Monday, December 17, 2012



The Way To Peace! #211

"With each Child and Adults Funeral" that "Tragically takes place in Newtown, Ct."  it "Reinforces the Immediate Need" for "Stronger and Insightful Laws against the Sale of Assault Weapons," and, for "Stronger Laws for Background Checks" involving the "Sale of Weapons of Any Type!"

"How many More Mass Killings/Shootings" do "We Need to Endure," before "Our Politicians Act! "What are They Afraid of!"

And, "How many More Mass Killings/Shootings" do"We Need to Endure" before "Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Demonstrate, and, Speak out in Mass" against the "Sale of Assault, Chemical, or, Weapons of Mass Destruction!" "What are They Afraid of!"

And, "How many More Funerals," do "We Need to Endure" before "There is an End of Violence and War!"

This is, "The Time for Change!" And, "Change We Must" if,  "We" are "Truly to Live in An Age without Fear, Hate, and Revenge!" And, "It should not matter" what "Creed, Race, or Nationality you may be!"

What "We" as "A People," are in Immediate Need of,  is "A Great Wave of Idea's, Thoughts, Words, Actions, and A Universal Conscious Awareness of Peace" to "Saturate The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us," for "We" are, "One and All," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth! And, "Our Children are Depending on Us," if, "They are Truly to Survive, Thrive, Evolve, and, Live in An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!" This is, The Way To Peace!