Monday, October 16, 2017



The Way To Peace! #173 -Revisited-

It Could Be Simply Because of "All The Talk of War," and "The Climate of War," that has "Become So Infested in U.S. Foreign Policy," Concerning The  Middle East, and East Asia," and "The Fact that The United States is Still Involved and Actively Engaged in War in Syria, Afghanistan," and The Ongoing War Against Syndicates of Terrorists, Rapist, Kidnappers, and Murderers of Innocent People," or "Because of The Global Cross Media News Coverage of Army Sergeant Bowie Bergdahl (who is Being Charged with Desertion of His Post in Afghanistan in 2009) that has "Brought to Mind a Moment that has Left a Strong Impression upon me," and "I have Grown to Respect It Even More so as The Years have Evolved," When I Heard a "Very Brave Young Man Refer to Himself," as "Being A Mediocre Soldier," and "In His Next Breath, He said," Very Humbly and Sincerely, "Think How Good the Great Soldiers are," "When He Compared Himself to Them" and "The Acts of Heroism He Displayed in The Korengal Valley," in Afghanistan, "Where He Displayed Extraordinary Acts of Valor!"

And, I Remember Reading The Story of "When Being Notified by His Captain" that "He was to Receive The Medal of Honor" for "His Acts of Heroism," for "Saving The Lives of Several Members of His 1st Platoon Squad who were Trapped in A Very Dangerous Taliban Ambush," on The Twenty-Fifth of October, 2007, "As They were Returning to The Combat Outpost Vimoto and Korengal Outpost," in Afghanistan, He said, (Two Days Later) "If I'm a hero every man that stands around me, every woman in the military, everyone who goes into the unknown is a hero." And, He added, "So, If you think that's a hero---as long as you include everyone with me."    

"He is U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta!" And, "He is One of The Eighty-Five Living Medal of Honor Recipients" in The United States of America!

And, I Thought to Myself, "If," only "The Civilian, Financial, Political, and Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations Led with This Same Humble, Honorable, Brave and Courageous, Leadership Quality," For One Thing, "The Public Opinion Polls Would Show A Dramatic Turnabout in The Confidence and Trust" that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Would have In Our Political Leaders and Elected Officials" and "Our Financial Institutions," and, There Would also "Be A Greater Improvement in Religious Attendance in Our Places of Worship, Worldwide!"

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Giunta, "Acted without Thought of Himself," Only, "For The Safety and Welfare of His Fellow Comrades in Arms!" And, "If The Elected Officials and Politicians of The Governments of The Earths United Nations, Acted with This Same Higher Calling To Duty and Responsibility, and Life," and "With The Same Conscientious Concern For Their Fellow Human Being in Mind," as The Song Goes, "What A Wonderful World This Would Be!"

"This is The Time For Heroes!" And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are "In Need of A New Age of  Heroines and Heroes to Come Forth!" "A New Generation of Women and Men," Who are Willing To, "Walk Hand in Hand," with, "The People!"

"A New Generation of Women and Men," Who are Not Interested in "The Political Games of Partisan Politics!"

"A New Generation of Women and Men," Who Together with Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Understand that For A Family To Pay For Their Child's Education, or Provide For Their Health Care, Food, Clothing, and The Well Being of Each Other," "Good Employment is Needed!" 

And, "Who Understand that UN-Employment Does Not Pay For The Mortgage Property, State, or Federal Taxes, or Bank Loans!

And, "Who Understand that "The Opioid Addiction" is "Not Because People Want to Simply Get High" or "Party," It's Because, "Its a Way to Escape The Draining Vicissitudes, Uncertainties, Instabilities, and Reversals in Their Lives," and also "To Replace a Feeling that Something's Been Missing," a "Real Sense that Someone Truly Cares about Their Lives and Well-Being," and "Although as Simple as This May Seem" and Appear to Be, "Someone who Loves Them!"

(We Need Compassionate and Professional Drug Prevention Professionals, and More In Depth Investigations of The Drug Cartels, and The Drug Industry, Must Be Conducted by Our Drug Enforcement Authorities and Elected Officials)

And, This is The Time For "A New Generation of, Women and Men," Who Understand that "The Family Unit Must Be Empowered, Protected, Cared For, Nourished and Provided with Universal Health Care!"

"U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Giunta," and, "The Brave Members of The U.S. and Coalition Forces of The Earths United Nations" are "The Realization and Symbols of The Best Qualities in Human Nature," and "By His Example and Their Example," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Call Upon The Civilian, Political, Financial, Religious, and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations To Give The Same Self Sacrificing Effort and Service," To "Provide The Political, Social, Economical, and, Spiritual Reforms Needed To Make A Better World," "For One and All!"

"Too Many have Died," and, or, have "Been Wounded in Action, Protecting, and Defending The Freedoms" that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Enjoy Everyday, and Hold Sacred and Dear to Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds!"

And, It is With This Same "Self Sacrifice" that "We Call Upon The Civilian, Financial, Political, Religious, and Military Leaders of The Earths Communities to Empower Us with A Grand Purpose in Life," "In The Name of Peace On Earth!" So that "Our Children, and Their Children, Will Be Able To Enjoy The Fruits of Life," and "Share in The Joys of Life," and "The Memories of "A Great Season of Change, Hope, and Compassion," that "Changed The World!"

And, "We Need The Political and Financial Leaders of The Earths Communities," to "Rise up and Get Beyond The Politicization of Finance and Deficits, and Debt Ceilings," and "Show that They Truly Can Make A Difference in Our Lives," and "In Our Lifetime!"

And, "Show By Their Self Sacrifice," that "The Social Security and Welfare of We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, "Will Be Protected from Corruption, White Collar Crime, and The Misuse of Our Life's Savings and Years of Hard Work," by "The Global Oligarchs," and, "The Power Brokers, Lobbyists, and Manipulators of The Global Financial System!"

And, "Its Time To Defeat Our Enemies," and "Bring Our Young Women and Men Back Home from War!"

And, "Its Time To Provide Jobs For Our Young Women and Men Who've Graduated from School," and are "Striving To Attain Their Dreams and Goals in Life!"

And, "Its Time To End Poverty, Dictatorships, Syndicates of Terrorists, Murderers, Kidnappers, and Rapists!" 

And, "Its a Time To Put An End To Sex Slaves, Child Pornography, Drug Cartels, and Oppression of Our Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Call Upon The Leaders of The Earths United Nations To Declare, Unequivocally," that "Every Race, Creed, Nationality and Ethnicity of This Planet Earth" has "The Right To Exist as A Sovereign Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" And, "No One has The Right To Take These Inalienable Rights," "Away from Us!"

"In This Decade," and "New Season Of The People," "We have The Right To Live Free from Fear of Oppression," and "Free from Fear of Reprisals," from "The Unjust," "Terrorists, Crime Lords," and, or "The Political, Economical, Religious, and Social Abuses of Our Way of Life!"

And, "If, We are To Continue To Evolve Into A Great Sociological and Spiritual Vehicle Of Peace and Equanimity," "We Need To Be Assured of Our Inalienable Rights To Exist," as "A Sovereign People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, "Irregardless of Race, Creed, Nationality and Ethnicity!"

And, For This, "We Need A New Generation of Women and Men," along with "The Peacemakers, and Voices of Reason," of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "To Act On Our Behalf," To "Guarantee These Inalienable Rights!"

"Women and Men" Who are Willing, "To Act on Behalf of We The People," and "Work on Behalf of We The People," and "Protect and Defend The Rights of We The People!"

And, "Altogether" as "One Great People of The Planet Earth," "We Can Be The Living Reality and Proof" of "A Great Earthrise Constitution," and "Emancipation Declaration" of "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" 

And, "Righteously and Peacefully We Can Be A Great Fraternity of Humankind," Under The Moon, and Sun, and All The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos! For, Truly as "The Photos from The Space Shuttle Endeavor Revealed," "We are One and All, Citizens Of The Earth!"

And, "Through The Advanced Use of Science and Technology," and, "The Spiritual Omniscience" of This New Age, "We Can Heal and Cure The World!" And, Through The Way of "An Earthrise Eco-Vision of Evolutionary Green Technologies, and, Green Entrepreneurialism," "We Can Create New Jobs," and "A New Age of Green Industrialization!" And, This is The Way To The Realization of A Peace Time Economy!" And, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Peace," and "Peace Millennias!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Be "Ambassadors For Peace, and A Better World!"

And, Let Us Be, "Journalists For Peace and A Better World!"

And, Let Us Be, "Poets, Musicians, and, Artists of All Artistic and Cultural Genres of Art, Expression, and Creation," "For Peace and A Better World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News and Intentions," of Our Earthrise Evolution, and Revolution Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Bing, MSN, Linkedin, MySpace, iTunes, You Tube, Texts, Emails, Cell Phones, Newspapers, Magazines, Satellite, Cable, and Network TV and Radio, Land Lines, Faxes, X's, The Worlds of Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Film, Theatre, In Concert Performances, Telethons, Non-Violent Marches and Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,,,, .fr, . de, The Electoral Process, Fasts, Meditation, and Thought Projection!"

And, "All Across The Bridge Of Peace To The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The Most Omnipotent, Unlimited, Hi-Tech, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Linkup, Hookup, and Nexus Of The People," that "The Civilized World has Ever Known!"

And, Let Us "Continue To Spread and Sow the Seeds of Equanimity, Peace, Harmony, and Justice For One and All," via "All The Outlets of The Global Internet," and "The Social and Global Cross-Media News and Communication Universes!"

And, "Lets Continue To Encourage Each Other," and "Empower Each Other with The Knowledge of Knowing" that "There is A Great Soul Print For The Creation of A Better World!" 

And, "Lets Gather Together" and "Discuss with One Another A Global Truce," and "A Peace Dialogue For A Better World!"
And, "Lets Share This Peace Dialogue All Over The World," via "The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and Sometimes Hurricane Winds Of This New Season of Change!

And, "Let Us Rise To New Heights of Consciousness," and "Spiritual Awareness On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!"

And, "Lets Non-Violently, Shakeup, Rock Out, and Change The World," as "Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Mary, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Moses, Clara Barton, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Rumi, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, and, Rabindranath Tagore" have "Left Their Great Spiritual, Intellectual, Political, and Sociological, Soul Print All Across This Earth Of Ours," "For One and All To Share!"

And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Age of Peace Millennias Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and A Global Age of Equilibre For All The Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth, For Millennia Upon Millennia To Come!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Disagreeing with The Opinions of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis," and "Secretary of State Rex Tillerson," and One Can Imagine that "The United Nations Security Council Did Not Agree with This New Course in U.S. Foreign Policy," Today, The Thirteenth of October, 2017, "President Trump Undid Twenty Months of Intense Negotiations," by "Being Unwilling to Re-Certify The U.N. Security Council Resolution with Iran!"

Fortunately, "There is a Sixty Day Window" for "The U.S. Congress and Global Voices of Reason, Diplomatic Advisers, and Peacemakers," to "Contemplate and Discuss amongst Themselves, "The Most Sensible Course of Action to Proceed with," to "Ameliorate The Angst President Trump's Decision  has Caused amongst All The Participants Involved with The Iran Nuclear Deal," that "The P5+ 1 +EU Agreed to!"

"Should Anyone Be Surprised by President Trump's Decision?" I Think, Strangely Enough, "The Answer Should Be No!" Why? Simply Because, "He has Begun to Follow An Obvious Pattern," and "All You have to Do is Follow The Choice of Decisions He's Made," and "Who His Closest Advisers are," and "What is to Be Gained!" "The Last Point is A Complicated One!" 

And, Let's Not Forget that He has Never Held Public Office before," and "Obviously, "He is a First Time President," and "Being The President of The United States of America," and "Making the Proper Choices for The Nation," is "Different than Being A Businessman, TV Producer, and The Head of a Successful Real Estate Business!" 

However, You Can Imagine that "Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and Saudi Arabia" are "Not Disappointed with The Presidents Decision!"

But, Federica Mogherini, The EU's Top Diplomatic Negotiator said that, "The Iran
Nuclear Deal is Working and Delivering," and "President Trump did not have the power to terminate it!" President Trump "Disagrees with This Interpretation!"

And, "In a Statement" from Newly Re-elected German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron of France, and Prime Minister Theresa May of The United Kingdom, read: "We stand committed to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and its full implementation by all sides. Preserving the JCPOA is our shared National Security interest."

And, "I'm Sure Former U.S. President Obama" is "Not Pleased with yet Another Direct Attack on The Historical Legacy of His Eight Years of Being President of The United States of America!"

"Could Former President Obama have Seriously Imagined" that "President Trump Would Withdraw The United States from The Paris Agreement,"or Cut, Rescind, or Dismantled Many of Former President Obama's Signature Programs, Would Make for An Interesting In Depth Interview with Him!" 

However, "A Great Concern that Global Leaders Will have Serious Thought about is, (1) Can You Trust any Agreement Entered into with The United States, and (2) Even If You are A Close Allie, "What Guarantee Do You have" that "What You Believed to Be a Done Deal," May Depend on "Which Party is In The Majority," or "What President is Holding Office!" And, "The Answers to These Questions Remain to Be Seen!"

And, "The Ripple Effect," athroughout The Earths Nations May Cause, "Everything The United States of America has Stood for, "As A Democracy and A Nation of High Principles," May Now Be "Looked upon Differently by The Earths Populace!" "How Can You Trust a Nation" that Goes Back on Its Word," also "Remains to Be Seen!"

And, "If This is President Trump's Art of The Deal," I Sincerely Hope that "He is Prepared to Deal with The Myriad Variables and Options," that "May or May Not Come His Way!"

And, I Sincerely Hope that "Serious Minds Come Forth to Clearly and Cognitively Examine and Analyze the Possibilities" that "May Arise before They Happen!"
And, that "Pass Lessons of What Not to Do," are "Clearly Considered and Adhered to!"

And, Let there Be No Doubt that "If There is to Be Peace in The Middle East, The Choices that Lie Ahead for Iran in Regards to (1) Its Ballistic Missile Program, and (2) Its Relationship with Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, The Taliban, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and The United States Must Come to A Rational and Logical Resolve, Based upon Its History of Confrontations in The Middle East, and The Vision of Peace It Would Like to have For Its People, who have Endured Decades of Death and Destruction!

And, The United States has to (1) Decide to What Degree It is Willing to Escalate The Tensions, Exasperation's, and Outright Warfare that Exists in The Middle East, to Achieve a Lasting Peace amongst Perennial Rivals! While It is Still Engaged in An Unresolved War of Words with North Korea, and "An Ongoing War against Syndicates of Terrorists, Rapists, Murderers, Criminals, and Kidnappers!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The Truck Bomb Attack in Mogadishu, the Capital of Somalia, in The Busy Hodan District on KM4 Street," on Saturday, The Fourteenth of October, 2017 is "Another Example of A Cowardly Attack upon Innocent People!" 

"The Death Toll is at Least Two Hundred and Thirty-One People," and at "Least Two Hundred and Seventy-Five were Injured!" And, "For The People of Somalia," This is "The Worst Single Terrorist Attack in Their Nations History," and "Both The Death Toll and Wounded is Expected to Rise!"

Let Us Understand This Clearly, "This Malicious Attack is a Crime Against All of Humanity," and "Symbolizes The Sickness" that "Exists in Evil-Minded Syndicates of Criminals, Rapists, Kidnappers, and Criminals!" They have "No Honor and Will have to Bear The Disgrace for Their Actions For All of Eternity," and, "It is The Responsibility of Global Leadership of The Earths United Nations" to "Eliminate This Cancerous Sickness and Plague" from "Being Able to Continue to Attack Our Families and Communities!"   

And, "It is The Responsibility of The U.N. Security Council to Unite," in "A Seek and Eradicate Strategy," of "Every Syndicate of Terrorists, Murderers, Kidnappers, and Criminals, Worldwide," and "Empower All the Civilized Member Nations of The Earth," to "Engage in This Strategic Sociological and Military Mission," with "All Dispatch! 
And, "Let It Be Known with All Dispatch," via "The Global Cross Media Communication and News Universe," and "The Social Media," of "Their Intention!"

"Too Many Innocent Deaths have Occurred," and "Too Many Innocent People have Been Injured," "Due to These Malevolent and Cowardly Attacks," and "Too Many Tears of Love and Loss," have "Been Shed by Mothers and Fathers and Family Members, and Friends, and Neighbors," and This Must End!" It's as "Simple as that!" 

"This has Gone on For Much Too Long," and "Too Many Families Would Like to Be Able to Return to Their Homes," and "Live in Safety and Security!" And, "The Lesson is, "This Must Never Be Allowed to Happen Again!"

President Mohamed Abdullahi has Called for Three Days of Mourning!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Families who have Lost a Loved One Due to This Cowardly Act, and To The People of Somalia We Share in Your Loss at This Time of Grieving!  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Today, Thursday, October 12, 2017 President Trump Signed "A New Executive Order," Once again, "In Another Vain Attempt to Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" 
In This New Attempt by The President, "His Idea is to Direct The Department of Health and Human Services to Cooperate and Collaborate with The Secretaries of Labor and Treasury," and "The Federal Trade Commission," to "Basically Develop New Rules," and "Report Back to Him with The Results" in "One Hundred and Eighty Days!" 

"This New Executive Order Would" (1) Allow Employers to Form Association Health Plans (AHP's) and (2) Expand the Maximum Length of Short Term, Limited-Duration Coverage, and 
(3) Increase the Usability of HRAs, to Expand Employers Ability to Offer Them to Their Employees, and (4) Allow HRAs to Used in Conjunction with Non-Group Coverage. However, "Lets Be Clear about This," as Clear as We Possibly Can Be, "The Republican Party Failed to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," and "This New Executive Order" is, "Quite Simply Just Another Vain Attempt, to Circumvent The Affordable Care Act!"

 So, "Rather than Wait a See what The Details are," or "What The Suggestions are" by "These Three Cabinet Secretaries," Lets Make Our Voices Heard and Loud and Clear," from "Day One," that is Today," that "There Will Be No Back Room Deals," or "Executive Orders Blindly Accepted," without "Substantive Proposals" that "We The People Agree to!" 

And, To Make Sure They Comprehend, "Let's without Delay, Begin to "Mobilize Our Opinions into A Unified Voice Of The People," and "Make It Absolutely Clear that While We Welcome Positive Changes" such as, Lower Premiums for One Example, But, "We Expect Nothing Less than a Bi-Partisan Effort," to "Improve The Affordable Care Act," with The Representation and Inclusion of Interdependent Healthcare Professionals," who have "Nothing to Gain," But, to "See that We The People of The United States of America have the Best Universal Health Care," at "Reasonable and Affordable Costs!"

The First Amendment of The United States Constitution has Given Every American, "The Right to Peaceably Assemble,/Protest," and "The Right to Petition The Government/Protest," and "Express Their Grievances/Protest," and "As The People/Citizens of Every Nation has Done," who "Believe in Democratic Principles, "The American People have Engaged in Great Protests," "Against Racial Injustice," and "Against War," and "For Civil Rights," and "For LGBT and Transgender Rights," and Let's Not Forget "The Right For Women to Vote," and "For Peace," and "A Spirited Peoples Movement For The Right of Every American Citizen to Enjoy The Security" of having "Free Universal Health Care!" Now, "This Would Be An Example of Democracy Worth Seeing, Supporting," and "Marching for!" And, It Would, also, "Be An Opportune Time to Demonstrate to The Republican Party and President Trump," Just "How Much The American People Resent Their Attempts to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" 

But, Its of "The Utmost Importance to Act Now," "Do Not Wait or Hesitate" to "Contact Your Elected Official," and "Let Them Know that Your Families Health Care Is Not to Be Tampered with, Because of (1) A Campaign Promise, or (2) A Political Fixation that The Republican Party has about Repealing The Affordable Care Act!" "Enough is Enough!" This has "Been Going on For Almost Eight Years!" 

It is Unconscionable and Inconceivable, "Why The Republican Party and President Trump Continue to Persist in This Folly to Repeal The Affordable Care Act!" It's Time "They Acted as True Representatives Of The People," and "Create and Collaborate on Bi-Partisan Legislation that Empowers, and Improves The Welfare and Health Care Of All The People of The United States of America!"

And, "It's of The Greatest Importance for The Republican Party and President Trump" to"Not Offend The Intelligence Of The People," by "Offering Them Broader Coverage or Short Term Coverage of Healthcare," without "Guarantees that It Will Cover the Essential Healthcare Benefits that Everyone Needs," Including "Family Members with Life Threatening or Chronic Illnesses," or with "Pre-Existing Conditions!"

And, "Do Not Offend The Intelligence of The American People," by Offering Them, "Short Term Policies," at A Time "When Lifetime Healthcare Plans" that "Provide Security for Our Families is Needed the Most!"

There is "Too Much Uncertainty in The World Today," Whether It "Be Politically, Financially, Ecologically, Sociologically, or In Foreign Affairs," and "The Last Thing The American People Need is To Worry about is Their Children's Healthcare and Welfare!"  

And, "One Simple Way To Begin" is "To Work On and Pass Bi-Partisan Healthcare Legislation that Improves The Affordable Care Act," Wherever It is Needed, and "Secondly, Pass A New Infrastructure Bill!" Which Should Be "A Bill that Both Party's," Including Independents, Can Agree on!"

"The Lives of Millions of American Citizens," Mothers and Fathers and Their Children, Aunts and Uncles, Sisters and Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, Cousins, Grandparents and Great-Grands, are "All Depending upon Fair and Just Representation For The People!" And, "This Goes Beyond The Party or Candidate of Your Choice," or "Campaign Promise!" And, "There is No Art of The Deal Involved!" 
This is about "Caring For What is In The Best Interest of Your Fellow Human Being and Their Family!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
Tuesday, the Tenth of October, 2017,
Civil Rights- "The Rights of Citizens to Political and Social Freedom and Equality!" 

U.S. Attorney General Sessions said In a Memo Sent to All Federal Prosecutors that "Title VII's prohibition on sex discrimination encompasses discrimination between men and women but does not encompass discrimination based on gender identity, per se, including transgender status."

("Title VII Prohibits Employment Discrimination, based on Race, Color, Religion, Sex, and National Origin.")

AG Sessions also said, "This is a conclusion of law, not policy." And, the department will take this new position in all "pending and future matters."

However, He also said, The Justice Department "must and will continue to affirm the dignity of all people, including transgender people." (This Does Appear to Be a Contradiction!)

Considering that "Title VII Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sex," AG Sessions or His Federal Prosecutors, are Going to have a "Very Difficult Time Winning Any Lawsuits," that "Most Certainly Will Be Filed against What is His Interpretation of Title VII!" 

And, AG Sessions "Will Most Certainly have Great Difficulty Proving His Point of Opinion in Any Court of Law," Especially, "When His Opinion," or "Interpretation of The Law," is "In Opposition with What are The Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights Of Every American Citizen, Irregardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, and National Origin!"

"The United States of America is A Democracy and Republic," and "A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and "Every American Citizen's Individual Rights are Protected by The U.S. Constitution!"

"The United States" is "Not A Government of Partisan Politics, Campaign Promises, Super PAC's, Lobbyists, or Semantics, When It Comes to The Interpretation of The Fundamental Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Global Cross Media News Reports are "A Police Officer has Been Shot and Killed by a Texas Tech University Student, in Lubbock, Texas!"

"The Suspect," a Nineteen Year Old Student, Hollis Daniels, has "Been Arrested!"
"The Tragic Shooting Occurred in The Police Station," after Mr. Daniels was "Arrested for having Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia in His Room," Which was "Found During a Welfare Student Check," on Monday, The Ninth of October, 2017.

GCM Reports are "Mr. Daniels Pulled a Gun," While in The Police Station, and "Shot and Killed The Police Officer, and then "Escaped on Foot!"

Mr. Daniels was Captured and is Now in Custody!
"Students are Allowed to Carry Concealed Weapons on College Campuses in Texas!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Global Cross Media News Reports are The Department of Homeland Security and President Trump "Did Not Renew The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 Waiver," (The Jones Act), Which Means that "Foreign Vessels Will Not Be Able to Bring Aid into Puerto Rico!"
"The Waiver Expired on Sunday, The Eighth of October," 2017!

David Lapan, Homeland Security Press Secretary, said in a Statement "We believe that extending the waiver is unnecessary to support Humanitarian relief efforts on the Island."

He also Wrote, "There is an ample supply of Jones Act-qualified vessels to ensure that cargo is able to reach Puerto Rico."

And, "It will review requests for individual ships on a case-by-case basis, and will "respond quickly if a non-Jones Act qualified vessel is needed for a 'National Defense'- "Related need."

Let Us Hope that "FEMA, The Ships of The Department of Defense, and The Department of Homeland Security," has "All The Supplies, Volunteers, and Distribution Assistance It Needs," to "Help Rebuild Puerto Rico," and "Provide Comfort and Security to The People of Puerto Rico," in "This Time of Need!"

Tuesday, The Tenth of October, 2017, President Trump Asked Congress for A 4. 9 Billion Dollar Loan to Help Puerto Rico!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Thursday, The Fifth of October, 2017, "A Chicago Carpenter," Greg Zanis, who has "Spent Decades of His Life Installing White Crosses Wherever Mass Shootings have Taken Place," "Installed Fifty-Eight White Crosses that Show a Red Heart on Each One of Them Honoring The Innocent Lives that were Taken before Their Time," at The 91 Route Harvest Country Music Festival," on Sunday, The First of October, 2017! 
"They were Installed in Single File," behind "The Welcome to Las Vegas Sign,"  and is "A Deeply Moving Tribute," to "A Week that We Will Not Forget" that has "Taken Place in Las Vegas, Nevada!"

It's Been a Week where "Vince Gil, Amy Grant, and Keith Urban" and  "A Collaboration of Country Music Superstars Shared Their Talents," in "A Candlelight Vigil at Nashville's Ascend Amphitheater," on Monday, The Second of October, 2017, to "Honor The Innocent Lives Lost in Las Vegas," and  On A New Song Entitled "Almost Like Praying," Composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Another Constellation of Stars with Jennifer Lopez, Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony, and Rita Moreno," amongst A Latin Star Studded Galaxy of Superstars Collaborated to Raise Funds and Aid for The People of Puerto Rico," and Katy Perry "Paid Tribute to The Innocent Lives Lost in Las Vegas," on Monday Evening, The Second of October, in "Her NYC Concert at Madison Square Garden," and "Garth Brooks Performed on Facebook!"

"The Magnificent Sharing of Love, Support, and Caring For The People of All Ages who Died on Sunday" has "Given Hope and Soul Strength" at "A Time when The Hearts, Minds, and Spirits of The Families who Lost a Loved One," at The 91 Route Harvest Country Music Festival, and are "Suffering Indeterminable Trauma and Pain of indescribable Degrees," and "Can Not Stop the Flow of Tears of Love and Grief of Too Many Mothers and Fathers, Family Members, Lovers, Friends and Neighbors, and People from All over The Earth!

And, This is a Week "Where President Trump also Gave His Condolences to The Families of Victims of The Deadliest Mass Shooting in The History of The U.S." in a Trip to Las Vegas, on Wednesday, The Fourth of October, and "Brought The Promise of More Aid to The People of Puerto Rico," on Tuesday, The Third!" Where "Photos have Revealed the Mass Destruction and Misery" that "The People are Experiencing," and "Increased Aid and Relief Efforts are Essential to Their Recovery and Rebuilding!"

"The Two Questions" Millions of Americans have Been Asking is (1) Why did a Sixty-Four Year Old Retiree Indiscriminately Open-Fire upon Twenty-Two Thousand Country Music Concertgoers of All Ages, in Las Vegas? And (2) Why were These High Powered Assault Style Weapons and Explosives  Being Sold in Public at All!

"We in The United States," have :Seen Too Many Mass Killings of Innocent Children, Parents and Adults," from "The Heart-Breaking Deaths of Twenty-Six Innocents in Newtown, Connecticut," at "The Sandy Hook Elementary School, on The Fourteenth of December, 2012," to "The Fourteen Innocent Deaths in San Bernardino, California," at "The Inland Regional Center, on The Second of December, 2015," to "The Forty-Nine Innocent Deaths in Orlando, Florida," at "The Pulse Nightclub, on The Twelfth of June, 2015," to "The Fifty-Eight Innocent Deaths in Las Vegas Nevada," at "The 91 Route Harvest Country Music Festival, on Sunday, The First of October, 2017!"

And, "Let Us Never Forget The Unending and Unceasing Deaths," that have "Occurred Due to Gun-Related Violence" for "What Feels Like An Eternity in The United States!"

And, "Always There is An Excuse or Rational, or Reason," "Why New Universal Gun Laws are Not Passed by The U.S. Congress!" Even When "A Majority of American Citizens" have "Called For Congress To Take This Very Important Step to Pass This Legislation!" 

A Step" that has "Been Asked for" and "Petitioned by by Parents and Families who have Lost a Loved One Due to Gun-Related Violence," from "Newtown to San Bernardino to Orlando and Now Las Vegas!"

And, Let's Be Very Clear about This, "There is No Rational, Reason, or Logic for Selling High Powered Assault Weapons or Dangerous Explosives in a Public Gun Store or Convention!"

And, "It's Time For Our Religious, Military, Civil, and Political Leaders to Agree," that "New, Thoughtful, Universal Gun Laws are Necessary in The United States!" And, "It's Time For Them" to "Have The Courage to Do so!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
To All of Our Friends in California We Hope that Your Families, Homes, Businesses, and Lives are Safe from Harmsway!

And, To The Families who have Lost a Loved One, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to You in This Time of Grief!

And, To The Families who have Lost Their Homes Due to The Ongoing Fires in California, that have Caused so Much Destruction and Duress in Their Lives, We Would Like You to I Know that We are with You in Heart and Soul! And, Wish You a New Home that You Can Share in Comfort and Security with Your Families, in the Very Near Future!

And, In This Time Period "When Our Global Communities are Being Devastated by Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Flooding, Endless Rainfalls, and Wildfires," and "Families from Puerto Rico, to Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, Mexico, Cuba,The U.S. Virgin Islands, Caicos, Turks, Dominica, The Bahamas, and All Throughout The Caribbean," and "Wherever The Merciless Face of A Season of Natural Disasters has Shown Itself," This is "When Compassionate Global Religious, Financial, Civil, Military, Political Leaders," and "Global Celebrities," "Must Answer The Call for Help!"

And, "There Can Not Be Any Procrastination or Hesitation!" "The Time to Act is Now!" 
"Their Compassionate Leadership Must Be Displayed in All Sincerity, Empathy, and True Generosity of Spirit and Giving," for "All The World's Communities to See!"

"This is When Compassionate Leadership Must Answer The Call of Families and Global Communities" who have "Lost Everything," and There Can Be "No Expense Too Great to Help Them," and "Come to Their Aid!"

And, "This is The Time Period" to "Look Towards The Future" as "Our Planet Earth Continues to Ecologically and Environmentally Change and Evolve," and "Reveal New Weather Patterns," and "Plan For How We Can Protect Our Homes, Businesses, and Neighborhoods," from "The Next Cycle and Season of Natural Disasters to Come!"

And, "Thank You To All The Selfless Volunteers, Neighbors, Citizens, Fire Fighters, Police, Military Authorities," Who have "Gone Beyond Their Best Efforts to Provide Help Wherever It is Needed," and "Continue to Combat Storms and Fires that have Not yet Subsided," or "Been Contained!" 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Wednesday, The Eleventh of October, 2017, Five Retired Military Dogs, Alphie, Gabe, Coffee, Capa, and Ranger were "Given The American Humane Lois Pope K-9 The Canine Medal of Courage" in "Honor of Their Service to Their Country!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that, "Ranger, Capa, Coffee, Gabe, and Alphie, are Heroes who have Saved Lives," and are "Deserving of All The Respect, Recognition, and Honor," that "They are Receiving!" 

"They Fought Side by Side with Our Armed Forces," and were "Constantly in Harmsway in Overseas Deployment!"

There are More than "Sixteen Hundred Dogs are In Service Around The World" as well as "In The U.S."

-In Memoriam-
Monday, The Second of October, 2017, "Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame Recording Artist, Composer, Producer, Performer, and Actor Tom Petty Died of A Heart Attack!"
Global Cross Media News Reports are "He was Found Unconscious in His Malibu Home," and then "Rushed to The UCLA Santa Monica Hospital," "Where He Passed away at The Tender Age of Sixty-Six!"

"Thomas Earl Petty" Born in Gainesville, Florida in 1950, "First Came to Fame in Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers in 1976," However, "He also Can Claim Being a Great Success" as "A Member of A Musical Super Constellation" Called "The Traveling Wilburys" in 1988, with Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Jeff Lynne, and Jim Keltner!" "A Super Star" Musical Constellation, "Organized by Former Beatle George Harrison!"

"Tom Petty also Performed and Recorded" as "a Successful Solo Act!" His Album Full Moon Fever Included Several Classics, "I Won't Back Down", "Free Fallin," and Runnin Down a Dream!" This was to Be The First of Three Solo Projects He Collaborated on with His Circle of Friends and Musicians!"

"As An Actor," Tom Petty "Made Appearances in Gary Shandlings Show," and "The Larry Sanders Show!"

And, In 1997, He Appeared In "The Postman" Starring Kevin Costner, and in 2002, He Appeared in "The Simpsons Show." And, While He Continued to Act or Perform Voice Overs, "He always Returned to His First Love which was Music!"

Tom Petty was "An Important Innovator and Integral Influence in The Video World that Gave Birth to The MTV Experience and Success!" One Song which Immediately Comes to Mind is "Into The Great Wide Open," which Starred Johnny Depp and Faye Dunaway," in 1991!

The 21st, 22nd, and 25th of September, 2017, "Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Performed at "Three Sold Out Concerts at The Hollywood Bowl," Which "Officially Ended Their Forty Year Anniversary Tour!" Tom Petty Would have Been Sixty-Seven on The Twentieth of October!

"It is Impossible to Site All of Tom Petty's Accomplishments," However, To His Fans Worldwide, "Let's Give Thanks for His Musical Universe of Inspiring Work of Art," and "Concert Performances that Will Remain with Us and with Future Generations For as Long as Great Talent is Admired and Respected!"

We Would Like to Extend Our Sincerest Heart and Soulful Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues of Thomas Earl Petty!

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,

Monday, October 2, 2017



The Way To Peace! #87 -Revisited-

"No One is An Immigrant," and "No One Should Feel Disenfranchised or Left Out," "We've" all "Been Manipulated by Political and Financial Policies" that have "Caused Psychological Damage to The Body, Mind, and Soul of The Earths Populace!" 
"Forcing Us to Take, at Times, Selfish, Unconscionable, and Barbaric Actions against One Another!" 

"There have Been Racist Acts of Violence Taken against Native Americans, African Americans, Aborigines, People of Color," and "A Myriad Diverse Cultures, Races, Creeds, and Nationalities!"

And, "We've Been Conditioned and Brainwashed to Believe in The Normality of A Global Class Society," "Made up of The Haves and The Have Nots!" Or, as The Song goes, "Them That's Got Shall Have and Them that's Not Shall Lose," or, Quite Simply "The Rich and The Poor," and Unfortunately, "It's A Tragic State of Human Affairs!" Which is, "All The More Reason Why A Change Must Come!"

And, 'The Death Dealing Attack upon Innocent Concertgoers at "The Route 91 Country Music Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada," on Sunday evening, The First of October, 2017, "Where Twenty-Two Thousand Music Lovers were Shocked," During The Three Day Country Music Concert Festivals Last Performance by Headliner Jason Aldean, "When Gun Shots Erupted and Began Raining Down Death upon at Least Fifty-Nine Innocent People," and "Wounding More than Four Hundred," is "Another Senseless Unconscionable Act of Violence that is Unimaginable," and "A Vicious and Merciless Violation of Our Lives!" 

And, "The Question Why," This Sixty-Four Year Old Retiree, Stephen Paddock, Living in a Retirement Community in Mesquite, Nevada "Embarked upon This Path of Death and Indiscriminate Killing," that "Caused Panic, Fear, Chaos and Fatality upon A Crowd of Innocent People of All Ages," Which Included His Own Death, are "Questions that Need Answering," as soon as Possible! 

"Twenty-Three Weapons," in Total, were "Found in His Hotel Room on The Thirty-Second Floor of The Mandalay Hotel," One of Las Vegas "Most Beautiful Destinations," Where He had Been "Staying Since The Twenty-Eighth of September!"

And, Once again, "First Responders and Civilians Acted Bravely," in The Face of "What Felt like An Unrelenting Time Period of Violence," Which was Thought to Be From Eight to Ten Minutes, "Helping Everyone Who was In Need!"

And, "Area Hospitals Acted Professionally and In Concert with One Another," to "Receive The Wounded and Trauma Struck Concertgoers and Innocent Bystanders," who were within The Line of Fire of This Malevolent-Evil Minded Coward," who "Maliciously Attacked Them from His Hotel Room Four Hundred Yards away!" The Investigation Will Be Thorough and Ongoing until The Answers to Why This Act of Domestic Violence Occurred!"

And, "Questions Will Be Posed to The Family of Stephen Paddock," to "Comprehend What His Motive was!"

And, "It is also Very Important  For Every American Citizen to Comprehend," "Why This Act of Domestic Violence Occurred, in The United States of America!" A Nation of Citizens" that "Reflects A Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The People of The World!"

"Words of Sympathy have Come from People and Leaders from All over The Earth!"

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soulful Condolences to All The Families, Friends, and Neighbors, and The People of The City of Las Vegas, Who've Lost A Loved One in This Tragic Moment, of What Is Being Called The Deadliest Mass Shooting in The History of The United States!

It is Accurate to Say that "The United States of America is at Present Facing a New Crossroads of Complex Sociological and Humanistic Choices," that "Will Either Result" in "The Birth of A New Renaissance Of The People of This Great Democracy and Republic," and Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," or What is The Question!" Will It Be More Divisiveness, Angst, Trepidation of The Unknown, Fear and Disquiet?" I Sincerely Hope that "It Will Be The Former!"   

However, The Lawsuit Filed by Fifteen States, Plus the District of Columbia, on Wednesday, The Sixth of September, 2017, against President Trumps Decision to Rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program), Is "One Example of The Fear Felt by Eight Hundred Thousand Innocent People and Children," who have "Been Traumatized," Why, Because "They May Be Forced to Leave The only Home They've ever Known," This United States of America, and by "It's Spirit Alone, Has Great Significance to It!" 
However, "The Legal Premise of The Lawsuit is" that, "The Decision Violates the Administrative Procedure Act in Two different ways, while also violating the due process and equal protection of the Constitution."

And, "The Administrative Procedure Act," also, "Requires a Lengthy Process for Ample Notice and Time for the Public to Comment on the Substantive Federal Rulemaking."

"The Idea that So Many Innocent Lives Would Be Cast in Harmsway," to "Live in A Foreign Country They've Never Known," or "Cast Out of The Only Home They've ever Known," "Sincerely and Compassionately Needs to Be Litigated," and "Discussed in A Public Forum, Free from Political Rhetoric and Partisan Politics!" 

The Week of The Twelfth of September, 2017, "The Seventy-Second Regular Session of The United Nations Met at U.N. Headquarters in New York City," and On The Nineteenth of September, When The General Debate Began had An Opportunity to Speak Out" as "A Collective Voice against Terrorism, Oppression, Dictatorship, Imperialism, and Poverty," and "Continue to Be A Voice For An Earthrise Vision of Peace and Unity that Includes The Disenfranchised," and "Economic Parity that Empowers All The Sovereign Citizens of The Earths Populace," and "A Global Equation" that "Embraces The Diverse Configuration, Tapestry and Fabric Of The People," of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "Irregardless of Creed, Gender, Tribe, Race, Ethnicity, or Nationality!"

And by "Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet was Welcomed!"   

"It's Not Just Reform that Makes Things Better," Whether It Be Sociologically, Economically, Politically, Philosophically, or Spiritually!" 

And, "It's Not Just The Reformation of Any Institute," that "Brings about A Universal Change in Our Lives," or Alters One's Perceptivity of What The Truth is!"

"How We Improve, Ameliorate or Enhance Our Lives," and "The Way of Life of Our Fellow Human Being is By Making Decisions that Lie in The Best Interests of All The People," and "Sentient Life Forms," and also "What is The Best Sphere of Influence," that "Enriches The Ecology and Environmental Grace of This Planet Earth!"

It's always Gratifying to Hear, "We are The World," Being Sung, or, "One Heart, One Beat," by "Taboo of The Blackeyed Peas," Whenever "They are Played via The X's (Electromagnetic Waves) of The Global Cross Media Music Universe!" 
"These Universal Anthems Give Hope to Billions of The Earths Populace," and are "Reminders" that "We" are "First and Foremost, All Citizens Of The Earth!" All Else, "With The Exception of What Faith You Choose to Be, Comes Second!"

"We" have "Been Continuously Mislead throughout The History of Time by Our Civilian and Military Leaders," to "Follow a Path of Separatism, which has "Made it Easier For Them to Control Us" and "Lead Us Down The Long and Winding Roads of Segregation and Destruction!"

Even Now, In The 21st Century, "The Manipulation Goes On!" Can't You Hear Marvin Singing "What's Going On!"
"We Need More Musical and Lyrical Anthems," and "More Activism to Take Place," to Lift Our Earthrise Movement of Peace to "A Higher Ground!"

And, "We Need A Cultural Evolution to Enlighten and Empower Us!" And, "Embolden Us to Transcend The Negativity and Conditioned Reality that has Held and Impeded Us From Evolving as A Whole," and "From Ever Reaching Our Goals as An Earth Living in Peace with Itself!" 

"An Earth Engaged in A Peace Time Evolution!" And, "As An Earths Populace that Admires and Appreciates The Beauty and Diversification of its Great Creation!"

And, "An Earths Populace that Accepts and Acknowledges One and Another," that "We are All Citizens Of The Earth!" "An Earth United Of, By and For The People," and of "All Sentient Beings!" This Should Be "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," and "The Way To Peace" and "An Age of Experiencing, Sharing, and Enjoying Peace On Earth!" And, "An Age of Peace Millennias to Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- Sunday, The Twenty-Fourth of September, 2017, "New Travel Ban Restrictions were Announced in Detail by The Trump Administration," are "Set to Begin on The Eighteenth of October, 2017," are "Focused on Eight Countries," from "Venezuela in South America, Chad, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, and North Korea," and "Vary Country by County!" 

"The Previous Executive Order/Temporary Travel Ban" was "Directed at Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia for A Ninety Day Period!"

"In The New Travel Ban," "Some Cases Based on Undue Hardships, May Be Waived!" Consular Officers are Being Allowed to Act with Discretion to Waive New Restrictions on "A Case by Case Basis!"

And, "There Will Be No Nullifying of Currently Valid Visas or Travel Documents," and "No Legally Issued Green Cards Will Be Revoked!"

"The Trump Administrations Reason for These New Travel Ban Restrictions," are "To Protect The American People!"

And, "Yes, It is Paramount that "Every American Citizen Be Protected from The Malevolent Acts of Syndicates of Murderers, Rapists, and Criminals," who have "Committed One Horrendous Crime after Another Against All of Humanity, Irregardless of Creed, Gender or Ethnicity!" But, "This Should Not Be Done at The Expense of The Innocent!"

("The American Civil Liberties Union" (ACLU) and "Other Civil Rights Groups have Strongly Criticized This New Travel Ban," and "No Doubt Will Be Filing New Lawsuits to Protect The Innocent People from The Eight Countries Targeted by This New Travel Ban Restriction," as well as "The Innocent People Living in The U.S." who "May Be Affected and Threatened by The Restrictions of This New Ban!")

"The US Supreme Court is Prepared to Hear Arguments on The Legality of The Travel Ban This Month!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- The First Amendment (1791), "Prohibits Congress from obstructing the the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition." And, It is Extremely Unfortunate, "When The President of The United States of America," has "Chosen to Attack Sports Athletes," who have "Chosen to Protest against Racial Injustice by Kneeling, when The National Anthem is Being Sung at Football Games,"as "The President did on Friday, The Twenty-Second of September," 2017, at "A Campaign Rally in Alabama," for Republican Senate Candidate Luther Strange!

"As A Democracy," It is of The Utmost Importance, "For All Americans to Enjoy The Right to Protest, Peacefully and Non-Violently," under "The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "We The People Expect Our President to Abide by The Laws of The Constitution," and "Be A Voice of Reason and Unification For The People of The United States of America!"

And, It is also of The Utmost Importance "For All Americans to Engage in Public and Civil Discourse," Especially, in Regards to "Issues that have Exposed Racism, Hatred, or Inequality," or "In Fact Any Issue" that is "At Difference with The Laws of The Land," and "The Values and Tenets that America Stands for!"

However, "It is Unconscionable, Illogical, Unreasonable and Unimaginable For Any President to say, "Get that SOB off the field, He's Fired," etc. "To The Owners of Any Sports Organization, Team or Business!"

If, "This is More of The Presidents Rhetoric of Divisiveness or Distraction," or Whether or Not, "This is a Way to Divert The Global Cross Media News Universe" from "Focusing on The Russian Probe Configuration," Being Conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, " or from "All the Attention Hillary Clinton's" New Book, "What Happened," or, "Katy Tur's" New Book, "Unbelievable," as has "Been Suggested and Spoken of Freely in The Global Cross Media News Reports," "Is Disconcerting If True!" 

However, "One Thing that is Clear," is "President Trump's Comments have Not Caused the Reaction He Hoped for," Instead, "There has Been A Positive Response and Solidarity amongst NFL Owners, Coaches, and Players," and "A Unifying Effect amongst  The Majority of Americans," who "Believe in The Freedom of Speech and Protest," and "The U.S. Constitution," that is "A Welcomed Response In The United States of America Today!" 

And, "This is a Clear Message that President Trump Should Heed," "The United States is A Democracy and Republic that Is against Racial Injustice," and "A Government Of The People, and For The People!" And, "There is a Time and Place For Campaign Rhetoric," and "A Time and Place For Leadership," and "The Time For The Latter," and "We The People is Now!   

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 21st and 20th Centuries, Let Us Find New and Creative Way's to Encourage The Worlds Civilian and Military Leaders to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

Let Us Find New Way's of Sowing The Seeds of, and Implementing The Principles and Idea's of Freedom, Equanimity, Equality, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All," Incorporated in An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium!

And, Let Us Call For An End of War, Crime, Poverty, Homelessness, Racism, Corruption, Greed, and Lust for Power!
A New Philosophy of Life Must Come! A Change Must Come!
Is it Too Much To Ask For? An Age of Peace on Earth, after Centuries of War!

Is it Too Much to Ask For? A Human Evolution in Parallel with A Universal, Technological, Scientific, Spiritual, Economical, Educational, Cultural and Political Evolution on Earth!

If "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are Continuously Asked to Pay For The Enormous Price Of War, then Why, Can't "We" Reverse This Course of Death, Brutality, and Tears, and Instead of War, Pay The Price For An Age of Peace and Shared Prosperity on Earth! The Costs May End up Being The Same, But, The Results Would Be Peace At Last!
And, Why Couldn't The Members of The Earths Global Armed Forces Be Used to Maintain The Peace! A Peace Change Must Come!

Let Us Spread The Word of Change and Peace, and Harmony on Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe.
And, Let Us Spread The Word via Non-Violent Demonstrations that Our Time has Come! And that, "We" Want to Live in Peace!
A Season of Peace has Come, so, "Let it Be!" Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

And, Let's Create a Universal Escrow Account to Assure The Social Security and Welfare "Of, By and For The People!" "We" have Been Taxed and Tested Enough!
This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace, Trust, Freedom, Economic Parity, and Justice On Earth, For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The First of October, 2017, "Another Cowardly, Malevolent Act Took Place in Marseille, France," When "Two Innocent Women were "Stabbed to Death Outside of The Saint-Charles Train Station!"

The Attacker, who "Can only Be Described as The Personification of Evil," was "Shot to Death" by "A Military Patrol who Rushed to The Scene after They Heard Cries of Help!"

"Samia Ghali," a Marseille Lawmaker, Told France Bleu Province Radio, "If the Military had not been there, we would have had a lot more deaths!"

Global Cross Media News Reports are "Several Police Sources Heard the Coward Shout, "Allahu akbar," as "He Attacked The Two Women!" 

It Must Be said that, "This Man is A Dishonorable Disgrace to All Humanity," and "The People of The Earth's Communities and Nations," have had "Enough Senseless Violence to Last For An Eternity!"

"Gerard Collomb," The French Interior Minister said, "This act could be of a terrorist nature, but at this hour we can not affirm it!"

President Emmanuel Macron "Congratulated the Soldiers who reacted with "calmness and efficiency," and that He was "deeply outraged" by this "barbaric knife attack."

(The Islamic State Group has Claimed the Attacker to Be One of Their Soldiers)

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Saturday, The Thirtieth of September "Another Attempted Act of Violence Occurred in Edmonton, Canada," When A Malicious Individual with Evil Intentions "Drove a Car into a Police Officer who was Standing in Front of His Cruiser Outside Edmonton's Common Wealth Stadium" where "A Canadian Football Game" with "The Edmonton Eskimos and The Winnipeg Blue Bombers was Being Played!"

"The Malevolent Driver then Attempted to Stab The Injured Police Officer," who "Courageously Proceeded to Fend Him Off!" The Assailant then "Ran Off!"

"The Assailant was Stopped Hours Later" at a "Checkpoint North of Downtown, on Wayne Gretzky Drive,"  in a U-Haul Van, that was "Registered in the Same Name of the Car that Earlier Struck The Policeman!" 
The Police said "The Assailant Tried to Escape," Driving into Pedestrians on Sidewalks along The Route of The Chase, Jasper Avenue, Injuring Four Persons," before "The Police Finally were able to Taser, and Capture Him," after "His Van Flipped over!" Fortunately, "No Deaths were Reported!
"The Coward who Embarked on This Night of Violence," a Male Somali National and Refugee, was "Previously Known by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Edmonton's Police Department!" And, He is Been Charged with "participation in a terrorist act," and "the commission of an offense for a terrorist group!"

"Prime Minister Trudeau said," in a statement on Sunday, "We cannot--and Will not--let violent extremism take route in our communities," and He also Added, "We know that Canada's strength comes from our diversity, and we will not be cowed by those who seek to divide us or promote fear."

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Now is Not The Time to Hesitate or Procrastinate" or "Use Business Interests," or "As In the United States to Use The Merchant Marine Act of 1920/Jones Act" as "A Reason to Prevent Additional Aid," from "Being Sent to Help The Recovery or Rebuilding Efforts," or "Help Provide or Supply, Health, Food, Rescue, Organizational, or Power Resources Wherever They are Needed!"

"Families (and Other Sentient Beings) are Depending upon The Generosity, Empathy, and Compassion of The International Community to Come to Their Aid!"

And, "As We have Seen in Broadcasts Everyday via The Global Cross Media News Universe, "There are Communities who have Been Destroyed by The Powerful Force of Hurricanes," and "An Earthquake," that has "Shown Them No Mercy!"

And, "These Families are Depending upon Their Fellow Human Beings, Global Nations, and Leaders," to "Provide Whatever is Necessary for Their Recovery!" And, "No Leader," Especially One of A Great Nation Can Say No!"

As of Today, Thursday, The Twenty-Eighth of September, 2017 White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announced in a Twitter Message, "POTUS has Authorized the Jones Act be waived for Puerto Rico! It will go into effect immediately."   

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"At a Time When The United States is Still Getting Over Being Struck by Two Hurricanes, Harvey and Irma," and A Third One, "Maria," has Caused Great Destruction in Puerto Rico, The Island Nation of Dominica, The Caribbean, The Virgin Islands, and The Dominican Republic," and "Continues to Cause Death and Ravage It's Way into "The Turks and Caicos on Friday, The Twenty-Second of September, 2017! 

And, At a Time When "The U.S. is Still Very Much a Divided Country," with "A Great Amount of Anxiety, Frustration, Fear, Uneasiness, and Pure Angst Affecting Millions of Americans," Whether It Be "Because of President Trumps Immigration Policy," or "The Withdrawal of The U.S. from The Paris Agreement," or "The Lack of An Infrastructure Plan," "The Spread of Opiates," "New Tensions with Iran," over Whether or Not They are in Compliance with The P5+ 1 Nuclear Agreement, "The Ongoing War in Afghanistan," "The Threat of A New War with North Korea," "Attacks upon The Transgender Community," "The Ongoing Conflict in Syria and Iraq," and "Threat of Terrorism by Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals," and "The Multiple Investigations and Russian Probe Involving Several of President Trump's 2016 Campaign Associates Relationships with Russian Officials," and "Russian Interference with The 2016 U.S. Election Campaign," and "The Firing of Former FBI Director James Comey," and "Whether or Not Collusion Charges are Merited," or "Laws of The U.S. Constitution have Been Violated by U.S. Government Officials, or President Trump," (Need I Go On), "It is Simply Unimaginable" that "The Senate Republicans Would Contemplate," Once again, "The Repeal of The Affordable Care Act!" Which "They are Attempting to Do before September 30, 2017!"

And, "Irregardless that The Congressional Budget Office" (The CBO), "Will Not Be Able to Give Its Assessment of The New Bill before September 30th," and "No One with The Exception of Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana," who Authored The Cassidy-Graham Bill, have "Any Clear Idea of What's in It," and "The House of Representatives Would have to Vote on It as It is," (Which Would Be Ludicrous to Imagine Itself) "The Senate Republicans are Seriously Pursuing This Course of Action to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," and "Cause," at Least, "An Additional Twenty-Two Million Americans to Be Uninsured!"

I Can Not even Begin to "Contemplate The Hubris Behind This New GOP Plan!" From "The American Health Care Act," to "The Better Care Reconciliation Act," to "The Health Care Freedom Act," (also Known as "The Skinny Bill"), and The Fact that For Eight Years Previously, "The Republican Party has Threatened to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," "Irregardless of The Consequences, The Emotional, Physical, Mental, or Spiritual Stress, and Trauma It Would Cause!" Or, "The Cost," or "Millions of Uninsured American Citizens who Would Be Affected," "If, This Repeal were to Be Passed" 

"A Sensible Approach Towards Improving ACA," Would Be to "Work with Democrats, Independents, and Health Care Professionals to Improve The Overall Benefits" and "Health Insurance Coverage that The Affordable Care Act Offers The American People!" But, Unfortunately, "This is Not The Approach The Republican Party has Chosen to Take!"

And, "Now It is Imperative For Every American Citizen, Civil Rights Activists, and Health Advocate, to Stand Up," and "Say No to The GOP," "Do Not Repeal The Affordable Care Act!"

And, "Contact Your Elected Official and Government Representative without Delay!" "Do Not Procrastinate or Hesitate," "Act Now to Stop This Betrayal of Our Families and Fellow Americans!" "Enough is Enough!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of September, During The Weekly Caucus Meeting on Capitol Hill, "The Republican Party Leaders Finally Decided" that "They Simply Did Not have Enough Votes to Pass The Graham-Cassidy-Heller Bill! Making This A Great Day for The Millions of Families who Depend on The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid," and "The Laws Federal Subsidies, for Their Healthcare Insurance Coverage to Enjoy a Moment Pause to Give Thanks for Their Blessings!" "Its as Simple as that!"

And, "I'm sure the Americans" who "Protested, Demonstrated and Expressed Their Frustration, Anger, and Aversion to The GOP Healthcare Bill," at "The First Public Hearing on the Bill," on Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of September, 2017, and "The Ten's of Millions who Felt Their Lives and Families Welfare Threatened by This Bill," Would Like to "Give Their Thanks to Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, and Rand Paul of Kentucky," and "the Other Republican Senators who Expressed Their Doubts about The Value of The Graham-Cassidy-Heller Bill," and "The Entire Body of The Senate Democrats!"
For, "This is a Moment to Celebrate Their Blessing!"

And, "Now, There is "A Real Opportunity for Republicans, Independents, Democrats, and Healthcare Professionals to Work in Concert Together," to "Create Health Care Legislation" that "Cares For, Protects, Nourishes, and Provides Security For The Bodies, Minds, Spirits, and Souls Of  All The People!"

And, "Its Time" that President Trump, The Republican Party, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, "Got The Message Loud and Clear" that "The American People Do Not Want to Repeal The Affordable Care Act," However, "They Welcome Positive Improvements and Suggestions" by "All of Their Elected Officials!"

"But No More Backroom/Closed Door Meetings!" "Public Meetings with Public Input," are "A Necessity and Non-Negotiable!" After All, "The United States of America" is "A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People!" "The Founders Made This Point Very Clear in The U.S. Constitution!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Friday, The Twenty-Ninth of September, 2017 Alexei Navalny was "Placed in Official Custody" as "He was Departing to Attend A Pre-Election Day Political Rally in Nizhny Novgorod," Which was to Be, "The First of Several Rallies He had Planned to Attend!"

Mr. Navalny is "Planning to Challenge Russian President Putin in Next Years Presidential Elections!"

"Mr. Navalny said Via the Social Media" that "The Police Informed Him they wanted to Interview Him at a Police Station!"

"The Interior Ministry said " Mr. Navany had been charged with repeatedly violating the procedure for holding a public meeting, which can result in up to Thirty Days in Jail!"

Mr. Navalny's Attorney said, "He had Not Been Shown the Charges, and was Being Held Illegally!"

And, "Tass News Agency reported" that "Mr. Navalny had been detained due to His repeated calls to take part in Unsanctioned Events!"

The Question is, "What Does President Putin have to Fear from One Man," who "Would Like to Express His Opinion about Government Corruption," and "What is in the Best Interests of His Country!" Which is His Patriotic Duty to Do," as "Should It Be For Any Russian Citizen!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- The Russian Probe Configuration has "Revealed New Irony upon Irony," Imagine that "After All the Global Cross Media News Coverage of Mrs. Clinton's Use of A Private Email Server," New GCM Reports are "Both Jared Kushner, President Trumps Son-In-Law and Senior Adviser and Ivanka Trump, The President's Daughter, Adviser, and Wife of Jared Kushner" have "Used Private Email Accounts from January 2017 through August!"

On Sunday, Abbe Lowell, An Attorney for Mr. Kushner Revealed that "Mr. Kushner Used a Private Email Account to Send and Receive Approximately One Hundred Work-Related Emails to to Senior White House Officials, Outside Advisers and Conduct White House Business," from "January through August of 2017!"

And, Ivanka Trump Used a Personal Email Address to to Email, "The Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, Linda McMahon" in February of 2017! "She Identified Herself as Ivanka Kushner!"

And, "To Further Compound the Situation" is "On Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of September," 2017, GCM Reports have Revealed that, "Six Other Senior White House Officials also Used Private Email Accounts," of Which "Stephen Bannon, President Trump's Former Chief Strategist," and "Reince Priebus, Former  Chief of Staff are Reportedly to Be Among Them!"
"These Revelations were Made by Officials who Spoke on Condition of Anonymity!"

And, "As The Equation of The Russian Probe Configuration Continues to Add Up," with "Matching Statements, Tweets, Facts, Suspicious Meetings, and Political Rhetoric All Being Legal Assessed," as "To Whether or Not Any Laws of The U. S. Constitution were Broken,"
"Another One of President Trump's Closest Political Adviser's Roger Stone," "Attacked the Credibility of The House of Intelligence Committee" by "Claiming that The Intel Committee "insisted that he testify behind closed doors rather than in a Public Session," Will No Doubt "Place Additional Pressure on Future Investigations Concerning Russia's Interference in The 2016 Elections!" 

"To Say that It is Paramount" that "The Russian Probe," Being Conducted by Robert Mueller and a Team of Sixteen Lawyers at Last Report, "Be Not Tainted by Suppositions, Speculations, Conjecture, Political Rhetoric, or Allegations," Can Not Be More Seriously Understated!" 
"We The People Deserve to Know The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth," and "Nothing Less than that Will Be Enough!"

Today, Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of September, "Mr. Stone Will Be Questioned by The House Intelligence Committee," about "The Multiple Tweets He was Informed of In Advance During The 2016 Election Campaign," Among Them "Will Be Two that He Received in Advance," and "Wrote and Tweeted on August 21st, and October 2nd," "Revealing Information that Mr. Stone Received," that was "Potentially Damaging to Hillary Clinton," and "Her Campaign Manager, John Podesta," Which were "Being Planned for Released by Julian Assange," Wikileaks Founder!       

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Congratulations to German Chancellor Angela Merkel For Being Re-elected for The Fourth Time," and "Congratulations" to Her Center-Right Bloc, "The Christian Democratic Union of Germany/Christian Social Union of Bavaria" (CDU/CSU) For "A Victorious Campaign against The Social Democrat SPD and The AFD!"

Once again, "A Voice of Reason and Moderation has Won An Important Victory For The German People," and also "For A United European Union" (The EU)!

And, "This is An Excellent Opportunity for Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron Together, "As Allies of Peace and Unity," and "A Global Economy," that "Benefits and Empowers All The People," To "Inspire The EU and The Worlds Populace," to "Have A Reason to Believe in a Future," that "Embraces A Global Equilibre," and "An Earthrise Vision Of, By, and For The Diverse Tapestry and Fabric Of The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

And, "This Global Equation" Should "Exist As The Earthrise Vision and Configuration Of The People, By The People, and For The People of The Twenty-First Century!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Tuesday, The Twenty-Sixth of September, 2017, Senator Luther Strange, "Backed by President Trump" was "Defeated by Roy Moore in The Alabama Republican Primary Run-Off!"

Mr. Moore was "Backed by Stephen Bannon, President Trump's Former Chief Strategist," and "Will Now Run against Doug Jones," The Candidate of The Democratic Party" for "The Senate Seat Previously Held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions," on "The Second of December," 2017!

Although "This GOP Primary Run-Off"  was, Obviously, "A Setback for President Trump," and "The Establishment Wing of The Republican Party" who Backed Luther Strange, "This Race between Roy Moore," who was "Twice Removed as State Supreme Court Chief Justice," The First Time in 2003 "For Refusing to Take Down a Ten Commandments Monument," and The Second Time in 2016, after Being Re-Elected as State Supreme Court Chief Justice, "For Refusing to Follow The U.S. Supreme Court's Ruling Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage," and "A Former Federal Prosecutor Doug Jones," who Came to Prominence, "When He Lead a Government Case" against "Two Perpetrators of The 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing," has "All the Potential to Be of Interest to The Whole Country!" 

Both Nominees have "Interesting Backgrounds," to say the Least, that "Will Become Focal Points For Both Political Party's to Hammer Away at," and "The Symbolism and Reality of This Race Will," without A Doubt, "Motivate The Progressive Left-Wing and Conservative Right-Wing Activists to Non-Violently Demonstrate," and "Peacefully Assemble In the Name of  Their Nominee," and "Bring Out The Global Cross Media News Media en Masse!

However, "It's Hard to Believe that Mr. Moore Symbolizes The Republican Party" of "Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., Jack Kemp, or William Buckley! 

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Wednesday, The Twenty-Seventh of September, 2017, "President Trump Revealed A New Republican Proposal for Tax Reform!" 

And, "Is It Exactly as You Would have Imagined It to Be," with "Tax Cuts for Corporations, A Lower The Pass-Through Tax, and Lower Taxes for The Affluent!" "The Answer Would Be Yes!"

However, "It Does Offer A Tax Cut to Family Owned Small Businesses with A Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Companies, and Partnerships!"

"This GOP Proposal" was "Authored by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, White House Adviser Gary Cohn, and Senate Finance Chairman Orin Hatch!"

"Only Time Will Tell," If, In Fact, "The Economic Philosophy of This New Tax Reform Proposal" by The Republican Party/Trump Administration "Can Be Interpreted" as "Truly Protecting Low Income and Middle Income Households," as "House Speaker Paul Ryan Would have Us Believe!" Or, If In Fact, "It Does Favor The Corporations, Affluent and Wall Street!"

And, Whether or Not, "This Proposal" Will Be (1) A Great Stimulus of The American Economy or (2) Cause the GDP to Rise to The Hallowed Levels of 3.0, and (3) Is This Proposal A True Reflection of The Business Expertise and Acumen of President Trump, and (4) Will All The Reductions Cause More Employment, and (5) Will the Deductions for Married Couples Be Significant Enough to Off Set Other Increases, and (6) Is It a Sweeping Reform as The President has Stated, and (7) Exactly What Will the Effect Be on the 20.4 Trillion Dollar U.S. Debt over The Next, Let's say, Five Years, and (8) Whatever Happened to The Flat Tax and Fair Tax, are These Proposals Passe,  "The Answers to These Questions," and More, "Will Lie in The Details," Which as of Yet, "We have Not Seen!"

The Brookings Institute and Urban Institute Tax Policy Center's "Detailed Examination of The Nine Page Framework, " of "The Republican Party Tax Reform Proposal," has "Not Been as Favorable as The Trump Administration Would have Hoped for," and They have already "Gone on The Counterattack!" White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about "The Tax Policy Assessment," the centers analysis "belongs in the fiction aisle."

For One Simple Example, "Should This Be The Case" (Let's Face It, The GOP Tax Reform Proposal is Still Basically an Outline), "If You are Fortunate Enough to Fit" into "The Middle-Income Class Household Category," Your "After Tax Income" in 2018, "Would See An Increase of 1.2%!"

However, "If You are Fortunate Enough to Fit" into "The Top 1%," that Would Mean a Taxpayer with Incomes above $730,000, "Your After Tax Income Would See An Increase of 8.5% in 2018," "Fifty Percent of the Total Tax Benefit!"

"The Final Piece of Tax Reform Legislation Should Prove to Be An Interesting Addendum" to "Whatever President Trump's Art of The Deal Signifies," When "Broken Down into Categories or Brackets," that have "A Real Effect upon The Lives of American Citizens," Whatever, "Your Financial Disposition or Configuration May Be!"       

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Twenty-Four of September, 2017, A Malevolent Coward "Shot and Killed Thirty-Nine Year Old, Melanie Smith of Smyrna, Tennessee," and "Wounded Six Other Innocent Churchgoers at The Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee," Approximately Twelve Miles Southeast of  Downtown Nashville!

The Coward, Twenty-Five Year Old, Emanuel Kidega Samson, Shot Himself in the Chest, "During A Fight with Twenty-Two Year Old, Robert Caleb Engle, A Church Usher who Acted Courageously to Protect The Seniors who Attended The Church," Most of Which were "Over The Age of Sixty," and "Captured The Gunman," after "He, Himself, Was Seriously Pistol Whipped by The Gunman!" Mr. Engle "Still had Wherewithal, Courage and Determination to Go to His Car and Return with His Firearm," to "Stand Guard over The Wounded Gunman until The Police Arrived!"

"The Gunman who was Masked," was Originally from Sudan, and had "Attended The Church Several Years ago!" He is "Being Charged with Murder and Attempted Murder!"

The Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson said of Mr. Engle, "He's the Hero!"

"An Investigation into the Shooting" is "Being Conducted by The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Tennessee, and The Memphis FBI Field Office's Nashville Resident Agency, The Civil Rights Division."

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Family and Friends of Melanie Smith, whose Life was Taken by An Unconscionable Act of Malicious Violence! 

Let Us Meditate and Pray that These Unconscionable Acts of Violence Will One Day Cease from Taking The Lives of Our Children, and Members of Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Human Beings! Too Many Tears of Love have Been Shed!    

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"Friday, The Twenty-Second of September," 2017, "Republican Senator John McCain" of Arizona said, "I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy Proposal," and "His Opposition to The Bill," "Together with Republican Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Susan Collins of Maine," "Would Give The Democrats Enough Votes to Prevent the Graham-Cassidy Bill from Being Passed," "When Voted on Next Week!"

"The Senate Republicans Still have until September 30th," because of "Special Rule Preventing a Filibuster by Democrats," to "Vote on the Graham-Cassidy Bill," and "Still Hope," I'm sure, "They Can Get the Fifty Votes They Need," and "Then Vice President Pence Would Break the Tie," and "Give President Trump a Major Legislative Victory!" And, "Then Hopefully Pass This Bill Through The House of Representatives," and "a Fait Accompli!" And, "They are Still Hoping" that "Senators Paul, Collins, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska Will Change Their Minds," and "Vote for The Bill!"

(Monday, The Twenty-Fifth of September, 2017, Senator Susan Collins of Maine said, "She is a No," to the Graham-Cassidy Bill!" And, Senator Rand Paul is "Leaning Towards a No Vote as well!" How Lisa Murkowski Will Vote is Still Unknown!") 

However Strange This May Seem, "It Didn't Matter to Them," that "Twenty-Two Million Americans Would Be Left without Healthcare Coverage," or that "The GOP Bill" Would "Threaten Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions," or "Limit Spending for Medicaid" that "Covers More that Seventy Million Low Income People," The only "Thing that Mattered to President Trump and The Republican Party," is to "Repeal The Affordable Care Act at Any Cost!" Irregardless to "The Fact that Major Medical Groups," and "A Bi-Partisan Group of Governors Opposed The GOP Bill!"

And, Irregardless of "The Damage It Would Cause to Families All Across The United States," who "Depend on Coverage by The Affordable Care Act," to "Insure that The Welfare and Healthcare of Their Children, Relatives, and Love Ones is Guaranteed!"

Senate Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York has "Promised" to "Work on a Bi-Partisan Approach Towards Improving The Affordable Care Act," as soon as "Repeal is off the table!"
Senator Schumer said John McCain showed the same courage in Congress that he showed as a Naval Aviator!" And, "There are Ten's of Millions of American Citizens" who "Would Agree with that Statement," and "Will Be Able to Find Some Peace in Their Lives," Knowing that, "Their Families are Protected" and "Covered with Healthcare Insurance!"

And, "Lets Hope" that "The Republican Party and President Trump Will Get The Message," that "The American People Do Not Want Anymore Backroom/Closed Door Healthcare Proposals or Bills," without "Public or Bi-Partisan Input!" Enough is Enough!"

And, "Lets Hope" that "They Can Put Together An Agenda" that "Is Truly Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "Lets Hope" that "They Will Come to Comprehend," that "Transparency, Honesty, and A United States of America," and "The Healthcare and Welfare of Its Citizens," are of "More Value," than "A Campaign Promise or Political Party!"

And, A Word of Advice, "It's Time For The Republican Party to Return" To "Being The Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush Sr., Kemp, and Buckley!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
On Tuesday, The Nineteenth of September, 2017, "President Trump Spoke in Front of The United Nations!" U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said, "The President was being honest," and The President's bluntness was in fact "very much appreciated." However, "This Appreciation Still Remains to Be Seen," But, For Several Reasons, "The Text of His Speech Will Definitely Remembered!"

And, Whether or Not, "It has Intimidated North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un," to "Give Up North Korea's Nuclear Program," "Will Remain to Be Seen!" 

And, Whether or Not, "It had The Desired Effect" to "Motivate President Xi Jinping of China," to "Reverse His Stance on North Korea," and "Fall More in Line with The United States, South Korea and Japan," "Still Remains to Be Seen!"

And, Whether or Not, "It is a New Military Strategy" to "Ward Off Enemies of The United States," "Remains to Be Seen!"

And, Whether or Not, "Iran Will Give The United States the Assurances It Needs," If, "The U.S. is to Continue to Support and Remain A Member of The 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement," Negotiated with The P5+1 (China, Russia, The United Kingdom, France, plus Germany) and Iran, and "Whether or Not Iran Will Give Up Its Support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Hezbollah," "Will Be Interesting!"

And, Whether or Not, "Russian President Vladimir Putin Will Re-Consider Russian Support of Syria, and North Korea," and "Assuage The Feelings of NATO Allies and The EU," as to "What His True Intentions are," or "What Purpose of The Zapad-2017 drill is," (The Military Exercises that Russia has Been Engaged in with Its Neighbor, Belarus, and has Been Conducting Close to The Border of EU Member State Estonia, and Russia) "Still Remains to Be Seen!" (The Size of These Military Exercises have Been Estimated to Involve One Hundred Thousand Soldiers and Officers, although Russia Claims There to Be only Thirteen Thousand! Zapad Means "West in English)

And Lastly, "Will America's Coalition of Allies Support This New Initiative by The United States," and "Embrace President Trump's Rhetoric," "Still Remains to Be Seen!"

"President Trump's Speech at The United Nations" has "Created A Complex Diplomatic Configuration," "A Quagmire of Intense Situations," that only "Time Will Reveal The Answer to!"
And, "How Each of The Main Participants Reacts," Will Demonstrate "Whether Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Will Prevail," or Whether or Not, "Military Options" are "The Most Preferable Course of Action to Take!"

"These Questions Affect Us All," and Coupled with "The Ongoing Intelligence and Judiciary Investigations and The Russian Probe," Involving "The Relationship between Russian Officials and Associates of The 2016 Trump Campaign," and "The President Himself," have "Altogether Created a Web of Uncertainty, Divisiveness, and Angst in The United States!" 
And, "Let There Be No Doubt," that "This is A Dangerous Equation," that has "The Potential to "Pose Extremely Serious Consequences to The People, Democracy, and Government of The United States of America," and "The Global Community Of Nations!"     

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"The 7.1 Earthquake in Mexico has Caused the Deaths of as Many as Four Hundred Persons," and, "The Death Toll is Still Expected to Continue to Rise Significantly!" And, "The Destruction, Suffering, and Anguish Caused by The Earthquake has been Severe, Traumatic, and Unmerciful!"

"The Earthquake Occurred Approximately One Hundred Miles from Mexico City," in Puebla State, in Southern Mexico, on Tuesday, The Nineteenth of September, 2017!

"This is The Worst Earthquake Mexico has Experienced since 1985!"

And, On Saturday, The Twenty-Third of September, 2017, "A 6.1 Earthquake Tremor was Felt," Approximately, "Eleven Miles South-Southeast of Matias Romero, in The State of Oaxaca!"

"This Tremor is An Aftershock of A 8.1 Earthquake," that "Occurred on The Seventh of September," 2017 in "This Same Region!  

At Last Report "One Hundred and Fifty-Seven People have Been Killed in Mexico City," "Forty-Five in Puebla State," "Seventy-Three in Morelos," Thirteen in Mexico State," "Six in Guerrero," and "One Person in Oaxaca!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt Condolences to The Families and People of Mexico, who have Lost a Loved One Due to Yet Another Natural Disaster!

And, On Other Troubled Horizons, "Hurricane Maria" has "Struck and Caused Ruination, Misery, and Heartbreak in Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands," with "One Hundred Fifty-Five to One Hundred Forty-five Mile an Hour Winds!" 

As of Friday, The Twenty-Second of September, 2017, Global Cross Media Reports are, "Fifteen People have Been Reported to have Been Killed on The Island Nation of Dominica!" And, "Thirteen People in Puerto Rico!" And, "Thirty People have Died in The Caribbean!" 

And, "The Loss of Life is Expected to Rise as Rescue Efforts Continue," and "As Hurricane Maria Continues to Rage along Its Course of Destruction into The Turks and Caicos!" 
And, "The Loss of Power is Everywhere!"

And, "The Fears are This Now Category Three Hurricane" Will "Cause Intense Flooding, and Mudslides," to "Further Punctuate The Damage and Devastation that has already Been Inflicted," even as "It Slowly Moves away from The Bahamas!"

And, Once again, We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families and Communities who have Lost A Loved One Due Caused by Hurricane Maria! 

August and September have Proved to Be Deadly and Destructive Months," For "Many of Our Communities in The U.S., The U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, The Caribbean, and South America!"

-In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,