Monday, August 3, 2015



The Way To Peace! #258

This is, "A Wish List" for, "A New Age of Heroines and Heroes of The Twenty-First Century" (such as the Two Teachers Jean Meaux, and Ali Martin, who Saved Lives in the Lafayette, Louisiana, Movie Theater Shooting, on July 23rd, 2015, by Setting off The Alarm while being Seriously Wounded Themselves) "who Comprehend The Meaning of What A True Sense of Humanity Means!"
"A Great Soul Force of Women and Men to Strengthen and Reinforce The Ranks of Humanitarian Volunteer Workers, Worldwide," who have "Worked Tirelessly, For Decades to Come to The Aid of Those who are in Need!"

"A Modern Day Satyagraha Movement For The Benefit of All Humanity!" A la, "A Twenty-first Century Peace Corps of Millennials For Humanity, that Our Children and Their Future Generations Can Admire and Aspire to Be!" "A Global Fraternity For Humanity!" "A Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Advocates For Humanity!" "A Soul and Peace Force of Champions Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"With All the Turmoil and Distress Occurring in Our World, Today, and The Challenges Posed by Radical Extreme Terrorist Syndicates, Domestic Terrorists, Economic Disparities, Racial Injustices, Poverty, Political Rhetoric Falsely Construed to Fool The Electorate/We The People," and "The Threats to Privatize Our Public Institutions, and The Enforcements Imposed by Authoritarians to Control Us and Impede Our Rights to Live as Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth in Peace!" 
And, "The Encroachment upon Our Lives by Tyrants, Dictators, Crime and Drug Lords, Human Sex Traffickers, Egotistical Imperialistic Leaders, and Their Oligarchs," With All of This, "The Importance of Women and Men of Magnanimity, Upholding The Philosophy and Safeguards of A Global Fraternity/Community Of The People, is Ever the More in Great Need of!"

"Women and Men of Understanding and Reason" whose "Cognition and Inner Perception Fully Supports the Empowerment and Growth of The People of This Earth!"
"Whose Insights, Discernment, and Largess will Help Build A New Earthwise Policy, A Philosophy Of The People, By The People, and For The People, that Promotes Change, Through Peacetime Measures" that "Constructs New Initiatives Devoted towards Establishing Infrastructures that Enhance, Educate, and Provide Economic Security and Investment, For the Creation of Present, and Future, Opportunities For Our Families!"

"This New Earthwise Policy" is, also, "A Bridge that Connects All the Best Interests of The Digital, Science, Communication, and Ecological Universes of Thought, Word and Action!"
"A Strategic, Earthrise Vision of Global Equilibre, Rooted in A Common Sense of Being Here and Now!"
It is "Beyond Comprehension to Imagine" that "Approximately 60 Million People, Worldwide, have been Forced from Their Homes!" "To Live in a Perpetual State of Migration," As "Unauthorized Immigrants, For the Most Part," "Living in Refugee Camps, Dispossessed, and Homeless!"

"The Time has Come For A New Song Of Hope, Vision, Freedom, Peace, Respect, Trust, Generosity, Compassion, and Spirituality," that "Rejects The Discords of Antipathy and Enmity, Dissonance and Disunity, Division, and, Conflict!" "A Song Of Harmony and Humanity, that "Rejects The Warfare of Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, Sovereign Infringements, Oppression, Egotistical Imperialists, and, A Cacophony of Conditioned False Realities!"

"The Time has Come For A New Mantra Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

"A Song Of The Spirit and Soul!" "A Song Of Social Conscience!" "A Song Of Forbearance and Tolerance!" 

"A Twenty-first Century Mantra sung By A Choir Of The People, that Resonates in the Hearts, Minds, Souls and Spirits Of The People, Wherever They are Troubled or Oppressed!"

As "Blowing in The Wind," sung by Bob Dylan, "What's Going On," sung by Marvin Gaye, "We Shall Overcome," sung by a Variety of Great Artists, such as Pete Seeger, Mahalia Jackson, and Joan Baez, to name Several of them, and "Turn, Turn, Turn, sung by The Byrds, and Composed by Pete Seeger, was Sung by A Generation of Anti-War, and Civil Rights Activists, in the Twentieth Century," Let Us Learn "the Lyrics and Melodies of One Interdependent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

And, As "Victory Day (VJ Day)" is a Constant Reminder of, "Let Us always Remember and Honor the Sacrifice and Integrity of The Members of Our Armed Services and Their Commitment, Dedication, and Defense of Our Most Valuable Principles, International Laws, Essential and Paramount Ways of Life," who "Gave Their Lives to Protect We The People, from the Imperialistic Design, Oppression, and Aggression of Warmongers, and Dictators!" For, There was "No Price too Dear for Them to Pay to Protect the Welfare of Their Fellow Human Being from Those who Chose to Engage in the Brutality of War, Torture, or Enslavement!" 

And, "To All who Profess or Express the Desire to Be A World Leader," and, "To All who Choose to Be A Part of A Great Movement Of The People, A Cultural Movement, or Political, Moral, Civil Rights, Spiritual/Religious, Sociological, or Philanthropic Movement, Let Your Instincts, Thoughts, Words, Caring Tenets, and Actions Be Guided by A True Sense of Humanity and Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient, Natural, and Universal Beings!"

And, once again, "Let Us Always Remember that Non-Violence Should Steadfastly Be The Primary Position of Whatever Entrenched and Unshakable Core Beliefs, Precepts, and Path that You have Chosen to Take, to Affect A Change that Can Result in Benefits that Can Improve The Plights of The World," and "Transform Them in A Positive Way!"
"For, Non-Violence is The Solar Axiom that A Principled and Civilized People Can Thrive on and Find Peace within!"

(The Shootings and Murder of Four U.S. Marines,  U.S. Service Members, Gunnery Sgt. Thomas J. Sullivan, Sgt. Carson A. Holmquist, Lance Cpl. Squire "Skip" K. Wells, Staff Sgt. David A. Wyatt, and Navy Petty Officer Randall Smith,  in Chattanooga, Tenn,  on the 17th of July, 2015, by Kuwaiti-Born Jordanian Gun-man, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, who became a Naturalized United States Citizen, was a Dishonorable and Cowardly Way to Resolve whatever Problems he felt existed in his life or in The World, and This Act of Terrorism, on Our Own Shores, Can Not Be Condoned, or Allowed to Happen in Kind again. "Our Armed Service Members, Must be Armed!" Have We Forgotten that, The World is at War with Radical Extremist, Armed Terrorist Syndicates! Several others were also Injured in the Shootings. Mr. Abdulazeez was Killed by The Police.)

(And, the Tragic Deaths of Two Young Women, Mayci Breaux, 21, and Jillian Johnson, 33, on Thursday, the 23rd of July, 2015, in a Movie Theatre, in Lafayette, Louisiana, plus Nine others who were Injured in the Mass Shooting, by John Russell Houser, 59, is Another Clear Example of the "Need for New Gun Reform Legislation in The United States!" Mr. Houser took his own life!)

(It is Clear that A Majority of Americans Believe that "New and Better Gun Reform Legislation is Needed," However, "It will Take the Courage and Commitment of Elected Officials to Pass the Laws, Irregardless of the Pressure being Brought upon Them by the Lobbyists of The Influential Gun Industry," and "the U.S. Congress Needs to Rise to the Challenge!" 
There are Too Many Mass Murders in The U.S. to Imagine, 204 in 204 Days in 2015! And, the Count Continues to Mount on a Monthly Basis! And, It Should Be Said and Written that "Enough is Enough!")

(And, If The Law Enforcement Community is to Build a Positive Relationship with Parents, Youth, and Genders of All Natures, It Needs to Work Much Harder towards Improving Its Image with New Public Promotion Campaigns, and Updated Community Service Projects, that are Directed Specifically and Humanistically towards Empowering Our Communities!
The Fatal Shooting of  Samuel Dubose, 43, by Former University of Cincinnati Police Officer, Ray Tensing, on Sunday, the 19th of July 2015, Can only Continue to Inflame the Negative Opinions that already Exists towards the Law Enforcement Community and Police Departments, and Cause Further Damage in the Re-building of New Relationships with The Police in Our Communities. And, "Further Distancing Them from Achieving any Real Sense of NewFound Respect!" 
Mr. Dubose was Pulled over because of An Alleged Missing License Tag. Former Police Officer Tensing is Being Charged with Murder and Voluntary Manslaughter. The Body Camera Footage Supports the Charges being Brought against Former Officer Tensing, who has also been Fired by the University! Mr. Tensing claimed he had Fired at Mr. Dubose in Self Defense. )    

(Several verses from "Bob Dylan's Blowing in the Wind," come to mind, One is, "Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died," and "Verses from Marvin Gaye's What's Going On," also come to mind, "Mother, Mother, there's far too many of you crying, Brother, Brother, Brother, There's far too many of you dying,")

("The United States  is A Great Nation with A Grand Ole History of Accomplishments that are to Be Greatly Admired,"  But, If, It is to Continue to Be as such, "It Needs A Great Body of Legislators who Vow to Reinforce Its Laws, Guide it, and Pass New Gun Reform Legislation that Both Empowers and Protects The People!" And, "Our Law Enforcement Community Must Aspire towards Achieving Higher Standards of Performance, For the Greater Good of The Community!") 

And, "The World Nations Must also Continue to Engage in Peace Dialogues and Diplomacy," For, This is, "Still, The Best Way to Solve The Differences that Lie Between Us (The P5+1 Approach toward Accomplishing Diplomatic Goals, plus the Use of Strong Sanctions whenever Deemed Necessary, should Be the International Model for Making Strides towards Peaceful Resolutions in Moments of Intense Conflicts wherever They May Occur)!"
However, "If A Great Soul Force is Needed, Let Us Not Hesitate to Defend and Protect Those of Us who are Being Attacked and Forced to Submit by Coercion or Aggression, or by Invasion!"
"For Their Lives, and The Lives of Their Friends, Families and Loved Ones are Sacrosanct in Any International or Universal Court of Law, and Their Rights of Sovereignty Must Be Upheld and Respected!"

And, "Let Us Stand Firm in The Way of Any Rogue Nation that Invades the Sovereignty of Another Independent Nation or People!" "History has Already Shown Us The Errors of Our Ways, and What The Consequences of Inaction Can Be, When The Rights of A Sovereign People, or Nation, are Threatened!" "The Proof Lies in The Massive Loss of Life, and Destruction of Towns, Villages, and Cities, Caused by the World Wars and Conflicts of The Twentieth Century!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let this Be The Season/Age when Peace on Earth is Finally Achieved!" And, As it is Written in "Turn, Turn, Turn," sung by The Byrds, Let this Be, "A Time that You May Embrace... "A Time for Peace I swear its Not too late."

And, "Let Us Purposefully Agree to Persevere Together, Serve The Paths of Peace Together, and Transcend the Inequities that We May Be Faced with Together!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Our Purpose in Peace, via the The Global Social Media, and The Limitless Cross-Media Universe, Across The Internet Bridge of Our Earth Community to The Farthest Corner of This Planet Earth and to Each and Every State of Mind!" As Sam Cooke sang, "It's been a long, long time coming, But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will."

And, "Let Us Continue to March to The Beat, Rhythms, and Drums of A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, to "A New Age and Global Earthwise Policy Of Grand Equilibre and Reason Of Being, As A Great Global Fraternity Of The People!"

And, "Let This New Beat," "Be The Truth, Soul, Philosophy, Reality, and Spirit of The People!" 
"For, We are One and All, Sovereign People of This Planet Earth, and, a Part of A Grand Cosmos of  Natural and Universal Beings!"
This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, Trust, and Security On Earth!