Tuesday, December 2, 2014



The Way To Peace! #243

Once again, "Winters Cold and Cascading Snow Flakes Drape Our Landscapes!"  As "Autumns Leaves Continue to Fall o'er The Earth leaving Our Tree's in A Naked State of Grace!" 
And, As "The Changing Horizons," and "The Skies that Hover above Us," Change Colors from White to Gray, with "Clouds Resembling Magnificent Shapes of Cumuli, Cirrus, and Stratus Formations to A Clear Blue," Embrace Them, "The Foretelling of A New Winters Season has Begun!"
And, I must admit that I am looking forward to this "Season to Be Jolly," "In spite of The Continued Lack of Perception" that "Exists amongst Our Law and Order Officials that Causes Parents to Feel Fear for Their Children," in this The 21st Century, "All Because of The Color of Their Skin" and An Ugly Word "Profiling!"

"Too Many Children have been Killed," Because of "One's False Perception of who They are!"
 It Might be "Because of Their Clothing Attire!" Or, It Might be "Because of (Their Slang) The Way They Speak!"  However, "These Acts of Violence (self defense?) have "Continued to Plague Our Societies," For Much Too long! And, once again (as in the 20th Century), "It's Time For There has to Be a Long Term Concerted Effort" to "Train Our Law Enforcement Public Servants and Courts of Law to Understand" that "A Change in Perception Must Come!" (The Obama White House/Department of Justice Initiatives are a Step in The Right Direction)

"The Pain that A Parent Feels at The Loss of A Child is Excruciatingly, Beyond Comprehension!" And then, "To Think that His or Her Death Might have been Averted," is "Extremely Difficult to Endure!" And, "The Anguish, Agony, and Desolation of it All," has to "Last for a Lifetime!"

"Preventative Measures to Stave Off thoughts of Fear Must be Taught in Law Enforcement Academies!" 
"How to Understand and Appreciate Our Sociological and Cultural Differences" "Must be Taught in Our Schools and Homes!"  
And, "Lawful and Non-Violent Demonstrations," that are "Necessary to Express Our Outrage Must be Taught as An Academic Course in Our Schools," and, "As A Way of Life in Our Homes!"

"A Change in Perception Must Come," in Our Courts, in Our Grand Jury's, and Wherever Judgements are Made To Validate Our Beliefs, Re-Build Our Trust in The Law, and Give Credence to Our Freedom and Our Principles!" And, "Protect Us," "We"..."The People," "from Harm, and Discouragement in The Law Enforcing Procedures" that "We Depend on!"
(the Grand Jury Decisions in the Michael Brown Case in Ferguson, Mo. and The Eric Garner Case in NYC are Clear Examples of The Reasons For All The  Distrust that is Building amongst "We"..."The People," Directed Towards Our Law Enforcement System and Its Officials! And, Lets Not Forget The Trayvon Martin Case in Sanford, Fl.)!

"A Change in Perception" that is Born and Bred in The Reality that "We"... The People" are "One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth" and thus, "Our Lives are To Be Respected," and "Not Taken for Granted by Anyone," Whether They be, "Priest, Rabbi, President, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, Prime Minister, Anyone!" "Too Much has been Taken for Granted without Due Cause!" Too Many Incidents have Occurred," where "Someone has Acted without Thinking First!"

"On a Macro scale," You can See, "How Leaders have Acted Without Concern for the Lives of The Citizens of Another Sovereign Nation! And, "We" have Seen, "How Religious Extremists have Taken Innocent Lives Without Concern of What The Consequences May be!"

What are "We Teaching Our Children?"  Is this, "The Future that "We Would have For Them!" Have "We Not Seen Enough Violence to Last For An Eternity!"  

"How is Each New Generation to Understand" that "They are To Be The Soul Force of A New Global Configuration of Peace and Equilibre," if "They Do Not Witness it" by "The Actions of Their Parents, Peers, and Elders!"
And, "How are Our Children to Understand" that "Our Schools and College Campuses are For Learning and Maturing!"
"Learning to Appreciate and Experience Students of Different Cultures, Different Creeds, Different Ethnic Groups, Different Religions, and Different Genders," if "We," Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do not Demonstrate that Same Respect To Our Fellow Human Being!"

If "We" Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do Not Show Reverence For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!" 
And, if "We Do Not Show The Proper Respect For This Planet Earth and Great Cosmos," that "We" are, but, "A Small Part of!"
"The National and Local News Reportage" about "The Number of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses is Alarming!" And, "The Acts of Bullying and Violence, also, of Deep Concern and Dismay!"

"Each Generation has a Part to Perform as The World Evolves" into "A New Global Configuration of The 21st Century!" "Just as A Change in Perception" "Must Accompany The Training and Education of Our Law Enforcement Officials, Court Lawyers, and Judges!"

And, "Before Anymore Innocent Lives (or Property is Destroyed or Damaged) are Lost to Unconscionable Acts of Violence," "Activist Groups and Advocates of Law and Order and Peace," "Need to Teach, by Showing Restraint," when "Demonstrations, Marches, or Sit ins, are Mobilized to Place Emphasis on Their Ideas and Causes," in "The True Tradition of Martin Luther King's Non-Violent Civil Rights Marches," and "Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha Movement," "All across This Earth of Ours," from Ferguson, Ohio, to Hong Kong ("Fragrant Harbour")!"
("The Hands up Gesture" by The 5 Players of The St. Louis Rams is "A Positive Symbolic Example of The Type of Non-Violent Acts of Solidarity" that are Needed (with The Ferguson Protesters), and has "Empowered A Non-Violent Movement in The U.S." 
And, "More of Such Non-Violent Acts and Events are Necessary," if, "We" are "To Evolve and Move Ahead as A Great Society Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" Whether it Be "To Protest against Poverty and Homelessness or Justice For One and All!")

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" For "The Global Cross-Media News Services and The Social Media" to "Show Peaceful, Non-Violent Events," Whenever and Wherever They May Occur! 

"A Change in Perception" is Necessary, "Wherever Social Issues are Being Discussed or Enacted upon!" 
And, "Public Service and Charitable Work Must Be Encouraged" in The Tradition of "The Peace Corps, Doctors and Nurses without Borders, and Mother Teresa," if "We"..."The People" are "To Rise Above The Indifference that, at Times, Clouds Our Vision," When "We" are "Faced with New Challenges that Impede Our Ability to Help Another Human Being!"

However, With Great Perseverance, Meaningful Purpose, Courage, Determination, and Soul Strength, "We"... "As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth," "Will Rise to A Higher Ground," "In Fused with An Evolutionary and Sociological Awareness," that is "In Parallel with The Inspired Technological, Scientific, Communication, and Information Age of Innovated Evolutionary Achievements!"

And, Now that The Global Cross-Media News Blitz about The AEC, G20, and E3/E+3-Iran Talks are behind Us! And, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has Resigned (Signalling that The U.S. is Officially Engaged in A War on Terror, and is Taking President Vladimir Putin's Acts of War and Syria more Seriously), "T'is The Season To Be Jolly" has Returned to My Mind! 

And, "It is Helpful" when I see Lauryn Hill's Smiling Face, (a College Student from Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio) Who is Suffering from An Inoperable Brain Tumor, "Getting Her Wish to Play Basketball in The NCAA!" "Her Courage and Strength of Character is Definitely on Display," when She is Reported as Saying, "Why Give up on Life? Why Not Keep Going?" Lauren Definitely Represents An Extraordinary Profile in Courage!" 

And, It's also Uplifting to Hear The Re-Recording of "Do They Know its Christmas" being Sung by "a New Coalition of 30 Artists who Generously gave Their Time and Effort to this Meaningful Project to Come to The Aid of The People of West Africa," who are "Still Suffering from Ebola" (originally the song was recorded to raise funds to fight the Famine in Ethiopia in 1984, and was, also, Assembled by Bob Geldof)!

And, of course, There is "the Picture of a Young Boy (12 year old Devonte Hart) and A Police Officer (Portland Police Sergeant Bret Barnum) Hugging each other," at "A Ferguson Related Rally in Portland, Oregon)," that "Sent a Passionate Message around the Viral World!" 
And, While "It May be A Small Step Forward," It is Still "A Positive Symbolic Image of Compassion, at a Time, "When there is Such A Lack of Trust in The Streets and Neighborhoods of Our Communities" "Towards The Members of Law Enforcement!" 

And, "The Out Pour of Help," Offered to "Devon Stills 4 Year Old Daughter, Leah," Who was Diagnosed with Pediatric Cancer, is also "A Powerful Reminder of The Great Heart, Mind, Soul, Spirit, and Compassion of Our Society!"

And, The Joyous Faces of The 2 Americans (Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller) and Their Families when "They Returned Home of from Being Held Prisoners in North Korea!" 

And, The Successful Lift Off NASA's Spacecraft Orion's Test Flight from Cape Canaveral, Fl. (Ushering in a New Era of Space Exploration in The U.S.) and The Landing of The European Space Agency's Philea lander on the Rosetta Spacecraft  on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko are, Both, "A Positive and Exciting Example of The Potential of  "We"..."The People," and, of What lies ahead of Us in the 21st Century! "All of which I am Enthusiastic about!" 

"We" have but "To Reach Out to Each Other and The Universe" and "Have The Courage to Rise above The Conditioned Realities that have Divided Us" and "In Full Realization of The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us Join Together as A United People of This Planet Earth!" 
"This is Not Impossible to Do, if You, But, Believe that "You Can Do it!"

And, So, "As We Enter into A New Season of Winter," "In spite of The Chaos and Discord in The World," "Let Us Build," Instead, "A World Society that is Rooted in A Universe of Unanimity and Purpose that is Beneficial to To All Human Kind!"

And, To All The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Accomplishing Our Goals to End Poverty!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals of An End of Homelessness!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals of An End to Social and Financial Disparities On Earth!" 

And, "Let us Continue to Work Towards An Earthrise of Hope, Compassion, and Belief in A World of Reverence and Respect For The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings, Existing in Harmony and Equilibre with Each other!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age of Peace On Earth!