Monday, September 22, 2014



The Way To Peace! #240

"As The Sun Crosses The Celestial Equator" and "We" enter into "Another Autumn," "Let Us Hope" that "This New Season brings with it Hope and Promise For The World!" Beginning with; (1) "The Hope" that the "Restart of Global Climate Talks" by More than 100 World Leaders will Resolve their Differences of Opinion and Result in An Agreement to A Measured Approach towards Making The Economic Sacrifices and Cuts in Carbon Dioxide Emissions that are Necessary to Heal this Planet Earth and Improve Our Quality of Life! And (2) "Let Us Hope" that Promises Made to Protect Undocumented Immigrants and Pass Immigration Reform Finally Comes to Fruition!"

And, "It's Time for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister David Cameron of The United Kingdom, Pope Francis of Vatican City, Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom, President Francois Hollande of France, President of The European Commission  Jose Manuel Barroso, Michael Khodorsovsky of Russia, President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, Ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerard Schroeder, (Chairman of The Board of The Nord Stream AG), Igor Sechin Head of OAO Rosneft, Secretary General of The United Nations Ban Ki-moon, President Barack Hussein Obama of The United States, President of China Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani of Iraq, His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama Of Tibet, President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden, King Abdullah II of Jordan, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Of Saudi Arabia, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, President Mamnoon Hussain of Pakistan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Of Israel, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair of The United Kingdom, Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, Former Presidents William Jefferson Clinton and James Earl Carter Jr. of The United States, President Fouad Massoum of Iraq, President Mahmoud Abbas of The State of Palestine, President Pranab Mukherjee of India, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran, Emperor Akihito of Japan, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of The Episcopal Church (US), Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt Of Denmark, President Recep Tayyip Erdogah Of Turkey, President Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Of The United Arab Emirates, President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Academicians of Science and Culture, and Spiritual, Religious, Military, and Financial Leaders of The Earths Nations to "Form A New Comity of Nations and Leaders!"

"A Comity of Nations and Leaders" that "Transcends The Divisional Ideologies, Religious Extremism, Imperialistic Ambitions, and Political Rhetoric of Dissolution and Legislative Chaos!"

"This is the Twenty-first Century," By Now, "It Should Be Obvious To All The Leaders of The World" that Religious Extremism, and Political Divisiveness Serve No Positive Purpose to Our Global Community!
And, "This is Not The Time to Exploit Global Tensions for The Purpose of Profiteering at The Expense of Ones Fellow Human Being!" "This Can only Lead to States of Amorphous, Corruption, Lawlessness, and War/Conflict at The Expense of One and All!"

It's Time for "A Comity of Nations and Leaders to Come Together," to "Build A Future where The Interdependent Sovereignty of All The People of The World Can Live Together in Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Economic Parity!"
Last Week's "Peace March" in Moscow" is "A Welcomed Demonstration Of The Truth in Action!" "Fear" Did not Prevent Thousands of Russians to Protest against "President Vladimir Putin's Poor Judgement" in "Annexing The Crimea,"and "His Continued Provocation of The Undeclared War/Conflict against Ukraine," that has "Claimed More than Three Thousand Lives!"

And, Let's Continue to Support "The Hong Kong/Umbrella Revolution" & "The Right of The People" to Choose A Candidate of Their Own Liking, in Their First Democratic Election for Chief Executive in 2017!
And the Fact that, "These Demonstrations," Supported by Ten's of Thousands in Hong Kong and Millions More Worldwide, occurred "Before and On China's National Day 2014, Commemorating The Founding of The Peoples Republic of China," (and "The Golden Week" that Follows) will "Be Recorded and Remembered in History" as when "The People Rallied for The Right to Choose The Political Direction & Leadership that They Felt would Best Improve Their Quality of Life," and "Provide Themselves and Their Future Generations with An Opportunity to Make A Better Life for Themselves Non-Violently," "Is A Great & Symbolic Act of Selflessness & Self Determination!"

"The Need For A Global Policy of Equilibre Of, By, and For The People" Grows of Ever More Importance, if "We"...."The People" are "Ever to Experience Living in An Age of Peace On Earth!"
"A Global Policy of Equilibre" that "Is Just," and "Graced by The Truth," and, "Defended and Protected by A Military Industrial Complex of All Sovereign Nations!"

"A Global Policy of Equilibre" whose "Goal it is, To Make A Better World For One and All to Enjoy and Share with Each other," "For Generations of Future Millennia to Come!" This Would Truly Be "An Earthrise" and "A Joyous Occasion!"

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Once again, "Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!" "March in The Name of Peace!" Have" Sit ins in The Name of Peace!" And, "Sing The Anthems of Peace, Freedom, Truth, Change, and The Right to Exist as An Independent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" 

And, Let Us "Continue to Use The Social and Cross-Media Universes to Spread The Truth To The World!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace and Harmony On Earth!

Thursday, September 4, 2014



The Way To Peace! #239

"As Layers of Golden Hues Lace their Ways across The Green! I Sit here Luxuriating in The Peaceful and Purposeful Beauty of This Scene!"
And, "While my Thoughts are Drifting, Flowing, and Effortlessly Taking in The Significance of  This Mean," Simultaneously, "As if I'm in A Parallel Universe," (Patiently and In All Tranquility) "I Await The Arrival of Cherokee and Apache to Awake me from This Dream!"

It's then, that "The Newspaper Girls Toss of The Daily Newspaper Brings with it, A Different Reality," Infused with A Conditioned State of Being, Bringing with it "A Stark Realization that All is Not Well in The World!" And, my Mood Changes!

"The Headlines and Bylines are Very Disturbing," from "The Pro-Russian Separatists Continued Attacks against The Sovereign State of Ukraine" even As President Putin puts Forth "A Seven-Point Peace Plan to End The Conflict" (A Conflict that He began), and As The The Ruble Falls to New Record Lows against The Dollar and The Russian Stock Market Continues its Decline leaving Its Assets in Danger (Russian Oligarchs Be Deeply Concerned), to "The Abuse and Sex Trafficking of Children in ROTHERHAM, England," to "The Trafficking, Abuse, and Child Prostitution in South Sudan," to "The Massacres and Ongoing Conflicts in Iraq and Syria," to "The Vicious Beheading of Journalist Steven Sotloff," to "The Threat of Total Dissolution in Libya as Militias take Control of Tripoli and its Ministries," to "The Oftentimes Violation and Breakdown of Peace Negotiations between The State of Israel and The State of Palestine," "Destroying any Trust that there Might have Existed Between these Two Foes!" 

And then, There is "The Election Crisis in Afghanistan where The Principles and Reality of Building A True Democracy are Being Intensely Tested," to "The Spread of The Deadly Ebola Virus in West Africa where more than 1,500 Hundred People have been Killed since this Epidemic has begun" (A Third American has been Infected), to "The Civil/Human Rights Conflict in Ferguson, Mo.," with All of It's Racial Undertones that Continue to Smoulder while "Waiting For "The Hand of Justice to Reveal itself in All of Its Glory," to "The Growing Concerns, in The U.S." over; (1) Homelessness, (2) Poverty, (3) Mental Health Disorder, (4) The Need for a Fair and Just Minimum Wage, (5) Immigration Reform, and (6) The Need for Elected Officials who are Committed and Dedicated to The Creation of Positive and Cooperative Legislation that both Empowers, and Enhances The Lives of  "We".... "The People!"
And, "It's Ludicrous to hear Reports of Sexism in The U.S. Senate," Especially at A Time when "Respect For Ones Fellow Human Being is Crucial" to The Positive Evolution of "We".... "The People!"
And lastly, There's, "The Deep Concerns" Made by The UN Intergovernmental Panel on "Climate Change" that Must Not Be Overlooked!" 
And, I have the Sad News to Report that Joan Rivers, "One of Comedies Icons" who "Entertained Us for Decades with Her Wit and Talent, has Passed Away at The Age of 81!"

But, Could I Simply Return to my Previous State of Reverie, However, "There is, Obviously, Much Too Much to Be Done," if "We".... "As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth" are to "Enjoy Living in An Age of Global Equilibre," Spiritually, Legislatively, and Economically, with "All The Laws in Tact" that are "Just, Fair, and Legally Bound to The Principles and Values of A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" "Respecting The Rights of One and All to Exist as A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" 

"It Lies in The Hands, Minds, and Intellect, of The Members of NATO, OSCE, Partnership For Peace, The United Nations, The EU, and The Group of 7" to "Display The Courage and Resolute Commitment to Enforce The International Laws" that have been Created For The Protection of "We"....The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!

And, It is of "The Utmost Importance that Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Step Forward" and "Display The Courage and Resolute Commitment to Put an End to Fanatical/Religious Extremists" who "Care Not" if "They" Rape, Murder, Massacre, Assassinate, Kidnap, or Drive from Their Homes, "Their Fellow Human Beings, In The Name of God!"

And, It is also of "The Utmost Importance for The Global Military Industrial Complex and Intelligence Agencies to Combine Their Resources" (As the British and U.S. did during WWII) to "Bring to Justice All who Dare to Violate The Rights and Principles of Each and Every Woman, Child, or Man of This Planet Earth!"

Peacemakers, and  Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to "Utilize All The Resources of The Social Media and The Cross-Media Universe" to "Reveal The Truth Wherever it is Being Violated!" And, "Share This Truth with All who Would Truly Listen!"
"Openly and Unashamedly," "In The Clear Light of The Truth! For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of Peace On Earth!