Friday, June 26, 2015



The Way To Peace! #255

"What a Historical Week this has been for The U.S. Supreme Court!" 

Beginning with Upholding the 1968 Fair Housing Act!" "A Vote," that "I Believe Martin Luther King Jr. would Be Very Proud of!"

And, (2) Ruling that the Affordable Health Care Act, Allows The Federal Government to Provide Nationwide Tax Subsidies to Help, both The Poor and The Middle Class to Buy Health Insurance!

And, Now, by a 5-4 Vote, "the Supreme Court has Declared Same Sex Marriages Legal in All 50 States!"

"This Week's Supreme Court Decisions Will Be Historically Acclaimed as A Moment in Time when Justice Prevailed in The United States." 

"An Extraordinary Moment," When The Faith and Belief that Our Founders, and Free People from All over The World, have had in Democratic Principles has been Justified!"

And, "Once again, Legal Equality, Political Freedom, Rule of Law, and The Right to Live as A Free Sovereign Citizen has been Validated!"

And, "As A Choir of Voices sing The National Anthem in Front of The U.S. Supreme Court," 
"Let Us Take Courage" in Knowing that, "The Truth, Coupled with The Law Of The People, and The Land, are Proof that A Just and Fair Government Of, By, and For The People is A System that Works For One and All, in Equilibre!"
And that,"This is a True Partnership for Life, in which, The Lives of Each and Every Human Being is Relevant, and Equal in The Eyes of The Law!"

And that, This is, The Way To Peace and An Age of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Peace, Justice, and Security On Earth!

Friday, June 19, 2015



The Way To Peace! #254

Once again, "Another Cruel and Hateful Act of Violence" has "Violated One of Our Houses of Worship," This Time, "Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina," and "Taken the Lives of 6 Women, and 3 Men, Including Reverend Clementa Pinckney, 41, the Church's Pastor," and, "Cast Dark Aspersions upon The Second Amendment to The United States Constitution," and, "Abused and Misused The Right to Bear Arms in The United States," and, "To Whom that Right Should Be Given to!"

"The Tragic, Vicious, and Senseless Murders of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, 41, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45, Ethel Lance, 70, Susie Jackson, 87, Cynthia Hurd, 54, Myra Thompson, 59, Tywanza Sanders, 26, Daniel Simmons, 74, DePayne Middleton, 49," Wednesday evening, June 17, 2015, is Yet, "Another Act of Violence Perpetrated by a Segment of Brain Washed, Conditioned and Misinformed, Evil Minded Individuals," who have Been "Lead and Taught to Believe in False Rhetoric, False Contentions, and, Manipulated by Discords, and Lies to Believe," that, "Through Acts of Violence," "They Can Bring Back a Past that No Longer Exists," or "Solve the Differences and Issues that Prove to Difficult to Control," or are "Unable to Deal with The Changes that We as An Earth Society Must Make," In this, "The 21st Century," "As A Civilized Earth Community!"

"The Cruelty of this Act of Violence is Immeasurable to The Families who have Lost a Loved One," and, "The Tears, Pain, Agony, and Grief will Remain for The Remainder of Their Lives!" "How do You Replace An Integral and Loving Member of Your Family!" Or, "A Member of Your Community whose Life was Taken in Vain!" "Too many Innocent Lives have Been Lost to The Unconscionable Acts of A Fool's Errand!" The Suspect, Dylann Roof, 21, was Arrested in Shelby, North Carolina, on Thursday, June 18, 2015

To Say that,"These Day's have Been Very Difficult is An Understatement!" 
However, "I Sincerely Believe," that "History will Record This Time Period as Being," In spite of All The Violence that has Occurred, "An Age When Our Civilization Evolved to Embrace the Ways of Compassion, Peace, and, The Sanctity, and Freedom of One's Fellow Human Being," "Over The False Rhetoric, Lies, Brutality, and Oppression of Terrorist Syndicates, Tyrants, Dictators, Sex Traffickers, Organize Crime, and Hate Mongers!"

And, That "History will Record" that "We" As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth, have Chosen to Respect and Believe in The Right of All The People to Live without Fear of Religious Persecution or Racial Bias!" As "A United, Sovereign People of The Earth!"

"The Culture of Violence and Those who Initiate it, Must Come to An End!" "Our Children are Depending on Us to Bring An Age of Peace to The 21st Century!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Once again, "Let Our Houses of Worship Ring Out The Bells of Peace, Soul, and Harmony!"

And, "Let Our Prayers and Meditations Strengthen Our Resolve to Live in Peace, Soulfulness, and Harmony with One  Another!"

 And, "Let Our Voices Sing Out," Once again, "As A Great Soul Force of Peace, Soul, Love, and Harmony," that "We Shall Overcome!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Hearken to Those Who are In Need and Provide Them with Hope, Tenderness, Friendship, Peace, Trust, Love, and Justice!" Wherever They May Be, and Whatever Danger They May Be Faced with!"

And, "Let Us Utilize All The Technological Advances of Our Social Media, and The Cross Media Universe, to Reach out to Them," and, in Doing so, "Empower Them!"

And,"Let This Be An Earthrise Movement" that "Transcends All The Negative Discord, Dissolution, and Disharmony," that "Threatens Our Families, Our Fellow Human and Sentient Beings, Universe, Planet and Cyberspace!
 For, This is, "The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace and Reverence On Earth!     


Monday, June 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #253

On This June Day, "As The Algonquin Native American Tribes Strawberry Full Moon Reaches It's Zenith in The Eventide Sky" (a Time to Harvest and Gather Ripening Strawberries, and also Known as the Rose Moon in Europe) and "Gazes Down upon Natures Realm, Where Reigning Tornadoes, Heavy Rains, Floods, Earthquakes, Avalanches, and Hurricanes have Proclaimed Their Dynasties o'er The World!" 
"Natures Most Recent Rampage of Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Torrential Rainfall, and Floods in the Month of May, 2015, have Taken the Lives of, At least, 31 People  in Texas and Oklahoma, and 7 Residents are Still Reported to Be Missing!" And, "Drought Conditions Continue to have a Negative Effect in California!"

And, "on Monday, the 25th of May, 13 Deaths were Reported to have Occurred in Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, also, Due to Tornadoes and Flash Floods!" And, "a Horrendous Heatwave has Caused the Deaths of, At least, 1,400 People, in India, last week," where Temperatures Peaked at 117 degrees Fahrenheit, on Monday, the 25th of May, at Angul, in the State of Odisha!"

And, "on Saturday Evening, May 30th, 2015, a 7.8 Earthquake Occurred near Japan's Ogasawara Islands." Fortunately, "There was No Major Damage, and only Two People were Injured," at last count! But, "the Earthquake was Felt althrough-out Japan, from the Southern Islands of Okinawa to Hokkaido, in the North, of Japan, near Russia."
And, "Last Evening Storms Caused Flash Floods in parts of Massachusetts, Georgia, New Jersey, and New York!"
All of Which,  by my Account, "Seriously Demonstrates The Need to Heed Further Warnings of Climate Warming!" 

And, "With The Advent of Summer Immersing Itself within my Thoughts and Reveries," While Sitting Back and "Listening to a Local FM Radio Station," I Heard a Song that was Originally Released in the 1980's by Tears For Fears, entitled "Everybody Wants To Rule The World!" 
It's "An Oldie but a Goodie," although, in a Truer Sense, Bill Haley and His Comets, "Rock Around the Clock," would Truly Be an "Oldie but a Goodie, however, "The Title of the Song Remained Fixated in my Mind, or, "Moreover Like a Mantra Repeating over and over in my Mind!"

And, As often Occurs (although the Song Itself had Left my Consciousness), "This Train of Thought Led me to Examine Events" that "The Global Cross Media News Blitz has Reported,"
"Events that are Importantly Newsworthy and Informative," that are "From both a Militaristic, or Political Point of View, Acts of Aggression that are Threatening to Our Earths Civilization," and, also "Display Traits of The Grand Illusion of Wanting to Rule The World!" 
"A Grand Illusion" that has "Taken Place since The Beginning of Civilization," and "In Every Case or Attempt Made, the Lessons Learned have Been Clear and Concise!" 
Which is, "Eventually, The World Will Stand Fast and Reject All Attempts to Conquer it!" 
"It is Important" that "We Always Remember This Fact," that, "The Spirit and Soul of The Sovereign People of The World is Indomitable" and "The Welfare and Security of Our Children is Sacred and Sacrosanct!"
However,  "As We are All to Aware of," "The Lessons of History are Not always Heeded," and so, "We The People" are "Forced to Deal with The Acts of Leaders of Sovereign Nations," who are "Willing to Risk Returning to War and Armed Conflict in Order to Achieve Their Goals and Grand Illusions of Empire Building!"

"From an Imperialistic Point of View," Here in The 21st Century, "It would Appear that Russia would Fit into This Category" of "Wanting to Rule the World and Reclaim Their Glory!" 
As is "Demonstrated by "Their Incursion into/Invasion of Their Neighbor, The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine and Their Annexation of Crimea," although "President Putin, Might Think Differently!"
And, "Let's Not Forget Russia's Ongoing Acts of Aggression and Disputes with the Independent Sovereign Nation of Georgia!"

And, "China's Activities in The International Waters of The South China Sea," Certainly have "A Strong Possibility of Fitting into The Same Category of Empire Building" with the "Grand Illusion of Ruling the World, through Finance, Territorial Expansion, or by Instigating Continued Disputes o'er Land and Sea"
Or, "As The Global Cross Media News Blitz has Reported," "in the Ongoing Disputes, and Territorial Claims of The Sovereign Nations of Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand,Vietnam, and Taiwan!" Where "China Continues to Assert its Nine Dotted Line Theory," as "Its Basis for It's Claims to the Major Part of The South China Sea," that "Includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands!" 
And, "The Fact that China has Actually Begun Building Islands in these Strategic Waters has Compounded the Feelings and Thoughts of The Leaders of These Nations!"

"The United States has Sent the USS Fort Worth," a Hi-Tech Navy Warship, on What is Being Described as Being on, "A Routine Patrol" in The South China Sea. However, It is a part of "a New Focus on the Asian-Pacific Region by the United States!"

And, "Just Recently a U.S. P8-A Poseidon," An Advanced Surveillance Aircraft, Flying at 15,000 ft. was Warned by a Chinese Radio Operator..."You Go," although "The P8-A Pilots Reported that They were Flying through International Airspace." 
"Photos shot by the Aircraft Displayed Construction and Dredging Activity on the New Islands!"

And, "to Further Compound the Dispute with China," in The South China Sea, "The Chinese have Made Warnings to Philippine Military Aircraft" to "Leave Areas Surrounding the Spratly Archipelago, in The South China Sea!" 

"U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry has had Talks with Top Officials in Beijing," to Protest Against China's Territorial Claims! And, The U.S. is Considering Deploying "A Missile Defense Shield in The Pacific!" (We wish Secretary of State Kerry, a Healthy Recovery from Breaking His Leg in a Bicycle Accident, near Scionzier, France)

And, "Japan has Sent Two Warships to Conduct Training Exercises with The Philippines, in The South China Sea!" 
(The South China Sea is Rich in Oil, Natural Gas, and Fishing," and, is also, "One of the Busiest Shipping Routes in The World!" "Approximately, 5 Trillion Dollars in Trade Passes Through Its Shipping Lanes each Year!)

And, In Addition, (1) There Continues to Be The East China Sea Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Dispute between China, Japan, and South Korea, and (2) The Border Disputes between China and India, that Still have Not Been Resolved," (irregardless of the 22 Billion Dollars in 26 New Business Deals and 24 Agreements, that India's Prime Minister Narenda Modi and China's President Xi Jinping have Agreed to, on Behalf of Their Countries, as Reported on Saturday, May 16, 2015), and, (3) China has said that, "although Current Conditions in The South China Seas Do Not Warrant it," They are Considering "Setting up An Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in  The South China Sea.!"

And then, There is "The Iran Influence in The Middle East......" (and, the Radical Extremist Syndicates  who are Attempting to Carve out Their Own Piece of the Middle East for Themselves, while Simultaneously Continuing to Carryout Their Global Terrorist Campaign. Car Bombs have Pummeled Ramadi, in Iraq, causing Its Downfall, and Car Bombs have Killed, At least, 15 People at 2 Luxury Hotels in Baghdad, on May 28, 2015, and Toll of the Wounded is in the Dozens. And, 4 Americans have Reportedly been Taken Hostage by Shiite Rebels/the Huthi Militia, and held as Prisoners in Yemen and, in the Capital, Saana)!
And, "Distressingly, there are Millions of Families Living in Refugee Camps" and "Thousands More who are in a Constant State of Migration, Longing to Live in Peace and Safe from War and Strife!" (and, Migrants from Myanmar are Living as Virtual Prisoners in Jungle Camps in Malaysia, Beaten, Killed, and Raped by Sex Traffickers at Will.) 

"It is Beyond Comprehension" that the U.S. Congress could not Agree on a "Compromise to Extend the Patriot Act which has Lapsed as of Sunday, May 31st!" 
"Have these Politicians Forgotten that We are at War against Terrorist Syndicates throughout The World!" And, "Intelligence is of the Utmost Importance!" (Plus there are Domestic Serial Killers, such as the One Terrorizing Motorists in Colorado, and Street and Bike Gangs, and Organized Crime, that Need Constant Monitoring)
Fortunately, "A Majority of Rational Thinking Members of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, Did Vote to Pass the USA Freedom Act," which "Will Extend Anti-Terror Provisions!"

Hopefully, "The P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the United Kingdom, France, China, the United States, and Russia, plus Germany) Nuclear Talks with Iran can, Through Diplomatic Efforts, Demonstrate that A New Age of Peace Dialogues Can Build Trust, between Nations and Their Citizens, Where Once There was Distrust and Inanity!" 

And, "Through Innovation, Education, Trade, A Global Peace Time Economy with Fair Employment Laws, Job Security, Guaranteed Health Provisions, plus The Inviolable Right of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth to Live in Freedom," and "Protected by The Laws of Our Constitutions, Bill of Rights, and Global Declarations of Independence, Bring Forth An Agreement of Unity in Purpose and Design that Allows for and Guarantees The Peaceful Co-Existence of All People!" 
"A Strategically Designed and Learned Agreement" that is "Upheld and Defended by Our Governments and State Departments, International Courts of Law, and The Global Military Industrial Complex and Intelligence Agencies, and The Global Law Enforcement Communities!"

"It has Become More and More Obvious" that "When Global Nations and Their Partners," whether it Be, Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies, State Departments, and The Military Industrial Complex, "Act in Concert with One Another, on Behalf of The People and Justice For One and All, Great Things Can Happen!"  Which Can Lead to "A New Age of Cooperation, and Modernization!"

"The Indictments of 9 FIFA Executives, and 5 Corporate Executives, by The Global Law Enforcement Authorities (led by the FBI, the U.S. Department of Justice, and Swiss Authorities) is And Example of What Can Occur when Nations Act in Concert with One Another on Behalf Of The People and Justice For One and All!"
(These 14 Indictments are but "The Tip of The Iceberg" as the Saying Goes! And, "The Hubris, Greed, Imperialistic Attitude, and Ego, of These Individuals and Corporations," that has "Brought Charges of Racketeering, Criminal Acts, and Money Laundering upon Them," "Will Lead to Their Downfall and Imprisonment!" And, "The Arrogance of Their Acts has Tarnished The Image of The Beautiful Game)

And, "It is More and More Obvious" that "When the Global Nations of Unity, Truth, and Justice, Come Together, Our World Knows No Limits to Its Potential!" And, When You Add to this, "Our Technological and Scientific Achievements, Faith, Compassion, and Sense of Charity and Commitment, to An Evolving Age of Global Equilibre, and A Civilization of Peace, Reason, Trust, Cooperation, and Belief in Each other," "We Can Change The World, For The Betterment of The World, and For The Future Benefit of All The Children of The World!"

And, "In This New Age," "There will be No Room For Gerrymandering of Electoral Districts, Racial Profiling, Poverty, Homelessness, or Oppression!"

"In This New Age," "There will Be No Place For Dictators, Drug and Sex Traffickers, Crime Lords, Radical Extremists Syndicates, Fraudulent  Financial Schemes, Government Corruption, False Political Rhetoric, or Misleading/Deceitful Religious Leaders, or Street Gangs!"

"Just Imagine if The P5+1, and The United Nations Provided A Concentrated Global Leadership Strategy For The World, in The Name of Peace, and Empowerment To The People," that is; (1)"Based on An Earthrise Vision of A Shared Prosperity For One and All!" 
And, (2)"A Global Equilibre of Trade Policies," (3)"Environmental Protection Policies of Our Lands, Seas, Skies, and Universe," (4)"Protection of Our Cross Media Universe of Cyber Space and Technological Innovations," (5)"Renovating and Re-Building The Global Infrastructures of Our Earths Societies," (6)"Protection of The Social Values Of The People," and (7)"A New Financial System Based on A Peace Time Economy!"
And, "Just Imagine if The 41st G7 Summit (Germany, France, The United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Japan, and The United States, The President of European Commission, Guest Invitees from Nigeria, Iraq, and Tunisia, plus the IMF, Finance Ministers, and Central Bank Governors), Meeting in Schloss Elmau, Krun, Bavaria, Germany,  from June 7-8, 2015, Took up This Global Mantle on Behalf Of The World," and "Provided The World with a Strategy to Empower The People in The Name of Peace and Global Equilibre Economically!"

"Just Envision An Age Of The People," Sovereign Citizens of A 21st Century Civilization that "Embraced New Worlds of Evolutionary Ideas, and Breakthrough's to Inspiring, Imaginative, Creative and Inventive New Enterprises, and the Continued Development of Alternative Energies!"

"Just Envision An Age Of The People of A New Millennium," "Where Ingenuity, Perceptivity, Insight, Understanding, Prescience, Intelligence, and Experiential Wisdom, are The Guidelines, Benchmarks, and Parameters For Our Sociological, Political, Philosophical, and Spiritual Evolvement!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Build Worlds of Civil and Social Activism via The Social and Global Cross Media Universes!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Non-Violently Demonstrate and March, In The Name of The People," "Wherever Oppression and Injustice Threatens Our Families and Lives and Peaceful Co-Existence!"

And, "Let Us Put Forth An Earthrise Declaration" that "Vows to Prevent Those Who Would like to See the Degradation and Regression of Our Earth's Societies and 21st Century Civilization, For Their Own Benefit and Profit, from Achieving Their Goals!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Age of Peace and Security On Earth!

And, In Memoriam, Our Sincerest Condolences go to the Biden Family! Beau Biden, 46 years of age, Eldest Son of U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, died on Saturday, the 30th of May, 2015, due to a Brain Cancer. Beau Biden was elected twice as Attorney General of the State of Delaware, and Planned to Run for Governor, in 2016.

On a Final Note, The Global Cross Media News and Entertainment Universe has seen the Retirement of Two Icons! 
CBS Bob Schieffer, 78 years of age, has Retired after 24 Years as the Anchor of Face The Nation, and 46 years at CBS News, during which time He Displayed a Journalistic Integrity in the Grand Tradition of Walter Cronkite.
And, After 33 Years, David Letterman, 68 years of age, Host of The Late Show on CBS has Retired. He Hosted the Longest Serving, Late Night TV Talk Show, where His Comic Ability and Ingenuity Advanced the Format of Creative/Variety Late Night TV in the U.S.