Monday, July 18, 2016



The Way To Peace! #283

As "The Thunder Full Moon," Appropriately Named, (also Known as The Buck Full Moon by Native Americans), "Rises O'er The Clouds of Global Politics, Market Crashes and New Highs, Continued Economic Disparities, Climate Changes and Natural Disasters, New Racial Disturbances and Violence, plus, Acts of Cowardice by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates Taking Credit For Attacks Directed Against Innocent People, and, Acts of Domestic Attacks Against The Police in The United States," "A New Cycle of Global Cross Media Universal News Coverage," also, "Rises to The Challenge of Reporting All the Facts, Perspectives and Realities of A World in Constant Motion," and "A Sovereign People of The World Looking for Answers to the Questions that Deal with Life and Death Choices and Decisions," even "As the Earth," Itself, "Continues Its Evolution as a Part of A Grand  Universe," (that is For the Most Part a Mystery to Us). 

And, As "We Probe the Planet of Mars with Mars Rovers Curiosity and Opportunity," and "Search to Learn More about the Universe" as "NASA's Juno Spacecraft Arrives at Jupiter, on the 4th of July, 2016, and "We Continue to Probe the Vastness of The Cosmos," "The Questions that Deal with Life and Death and Survival Continue to Riddle through Our Collective Consciousness, Worldwide!" 

"A Totally Unacceptable Aspect" of "the New Norm of The Twenty-First Century" is "The Violence Perpetuated by One American Citizen Against Another," at a Time, "When The United States is At War!" And, "We Should," One and All, "Be United!"

"This is A Time For Non-Violence Protests," to "Resolve The Myriad Domestic Political and Sociological Issues and Ruptures," that have Occurred, "Wherever and Whenever They May Be!"

"We Can Not Survive by Fighting amongst Ourselves," while, also, "Fighting Against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates!" And, "It is of The Most Utmost Importance," For Us, "to Maintain An Omnipotent Global Strategy of Equilibrium and Equilibre amongst All Nations!"

"These Domestic Acts of Violence" such as, The Most Recent one, on Sunday the 17th 0f July 2016, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, "Where Three Police Officers were Shot and Killed," and "Three Others were Wounded by a Single Gunman," Gavin Long, 29, Before, "He Himself was Killed by The Police," "Is Totally Incongruous with The Overall Significance and Symbolism of Our Democracy!" 

And, "Is Causing More Discordant Voices to Speak Out," and "Violent Acts to Occur," at a Time, When, "We Need to Display and Project a Real Image of Being A United and Inspirational Democratic State to The World!"

And, "From the Start of The Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, What is Obvious is, "There is Still A Great Deal of Dissatisfaction with The GOP Nominee Donald Trump," and "Questions, Speculations and Concerns about His Ability and Maturity to Lead The Republican Party has Been Visibly on Display!"

Mr. Trump's Past" is "Still a Formidable Barrier to His Future of Becoming Commander In Chief of The United States of America!"

And, "How Indiana Governor Michael Richards Pence Compliments Mr. Trump," and "His Campaign Still Remains to Be Seen!"

"Governor Pence's Controversial  Stands" from; Cigarette Smoking, to No Child Left Behind, and His Opposition to the Legitimacy of the Gay/ LGBT Community, plus, His Unremarkable Tenure in the United States Congress Do Not Leave a lot to be Admired!"

And, It will Be Interesting to Find Out, "How Gov. Pence's Campaign Style and Religious Values Mesh Together with Mr. Trumps!"

And Lastly, "Will the Anti- Stop Trump Movement Cause Enough Damage to Mr. Trump During and After The GOP Convention" to "Hobble and Prevent Him from Achieving His Goal to Be Leader of The Free World," and "The Earths Most Powerful and Influential Democracy," and "Most Omnipotent Exponent of Capitalism!"

And, "Let's Not Forget that Mr. Trump will Be "Facing An Evolving Coalition of Progressives, Liberals, Moderate and Conservative Democrats" who are "United Behind Their Presumptive Nominee Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton!"

Plus, "A United Coalition of Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Women Voters, the LGBT Community, Independents, Unions," and "a Rainbow Coalition of Americans who are Determined to Defeat Mr. Trump," and "Make Sec. Clinton The First Woman President of These United States of America!" 

And, "Do Not Be Surprised" if, Mr. Trump "Experiences An Exodus of Republicans" who "Do Not Believe that He is a True Example of The Republican Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Reagan!"

But, Its Official, on Tuesday, the 19th of July, 2016, "The Grand Ole Party of Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan," Chose, as "Its Standard Bearer," A Man with Absolutely  No Experience in Political Office, "Realty TV Producer, Host, and Real Estate Mogul, Donald Trump," as "Its Nominee" to "Run For The Hallowed Office President of The United States of America!"

("However, Whomever Wrote," or "Advised Melania Trump to Deliver Her Speech at The GOP Convention Last Night did Her A Dis-Service!" 
"The Remarkable Resemblance to Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic Convention Speech" was "Totally Unnecessary and Distracting from What Mrs. Trump was Trying to Say," or "Intended to Say!" It Appears as if, "Mrs. Trump," Herself, is "The One Responsible for How This Speech was Written!")

(And, "The Refusal of Senator Ted Cruz," of Texas, "to Endorse The 2016 Republican Nominee for President of The United States, Donald Trump," in His GOP Convention Speech on Wednesday, the 20th of July, 2016, and, "The Reluctance and Downright Refusal" of  "The Bush Family, and Former Governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican Nominee for The President of The United States, Mitt Romney, and Governor John Kasich of Ohio, to Directly Participate in The 2016 GOP Convention" or "Endorse Mr. Trump," "Can Not Help" or "Increase the Success Ratio or Chances" of The Republican Party's Nominee "of Becoming President of The United States!")

And, "If," You Saw Mr. Trump Deliver His Speech on Thursday Evening, the 21st of July, at The Quicken Loans Arena, in Cleveland Ohio, at The 2016 Republican Convention, It  was "A Paradox of If's!" "If," You Believed it!

Because, "If," You Believe in His Views, or Stands, (or Suggestions) on "NATO, Trade, Immigration, China, Russia, Brexit, Crime and The Lack of Law and Order, Nuclear Proliferation, Tax Cuts for The Rich, Increase in Government Spending, and The Border Wall with Mexico (and who's going to Pay for It), and "If," You Liked the Tone and Delivery of His Speech, Then, "You Will (No Doubt) Vote for Mr. Trump," and, of course, "Liked His Speech!"

And, "If," You Liked His Views, Stands, (and Suggestions) that Mr. Trump Espoused During His Campaign to Become The GOP Nominee, Then, (No Doubt) "You Liked Mr. Trumps Speech," and "Will Vote for Him in the Coming Presidential Election!"

And, "If," You Believe that Mr. Trump will Be "A Champion and  Voice for The Forgotten American," and "A Truth Teller," Then, "You Liked Mr. Trumps Speech," and "Will (No Doubt) Vote for Him!"

And, "If," You Believe that President Obama and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are to Blame For Everything that Ails The People of The United States, Then, "You Liked Mr. Trumps Speech," and "No Doubt Will Vote for Him in November!"

It All Comes Down to "One's Perception of The Truth and Reality about Mr. Trump!"

However, Let's Be Absolutely Clear that "Mr. Trump" is "Not Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders," or "Republicans Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D, Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, William F. Buckley, Nelson Rockefeller,  or Jack Kemp!"

Mr. Trump is, Quite Simply, "A Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer/Host!" And, "If," You Liked "The Apprentice," Then (Without a Doubt), "You Liked Mr. Trumps Speech" and "Will Vote for Him!"

And, Now "It's Time For The Democratic Party," The Party of Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, William J. Clinton, and Barack H. Obama, to "Present Their Platform in Support of Their Nominee For President of The United States Of America," who, "If Succeeds," Will be "The First Woman President of These United States Of America, Former United States Secretary of State, Senator from the State of New York, and Former First Lady of The United States Of America, and Grandmother, Hillary Rodham Clinton!"

So, "Let The Red, White and Blue Stars and Stripes Rise up O'er the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" (and The Pennsylvania Convention Center)!

And, "After Waive after Waive of Cheers and Acclamation," "Applaud The Momentous Significance" of "This Historical Event!" "Heralding the Nomination of The First Woman from Any Major Political Party in The History of United States to Be Her Party's Nominee," and "Campaign For the Hallowed Office of The President of The United States Of America," Hillary Rodham Clinton!

So, "Let The Music Play on," and "Raise The Curtains," Because "The Party Of The People, By The People, and For The People," The Democratic Party Of America, "Has The Stage," and "It's Their Time to Shine For All the World to See," from Monday, the 25th of July, 2016 through the 28th!

And, Whether "You are Liberal or Conservative, Progressive or Moderate, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party Supporter, or Republican," "This is A Historical Political Ascension and Transformation For The Ages," and "For All The People, O'er The World over to Experience and Share with One Another!"

Secretary Clinton's Choice of Senator Timothy Michael Kaine, 58, of Virginia," as "Her VP Pick," "Did Not Cause A Big Splash of Excitement," However, "It was a Sound Choice for Her!"

Senator Kaine was "A Prominent Harvard-Educated Attorney," who has "Won Significant Cases, such as "Representing Death Row Inmates and Victims of Housing Discrimination in Richmond, Virginia," and "As a Member of Richmond's City Council," Helped Mediate "A City Council Vote to Allow Black Newspaper Vendors," Members of The Nation of Islam, "to Sell Their Newspapers on City Sidewalks!"  

However, "What is More Important" is that "Sen. Kaine Can Help The Presumptive Nominee Gain An Advantage in Securing that the State of Virginia" Will Be "In Sec. Clinton's Win Column in November!"
"Virginia is An Important Swing State" that "Senator Kaine Helped Secure for President Obama (then Senator Obama, Campaigning against The Republican Nominee Senator John McCain) in 2008," When Sen. Kaine was Governor!

But, Senator Kaine is also "A Member of the Important Senate Foreign Relations Committee," and "Secretary Clinton," No Doubt, "is Astutely Concerned with The Defense of America," and "In Pursuing a Course of Victory Against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates," and "Sen. Kaine's Expertise Will Assist Her in This Regard!"

Most of Senator Kaine's Colleagues Consider Him to Be "A Good Person," and "This Presidential Campaign will Test His Resolve, to Continue to Be as such!" Especially, Because of "The Vitriolic Political Rhetoric that The GOP Nominee Donald Trump has Engaged in, and No Doubt, "Will Continue to Do!" 

Senator Kaine is also Fluent in Spanish! And As a Young Man "Joined The Jesuit Missionaries in The Honduras," and is "A Devote Christian of St. Elizabeth, a Primarily Black Roman Catholic Church!" And, In This Time Period of The Twenty-First Century ," When Racial Unrest, "Caused by a Slew of Tragic Deaths of African Americans," Has Brought on "Severe Divisions" between The Police and The African American Communities, Resembling The Civil Rights Demonstrations of The 1960's, Sen. Kaine's Background as "A Civil Rights Attorney Will Be "A Positive Plus," For Secretary Clinton's Team," and "A Positive Demonstration" that "She Cares about The Plight of African Americans," and "Indeed All Americans!"
And, Sen. Kaine is, also, "A Positive Minded Voice in The U.S. Senate For Immigration Reform!"

"Sen. Kaine's Political Persuasion," Appears to Place Him as "A Moderate in The Democratic Party," However, He also has "Progressive Leanings!" And, Has the Support and Endorsement of Former President Bill Clinton! 

In Addition, The Senator has Never Lost a Political Campaign Whether it Be Running for Mayor of Richmond, Virginia, or Lieutenant Governor (with Governor Mark Warner), or Governor of Virginia from 2006 'til 2010, or Senator of Virginia in 2013! And, He was also "Chairman of The Democratic National Committee!"

Senator Kaine is Married to Anne Holton, "a Former Judge, and Now Secretary of Education in Virginia!" And, They have Three Children! And Lastly, "He Enjoys Playing the Harmonica, and Singing in The Church Gospel Choir!"

So, "The Stage is Set," For, "The 2016 Democratic Convention to Begin!"

But, "New Complications and Accusations have Arisen" to "Disturb the United Front of The Democratic Party!" 
"The WikiLeaks Leak" of At Least, "Twenty Thousand Emails," on Friday, the 22nd of July 2016,  that had "Been Hacked from The Democratic National Committee," was "A Well Planned Strategic Move by Cyberspace Agents with a Political Agenda," and, also, Appears to "Support The Claims of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont's Campaign Team, and Supporters," and "Senator Sanders, Himself," that "The Party was Effectively  An Arm of The Clinton Campaign!" And, also that "Several Members of The DNC Communication Team" and "Several Party Officials," "May have Conspired to Sabotage the Senator Sanders Campaign!"

"The Clinton Campaign has Suggested" that "Russia is Responsible for the Leaks in Support of The GOP Nominee Donald J. Trumps Campaign!" However, Whether or Not, "This is The Truth" One Thing for Sure is that "The Email Revelation/Disclosure of The Leaks," was "a Strategically Well Planned Attempt" to "Further Estrange and Inflame Senator Sanders Supporters away from Supporting The Nomination of Ms. Clinton for President of The United States Of America!"

And, "The Leak" also, Showed that "There were Intense Disagreements between Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Several Cable News Organizations/Outlets!"

"Ms. Schultz has Apologized," and Resigned Her Position as Chairwoman," in order to "Squelch Further Disruptions and Demonstrations from Occurring at The Convention" by "Disgruntled Supporters of Senator Sanders!"

However, Even Though "Ms. Schultz has Resigned in the Middle of This Quagmire," She has Received the "Thanks from President Obama," saying in a Statement, "For the last Eight Years Debbie has had my Back."
And, also, "Mrs. Clinton has Expressed Her Gratefulness" by saying, "I am Grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic Party to this year's Historic Convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week's events will be a success thanks to Her hard work and leadership."
(Donna Brazile, a Vice Chairwoman of The DNC, "will Replace Ms. Schultz," and "Become The Interim Chairwoman" through The Election!)

"It is Unfortunate," for The Democratic Party,  that "This Leak," Comes at at Time when, "The Democratic Party Lifts The Curtail on This Historical Convention" and As, "It Presents A United Support of Their Presumptive Nominee" Former Secretary of State Hillary Rod ham Clinton, "by Its Delegates and Party Leadership!"

However, Time will Tell, "If," "The Release of These Email Revelations and Disclosures Proves to have The Effect, that They were Intended for," or, "If," "The Democratic Party Rises to The Occasion of Being The Party Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and, In Doing so, and "Out of Respect" for "The Incredible Efforts of The Suffragettes" and "Women Movements," who "Strove and Suffered Many Gross Indignities to Achieve The Right to Vote," "Nominate The First Woman of Any Major Party to Be The Nominee For President Of The United States Of America!  

"On A New Political Front," and "A Positive Note for Mrs. Clinton," She has Received, "The Endorsement of Former Independent (once Republican), Mayor of New York City, Philanthropist, and Billionaire Michael R. Bloomberg!"
Mr. Bloomberg's Endorsement of Mrs. Clinton, "Sends A Powerful Message to Independent Voters and Republicans," who have, and "Continue to Be Disenchanted with The GOP Nominee Donald J. Trump!"

And, "Thanks to The Speeches of Senator Cory Booker of the State of New Jersey, and Elizabeth Warren of the State of Massachusetts, "The Voice of The Progressive Movement of The Democratic Party," Senator Al Franken of the State of Minnesota and Comedienne, Sarah Silverman (A Bernie Sanders Supporter), and The Inspirational and Unifying Speech by First Lady Michelle Obama, and The Eloquent Speech of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who Spoke Out Loud and Clear of His Campaign Message, and "in Support of the Nomination of the Presumptive, Nominee, Hillary R. Clinton," Plus "The Combined Support and Energy of Everyone who Spoke and Sang of Their Support of The Democratic Platform," and "Their Presumptive Nominee," "The First Evening of the 47th Quadrennial Convention of The Democratic National Convention," "The Opening Night was A Resounding Success," Displaying The Soul and Spirit of The Democratic Party of The United States Of America," "For The World to See!"

And, "Irregardless of The WikiLeaks Email Revelations and Disclosures about The DNC!" And, "The Last Minute Resignation of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz as The Chairwoman of The DNC!" And, The Attempt to Break the Unity of The Democratic Party by Cyberspace Agents "Purporting Their Own Agenda was Repelled!"
And, "Secretary Clinton's Stronger Together Campaign" was "Rewarded with The Union of Progressives, Liberals, Moderates, Independent, and Conservatives of The Democratic Party!"

And, For The Moment, "The Democratic Party has Reinstated Itself" as "The Party Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" "Representing All The Diverse Entities, Cultures, and Individuals" who "Make up The Rainbow Of Citizens of The United States Of America!"

And,"The Roll Call of Delegates," Should Be "a Magnificent Display of Democracy in Action," that "Our Founding Citizens" would "Be Proud of!"

So, Let "The Liberty Bell Ring Out in Praise Of Our Republic!" In Exultation of "The Grand Experiment of One of The Loftiest and Imaginative Ideas Ever Conceived," "The United States Of America!" That, "History," No Doubt, "Will Record as Being An Extraordinary and Evolutionary Political and Sociological Vision of The Ages!"

And, Without a Doubt, "Hillary Rodham Clinton's Nomination," Will Be "A Significant Part of The Evolution of The Grand Vision and History Of These United States Of America" and "Its People" who "Believe In It's Values, Liberties, and Tenets!"

"It's Official," Tuesday, The 26th of July, 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton was Formerly Elected The Democratic Party Nominee For President of These United States Of America!"

It was "A Poignant Moment," When Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, "who Campaigned so Passionately," against Mrs. Clinton, "Made a Symbolic Motion For Unity", by Calling out to, "Madame Chair, I move that The Convention Suspend the Procedural Rules, I Move that All Votes Cast by Delegates Be Reflected in The Official Record, and I Move that Hillary Clinton Be Selected as The Nominee of The Democratic Party for President Of The United States!" Making Mrs. Clinton "The First Woman to Receive This Honor!"

And, It was, also, "The Speeches by Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Academy Award Winner Meryl Streep, and The 42nd President of The United States, William Jefferson Clinton, "That Highlighted and Underscored the Career of Mrs. Clinton," To, "The Open Arms, Hearts, Minds, and Souls, of The Delegates!"

Alicia Keys Performed "Superwoman," and "A Celebrated Star Studded Group of Supporters" sang "An Anthem  For Mrs. Clinton, "Fighting Song" in "A DNC Video!"

"The Evening of The 47th Quadrennial Democratic Convention was Punctuated" by "A Video Montage of All The Presidents of The United States Of America," "Culminating with The Breaking of  The Symbolic Glass Ceiling," that Mrs. Clinton Spoke so Eloquently and Movingly about in Her Campaign Speech in 2008," "Ending with A Visual of Mrs. Clinton," from New York, "Accepting The Nomination of The Democratic National Party," and Becoming "The First Woman to Receive This Honor in More than Two Hundred Years!"

In Addition to "Accepting The Nomination," Mrs. Clinton, also, Spoke Briefly saying, "I May Be The First Woman President, but, One of You is The Next!" This was "A Historical, Emotional, Unifying and Transformational Moment for All the Delegates," Attending The Convention! And, "Tears of Joy and Accomplishment, and "A Deep Sense of Appreciation for The Magnificent Effort that Mrs. Clinton,  has Undertaken," and "The Path that So Many Women, Before Her, have Undertaken," to "Arrive at This Historical Moment!"

Day Three Speakers at The 47th Quadrennial Democratic National Convention are President Barack H. Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and VP Nominee Senator Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia, amongst Others!

Wednesday, the 27th of July, 2016- "The Third Evening of The 47th Quadrennial Democratic National Convention "Erupted with A Full Frontal Assault" on "The GOP Nominee Donald Trump," by Former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, (who had to Endure and Battle His Way through Anti-War and Anti-Drone Protesters, who were Drowned Out by Chants of USA by the Majority of The Delegates), Vice President Joe Biden, and President Barack Obama!" 

But, It was "Their Combined Trust and Respect For The Democratic Nominee Hillary R. Clinton" that "Uplifted, Empowered, and Inspired Every Delegate in The Wells Fargo Center! And, "Left No Doubt in Anyone's Mind" of "The Impact" that Mrs. Clinton has had on "The Lives of Millions of Americans and Millions More Worldwide!" For Without a Doubt, "Mrs. Clinton" has Been "A True Public Servant For All of Her Life!"

Senator Kaine also, "Received The Official Nomination of The Democratic Party as It's VP Nominee!" And, also"Took His Turn" in Presenting, "A Powerful Case against Donald Trump," and "For Mrs. Clinton!"

However, "All the Speeches were Wonderfully Well Crafted, But, It was The Delivery and Believability of These Men" that "Empowered The Transformational Moment and Event" that "The Evening was Focused on," which was, "The Trustworthiness, Character, Ability to Govern, and Readiness of Mrs. Clinton" to "Be The President of These United States Of America!" 

But, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "This was An Evening that, also "Displayed the Impressive Gifts of Vice President Biden, and President Obama," who were "Delivering Their Farewell Speeches to The Convention Delegates!"

Second Lady Jill Biden Introduced Her Husband," and "A Video of President Obama was Introduced by A Gold Star Mother!" Both Introductions were Touchingly Real," and "Displayed All the True Characteristics and Believability of What America Represents and Stands for!"

And, "When Mrs. Clinton Joined President Obama on Stage," after He Completed His Speech, "to The Ovation of The Democratic Party Delegates," "The Wells Fargo Center," which was "Filled to The Rafters with Delegates," Became "A Universe Illuminated by These Two Magnificent Stars of Hope, Trust, Sincerity," and "A Vision For The Present and Future For America" that "Could Not Be Denied!"

"This was America," These Two Individuals, "A Male and Female, of African American and White Families," On Center Stage, "Representing A Nation of Diversity and Greatness," The United States Of America, "For All the World Communities to See, and Embrace," and "When These Two Personalities Embraced each Other, It was A Display of Everything that Mrs. Clinton's Campaign Signified and Represented, "Stronger Together!"

Lenny Kravitz also "Performed for The Convention!"

Tonight Will Be The Culmination of "A Convention that The Democratic Party Can Be Proud Of!"

"The Fourth and Final Day of The Democratic Party National Convention went Impeccably!" Public Servant, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, First Lady of The United States, Former Senator of the State of New York, U.S. Secretary of State, and Now Nominee of The Democratic Party For President of These United States Of America, Hillary Rodham Clinton, "Dressed All in White," and "With that Irresistible Smile," and Obviously Touched with a Deep Feeling of Emotion, "Walked Center Stage to Receive the Applause, Tears of Joy, and, Cheers, at The Top of Their Voices, and Acknowledgement of Appreciation For Her Efforts, Commitment, and Tenacity," and "Officially Accepted The Democratic Party's Nomination For President Of The United States," and, also, For Being "The First Woman of Any Major Political Party to Gain this Honored Distinction!"

And, "After Being Introduced by Chelsea Clinton," in "A Sincere Display of Admiration and Love for Her Mother," and "Receiving A Loving Embrace from Her," Hillary Rodham Clinton "Responded to The Reception of The Democratic Party Of America," with "Her Thanks, Smiles, and Gestures to Her Family (Former Pres. William J. Clinton), Friends and Colleagues amongst The Delegates!"

Yes, This is "A Political Convention," However, "It is More than that," It is "A Historical Moment and Everyone Knows It!" And, It's, also, "A Transformational Event in American Politics, and Presidential Elections!"

"Mrs. Clinton's Thanks to The Convention Delegates" and to "The Voting Public of The Democratic Party" was Both, Sincere and Real!" It's All a part of "A Conversation,"  that "Mrs. Clinton has Begun Decades ago," and Is "Still Ongoing!" Through "Good Times and Hard Times," as "Mrs. Clinton Expressed," to "Her Family, Colleagues, and Friends of A Lifetime!"

And, 'What a Remarkable Week" This has Been!"

Mrs. Clinton, also, Thanked "A Man from Hope" (Her Husband) and "A Man of Hope" President Obama!" She also "Thanked Vice President Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, VP Nominee Senator Timothy Kaine of Virginia, The State Of New York, and Senator Bernie Sanders," For "His Campaign on Economic and Social Issues!" And, to "Sen. Sanders and His Followers," She said, "Your Cause is Our Cause!"

And, "Mrs. Clinton Spoke Sincerely and Lovingly about Her Mother and Her Mother's Influence on Her!"

And, Althroughout The Evening, "Speeches" by Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, Governor Tim Wolf of Pennsylvania, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, Governor Hickenhooper of Colorado, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Congressman Xavier Becerra of California, Jennifer Pierotti Lim (Co-Founder of Republic Women for Hillary), Doug Elmets, a Speech Writer, in The Ronald Reagan Administration, and, "a Father of A Muslim-American War Hero, Khizr Khan," who asked The GOP Nominee Donald Trump, "if He's even read The Constitution," and, "I will gladly lend you my Copy," and, Pop Star Katy Perry, a Strong Clinton Supporter, who Spoke and Sang Her New Song "Rise, and Her Big Hit "Roar" at The Convention, and Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, who said, "Donald Your so Vain," (a spin off of Carly Simon's "Your so Vain)," amongst An Admirable Group of Supporters and Celebrities from Broadway, Film, Music (Sheila E.), TV and The World of Politics, "All Spoke of Mrs. Clinton's Public Service, and Commitment To Children, Women, and Making a Better and Safer World For One and All to Live in!" And, As Chelsea Clinton said, During Her Introduction, "She Never Forgets who She's Fighting For!"

"The Democratic Party Can Take Great Pleasure in Knowing" that "Their 47th Quadrennial Democratic National Convention," at The Wells Fargo Center, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was "An Enormous Success by All Standards, and has "Greatly Enhanced Mrs. Clinton's Chances of Being Elected President of The United States Of America in November!"

And, "As The Overseas Contingency Operations Continue" in The War Against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates, "New Divisions amongst U.S. Coalition Partners" have "Taken on A More Visible and Violent Clash," with "The Attempted Coup in Turkey Being the Most Recent Casualty," on Friday, the 15th of July, 2016!

At Present, Turkish President Erdogan "Appears to have Survived," However, "It Remains to Be Seen" if, "His Call For The People of Turkey to Support Him," and "His Supporters in The Government, and The Army, "Will Be Heard Loud and Clear by The People of Turkey," or "Fall on Deaf Ears!"

At Last Count, "More than Two Hundred Ninety People have Died in The Coup Attempt," and "At Least Six Thousand People have Been Arrested!" And, Now, "President Erdogan's Top Military Aide Col. Ali Yazici" is, also, "Being Held In Custody!"

And, "It is Still Uncertain," Whether "The New Agreement between Russia and The United States on Friday the 15th of July, 2016 will Be "A Tentative Accord or Long Lasting!"
And, "Will It Produce the Positive Results Needed to Defeat Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates," as it is Intended, "In The Immediate Future," (such as ISIS/Daesh), "Still Remains to Be Seen!"

"Russian Support" of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad "Remains The Major Hurdle and Impediment" to "Any Substantive Accord or Agreement between Russia and The United States and Its Coalition of Allies," "Unfortunately!"

However, "We Applaud" U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov" for "Their Efforts," and "Commitment to Find a Permanent Accord!"

And, Let's Hope that "This Time," The United States and Russia Will Unite in Light of the Barbaric Attacks" that "Continue to Take The Lives of Innocent People, Worldwide! And, "Bring to An End" "The Threat Posed Against All The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

And, Again, "Any Decision Made" Should Be, "Based upon The Crimes that have Been Committed Against All Humanity, by These Evil Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!"

Partisan Politics or Ideologies of Whatever Nature, "Should Not Stand in The Way" of "Extricating These Criminals, and Murders from The Earths Societies!" 

And, "It's Time to Take Back and Return the Towns, Villages, Cities, and Homes" to "The Millions of Families that have Been Forced to Live as Refugees," and "Homeless Immigrants Journeying o'er Land and Sea to Find Safety and Security!"

So, "Take Back Aleppo and Mosul," and "Put An End to The ISIS/Daesh Caliphate For Once and For All!" And, "Put An End to the Criminal Efforts of Any Group, Organization, or Syndicate," That "Dares to  Commit A Crime Against Humanity!" And, "Return the Land, Skies, and Sea Back to The People!"

And, On Friday Evening, The 22nd of July, 2016 "A Violent Attack" Occurred at Munich's Olympia-Einkausfszentrum Shopping Mall," in Germany, Causing The Deaths of Al Least Nine Innocent People," "Injuring At Least Twenty-Seven More," "Ten Seriously!" (Many Children were amongst Those who were Wounded)

"This Cowardly Attack," was by a German-Born Male Student" who "Opened Fire upon Innocent Bystanders," and Then, "Fled from The Scene of The Crime!"

It has Been Reported that The Gunman, an Eighteen Years Old, German-Iranian, who had Been Living in Munich for Two Years, was "Responsible For This Tragedy" and "Had Killed Himself!"
"His Body was Found on a Side Street, near The Olympic Shopping Center," by The German Police!

"The Search and Investigation Continues For Additional Suspects" and, "Is Ongoing!" While, The City of Munich is "Under Intense Scrutiny by German Authorities!"

"This Attack was The Worst to Occur in Germany since 1980!"

It is Reported that "The Attack began Friday Evening" when "A Man came out of McDonald's," which was "Across the Street from The Mall," and "Began Shooting Unarmed People!"

"The Motive for the Shooting Remains to Be Unclear," However, "Let there Be No Mistake" that "This Attack was Meant to Cause Terror, Create Chaos, and Instill The Threat of Fear and Intimidation," "Not only Towards The German People," But, "Towards All The People of Europe," and "The Earths Communities!"

And, Once again, We Send "Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families, Friends who have Lost a Loved One," in This Attack, and "We Stand as One with The German People in This Time of Grief!"

And, "We Eagerly Look Forward to The Moment," When, "The German Police, Intelligence Agencies, and Law Enforcement Authorities" have "Determined and Finalized Their Investigation" on "Whether or Not, There are Additional Gunmen Involved!"

And, On Tuesday, The 12th of July, 2016, An International Tribunal in The Hague "Overwhelmingly Decided in Favor of The Philippines," In An Important Legal Decision" over "Who Controls the Strategic Reefs and Atolls in The Disputed Waters of The South China Sea!"

"If Reason and Logic Prevail," China by All Odds, "Should Get The Message," Loud and Clear, and "Begin to Scale Back Its Military Expansion in The South China Sea!" In which, "It has Ben Doing For More than Eighteen Months," over "The Objections of The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and The United States!"

And, "This Judgment Vindicates The Claims Made by The Philippines Legal Team!"

"The Hague," also, "Condemned The Land Reclamation Projects Made by China, plus, Its Artificial Islands at Seven Features in The Spratly Islands, and, also, that China had Caused "Severe Harm to The Coral Reef Environment," by Building "A Large Artificial Island in The Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone!"
And, "Destroying Evidence of The Natural Condition of Features in The South China Sea, that Formed Part of The Dispute!"

This is, without a Doubt, "A Historic Decision," that "Validates The Claims by Other States Bordering The South China Sea," such as, "Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam!"

And, Most Importantly "Invalidates China's Nine-Dash Line," that Beijing Drew in 1947, " and, "After The Surrender of Japan!"

"This Court Case," at "The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague" (the United Nations Appointed Tribunal that Adjudicates in Disputes over Maritime Territory) has "Been Running since 2013!"

Now, "The Sovereign People of The Earth" are "Watching to See if China," has "Truly, Decided to Be A Committed and Dedicated Member of The Earths Community of Civilized Nations," or "Just Looking Out For Its Own Self Interests, Profit, and Imperialistic Goals on Sea and Land!" 

And, Let's See, "How China Handles South Korea's Recent Decision, and Announcement," on Wednesday, The 13th of July, 2016,  to "Build The Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense System," (known as Thaad) to "Defend Against the Threat of North Korea's Missiles!"

And, Once again, "We Return to The U.S. Domestic Front, 2016" to "Share A  Global Cross Media News Reportage Concerning The United States Veterans!"
The Report States that "An Average of Twenty Vets Committed Suicide a Day in 2014!" And, "This is a Deeply Disturbing and Perturbing Reportage to Share with You!"

"The Question" is "Why This is Occurring," is "Resonating althroughout the Minds of We The People," Sovereign Citizens of the U.S. of A. And, "More than, Just A Mere Curiosity to The Sovereign Citizens of The Earths Populace!"

And, I would have to Think, that, without Equivocation, "This Question" is "Being Given Very Close Attention and Inspection by The United States Department of Defense!" And, Most of All," by "The Families of U.S. Veterans!"

After All, "These are Our Sisters and Brothers who are Dying of Suicide!" And, Our Mother's and Father's, Daughter's and Son's, who have "Volunteered to Serve Our Country," and "Keep Us Safe from Any External Threat," or "Any Threatening Domestic Threat to The Lives of Each and Everyone of Us!"
And, "Who have Served Tours on Foreign Shores Combating Evil Forces," in Order to "Preserve The Dignity and Sovereignty of All Human Kind," and "The Right of We The People," to "Remain A Free People of The Earth!"

And, "Protecting Those of Us, who are, or have Been Cruelly Oppressed," or "Have had Their Sovereign Lands, Sea's and Skies Invaded by Rogue Nations, or Militants," who "Fight in The Name of False Causes," and "False Ideologies,"or "For Monetary Gain and Profit at Another's Expense!"

"The Question" is, "Why have There Been so Many Suicides amongst Our Vets," is "A Question that Needs Answering and Resolving Immediately," and "In A Positive Way!" 

Which Leads me to Wonder if "The Veterans" of "The Coalition of United Civilized Nations," are "Being Treated with Respect and Dignity," and "Provided with All the Incentives, and Health Care," that is "Empowering For Them and Their Families" to "Live" and "Enjoy Returning to A Nurturing and Positive Life Style in Our Communities!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "The Time has Come" For "All who Desire to Live in Peace to Step Forward and Embrace, Defend and Protect All that We Hold Sacred in Our Lives!"

For, "This is The Time of Reckoning," of "The Value" of "Our Cultures, and Our Tenets," and, of "Our Commitment to The Passion, Hope's, Imagination and Visions of  Humankind," and "The Value of The Lives of All Sentient Beings," and "The Lands, Skies, and Sea's This Sacred Earth," and "The Unlimited, Infinite, and Boundless Space of The Universe to Each and Everyone of Us!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!

In Memoriam:
"Tragically," Once again, An "Act of Cowardice" has Struck "The Families of One of Our Closest Allies, France," on Bastille Day, the 14th of July, 2016, In the City of Nice, "Causing "the Deaths of at Least Eighty-Four Innocent People," (Ten of Which were Children," plus, Two German Students, One Tunisian, and Two Americans).

"This Act of Cowardice" Took place, "As A Large Crowd of People had Concluded Enjoying a Wonderful Evening of Fireworks, Celebrating Bastille Day," on "The Promenade Des Anglais," When a Truck driven by "A Criminal, of An Extreme Radical Terror Syndicate," Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, (for that is what They are Criminals and Murderers of The Innocent), Drove into the Large and Cheerful Crowd of Festival- goers, "Killing Eighty- Four Persons, and Wounding at Least 202," "Fifty- Two," of Which, "were Seriously Injured!" (ISIS/Daesh has Claimed Responsibility for this Cowardly Attack)

And, Once again, We Send Our Deepest, Sincerest, Heart, Soul, and Spiritual Condolences to "All The Families and Friends, who "Lost a Loved One," Caused by This "Evil Act of Violence,"that has "Caused the Deaths of So Many," and "Torn a part The Emotions and Feelings," of "So Many Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents, and Family Relatives!"

Is This "The Negative part of "The New Norm of The Twenty-First Century," Happening Once again, "The Answer is Yes!" But, "Let There Be No Doubt," that "It is Totally Unacceptable!" And, "Must Be Prevented from Continuing to Happen again," For, "The Sake's of Our Children and Their Children!" And, "For The Moral Consciousness of The Twenty-First Century Civilization!"

And, "For All Who have Suffered the Loss a Loved One!"

And, Let it Be Known, All The World over, that "We The People," The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth, "Stand as One," with "The People of France," in "This Time of Grief!"
And, Let it, also, be Known, to "This Sacrilegious, Dishonorable, and Criminal Lot, that "Their Crimes against All Humanity Will Not Go Unpunished!" And, "They Will Receive Nothing less than What "They Deserve," Which is Life Imprisonment," "For Their Evil and Shameful Acts of Murder and Brutality!" Plus, "The Betrayal of Their Fellow Human Beings!"

And, Once again, "We Call Out" to The Leaders of The Earths United Civilized Nations, "To Act Deliberately" and "Fully in Concert with One Another," as "A Soul Force of Truth and Justice!"
"Let There Be No Sanctuary," For These Predators of The Innocent!" "Bring Them to Justice Now!" And, "Utilize," in All Haste and Resolve, "The Combined Military Forces, Intelligence Agencies, and Law Enforcement Officials," to "Eliminate This Plague of Evil," from "Our Lives and Our Earths Societies!"

"For Justice Must Prevail!" As, "Peace Must Prevail!" And, "Law and Order Must Prevail!"

And, "Religious Leaders of The Earths United Civilized Nations," "Let Your Voices Be Heard, Forcefully, Truthfully, Passionately, Spiritually," and "In All Equilibre!"
And, "Clearly Denounce These Syndicates of Evil!" And, "Encourage and Empower One and All to Stand Firm in The Face of These Criminals," "Wherever They May be Hidden in Clear Light," or "within The Darkness that They Adhere to!"

For, "We Must Cut Them Off from having Access to Any Resource or Safe Haven at Their Command," For, "They have Proven," Over and Over again, that "There is No Place For Them to Live amongst Civilized People who Value Life and Liberty!"

For, "These Criminals Do Not Celebrate Life!" And, "They Do Not Revere or Respect The Lives of Their Fellow Human Being!" And, "They Care Not For Our Cultures or Way of Life!" "They Care," only, "For, Their Own Depravity, Perversion, and Corruption!" And, "Their Own Greed, Lust, Butchery and Means of Violence!"

"Do They Offer a Way to Peace!" No! "Do They Vow to Protect and Defend Our Beliefs to Live as "A Free Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" No!

And, "Of Their Own Volition, Methods, and Choice," "They have" and "Continue to Embrace The Most Cruelest and Barbaric Acts over Civilized, Loving, and Nourishing Values of Life!"

And, "They Care Not" about "The Lives and What is in The Best Welfare of Our Children," or "The Families of Religious Persuasion, Whether They Be Muslim, Christian, or Jew!" Or, "Agnostic or Atheist!"

"They," of Their Own Choosing, have "Chosen The Path of Darkness and Evil Purpose," Even while Knowing of "The Pain and Suffering It Will Cause!"

And, Let Us Be Absolutely Clear that, "They" are "Not The Answer to Authoritarian Rule or Dictatorship!" "They" are, In Fact, "the Same Oppressive, Manipulative, Evil, and Controlling Threat to Our Individual Freedoms and Liberties!" 
And, "They" are, "A Destructive and Abusive Threat against Our Cultures and Tenets!" And, "The Values of Life," Taught to Us by "The Mothers and Fathers, of The Twenty-First Century," and "of Centuries Gone by!"

And, "They" are "Unlawful Criminal Syndicates," with "No Sense of A Moral or Virtuous Way of Life," that "Embraces, and Inspires All The People of This Planet Earth!"

And, Let's Not Make This "A Gray Issue," or "A Political Issue," or "An Example of One Ideology against Another," This is "Simply" about, "What is Good from Evil!
And, "What is Right from Wrong!" And, "This" is about, "The Cruel and Unjust Taking of Innocent Lives!" And, "Forcing Innocent People to Leave Their Homes in Fear!" And, "The Destruction of Our Most Treasured Shrines, Towns, Villages, Cities, Homes," and "Cultural Artifacts!"

And, "Clearly, This Should Be," without Any Misconception," "A Direct and Concise Understanding by One and All," and, "The Basis of Understanding, Perceptivity, Insight, and Motivation," For, "All The Civilized Nations of The Earth to Bring to Justice," "These Evil, Extreme, Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates!" "They are Criminals, and Murderers," It's as Simple as That!"
And, "There is Nothing Honorable about Their Purpose!"

In Memoriam:
Garry Marshall, American Actor, Producer, Director, Writer, Voice Artist and Comedian, has Passed away at the Age of 81, on Tuesday, the 19th of July, 2016!

Mr. Marshall was "An Extremely Successful and Highly Respected Director of Film and TV, who "Created a Number of Highly Successful and Landmark Television Series," such as; "Happy Days," "The Odd Couple," "Laverne and Shirley," and, "Mork and Mindy!"

Mr. Marshall also Directed the Feature Length Film "Pretty Woman," Starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts! And, "Princess Diaries," Starring Anne Hathaway! Both Film were Big Box Office Hits!

Mr. Marshall was, also, Responsible for "Launching the Very Successful Careers of Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, Ron Howard, Cindy Williams, and Penny Marshall!"

And, Has Been "Awarded Extensively throughout His Career" with, "The American Comedy Awards Creative Achievement Award" in 1990, "The Writers of American Guild Valentine Davies Award" in 1995, "The PGA's Honorary Lifetime Membership Award," and "Lifetime Achievement Award in Television" in 1998!

And, "To Add to this Significant List of Awards," Mr. Marshall, also, Received, "The American Cinema Editors Golden Eddie Filmmaker of The Year Award in 2004!"
And, in 1997, Mr. Marshall was "Inducted into The Academy of Television, Arts, and Sciences Hall Of Fame!"

Garry Marshall will always Be Remembered as Being "The Perfect Actors Director," for "His Excellent Sense and Innate Ability on How Best to Intermingle the Use Comedy and Drama!"

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends and Colleagues of Garry Marshall!

In Memoriam:
David Margolis Passed away on Tuesday, the 12th of July, 2016, at the Age of 76 of a Heart Related Illness!
Mr. Margolis was A Highly Respected Prosecutor who Worked in The U.S. Justice Department for More than Fifty Years!

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch called Mr. Margolis "a Consummate Public Servant," which is on Its Own Basis, "a Very High Compliment!

The Last Few Decades Mr. Margolis was Involved in "The Most Important Mobster Organized Crime, Corruption, Espionage, and Terrorism Investigations!"

U.S. FBI Director James Comey Stated that, Mr. Margolis "was the United States Department of Justice!"

In Memoriam:
Xu Jiatun, Passed away at the Age of One Hundred Years Old, on the  29th of June, 2016! 

Mr. Jiatun, who was once "a Prominent Chinese Leader of The Communist Party" was "Forced to Leave China and Never Return," on the 30th of April, 1990, "Because of His Support of The Pro Democracy Movement!" 
At the Time, Mr. Xu "Proposed a Peaceful Resolution to the 1989 Democracy Movement," But, "After Condemning The Massacre of Chinese Protesters in Tiananmen Square," All but "Ended Any Chance of that Ever Occurring!" And, Left in Fear of Being Arrested, to Live a Life in Exile in the United States! His Punishment was to Be  Expelled from The Communist Party in 1990!

Xu Jiatun was "a Man of the People" who Supported the Ideals of The Communist Party, But, Had to Leave China, Because of His Personal Beliefs!

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to All the Families who have "Lost a Loved One" "Due to Natural Causes" or "Through The Use of Unconscionable or Immoral Means of Violence!"

Sharing The Light, Peace & The Celestial Song Of Life,

Saturday, July 2, 2016



The Way To Peace! #282

"Summer" has "Finally Arrived in All Its Glory," and Bringing with It, "Indescribable Heatwaves," Scorching the Earth in the Southwestern States of New Mexico, Nevada, California, Arizona, and althroughout the Southeast in Georgia, and Florida, along "with Wildfires that Threaten Everything in Their Path," and Powerful Rainstorms Causing Flash Floods to Uproot and Carry Away Our Homes, Bringing Death and Destruction with Them (such as in West Virginia, in June, of 2016, Causing the Deaths of at Least Twenty-three People, including 8 Year Old Emanual Williams, who Slipped in a Creek and was was Swept away by Raging Floods, and, on a Separate Occasion, a 2 to 4 year Old Boy, who was also Swept away by Extreme Flash Flood Conditions, while He was Playing along side of Utah Road in Jackson County, West Virginia), Leaving Thousands of People Homeless!" 

And, As "Hurricanes Amass Themselves along the Distant Horizons," Impatiently, "Waiting for Their Turn" to "Come Intact with The Mainland, and Islands that Lie Across Their Routes of Passage," "Plus Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Tsunamis and Tornadoes that Cause The Earth and Sea, To Tremble in Their Wake, Loom in the Not Too Far Off Distance!" Once again, "This New Summer Season of  Beach Going, Tans, and Barbecues is Upon Us!"

But, "This Summer" will Be "Significantly Different," than the Last Few in the United States, "Because of the Democratic and Republican Party Conventions" Which Will, in Themselves, "Cause Major Political Storms and Demonstrations," and, Then in All Serious, "The Presidential Election Campaigns," with Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Real Estate Mogul, TV Producer/Host Donald Trump, "Will Take Center Stage For The Main Event," of "The Presidency of The United States Of America!"

However, Whether or Not, Mr. Trump is "Ready to Partake in This Main Event, "Appears to be Questionable!"

"Will He Make Money For His Own Self Interests and His Family," "Appears to Be Certain!" (As His Campaign Fundraising and Financial Spending Report has already Revealed)

However, Will Mr. Trump "Inspire Millions of New Potential Voters, Still Remains to Be Seen!"

And, Will Mr. Trump, in Fact, "Be the GOP's Best Choice to Gain the Coveted Office of President of these United States Of America," "is Still Uncertain!"

Former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, the Presumptive Nominee of The Democratic Party, on the Other Hand, has "An Experienced Campaign Team," that has "Proven Itself to Be a Professional, Well Organized, Determined and Passionate Group of Women and Men," who are Committed to Make Her, "The First Woman President of The United States of America!"

Former Sec. Clinton has the Knowledge, Proven Experience, Political Prowess, and Policies," that "We Can Examine, For Better or Worst, "to Make Our Final Decision on Election Day!"

(Tuesday, July the 12th, 2016, Senator Bernie Sanders of the State of Vermont, "Officially Endorsed Former Secretary of State/Democratic Presumptive Nominee For President of The United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton," at a Campaign Rally For Secretary Clinton, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire!

This is "A Significant Moment of Grand Importance" to, Both, "The Clinton Campaign" and "The Democratic Party!" And, "Bad News" for "the GOP Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump," who had "Hopes of Appealing to Senator Sanders Followers!")

(And, "In Recent Interviews with The Associated Press and New York Times," "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Criticized GOP Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump," by saying, "He is a Faker," and, "How He (Mr. Trump) has gotten away with Not Turning over His Tax returns!"

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg, also, said, When Being Interviewed that, "He (Mr. Trump) has an Ego,".... and,"the Press seems to be Very Gentle with Him." And, She Added, "I think He has gotten so much Free Publicity."....And, "To think that He could be President.".... (cont')-

There's much More that I recommend "Serious Examination by Anyone who Intends on Voting for the Next President of the United States Of America!" Which Should Be "Every American Citizen of Voting Age!")

However, "The Differences between the Two Nominees are "Too the Extreme," For One; Former Secretary of State Clinton, has "Worked Hard to Gain The Respect of World Leaders and Her Party," While Mr. Trump "Continues to Offend One Constituency, or Nation after Another!" Plus, "The Fact," that, "Seventy Percent of Americans" have "Expressed Disapproval of Mr. Trump in a Recent Poll in the U.S."

Still, "The Summer has Just Begun," and "There is Still Much that Can Lies Ahead that May Be Surprising!"

And, As I Sit here, "Luxuriating in the Peace and Tranquility of This New Summer's Mourn," "Waiting for Cherokee, Apache, Cheyenne, Seminole, Navajo, Comanche, and Iroquois to Arrive, "The Vision Path" of "An Evolving Architectural Global Equation of Equilibre Of, By, and For The People," Begins to Emerge, "of The New Norm of the 21st Century, and "It Stimulates and Opens up my Mind," Concomitant with "Far-Reaching Thoughts of Consequential Realities, Idea's, and Musings of This 21st Century Time Space Reality!"
And, Wondering's of, "How Much of This Time Space Reality," "The Founders Imagined, Created, and Discussed," in Private, "Before They Signed The Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July, 1776!"

And, As my Thoughts Continue to Wander Back to "The UK Decision, on Friday, the 24th of June 2016,  to Leave The EU," that  has, "Already, had a Disturbingly Destabilizing Effect on The Global Markets" by "A Significant and Disastrous Margin," and, No Doubt, "Will Continue to have An Extremely Negative Effect on The Global Economies for Quite a While to Come," As "The New Time Space Global Socio-Economic Norm" "Strives to Recover and Right Its Course of Direction," "Back to The Profit and Margin World and State of Reality that It Comes from!"

"The Full Power of The Initial Effect of "The Fall of The Global Markets" that has "Already, Been Noted For All the World to See," and "Will Be Immensely Much Worst than Anyone Could have Envisioned or Expected," and "The Ripple Effect Will Continue to Shock the World," Unfortunately, "Much More so," than "Anyone Could have Imagined!"

And, Unfortunately, "This Will Not have The Positive Effect that, the Approximately, 51.9% of the Voters in the UK Imagined," "When They Cast Their Vote for Brexit!"

Note that, "This is Not a Doomsday Statement or Forecast," However, "This is," Unfortunately, "The Negative Side of "The New Socio-Economic Time Space Norm" that "The Worlds Communities Will Be Faced with," "For Better or For Worst!"

And, Unfortunately,"There Will Be Powerful and Intense Global Socio-Economic Pressures" that "Will Mount on Germany, France, and The United States to Right The Course," and "Stabilize The Worlds Economies," and "This Will Be Challenging, to say the Very Least," and "The Repercussions Will Effect Everyone and Every Nation Much More than Previously Expected by Financial Analysts and Political Pundits!" And, "This Will Take a Great Effort to Do!"

Yes, "It Will Take Sensible and Reasonable Minds to Heal This Rupture and Aberration of The Global Socio-Economic Markets Before More Referendums Appear!"

And, "GOP Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump's Comments" that, the Brexit Vote, "Will Ultimately Turn out to Be a Good Thing," was "Not a Wise or Helpful Statement to Make," "As the Global Markets Crashed All Around Us!"

And, Far Be it For me to Say, (because I'm Not British, However, my Scottish Heritage Demands that I Do), "Instead of Resigning," UK Prime Minister David Cameron "Should Do Everything in His Power" and "What's Left of His Prestige to Unite with His Party," and "Find a Way to Recall or Repeal The Brexit Vote!"
However, The Sooner "The World/ The Global Earths Societies,' "Accepts the Fact" and "the Full Implication," that There is "A New Norm Mentality," Psychologically, Sociologically, Spirituality, and Intellectually," Which is, "There is Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us," "the Better the Quality of Life For One and All Will Be!"

And, that "This New Global Architectural Equation of Equilibre Of The People, By The People, and For The People," is "A Rational, Reasonable, Realistic, and Logical Saving Grace For the Natural Evolution Of, By, and For The Survival Of "We",.... "The People," "Culturally, Economically, and Soulfully!"

"It is a Fact" that "We are All Connected to One Another in a Matter of Seconds" (Nanoseconds), "Thanks to This Extraordinary Age of Digital Devices, and Hi-Tech Advances," "That has In Fact," "Made For a Smaller World of Closer Contacts Through The Social and Global Cross Media Universe," between "We"...."The Sovereign People" of "The Earths Societies!"

And, "In the Mere Click of a Photo on Your Cell Phone," and "Then Push Send," that "Photo Can Be Seen All Around the World!"
So, "What was Once Extraordinary," is "Now, The Norm for The Majority of Us!"

And, Now, "We" Can See, "What is Real from Unreal," (as the Saying goes), and, also "Visualize," as if, "Through A Microcosm," "The Infinite Layers of of The Earths Sentient Beings," of Which, "We Human Beings are a Small Part of!"

"How," "We Perceive, Understand, and Share This Empirical and Cognitive Information," is, and "Will Be the Question," of Which, "the Survival and Evolution of Our Earths 21st Century Societies" and "The Age of Human Civilization, Culture, Education, and Respect for One Another," "Will Depend Upon!"

And, "How," "We Perceive, Understand, Reflect upon, and Share," Seeing in Real Time," (Not Just on TV, or In the Movies), "The Real World," of Which, "We are But a Small, although, Significant Part of," "Will Effect the Sociological Mindset of Each and Everyone of Us," and, to "What Degree it Will Cause A Significant Change in the Conditioned Reality" that "We have Been Living in," Will, also, "Effect the Way We Treat One Another!"

"New Understandings (or the Lack there of), and Imaginings," "Will Most Definitely," and "In Fact, "Already have Occurred," Because of "The Physical, Digital," and "Out In the Open" and "Exposed Change in Our Behavior!"

Even in the Simplest of Bases, "Seeing a Photo of Two Women Holding Hands," or "Two Men Kissing and Embracing One Another," While having Been in Existence For as Long as Humankind has Developed into a Civilized State of Being," is "Now Out in the Open!"

And, "How," "We Perceive, Understand, Reflect upon," and "Express Our Differences on Race, Creed, Gender, or Nationality," and "Share This Experience with One Another, in a Personal Vain," or "In A Group Sharing," is of "the Utmost Importance to Our Survival," and "Development of Our Present and Future Generations and Sociological Growth!"

And, "The Question is," (1)"We Will Express Our Differences with One Another through Honest and Frank Conversation, and Reasoning, Non-Violently," or (2) "Will We Act Out on Our First Impulses," and (3) "Will Our Actions Be of a Violent Nature!"

And, (4) Are "We Living in An Age that Will Define," Who "We are," as "A Sovereign People of The Earth," Who are Compassionate, Intelligent, Culturally Evolved, Enlightened, and Consciously and Universally Aware of the Sanctity of Our Environment and Ecology," Yes, "Personally, I Believe it to Be so!"

(On Monday, the 20th of June 2016, The United Nations Refugee Agency's Global Trends Report Revealed "the Tragic Cost of the Ongoing Conflicts that Continue to Plague Our Earth!"  "Imagine the Fact," that "There are at Least, Sixty-five Million Displaced People from All over This Earth of Ours, "in Search of A Home They Can Live in Peace," and "Prosper in Peace!" And, "Educate Their Children in Peace!" 
And, "Imagine More than One Hundred Thousand Children" who have "Undertaken This Journey by Themselves!" "This Fact, alone," is "A Severe Enough Price to Pay For One's Right to Live as A Free Person!" But, "There is More!"

But, When You Add, "The Fact" that "More than Four Hundred Thousand People have Died in the Ongoing War/Conflicts against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Criminal Surrogates," in The World Today," "It Overwhelms One's Imagination!") 

And, (5) "Will We Be Able to Transcend the Lack of Knowledge and Understanding that Lies Between Cultures, Nations, and Families, that has Been Infused in Our Consciousness For Decades," Yes, "Personally, "I Believe it to Be so!" However, "It is Apparent," that "There Will Be a Price to Pay for It!"

"A Price that Will Cost Many of Us to Loose a Loved One," "In Defense of Our Individual Rights to Live in Freedom, and Justice!" And, "the Rights to Pursue," Whatever, "Positive Sociological Opportunities that May Lie Ahead of Us in Peace of Mind!" 

And, "the Right to Experience and Learn from the Historical, Cultural, Spiritual, and Intellectual Knowledge," that is "Prevalent," For One and All to Listen, See and Learn from," "in Our Classrooms, Libraries," or "via The Global Internet!" 

I, sincerely, "Believe that Our Founders and Spiritual Leaders," "Would have Rejoiced," if "They" had had Access to Such "An Incredible Vehicle/Communication Platform," As, "This Digital, Hi-Tech Age has Given and Provided Us," to "Bring the Constitutions, Declarations, Bill of Rights, and Laws of the Land, Sky, and Sea to Our Communities, Town Councils, Rooms of Government, and Homes!"

However, "The Question," still, "Lies in," "How," Will We Utilize This 21st Century Age of Digital and Hi-Tech Holiday Presents and Birthday Gifts," and "Sociological and Technological Evolution, New Initiatives, Space Exploration, New Findings," and "A New Norm," that "Can Lead to An Age of Amazing Grace," "if, Clearly Understood, Perceived, Reflected Upon, and Shared Wisely, and "In Conjunction" with "The Tenets of Life that We have Been Taught," and, "In Conjunction with The Values of Life," that "We have Been Taught since Birth," "How to Learn," "How to Cohabitate Peacefully and In Reverence with One Another," and "How to Collaborate, Cooperate and Share This New Age, with One Another, without Resorting to Violence!"

And, "Finally, Let It Be Noted" that "The Will of The People has been Acknowledged and Supported by Our Elected Officials!" And, Let Us Hope that "This is the First Step," "Towards Eliminating the Negative Effect" that "The Gun Culture, in the United States," is "Having Upon "We The People!"

On Wednesday, the 22nd of June, 2016 at Approximately 11:27 AM, "The Democratic Party United of the House of Representatives" "Displayed An Historical Act of Public Service" by Having a "Sit in" in "the Hallowed Chamber of the House of Representatives!"

"The Spark/Idea began with Kathrine Clark, the Democratic Congresswoman from Massachusetts, who then, Shared "This Spark" with Her Colleague, "Legendary Civil Rights Activist Elijah Cummings," the Democratic Congressman of Maryland, that "Grew into A Torch" that "Illuminated the Consciousness of Every Democrat in The U.S House of Representatives," Where Agreement to Have "An Old Fashion Sit in" "Became Unanimous!"

"The Sole Motivation of Congresswoman Clark and Congressman Cummings Idea and Natural Instincts," was "to Vote on New Gun Control Legislation!" And, After yet, "Another Mass Shooting in Orlando Florida," Causing the Deaths of 49 Innocent Victims, (by an ISIS Sympathizer), "was There Any Doubt" that "New Gun Reform Legislation was Needed!" "Any Reasonable Person would say Yes!" Right!

So, "Why" was "The Republican Party" in the House of Representatives, "Resisting the Idea of a Vote on New Gun Legislation," that would "Prevent Terrorists and Their Sympathizers," or "Emotionally Unbalanced Individuals" from; (1) Being Able to Purchase Assault Weapons, or 
(2) At the Least, Have Universal Back Ground Checks? Especially, When these Proposals are Supported by More than 90% of Americans (by Most Polls)!
(Even the Majority of NRA Members Believe this to Be A Good Idea!)

"This Remarkable Moment/Event," by All Standards, was "An Inspirational Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Demonstration" on "Behalf of We The People," that was "Further Punctuated by An Emotional Moment," During the "Sit in" When "All The Members of The Democratic Party sang," "We Shall Pass a Bill Some Day!"

And, after "One Hundred and Thirty Mass Shootings, This Year," and "the Countless Numbers of Children, Women, and Men who have Been Killed," Because of "Gun-Related Violence," It Should Be "More than Obvious to Any Sane or Reasonably Minded Person" , that "The Gun Culture in the United States Must Change!"

And, "A Fair and Just Gun Legislation," Must Be "Voted on," and "Passed by the Entire U.S. Congress!" Or, At the Least, "For a New Beginning," Renew "The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), Officially Known as the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use and Protection Act!"
(This is a Subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement of 1994)

"Why Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan," of The State of Wisconsin, has "Resisted Calling For a Vote on New Gun Reform Legislation is the Question!" Is it (1) to Protect Republican Members of The House who are Up For Re-Election and would have to Vote Yea or Nay on Gun Control Reform Legislation, and, Thus having Their Names Recorded For All Posterity, "For Better or For Worst?"

"Whatever Speaker Ryan's Reasons" are, "He should Be More Engaged, Involved and Motivated in Passing New Gun Control Legislation" that "Protects, and Defends The Rights of The People!" And, "The Simple Fact," that "The United States Of America and The World Nations are in a War/Conflict against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Surrogates" (the Overseas Contingency Operations) and "Should Be Given Credence over Political Ideologies!"

"This Not the Time" For "Politicizing this Issue" or "Giving in to the Whims of the NRA, or the ACLU," "It's Time to Come to An Agreement amongst All Elected Officials," in "the United States and Worldwide," on "How Best to Protect the Lives of Our Families," who are "More and More Becoming Innocent Victims in Harms Way!"
And, Let's Be Absolutely Clear, "This is Not about Eliminating The Second Amendment to The United States. Constitution"

It is Time For "Peacemakers and Voices of Reason Come Forth!" "Educators and Parents to Come Forth!" And, "Philosophers and Philanthropists to Come Forth!" And, "Economists and Politicians to Come Forth!" And, "For Religious, Spiritual, and Agnostic Leaders to Come Forth!" 
And, also "For Scientists, and Military Leaders, and, Justice and Law Enforcement Leaders to Come Forth!" And, "Hi-Tech and Cyberspace Companies of The Global Digital World to Come Forth!"
For, This is, "The Moment in Time When the Earths Communities are in Need of Guidance and Compassion!" And, "Clarity of Mind and Truthfulness!" And, "An Age of  Sharing and Caring For One Another without A Predetermined Prejudice Towards Any One's Person!"

"The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Thursday, the 23rd of June, 2016," or Lack there of, "Deadlocked on President Obama's Immigration Plan to Protect at Least, Five Million Undocumented Immigrants," who are "Now Stranded, Living in Limbo, U.S. of A."

"This Four to Four Deadlock Does Nothing to Heal the Wounds," and "Lack of Cohesive Immigration Policy," that "Divides Us as A Nation, and A People of These United States Of America," and "Planet Earth!" And, "Gives Further More Credence to The Importance of Having Nine Supreme Court Justices," and "Who Will Become The Next President of The United States Of America Gets to Nominate a Supreme Court Justice of Their Own Choosing!"

On a More Positive Note, "The Definitive 5-3 Vote of The U.S. Supreme Court Justices," on Monday, the 27th of June 2016, was "A Powerful Rebuttal to the State of Texas Abortion Restrictions Law!" (Clinic Shutdown Laws are being Considered by Other States as well) and "It's Proponents!"

It was also "A Grand Victory," and "A Fair and Just Decision," For "All The People of The United States Of America!"
("This Law" was, In Fact, "A Tactical Strategy," by Anti- Abortion Forces, "to Close Abortion Clinics in Texas!")   

"This is a Moment in Time," When "We".... "The People," of This Planet Earth, "are In Need of "An E-Blast of Global Conscious Awareness and Equilibre" to "Empower Us" and "Cut through," and "Above and Beyond the Walls of Impediment and Lie in Our Way," and Attempt to Surround Us," and "Threaten Us" with "Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, and Verbal Abuse!"

"The Sacrilegious Attacks on the ATATURK HAVALIMANI Airport, in Istanbul, Turkey," on Tuesday, the 28th of June 2016, that "Caused the Deaths of at Least Forty-One Innocent People," and "Injured More than Two Hundred and Forty-One," was "A Cowardly Act of Irreverence For One's Fellow Human Being," and "Another Evil Crime Against All Humanity, Committed by Three Suicide Bombers!"

"The Acts of Bravery by the Police" and "The Courage Exemplified by The Airport Employees, and Businesses of The ATATURK Airport to Re-Open Up For Business the Next Day is Highly Commendable!

And, "The Act of Courage" by "the Police Officer who Prevented One of The Suicide Bombers from Killing Additional Innocent Travelers and Citizens," "Deserves Turkey Highest Medal of Honor!"
Once again, We Send "Our Sincerest Condolences to The Families and Friends" who have "Lost a Loved One in this Violent Attack!"

And, "The Attack Upon an Upscale Dhaka Restaurant," in Bangladesh, on Friday, the 1st of July, 2016 "Causing the Deaths of at Least Twenty Hostages," and "Two Police Officers," is "Yet Another Crime against Humanity," "Committed by Extreme Radical Terror Militants," who "Have No Honor, and Deserve No Respect," as "the Escalation of  Ongoing Terror Activities Continue to Take Place Worldwide!" 
The Bangladesh Forces Ended the Hostage Standoff on Saturday, "Killing at Least Six of the Attackers!"
"Thirteen Hostages, Including Foreigners, were Rescued!"

"The New Norm of the 21st Century, that "We" have Been Referring to, "Unfortunately," has"A Negative Component/Effect to It," that has "Sociologically, Economically, Psychologically, and Emotionally, Caused Havoc," on The Earths Populace," Irregardless, of "How Our World Leaders" have "Tried to Down Play," or "Moderate the Effect It has had, and, "In Fact, Continues to have," on "All of Us, Directly or Indirectly!

And, Tragically so, "There Will Continue to Be New and Ongoing Attacks Upon the Lives of Innocent People," and "No One Will Be Left Out," Whether, "They Be Adults or Children," "All Will Be Forced to Pay the Ultimate Price," "Until Law and Order" has "Been Re-Established on Land, Sea, and in the Skies," by "The Courageous and Brave," and, "Determined Military and Police, and Intelligence Armed Forces," of The Earths, "United Civilized and Morally Bound Nations of the World!"

And, "There is No Way to Finesse this," "All Pretenses of a Civilized, Diplomatic Ending," is "No Longer a Viable Strategy" (at Present)!

"The Fourth of July is Over!" And, "Ramadan is Over!" But, "the Ongoing War Against Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates Continues," with "Multiple Attacks and Deaths in Saudi Arabia, and, "Yet, Another Tragic Attack," that has Occurred in Baghdad! With "More than Two Hundred and Fifteen Innocent People Killed," in the Karada Shopping District in Baghdad, on Sunday, the 3rd of July, 2016, in "Two Separate Bombings (at Least Twenty-five of the Deaths are Children)!"
And, "More than Two Hundred were Wounded!"
(This Immoral Act of Violence was Acclaimed by ISIS)

If, There ever was "A Clear Message for The More than One Billion Muslims, Worldwide, It's, the Fact, that "These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and "Their Surrogates," "Do Not Care about Their Welfare, Nor Do They Respect The Lives of Their Families or Religion!"

And, "These Evil Militants Care Not," about "Whether They Kill Muslims, Christians, Jews, or, Our Most Treasured Jewels in Life," "Our Children!"

And, "It Must be Obvious to Everyone," The World Over, that "Together," "We"...."The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth" "Must Definitively Defeat," and "Incarcerate These Criminals who have," and "Continue to Commit Crimes against All Humanity," and "Threaten to Destroy Our Principles, and Tenets, Our Freedoms and Security," and, "Our Homes, Towns, Villages, Cities, States, Neighborhoods, Countries and Cultures!" And, "The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings" are "At Their Mercy!"

And, Let There Be "No Doubt" that "Community Leaders, World Leaders, Religious, Political, Civil, Police, Intelligence, and Military Leaders," as well as "The Leaders of The World Business Communities and Global Markets," "Must Unite in Common Cause," and "Moral, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Rational Equilibre," As "A Great Soul Force of Justice," "Of, By, and For The People!"

Because, "We" Can No Longer Afford to Allow These Irreverent Criminals (of Abhorrent Abnormality)" to Think For One Second, "They can Succeed or Achieve Their Goals by Their Attempts to Intimidate Us!"

"These Sacrilegious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates" are "Nothing More than Gangs of Violence," and "Thieves!"
And, "Their Acts of Violence" "Demand," that There be "A Forceful, Immediate, and, Powerful Response," by "Our Leaders," and "We The People!"

So, "Take away Their Weapons!" And, "Take away Their False Rhetoric!" And, Take away Their Finances and Financial Sources and Resources!"
And, "Take away Their Caves, Caliphate," and "Safe Havens Wherever They May be!"

And, "Bring Them Face to Face with Their Destiny, Justice, and Imprisonment!" And, For Their Crimes against All Humanity," They Deserve Nothing Less" than "Life Imprisonment!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, "This is The Moment in Time," for "Streetwise and Earthwise Leaders to Come Forth," to "Provide A Common Sense and Language of Diplomacy," and "An Earthrise Vision" that "Can Heal the Divisions between Nations, and Communities," and" We"...."The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

So, that "Our Families, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbors and Strangers Can Embrace One Another" in "A Clear Demonstration of Caring For One Another" and "the Lives of All Sentient Beings on This Planet Earth and The Universe," for "The Sanctity, Protection, Education, Enlightenment, and Empowerment of Our Children and Grandchildren," and "Their Children For Future Generations to Come!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace, Justice, Freedom, Survival and Evolution of Future Generations, and the Sociological and Spiritual Development and Evolution of "We"...."The Sovereign People" of This The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!

In Memoriam:
"Five Police Officers were Killed" and "Eleven More Officers were Wounded," in "A Vengeance Sniper Attack," Directed at The Police," in Dallas, Texas, "Overnight," on Thursday, the 7th of July, 2016!

"One Woman was Wounded Saving the Life of Her Son," as "She Protectively Leap upon Him!"

"One of The Snipers," Army Reservist, Micah Xavier Johnson, "was Killed when Police Detonated a Bomb Delivered by a Robot!""

"Three Other Suspects are in Custody!" And, "A Fourth Suspect has Committed Suicide!"

"The Sniper Attack" Occurred While "a Peaceful Non-Violent Protest was Being Held," over "The Deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile, in Falcon Heights, Minnesota!"

"The Chicago Police Department" has also Been "Put on Alert!" And, "New Threats of Further Violence is Being Made!"

"This All Appears to Be An Open Attack on U.S. Police Departments," by "a Militant Group of Individuals," in "Retaliation of the Deaths of Black Americans!"

To These Militant Individuals, "Non-Violence is the Way to Legally Proceed to Right the Wrongs Committed against Innocent American Citizens!"
"Violence has Never Proven to Be the Answer!" "Violence only Leads to More Violence!"

Our Sincerest Condolences Go Out to All the Families, Friends, Loved Ones, and Community of Officers who've Died in Serving Our Country! 

In Memoriam:
Yes, It has Happened Again!" Twice in Two Days! This Time Two St. Anthony Police Officers, Jeronimo Yanez, and Joseph Kauser, Shot and Killed Philando Castile, 32, who was Employed as
"A Nutrition Services Supervisor," at J.J. Hill Montessori School, in St. Paul, Minnesota, "at a Routine Traffic Stop," in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, Wednesday Evening, the 6th of July, 2016! It has Been Reported that, "It was Police Officer Yanez who Fired the Fatal Shots!"

(And, then His Fiancee, Diamond Reynolds with Her 4 Year old Daughter, who also Witnessed the Shooting, were Arrested by the Police and Taken into Custody!)

"There are Many Unanswered Questions," However, First of All, What was "The Justification for Killing Mr. Castile in the First Place," after "Asking Him for His Identification and Drivers License!"

"What Doors of Perception Opened up in the Minds of Officer's Yanez, and Kauser," (or Lack thereof) to Motivate Them to Shoot Mr. Castile, Five Times and Killing Him!

"Is This Another Incident of Racial Profiling by the Police?"

President Obama is Concerned about "the Two Recent Shootings," in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, "of Alton Sterling," and, Now in St. Paul Minnesota!

And, The U.S. Justice Department is "Correct in Investigating the Baton Rouge Shooting of Mr. Sterling," and, also "Should Investigate the Shooting of Mr. Castile," as well! (Although, For the Moment, "The Justice Department has Decided to Leave the Case in the Hands of the State Bureau of Criminal Apprehension" in Minnesota!)

President Obama's Comments,"Made at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland," on Thursday, the 7th of July, 2016, "Sums it Up Quite Succinctly," "These are Not Isolated Incidents," and, "All Americans Should Be Concerned!"

And, The Presidents Belief that "People of Good Will Can Do Better," Rings out Loud and Clear," As, If "a Church Choir was Singing it at a Non-Violent Law and Order Demonstration," Calling Out to One and All that "All Lives are Sacred!" And, then Bursting Out into Choruses of "We Shall Over Come!" Because, In Truth, "We Can Do Better than This!"

And, "We Must," If, "We" are, "Truly to Change" "The New Norm of the 21st Century" into "An Evolved and Magnificent Era of Advanced Cultures," and "Age of Technological, and Economical Advances," and "Inspirational Visions of Reality and Innovation," that "Our Present and Future Generations Can Take Enormous Pride in!"

Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota's Comments that, "The Victim Would Still Be Alive if He were White," is "Penetrating and Deeply Disturbing,"
Because of "It's Frank Truthfulness!"

But, Here is "The Moment of Truth," in Which, "We Must Act," Should "We The People" "Accept The Shooting of "A Black Man," as "Another Negative Example and Consequence of the Imbalance of The New Norm of the 21st Century? (That, also, "Includes Economic Disparity!")
The Answer is, Unfortunately, "Yes," It is, "However, It Need Not Be!"

First though, "We Absolutely Must End All False Stigmas Related to False Opinions" of What "Negative Examples of Racial Profiling are, Irregardless of What Race, Creed, Gender, or Nationality You May Be!" "We" Must "Erase This Sense of Irreverence of Our Fellow Human Being" from "Our Minds, Souls, Intellect, Emotions, and Spirits!"

And, Let me Be Absolutely Clear in saying that, "With All the Training" that "New Police Cadets Receive at Police Academy's althroughout The United States of America," that, "We The People," "Expect Much More from Them," and "the Police Veterans of Our Police Departments," and "Law Enforcement Officials," in General!"
And, "This is "A Gross Understatement," to Say the Least!

And, Once again, We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family, Friends, and Community of Philando Castile!

In Memoriam:
"Another Tragic Domestic Terrorist Attack has Taken Place!"
"This Time in Downtown Orlando, Florida," at "the Pulse Nightclub," and "Causing the Deaths of, at Least, 50 People," at Last Count, and "Hospitalizing, at Least, 53 More with Injuries, Including One Police Officer!"

"This Domestic Terrorist Attack Occurred in the Early Hours of Sunday Morning, the 12th of June, 2016, when "a Single Gunman" Entered the Nightclub, and "in An Act of Cowardice Shot and Killed at Least 50 People!"

It began as "a Hostage Situation that Erupted into Violence," by this Gunman, Omar Saddiqui Mateen, who was "Killed by the Orlando Police!"

"The FBI has Been Investigating This Horrific Domestic Terrorist Attack Perpetrated against Innocent People," who's "Sole Intention was to Enjoy An Evening of Music and Dance!"

"This is The Worst Mass Domestic Terror Shooting in U.S. History!"
Our Hearts, Minds and Souls Go Out to the Families, Friends, and Colleagues who Lost a Loved One!

(The United States Senate's Decision to Block The Gun Vote on Four Gun Measures, on Monday, the 20th of June 2016, Two from Each Party, is Another in a Series Of Disgrace Act's of Government," For Which "We The People Will Not Condone!" 

"These are Votes against The Will Of The People," "Who Strongly Desire New Gun Reform Legislation!" And, "We have Lost All Faith in Their Ability to Govern Justly" or to "Provide Us with Rules and Regulations/Laws," to "Protect Assault Weapons from Being Purchased by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," or "Individuals who are Emotionally Impaired and Should Not Be able to Purchase a Weapon of Mass Destruction and Death," or "have These Weapons in Their Possession!" 

And, "Using The Second Amendment to Justify their Actions," "Will No Longer Suffice," as "An Excuse!" And, "Both Party's," Republican and Democrat, "are at Fault!"

"Has The U.S. Senate Forgotten," that "We are in a War against Terror!" And, also, that "Too Many Gun-Related Crimes are Committed Each and Everyday!" 
Do, "We" have "to Continuously Remind Them, What the Actual Death Count is!" Or, "How Many Families are Suffering," Because, "They have Lost a Loved One, Due to Gun-Related Violence," or "War and Conflict!" "We Will Not Forget," The Next Time, "These Elected Officials Ask Us to Vote For Them!")

In Memoriam:
The Death of Romanian-Born American Elie Wiesel "Saddens the Hearts of One and All," Irregardless of Nationality or Denomination!

Mr. Wiesel was "A Genuine Hero of Our Times" and "Will always Be Remembered as Such!"

"A Survivor of the Holocaust in World War II," Mr. Wiesel "Continued to Be A Peacemaker and Defender of Human Rights throughout All of His Life!" "Fighting Against" and "Condemning Genocide and Oppression in Sudan, South Africa, and Nicaragua!"
And, He also "Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986!"

Mr. Wiesel always "Stood up For Justice" and "Defended the Rights of All People!" He was "A Political Activist, Professor of The Humanities at Boston University, and Jewish Writer of Grand Repute!"

And, "The Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies" was "Created at Boston University in His Honor," Where Mr. Wiesel was "Continuously in the Forefront of Fighting for Jewish Causes!"

And, "He also Helped Establish the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C."
Mr. Wiesel was also "the Author of Fifty-Seven Books!" "Night" was written about "His Being a Prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Concentration Camps," in World War II!"

Mr. Wiesel was Referred to as Being, "A Messenger to Mankind," by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, and, "the Most Important Jew in the United States," by the Los Angeles Times!

And lastly, although "Mr. Wiesel's Life's History is An Extraordinary Celebration and Commitment to All Humankind," He was "A Founding Board Member of the New York Human Rights Foundation!"

Elie Wiesel Passed away on Saturday, July the 2nd, 2016 at the Age of Eighty-Seven!

We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to the Family, Friends, and World Community of Mr. Wiesel!

In Memoriam:
At Last Count, "Fifteen More Innocent People were Killed in Another Cowardly Attack at Naso-Hablod Hotel, in Mogadishu, the Somali Capital," on Saturday Evening, the 25th of June 2016, by The Islamic Militant Group, al-Shabaab!

Fortunately, "Most of the People Taken Hostage were Rescued," However, at Least, Twenty-five People were Wounded and Taken to the Hospital!"

This is Another in A Series of Extreme Radical Terrorist Attacks to Take Place, "During the Holy Month of Ramadan!" It is Obvious that "These Criminals and Murders have No Respect for The Religion that They Claim to Be A Part of!" The Two Attackers were Killed by the Police!

In Memoriam:
"Our Hearts, Minds Spirit, and Souls Go Out to The Graves Family," who's Two Year Old Son, "Lane Graves," was "Dragged into the Water of the Seven Seas Lagoon, at The Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, at Walt Disney World Florida," on Tuesday Evening, the 14th of June, 2016, by An Alligator, "Which Resulted in Their Son's Death!

In Memoriam:
And, "We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to The Family of Joanne Cox," who was Fatally Shot and Stabbed, on Thursday, the 16th of June, 2016, on Market Street, in Birstall, near Leeds in Northern London, UK.

"Mrs. Cox, 41, a Mother of Two, and, a U.K. Politician, was Killed by Tommy Mair, 52," who was Heard to Say, "Britain First," by Witnesses, Signifying that, "Mrs. Cox's Death May have Been a Result of the Intense Pros and Cons, and Heated Campaign about the Brexit Vote in the U.K."

(A Temporary Halt to All Official Campaigning, ahead of the Referendum on the U.K.'s European Union Membership Vote, on June 23rd, has Been Issued!)

Brendan Cox, "Mrs. Cox's Husband," said that, His Wife's, "Family and Friends would Fight against the Hate that Killed Jo!"

(Mr.Mair was Arrested by the Police!)

In Memoriam: 
"Four Israelis were Killed," "Two Women and Two Men," in Another Cowardly Terrorist Attack, by Two Palestinians, at the Sarona Market, in Tel Aviv, on Wednesday, the 8th of June, 2016! 
And, It's Been Reported that "as Many as 18 Innocent Victims were Hospitalized!" 

"Both of the Terrorists were Arrested!" "One of them was Shot and Wounded," by Israeli Security Forces!

Israel has Suspended Permits of 83, 000 Palestinians, "Preventing Them from Gaining Access to East Jerusalem, in An Act of Reprisal!" This has "Made it Impossible for Palestinians to Experience Last Fridays Prayers for Ramadan, in East Jerusalem," or "Visit Their Families in Israel (except for Humanitarian Cases)!" 

In Memoriam:
"The Myriad Number of Deaths of Innocent Victims that have Occurred in Iraq, Due to Terrorist Attacks, by Suicide Bombers," and, "In the Ongoing War in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria," Where "More than Four Hundred Thousand People have Died there, and Althroughout The World!"

In Memoriam: -Sports Great-
Gordon "Gordie" Howe "Passed away on Friday the 10th of June, 2016, at the Age of 88!'

"Gordie was a Legendary Icon of the National Hockey League for 26 Seasons," and "6 Seasons with The World Hockey League!"
"He Spent 25 of His Seasons Playing with The Detroit Red Wings," Where "He Became a 23 Time NHL All Star!"

Gordie was also "the Leagues Most Valuable Player 6 Times," "Winning the Hart Trophy!" 
He, also "Won The Stanley Cup 4 Times, with The Detroit Red Wings!"

Gordie Howe was "An Extraordinary Scorer and the Leagues Leading Scorer 6 Times," "Winning the Art Ross Trophy!"

"Gordie's Prowess as A Scorer was Unmatched" until Wayne Gretzky Broke Most of His Scoring Records in the 1980's!

Gordon Gordie Howe, Born in Floral, Saskatchewan, Canada, and "was Inducted in the Hockey Hall Of Fame in 1972," and "the Inaugural Recipient of The NHL Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008!" 

In Memoriam: 
We Extend Our Sincerest Condolences to All the Families, Friends, Colleagues, and Communities who've Lost Someone Special in Their Lives, a Loved One!

And, Let's Remember that There is "A Great Amount of Meaningful, Home  and Community Infrastructure and Construction, and Life Saving Healthcare, and, Career Training in The World of Technology, and, Global Investment in Climate Control, Renewable Energies, and Environmental Protection, and Social Security that Still Remains to Be Done in All the Earths Communities," "Including Those" that have "Been Devastated by Natural and Human Made Disasters"

And, "To Those of You who Feel as if You have Lost Hope and have Resigned Yourselves to this State of Being," "You have Not Been Forgotten," and although "You May Live in Perilous and Dangerous Conditions," "Relief Will Come!"  

Sharing The Light, Peace and The Celestial Song Of Life,