Thursday, June 19, 2014



The Way To Peace! #236

"The Challenge For Healing The Wounds of The Middle East," "Calls for A New Summer of Strategic Alliances and Ethnic Coalitions" whose "Sole Goal/Priority" is to "Find a Solution that Unites The Divides that Exist in The Middle East!" "Divisions" that have been in "a State of War and Conflict for more than a Millennia!" And, "A New Conflict that Threatens to Overflow althrough out The Region!"

"The New Protagonist is Called ISIS!" "What a Pity it is to use The Name of an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was Known as The Ideal Mother and Wife and Worshiped as The Patroness of Nature and Magic!"
"Or, ISIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)!"

"This Protagonist" Cares Not for The Best Interests of Their Fellow Neighbor!" For, "They" are "Bent upon Following a Course of Death and Destruction," while "Creating A State of Being, that in The End, Will Benefit No One, but Themselves," and "Cause More Divisions in The Muslim World!" "Placing Brother against Brother," and "Nation against Nation!" "Leaving Children without Parents, and Parents without Homes," "Living in Refugee Camps and In Poverty!" "Bereft of Spirit, Love, Education, or A Life that is Worth Living!" And, "Once again, Tyrants will Dictate How We Pray, Think, and Live!"

"The Middle East has Lived through these Phases of Death and Destruction in The Past." 
"The Wars and Conflicts in The Twentieth Century between Iran and Iraq," "Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait," "An Allied Coalition of Thirty-Four Nations Led by The U.S. against Iraq to Liberate Kuwait, in The Gulf War," and "Israels Victorious Struggle to Survive against The Neighboring States of Egypt, in The Six Day War,"  are But "A Small Part of This Historical Path of Death and Destruction!" 

However, "The Arab Spring Uprisings gave The World A Sense of Hope that A New Age of Grace, Mutual Consideration, Respect, Learning," and "An Association of Nations who Saw The Reality of Building A Bridge of Economic Growth that Benefits All The People, Would Finally Come To Be!"
And, "A Comity of The People" that "Saw Beyond the Borders and Leaders that had Impeded and Oppressed Them for what Seemed like An Eternity!" And "In This New Spring," The People,  Citizens, who had been Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe that there was No Hope," "Saw A Way Free from The Oppression that Surrounded Them!"

For there To Be "A New Summer of Hope," One that "Transcends The Warmongers, Terrorists, and Oligarchs of Global Imperialism," "A New Coalition of Strategic Nations Must Come Together," "A Comity of Bridge Makers Dedicated to Bring Peace to The Middle East!"

"An Association of Nations who Respect The Sovereign State of All Nations!" And, who are "Willing To Defend and Protect The Sovereign Rights of All The People," irregardless of whatever Creed, Gender, or Ethnicity You May Be!

"An Association of Nations who are Committed to Stop The Forces of Chaos, Hatred, and Revenge," whether "In The Middle East or All Through out The World!"

And, "This New Comity of Bridge Makers Must Agree that In The Final Analysis" (of Any Global Policy Of Equilibre), It will take "More than just Building New Institutions and Infrastructures to Heal The Wounds of The Soul and Spirit of The World," that Bleeds like An Open Sore that has Never Fully Been Healed, "It Will Take The Combined Effort of Both Religious and World Leaders to Perform This Healing!"

"Pope Francis, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, The Dali Lama, Patriarch Kirill, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali-Khamenei,  and All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," "Can By An Open Declaration for Peace and Peace Dialogues," "Take The First Step towards Healing The Wounds of The World!"
And, in doing so, "Make a Statement of Unity that Both Transcends and Drowns Out The Voices of False Rhetoric, and The Misuse of Religious Beliefs and God!" 
And, "Give Credence and Reality to A New Summer of Hope in The Middle East!"  "An Illuminating Moment" that "We Can," and "Our Future Generations Can," "Take Great Pride in and Share For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Continue to Speak Out via the Social and Cross-Media Universes!" And, "Let Our Earthrise Comity Of The People, By The People, and For The People," by "Our Thoughts, Words, Meditations, and Actions, Bring Forth A Great Spirit Of The People! 

And, Let Us, Once again, "Find Hope in Knowing" that "We Can Overcome the Threats to Our Rights to Live as A Free People," "Wherever The Sun May Set and The Moon Rises o'er This Earth of Ours!"
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!