Tuesday, July 17, 2012



The Way To Peace! #205

I've been Deeply Concerned by "Why" there have been "So many Suicides in The U.S. Armed Forces" this year. There has been "One Suicide a Day," by the Last Count!
"These are Brave and Courageous Women and Men" who have "Volunteered to Enlist in Our Armed Forces" "To Protect The Principles, Ideals, and Lives of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! To which, "We" are "Eternally Grateful!" But, The Question still Remains, "Why" have "So Many Committed Suicide!"

It has been recently reported that "a Budget of Four Billion Dollars" has been Created by The U.S Government Devoted towards "Discovering, What The Causes/Reasons are!" And, The U.S. Government and The Pentagon are, both, to be Commended for "Actively Engaging" in Finding Out what "The Reasons and Causes" are, for these "Tragic Suicides in Our Military!"
And, "Just as Importantly," "We The People," "Would like to Know" what, "The Results are!"

I do not Believe that "Ignorance is Bliss," "Wisdom/Omniscience is!" And, "The Lives of Our Children and Parents," Who have "Volunteered/Enlisted, To Fight In Tour after Tour," on Foreign Shores are, "The Most Important Gift of Our Families!" And, Let Us Simply agree that, "The Birth of Our Children" Comes with "The Great and Wonderful Expectation, and Joie de La Vie," that "Each and Every Parent Shares with The World, In Plethora!" And, "No Parent Welcomes The Idea that Their Child's Future" is, "To Be Cut Short by An Act of Suicide!"  That includes "Sisters and Brothers, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Great Grandparents, or Cousins!" "Absolutely, No One!"

So, "We," All, "Need To Know The Reasons and Causes" that are "Taking So many Lives!" Again, "Why are These Suicides occurring?"

There Should be "A National Discourse" Taking place in "Town Meetings all across The United States" and, "The Cross-Media Universe!" And, "The Social Media" Should, also, "Be Actively Engaged in A Global Peace Dialogue," discussing "The Issues of War and Peace In Global Forums," that "Create and Reflect A Higher Level of Visibility and Concerned Public Opinion!"

And, "Increased Encouragement" Should Be Offered To Our Veterans and Active Members of Our United Coalition Armed Forces" to "Openly Discuss The Emotional, Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical Effects and Vicissitudes of War," and, "The Reasons and Causes "Why So Many Suicides are Occurring!" "Just Imagine The Millions of Members of Our Armed Forces"who have Fought in Wars, Worldwide, who are "Suffering from PTSD!" It will "Take Much More" than "Family Interventions" to "Heal The Wounds of War," It will Take "An Earthrise of Global Proportion" and "A Great Soul Force" of "We The People," "To Raise The Conscious Awareness" of what, "The Amount of Pain and Conflict (that for much too long has gone unspoken about) is!" That has been "Caused by The Effects of The Continuing Ongoing Phases of War and UN-Declared Wars, and, Conflicts" that are Taking place "All across this Earth of Ours!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "While The Impediments" that "Lie in The Way Of Peace are Significant," I hope that You'll Forgive me, if the title of A Beatles song comes to Mind, "We Can Work it Out," which I sincerely Believe Should be "Our Mantra in these Troubled Times, Economically, Spiritually, Psychologically, and Sociologically!"

And, May "We" Continue "To Rise To The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us," "In The Illuminating Tradition" of Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Mohammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Clara Barton, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Rabindranath Tagore, Moses, Rumi, and Nelson Mandela!  For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!