Monday, May 14, 2018



The Way To Peace! #317

"The Parallel Sphere's of Global Influences" have "Reached A New Level of Introspection, Soul Searching, Contemplation, Self Examination, Self Analysis, and Reflection," and "When Placed In Conjunction with International and Domestic Affairs," "This Act of Being Conjoined Together," is To Say The Least "Quite Challenging," and Often Extremely Difficult to Process in A Cognitive, Logical, or "Even Reasonable Manner!"

"The Legal, Political, Financial, and Religious Sphere's of The Parallel Universes," that "Revolve Around Us," and "Directly or Indirectly Influence Our Lives" are "Not Being Adhered to, Interpreted, or Practiced on A Lawful, and Even Basis," Which has had "A Powerful Affect on All of Our Personal and Private Lives" and "Behavior!" 

There are "Multiple Standards of Behavior and Being For Every Before Mentioned Category!" Which is Why The "Me Too," "Time's Up," and "March for Our Lives" Movements, are "Proof of The Growing Disapproval of The Sociological Abuse" that has "Been Physically, Emotionally, or Psychologically Imposed upon One Segment, Sector, Gender, or Ethnicity of Our Earths Communities and Families!"

And, "As History has Shown Us" It has "Taken Great Sacrifice, Untold Number's of Deaths," and "The Wisdom, Compassion, Intelligence, Soul Strength, and Perseverance," of "Transcendent and Exceptional Women and Men" Althroughout The Ages to "Lead and Provide The Necessary Guidance Needed For The Human Civilization," to "Evolve from The Barbaric State of Being of The Past," to "Our Twenty-First Century!"

But, "For Our Civilization to Be An Inspiration to The Youth of The Earth," It is of "The Greatest Importance For There to Be A Consistency" in "Distributing Equal Justice," and "An Equal Access to Receiving A Earthwise and Universal Education!" And, One's Gender, Age, Physicality, and Ethnicity, "Should Not Be Prejudiced Against," or "Used as An Impediment" or "Wall Against Anyone," As "They Seek to Achieve Their Goals and Dreams in Life!" And, "Their Pursuit of Happiness, Security, Safety, and Peace of Mind!"

"There has To Be A Universal State of Equilibre Between All of The People of This Planet Earth!" "A True Sense of Equilibre," that is "Guaranteed to All The Families and Communities of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The Earth!"

And, "If One Decides to Be A Global Leader in Politics, Finance, Religion, The Military, or Law and Order," "Our Founders have Created Laws of The Land For One and All to Abide by!" 

Whether You Be "A President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, King, Queen, Princess,  Prince, Pope, Patriarch, Supreme Leader, Five Star General or Admiral," You have "A Grand Responsibility to Care for The Sovereign People of The Earth," and "The Ecological and Environmental Systems Of The Earth Itself!"

"These Responsibilities" are All a Part of "The Tenet's and Values Of The People, Made By The People, and For All of The People of Our Planet Earth," that have "Been Recorded For Posterity in History Books" and "Books of Wisdom," "For The Youth of The Earth To Learn from" and Then to "Set An Example For Future Generations to Come!"

But, "Now As The Parallel Sphere's of Politics and Trade," Conjoin with "The Pressures of The U.S. Withdrawal from The Nuclear Agreement with Iran," and "The Pressure of U.S. Sanctions," are "Causing Fissures in The Transatlantic Landscape," and Intensifying The Divide Between The United States and It's Allies in The European Union," Instead of "Building Strong Partnerships that are Needed" to "Negotiate A New Agreement and/or A Side Agreement with Iran!"

And, "As The 44th G-7 Summit on The Eighth and Ninth of June 2018," at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada Approaches," What President Trump Deems As "Reciprocity," May Appear to Other Sovereign Nations as "Being A Not so Subtle Attempt to Leverage and Lord The Economic and Banking Importance of The United States of America," to "Gain Advantage in Trade Negotiations," and also "In The Diplomatic and Political Efforts of The EU to Find A New Parity Between The U.S. and The EU."

And, "The Tweet by Richard Grenell," The New U.S. Ambassador to Germany, that "German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations immediately," has "Not Fallen on Deaf Ears in The EU," In Fact "It has Further Agitation" on "Top of President Trump's Decision to Withdraw The U.S. from The 2015 JCPOA!"

"There is Very Little Doubt" that "The Difference in What Course of Action to Take with Iran," by "The United States, France, Germany and The United Kingdom Will Be A Test of Diplomacy, Cognizance, Perseverance and Patience!"

And, "President Trump has to Respect The Decision" Made by What was Once, "The P5+1" to "Continue to Respect 2015 JCPOA with Iran," Especially, "Because He has Chosen to Withdraw The U.S. from It (While Breaking A United Nations Security Council Resolution Endorsing The Nuclear Deal in The Process)!"

President Trump has "Chosen to Withdraw The U.S. from (1) The Paris Agreement, (2) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), (3) The 2015 JCPOA, and ((4) Continued to Threaten to Withdraw from The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and (5) Increased Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum, and (6) Formally Recognized Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel and (7) Authorized The Relocation of The U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, that Opens on Monday, The Fourteenth of May 2018. 
(Global Cross Media News Reports are as Many as Forty People have Died over The Last Six Weeks of Palestinian Protests!)

And, "He has Done All This without Consideration" of "What Affect It Would have upon The Global Markets," and "The Allies of The U.S.," who have "For The Most Part Opposed The President's Political, Trade, and Tariff Moves!" 

And, "He had Made These Decisions," that "Many World Leaders have Referred to" as Being "Misguided," "Without Concern for The Affect It Would have upon The Families of The Earth's Communities," whose "Daily Affairs are Being Affected by Trade Wars with China and The United States," and "The Iran Impasse Between The U.S. and The E.U.," or "How It Would Affect The Economic Sovereignty of The Earths Nations!"

"The Global Concerns" about "Iran's Ballistic Program," and "Iran's Support of Syria, Hezbollah, and Other Militant Groups in The Middle East," are "In Sync and In Agreement with President Trump and Israeli Premier Netanyahu," However, "Undoing The Positive Steps" that have "Been Arduously and Diplomatically Worked on" without "A Clear and Present Course of Action and/or Alternative in Place," that "Everyone Can Agree upon," is "Illogical!" And, In The Short Term, "Destabilizes Whatever Gains and Trust that have Been Made," and "Sets Back Whatever Plan's and Agendas There are In Motion," To "Address The Major Concerns  of All Involved!"

And, "Maximizing Pressure Does Not Always Lead to Normalizing Relations Between Adversaries!"

"The Question" is, Can Voices of Reason, and Diplomacy Succeed in Healing The Wounds" that have "Been Inflicted upon Both Adversaries and Allies Alike," or "Will There Continue to Be An Erosion of Confidence and Trust," that "Will Cause More Violence, Hate, War, Conflict," and "Loss of Life that Is Unbearable to Families All Over The Earth!"

And, "Isn't It Time for An End of Hostilities in The Middle East!" And, "Isn't It Time For The People of The Middle East to Be Able to Return Home from Living in Refugee Camps," and "On Foreign Shores," If "They Choose to," and "Live In Peace!"

And, "If You are A Religious, Finance, Political, or Military Leader of The Earth's United Nations," It is "Your Responsibility to Negotiate a Lasting Peace For The Sake Of The People," and "For The Welfare, Well-Being, Good, and Salvation Of The People!" "Haven't Enough People Died!"       

And, "As The Continuously Ever Developing Conditions, Appearances and Circumstances" of "The Parallel Sphere's of The Court of Public Opinion," and "The Legal, Political, and Financial Panoramas and Overviews" are "Presented in Global Cross Media News Headlines and Reportage" on "A Daily Basis," at Times, "The Multiple Interviews, or News Reports, Involving One Story of Special Interest May have Several Variations to It," Such as, For One Example, "Who Paid Adult Porn Star Stormy Daniels One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars to Sign A Non-Disclosure Agreement to Remain Silent" about "An Alleged Sexual Encounter with Then- Donald Trump!"

"There are Ever-Changing Aspects to This One Question" of "Who Paid For It?" (1) Michael Cohen One of President Trump's Personal Attorney's Initially Paid For It, and (2) Over a Period of Several Months Evolving from The 2016 Election Day Results into The Transition Period," and "The First Months of President Trump's First Days in Office," "President Trump Confirmed that He Repaid The One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars" as a part of "Mr. Cohen's Monthly Retainer Expenses!" 

However, "There Appears to Be A Wrinkle in This Scenario," But, Where Do We Begin, "Why," Because, "Let's Remember that Initially President Trump said "No" on Thursday, The Fifth of April, 2018, "in Response to A Question," about "Whether He Knew about The One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollar Payment that Michael Cohen Made to Stormy Daniels by A Reporter in Air Force One," and that "You'll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. You'll have to ask Michael.

However, Let's Move Ahead with "A New Facet," Reported in The Global Cross Media News Sphere," on "A Variation of This Very Same Subject," on Tuesday, The Eighth of May 2018, that "Michael Cohen Received An Alleged Payment of At Least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars from Columbus Nova," a Company Owned by Andrew Intrater, "A Cousin of Russian Billionaire Viktor Vekselberg," and "Routed to Mr. Cohen's Company Essential Consultants LLC., in Eight Separate Payments," Between January and August of 2017. 

(Note that A Spokesperson, Andrey Shtorkh, Speaking on Behalf of Mr. Vekselberg said "Neither Viktor Vekselberg or Renova (His Company) has ever had any contractual relationship" with Cohen or Essential Consultants.")

And, "There are Other Payments Made to Mr. Cohen's Company by American Telegraph and Telephone, Korean Aerospace, and Novartis Investments S.A.R.L., a Major Pharmaceutical Company!"

"This New Facet" of "The Parallel Legal, Political, and Financial Sphere's of The Russian Investigations, Campaign Violations," and "The Court of Public Opinion" was "Information Released in a Eight Page Memo of Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti," and has "Been Confirmed by The Associated Press," on Wednesday, The Ninth of May 2018 Global Cross Media News Reports!"

(Note that Michael Cohen's Attorney Stephen Ryan Claims that "Some of these payments were not actually made to Cohen, and were in fact made to other "Michael Cohens.")

"The Multitudinous Stream of Questions" that have "Been Unleashed Can Not Be Answered in This One Moment," However, "One Can only Hope" that "They are Included on The List of Four Dozen Questions" that "Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Given to President Trump's Lawyer's for The President to Answer!"

However, Rudy Giuliani Left Open The Question of (1) "Whether or Not "He would rule out the possibility  that Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen had made payments to other women on Trump's behalf,-Not just to porn star Stormy Daniels," in "His Interview on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, on Sunday, The Sixth of May 2018," and (2) "What Would also Be of Importance is," If There are "Who Paid for Them," and (3) A Separate Detailed Report Directed Towards Answering The Questions Surrounding Exactly What Business Transactions Occurred with Russia," or "Any Other Sovereign Nation," or "Financial Institution Connected to Trump Organization LLC.," and/or Its Principal Officers," and (4) What Exactly Does President Trump Know" about "The Connections Several of His 2016 Campaign Team, and "Member's of His Administration,"  who have "Been Publicly Outed as having Connections with Russia," Such as Michael Flynn, "Would Be Welcomed."

"It's A Shame that These Questions and Other's Still Remain Unanswered," However, Let's Agree that "Ignorance is Not Bliss," and "The American People Deserve Truthful Answer's to All of The Four Dozen Questions Given to President Trump by Special Counsel Robert Mueller," and "Any Other Subject Matter" that Is "Relevant, Applicable, or Pertinent to The Russian Investigations," and/or "Any Other Potential Illegality or Subject," that "May Enter into The Purview of The Investigations!" 

"The Russian Investigations are Not Over by Any Thought, Idea, or By Any Means!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Ninth of May, 2018, "The Three American Prisoner's, Kim Dong Chul, Kim Hak-song, and Kim Sang Duk," Being Held by North Korea, "were Freed!"

"This is "Another Gesture of Good Will by Chairman Kim Jong-Un," in "Addition to His Peace and Denuclearization Summit with South Korea," and "In Advance of The Summit Between North Korea and The United States in Singapore on The Twelfth of June 2018!"

President Trump Tweeted "I am pleased to inform you that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in the air and on his way back from North Korea with the three wonderful gentlemen that everyone is looking so forward to meeting. They seem to be in good health. Also, good meeting with Kim Jong Un. Date and Place set."

The President also Tweeted, "Secretary Pompeo and his guests will be landing at Andrews Air Force Base at 2:00 A.M. in the morning. I will be there to Greet them. Very exciting."

"The United States North Korean Summit," Represents "A Positive Opportunity Towards A New Earthwise-Universal Perspective," One that "Prioritizes Peace For Our Children," and "A Future that Embraces An Age of Peace For One and All!"

Secretary of State Pompeo also Tweeted "I had productive meetings in Pyongyang with Kim Jong-un and made progress. I'm delighted to bring home three Americans."

And, President Trump Tweeted on Thursday, The Tenth of May 2018 "The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Tuesday, The Eighth of May 2018 "President Trump "Announced" from The White House Diplomatic Room, "In just a short period of time, the worlds leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring  the worlds most dangerous weapons, Therefore I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal."

The President said, The Agreement was "Horrible one-sided deal that should have never ever been made."

Besides The United States, "The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action," (2015 JCPOA), Included France, The United Kingdom, Germany, China and Russia!

What This Means is "Sanction will have a Ninety Day" and "A One Hundred Eighty Day Wind-Down Periods," after which "Previous Sanctions The United States had Waived Will Be Re-Instated!"  

"Hopes" that "The Recent Diplomatic Efforts Between France, Germany, The United Kingdom, and The U.S. Would Produce A "Side Agreement" that "Would Satisfy President Trump," and "Prevent Him from Withdrawing The U.S. from The Agreement!"

And, Although  "French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Sir Kim Darroch," The British Ambassador, "Personally Met with President Trump in The White House," to "Discuss The Importance of The U.S. Remaining in The Agreement," and "Expressed Their Desire to Work on A Side Agreement," which "Would have Been in Effect An Amendment to The 2015 JCPOA,"  "These Efforts Proved to Be Unsuccessful!"

President Trump also said "The United States will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction."

President Macron, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Theresa May "Released A Joint Statement" saying "Our Governments remain committed to ensuring the agreement is upheld, and will work with all the remaining parties to the deal to ensure this remains the case. Including through ensuring the continuing economic benefits to the Iranian people that are linked to the agreement."

"We urge the U.S. to ensure that the structures of the JCPOA can remain in tact."

The Three Leaders also Counseled Iran by saying "We encourage Iran to show restraint in response to the decision of the US; Iran must continue to meet it's own obligations under the deal, cooperating fully and in a timely manner with IAEA Inspection requirements. The IAEA must be able to carry out its long term verification and monitoring programme without restriction or hindrance. In turn, Iran should continue to receive the sanction relief it is entitled to whilst it remains in compliance with the terms of the deal."

And, Tuesday, The Eighth of May 2018 French President Macron Tweeted "France, Germany, and the UK regret the U.S. Decision to leave the JCPOA. The nuclear non-proliferation regime is at stake." 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said "This is not an agreement between Iran and the US...for US to announce it's pulling out, it's a multilateral agreement, endorsed by the UN security council resolution 2231, Americans Officially Announcement today, showed that their disregard of international commitments..We saw that in their disregard for the Paris Agreement..

And, President Rouhani also said, "From now on, this is an agreement between Iran and five countries...from now on the P5 +1 has lost its 1...we will have to see how the others react."

As You Can Imagine, "There has Been Quite a Lot of Discourse Taking Place" between "All of The Nations Involved Directly and Indirectly with The 2015 JCPOA!" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, For One, is "Delighted with President Trump's Decision!"

"Former US President Barack Obama is Not!" President Obama said ' At a time when we are all rooting for diplomacy with North Korea to succeed, walking away from the JCPOA risks losing a deal that accomplishes -with Iran - the very outcome that we are pursuing with the North Koreans."

And, President Obama also said, "That is why today's announcement is so misguided. Walking away from the JCPOA, turns our back on America's closest allies, and an agreement that our countries leading diplomats, scientist, and intelligence professionals negotiated. " And, He said, The JCPOA does not rely on trust- it is rooted in the most far-reaching inspections and verification regime ever negotiated in an arms control deal." And, President Obama also "Countered President Trump and His Administration Criticisms of the Iran Agreement," with a "Five Point Rebuttal!"

"Let There Be Absolutely No Doubt" that "In The Short Term," President Trump's Decision to Withdraw The U.S. from The 2015 JCPOA "Will Cause Serious Consequences and Angst!" And, "Place A Strain on America's Alliances!" 

"Let Us One and All Agree" that, There is "A Life and Death Struggle in The Middle East," that is "In Need of Diplomacy Based on Trust," "If, Peace is Ever to Become A Reality in The Middle East!"

And, In The Meantime, "While Old Agreements and Being Broken," and "New Agreements are Being Sought After," and "Millions of Families are Being Displaced from Their Homes," and "Separated from Their Families and Friends," and "Living in Refugee Camp's," and "Mother's and Daughters are Being Raped, Killed, and Kidnapped," and "Fathers and Son's are Being Killed," or "Forced to Fight in Wars and Regional Conflicts," by "Syndicates of Criminals and Extreme Radicals," who "Care Nothing at All about Their Fellow Human Being," and "United Nation Resolutions are Being Disregarded and Disrespected," as "If They have No Significance," The Youth of The Earth Look on" in "A State of Disbelief, " and are "Determined to Never Allow Themselves to Be Subjected to The Cruelties," and "Egotistical Behavior Patterns" that "They are Witnessing!"

And, "They are Just as Determined" that "When It is Time For Them to Vote," "They Vow to Vote Out of Office Anyone" who is "Not Trustworthy, Just, Cognizant, and Supportive of Their Concerns and Their Families Concerns, as Sovereign Citizens of The Earth," and "The Concerns of Their Fellow Human Beings!" And, of "All Sentient Beings," and  "Protector's, Educator's, and Conservator's of This Planet Earth!"

On Wednesday, The Second of May 2018, President Trump's "New Additional to His Personal Group of Attorney's Rudy Giuliani," has "Acknowledged that President Trump Reimbursed/Repaid Attorney Michael Cohen," for "Giving Adult Film Actress Stormy Daniels One Hundred and Thirty Dollars to Remain Quiet," about a "Sexual Relationship They had in 2006!" 

Mr. Giuliani said that President Trump had "Hired Michael Cohen on A Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars a Month Retainer," and "Repaid Mr. Cohen from His Personal Fund's!" 

However, "To Place This Payment in Perspective," "The Fact" that "It Occurred Days Before The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," is "The Reason Why Mr. Cohen is Suspected of Campaign Finance Violations," among "Other Charges!"

Mr. Giuliani Made this Revelation on Fox News "Hannity" Where Mr. Giuliani also Told Sean Hannity, the Shows Host, that "The Payment is going to be perfectly legal, that money was not campaign money. Sorry I'm giving you a fact now that you don't know,'s not campaign money, No campaign finance violation," They funneled through a law firm and the President repaid it." 

And, "The Revelation that "President Trump Repaid Mr. Cohen over a Period of Months," Added to "The Shocking News that Mr. Giuliani Revealed!"

Why, Because "That Would Mean President Trump Repaid The Payment During The Presidential Transition Period," and "Into The First Months of The Presidency," as well!

Mr. Giuliani also "Told Fox News," Later On Wednesday, The Second of May, in "An Attempt to Clarify His Earlier Statement," that "Cohen told the President that he had incurred the expenses on Trump's behalf and they required payment." And, that "Trump became aware of it only after the case became public." And, that "The President reimbursed Cohen for "Expenses" not for a payment to Daniels!" 

"What is Complicating Matters" is, "As Recent as Several Week's ago," President Trump had "Denied Knowing Anything about "The Payment to Stormy Daniels," as a Part of "A Non-Disclosure Agreement!"

"When Asked Aboard Air Force One Whether He Knew about The Payment The President Responded "No!" And, He also Told the Reporter to "Ask Michael Cohen Why He made The Payment or where He got the money!"

Michael Avenatti Stormy Daniels Attorney Called The Statement "a Stunning Revelation!" And, He also said, "Mr. Trump evidently participated in a felony and there must be serious consequences for his conduct and his lies and deception to the American people." 

"The Question" is, "Is This The First Crack in The Dam," As The Saying Goes, Meaning "Will There Be a Continuous Flow of New Revelations and Disclosures on The Horizon," to "Threaten The Credibility of The President, and His Administration," and "Tarnish The Integrity of The Office of The Presidency Itself!"

And, "What Will The Public Court of Opinion Say and Feel" about "This New Revelation!"

And, "Is This New Revelation Included in The List of Four Dozen Questions," that "Special Counsel Robert Mueller Gave to The Presidents Lawyers," for "The President to Respond to!"

The White House has Claimed that "President Trump denies having a relation with Stormy Daniels," so, "The Ramifications of This New Revelation Should Prove to Be Very Consequential!"

And, Mr. Giuliani's Opinion that "Russian Collusion is Fake News," is "His Opinion!" "The Investigation is Still Ongoing!"

"The American People were Told by President Trump" that "He Did Not Know about The Payment to Stormy Daniels," and "He Did!" And, "He also Repaid Michael Cohen's Expenses," His Personal Attorney, "for Making The Payment!" And, "This Not A Hoax!" Nor, "Is It Fake News!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidly said, on "Fox News @ Night with Shannon Bream" that "White House officials were unaware of what topics would be discussed on the "Hannity" Show, and declined to comment on the One Hundred Thirty Dollar Payment, citing an ongoing investigation." And, Mr. Gidly also said "I have to refer anything on this matter to the President's outside counsel."  

However, Just as Significantly, "The President has Mislead The American People!" And, "This is Relevant," and "President Trump Owes It to Each and Every American Citizen," Whether "They Voted for Him or Not," to "Answer All of The Questions" that "Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Given to The President's Attorney's," for "The President to Respond to!"

"The Integrity of The U.S. Democracy," and "All of The Principles that The United States of America Stands for," and "The Truth," and "The Law of The Land," and "The Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," "Require that President Trump Answer All The Questions!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
The 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting Took Place on Saturday, The Fifth of May, at CenturyLink Center in Omaha, and According to "Forbes Second Annual List of Five Hundred of America's Largest Public Companies," "Came in Second to Apple," with a "Reported $241.4 Billion in Revenues," and "$702. Billion in Assets!"

However, When You Realize that "The Combined Value of The Five Hundred Companies on The List is $11.9 Trillion in Sales," the "Thought of The Positive Changes This Group of Public Companies Would have If They Organized A Combined Philanthropic Effort Focused upon Eliminating Poverty from The Earth," and "Financing Affordable Homes," and "Homes For Families Living Below The Poverty Level," or "For The Transient Population," and "Homeless Families of The Earth," "One Can only Imagine "The Overall Improvement in The Quality of Life The Earth's Communities Would Experience!"

"It Would Be A Major Evolutionary Step Forward" If, "These Companies Created A Global Empowerment Fund," that "Provided a Living/Civilized Wage" to "Empower Those Individuals who are Unemployed," or "Living Below The Poverty Line," or "For Financing College Education," or "For Providing Financial Support for Farmers During Lean Seasons," Caused by Unnecessary Trade Wars," or "Natural Disasters!"

And, Think about "The Help, Nourishment, and Security" that "It Would Provide For The Literally Millions of Children Living in Poverty in The United States alone," Irregardless of "The 3.9% Unemployment Figure!" 

And, Think about "The Assistance It Would Provide For Their Families," and "The Hope and Beneficence It Would Give to The Sociological Development of The Earth's Towns, Villages, Urban Communities, Cities, States and Sovereign Nations!"

"The Giving Pledge Campaign" Launched by Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates" have "Recruited Member's from at Least Twenty-Two Countries," who have "Made Pledges of More than Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Billion Dollars," and "This Moral Commitment on "Their Part is Truly Commendable!"

However, "In This Time/Space Reality" "Where Partisan Politics, Lust for Power, One-Man-Rule, and One-Party-Rule Forms of Governing, Dictatorships, Isolationists, Syndicates of Criminals," and "Too Much Divisiveness and Hubris Amongst Leaders of Sovereign Nations," have "Caused "An Increasing Atmosphere of Uncertainty and Disunity," even Amongst Allies, "It is  Necessary" for "An Interdependent Group of Global and Financial Leaders" to "Organize and Create A Universal Correction," in "The Parallel Sphere's of Finance and Politics," and In Doing so, "Change The Sociological Conditions Of The Sovereign Communities of The Earth!" 

And, "Through Their Philanthropic and Business Efforts," and "Acts of Compassion," Come Forth "To Make A Better World for The Youth of The Earth," and "The Universal Family of All The People of The Earth!"

And, "By Their Philanthropic and Business Efforts," Become "True Protector's and Conservator's of The Earth's Sea's, Skies, and Lands," and "The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings of This Planet Earth!" And, "Lead The Way" to "The Culmination of An Earthrise Vision of An Age of Universal Equilibre, Spiritually, Soulfully, Financially, Emotionally, Intellectually, Psychologically, and Physically!" Where "The Most Important Priorities" are "The Welfare, Protection, Security, and Respect Of The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People, The Earth and All of Its Sentient Life Forms, and The Universe," "In Equal/Parallel Juxtaposition with Each Other!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and The Twenty-First Centuries, It is Important that We Continue to Reach Out To The Youth Of The Earth Wherever They May Live!"
"Sometimes It's as Simple as Their having Someone to Talk to!"

"We are Existing in A Time Period" Where Too Many Families are Feeling Cut Off and Insecure," and "Disenfranchised from Being a Part of Today's Society!"

"We are Existing in A Time Period" "Where Too Many of Us are Addicted To Opioids!"
And, "Our Children are having to Care for Themselves without Proper Adult Supervision!"

We are Existing in A Time Period" "Where Children Feel that They Must Demonstrate and March," and "Become A Movement to Get The Attention of Our Elected Officials!" 

"We are Living During A Time Period" "Where The Youth are Concerned about The Safety of Their Lives in School!" And, Concerned about Their Futures on This Planet Earth!"

And, "They are Concerned about The Environment, and The Ecology!" And, "They are Concerned about Issues of Trust!" And, "Being Able to Afford A Good Education!"

And, "They are Concerned about Who is Misleading Them" and "Their Families," and "Who is Telling Them The Truth!"

And, "There are Some Children Who are Concerned about Where They are Going to Live Tomorrow!"

"They've Heard that Unemployment Figures are 3.9% But, "Their Families" are "Still Living in The Wood's, Car's, Van's, Tunnel's, and Parking Lots!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers "This is A Very Challenging Time Period," and "A Very Demanding Time Period," For Those of You who have "Lived Through The Civil Rights and Equal Rights and Anti-War Movements of The Twentieth Century," We Must "Empower and Support The Non-Violent Causes of Today's Me Too, Time's Up, LGBT, Black Lives Matter, Homeless, Environmental, Economic Parity, and March for Our Lives Movements!"

"It's Time For A New Universal Correction and Perspective" that "Empowers and Respects The Lives of All Sentient and Innate Beings!"

"It's Time For A New Universal Earthrise Correction and Universal Perspective" that "Empowers and Respects The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People!" The "New Norm of The Twenty-First Century Calls upon Us One and All to Respect One and Another" and "Make A Better World For Our Children," and "Their Children," and "All of The Peace Loving People Of This Planet Earth!"

And, "It's Time For Us To Share The Cognizance and Awareness Of Our Universal Concerns For Our Fellow Being "Via "A Grand Communication and Information Cloud" of "Earthwise and Streetwise Intelligence, Reflective Insights, Universal Viewpoints and Observations, and Reasonable Considerations, and Contemplative Impressions!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of Justice, Truth, Compassion, Innovation, Equilibre, Economic and Social Parity, Environmental, Ecological, Universal and Spiritual Awareness, Equality, and Reverence For Our Planet, and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"There is only Dishonor and Cowardice" in "Stabbing Innocent People Enjoying A Spring Evening, Going Out to A Cafe, Cinema, or Restaurant," and "Yet that is What Occurred on Saturday, The Twelfth of May 2018, in The Second Arrondissement, (or District), Near The Paris Opera House, in Paris, France!"

"Where Four Innocent People were Stabbed and Wounded," "Two of Which are In Serious Condition," and "It is with Deep Regret to Report" that "A Twenty-Nine Year Old Man," who was "Passing by When The Attack Occurred was Killed!"

"There Can Only Be Disrespect For Yourself" and "Disgrace For Your Family" to "Attack Innocent People," Who are Enjoying Each Other's Companionship," or "Going to The Theatre" or "Who are Simply Taking A Walk!"

"This Malicious Act of Violence Ended" with "The Depraved and Immoral Murderer," Twenty Year Old, Khamzat Azimov, "Being Shot and Killed by Police Authorities!"

Global Cross Media Reports are "The Assailant had French Nationality!" However, He was "Born in The Predominantly Russian Muslim Republic of Chechnya," and had "Been on The Nationwide Data Base for Suspected Radicalized Individuals!" 

French President Emmanuel Macron said of The Attack, "France had paid once again the price of blood but will not cede an inch to the enemies of freedom."

Anne Hidalgo, The Mayor of Paris Tweeted, "I want to salute the police, whose composure, courage, and professionalism, have once again saved lives. They have my gratitude. I would also like to thank the emergency services that went very quickly to take care of the wounded."

Francois Molins, The Paris Prosecutor said, "The attack was being investigated as terrorism."

(IS, Islamic State claimed one of its soldiers carried out the attack on Saturday evening)    

"This Malevolent Attack," is Another is "A Series of Crimes Against Humanity," with The Intent of Attempting to Place Fear in The Hearts and Minds Of Innocent People," However, "It Will Not Succeed!"

And, "History Will Record These Malevolent Crimes Against Humanity" as "Being Conducted by Heinous, Sinful, Wicked, Mindless, and Senseless Evil-Doers!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Family Whose Loved One was Taken Away from Them Due to A Malevolent Act of Violence that has Deeply Touched All of Our Hearts, Minds and Souls, and We Mourn The Loss of His Life with Them!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018



The Way To Peace! #316

"May Day" is "A Welcomed Holiday Relief" for Some Nations of The Earth, even "As Non-Stop Events Flow O'er The Parallel Landscapes of Global Politics" and "Continue to have An Affect on All of Our Lives" from (1) "The Two Day Summit with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and President Trump," on Tuesday, The Seventeenth of April 2018, in Discussions at Mar-a-Lago, (President Trump's Golf Course) in West Palm Beach, Florida to "Discuss The Up and Coming Denuclearization Summit with North Korea's Chairman and Leader Kim Jong-Un and President Trump," and "The Locations Being Decided upon for The Meeting," and (2) "Peace and Denuclearization Summit Between South Korea's President Moon Jae-in and The North Korean Leader," and (3) "The Trade Policy," or The Need For One, "Between The Far East and The United States," and (4) "The Effect that The Trade War with China" is having on "The Financial Affairs, Economies, and Businesses" that have "Been Directly Affected All the Sovereign Nations Involved," from "The Automobile Industry to The Farming Community! "

And then, When You Add into "This Regional Peace, Trade and Denuclearization Equation of The Far East," "The NAFTA Trade Agreement," and "Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Expressed Determination on Thursday, The Nineteenth of April 2018 to Achieve "A Win Win Win" Agreement, and Resolution of These Negotiations, that "Would stand up for the interests of Canada," as well as Mexico and The U.S., and also 'Recognized the time lines that are in play," as Mexico's Elections Lie Ahead in July," and "The Mid-Term Elections in The United States Loom Ahead in The Autumn!" 

And then, There is "The United Kingdoms Exit Negotiations with The EU," and "French President Emmanuel Macron's Official Visit to The White House," on Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of April 2018, "During which President Trump said," (with "French President Macron Seated Beside Him,") in "Answer to a Question about His up and Coming Summit and Discussions North Korean Leader, "Kim Jong-Un, he really has been very open and I think very honorable from everything we're seeing," (North Korea Announced that "It Will Suspend Nuclear and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Tests" and "Close Its Nuclear Testing Facility" 
"The Question is" Has "An Age of Peace Finally Descended on The Korean Peninsula!")  

And then, on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2018, "There Will Be An Official State Visit" with "German Chancellor Angela Merkel," Who along with President Macron are "Both Seriously Concerned for The Fate and Survival of The 2015 JCPOA, The Iran Nuclear Agreement that had Been Previously Negotiated Between The P5 +1 (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; plus Germany) and Iran," that "President Trump has Announced He Would Be Withdrawing The United States from," and "The New Trade Tariff's that The U.S. has Imposed!" 

And, As The Landscapes and Sphere's of Causation, and Ramification's of  Political and Military Operations Continue to Ravage The Middle East and Intensify, Caused by The Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack on The City of Douma," by Syria, and  "The Joint Military Mission Conducted by The United States, United Kingdom, and France to "Punish Syria,"  and then "Add in The Overall Affect of How Nations with One-Man-Rule Forms of Governing, Such as Russia, and China," are "Affecting The Global Community of Sovereign Nations," "A Question Begins to Emerge from The Time/Space Reality of The Inner Most Depths of This Conditioned System of The Earths Communities!"

-(Extra Noteworthy News- Tuesday, The Twenty-Fourth of April, 2018- President Macron "Proposed a Compromise that Would Alter/Revise The Terms of The Iran Nuclear Deal," and has "Proposed New Negotiations!" 

"The New Deal Would Place Restraints on Iran's Ballistic Missile Program," and on "Their Influence and Activities in The Middle East!" President Macron "Offered The New Idea" at "A Joint White House Press Conference!"

President Macron said U.S. and French U.S. Officials were working "Intensively" together to fashion a new common approach to Iran and the Region."

And, He also said, "I always said we should not tear a part the JCPOA and have nothing else," This would not be a good solution."  And, "While The JCPOA Restricted Iran's Major Nuclear Activities until 2025, a new deal would go further, imposing a permanent check on those activities." 

"The Questions that Still Remain are (1) "Will This New Deal Be Enough to Satisfy President Trump," and "Prevent Him from Withdrawing The United States from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Programme of Action (JCPOA), and (2) "Will Iran and The Other Member's of The P5+1 Agree to The New Changes as well!"

And, "Do They have Enough Time to Make The Necessary Revisions by The Twelfth of May 2018," to "Complete This New Agreement!"

At the End of The Press Conference President Trump said "We can change and we can be flexible. In life, you have to be flexible.")-

President Macron also "Spoke Eloquently Before The U.S. Congress" on Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2018, that "Coincided with The Fifty-Eighth Anniversary" of "Then- French President Charles de Gaulle's Address Before a Joint Session of Congress," and "Presented A Global Multilateral Perspective," "Filled with Cognitive Points of Universal Interest," that were "Admirable and Inspirational," and "Important for All The Member's of The U.S. Congress, Republicans and Democrats, to Hear!"

President Macron "Spoke in Depth" about "The Importance of The U.S. Remaining in The Iran Nuclear Deal-2015 JCPOA," and "Rejoining The Paris Agreement!"

And, He also Spoke about Human Rights and Martin Luther King Jr." And, "He spoke about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who said "We having nothing to fear but fear itself." 
And, He spoke about the Threat of Isolationism, and The Illusion of Nationalism."  And, of Civil Rights and Women's Rights, and Democracy!" 

And, The United State's Involvement in Preserving The Idea of Multilateralism, and a World Order For Our People! And, He spoke about Believing in A Positive Future of Free and Fair Trade.

He spoke about All this and More, He spoke of Data Protection, and His Beliefs in The Middle Class, and Building a Better Future for Our Children. And, He spoke of Protecting Our Planet, and Our Democracies, The Threat of Terrorist Propaganda, and The G-7 Agenda. 

And, President Macron spoke about the Threat of Nuclear Proliferation, and that "Iran will never possess nuclear weapons. Not now, not in five years, not in ten years, Never." 

And, He spoke of The Sovereignty of Nations, and of Not Creating War in The Middle East, and that France Will Not Leave the JCPOA. 
And, He spoke of The Four Pillars to Cover the Legitimate Fears of The U.S. and Our Allies in the Region. 

And, He spoke of His Intention to Work on A New Comprehensive Version of JCPOA that Includes Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and of The Joint Military Action Against Syria, and The Soldiers who Participated in The Joint Mission. 

And, He spoke of A New Strategy for The Middle East, and Our Alliances, and The Friendship of The Great People of The United States!"

President Macron's Speech Gave Belief to A Future in Which High Ideals and An Unbreakable Trust in Humanity and Progress, Determination and Courage, Will Prevail! And, "We have No Choice but to Prevail! And Together We Shall Prevail!"

-(Note that on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of April 2018 Former Director of The Central Intelligence Agency Mike Pompeo was "Confirmed by The U.S. Senate Fifty-Seven to Forty-Two, to "Be The Seventieth Secretary of State of The United States of America!" And, "Immediately Embarked on A Diplomatic Journey To Europe" to "Attend a NATO Meeting in Brussels" on Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2018, and then "Continued on to Meet with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Jordan in The Middle East!" 

While The Secretary was in Israel He said, In Relation to The Iran Nuclear Deal, "U.S. President Donald Trump has been pretty clear: This deal is very flawed," He's directed the administration to try and fix it, and if we can't fix it, he's going to withdraw from the deal. It's pretty straightforward."

Amongst Other Important Subjects Discussed by Secretary Pompeo," Other than "The United States' Continued Commitment and Support of Israel," and "U.S. -Israeli Cooperation," was "to defeat ISIS, and deescalate violence, deter the use of chemical weapons and ensure the safe delivery of humanitarian aid and support of an ultimate political resolution to the conflict," in Syria as "America's top priorities" in "The Middle East!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
And, "As The Parallel Landscapes of Politics and Trade Continued to Rotate Around and Through Washington D.C." and "The White House," Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel Arrived in The U.S." on a State Visit to "Meet and Discuss with President Trump,"The New Trade Tariffs," "The U.S. has Imposed," and "The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Programme of Action" (JCPOA), in Hopes that (1) The Chancellor Can Convince President Trump to Provide The EU with "A Permanent Trade Tariff Exemption, and (2) Convince President Trump that "He Should Not Withdraw The United States from The Iran Nuclear Agreement!"

At The Joint Press Conference Between The Two Leaders, "When Asked about Germany's Position on JCPOA," Chancellor Merkel's said "Well, I set out my position, that is I believe that obviously this agreement is anything but perfect. It will not solve all the problems with Iran. It is one piece of the mosaic, one building block, if you like, on which we can build up this structure. And that, when the United Kingdom, France and Germany work together with the American colleagues this was brought about. And, we will now see what sort of decisions are made with our American partners. I said that the whole as a region is of prime  importance to us because, its not a thousand kilometers away, as it is the case, for example, between the U.S.A and Syria. Syria and Iran are country's that are right on our doorstep, so that is of prime importance for us. And we will continue to be in very close talks on this." 

Chancellor Merkel's Response "Gives Hope" that "Joint Negotiations" with "France, The United Kingdom, Germany, and The United States," "May Save The Iran Agreement from Becoming A Broken Nuclear Accord," with "Extremely Dangerous Consequences Looming Ahead in The Future!" 

However, "If A Joint Agreement Can Be Reached," Before The Twelfth of May 2018, then "It Will Be up to China and Russia" to "Either Give Their Support to This Amended Agreement," or "Hopefully The P5+1 and Iran "Will Agree to Explore Their Differences of Opinion about The JCPOA Diplomatically," with "An Extended Deadline Agreed to!"

And, "There is Little Doubt," that "Chancellor Merkel Would Like to Avoid a Trade War" between "The EU, and The U.S.," and "Continue to Build upon The Transatlantic Partnerships," that "Presently Exist between The EU and The United States!"

"It was An Interesting Press Conference Interspersed with Compliments" and "Pointed Power Points of Contention!"

President Trump's Comments about (1) "The One Hundred and Fifty-One Billion Dollar Trade Deficit with The EU," and (2) "The U.S.  was Paying the Vast Majority of NATO's Costs," were "Valid Points," that "No Doubt Will Be Discussed in Detail with German Chancellor Merkel" and "The EU in Future Discussions!" 

And, The President said, "There is Tremendous Potential between The European Union and The United States!" And, I think that's going to happen. There's also tremendous benefit to NATO when people pay what they have to be paying." 

And, The President also said "I don't blame the Chancellor, I don't blame Germany, and I don't even blame the European Union, I blame the people that proceeded me who allowed this to happen." The President spoke about "Representing The United States," and "A Reciprocal Relationship that benefited all of us!"

"The Question" is, "Will This New Spirit of Reciprocity Be One Sided," or "Will It In Fact Be Beneficial to One and All!"

-(Note that On Monday, The Thirtieth of April 2018 Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "Gave A Prime Time Address to Forcefully Attack The Iran Nuclear Deal!" 

Prime Minister Netanyahu "Accused Iran of Lying about Their Nuclear Intentions," and "In 2025 Iran Could Resume Their Intentions, What He Believe's is, to Build A Nuclear Arsenal," When "The 2015 JCPOA has Come to An End!" 

The Prime Minister has also "Accused Iran of having A Secret Atomic Archive Hidden away at A Secret Compound!" And, "He has Proof of This Secret Nuclear Program!"

"The International Atomic Energy Agency Inspection Regime" (IAEA) has "Continued to Verify that "Iran is adhering to the deal and their nuclear program is exclusively peaceful." And, that is also "The Opinion of The P5+1!" 

Monday Evening The White House Released a Statement saying "The White House is aware of the information just released by Israel and continues to examine it carefully."

And, President Trump said "He was 100% right" in "criticizing the 2015 pact agreed to be Former US President Barack Obama, China, France, Russia, The United Kingdom and Germany."

President Trump has until "The Twelfth of May 2018," to "Decide Whether to Withdraw The United States from The 2015 JCPOA," or As President Macron and Chancellor Merkel Hope, "Will Amend It!" And then, "It Will Be up to Iran to Agree with The Changes," or "Object to Them" and "Restart Their Nuclear Program!"

However, "The Best Choice" that "All The Nations Involved Could Make" is to "Work on New Way's to Fix JCPOA," to "The Satisfaction of Everyone Involved!" And, This Would also "Be The Best Choice of Comprehensive Action to Make For All The People," and "Sovereign Nations of The Earth!")  

However, "As The Parallel Landscapes of Global Politics and Social Affairs Continue to Rotate Around," and Address in One Form or Another "The Parameters of The Myriad Sphere's of The Axis" or "Illusionary Center of Our Conditioned Reality," "The Question's that Emerge" are "Have They," or As A Matter of Fact, "Have We," "Lost Sight of The Grand Purpose of The Earths Communities," and "The Development of The Earths Populace, As Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth," and "The Global Importance of Seeing and Envisioning The Earth" within "A Universal Perspective," that "Provides Us with An Overview of Our Place within This A Parallel Universe," that "Encompasses All of Us" within "A Transcended Splendor and Grand Spectacular of Creation!" 

When You Gaze with Amazement Upon The Photos Of The Earth from The International Space Station," that "Display The Earth sans Boundaries," Resembling One Planet of Land Masses and Oceans," and then "Pull Back to Include in Your Vision The Millions Upon Billions of Luminous Bodies and Galaxies of The Grand System of The Cosmos," and "The Grand Universe," in "Absolute Wonder,"  "You have to Wonder," "What are We Doing Here On Earth to Sustain," "Give Support to," and "Nourish and  Contribute to The Stability and Positive Evolution" of "What We The People of This Planet Earth," have "Been Given!" 

And, "It Becomes All The More Apparent" For "The Need of Cognizant Leaders (Minds of Deep and Far Ranging Intellect and Perspectives)," and "Prescient Minded Visionaries of Financial Affairs, and Global Politics," and "Religious and Spiritual Leaders who Possess, or are 'Imbued with A Universal Conscious Awareness of The Great Spirit," and "Conservator's and Protector's of The Earths Environmental and Ecological Systems," and "Military Leaders"  with "Foresight of The Time/Space Realities Facing The Development and Evolution of Our Planet Earth," are "United in One Purpose," of "Preserving The Peace," and "Law and Order On Earth," and "The Protection and Defense of This Planet Earth," and "The Sharing of All The Technological Advances that Come with This Evolution of All The Universal Military Strategies," and "Future Forays into The The Universe!" 

"Providing A Universal Correction of Contemplation," and "A Broad Perspective of Insightful and Innovative Thinking of The Cosmos," by "The Technological, Biological, Educational, and Scientific Communities and Industry Leaders," that "Empowers, Entertains, Nourishes, Heals, and Enlightens The Sociological Conditions and Affairs of The Earth's Populace!" 

"Providing The Youth and Their Families," with "An Education" that is "All Inclusive of The Myriad Cultures Of The Earth's Populace," and, in Regards to "The Earthrise Horizons of Planet Earth" and "The Universe," that "Surrounds Us, One and All!"

Yes, "It is Apparent" that " A New Age of Unlimited Universal Proportions is Here and Now," and "What Lies Before Us" is "A Life of Experiences," that "Reveal A Grand Potential of Unlimited Opportunities!"

And, "Let Us Comprehend and Agree from This New Purview," that "No One Desires to Be One of The Disenfranchised," or "Homeless," or "Living in Poverty," or "Refugee Camp's," or "Urban Ghettos," When "There is So Much to Be Shared and Offered Today," and/or "In The Future!"

And, "Let Us Comprehend from This New Purview and Contemplation, " "The Significance of Re-Assuring All The People" of "This Diverse Community, Tapestry, and Fabric Of The People of The Twenty-First Century." Irregardless of "Color, Age, Creed, Nationality, Tribe, or Gender," that "They are Not Excluded from Being a Part of The Earths Communities Of Sovereign Nations, and Sovereign People!" Why, Because, "The Frustration and Sense of Resignation Would Be Devastating for Anyone who Feels Demographically Left Out, Ignored, Invisible, or Left Behind," and "Not Considered to Be Worthwhile Enough" to "Be Seriously Included in This New Age of Extraordinary Accomplishments and Achievements," that have "Produced More Millionaires and Billionaires than Ever Before," as "Recorded by History!"

And, "This is Why Our Elected Officials" or "Those who are Campaigning for Local, State, Regional, or Federal Elective Office," "Must Display An Inherent and/or Cognizant, Empirical Quality Countenance, and/or Sense of The Here and Now," and "Compassion," that "Portends A Present and Future," that "Ensures A Greater Consistency in Equilibre,"  and in "Comprehending The Daily Agendas, Social Security and Welfare," and "Idea's and Thoughts Of The People!"

Which is "Why Clearly Vetting The Candidate of Your Choice, " or "What The Political Party They are Associated with Stand for," is "So Important!"

And, "Let Us Comprehend" that "All of Our Lives are Intertwined!" What Occurs in China, Europe, The United Kingdom, South America, Africa, The Middle East, Far East, United States, and Canada, "Affects All of Our Lives!"

And, "We Can Not Rely Solely upon Physical," or "Metaphorical Walls to Protect Us!"

And, "We Can Not Rely upon Isolationist Policies to Ensure Our Economies and Employment Will Be Protected!"

"We are One and All Affected by The Living Conditions Of People All Over The Earth!" 

And, "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" is "There are Zero Degree's Of Separation Between Us!" "We are All Connected" Whether "It Be by The Global Internet," or "The Global Circumstances, Policies, and Economies" that have "A Direct or Indirect Affect" on "Our Produce Prices, Energy Costs, Business, Entertainment, Spiritual, Religious, Environmental and Ecological Survival," and that of "Our Planet Earth!"

And, "It is of The Greatest Significance," that "Our Choices For Elected Office Reflect This Broad Universal Contemplation and Perspective," of "A Much Needed Correction In Our Decision Making Abilities and Prowess!" 

The Song/Anthem "We Are The World" is "An Important Sentiment and Philosophical Statement," that "We Must One and All Fully Integrate in Our Lives," "For The Sake of Our Children," and "The Future Generations of This Planet Earth," who "Will Be in Need of Guidance, and Cognizance," as "They Journey into New Time/Space Realities," on "Neighboring Planets Millions of Light Years away!"

"The Tenets and Constitutions and Values of Life," that "We have Learned to Respect." and that "The Founders have Created For Us Will Help," However, "How We Exemplify, Personify, Epitomize, Illustrate, Symbolize," and "Project These Values, and Teachings," and "Laws of The Land," and "Respect We have For Each Other" and "The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Life Forms," and "Our Planet Earth," "Will Be The Key to Opening Up The Door's of The Internal and External Cosmos of Our Existence," and "The Grand Universe," that "Will Prepare Our Future Colonies, Tribes, Cities, States, and Nations For The Experience's that We Will Be Sharing Together," in "Universal Equilibre, Freedom, Equality, Enthusiasm, and Curiosity," and "In Justice, Truth, and Opportunity For and with One and All!"

"Today," There are "Movements of Great Consequence Bringing A Truth and Change," in "How We Perceive One Another," and in "How We Treat One Another," and "Work with One Another," and "What We As A People Want from Our Leaders in Public and Private Sectors," and "In Our Elected Officials," that "Can Not Be Denied!"

And, "Inept or Misleading Campaign Promises," Lies, False Rhetoric, or Air of Pomposity, and Half Truth's, and Divisive Political Policies," and "Divisive Political Party's," and "Ideologies of Divisiveness and Fear," have "No Place in These New Sociological and Cultural Movements!"

And, "History Will Record This Change in Attitude," as "A Universal Correction" Of, By, and For The Human Spirit," that "Gave Birth to A New Age," and "Grand Purpose in The Lives of All Human Beings of This Planet Earth!" And, This is The Activism and Advocacy Of, By and For The People" that "Brought Hope, Compassion, Freedom, Equality, Peace, Security, Justice," and An Earthwise Cognizance to Empower Us," and "Make For Us and Our Children," AA Better World to Live in!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"In The Public Court of Opinions" that "Exists Parallel to The Legal and Political Sphere's of Decision Making, Partisan Politics, and Policy Making of The United States Government," "Quite Often Collusion," and/or "What Appears to Be Collusion and Obstruction of Justice," are Much Too Often, "Very Similar to One Another!" 

And, "This is Why It is So Important" that "The Founders Created A Judicial Branch of The U.S. Government," to "Distinguishing, Clarify, Root Out, and Establishing What is The Truth from The Illusion The Truth," that is "Being Endorsed and/or Advocated in The Field of Partisan Politics!"

And, "The House Intelligence Committee is An Example of This!" On Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2018 "The Republican Majority of The House Intelligence Committee," Led by Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA of The Infamous Four Page Nunes Report), has "Released a redacted version of  Its declassification review of the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation final report," (Just in Time For Maximum Coverage on The Weekend News Programs), and It States that "While the committee found no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated or conspired with the Russian government, the investigation did find poor judgment and ill-considered actions by the Trump and Clinton campaigns." 

And, "President Trump has Begun His Vindication Campaign" on Twitter writing, "Just Out: House Intelligence Committee Report released. 'No evidence' that the Trump Campaign 'colluded, cooperated, or conspired with Russia.' Clinton Campaign Paid for Opposition Research obtained from Russia- Wow! A total Witch Hunt. Must End Now!" 

While Adam Schiff (D-CA) Made a Statement on Behalf of The Democrats," who are In The Minority of The House Intelligence Committee, "Committee Republicans chose not to seriously investigate----or even see, when in plain sight---- evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia." 

Rep. Schiff also Alluded to Several "secret and meetings and communications" between people linked to Russia and the Trump campaign officials, Such as Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, (who was Fired by The President and has Pleaded Guilty of Lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigations about A Meeting He had with Russian Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak, and is Cooperating with The Russia Inquiry) and Donald Trump Jr., The President's Eldest Son!" 

Needless to Say, "The Appearances of This Whole Affair To The American People," who Voted for The Candidate of Their Choice in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," (and "Then were Informed after The Elections were Concluded, and Donald Trump, The GOP Candidate, had Won The Electoral Vote and The Presidency, Although He Lost The Popular Vote by Almost Three Million Votes, that Russia Had Interfered with The Election,") has "All The Appearances of Partisan Politics at Its Worst!"

And, Let's Fully Comprehend The Situation, (1) Russian Interfered in The 2016 U.S. Elections, (2) There is The Distinct Threat that Russia May Attempt to Influence The Outcome of The 2018 U.S. Mid-Term Elections, (3) Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was Appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, has Not Completed His Investigation into The Russian Probe, and Neither has Several Other Congressional Investigations,  (4) There are Other Indictments Ahead that Can Illuminate Exactly What Happened During The 2016 Election Campaign, and Who were Involved in Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, and as It Now Appears, There May Be Other Crimes such as Conspiracy, Money Laundering, and Violations of The Campaign Finance Laws, that Occurred!" And, that "May Be Just The Tip of The Iceberg as The Saying Goes!"

And, "The Republican Majority of The House Intelligence Committee," and "The President of The United States," "Want An End of The Russian Investigations in Total!"

"If The U.S. Congress Does Not Create Legislation to Impede," What by Appearance" is "Beginning to Resemble Obstruction of Justice and Collusion of The Truth," and "Violation of The Laws of The Land," Then "There Must Be An Interdependent Impartial Effort," to "Place This Whole Affair in The Hands of Justice," and "Allow The Judicial Branch of The Federal Government Full Authority," over "The Outcome of The Russian Investigations," and "Whatever Illegalities" that "May Result from These Investigations Will also Be Included!"

"In This Highly Intense Partisan Political Arena," It Grows More Apparent that "There is A Need for An Interdependent Impartial Arbiter," who "Represents We The People!"

And, "It Must Be Impressed upon The Five Hundred and Thirty Five Elected Officials of The Federal Government," that They Represent What is In The Best Interests of The Citizens Of The United States of America," and "The U.S." is "A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

It's "Not A Government Of Partisan Politics, By Elected Officials who have Placed Their Own Political Concerns and Interests Above that Of The Citizens of The United States, and For The Benefit Of Their Own Self Profit Before The Laws of The Constitution!"

"It is Their Responsibility To Teach The Youth Of America How to Govern Justly by Their Example!"

And, "It is Important" that "Our Youth Fully Comprehend The Importance of Voting" in "Our Local, and National Elections!" With The Full Assurance that Their Vote Will Be Counted," in "A Just and Fair Election!" Which is Why "The Russian Investigations are of Great Importance!" 

"The Electoral Process Must Not Be Illegally Interfered with" or "Violated by A Foreign Entity" or "Sovereign Nation!"

And, "It is Our Responsibility" to "Instill in The Youth Of The Earth," A "True Significance of The Integrity, Truthfulness, Justice, Equality, Freedom, Principles, and Great Spirit of Being A Sovereign Member of Our Earth's Communities," and "The Inspirational Qualities, Ethics, and Significance of Being A Protector and Conservator of The Environmental-Ecological System of The Sea's, Skies, Lands, and Sovereign Nations" of "The Earth's Coalition of Civilized, United Nations of The Twenty-First Century!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Friday, The Twenty-Seventh of April 2018 Natalia Veselnitskaya Admitted "I am a lawyer, and I am an informant," in An NBC Broadcast of An Interview with Richard Engel!" 
And, She also Admitted, "And," since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general" (Yuri Chaika).

"One Can Imagine" that "The Parallel Legal and Political Reactions of The Trump Administration" and "The GOP,"  Must Be "One of Deep Concern and Curiosity!"

It was Natalia Veselnitskaya who "Contacted The Trump Campaign Requesting a Meeting," with the "Alluring Temptation" that "She had Potentially Damaging Information about Mrs. Clinton!"

"A Meeting that was Arranged" with "Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner in Attendance," on The Ninth of June 2016 in Trump Tower in New York City!

And, It was Natalia Veselnitskaya who "Answered The Senate Judiciary Committee's Questions in Written Response," that "I operate independently of any governmental bodies," in Russia!

And, "It was Natalia Veselnitskaya who "Told The Media" that "She was and just an attorney, nobody's secret agent."

"The Question" is, "Why Now, Tell the Whole World The Truth!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are On Monday, The Thirtieth of April 2018 Special Counsel Robert Mueller Gave a List of Four Dozen Questions to President Donald Trump's Attorneys!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "These Lists of Questions" are in Regards to (1) Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections, (2) Whether or Not The Presidents Actions in Any Way Suggested that "He Obstructed Justice," and (3) Whether or Not President Trump Knew that Several of His Campaign Team Contacted Russian Officials with The Express Intention of Illegally Interfering in The 2016 Elections!

"Special Counsel Mueller was Appointed on The Seventeenth of May 2017," by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and "One Can Imagine," that "There are Many Questions," that "May Be Included in The List of Questions," about "Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort, President Trump's Personal Attorney Michael Cohen, George Papadopolous A Former Member of The Foreign Policy Advisory Panel of The Trump Campaign Team, Donald Trump Jr., and Son-in-Law Jared Kushner, Former FBI Director James Comey, and Russian Ambassador's Sergey Kislyak and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Several Russian Oligarchs who have had Sanctions Placed Against Them!"

"It is Obvious" that "The Answers to All The Questions Surrounding Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections Lies Through Many Different Individuals," Some have Already Pleaded Guilty to Lying to Federal Agents," and "Other's who have Been Indicted on A Variety of Charges!" What is of The Most Importance is For The Whole Truth to Be Revealed For The Sake of The United States of America and All that It Symbolizes," and "For The American People" who "Deserve to Know The Whole Truth!" And, "For All The People All over The Earth" who "Believe in The Principles that America Stands for!"        

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"As The Legal and Political Parameters and Experiences, Decision Making and Choices in Government," "Often Travel along Vortex's and Maelstrom's of Parallel Political Event's," Thursday, The Nineteenth of April 2018 "President Trump Added Former Mayor of New York City, and U.S. Attorney for The Southern District of New York, Rudy Giuliani to His Legal Team," of "Jane Serene Raskin (who Worked with Robert Mueller at The Department of Justice, and also has Worked at a Law Firm with One of The Senior Prosecutor's of The Mueller Team James Quarles)," and "Her Husband Marty Raskin, Both of Whom are "Experienced in Financial Crimes," which "Would Balance Out Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Attorney's with Financial Crime Expertise," Along with "Jay Sekulow, President Trump's Outside Counsel," and "Ty Cobb, who is The President's White House Counsel,"  for "The Explicit Reason of Ending The Russian Probe!" 

(Attorney Joanna Hendon is "Representing The President Involving The Michael Cohen Case in The Southern District of New York!" Jay Sekulow "Made The Announcement on Thursday, The Nineteenth of April 2018." 

"Mr. Giuliani," A Friend and Loyal Supporter of President Trump, "Campaigned Frequently for The President," said on Thursday, The Nineteenth, In A Phone Call to CNN, "I'm doing it because I hope we can negotiate and end to this for the good of the country and because I because I have high regard for the President and for Bob Mueller." 

And of Course, "If Mr. Giuliani Could Negotiate An End of The Russian Probe," after "Almost A Year" of, "Ongoing House, Senate, Department of Justice, and Special Counsel Investigations," "Would Be Welcomed News for President Trump!"

Mr. Giuliani also said "My advice on Mueller has been this: "He should be allowed to do his job, he's entitled to do his job."

"One Suggestion that Makes Sense to Expedite The Russian Probe" is "For President Trump to Testify Before The Grand Jury," that "Would Help Move along The Whole Legal Process," and In Doing so "Clarify The Statements Made to Special Counsel Mueller and His Team of Attorney's by Member's of The Trump 2016 Campaign Team," and "The Presidents Administration," who are "Cooperating with The Investigation!"

On Thursday, The Nineteenth of April 2018 "President Trump said "Rudy is great. He has been my friend for a longtime and wants to get this matter quickly resolved for the good of the country."

"To Think that Mr. Giuliani Brings a Sense of Stability to President Trump's Private Team of Attorney's and White House Counsel's May Not Be Sure Thing!" "Why," Because, "Mr. Giuliani," Himself, "May Be Involved in Another Questionable Moment," that "Took Place in October of The 2016 Election Campaign," that "May Come under Investigation by Itself!" When "He said on Fox News" that "We've got a couple things up our sleeves that should turn this thing around." (This was in the Aftermath of the "Access Hollywood Tape Scandal!)

And then, "Several Day's Later, Then-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey Announced, "He was reopening the investigation into Clinton's Emails."

"To Bring This One Aspect of The 2016 Presidential Election Campaign Up to Date," On Thursday, The Nineteenth of April 2018, In An Interview with MSNBC, James Comey said "He commissioned an investigation into leak's from the Bureau's New York office after Giuliani remarks and other leak's into the media."

Mr. Comey also Added "I don't know what the result of that was, I got fired before before it was finished."

While President Trump Continues to Claim "The Russian Probe is A Hoax," Let's Be Absolutely Clear" that He is "Not Proceeding in A Way that Would Suggest He Believes It is!" And, "There are Too Many Lawyer's Involved" for "Anyone to Believe This as Well!"

"Robert Mueller was Appointed Special Counsel" to "Probe Russia's Involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election," on The Seventeenth of May 2017, by "Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein!" And, "The Fact is "Russia Interfered The 2016 U.S. Elections!" Which History Will Record as "One of The Most Serious Offenses to Ever Occur Against The United States of America!"

"What Remains" is "For All The Truth to Be Revealed in Total!" That Means, (1) "The Truth about Member's of The Trump 2016 Election Campaign Team and Their Connections with Russia, (2) The Truth about Member's of The Trump Administration and Their Connections with Russia, Some of Which have already "Pleaded Guilty to Lesser Charges," Such as Lying to FBI Officials, and (3) Whether or Not There are Any Financial Crimes Involved, Such as Money Laundering, Besides The Collusion and Obstruction of Justice Issues that are Still a Part of Ongoing Investigations!"

"However Long It Takes Should Not Be Questioned!" "It's The Truth We Seek Answer's to," "For The Sake Of The People, The Democracy and Republic, and The Constitution of The United States of America, The Law of The Land," and "The Nation" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
On Tuesday. The Twenty-Fourth of April 2018- Federal Judge John Bates of The U.S. District Court for The District of Columbia "Ruled Against President Trump's Cancellation of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA), " Defining The Cancellation as "arbitrary and capricious because the Department (of Homeland Security) failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful."

And, "Judge Bates also Wrote in A Sixty Page Opinion," that "Neither the meager legal reasoning or the assessment of litigation risk provided by DHS to support its rescission decision is sufficient to sustain termination of the DACA program!" And, Chose The Phrase "Undocumented Immigrant" Versus "Illegal Alien" in "His Ruling!"   

U.S. District Court Judge Bates is "The Third Federal Judge" to "Rule Against The Trump Administration's Decision to  Rescind DACA," and "The Department of Homeland Security has Ninety Days to Challenge Judge Bates Ruling," "Before DACA Will Be Reinstated in Its Entirety!"

In The Mean Time, "The Trump Administration has Been Ordered to Continue Accepting New DACA Applications!" 

(And, "A Nationwide Injunction Continues to Block President Trump's Decision to Rescind DACA!" And, "Protects The Trump Administration from Being Able to Deport Eight Hundred Thousand Children!")

"The Founders" were "Both Brilliant and Prescient in Their Perception" that "The People of The United States of America Would Be in Need" of "A Judicial Branch" to "Balance Out The Branches of Government," and "Protect The People," and "The U.S. Constitution!" 

And, "Whenever The Sphere's of Politics" have "Became Too Partisan in Nature," or "The U.S. Congress has Become Too Inept to Pass New Legislation," or "Overly Extremist, Isolationist, or Ideologically Driven Influences Threatened The Nation," and "Did Not Represent The Democratic Principles," and "Values that The United States was Built upon," "The Judicial Branch Would Be There to Protect The Civil Rights Of All The People," and "Institute, Interpret, and Administer The Law of The Constitution" in "A Legal and Impartial Court of Law!"

However, "It is Time for The Five Hundred Thirty-Five Member's of The U.S. Congress" To "Create, Draft, and Pass New Legislation that Protects Dreamers!"

"It is Difficult to Contemplate What The Youth of America are Thinking" in "Regards to President Trump's Decision to Rescind DACA," and "Bring Fear into The Lives of Hundred's of Thousands of Children" and "Their Families," who are "Their Neighbors, Friends, Schoolmates and Companions!"

And then, "They See The Stagnation and/or Lack of Courage in The U.S. Congress" to "Do Anything to Resolve This Ongoing Betrayal of Undocumented Immigrants," Most of Whom, "Who have Been Living in The U.S. For Most of If Not All Their Lives, in General!"

"The Youth of America are Being Taught The Values and Principles of A Great Democratic Way of Life!" "A Democracy" and "A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People" that has "Inspired Nations," and "People All over This Planet Earth!"

And, "Elected Officials," Many of Whom are Parents, have "An Ethical Responsibility" to "Teach The Youth of America," by Example, "The Great Compassion" that "America has Always Stood for," as well as "An All Inclusive Vision and Policy Making" that "Embraces The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of All The People" that "America is Comprised of!"

-(Note that "On Sunday, The Twenty-Ninth of April 2018, A Caravan," of "Approximately Two Hundred, or More "Migrants," who have "Traveled over Two Thousand Five Hundred Miles," "For More Than A Month from Central America," have "Finally Arrived at America's Door,"  to "Ask for Asylum!" 

"The Overwhelming Majority of Migrants" have "Left Their Home Nations Due to Political Unrest, Poverty, Gang Violence," and "Threat's Against The Lives of Their Families!" 

"They have Arrived at America's Door" to "Legally Go Through The Process of Being Accepted into The United States!" 

"They Seek Safety and Security for Their Families!" And, "There's No Thought of Going Back," Where only "Death Awaits Them!"

Attorney General Sessions has "Sent Additional Immigration Judges and Attorney's" to "Interview Each Person" to "Assess Whether Their Requests are Legitimate!"

"This Caravan of Migrants" Besides having to "Endure The Travails of Their Perilous Journey" have also had to "Endure Verbal Attacks and Adverse Tweets in Opposition of The Caravan by President Trump!"

On The Twenty-Third of April 2018 President Trump Tweeted "Despite the Democrat inspired Laws on Sanctuary Cities and the Border being so bad and one sided, I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country. It's a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so Naive! Wall"

"One Can only Wonder If The Sentiments of American Poet Emma Lazarus," written on The Bronze Plague of "The Statue of Liberty," have "Fallen on Deaf Ears!" 

The Question" is "Why has President Trump, The Republican Party, and His Administration," Turned Their Backs on Innocent People" (They are Innocent until Proven Guilty) who are "Seeking Asylum from The Forces of Tyranny," who have "Abused and Threatened Their Lives!"

"The Youth of America" are "Being Taught of America's Compassion in School Book's," and "Here They have An Opportunity to See It Portrayed in Reality!" But, "What are They Hearing and Learning," is it, "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips , "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

It Will Be Interesting to Read "What Historical Scholars Will Write about The Trump Administration," and "The Republican Party," in "Their Journals For Future Generations" to "Learn from An Academic Point of View," But, "More Importantly from A Humanitarian Point of View!" "       

"It was Gratifying" to "See Supporters of The Caravan," who have "Been Following News of Its Journey," "Welcome Them," as "They Arrived at The U.S.- Mexico Border!")-

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Parallel Landscapes and Sphere's of Legal and Political Entanglements Continue to Close in and Surround President Trump and His Administration," Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of April 2018, In a Fox News Interview President Trump said,  "I'm very disappointed in my Justice Department,' and The President also said "I may change my mind at some point, because what's going on is a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace."

And, "During The Interview," The President also "Expressed His Dissatisfaction Because of His Ongoing Opinion," that "There is a witch hunt going on," and "He also Feels" that "The Justice Department Should Be Investigating Former (Fired) Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey!"

However, Let's One and All Agree that "The Russian Investigations are "Not a With Hunt" They are "A Result of Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections," and "There is Serious Concern that Russia Will Attempt to Interfere in The 2018 Mid-Term Elections," and "This Opinion is Held by U.S. Intelligence Directors and Member's of The U.S. Congress!" 
"It Appears" as If "President Trump is The only One" who "Feels that The Russian Investigations" are "A Hoax!"

And, "The Stormy Daniels' Scandal" has "Become What Can Be Described" as "Being More than Just A Personal Embarrassment to The President," "It May Become A Complicated" and "More Involved Legal and Political Situation for The Trump Administration than Expected," Why, Because (1) On Wednesday, The Twenty-Fifth of April 2018, President Trump's Personal Attorney Michael Cohen said He Intends on "Pleading The Fifth Amendment in The Stormy Daniels Lawsuit," (Which Never Looks Good in The Court of Public Opinion), and He also "Asked The LA Court for A Delay While The New York Case is Being Conducted," and then (2) There is "The Federal Investigation," Looking into "Whether Mr. Cohen Violated Campaign Finance Laws" for Paying Stormy Daniels One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars If She Agreed to Sign A Non-Disclosure Agreement, (about "Her Alleged Sexual Relationship in 2006 with Then-Donald Trump,"), Just Day's Before The U.S. 2016 Presidential Election, and (3) President Trump's Admission, "For The First Time," that "His Personal Attorney Michael Cohen Represented Him in The Stormy Daniels Affair."

President Trump also said During The Interview, "Because of the fact that they have this witch hunt going on... I've taken this position- and I don't have to take this position, and maybe I'll change...that I will not be involved with the Justice Department." And, He also said "Our Justice Department which I try and stay away from but at some point I won't, should not be focused on the nonsense of collusion with Russia."

And, In Regards to Michael Cohen The President said "from what I can see he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds going into this, which would have been a problem."

What President Trump "Must Accept is Due Process of Law Must Run Its Course," until "All The The Evidence has Been Presented," and "A Verdict has Been Accorded in A Court of Law!"

However, "Before A Final Verdict has Been Heard in A Court of Law," The President "Must also Expect" that "The Global Cross Media News Headlines Will Be Filled with Accusations of Alleged Conversations, Emails, Texts, Taped Occurrences, Photos, Interviews, Press Conferences, Lies, Half Truth's, and Rhetoric," "Rolling Across The Parallel Landscapes and Sphere's of The Legal, Political, Private, Religious, and Public Sectors of The Earths Societies!"

And, "There Will Be Transparency in The President's Administration and Life," that "He May or May Not Desire, But "There is No Way to Avoid It!" "Delay It, Yes, that May Occur," But "In This Age of Instant Communication and Information," It is Just A Matter of Time Before The Whole Truth Will Emerge," and "Become The Global Headline and/or Lead Story of One Newspaper, Magazine, Journal, TV or Radio Program, Internet Search Engine or Internet Provider, Professional Business Networking Service, or Social Media Networking Service of The Global Cross Media Universe!"

And, "This Reasoning Pertains to Anyone" who was "Involved in Acts of Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Lying to Federal Agents, Conspiracy, Violation of Campaign Finance Laws, or Cyber Hacking!" Or, In Any Way Interfering in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," and/or "Violating The Laws of The Land!" 

(And, "Whether You Voted for," or "Disliked Mrs. Clinton," Let's Not Forget that "Mrs. Clinton's Rights were Seriously Violated in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election," and "She and Her Family Deserve to Know The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth!" 

And, "For The Sake of Truth and Justice For One and All," Let's Remember that "Mrs. Clinton Won The Popular Vote by Almost Three Million Votes," and "Those Americans also Deserve to Know The Truth!" And, "Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election" is "Definitely Not A Hoax To Them!")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Thirtieth of April 2018 "At Least Thirty-One People were Killed in Kabul," The Capitol of Afghanistan" and "Among The Thirty-One" who Lost Their Lives, "Nine were Journalists, Including One Woman! And, at Last Report, "Forty-Five People were Injured!

And, On A Bloody Monday in Kabul," A Day that "Will Be Remembered" as "One of The Deadliest for The Media Since The Fall of The Taliban," Another Death Occurred in The Eastern Province of Khost, Where "A BBC Journalist was Shot and Killed" by "Unknown Assailants!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "The Deaths in Kabul" were "Caused by Two Bomb Explosions!" 
And, "The Journalists who were Killed" were from a"Number of Different News Organizations!"

"The War in Afghanistan" has "Claimed Thousands of American and Coalition Forces Lives over The Last Thirteen Years!" And, "The Total Number of Civilians Killed" in This Ongoing Conflict "Add up to Being Nothing less," than "A Tragic Number of Mother's, Children, and Father's!"

"It's Time for "A New Diplomatic Effort to Commence in Equilibre with The Violence" that has "Violated The Sovereignty and Integrity of The Afghan Nation!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families of Everyone who Died in Kabul, and The Eastern Province of Khost! 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Let Our Beliefs in Justice For One and All Be Our Guide!"

And, Let Us Exact from within Ourselves, "The Courage, and Reason," to "Continue to Affect A Course of Activism that is Just!"

And, Let Us Continue to "Share Knowledge, Wisdom, Compassion and Soul Strength," Wherever, and Whenever It is Needed," to "Bring Hope to Those who are In Need!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word via "All The Means Necessary to Point Out Injustice," and "The Negative Manipulation of The Human Spirit," "Whenever and Wherever It Occurs!"

And, Let Us Continue to "Amass A Grand Cloud of Information and Communication," via "The Unlimited Network" and "Universal Nexus Of, By and For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue to Pursue Our Empirical Journey Across and Beyond The Horizons of Our Earthrise Visions," to "A Grand Universal Experience of New Perspectives of Evolved Contemplation," of "The Unlimited Potential of A Grand Collective of The Earths Community of Sovereign Nations," and "Global Population!" 

Where We The People Can Enjoy Living in Peace!" And, "Where Our Children and Their Children Can Trust in Their Elders," and "Enjoy The Pursuit of Their Goals, Visions, and Dreams" within "A Nourishing, Secure, Cognitive, Empathetic," and "Just Society Of The Earth!"

For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Healing and Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media Reports are "White House Doctor Navy Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson," who "After Deciding to Withdraw His Nomination, by President Trump," to "Be The Next Secretary of Veteran Affairs," on Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of April 2018, has also "Decided Not to Continue on as President Trump's Personal Physician," although "He Will Remain" as "One of The White House Medical Unit!" 

Doctor Jackson's "Ill Fate of Affairs" was "Brought on by Alleged Charges by Senator Jon Tester," (D-Mont.) that (1) Presided over a Toxic Work Environment and (2) Over Prescribed Medication, and (3) He Drank on the Job!

Doctor Jackson was also "Criticized for Being Unqualified to Be The Head of The Department of Veteran Affairs," has "Been Defended Vociferously by President Trump," who has "Called for Senator Tester's Resignation!" Doctor Jackson has "Denied These Charges!" 

It Still Remains to Be Established" Whether, "All or Part of The Alleged Charges Made Against Doctor Jackson is True or Not," However, "It is Apparent" that "He is Another Casualty of The Negative Political Climate Surrounding The Trump Administration" and "President Trump!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Thursday, The Twenty-Sixth of April 2018, Comedian, Actor, Bill Cosby has "Been Convicted Guilty of Three Felony Counts of Aggravated Indecent Assault," in "A Pennsylvania Court of Law!"

"Bill Cosby Could Receive Thirty Years in Prison," Ten Years Each for Each Count of Aggravated Indecent Assault!" (Andrea Constand has Finally Received Justice!" "She Charged Bill Cosby with Drugging and Sexually Assaulting Her in 2004)")

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Monday, The Twenty-Third of April 2018 "An Evil-Minded-Coward," Identified as Twenty-Five Year Old Alek Minassian,  "Purposefully Drove a Rented Van Through A Crowd of Pedestrians," on Yonge Street near Finch Avenue, "One of The Most Busiest Streets," in Toronto, Canada, "Driving on and Off The Pavement" from "One Side to The Other,  with "What Witnesses Described as "An apparent attempt to hit pedestrians," and "Therefore having The  Sole Intent of Bringing Death to as Many Innocent People as Possible!" "The Suspect was Captured" and is "Being Charged with Ten Counts of First Degree Murder," and "Thirteen Counts of Attempted Murder!"

It is "Still Being Determined Whether This Vicious and Heartless Act of Violence," was "Terror Related," or  "Connected in Some Way As a Threat to National Security," or "Because of A Personal Animosity that He had Towards Women," that "He Expressed in His Facebook Account," But, "The Cruel and Inhumane Result of This Malicious Act of Violence" is "The Deaths of Ten Innocent People," and "An Additional Fifteen Innocent People were Injured," and "The Pain Their Families are Experiencing Can only Be Described As Being Unimaginably Traumatized, and Fraught with An Overwhelming Feeling of Grief and Loss of Their Loved Ones!"

Prime Minister Trudeau said in Ottawa, "Our hearts go out to everyone affected." 

"To Think that Any Human Being Could Act in Such A Callous and Ruthless Manner is Beyond Any Sense of Morality," and "Let There Be No Doubt" that  "He has No Integrity, and No Honor," and has "Brought A Stigma of Disgrace, Shame, and Ignominy to Himself and His Family!"

"Authorities are in The Process of Carrying Out A Thorough Investigation," Which "Will Be Ongoing," until "They have Discovered All The Facts!" 

Toronto Police Spokeswoman Meaghan Gray said, "At this point It's too early to tell what if any motive there was."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families who Lost A Loved One Due to This Senseless and Malevolent Act of Violence in Toronto, Canada!   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Attack in Kabul, the Capitol of Afghanistan on Sunday, The Twenty-Second of April 2018 at "A Voter Registration Center," in The Dashte Barchi Area of Western Kabul, "Where Parents, with Their Children," were "Waiting in Line to Pick Up Their ID Certificates Needed to Register to Vote in Legislative Elections Slated for October," was "Another in a Long History of Attacks upon The Afghan People," In "An Attempt to Prevent Them from Expressing and Voicing Their Preference and Opinion for The Candidates of Their Choice," and "Embracing Their Democratic Rights" and "Freedom to Vote!"

"Fifty-Seven Deaths Occurred in This Cowardly Suicide Attack," and "More that One Hundred People were Injured!"

"There is "No Honor in This Malevolent Attack!" "There is only Shame!" "This is A Cowards Way of Resolving Differences of Opinion," and "Differences in Governing!"

And, Whether you are ISIS, Taliban, or An Elected Official of the Afghan Government," There is a Right Way and A Wrong Way," to "Resolving The Differences that Lie Between Us!" 

"There is An Evil Way," and "A Courageous and Civilized Way," to "Resolving The Unresolved Issues of The Twenty-First Century!" 

And, "History" has "Shown Us The Way of Reason, The Way of Equanimity, Equilibre, Justice, Truth, Freedom, Diplomacy, Morality, Knowledge, Principle, and Peace," is "The Transcended Way," and "The Ethical and Most Highly Respected Way to Proceed!"

And, "A Cowardly Suicide Attack upon Innocent People Waiting to Register To Vote," is "Definitely Not The Way," that is "Inspirational and Admirable to The Youth of Afghanistan," or "The Youth of The Twenty-First Century," who "Seek A Present and Future of Security, Stability, Safety, Opportunity, and Knowledge," without "War and Violence!" 

"We Must Learn The Lesson" that "Chaos and Intimidation Will Not Be The Determining Factor's in Achieving Our Goals!" And, "Neither Will Maliciously Causing The Deaths of Innocent Children, Women, and Men!"

Or, "Taking The Life of Anyone," Because of "Their Religion, Nationality, Color, Gender, Tribe, Age, Political Preference, or Ethnicity" is "An Unholy, Blasphemous, and Sacrilegious Act," and "Crime Against All of Humanity!" 
"Defending and Protecting The Lives of Your Fellow Being," from "The Predator's of War and Violence," is "A Righteous and Heroic Thing to Do!"

However, "There is "A Way to Peace" that "We Must One and All Agree upon to Embrace For The Sake of Our Children," and "Our Lives and Civilization," and "For The Sake of Our Planet Earth!" "We Must Look at Our Lives" from "A Universal Perspective," and "Internally Process A Universal Correction within Our Contemplative, and Cognitive/Spiritual Awareness," that "We are "Not Here to Kill and Do Harm to One Another!" "We are Here to Live in Peace, Equality, Equilibre, Justice, Understanding," and "A Shared Prosperity" that is "In Economical Parity with One Another!"

And, To The Families of Kabul, Afghanistan, Who Lost A Loved One, Due to This Malicious Act of Senseless Violence, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You!  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 "Former First Lady Barbara Bush has Passed away at The Age of Ninety-Two Years of Age" in Her Home in Houston, Texas!"

"Mrs. Bush had Been Suffering" from "Complications Related to Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease" (COPD) and "Congestive Heart Failure!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Bush Family.

-In Memoriam:
And, Once Again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Communities, Who have Lost A Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters!