Monday, November 3, 2014



The Way To Peace! #242

"As A New Holiday Season Begins to Enfold Us, Including a Cross-Media Universe of Sports Entertainment," and "Black Friday Begins a Month Early!" 
And, "As Religious, Political, Financial and Military Leaders of The Earths Global Economies Ponder about "What will Be the Fate of The Worlds Global Economies" during "This Holiday Time Period," and Whether or Not "We will Be Actively Engaged in A War Against Terrorism/Extremism," or "Temporarily Enjoying a Diplomatically and Economically Driven Cease Fire" and "Season of Peace on Earth!"

And, "As Midterm Election Campaigns in The U.S. Attempt to Attract The Interest and Votes of Every American Citizen of Voting Age!"

And, "As The Global News Media Blitz continues it's Non-Stop Reportage of Social Issues and World Affairs," and, "As President Vladimir Putin's Directives Authorizing Russian Armed Forces to Continue to Test NATO and The European Union's Resolve and Commitments, by Dispatching More than Nineteen Combat Aircraft and Bear Strategic Bombers into International and European Air Space over The Baltic Sea, North Sea, The Black Sea, and The Atlantic Ocean Last week, and, in addition,Two Russian Bombers flew Close to Great Britain," in each instance, Wherever the Occurrence took place, "It Forced The RAF, Royal Norwegian Air Force, The Turkish Air Force, and Portuguese Air Force to Scramble and Intercept them" (Totaling more than One Hundred Times for this Year) "Bringing A New and Unwelcome Tension to This Region of The World!"
(No Matter what Reason these Russian Aircraft were Dispatched, Military Maneuvers, etc. "They Must File Flight Plans," and "There is No Excuse" for These "Not so Subtle Acts of Provocation by The Russian President")

And, "As Boko Haram continues to Violate The Rights of Two Hundred Nineteen Young Women, after Kidnapping them," have "Now Announced that These Young Women, who were Students going to School to Achieve an Education," have "Now Been Converted to Islam and Married," to whom? "This is an Act of Barbarism!"
"I Do Not Understand" why "The Western Industrialized Nations Do Not Use Their Spy Satellites to Locate These Young Women, and Release them, and Capture Boko Haram!"

And, "As ISIS continues to Violate the Human Rights of Every Citizen of The Middle East," by "Their Attempts to Force Them to Submit to their Extremist and Barbaric World of Violence under Threats of Be headings, Rapes, and Tortures, of which, "They Will Not Succeed!" 

And, "As The Forty-three Kidnapped Students in Mexico Still Remain Missing, and Their Families Suffer in Their Absence," "The World is Watching, Wondering, How Can this Happen!" And, "Why has it Happened!" Whatever the Reason is "These Innocent Children Must be Found and Returned to The Loving Embrace of Their Families!" And, "The Perpetrators Must be Found and Punished under the Sternest Penalty of The Law!" 
"There are Too Many Children who Have Been Abducted!" "The Signs are Posted in Retail Shops, on Poles and Walls, or Wherever the Photos Can be Seen," with One Word, "Missing" Written above "The Face of a Beautiful Young Child!" 
And, again, "Why" haven't "The Western Industrialized Nations Used Their Spy Satellites to Locate Down These Kidnapped Children and Their Kidnappers!"

And, "As Our Brave Soldiers, Doctors, Nurses, and Volunteers Honor the Oaths They've Taken to Care for Those of Us who have been Struck down by Disease" in West Africa, "Sadly and Ashamedly," there are "Those who Act without Honor, because of Political Ambition and Political Ideologies," to "Take Advantage of this Situation!" "Have They No Honor, Have They No Shame!"

And, "As The Tragic Accidents of Virgin Dialectic's Shuttle and The Rocket made by Orbital Sciences Corp," Commissioned by NASA, are "Seen Exploding in a Furious Display on The Nightly News," It Further "Demonstrates the Cost of Space Exploration in Human Lives through Trial and Error!"

And, "As The End of QE3 by The Federal Reserve," will be "A Test to The Slow Economic Recovery in The U.S.," and, "As The Attempt to Prevent Citizens of The United States from Conducting Their Constitutional Right to Vote" will be "A Test of The Democratic Values of The United States!"

And, "As The Leaders of The State of Israel and The State of Palestine" continue to "Test the Sincerity of each others Resolve to Find a Peaceful Resolution to The Impasse that has Threatened The Limits of Diplomacy and A Future of Peaceful Co-Existence between These Two Nations!"

And, "As The Hong Kong/Umbrella Revolution continues to Stand Firm and Resist the Intimidation posed by China!"
And, As "Indian and Chinese Troops wage a Stand off in The Himalayas"....."Let Us Take a Moment Away from This Global News Media Blitz" to Focus on "The New World Configuration that has Encompassed Us!" For "The Innate Character and Evolution of This New World Configuration of" "We"..."The People" is at Stake!" "All Thought of Hope and Peace is at Stake!" And, "Our Thoughts and Beliefs of What is of Integral Importance to Our Fellow Human Being, is at Stake!"

"There have been Times in The Past" when "In spite of All the Great Intentions to Change The World to Make it A Better Place For Our Families to Live in," "A Multitude of Critical Challenges have Tested Our Personal Resolve, Fortitude, and Strength of Character to Overcome and Transcend The Negativity or Adversary that Barred Our Way!"
"The Test" was For, "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth to Act, "As a Great Collective," "A Great Soul Force of The Truth" and "Rise up to Confront The Evil, Unjust, Immoral, Vile, Dishonorable, Corrupt and Perverted Enemy that Faced Us, and Threatened to Destroy Our Homes and Families!"
In such Moments, "We"..."The People" Called upon "An Inner Strength," and, "It was of The Greatest Importance to Remember and Be Guided by The Ideas, Thoughts, Words and Actions of The Women and Men that History has Singled out," "As Great Souls," "For Their Vision, and The Paths" that "They Chose to Take," "Paths that were Empowered by A Great Collective Of, By, and For The People!"

Moments such as (1) The Salt March, Salt Satyagraha, A Non-Violent Protest Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Led The Way To Indian Independence! Bapu (Called so Out of Great Love and Endearment) Inspired All of India as well as Civil Rights Movements All over The World! He was Truly A Great Soul and Visionary! 
(2) The Founder and First President of The American Red Cross, Clara Barton, who Cared for The Injured during The Civil War in The United States, and Collected Food, Medicine and Clothing for The Troops, and Challenged the Barriers that Restricted Women from Helping The Wounded in Field Hospitals that were Restricted to Using Solely Male Staffs, and Who was a Supporter of The Women's Suffrage Movement!
(3) Jesus of Nazareth who Taught His Fathers Gospel of Love and Truth, and Who Healed All who Came to Him Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, and were in Need! Who came into The World to Save Sinners! And, by His Own Example Changed The World For Future Generations to Come!
(4) Socrates who Taught Us the Meaning of The Truth! 
(5) Nelson Mandela, who Became South Africa's First Black President, Fought and Successfully Put an End to South Africa's Apartheid System! Madiba Never gave up Trying to Make a Better World for His People, and Achieve Human Rights that were Honorable and Just! 
(6) Mother Teresa who Dedicated Her Life Caring for The Poor, Homeless, and Lepers! Mother Founded The Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and also Won The Nobel Peace Prize! 
Many Believed Her to Be much More than a Nun in Her Lifetime! And, There is No Doubt of Her Saintliness! 
(7) Siddhartha Gautama Taught Us The Middle Way, and Encouraged One and All to Follow A Path of Balance! Siddhartha Taught that The Eight Fold Path Led Us to A Self Awakening and Liberation! And, He Transcended the Conditioned Reality to become a Great Mahayana! 
(8) And then, There is Confucius and Lao-Tzu, Who led by Their Axioms of Confucianism and Taoism, whose Philosophies and Teachings Provided Guidance to Their People and A Way of Life to Follow!
(9) And, in a Time when Civil Rights Abuses Occurred on A Daily Basis in The U.S., A Voice spoke out and said "I have a Dream" and through His Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement and Great Soul Strength, Helped to Put an End to Segregation in The United States! 
Prior to Malala Yousafzai,  Martin Luther King Jr. was the Youngest Person to Win a Nobel Peace Prize!

"The List is Limitless" filled with "The Names of Philosophers, Peacemakers, Prophets, Military, Spiritual, Religious, and World Leaders who have Inspired and Guided Us" from Muhammad to Moses, and Charlemagne to Rumi, Mary to Melchizedek, St. Francis to Tagore, Mary Magdalene to Zoroaster, Lincoln to Susan B. Anthony, Churchill to FDR, Eisenhower to De Gaulle, and "On and On The List goes Including Women and Men of The 21st Century who've Displayed Great Presence of Character, Compassion, Integrity, and Equilibre," and "Have Gone Beyond the Call of Duty" in Defense of "We"..."The People," and "All The Freedoms that "We Enjoy!"  

And, "There is No Reason to Doubt" that "We"..."As a Great Collective Soul Force Of Peace, Justice, and Freedom, and Protectors of The Rights of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth," "Have Naught to Fear!"

And, "Common Sense" Tells me, that "This New World Configuration Of, By, and For The People," while Fraught with Anxiety, Terror, Disease, and Disparity between Classes of People, "Still has Great Character, Integrity and Purpose! Vision and Awareness! Enlightenment and Compassion! Soul Power and Conviction! And, Hope For The Future!" And, "An Earthrise of Great Magnitude For "We"..."The People!"

Peacemakers, and Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Utilize All The Resources of This Age of Communication  and Information to Continue to Encourage and Empower The Global Policymakers of Equilibre, Common Sense, and Social Security For All The People!" 
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!