Friday, November 14, 2008

United Inter-Dependent Global Actists


It's time for a New System, A New Global Movement, and A New Way of Life,
made up of a United Inter-Dependent Global Activism, and Voices of Reason, to truly to change the Conscious Awareness of the World.

This is the time for a New Sharing of Transcendental Idea's, Thoought's, Word's, and Actions, that benefit "One and All."

A New Grace of Equanimity that includes One and All, including those who have been unjustly called Useless Eater's, Untouchables, the Homeless and Displaced, the Middle Class, and those who are of like minded Philanthropic, Spiritual, Universal, Financial, Cultural, and Environmental Natures. We also need individual's who are experienced in Alternative Healthcare, and Street Wise Poet's to join in this new movement.

Please send your comments to


On to another subject, why is is that our Global Leader's are selective about whom they consider worthy to provide aid to? Isn't all Life Sacred!


Once upon a time there was a clear definition of "Good and Evil," however, it seem's that has changed, and now, there is a new Doctrine, and way of governing that support's war, ethnic cleansing, religious persecution, and manipulation of the Truth, and our ideologies, and principles.

This New Doctrine and way of governing is supposed to be for the benefit and the continued developement of the Global Economy.
However, it isn't working out that way, is it! How can it be, when it falsely uses Freedom, and our Democratic Values to subjugate, and abuse us, causing fear, violence, and continued manipulation of our lives.

Please send your comments to