Thursday, August 9, 2012



The Way To Peace! #206

What is "The Reason or Root Cause" for so many, "Senseless Acts of Violence," here In The Second Decade of The 21st Century! Do These "Acts of Violence," Truly, Solve Problems, or Resolve whatever Differences of Opinion that May Exist amongst Us? "Not at All!"

And, "How many Innocent Lives" have been Lost to These "Senseless Acts of Violence," and "Vengeful Behavior!" "Acts" that have "Taken Away A Family Member without Pause or True Reflection on Why!"
And, "Whether or Not," These "Acts  are Accidentally Aimed" at"A Child, Mother or Father, Brother or Sister, Aunt or Uncle, Niece or Nephew, Cousin, Grand or Great Grandparent," and, "Planned or Carried Out by One or A Few, or by Many," "Whatever The Extenuating Circumstances May Be," "These Useless and Immoral Acts of Violence" and "Vengeful Behavior," "Must Come To An End!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us "Emphatically Encourage" The Religious, Spiritual, Political, Financial, and Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, All of Our National, Regional, and Local Leaders, "To Speak Out, and Pass Laws, Against All Senseless and Immoral Acts of Violence," Wherever "They May Occur," and "Against Whomever The Perpetrator or Perpetrators May Be!" And, "These Laws" Must  Be "Emphatically and Justly Enforced!"

And, Let Us, "One and All," each and every "Sovereign Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun," "Demand An End To These Acts of Violence!" For "They" have "No Place" in Our Lives, or In Our Societies, or In The Future Societies of This Planet Earth!
"These Immoral Acts," "Lack In Consciousness, Righteousness, Intelligence, or Omniscience! And, are "Not A Reflection of The Way or Path" that Our Most Revered Women and Men, such as; Socrates, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Clara Barton, Mohammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Rumi, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Charlemagne, Mary, Lao-Tse, Moses, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa,  Mahatma Gandhi, or, "We The People" Desire, Believe in, or  have "Chosen To Take!" Nor, are "They" The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!