Saturday, August 12, 2017



The Way To Peace! #56 -Revisited-
I recently "Read a Quote by Mahatma Gandhi" which I Would like to Share with You, It said, "In a Gentle Way You Can Shake the World." And, "This Quotation has Resonated within my Consciousness" ever since,"You Can Shake the World!" And Yes, I Believe that "We" Can!

Why? Because, "We are The World," and "It is of The Greatest Importance" that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Begin to, as the Saying Goes, "Flex Our Muscles," Non-Violently of course, "Because The Time has Come For A Global Movement of Activism" to Take Place! A Twenty-First Century Version of "The Satyagraha Movement!"

And, "No Political Party, Country, or Religion" has "The Right to Dictate to Us," What is Best for Us, Unless, "They've Learned" to "Live in Our Moccasins," as the Saying Goes!

But, "Let me Return to The Point," that "We Can Shake The World," and "Re-Make The World" to "Better Represent We The People," with "Representation" that is "Truly Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, Whether it "Be Politically, Spiritually, Economically, or Philosophically" There is "No Reason Why We Cannot Re-Make The World to Better Suite Our Needs!"

And, "Yes," of Course, "We Welcome All the Leaders who Attended The G-20 Hamburg Summit on the Seventh and Eighth of July, 2017, "Chancellor Merkel of Germany, President Macron of France, President Trump of The United States, President Jinping of China, Prime Minister May of The United Kingdom, Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Prime Minister Modi of India, EU President Tusk of the EC, EU President Claude-Juncker of the EC, and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and President Putin of Russia, and President Nieto of Mexico, and Prime Minister Gentiloni of Italy," and "All the Participating Leaders of Nations," and "Representatives of International Organizations," and "All The Leaders of The Earths United Nations," and "Religious Leaders, to "Continue to Increase Their Strategic Initiatives," and "Re-Dedicate Themselves Towards The Pursuit of Their Goals and Ideals," of "A Magnificent Achievement of A Global Policy and Way of Life," that "Embraces A Grand Purpose," that is "In The Best Interest of All The Earths Populace!"  

"A Grand Purpose" that "Better Suits The Needs of The People," Truly, "A Grand Sphere of Influence that Holds the Welfare of All The Citizens of The Earth," and "All Sentient Beings," as "Dear and Precious!"

"A Grand Purpose," that "Erases Poverty from The Face of This Earth," at a "Cost Much Less than The Cost of The (UN-Declared) War in Iraq, for Example! Without All of The Destruction and Loss of Life!

And, "Let Us Shake The World," and "Re-Make The World to Resemble the Kind of World" that "We" were Brought up to Believe in!" A World that "Our Future Generations Can Rejoice in!"

This "Does Not Mean that We Can Not Continue to Defend and Protect Our Families, Fellow Human Beings, Principles and Values" from "The Attacks of Tyrants," and "Syndicates of Murderers and Criminals" who "Seek to Terrorize, Control, and Oppress Us!" 
It Simply Means that "We Can also Prioritize Living in Peace and Global Equilibre, into Our Lives," and "Remain Focused and Concentrated on Achieving A Grand Purpose of Being!" 

And, "We" Can Shake and Re-Make The World" into "A Universal State of Being" that "Respectfully Exists within A State of Peaceful Co-Existence with One and All!"

And, "What Do I Base my Thoughts on?" Another Meaningful and Wonderful Quotation by The Mahatma, Which is,"My optimism rests on my belief in the Infinite possibilities of The Individual to develop non-violence."
And, "I Sincerely Do Believe in The Limitless Possibilities of This Age!"

For, It has "The Great Potential to Be A Magnificent Inception to A New Millennium of Peace!"

"Let's Agree For Once and For All," that "The Age of Imperialism is Over! And, "World Powers have to Realize that!" 

And, "President Xi Jinping of China Should Realize by Now," that "Any Serious Attempts to Dominate The South Sea, or Asia, Will Not Be Successful," Nor, "Will It Lead to a Policy of Peaceful Coexistence amongst Its Neighbors in The Region!"

And, "Both China and India have to Deescalate the Military Tension" that has "Increased along the Bhutanese Territory of Boklam," which is "Near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-Junction," and "Search for Diplomatic Solutions to This Rising Threat of Confrontation!"

For, "This Military Escalation Can only Lead to More Violence in This Region," and If, This is An Example of President Xi Jinping's "One Belt and One Road Initiative," He Should "Reconsider His Philosophy" and "Add The Teaching of Lao-Tse and Confucius" to "Balance Out Whatever His True Intentions are for China and Central Asia, and West and South Asia!"

And, "Just as North Korea's Threats of Violence and Military Aggression Will Not Succeed," This also "Applies to China!"

And, "India Must Never Forget The Non-Violent Soul Force of The Mahatma!" 

However, "There has To Be a Sincere Desire to Change One's Global and Domestic Perspectives," and "Let Go of The Past Discrimination's of Negativity" and "Imperialistic Intentions," and "Embrace The Positive Aspects and Principles of A Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Empirical, Cultural, Spiritual, Political, and Economical Age of The Twenty-First Century!" 

And, "Embrace An Age Where Military/Defense Budget Proposals are Equal to The Budget Proposals of A Peacetime Economy," and "An Age of Peace, Harmony, Equality, and Equanimity For One and All!"

And, This Should Be "The Global Equation of A New Emancipation Declaration" of "We The People," Sovereign Citizens of The Earth!

And, "Yes," of course, "We Can Do It!" "We Can Be," Each and Everyone of Us, "Interdependent Beings of An Earthrise Movement of Peace!"

And, "We Can," One and All, "Share The Fruits and Limitless Resources of This Planet Earth" "Without Destroying its Jungles, Forests, Sea's, Life Forms, and The Pollution of The Air" that "We Breathe and Sustains Our Lives!"

And, "We Can All Be," a part of "A Prosperous, Humanistic, and Caring, Free Enterprise of Global Finance," that "Provides For All The People, without Taxation Of The People!"

With "A Global Enterprise of Financial Reforms" that "Provides For The Social Security, Health Care, and Welfare Of All The People, without "Working Them to Death!" 

"A Global Enterprise of Financial Reforms" that "Implements A Twenty-First Century Business Model," that "Provides For The Safety, and Life Insurance Of All The People!"

Yes, "We Can Shake and Re-Make The World," and, "Thanks to The Illuminating Example and Sacrifice," of "Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Socrates, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, St. Francis Of Assisi, Moses, Mary, Confucius, Rumi, Lao-Tse, Rabindranath Tagore, Zoroaster, Muhammad, and Siddhartha Gautama," We have Been Shown that "We Can Surmount the Impediments" and "Walls of Indifference, Apathy, Divisiveness" that are "Disrespectful and Irreverent to Our Global and Personal Cultures," and "Spiritual Way of Life!"  
And, "Thanks to Their Illuminating Example and Sacrifice," "We Do Not have to Resign Ourselves," and or "Our Families," to "A Future of Living in A Conditioned Reality" with "No Hope For Redevelopment, or Evolvement to A Higher Purpose or Meaningful Existence of Significant Importance On Earth!" For, "This is The Way To Peace" and "An Age of Peace On Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Lets Add A New Mantra, A New Anthem," and "A New Chorus to Our Cause of Peace On Earth!" 

And, "Lets Enjoy the Sharing of It,"and Sing It Out Loud 'n Clear, like Sam Cooke Sang "Shake," and, As The Isley Brothers and The Beatles Sang, "Shake it Up Baby!" 
Or, Like Big Joe Turner and Bill Haley and The Rockets Sang, "Shake Rattle 'N Roll!"

But, Most of All, "Lets Remember What The Mahatma" said, "You Can Shake The World!"

And, "Lets Do It, Non-Violently," through "The Internet and The Global Cross-Media Universe!"

And, "Lets Do It, through Non-Violent Demonstrations" and "Sit ins!"

And, "Lets Do It via Word of Mouth!"

And, " Lets Call Out for The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce," and "Engage in Serious and Mindful Peace Dialogues" that are "Designed to End War, and Nuclear Proliferation!" And, "Enter into A New Age of Opportunity and Social Security," and of "A Global Peace Time Economy!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Peaceful and Culturally Evolved Millennium!

And, Let's "Give Peace a Chance," as John and Yoko, and A Few Good Friends, Sang Many Years Ago! And, "Lets Shake Up The World!"

-Extra Noteworthy News- "The New Report on The U.S. Economy, for the Month of July, 2017, is Impressive," and "The United States Recovery Appears to Be Continuing to Improve!" 

"The Growth has Been Gradual," However, "How Can You Argue with Unemployment Figures at 4.3%" or the "Two Hundred and Nine Thousand Jobs Added by U.S. Employers," and a "New Record for The Stock Market," with the "DOW Jones Industrial Average Surpassing Twenty-Two Thousand!"

President Trump, "Irregardless of Not Passing any Significant Legislature," has "Taken Credit for this Improvement in the Economy!" However, "Whatever De-regulations, The President has Instigated," He still has Not Passed Any Significant Legislation to Contribute to This Overall Economic Growth," and "The U.S. Economy is Still Hovering around 2%," although, "Indications are," that "Unless, Political Investigations in The Russian Probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller" and the "New Grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections" and "The Trump Campaign," and "Some of His Associates," Explodes and Serious Charges are Made," The U.S. Economy "Will Continue to See New Improvements!"

However, "Whatever Political Ramifications May Result This Year," We still haven't Seen, 
(1) A New Infrastructure Bill Passed, and (2) Tent Cities in The U.S. have Not Decreased, and (3) The Homeless have Not Decreased, and (4) Approximately Forty-Three Million Americans still Live in Poverty, (Measured by the Federal Governments Poverty Threshold) and (5) 14.8 Per Cent of Women are Living in Poverty Overall, (24.1% amongst African Americans, 21.4% amongst Hispanics, and 9.1% amongst Caucasians), and (6) Needless to Say, There are Millions of Children Living in Poverty, and (7) Middle Class Families are still having to Endure Separations in order to Find New Employment Opportunities, or For Their Children to have a Good Education!

"It is Difficult to Imagine," that "These Figures are Real!" However, "No Matter What City" You May Live in, "You Can See that Clear and Disturbing Evidence of Poverty," and of "The Plight that Homeless and Transient Individuals and Families are Experiencing!"

The State of Politics in The U.S. has Been "As Divisive as It has Been in Decades," and "The Hubris and Chaos that We have Seen," has "Taken a Quantum Leap to a New Level of Embarrassment, Dissatisfaction, and Distrust, that is Unimaginable," But, of Course, If, "President Trump Would Like to Take Credit for The New Economic Improvement in The U.S." then, "He has to also Take Credit for the Poverty that Still Exists in The United States," and "The Divisiveness and Frustration that His Administration and The Republican Party have Caused," as Well!   


-Extra Noteworthy News- At the Request of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, "Chief Justice Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District of Columbia Impaneled a Grand Jury to Investigate Russia's Interference in The 2016 U.S. Elections," and "Whether or Not The 2016 Trump Campaign," or "Associates," "Colluded in Any Way with Russian Officials!"

"This Important Step Guarantees" that "There Will Be a Longer Search For The Truth," However, "This Search Will Be a Thorough," and Hopefully, "a Conclusive One!"

At Last Count, Special Counsel Mueller has "Sixteen Attorney's to Work with Him" on "This Extremely Purposeful Search For The Truth," that "Can only Empower Our Democracy and Republic," and "Demonstrate the Meaningfulness of A Government Of The People, By The People and For The People," and "The Sanctity of the Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "Just as Importantly," Stressing that The United States of America "Will Not Allow Any Tampering or Interference" with "It's Electoral Process!"

And, On the Other Side of The Earth, In the The Nation of Confucius and Lao-Tse, on Thursday, The Twenty-Seventh of July, 2017, "A Chinese Court Sentenced Lu Yuyu to Four Years in Prison" for "Picking Quarrels," and "Provoking Trouble!"

Lu Yuyu, "An Activist," with the Assistance of His Friend, had "Collected and Documented Information Dealing with Worker Strikes and Social Protests in China," and "Published This Gathering of Information in His Website," along with "Photos and Videos of Their Findings!"

Mr. Lu, "Began The Process of Gathering Information of Social Unrest, Protests, and Dissatisfaction amongst Certain Segments of The Chinese People in 2012!"

And, The Question of "Where is Liu Xia," The Widow of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo,  "Remains Unknown!"

And, "With Her Absence," "China's Sense of Justice of Remains Questionable!"

Her Husband Liu Xiaobo Died in Prison, Serving An Eleven Year Sentence for "Inciting Subversion to State Power," and "Received His Nobel Peace Prize in Absentia," in 2010!

"He Died in Prison of Liver Cancer," Because, "He was Denied Proper Medical Care!"

Liu Xiaobo, a Principal Author in Co-Writing the Manifesto "Charter 08," a "Pro-Democracy Manifesto," was Published on The Tenth of December, 2008! 

"Charter 08" was "Originally Signed by Three Hundred and Fifty Human Rights Advocates and Chinese Intellectuals," on "The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!"

"It's a Pity" that "The Nation of Confucius and Lao-Tse" has to "Resort to Authoritarian Methods to Govern The Chinese People!" This is Definitely "Not The Way" that "Lao-Tse Shared" with Us, "Nor," Is It "The Golden Rule that Confucius Shared" with Us!"

And, It's is a Shame" that "Any Nation or Leader Feels the Need to Impose Authoritarian, Dictatorial, Oppressive and Overbearing Rule" to "Govern Its People!" 
"This is Twenty-First Century," and "We  are "Not Supposed to Be Living in An Age of Barbarism and Totalitarian Rule!" "Justice Must Prevail For One and All!"

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,


Tuesday, August 1, 2017



The Way To Peace! #305 -(Plus a Sense of Integrity)-

On Saturday, The Twenty Ninth of July, 2017, President Trump Issued "An Ultimatum/Tweet saying, "If a new HealthCare bill is not approved quickly, Bailouts for Insurance Companies and Members of Congress will end very soon!" 

"Why The President of The United States is Threatening Destabilize the Health Insurance Market is Incomprehensible" and "Insensitive to The Needs For A Universal Health Care System For America!" And, "Why He Continues to Threaten The Health Care Coverage" that "More than Twenty Million American Citizens are Presently Receiving via The Affordable Care Act is Unconscionable!"

"A Lesson" that "A New President Must Learn" is "When Not To Use The Bully Pulpit to Attempt to Convince Elected Officials," or "Private Business Concerns," (or The Fourth Estate and The Global Cross Media Universe) to "Agree with Administration Policies, Legislation, or Proposals!"

And, This Applies Specifically, "For A Business Person who has Never Held Public Office," and, Who has Been Elected to "The Highest Office in The Land," (such as The  Presidency) by The American People, "Without having had Any Elected or Government Experience!"

And, For as Long as The President Remains in Office, "It is His Duty" to "Attempt to Find Common Cause with The Opposition," Whomever, They May Be, to Pass New Legislation, "Not only to Achieve His Goals and Satisfy His Base," But, "To Improve The Living and Working Conditions of All The People!" And, "Continue to Abide by The Laws of The U.S. Constitution!"

And, "For as Long as The President is In Office," It is His Responsibility to Remember that "Issuing Statements that are Framed to Intimidate Members of Congress or Private Interests from The Bully Pulpit," are "Not always The Best Way to Heal The Wounds of A Divided Nation" or "Pass Legislation that is Beneficial to The Health Care, Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Soul Of The People!"

And, "In Foreign Policy Concerns," It is of The Greatest Importance to "Continue to Work with The Allies of The United States of America to Improve Global Trade, Economic, Environmental, Monetary, and Diplomatic Relationships," and "Achieve Global Goals that are Beneficial of The Earths Populace and This Planet Earths Survival!" While, "Defending and Protecting The Rights of Free People All over This Earth of Ours!"    

I am "Extremely Grateful For The Fact" that "The United States of America is A Highly Principled Nation of Constitutional Laws and Integrity," and, "The Bill of Rights," and "The Declaration of Independence Compounds These Rights," that "All Women and Men are Created Equal!" And, "Amongst All The Rights that Our Democracy Provides For," Freedom of Religion, Freedom To Vote, and Freedom of Speech," are "A Blessing to Our Society!"

And, "There is Little Doubt in my Mind," that "The Rights of All The People to Exist under Constitutional Law" is "Definitely Being Tested!" 

"The Latest Test," Presented to The American People via Twitter," on Wednesday, The Twenty-Sixth of July, 2017, is "President Trump's Ban on Transgender Americans from Serving in The Military of The Unites States of America's Armed Forces!"

Needless to say, However, Necessary, "This is A Deeply Disturbing Statement to Hear from The Commander in Chief of The Armed Forces," and "President of The United States!"

"What Counsel Did He Receive from The Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Vice President Michael Pence," and "The Leaders of The Republican Party" to "Convince The President" that "This was The Right Thing to Do!" "The Wise Thing to Do!" Or, "The Best Thing to Do For The American People!"

 (On Friday, The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2017, The Results of "A Reuters/lpsos Poll Revealed that Fifty-Eight Per Cent of Americans Agreed" that "Transgender People Should Be Allowed to Serve in the Military!")

And, "What Kind of Message is The President Sending to All of The Civilized Nations of The Earth," and to "The Diverse Population of The Earths Tapestry and Fabric Of The Twenty-First Century," who "Truly Resemble A Rainbow of Cultures, All Reflecting The New Norm Of The People!"

And, In Yet Another Attempt to Repeal The Affordable Care Act, "Early Friday Morning," The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2017, "Thanks to The Vote's of Republican Senator's John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who "Joined Forces with Senate Democrats," "Defeated a Watered Down Version of The Republican Party Health Care Bill (The Health Care Freedom Act/The Skinny Bill) by a Fifty-One to Forty-Nine Margin!"

"This Courageous Vote" Setback "Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and President Trump's Plans" to "Repeal Parts of The Affordable Care Act!"

Presenting a "Serious Blow to Both Senator McConnell and President Trump/Vice President Pence," Who "Attempted to Cajole, and, or Threaten Senate Republicans" to "Pass This Watered Down Version of The Better Care Reconciliation Act/American Heath Care Act (The House of Representatives Version), Now Called The Health Care Freedom Act/The Skinny Bill!"

However "This is Not a Great Loss to The American People, It is A Victory," Because, "Let Us Remember" that "Candidate Trump Promised Health Care for All Americans!" And, "If This GOP Bill had Passed," It Would have "Threatened the Health Care of More than Twenty-Million Americans," who are "Presently Receiving Coverage via The Affordable Act!" Now, "Their Families Can Now Enjoy a Moments Peace of Mind," Knowing that "Their Health Care Security is Safe for Yet Another Day!" 

And, "Let's All Agree" that "Any Future Health Care Proposal Should Be For The Universal Health Care of All Americans," and "Anything Less than This Would Be An Affront to All Americans!"

 However, Just as Importantly, "This Defeat is a Direct Message to Any Political Party" who "Believe that They Can Make Decisions For The American People in Secretive Backroom-Closed Door Meetings," without "The Input or Approval of We The People!"

 "The Vote," Took Place at 1:30 A.M. This Morning, The Twenty-Eighth of July, 2017!

"The United States is A Republic/Democracy" and "Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"It's Not A Government Of Lobbyists, Political Zealots, Partisan Politics, or For The Hubris Of Any Individual, Leader, or Self Centered Oligarch!"

And, "Whatever Idea or Thought of Change" that "President Trump Imagined Bringing to Washington, D.C." "Continues to Ebb away on the Eddies of Whatever His Last Tweet or Ban was!"

Or, "With the Last Resignation or Firing from His Administration! The Month of July have Seen "the Departures of The President's Chief of Staff Reince Priebus (Replaced by Retired Marine Four Star General and Former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly), and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer (Replaced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Former Deputy White House Press Secretary)!" Who Will Be Next U.S. Attorney General Sessions?

"No It isn't!" And yet, Not So Surprisingly, "It is the Newly Named White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci," Who "Resigned after Less than Two Weeks of Expletives, Confrontations, and Bringing Threats against Other Member's of The Trump Inner Circle," on Monday, The Thirty-First of July, 2017! Bringing An End to Mr. Scaramucci's "Fifteen Minutes of Being in The Spotlight of The Trump Administrations Theater of Amorphous!"

And, "Adding to The State of Suspicion and Investigations" that are "Presently Surrounding The Trump Administration," and "The President" are "The Clouds of Unrest Caused by Ongoing Russia Investigations!" In July, "Jared Kushner," the President's Son-in-Law and Senior Advisor, "Testified in a Closed-Door Session of The Senate Intelligence Committee," and "Donald Trump Junior Testified" in Front of "An Open Session of The Senate Judiciary Committee!" And, Rest Assure, "There Will Be More to Come," as "The Russian Probe Grows in Intensity!"

And, "To Add to The Present Domestic Boiling Pot of Affairs" is "The Divisive Policies, Executive Ban's, 2018 Federal Budget Proposal, Withdrawal from The Paris Agreement, Myriad House and Senate Republican Health Care Bill's, and Tweets," that have "Projected An Image of A State of Amorphous in The White House," that has "Caused A State of Dismay and Trepidation to The Citizens of The United States," and "Created Cause For Concern, Unease, and Angst amongst The Allies of The U.S." 

And, "This State of Amorphous," Trepidation and Unease, "Can Not Heal the Wounds of the 2016 Presidential Election," that (Ended up with Former Secretary of State Clinton Receiving Approximately Three Million Votes More than President Trump), Nor, "Can This Political State of Instability Lead to An Age of Peace and Economic Growth" that is "Empowering and Beneficial to All The People!"  

And, "The Global and Regional Ramifications are," Without Strong Governments Of The People, By The People, and For The People," "There Can Be No Lasting Peace in Asia, Eastern Europe, or The Middle East," and "Without An All Inclusive Political Change," One that "Embraces The Diversity of Cultures and People of The Fabric and Tapestry of The Twenty-First Century, The Earth's Populace Will Continue to Struggle Simply to Make Ends Meet (as the saying goes)!" 

And, "Without A Political Change and Perspective," that "Upholds The Union Of The People," that is "Forged Together with An Esteemed Regard and Reverence, Respect and Admiration, and Belief in The Integrity Of All People," and, of "All Cultures," that "Embraces All The Nations of The Earth," "The Hotbeds of Conflict All Across This Earth of Ours," that have "Been at War," or "In One State of Conflict or Another for Decades/Millennias," and "The Dream or Vision Of The People to Live in Peace," Will Be "Left For The Next Generation to Have to Deal with!" And, "This is A Shame" that "We Will All have to Bear!"

For, "With This Global Political and Economic Change," and "Cognizance of An Illuminating State of Evolved Awareness of The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century,"  Mothers and Fathers "Can Experience and Know the Grace of having Peace of Mind, Serenity, and Security For Their Families!"

 And, "With The Acceptance of This Rising Wave of Global Perspective and Economic Change," Warring Regions of The Earth, "Can Experience A Twenty-First Century Perspective of Equilibre and Peace," One that "Embraces This Universal State of Being," as "Being The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century!"

However, "This Global Acceptance, Respect, and Integrity For The Rights of All Sovereign Nations," "Must Be Shared with The People of Eastern European Nations," and "Asian Nations," and "African Nations," For, "The Earth to Heal from All The War and Devastation" that has "Occurred For Millennias," that have "Scared The Face of Our Planet Earth!"

And, "If, Our Generation," and, or "Future Generations are To Experience The Realization of A Grand Purpose in Their Lives," and "Live To Enjoy A Global State of Justice, Law and Order, Prosperity" and "A Global Peace Time Economy," All Dwells upon "The Belief that An Age of Peace Will Come!" 
A Peace Built upon "The Panoramic View of An Earthrise Of, By, and For The People" that "Will Swell and Overcome The Uncertainty, Skepticism, and Obstacles," and that "May Lie in The Way!"

However, "It All Comes Back to having A Sense of What Integrity is," and "There are Many Definitions of It!"

When a Composer Writes a New Song, Each Note and Lyric is Meant to have a Beautiful, and Masterful Sense of Integrity to it.

When an Artist Paints, and, or Uses the Medium of Sculpture to Create a New Work of Art, They are Driven to Achieve the Inner Most Sincerity, and Integrity of the Subject Matter.

When an Arranger, or Conductor Work on a New Composition, the Overall Movement, Ebb and Flow of the Material is of The Utmost Importance. Dramatizing as Purely as Possible Each and Every Emotion, and Detail of The Piece in All of its Specificity.

When a Writer Conceives a New Project, whether it Be for a Play, Screenplay, or Novel, They Strive to Tell a Story that Reaches Out to Touch Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls.

When, an Animator Works for Countless Numbers of Hours to Perfect, and Create a Sequence of Animation that Expresses Their Vision and Storyline, a Sense of Integrity is Maintained althroughout.

I have grown up Admiring, and Being Inspired by a Magnificent Nexus of Great Women and Men, Who, in many cases, "Literally, Gave Their Lives to Create," and "Motivate Us," Each and Everyone of Us, "In Our Own Way and Sense of Appreciation," that "Inspired Us to Strive Towards The Attainment of a Higher Quality of Life," that "Embraced All" that was, Both, "Encouraging and Empowering," and "Uplifting to The Spirit of One and All."

And, "The Beauty, and Gift of Their Sharing" was "Freely Given" to, Both, "Enhance and Enlighten Our Lives for Generations to Come.

So, "You can Imagine how Disturbing it is to See the Bickering, and Politics as Usual Behavior," amongst "Our Elected Officials," Not just in The United States, but, " All over The World!"

And also, "In and Amongst The Global Cross Media Universe," where "A Constant Invasion of One's Privacy" by All Too Many of the Paparazzi, Commentators, Print, Journals, Magazines, Satellite, Network and Cable News Media, only, "Care about What the Bottom Line is," which is, "Where is the Money," or "What Will Produce the Highest Ratings!"

("There is a Great Tradition amongst The Fourth Estate," that "Should Be The Example and Goal" of "All of The Global Cross Media News Universe!" "A Tradition and Inspiration Personified by The Journalistic Reportage" of "Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, Barbara Walters, Robert (Bob) Woodward, and Carl Bernstein!" And, "There are Countless Numbers of Journalists," who "Venture into Harms Way, Everyday," to "Report The News" and "Keep Us Informed!")

And, "The Global Corporate Model for World of Business is Lacking in Consciousness," and "Filled with Greed, and, Corruption," and "Perverted by its Lust for Power," and "Influenced by Control-Minded Individuals whose Souls Will Be Tarnished, and Tainted For an Eternity!"

(These Individuals are "Not The Philanthropists," or "Private Business Women and Men," that "Warren Buffet or Linda and Bill Gates are," or "The Millionaires and Billionaires of The Giving Pledge Group Symbolize!")

And lastly, Although, Not in the Least, "There are The Religious Leaders of The World," Who Act More like Corporate Businessmen, and Businesswomen!" And, Behave More Like, "They are Fifteen Minute Celebrities," than "Men and Women of God!" "The Shame" that "They have Accrued by Their Acts of Immorality" is "A Sin in The Eyes of Their God!"

It's as If, They Have No Conscience, Sense of Virtue, or Soul, or Respect For Their Fellow Human Being," or "For Themselves!" "

And, "Their Lack of Integrity in Our World Today" is "Both, Shocking and Appalling!" Where has Their Sense of Morality Gone to!"

("The Example Set by Pope Francis is One" that "Should Be An Example For All Religious Leaders!" "Especially within The Catholic Church, Itself!")

So, "It is Wonderful and Inspirational," when a Story, or "Act of Valor is Reported!"

Or, When "A Story or Act of Valor," that "Truly Represents the Concerns" of "We the People is Reported," without "Sounding like a Public Service Announcement," that is "Given with the Minimal Amount of Words," and "The Least Amount of Lines, as Possible!"

However, "It is also of Deep Concern," that "Our Families are Being Torn a Part," by a "Lack of Respect For One Another, War, Violence, or Lack of Opportunities!"

And, "It is as Deeply Concerning," that "The Elderly," and, "Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers," are "Not Being Given The Proper Respect that "They are Due in These Modern Times!"

When Decades before, "They were Accorded with a Certain Dignity," Now, "They are Sent to Retirement Homes, or Assisted Living Environments!"

And, "They" are, only, "Given a Moments Celebrity when its Election Time," and "Their Swing Vote is Needed!"

But, "Their Life of Service, Sacrifice, and Commitment to The Ideals and Principles of Our Way of Life is Disregarded," and "Their Social Security is Constantly Threatened!"

It is Time that "We Seriously Consider," What Kind of Life "We Would like Our Future Generations to Inherit!"
Will It Be, One that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Humanistically, Spiritually, and Politically Evolved," or "One that is Severely Lacking!" Lacking "In Integrity" and "Respect For One Another!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "We are in Need of a True Change to Come," and "Not just a Politically Correct One!"

"One that Leads Us from Unreal to Real," and from "War to Peace!"

"One that Leads Us Away," from "A Limited Perspective and Education of Being Here and Now," to "A New Age of Unlimited Horizons, and Limitless Dimensions of An Earthrise Vision Of, By, and For The People!" 

However, "This Change" Will only Come through "Our Wholehearted Commitment" to "Give Freely of Ourselves For The Sake of Our Families," and "The Welfare of Our Fellow Human Being!" And, "Giving Freely of Our Soul Strength, and Energy to Achieve it!"

For, This is The Way To Peace, An An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

-Extra Noteworthy News-
Sunday, The Thirtieth of July, 2017, "Russian President Vladimir Putin Announced His Retaliatory Decision," to "Remove Seven Hundred and Fifty-Five People from The Staff's of U.S. Diplomatic Missions in Russia!" 

This is "A New Example of How Far the Diplomatic Relations between The United States and Russia have Fallen to," Ironically, Because, Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election Campaign," was "One of The Reasons Former Secretary of State Clinton Lost The Election to The GOP Nominee and Now President Donald Trump," (President Putin's Choice, although, He Denies It) and, You Would Think that "President Putin Got His Wish Come True!"

And, of course, "This New Example of Diplomatic Thrust and Parry," or "Tit for Tat Diplomacy," May Help President Putin's "Election Opportunities for Next Year," and, "Give Him The Image of Being a Political Titan amongst His Devotees," and "In Russian Public Opinion Poll's," However, "It Would Be More Admirable and Commendable," If, President Putin, "Simply Acknowledged that Russia Interfered with The U.S. 2016 Election Campaign," and "Accept The U.S. Sanctions against His Administration!"  

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"With All the Investigations in Progress of President Trump and Associates of His 2016 Election Campaign" and "Several Present Members of His Administration," (Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Carter Page, etc.), and "At This Point in Time, Who Can Say If, There Will Not Be Further Revelations and Allegations to Come Forth," and Add to that, "The President's Low Approval Ratings," and "Calls of Impeachment by Several Members of the U.S. Congress," and "Recent Public Opinion Poll's, Showing that Three Quarters of Americans Do No Believe President Trump Will Complete His First Term in Office," and "As The Republican Party Continues Their Attempt to Pass a Procedural Measure to Debate The Value and Merit of Their Better Care Reconciliation Act over The Affordable Care Act," (Irregardless of Negatively Affecting the Lives of More than Twenty-Million American Citizens who Presently are Being Covered by The Affordable Care Act), and "As the U.S. Congress Summer Recess Approaches in August" (Paid Vacation), "It Will Be Interesting" to See (1) Whether or Not The Congress Will Raise The National Debt Ceiling, to Pay for Military Salaries, Social Security and Medicare Benefits, Tax Refunds, and Interest on National Debt, amongst other Financial Responsibilities on Behalf of We The People, and, or Pass Spending Legislation to Keep the Federal Government in Operation, (As of Today, Monday, The Twenty-Fourth of July, of The Twelve Spending Bills Needed to Be Passed to Keep the Federal Government Operational/Running, Neither The Senate or House of Representatives has Passed One of Them).

"The New Fiscal Year Beginning on October First, 2017!" 

And, "It Will Be Interesting" to See, "What the Standing of The United States of America Will Be at Year End, amongst The Earth's Populace," and "The Leaders of The United Nations of The World," and "The American People!"

And, Whether or Not (1) President Trump and His Administration has Decided to Support and Be A Proactive Partner in The Paris Agreement, (2) Charges of Collusion and Interference have Been Made, and (3) Whether Impeachment Charges have Been Made!

"Every New Administration has had Its Challenges" and "The Trump Administration is No Different," Unfortunately though, It Comes at A Time, "When The United States" has "Politically Existed" in "A State Divisiveness and Partisan Politics, Compounded by Negative Political Rhetoric, and Foreign Interference in Election Campaigns, False Allegations, Cyber Attacks, Attacks upon The Fourth Estate, War and Conflict, and Federal Government Stagnation, For Quite Some Time!" And, "A Change Must Come!"

-Extra Noteworthy News-
"A New Conflict has Erupted between Israel and Palestine!" And, Once again, "It has Caused the Cessation of All Ties between these Two Nations!"

"This New and Tragic Conflict was Caused" by "The Installation of Metal Detectors at The Entrances of Their Sacred Site," known as "Temple Mount to The Jewish People" and "The Noble Sanctuary to The Muslim Community!"

"Thousands of Palestinians Objected to The Installation of these Metal Detectors and Demonstrated against Them," Causing a "Head on Confrontation between The Palestinian Demonstrators and The Israeli Security Forces" and "The Deaths of Three Palestinians!"

"The Reason The Metal Detectors were Installed" was "Because of The Deaths of Two Israeli Policemen Last Week," who were "Killed by Three Gunmen!" The Gunmen were Killed by Israeli Security Forces!"

And, "The Acts of Violence have Continued to Escalate!" On Friday, The Twenty-First of July, 2017, "Three Israelis were Stabbed and Killed by a Palestinian," in "A West Bank Jewish Settlement!"

And, At Least, "Four Policemen were Wounded in East Jerusalem!" 

In Total, "At Least Six Deaths have Occurred, since Thursday, The Twentieth of July, 2017," and "More than Twenty-Four People have Been Arrested!"

"The Cessation of Ties," between Israel and Palestine, "Will Have a Serious Affect upon Security Cooperation!" And, Antonio Guterres, "The Secretary-General of The United Nations" has Called for The Killings of Palestinians "to Be fully investigated!"

U.N. Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq has also said that, Secretary-General Guterres Stated "the sanctity of religious sites should be respected as places for reflection, not violence." And, "Deeply Deplores" the Deaths of Three Palestinians," that "Occurred in the Confrontation between The Israeli Security Forces and the Demonstrators!"

"This New Escalation of Acts of Violence Will only Lead to More Deaths" and "More Tears Shed by Families of The Two Nations!" 
And, "For This," and "Decades of War and Conflict in This Region of The Earth, "We Sincerely Express Our Condolences to All of The Families who have Lost a Loved One!

And, "I Look Forward to The Day When All Peoples of The Earth Can Live in Peace and Security!"
(It is Good News that Israel has Removed These Metal Detectors, as of The Twenty-Seventh of July, 2017!")

-Extra Noteworthy News- 
"On Another Front of The Hotbeds of War and Conflict," The United States has "Banned Tourism to North Korea," Beginning on The Thirtieth of August, 2017! 

"This is a Travel Ban that is Sensible and Logical," and "Welcomed News! 

If, "You're a Parent," or "You have a Family Member, or Friend Planning to Travel to Asia," It Would Be "Highly Recommendable to Suggest" that "They Do Not Travel to North Korea With or Without The Travel Ban!"

In Memoriam: Samuel Shephard Rodgers III, Actor, Director, Playwright, Screenwriter, and Author, Passed away at The Age of Seventy-Three, in His Home in Kentucky, on Thursday, The Twenty- Seventh of July, 2017, of ALS Complications (Lou Gehrig's Disease)!

Sam Shephard's Accomplishments are Many and Significant, "He Received A Pulitzer Prize for His Drama, "Buried Child," in 1979, and  was "Nominated for An Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor" in "The Right Stuff," in 1983! 

And, In 1983, Mr. Shephard also "Received a Pulitzer Nomination" for "True West," and In 1984, "He Received Another Pulitzer Nomination" for "Fool for Love!"

And, Mr. Shepard's "Outstanding Body of Work is Comprised of Almost Fifty Plays," and "More than Sixty Film Credits!"

To say that Sam Shephard was "A Tour De Force Would Be An Understatement!" And, To say that "He was An Extremely Prolific and Productive Cross Media Artist," Would also "Be An Understatement!" 

We are "Very Fortunate to Have His Universe of Creativity, Talent, Insight, and  Sensitivity to Admire and Share with Our Friends and Families!" 

And, "Mr. Shephard's Cross Media Universe of Work" Will Be on Display "For the Pleasure and Entertainment of Future Generations to Come!"

"Sam Shephard's Latest Film" is a Physchological Thriller Titled, "Never Here," and is "Due for Release this Year!"

And, Mr. Shephard's Recent Book, "The One Inside, was "Published in February of this Year!"

We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Colleagues of Sam Shephard!  

In Memoriam:
And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul to All The Families, Friends, Colleagues and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to The Cruelty of War!

And, We Extend Our Sincerest Heartfelt and Soulful Condolences to The Families, Friends, Neighbors and Communities who have Lost a Loved One Due to Natural Causes and Natural Disasters.

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,