Monday, October 13, 2014



The Way To Peace! #241

There has been "A Static Buzz" Resonating across The Universe of The Global News Media like "A Media Blitz!" And, you don't have to be "A Genius, or Take Neuro3x" to Know that The World is "Slowly but Surely" Moving Forward into A Time Period of War Time Cognizance and Resistance! And that, also, means "A Return to War Time Economies," which is "Not Good for Today's Strategies for A Global Economic Recovery!" Which by "Today's Economic Standards" is "Not Good for The Global Markets," "Nor, in fact, is it Good," for "We"... "The People!"

However, as I listen to Marvin Gaye's Anti-War Anthem "What's Going On," in my mind, I know that if I "Simply Apply Some Common Sense" to This New World Configuration, "Common Sense Tells me," that "The Time is Past Due" for "The Global Military Industrial Complex of A Grand Comity of Nations to Come Together," and "Act Forcefully to Pursue and Eliminate any Thought by Extremists" that "Their Goals" can be Achieved by Mass Murder, Be headings, Kidnappings for Ransom, or Violence of Whatever Nature!" 
And, This Applies Directly to Religious or Political Extremists, or Political Leaders with Imperialistic Desires and Impulses, Imperialistic Oligarchs, Organized Crime and Drug Lords, or Sex Traffickers!

"It's Time for "A New Comity of Global Leaders and Their Nations" to "Use The Global Force of The Military Industrial Complex, Empowered by Diplomacy, and Common Sense To Lead The Way!" 
"We" are Existing in The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century and "Common Sense Must Prevail!" "Fear Must Not Deter Us!"

"Those of Us who Lived through The Atrocities of War Committed in The Twentieth Century," "Have Seen what Can Occur if You Do Not Act, Immediately, when Faced with Evil Acts of Aggression," "Directed against One's Fellow Human Being!"
And, "History has Taught Us" that, "There Can Be No Hesitation" when being "Confronted or Attacked by These Evil Acts and Atrocities against Humanity!"
This is a "Simple No Brainer," "Act Now! And, "Always Remember" that "Common Sense Must Prevail in The End!"

And, "In All Issues of Religious or Political Extremism, Terrorism," or "Imperialistic Threats Towards Coercing or Directly Threatening The Rights of Any Sovereign Nation or People to Live in Peace," "The Global Military Industrial Complex Must Come to The Immediate Defense of These Nations," and "We"... "The People!"

Chapter VII- Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, "provides for the right of Countries to Engage in Self Defense, including a Collective Self Defense, etc." and "While this Pertains to Members of The Security Council, "it also has been Used in "Support for An Independent Nation," even though "They May Not be a Sovereign Nation or Member of the UN Security Council!" 
And, I Believe that, This argument "Should Be Used to Enlist The Support of All the Nations of The World to Come to the Defense of All The People of The World and Their Right to Live in Peace!" "Free from Being Intimidated, Oppressed or Negatively Conditioned by Dictators, Extremists or Terrorists!"

However, "It Must be Clearly Understood" that "An Enlightened State of Global Equilibre Of, By, and For The People Must be The Guiding Force that Empowers This New Strategic Vision Path of Peace in The Twenty-First Century!" "A Grand Comity of 21st Century Leaders!"

And, "Common Sense," also, Tells Us, One and All, that "All The Global Health Departments (International Center for Disease Control, International Health Agency, etc.) and Their Officials Must Receive The Financial Support and Directives to Combat the Limitless New Variations of Viruses and Diseases that Continue to Threaten Our Families and Lives, and Affecting The World!"
"These Diseases and Viruses Know No Borders, Creeds, Nationalities, or Races!" "These Diseases and Viruses Do Not Discriminate against Whom They Attack," "Nor Should The Global World Health Departments Hesitate for One Nanosecond to Come to The Aid of The People of Any Foreign Nation that is In Need of Medical Assistance!"

And lastly, "It's Time for All The Nations of The World to Come to The Full Realization that Climate Change and Global Warming Issues will Not Just Go Away with The Next Political or Religious Election!" "These Issues Can Not Be Ignored!" Just as "Global Poverty Can Not Be Ignored!" 
Millions of People are Living in Refugee Camps, or, are Homeless Due to War, Undeclared Wars, and Regional Conflicts! And, "They've Lost Hope that Any World Leader Cares about Them!" "They" Live in Unsanitary Conditions, Their Children Go Uneducated, and "They" are Faced with The Real Possibility that "Their Next Generation will Live" as "They Do" "Without Hope or Belief that A Time of New Prosperity or Economic Parity will Ever Come into Their Lives!"

World Leaders, "Common Sense" Tells Us that, "There is No Time to Wait!" "You Must Engage in Developing A Global Policy of Equilibre" that, both, "Embraces, Educates, Protects, Defends, and Empowers The Lives of All the Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" Now! 
"Financially, Spiritually, Passionately, and Politically!" "Providing Law and Order, Universal Healthcare, and Social and Financial Security!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 2oth and 21st Centuries "Let Us Use Our Common Sense" to "Guide Us Through The Maze of Static Chaos and Miscommunication!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Give Help to Those who are Oppressed!"

 And, "Let Us Continue to Utilize All The Avenues of The Social Media and Cross-Media Universes Open to Us to Empower Those of Us, (and Their Families) who are Being Denied The Right to Live as Free Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!" "They Deserve The Right to Live in Freedom and Choose to Vote for Their Own Interdependent Way of Life!"

And, As Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On," and, the "Music of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, John and Yoko, Cat Stevens (Yusef Islam)," and, so many other "Inspirational Civil Rights and Anti-War Anthems" such as "We Shall Overcome" Segue from One to Another in my mind, "Allow me to Express my Deepest Congratulations" to "Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, and Kailash Satyarthi of India, for Jointly Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize!"
The Nobel Committee Praised them Both "for their Struggle against the Suppression of Children and Young People!" And, to Add to "Malala's Extraordinary Story," "She is the Youngest Person, at  the age of 17, to ever Win a Nobel Peace Prize!"

"Malala and Kailash have Fought Magnificently for the Rights of Children" and "Gained Admiration for Their Efforts All The World over," and are "Both Deserving of All the Acclaim that They are Receiving," and "We Applaud Them!"

And, As Marvin sang, "Let's Save the Children!"
For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!