!

And, "The Time has Come for Us to Come Together" and "Make Martin's Dream A Reality!"

And, "Its Time to Embrace The Mahatma's Great Soul Force," and Make it Our Own "Peoples Soul Power," Once Again!

And, " Its Time" that "We Passionately, Resolutely, and Non-Violently Motivate and Encourage Our Civilian, Military, Religious and Political Leaders Of The Earths United Nations," to Wholeheartedly Work on Behalf, "Of The People, and For The People," to "Bring Peace and Prosperity to All The Earths Communities," and, "Follow A Vision Path" of "A New Age of Fraternal, Social, Spiritual, and Universal Welfare," "For One and All!"
And, "This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!" And, "A Way To Heal The World!" And, "I'm Sure that Martin would Approve and Wish it For Us," as Well!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "During These Days and Eventide's of Crises, Chaos, and Despair Felt by So Many, "We Can Still Share The Vision and Hope of A Future of Greatness on Earth!" For, "In Our Combined Memories," and "History of Humankind, "Lie The Truth of What A Great People Can Do, In Times of Great Need!"

And, "We are Fortunate," to Possess within Ourselves, "The Empirical Knowledge of Times Gone By, When Great Deeds have been Achieved," "In The Name of Peace, Equality, Equanimity, Freedom, and, Change!"

So, "Let's Share This Empirical Wisdom and Knowledge through The Internet," and "The Social and Global Cross-Media Universes!"

And, "Lets Spread This Empirical Omniscience Utilizing All The Technological Advantages of The 21st Century All Across," and "Over The Earths Unlimited X's, Airwaves and Myriad Outlets of Our Earthrise Activist Communication Network and Nexus Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, "Lets Continue to Sow, as Martin would have "A Call For The End of War," and "The Establishment of A Global Truce," and "Economic Parity," and "Equality For One and All on Earth!"

And, " Let Us Continue to Call For Peace Dialogues," that "Represent The Wishes, Issues, and, Concerns Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, "Let This Be A New Millennia of The Emancipation and Evolution of All The People!" "Written in The Ink of The Memories of The Myriad Numbers of Women and Men Who Devoted and Gave Their Lives" to "Create A Grand Constitution Built from The Revelations and Visions of Billions of Citizens Of The Earth," "Revealing The Great Potential" of "What This World of Ours Can Truly Be!"

And, Whether "We Express Ourselves" and "Share Our Idea's, Actions, Words, and, Thoughts via, Emails, Texts, Phone Calls, Non-Violent Marches, Protests, and Demonstrations," or "Via Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, MSN, Bing, MySpace, iTunes, YouTube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and The Electoral Process," or "By The Many Ways of This New Age of Technological Advances and Technology!" Just, "Take The Time to Do it!" Or, "Sing it!" Or, "Play it!" Or, "Paint it!" Or, "Dance it!" Or, "Orchestrate it!" But, "Just Do it!"
"For The Winds of Change and Hope For The Future" are "Here and Now!" And, "We" have "to Rise to The Great Challenge of This Time Space Reality, Now!"

And, "Whether it Be On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace," or "By Your Own Interdependent Non-Violent Resources," "Let's Altogether," "Change, Shakeup, and, Rock The World!" 
For "A New Age and A New Decade are Upon Us," and "Change We" Must!
"For The Good and Betterment of All Sentient Beings" of This "The Third Planet from The Sun!"

And, " Let This Be The Good News Of, By, and, For The People," One and All, "Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth, in The Year 2019, "As We Approach The Third Decade in The History of Humankind" in "The Twenty-First Century!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Age of Peace, Truth, Justice, Global Equilibre, Social Security, and, An End of Poverty, Discrimination, Oppression, Bigotry, Intolerance, and The Extreme Loathing of One's Fellow Human Being!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! And, We Share Your Tears of Love and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019



The Way To Peace! #332

"As The Final Year" of "The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Millennia Begins," and "Launches into New Sphere's of Unknown Domestic and International Territories," It is Unfortunate that "A Sense of Global Instability Looms over The Earths Community of Nations!"  

"The Trade War Truce between The United States and The People's Republic of China" has "Not as of Yet Produced the Desired Results Needed to Change The Overall Demeanor of The Global Markets," who have "Been on A Spiral that has Taken Them into One Black Hole after Another," "Riding on A Roller Coaster of Financial Vortex's in Rapid Ascending and Descending Motion," Which has Led It to "Experiencing Its Worst Week," During The Month of December 2018, since October of 2008," and then "Rising to A Record Surge of More than Eight Hundred and Fifty Points During The Final Ninety Minutes of Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of December 2018 Session!" 

And, " The Federal Reserve Bank's Decision to Raise Rates on Wednesday, The Nineteenth of December, 2018," only "Provided More Concern and Speculation" of "What State or Condition The Global Economies Will Be in The Year 2019!" 

And, "President Trump's Criticism of Jerome Powell," The Sixteenth Chair of The Federal Reserve, "over The Fed's Policies and Rate Hikes," and Global Cross Media News Reports that "President Trump has Discussed Firing The Chairman," have "Not Produced A Positive Atmosphere for Business, The Markets, or The Global Economies!" 

And then, "Add to The Feeling" that "The Financial, Political, and Economic Stability that The Leaders of The Global Community of Sovereign Nations have Strategized and Worked Together on," over the Last Ten Years, to "Revive The Global Economies" and "Establish The Criteria that A New Age of Global Partner Ships and Economic Stability Can Be Built upon," "Appears to Be Threatened by Antiquated Hypotheses Presented by An Outdated Concept of Doing Business," that "Is Not Inspiring or Presenting Reasonable or Visionary Policies," or "Creating Cooperative Global Partnerships Built upon A Foundation of Trust and New Initiatives," that are "Needed to Empower The Global Industries," and also to "Empower and Improve The Overall Living Conditions of The Earths Populace!" 

And then, "Pile on Top of This Spiraling Vortex of Instability," "The Partial Shutdown of The United States Government," The Brexit Problem in The U.K., The Economical Unrest in France, and The Politics of Populism, Immigration, The Crisis in Syria, and Yemen, One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance, Cyberwarefare, Cyber Crimes, Poverty,  and Homelessness," and "One Can Clearly say that A New Global Equation of Equilibre is Needed!" 

"A Bold, Truthful, Vigorous, Cognizant, Trustworthy, and Spirited Global Strategy," A Grand Purpose" that is "Meant to Empower and Improve The Quality of Life of The Economical, Sociological, Political, Spiritual, and Universal Equilibre Of The People, By The People, and For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People!" 

"A Universal Correction" that "Recognizes The Importance of  Each and Every Human and Sentient Being!" 

"A Universal Correction" that "Recognizes The Welfare and Well-Being Of All The People Of The Earth is Necessary," If, "An Age of Peace, and Social Security For Each and Every Human Being Can Come to Be!"

"A Universal Correction" that also Recognizes The Importance of The Protection of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems!"

"A Universal Correction" that "Recognizes The Universal Body of The Cosmos and Universe" is "Composed of Chromosomes and Nuclei of Unlimited Potential," and that "No One is An Immigrant!" 

"We are One and All Sentient Beings of Planet Earth!" And, "It is Time for A Universal Correction in Perception, Awareness, and Intelligence," that "Includes The Lives of One and All Existing in A Parallel Sphere of Universal Equilibre!" 

"A Parallel Sphere of Influence" that "Recognizes and Respects" that "An Earthrise Vision of Equality, Economic Parity, Pursuit of Happiness, and Justice Can Truly Exist," and "Be An Illuminating Beacon of Light For One and All!" 

And, "As New Cracks Continue to Seriously Emerge in The Walls of The West Wings and The Trump Administration!" Thursday, The Twentieth of December 2018, "The Twenty-Sixth United States Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis Resigned Effective The Twenty-Eighth of February 2019!"

In His Resignation Letter Former United States Marine Corps General James Norman Mattis said, "One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the U.S. remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we can not protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies. Like you, I have said from the beginning that the armed forces of the United States should not be the policeman of the world. Instead, we must use all tools of American power to provide for the common defense, including providing effective leadership to our alliances. NATO's 29 Democracies provided that strength in their commitment to fighting alongside us following the 9-11 attack on America. The Defeat-ISIS coalition of 74 nations is further proof. 

Similarly, I believe we must be resolute unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model- gaining veto authority over other nations' economic, diplomatic, security decisions-to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America, and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense.
And, Secretary of Defense Mattis also said in His Resignation Letter, "My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity, and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.

 Because you have a right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with on these and other subjects, I believe it's time for me to step down from my position. The end date for my tenure is February 28, 2019, a date that should allow sufficient time for a successor to be nominated and confirmed as well as to make sure the Department's interests are properly articulated and protected at upcoming events to include Congressional posture hearings, and the NATO Ministerial meeting in February. Further, that a full transition to a new Secretary of Defense occurs well in advance of the transition of Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff in September in order to ensure stability within the Department.

I pledge my full effort to a smooth transfer that ensures the needs and interests of the 2.15 million Service Members and 732,079 DoD civilians receive undistracted attention of the Department at all times so that they can fulfill their critical, round-the-clock mission to protect the American people. 

I very much appreciate this opportunity to serve the nation and our men and women in uniform." 

Note that "This Resignation Letter Addressed to President Trump is in Its Totality" is "Impressive, Frank, Informative, Cognitive, and Striking in Its Detailed Content!" 
And, "Should Be Read in Classrooms and in History Books," so that "America's Present and Future Generations Can Comprehend The Subtlety, Complexity, and Issues" that "Comprise The Sign and Political Sensitivities of The Times!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Thirtieth of December 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "Retired United States Four Star Army General Stanley A. McChrystal said," on ABC TV's "This Week, When Martha Raddatz asked, "If he thought Trump was immoral," and General McChrystal Responded "I don't think he tells the truth. I think he is."

And, The Retired Four Star Army General also said, "What I would ask every American to do it, again, stand in front of that mirror and say, what are we about? Am I really willing to throw  away or ignore some of the things that people do that are pretty unacceptable normally just because they accomplish certain other things that we might like. If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn't do a business deal because their background is so shady, if we're willing to do that then that's in conflict with who I think we are."

And, General McChrystal also said, "And so I think it's necessary in those times to take a stand."

"Let Us One and All Agree" that "This Interview with Retired Four Star Army General Stanley McChrystal Denotes" that "There is A Serious Disagreement Taking Place among Those who are at The Highest Level of U.S. Military Prowess," in "Active Service or Retired," Over "President Trump's Domestic and Foreign Policies!"

-(Note that, On Tuesday, The First of January 2019 President Trump Tweeted, "'General' McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama," "Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!")- 
And, "As The Parallel Spheres of Politics," that "The Global Community of Sovereign Nations Continue to Face," of "New Challenges of Populism," and "Domestic and Economic Policy Making," "Government Corruption, and National Security Issues," "Traditional Allies of World Wars of The Twentieth Century," Find Themselves "Attempting to Navigate The Foreign Policy Waters, Skies, Lands, Cosmos and Universe of New Forms of Aggression," Such as; "Cyberwarfare, Cyber Crime," and as well as "The Premeditated Acts of Violating The Sovereignty of A Global Nation," and/or "Malevolent Acts of Violence and Terrorism!"
"One-Man-Rule Forms of Governance," such as "The Russia Federation and The People's Republic of China," For Example" have "Their Concept of Foreign Policy," and then "There is The Multilateralism Approach," that "France and Germany have Encouraged Global Sovereign Nations to Engage in!" 
And then, "There are The Isolationists," and, of course "The Sovereign Autocratic Nations" who are "Ruled by Dictators and Tyrants," that "Make up "A Separate Category, such as Syria!" 

"The Trump Administration's Foreign Policy Agenda," or Should I say, "President Trump's Foreign Policy Agenda," is "Quite Possibly Different from All of The Previously Mentioned Examples!" And, "His Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops Out of Syria" is "An Example of It!"

"When You Think of The Overall Equation and Configuration of This Decision," from "A Cognizant, Ethical, National Security, and Diplomatic Perspective," "It Just Doesn't Add up!"

Yes, "Bringing American Troops Back Home to Enjoy The Comfort and Empathy of Their Families is A Wonderful Gesture!"
And, "If that was "The only Aspect and/or Characteristic of This Decision," by The President to Consider, "I Don't See How Anyone Could Object to It!
And, If, In Fact," "The War was Over in Syria," and "Whether The Participants," Be "They ISIS and/or Syria" were In Fact, "Totally Defeated" and "Brought to Suffer for Their Acts of Inhumanity in An International Court of Law," or "On The Battle Field," The Presidents Decision Would Make Sense!"

However, "This is Not The Case!" And, "By Removing American Special Forces from Syria Allows for Russia and Iran" to "Gain even Further Influence in This Ravaged Sovereign Nation," "Whose People in The Millions," have "Been Forced to Flee," and "Live in Refugee Camps in Neighboring Nations," or "Travel o'er Land and Sea to Sovereign Nations, in Peril of Losing Their Lives!" And, with "No Absolute Guarantee" that "They Will Be Welcomed with Open Arms!"

And, "Lets Not Forget" that "Estimates of as Many as Twenty to Thirty Thousand ISIS Militants are Still in Circulation!"

"The Question" Why President Trump has "Made This Decision Just Doesn't Make Sense!"
Why, Because, In Fact, "It is Empowering Iran, Russia, Syrian President Bashar al- Assad, and ISIS, "All of Whom have Sanctions Placed Against Them by The United States!" 

Think about It, "The Presidents Decision is Empowering Iran," after "Withdrawing The United States from The Iran Nuclear Agreement!" 

"The President's Decision is Empowering Russia," after "Russia Interfered with The 2016 United States Election!" 

And, "The President's Decision is Empowering Syrian President Assad," who has "Attacked His Own People with Illegal Chemicals and Weapons of War!" 

And, "The Remaining ISIS Militants," and/or "Militants and Criminals of Carnage, Brutality, and Chaos," and "Leaders of Sovereign Nations Who Do Not Live by The Law," Nor Do They Respect The Rights of Their Fellow Human Being," or "The Sovereign Rights of The Earths Community of Nations," and Who have and "Committed Crimes Against All Humanity," "Will Gain A New Confidence by The U.S. Withdrawal," and "A New Phase of Violence Will Certainly Take Place in The Middle East!"

 And, "This is Not The Way to Build A New Foundation for Peace in The Middle East!" 

"Nor, Is It," at "This Time Period in The Twenty-First Millennia," or, "In Fact," is It at "Any Time Period," "The Image of Leadership and Stature" that "The United States Should Be or Should Reflect," Whether "Militarily, Diplomatically, Morally, Spiritually, Sociologically, Philosophically, Culturally," or "As A Member of The Earths Grand Community of Sovereign Nations," or "As A Democracy," and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The Twenty-First Millennia!" 

And, "The President's Order to The Pentagon to Move U.S. Troops out of Syria as quickly as possible," "Should Be Re-Examined by The U.S. Congress and The U.S. Pentagon Immediately," "Before Any Further Action is Taken!"

And, "The American People Should have An Opportunity to Discuss and Address This Decision by The President," "In Public Forums, In Their Homes, and In Town Hall Meetings," and "With Their Elected Officials," "Before Any Further Action is Taken!"

And, "Let Us Agree," and "Come to A Clear Understanding," that "Whether You Be Republican, Democrat, Independent," or "In Fact," Whatever "Your Party Affiliation May or May Not Be," that "This Act/Decision" on "The Part of President Trump Deserves a Full Review Before Being Enacted upon!"

There is Simply Too Much at Stake," and "Too Much that Needs to Be Understood Before The Nation Commits to This Course in Foreign Policy,"... "For The Sake of The Nation," and "The Republic, Government, Democracy, Toil and Labor, and Significance that The United States of America Stands for!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Charitable Non-Profit Foundations have Performed An Important Part in Aiding The Most Vulnerable Amongst Us in Our Society," "Especially in Times of Great Need," so, "When The Announcement Came on Tuesday, The Eighteenth of December 2018," that "The Trump Non-Profit Charitable Foundation," "Agreed to Dissolve under Judicial Supervision," This Extraordinary and Shocking News Event "Became A Headline" that was "Featured by The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Platforms!"

-(Note that on Thursday, The Fourteenth , 2018 New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood Filed a Lawsuit Against The Trump Foundation, "Seeking 2.8 Million Dollars in Restitution and The Dissolution of The Foundation!"

It Should Be Noted that "In Exchange for their tax exempt status Charities are required to follow certain rules," The Strict prohibition against getting involved in political campaign is One!" 

This is Lawsuit Resulted from Two Years of Investigations," and Alleges in the Petition that, 
(1) Mr. Trump used the Trump Foundations Charitable assets to pay off his legal obligations, to Promote Trump Hotels and other businesses, and to purchase personal items. In addition, at Mr. Trump's behest, the Trump Foundation illegally to provided extensive support to his 2016 presidential campaign by using the Trump Foundation's name and funds it raised from the public to promote his campaign for the presidency, including in the day's before the Iowa nominating caucuses," and, 

(2) In the Petition Filed on Thursday, The Fourteenth of June, Alleges a pattern of illegal conduct, occurring over more than a decade, that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing transactions to benefit Mr. Trump's personal and business interests, and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations, 

(3) The Lawsuit also Seeks a ban from future service as a director of a New York not-for-profit of ten years for Mr. Trump and one year for each of the Foundation's other board members, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, and, 

(4) The Attorney General also sent referral letters today to the Internal Revenue Service and The Federal Election Commission, identifying possible violations of federal law for further investigation and legal action by those federal agencies. 

Attorney General Underwood also said, As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a check book for payments from Mr. Trump, or his businesses to non-profits regardless of their purpose of legality. This not how private foundations should function and my office intends to hold the Foundation and its directors accountable for its misuse of charitable assets.")-

New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood and An Attorney for The Trump Foundation "Signed The Stipulation Agreeing to The Dissolution of The Trump Foundation!"
And, In Making The Announcement Ms. Underwood said, "This is an important victory for the rule of law, making clear that there is one set of rules for everyone."
And, The AG also said, "We continue to move our suit forward to ensure that The Trump Foundation and its directors are held to account for their clear and repeated violations of state and federal law."

-(Note that, The Fourth Estate and Global Cross Media News Platforms Featured on Friday, The Twenty-Fourth of November 2018 "Judge Saliann Scarpulla, a Justice for the New York County Supreme Court, Civil Term, in the 1st Judicial District of New York, "Ruled that The Lawsuit Against President Trump and The Trump Foundation, by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood Could Proceed," This Ruling Came even Though Attorney's for President Trump Argued Against It," Claiming that "The Court Did Not have Jurisdiction over The President."

Judge Scarpulla Wrote in a Twenty-Seven Page Ruling, "I find I have jurisdiction over Mr. Trump. And, Judge Scarpulla also Included in Her Ruling, "Allowing this action to proceed is entirely consistent with the Supreme Court's holding in Clinton v. Jones that the President of the United States is 'subject to the laws for his purely private acts.'"

Judge Scarpulla Cited this from the Supreme Court's 1997 ruling on Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton.'")-

An Attorney for The Trump Foundation, Alan Futerfas said in A Prepared Statement, "The decision means only that the case goes forward. As we have maintained throughout, all of the money raised by The Foundation went to charitable causes to assist those most in need. As a result, We remain confident in the ultimate outcome of these proceedings."

Tuesday, The Eighteenth of December 2018, GCMN Reports are White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders "Declined to Comment on the Agreement Concerning The Charity!"        
It is Clear that "Not only have Cracks Continued to Mount in The Walls of The West Wing," and "The Trump Administration," But, "Now, The Pressure Being Mounted in More than a Dozen Investigations" have "Reached Out to Include The Trump Foundation," and "The Trump Organization!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As Continued Cracks Continue to Emerge in The Walls of The West Wing of The Trump Administration!" Saturday, The Fifteenth of December 2018 "The Fifty-Second Secretary of The Department of The Interior Ryan Keith Zinke Resigned!" And, In Doing so, "Became Another Member of The Trump Administration to Resign" under "Suspicions of Alleged Unethical Behavior!"

"The Question" is "Did Former Secretary of The Department of The Interior Ryan Zinke, 57," "Use His Office to Illegally Assist, Influence, or Provide Preferential Treatment to Halliburton" (One of The Largest American Multinational Oil Field Service Companies in The U.S., with Operations in More than Seventy Countries!) "in Support of A Hotel and Shopping Development  in Mr. Zinke's Hometown of Whitefish, Montana," that "Would also Increase The Value of The Property Owned by Mr. Zinke!" 

"The Potential Unethical Behavior and Conflict Arises Out of The Fact," that "The Oil Industry on Land is Regulated by Mr. Zinke," and "Halliburton," as Previously Stated, is "One of The Largest Oil Field Service Companies in The U.S. 

-(Note that Global Cross Media News Reports are "Mrs. Zinke Agreed to Allow The Developer to Build A Parking Lot on The Property," that "Would Make The Deal More than A Possibility!")

However, "This is One of Two Investigations in Progress," in Regards to "Allegations of Mr. Zinke's Unethical Behavior!" 

"The Second One Relates to An Examination Being Conducted by The Department of Interior's Inspector General, Mary L. Kendall," who has "Been Investigating "Mr. Zinke's Decision" to "Block Two Native American Tribes, (The Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Tribes) from Opening A New Casino in East Windsor Connecticut," that "Would Compete with The New MGM Springfield Casino in Springfield, Massachusetts!"

"The Question" Involved is "Was Mr. Zinke Influenced by MGM Resorts International," who also "Planned to Build A New Casino within Close Proximity to The Native American One!"

And, GCMN Reports are "There are More than A Dozen Investigations," (Including The  Reduction of Federally Protected Lands," of which "More than One Million Acres of Land in Utah's Bear Ears National Monument are Included) that have "Questioned Whether Mr. Zinke has Acted Improperly" as The Secretary of The Department of The Interior!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Eighteenth of December 2018 "The Sentencing of Former National Security Adviser to President Trump and Retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, 59, was Postponed until The Thirteenth of March 2019!" United States District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia,  "Granted a Request by Robert K. Kelner, Mr. Flynn's Attorney's to Delay The Sentencing!" 

At Which Time, "Both Prosecutors and Defendants" have "Been Ordered" to "File a Status Report at that Date!"

However, "Judge Sullivan's Statement to The Court about Mr. Flynn's Actions," was to Say at The Very Least, "Scathing, Severe, Pointed, and Unsparing!"

Judge Sullivan said to Mr. Flynn (who was Accompanied by His Wife, and Son and Several Other of His Children), "All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to The President of The United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Judge Sullivan also Asked The Prosecutors, "Is there an opinion about the conduct of the defendant that rises to treasonous on the defendants part."
Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack answered that "The Prosecutor said that "The Special Counsel had not considered leveling that charge.

Judge Sullivan Responded, "Hypothetically, Could he have been charged with treason." However, Mr. Van Grack said "It was such a serious question I'm hesitant to answer it."

"In An Extremely Candid Moment During The Two Hour Session," Judge Sullivan said Directly to Mr. Flynn," in Regards to "The Recommendation by Special Counsel Mueller that Mr. Flynn "Should receive no prison time," "I can't make any guarantees, but I'm not hiding my disgust, my disdain for this criminal offense."

"The Question" of "Whether Mr. Flynn Committed Treason" was "Returned to After a Brief Recess Took Place," When Judge Sullivan said, "I wasn't suggesting he committed treason!"
"There are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there, I am not taking the elements of any of the uncharged offenses under consideration at the time of the sentencing."

Judge Sullivan also said, "I want to be very frank with you, this crime is very serious," and He Continued to say, "The aggravating circumstances are serious. Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration."

Judge Sullivan Gave Mr. Flynn Several Opportunities to Reverse His Guilty Plea, "However, Mr. Flynn Refused to" saying to The Judge, "I was aware,"that lying to FBI Investigators was a crime when he was interviewed in January 24, 2017, interview.

6:41 A.M Tuesday, The Eighteenth of December 2018 President Trump Tweeted, "Good luck today in court to General Michael Flynn. Will be interesting to see what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure being put on him about Russian Collusion in our great and, obviously, highly successful political campaign. There was no Collusion!"

It Should Be Noted that "During The Presidential Campaign "Mr. Flynn Led Chants at Trump Rallies" to "Lock Her Up," Referring To Mrs. Clinton! 
And, To Say that "It is Important for Mr. Flynn to Continue to Cooperate with Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Prosecutors" and Government Officials," Would Be An Understatement!"

And, "Let Us Agree" that at "This Moment in Time The Russian Investigations" are "Not Witch Hunts," "They are Very Serious" and have "Great Significance to The Self-Government, Sovereignty, Dignity, Honor, Democracy and Constitution of The United States of America!"

And, "This Cycle and Phase of Investigations" is by "No Means over with!" 

And, "It is Becoming More and More Evident," that "There were Lies" or "Attempts Made to Circumvent The Truth from Being Told Before The U.S. Congress," and "In Interviews with The Fourth Estate," and "The Global Cross Media News Platforms!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Sun Sets O'er The Horizons Of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations, "The Questions" that "Still Remain are Manifold," Some of Which are; (1) "How Many Innocent and Helpless Migrant Children Must Die Before A Fair and Just Immigration Policy is Established in The United States and Globally!"

And, (2) "For How Many More Years Will The Wars Continue to Rage in Yemen, and Syria,"

And "(3) "For How Long Will Conflict Continue in Afghanistan" with "Militant Factions, on One Side," and "The United States and Its Coalition of Allies Fighting with The Afghanistan Government" to "Preserve The Sovereignty of The Afghan Government and Its People!"

And then, (4) "When Will Unresolved Differences between The Sovereign Nations of Asia who Share Borders," and "Who are also Engaged in Tense Territorial Claims and Disputes Over The South China Sea," "Find A Common Ground to Resolve These Issues!"

And, (5) "When Will The Continuing Conflict between The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine and The Russian Federation Come to A Respectful End!"

And, (6) "When Will There Be A Peace Accord between The Sovereign Nation of Israel and The State of Palestine!"

And (7) Where have All of The Lotto Funds Designated for Education," and "After School Programs Gone to in The U.S.!"

"Isn't It Time for Sensible and Reasonable Cognizant Minds, Seasoned Diplomats, Peacemakers, Religious, Financial, Youth, Gender, Political, Civil, Military, Global Leaders, and Voices of Reason" to "Establish An Age of Peace, Equality, Justice, and Social Security For One and All," "Irregardless of Nationality, Creed, Tribe, Age, Color, or Gender!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Eighteenth of December 2018 "The United States Senate Passed A New Bi-Partisan Supported Crime Reform Bill," "The First Step Act," by A Eighty-Seven to Twelve Vote!" 
And, "On Thursday, The Twentieth of December 2018, "The United States House of Representatives Passed It by A Three Hundred and Fifty-Eight to Thirty-Six Margin," and "Sent It to President Trump to Be Signed into Law!"

However, "The Question" Still Remains, "What Real Affect or Change Will it have upon the 2.2 million Prisoners who are Incarcerated!"

"But This is a First Step," with "Bi-Partisan Support!"  Though "The Question" Still Remains that, It Will Be Interesting to Discover "What The State Reaction Will Be" to "This New Crime Reform Bill!"

But, "Most of All "Will This Bill Change The Lives of Millions of People who have Been Sentenced Unjustly," and "Make for An Improved U.S. Criminal System," and "Give Hope to Those who've Reformed" and are "Looking Forward to A Second Chance in Their Lives!"

Thursday, The Twentieth of December President Trump Tweeted, Congress just passed the Criminal Justice Reform Bill known as The First Step Act." Congratulations! This is a great bi-partisan achievement for everybody. When both parties work together we can keep our Country safer. A wonderful thing for the U.S.A.!!"

 -Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of December 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports are "President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Made The Traditional Presidential Unannounced Surprise Trip" to "Visit The Brave and Courageous Women and Men of The United States Armed Forces!"

"This Unannounced Trip" to "Visit with United States Military Personnel at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq," was "President Trump's First to A U.S. Military Combat Zone since His Inauguration as The Forty-Fifth President of The United States on The Twentieth of January 2017!" 

"Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries," and "To All," in Fact, "Who are Dedicated and Committed to Change The Global Conditioned Equation Of Disparity and Imbalance," that has "Effected The Positive and Negative Experiences and Decisions of The Global Economies," and had "A Profound Affect upon The Domestic Policies of The Global Community of Sovereign Nations," and, "Either Prevented or Impeded The Development and Growth of The Earths Populace," Let Us, "One and All," Who are "Dedicated and Committed to Continue to Strive Towards The Establishment of A Global Peacetime Economy," that "Empowers and Motivates The Global Community of Sovereign Nations, and "The Families who Make up The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry of The Earths Community of Nations," "Let Us Remember," to "Engage in Non-Violent, and Non-Destructive  Demonstrations, Marches, Sit-ins, or Protests!"

And, "When Others Attempt to Belittle, Besmirch, Undermine, Criticize, or Cast Shadows upon Our Movements," to "Make A Better World,"  "Let Us always Remember" that "This has Occurred Before in The Annals of The History of Humankind," and that "Our Soul Strength and Perseverance Lies in The Fact," that "We The People," are "The Public Mind and Body Of Our Global Societies," and "We are," In Fact, "The Mothers, Fathers, and Children of The Diverse Community, Fabric, and Tapestry Of The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "We are The Engines that Drive The Global Economies," and "We are The Heart, Soul, Spirit, and "Essential Part of The Cognitive Cosmos, Solar Axiom, and Body of The Grand Universe of Limitless Galaxies" and "Celestial Bodies!"

And, "As The Sun Sets O'er This Earth of Ours," and "As We Enter" into "The Last Year of The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Millennia," "Let Us Agree to Make A Universal Correction in Our Lives,"  that "Transcends The Conditioned Time/Reality," that has "Been Spoiled, Eroded, and Subverted" by Oppressors and Suppressors Of The Truth," "For Their Own Self Profit and Control!"

"For They" are "The Suppressors and Oppressors Of The Truth," Whose Goal is to Divide Us," and "Manipulate Us," and "Build Walls Around and Between Us to Sabotage Our Lives," and "Weaken Our Governments," and "Our Community of Sovereign Nations," with "Their False Propaganda," and "Misleading, Misguided, Flawed, Distorted, and Ill-Founded Campaign Slogans" and "Outright Lies!"

And, "They" Continue to "Provide For The Well-Being of The Wealthy," and "Global Corporations," at "The Expense Of The People!"

And, "While Their Profits Mount," "Small Towns, Villages, Urban Communities," and "The Less Fortunate Amongst Us Suffer For It!"

And, "While Their Profits Continue to Mount," "At The Expense of The Middle Class," and "Families Living Below The Poverty Line," and "While The Ludicrous Cost of A College Education of Our Youth Continues to Increase to New Exorbitant Heights," and "The Safety of Our Youth Continues to Be Threatened by Domestic Violence," and "Student Debt Impedes The Early Career Opportunities and Development of Our Youth!"

And, "Our Traditions" and "Moral Guidelines" are  "Being Tainted, Disgraced, and Dishonored," "As They Establish Domestic and Global Policies that Continue to Drain and Subjugate The People Against Their Will," and "Bend Them to Do The Bidding and The Wishes of A Select Group of Men and Women" of "A Global Institution of Political, Financial, and Business Corporations," and "Unfortunately, even Religious Orders!"

Let Us, "As We Enter into The Final Year of The Second Decade of The Twenty-First," "Continue to Build upon The Golden Cloud of Information, Communication, Cognitive Intelligence, Perception, Insight, Contemplation, Reflection, Meditation, Aspiration, Inspiration, and Experience," and "Spread The Word All Across The Global Cross Media Platforms, The Internet, and Technological Innovations that are Available To Us," In "A Non-Violent, Non-Criminalization Effort," that "Presents The Truth Of Our Grand Purpose," To "Make A Better World For One and All!"

For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, Equality, Economic Parity, and Respect For The Lives of All Sentient and Human Beings, and Environmental, Ecological and Universal Systems! And, Let This Be Our Non-Violent Commitment To The Youth Of The Earth, and Future Generations to Come, In The Name of Ghandiji, Martin, Madiba, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Confucius, Moses, Lao-Tzu," and "All of The Illuminated Beings who have Sacrificed For Us and Graced Our Lives!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
  Saturday, The Twenty-Second of December 2018, "A Tsunami Caused Massive Destruction in Indonesia," When "The Anak Krakatoa Volcano Erupted" and "Set Off Undersea Landslides, and Waves of Death!" 

 As of Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of December Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Tragic Loss of Life has Reached Four Hundred and Thirty-Three Persons," and "Very Sadly, This Total is Expected to Continue to Rise!" And, "The Number of People who are Missing" has "Grown to More than One Hundred and Fifty!"

And, "Those who have Been Made Homeless by The Tsunami,"  "Surpass More than Sixteen Thousand," and "This Total is also, Tragically Expected to Rise!"

"Heavy Rains have Made It Extremely Difficult for Rescue Workers," Who are "Still Searching for Survivors!" 

And, "Coastal Residents Living in Towns and Communities All Around The Sunda Strait, and "Between the Islands of Java and Sumatra have Been Warned," to "Stay away from Beaches and Shorelines!" 

-(Note that, "Indonesian Officials have Announced that Warning Systems Will Be Improved Next Year!" However, "The Reality and Challenge that Lies Ahead is To Make Absolutely Certain" that "This Becomes A Reality!")-

We Express Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences To All The Families who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Savagery of This Tsunami, that has Taken so Many Lives away from Their Families, Friends and Communities, and We Mourn Their Loss with You!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters! And, We Share Your Tears of Love and Mourn Their Loss of Life with You!