Friday, April 4, 2014



The Way To Peace! #233

As "We Enter" into "A New Cycle of Elections in The U.S. and Around The World," "Some Countries" such as "France" (to President Hollande's Chagrin) have "Already Voiced Their Disdain by Voting against The Candidates of The Socialist Party who Represented The Policies that Their Government and President Hollande Imposed upon Them!"
And "In Other Countries," such as "Ukraine," "The People," have "Voiced Their Objection to The Corruption, Misleading Political Rhetoric, and Lack of Economic Parity," by Speaking Out, Protesting, and Voting against The Oppressive and Corrupt Policies of Their Ex- President Yanukovych, (it's Interesting How Quickly Russia's President Vladimir Putin and The Russian Parliament has Endorsed The Crimea Referendum and Its Annexation, while denouncing Kiev and The Rest of Ukraine's Right to Vote to Choose Their Own Destiny)!

There is "A Great Deal for The Global Media to Focus and Re-Focus upon," such as;
(1) The Continued Plight of The Rwandan People, and (2) The Ongoing Human Rights Violations Taking Place in Both South and North Sudan, and (3) The Continued Atrocities that Go Under The Radar and Immediate Concern of The United Nations, that "Brings One Full Circle Back to The Disturbing Thought that The U.N. Operates" on "A Selective Victim Basis" when "Concerned with The Atrocities and Human Rights Violations Taking Place Around The World in Some of The Under Privileged Nations!"

And, While there have Been "No U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Last Week," Which is "A Welcomed Step Forward," Unfortunately, "As The Afghanistan People Prepare to Vote for A New President," "A New Escalation of Violence has Resumed amongst Its Rival Factions!"

And, "Just as Alarmingly, "A New Cycle of Violence is Occurring in Iraq" as "They" Prepare to Vote!

There is "No Doubt that, In This World that We Live in," "The Price of having Free Elections and The Right To Choose Leaders and Elected Officials who are Honest Government Officials Of, By, and For The People," is "A Dear One to Pay for!" And, "The Cost Continues to Grow at Monumental Levels!" "Especially when You Consider that This is The 21st Century" and that, "This has Been Going on for Milennia after Millennia," and "Still Leaders," such as "Russian President Vladimir Putin," "Believe that "They Can Solve Disputes with Armed Aggression," Instead of Through Diplomatic Efforts!"

And, There is "No Doubt that "The Spotlight of The Worlds Social and Cross-Media Universes are Clearly Focused" on "Whom" amongst "The Leaders of NATO, The European Union, Partners For Peace, The United Nations, The United States, and The World Religions, "We The People Can Believe in, and Trust in, To Uphold Our International Laws, Socratic Axioms, and Sovereign Rights As A People," To Live in  A World of Peace and Freedom!"

And, As "We Enter" into "Another Heightened Election Cycle" in The United States, "The Question Remaining to Be Answered is," (1) Will The U.S. Become A Nation of The United States of Capitalism, or, A Federal Republic that is Controlled by Global Oligarchs, or (2) A Democratic Nation and Government that is, Of The People, By The People and For The People, or (3) A Government Of Special Interests and Lobbyists, Power Brokers  and Financial Institutions!

"The Facts are" that "We" are "Asking Our Children to Believe in Our Grand Declarations, Constitutions, Principles, Laws, and Faiths!"

And, "We" are "Asking Our Children to Fight in Wars and Global Conflicts in The Name of God, Peace, Freedom, and Protection of Our Civil Liberties, and Interdependent Rights as Sovereign Citizens of This Sacred Planet Earth, Its Seas, Skies, and Lands!

And, "We" are "Asking Our Children to Enjoy The Fruits of Being Here and Now," and "Embrace  Our Universal and Personal Tenets of Religion, Ideologies, Global Policies of Equilibre, Diverse Cultures, and Opinions!"

However, "We Must Sow The Seeds of Omniscience, Common Sense, and Equilibre," and "Cultivate them in Our Families, and In The Global Work Place to Deserve Our Children's Respect and Trust!"

And, "We Must Sow The Seeds of Equilibre in Our Institutions, Governments, and Religions!"
And, "Then Develop and Expand this Way of Contemplation and Action" Each and Everyday of Our Lives! "Taking Little Steps when Needed and A Quantum Leap whenever Possible!"
All the While "Embracing and Giving Reverence to The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, if "We" are to Deserve Our Childrens Respect and Trust!"

"As The Full Meaning and Presence of IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, and Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Unfolds itself" at "The Woman in The World Summit," It Clearly Magnifies and Demonstrates How Far "Women" have "Come from The Suffragettes to Today!"
And, "As President Barack Obama of The United States Of America Symbolizes to The World," "We have Come a Long Way from The First Day" Some Depraved Human Being decided to "Sell Another Human Being into Slavery!" "Which is All the More Proof" that "We Can Over Come!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, While there "Will Continue to Be Senseless Deaths and Casualties Along The Way," such as, (1) "The Murder of Pulitzer Prize AP Photographer Anja Neidringhaus and the Shooting of Her Injured Colleague, AP Correspondent Kathy Gannon, in Afghanistan," and, (2) "The Deaths of Three Innocent Soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, Army Sgt, Timothy Owens, Sgt. First Class Danny Ferguson, and Sgt. Carlos Lazaney," and "Sixteen Others who were also Injured," However, "We Must Continue to Believe in A Just and Enlightened Vision Path" that is "Of, By, and For The People!" As "A Righteous People, Humble and yet Resolute in Our Path" to "Continue to Evolve and Rise Above The Terrors, Fears, Injustices, and Mindless Prejudices, Promulgated by Egotistical Dictators and A Minority of Misguided Souls who have Lost Their Way!"

And, "Let Us As A Great Earthrise and Soul Force of The Truth," "Vow" that, "We Will Not Lose Faith in Each Other, Nor In Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and The Peoples Of The World!"
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!