Wednesday, May 22, 2013



The Way To Peace! #216

I've been trying to "Find some Rational, Logical, Reason Why," The U.S. Congress Finds itself in such An Embarrassing, Non-Productive, Ineffective State of Being!"
And, I know that there are "Numerous Angles to Each New Supposed Political Scandal," however, "Some things" seem to be "Perfectly Obvious" to me, or...?
Well, First of All, Let me begin with "The GOP, it's Political Allies, Media Support Groups, and Financial Backers Constant Attempts to Obstruct President Obama" from "Achieving Practically anything His Administration Proposes!" And, Wherever,  or Whenever Possible, "Attempting to Repeal Laws that have  Already been Passed!" For example, "The House of Representatives" has "Voted Thirty-Seven Times to Repeal The Patients Protection and The Affordable Care Act!"

And, "Why" has "The GOP, its Political Allies, Media Support Groups and Financial Backers" made "So Many Derogatory," if not "Vile Statements/Comments" about The President? "Much Too Distasteful to Repeat!" However, "A Lesser Statement/Jibe" was made by Senator McConnell of the State of Kentucky, when The President took office, when "the Senator said" that, "My number one Priority is making sure President Obama's a One-Term President!" "But Why?" Just because "President Obama is a Democrat?"

"I could Understand Better" if "The GOP, its Political Allies, Media Support Groups and Financial Backers said" that "They" "Objected to The Presidents Policies," or, to "His Management Style," or, "The Presidents Choices" for "Political Posts in The Government." "This Argument I could Understand!" "We" all have "The Right to Criticize The Government or The Presidents Policies," or "The Right to Demonstrate and Voice Our Opinions," or, "The Right to  Object to The Issues" that "We" Disagree with, "Under The Rights Provided Us by Our Constitution and Bill of Rights," but, "We" Can Do so "In a Civilized Manner!"
But "The GOP, its Political Allies, Media Support Groups, and Financial Backers" continue to Attack everything Imaginable" from "The Presidents Birth Certificate Not Being Real," to "He's Not a Christian!" And, "This has been Going on for Almost Four and a Half Years," beginning with, "Senator McConnell's Comments!" So again, "Why" is "The Question?"

And, "Can You Imagine" that while "So many People are Still Unemployed and Looking for Work," or, are "Working Two Jobs just to Make Ends Meet" (as the saying goes), that "One Third of All House Committees are Spending their Time Investigating President Obama's Administration!"

And now, "They" have "The IRS Incompetency" to "Blame The President for!" And, "The Department of Justices seizure of The AP's News Reporters Telephone Records" to "Lay Blame on The President!" And, the "Ongoing Investigation of The Benghazi Attack," to "Blame on The President," "the Attacks have Gone from  Calling for His Impeachment" to "Suggesting that He is A Liar!" "The Idea" that "You are Innocent 'Til Proven Guilty" does "Not seem to Exist when it Comes to The President and His Administration!" And, "the Fact" that "The U.S. and its Coalition Allies are Still Painfully Involved in A War on Terrorism (The Overseas Contingency Operation)" and "The President is Our Commander in Chief," doesn't seem to Matter for Very Much," as well! But, "For what Purpose or Reason" are "They so Intent on Discrediting The President and His Place In History?" Is "This Good Politics?"

I like to consider myself to be for the most part "An Interdependent Thinker," "Especially"when it Comes to "The World of Politics!" This is "Mainly because of "All The Rhetoric" and,"Manipulation of The Truth, that I've "Seen or Heard" for Political or Policy Reasons, and, or, of course during Primary or Re-Election Campaigns!"
However, "In Light of The Present Needs Of We The People," I would like to Think that, "We" would be "Better Served By The Congress" if,
(1) "They" would "Concentrate on Passing A Jobs Creation Bill,"
(2) "Pass New Gun Reform Legislation,"
(3) "Pass New Immigration Reform Legislation,"
(4) "Modernize The Tax Code,"
(5) "Focus On New Research and Development for Alternative Energies,"
(6) "Eliminate Poverty,"
(7) "End Human Trafficking,"
(8) "End The Unconscionable Delay of Benefits to Our Veterans,"
(9) "Put an End to The Sub Culture of Rape in The Military,"
(10) "Make The Education of Our Children Affordable for Every Family,"
(11) "Make Absolutely sure that Universal Health care and Social Security is Guaranteed for One and All,"
(12) And, "In Light of The Continued Threat of New Natural Disasters," there "Must Be More Research Devoted To Climate Changing and Earth Warming," and "Their Related Issues!"
These "Twelve Points," and "A Sincere Determination" on The Part of "All of Our Political, Religious, Financial, and Military Leaders to Build A Bridge Of Peace," that "Extends to All Corners of This Earth of Ours," would "Create A Positive Foundation for The Future of The Twenty-First Century," and "Help Build a Sense Of Hope, Trust, and Faith" that "We The People," Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth "Can Believe in!"

And when I think of "All The Brilliant Minds," Women and Men, who have "So much To Give to The Evolution Of Our Planets Diverse Cultures and Societies," "A Plethora of Limitless Potentialities Come into Being, All Encompassed in A Vision of Living in An Age of Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Peace On Earth!"  And, "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" This is, The Way To Peace!