Thursday, September 13, 2012



The Way To Peace! #207

As "We" approach, yet another, "Season of Change," In this seemingly, "Never ending Cycle of Being Here and Now," You would have thought that, Here, In this, "The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century," "Our Cognizant Powers,"and, or "The Documented History of Humankind," would have "Taught Us" that "Violence only Leads To There Being More Violence!"
And, that "Axiom" should be "The Guiding Principle To Lead Us, One and All," No Matter what "Creed, Race, Religion, or Nationality, You may Be," To Agree that, "Peaceful Co-Existence is The Way!" Or, quite simply, that "Violence Does Not, or, Will Not Solve Our Problems, or Differences of Opinion!" In Fact, It only "Multiplies and Intensifies whatever Our Differences or Problems May Be!"

And, it is Obvious that, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, "Need to Educate An Interdependent Corps of Women and Men" (outside of the State Departments and Military Departments) "Dedicated" solely, "For the Purpose of Sowing The Seeds of A Global/Diplomatic Peace Initiative!"
And that, These Sowings, "Peace Dialogues," should Be "Ongoing" until, "An Age of Peace on Earth Truly Exists, For One and All To Share!"

"An Age that Embraces Economic Parity For One and All!" "Social Security For One and All!" And, "The Sincere Belief" that "Each and Every Newborn Child" is "A Sovereign Citizen of," This, "The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Work Together as "A Great Soul Force of Peace!" "A Soul Force" that is, "Truly Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of This Planet Earth! It's Time "For One and All" To, "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!